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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En moders dödande handling : En studie om kvinnor dömda för barnamord på Norrmalms centralfängelse mellan 1852–1878 / A mother’s killing act : A study of convicted women of infanticide at Norrmalms Central Prison between 1852–1878

Eklund, Clara January 2024 (has links)
The following study aims to examine the women who were convicted of infanticide between 1852 and 1878, before and after the changes to the Penal law in 1864, through church records from Norrmalm Central Prison. In addition to the legal process, the study examines who these women were and what marital status they had when they committed the crimes, as well as whether there was any connection between marital status and the crimes. The purpose is examined with support in Ullaliina Lehtinens theory of guilt and shame. The purpose has been investigated through three questions, of which questions two and three have a sub-question: 1. How many women were convicted of infanticide between 1852 and 1878? What did the women’s marital status look like when they committed the crimes? 2. Is there a connection between marital status and the crimes? What did the women convicted of infanticide receive as punishment? 3. Was there any major difference in between the punishments before and after the Penal law in 1864? This study is a quantitative study with elements of a qualitative method to collect the source material and then analyze the results more deeply. The results have shown that there were 769 women convicted of infanticide between 1852 and 1878. Most of these women were unmarried, which has shown that marital status and crime are connected. The women convicted for infanticide received a sentence ranging from two years in prison to 10 years in prison as well as the corporal punishment of 28 days of water and bread. Of the 769 women who were convicted between 1852 and 1878, 345 of these women were sentenced before the Penal law in 1864 and 424 were sentenced after the Penal law in 1864. The results show that there was a difference between the punishments before and after the Penal law in 1864, partly because no one was sentenced to corporal punishment after 1864, partly that there were additional months and days women could be sentenced to. Differences also showed that before the Penal law 1864 it was more common to receive five years in prison or a longer sentence, but after the Penal law was introduced, more women were sentenced to five years or a shorter sentence. Ullaliina Lehtinens theory of guilt and shame has increased the understanding of how the women could both hide and confess their crime. By studying shame and guilt connected to the norms and ideals of the time, the women's decision to carry out infanticide can be seen from more aspects than the previous research.

Barn födda utom äktenskapet i nordöstra Sunnerbo härad och sydöstra Västbo härad : En kvantitativ studie av åtta socknar 1860–1945 / Illegitimate births in northeast Sunnerbo district and southeast Västbo district : A quantitative study of the eight parishes 1880–1945

Axelsson, Clara January 2021 (has links)
This study analyzes illegitimate children. The children’s mothers age when giving birth, their occupation, if their fathers are unknown or not are some of the study’s main questions. The study’s questions examine in eight parishes, six from Sunnerbo district and two from Västbo district. The investigations period is 1860-1945, divided into five different periods. This is a comparative study in time perspective but also in a perspective of different areas. The purpose of this study is to analyze the proportion of illegitimate children in the different parishes, compare them to each other and then to the proportions in the entire country.  The study shows that a smaller number of illegitimate children was born in the eight parishes then in the entire country. This study as similar others on the field proves that the majority of the illegitimate children’s fathers were unknown. The fact that a great number of fathers were unknown often put the unmarried mothers in a difficult economic and social situation. The unmarried mother’s profession was maid or in Swedish piga in most of the parishes from 1860 to 1931. The unmarried mothers age is hardly shifting between the different time periods and in the different parishes, but the average age was for example 28 between 1860-1870 and 26 in 1880 to 1890.

Född i fångenskap : En socialhistorisk studie av mödrar och barn på Stockholms Läns- och straffängelse åren 1900-1910

Zeniou, Anna January 2020 (has links)
I uppsatsen studeras livsloppet för 26 kvinnor som mellan åren 1900-1910 födde barn då de var fängslade på Stockholms Läns- och straffängelse. Även livsloppet för deras 27 barn födda i fängelset kartläggs. Undersökningen visar att majoriteten av kvinnorna var födda inom äktenskapet men att de från 15 års ålder var ansvariga för den egna försörjningen och att flertalet av kvinnorna då lämnade familjehemmet för att söka tjänst framförallt i Stockholm. Genom detta ökade deras utsatthet då saknaden av tillhörighet och närhet till familjen gjorde att de saknade möjlighet till hjälp av närstående. Omständigheterna som ledde fram till att kvinnorna begick brott kommer visa att 23 av 26 kvinnor var gravida utom äktenskapet och att 11 av dessa hade ett eller flera utomäktenskapliga barn sedan tidigare som antingen tagits om hand av hennes familj, utackorderas som fosterbarn privat eller lämnats till barnhus. De flesta kvinnorna når en hög ålder och endast ett fåtal återfaller i brott. Majoriteten gifter sig efter fängelsevistelsen och får fler barn som växer upp inom äktenskapet. Av de 27 barnen som föddes i fängelset överlevde 24 förlossningen. 23 barn lämnades sedan till Allmänna barnhuset och utackorderades till fosterhem. Endast ett barn återförenades med modern och växte upp med henne. Dock avled åtta barn innan de fyllt två år i framförallt mag- och tarmsjukdomar, resterande når vuxenålder och majoriteten blir över 60 år gamla. Kvinnorna och barnens livslopp präglades av samtidens normer och föreställningar vilket bidragit till deras utsatthet, undersökningen visar även hur samtidens lagstiftning och reformer påverkade denna grupp individer. Uppsatsens fokus på kvinnliga fångar som föder barn i fängelset har för avsikt att minska kunskapsluckan i historieskrivningen kring denna grupp kvinnor och barn. Undersökningen har gjorts med analytisk-teoretisk utgångspunkt i forskningstraditionen historia underifrån kombinerat med forskning om kvinnors och barns utsatthet i samhället. Då underökningens kartläggning gjorts genom att studera offentliga handlingar så som rättegångsprotokoll och kyrkböcker och intagningshandlingar till barnhuset användes källpluralistisk metod med metodpaket av mikrohistoria, livsloppsperspektiv samt kvalitativ och kvantitativ textanalys.

”Detta måste ske i mörkret” : Barnkvävning och barnamord i Västbo härad i Småland 1860–1949 / ”This must be done in the dark” : Child suffocation and infanticide in Västbo district in Småland 1860–1949

Dyberg, Simon January 2022 (has links)
In the following essay I have studied child suffocation and infanticide in Västbo district in Småland 1860–1949. This has been done with a quantitative study of the district's death and funeral books which have shown the reduced frequency of the phenomena over time. I have also been able to point to a connection where child suffocation tended to occur in cases where the parents were married. Infanticide, on the other hand, was in most cases caused by an extramarital affair. Based on theories concerning the role of marriage,combined with the assumption that a female ideal is constructed on the basisof two counter-images, I have been able to show how the child murderer was seen as a greater threat to the social morality, compared with the married woman who suffocated her child in her sleep. Thus, there was also a greater tendency to punish the former more severely. In the qualitative part of thestudy, I have reviewed the district court's records concerning child murderers. Based on a theory that pregnancies, births and morality fell within the scope of a female sphere of responsibility, I have analyzed the actions of to the accused woman's homosocial group. Here, the study has been able to shed light on a significant female presence. This was partly reflected in the gender distribution of witnesses, as well as in how the authorities seemed to show aconfidence in the female sphere to bring clarity to the case.

Barn födda utanför äktenskap : Komparativ studie mellan Öckerö och Styrsö / Children born out of wedlock : Comparative study of Öckerö and Styrsö

Strandberg, Mona January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates children born out of wedlock. It is based on birth – and baptism records from two island on the west coast in Sweden, named Styrsö and Öckerö. The essay is divided in three different periods in the intervals between 1860-1945. It’s a comparative study between the islands and the aim is to research how many children are illegitimate and if these children have a known or unknown fader. Its later compered to each other and the national statistic in Sweden.  The result of the study is that the islands have a low number of children born out of wedlock compared to the national statistics. The theory that is applied on the study is social control and social vulnerability. Both islands have little too no contact to the mainland and the strict rule of the orthodox religion has an impact on controlling the people but is later questioned by the free churches that currents on the island in the 1870th century. The social vulnerability starts with the mother for even having a relationship or sexual intercourse out of wedlock and then when the child is born it doesn’t have the same prerequisites as the children born with parents that are married.

Utomäktenskapliga födslar i Karlskrona Kommun : En kvantitativ studie av fyra socknar/församlingar från 1875 till 1925 / The birth of children out of wedlock in Karlskrona Municipality : A quantitative study of four parishes from 1875 to 1925

Adolfsson, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
The study examines the occurrence of children born out of wedlock in four parishes belonging to the current Karlskrona municipality during the period 1875–1925. The parishes surveyed are Fridlevstad, Rödeby, Tving and Karlskrona city-parish. The period is divided into two parts where the first includes the years 1875–1890 and the second part includes the years 1910–1925. The proportion of children with unknown/known fathers, the mothers' occupations, the fathers' occupations, and the mothers' age are also used as survey variables. The proportion of known fathers increases significantly between the study periods, which could be explained by a reduced internal social control, while the study shows that the introduction of a child welfare officer in 1918 resulted in an increased proportion of known fathers. The mothers' occupational designations change between the periods, for example, the proportion of maids decreases while other occupations are added. In the city-parish, professions such as washerwoman and waitress are added during the second period. The proportion of women working in the industry also increases between the survey periods. The increased proportion of professions, especially in the city-parish, could be linked to the demographic transition. As more people settle in a city, new needs emerge and thus also new occupational categories. The age of the mothers decreases between the study periods. When it comes to class affiliation, it can be noted that most of the fathers and mothers belonged to the working class. However, the proportion of fathers belonging to the middle class was higher than the proportion of mothers belonging to the middle class.

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