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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från naturintresserad till statstjänsteman. : En studie över geologyrkets professionalisering i Sverige mellan 1858 och 1914.

Backman, Carl-Magnus January 2014 (has links)
Uppkomsten av yrkesidentiteten geolog är i Sverige nära knutet till etableringen av Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU) år 1858. I denna uppsats undersöks hur geologens yrke utvecklades under perioden mellan 1858 till 1914, Yrket kom att professionaliseras som ett resultat av samverkan mellan SGU och svenska universitet och högskolor vilket beskrivs i uppsatsen. En genomgång har gjorts av bakgrund och arbetsuppgifter för de geologer som anställdes vid SGU under den aktuella prioden. Vidare beskrivs några praktiska geologiska arbetsuppgifter och vilken betydelse de hade för industrialiseringen av Sverige. SGUs engagemang i malmgeologiska frågor kom att ifrågasättas av värmländska bergsmän och den debatten behandlas även.

Industrialisering av konsumentprodukt : Från inkommande material till färdigvarulager

Östberg, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This report examines the industrialization of a newly developed household machine on behalf of Technogarden Engineering Resources in Karlstad, Sweden. The report is a part of the final course in the Bachelor Program in Mechanical Engineering at Karlstad University and takes place in spring 2014. An innovator, an investor and a engineering consultant firm have through collaboration developed a new type of gruel machine. The product is in its final stage of construction and is planned to be manufactured in a production located in Sweden, autumn of 2014. To compete against today’s trend in outsourcing manufacturing to low cost countries for better profitability, the industrialization of the gruel machine must be done with a minimum amount of resources in order to become successful, which also describes the problem of this study. Using pre-study material in form of Lean production literature, visiting a successful production site and gathering data from involved engineers a specification was developed which describes what this industrialization must achieve and which requests can be accomplished. The specification involves the main questions such as capacity in number of gruel machines produced in a certain amount of time, ergonomics and how to achieve equal product quality. A comprehensive product study has been done to identify how the machine is meant to be assembled where the focus was to analyze timing, identifying item groups and assembly sequence. Six concepts on different factory layouts were created using two dimensional sketches of the actual plant chosen for the machine. The sketches show visual layouts of how the production equipment can be physically arranged in order to assemble the machine. The concepts are then assessed according to a valuation schedule in which the main factors are arranged and an engineering assessment is made of how well the different concepts satisfy these factors. From the valuation schedule the concepts obtain a score and the concept with the highest score wins.The winning concept was worked further on by developing a detailed layout using software Google Sketchup. Using the detailed layout a cost-estimation was made on the manufacturing equipment needed. The results of the study show that the gruel machine best is assembled together in a continuous production in form of a line layout. The assembly process is done by operators manually distributed among four stations equipped with materials via rack of items. Two of these layouts are required to meet the market demand at 20 000 gruel machines a year. An exact sizing of commodity and finished inventories could not be determined because of underdetermined suppliers and deliveries.

Storstrejken 1909 : Ur ett fackligt perspektiv i Landskrona

Svensson, Lars January 2015 (has links)
I denna uppsats belyses på ett lokalt plan i Landskrona den stora kraftmätning som ägde rum på den svenska arbetsmarknaden 1909 med omfattande lockouter och storstrejk. Sammanlagt drogs 300 000 arbetare in i konflikten som pågick från den 4 augusti till omkring den 6 september. Orsakerna till storkonflikten var en serie lockouter som iscensattes av arbetsgivarsidan och som den fackliga sidan mötte med en omfattande arbetsnedläggelse. I bakgrunden till konflikten fanns de stora samhällsförändringar som industrialismen orsakade. Det svenska samhället förändrades i snabb takt vilket bland annat resulterade i tillkomsten av en arbetarklass och en ökad polarisering av samhället. Därtill skall läggas de bakomliggande orsaker som bestod av upplysningens strävan att sätta människan i centrum och uppfattningen om alla människors lika värde vilket ledde till en kamp för allmän rösträtt och ökad demokrati. LO-ledningen var till en början försiktig och såg inte storstrejken som en lösning på problemen på arbetsmarknaden eftersom det saknades pengar för att understödja en större konflikt. Delvis mot LO-ledningens uppfattning drevs storstrejken fram av de fackligt organiserade arbetarna med motivet att en så omfattande arbetsnedläggelse skulle sätta hela samhället i gungning och tvinga fram en acceptabel uppgörelse med arbetsgivarparten. I denna uppsats studeras hur de tre fackliga organisationerna Landskrona Sömmerskefackförening, Fabriksarbetareförbundet Grovarbetaravdelning 4 och Jern och Metallarbetarförbundet avdelning 40 – samtliga representerade i Landskrona – påverkades av storstrejken. De tre förbunden organiserade arbetare på arbetsplatser i Landskrona inom en begynnande tekoindustri, konstgödnings- och sockerfabrik och inom verkstadsföretag samt den begynnande varvsnäringen. De frågor som ställs till materialet är: Vilka strategier användes av de fackliga organisationerna? Vilka var målsättningarna med den fackliga verksamheten? Hur förändrades dessa över tid? På vilket sätt utgjorde Landskronas fackliga verksamhet någonting särpräglat i jämförelse med verksamheten på nationell nivå? Hur uppfattades stridsåtgärderna på ett lokalt fackligt plan? Studien visar att de lokala fackföreningarna ställdes inför helt nya uppgifter när de gällde att administrera strejken, värna medlemmarnas intresse och organisera insatser för att minska den nöd som uppstod i arbetarhemmen.

Industrialisering takfixtur / Industrialization roof fixture

Hillström, Jonathan, Garbers, Joel January 2018 (has links)
This is a thesis at Mälardalen University, Eskilstuna. It has been comprised of a further development of an existing concept for a roof fixture from a previous thesis. The roof fixture will be used to produce roofs for modular houses. The thesis is a project carried out on behalf of the modular housing company Husmuttern AB. Based on relevant selected theory and methodology in product development, the project has been executed with an iterative approach in ongoing communication with the outsourcer as well as suppliers. The further development of the roof fixture was carried out to enable complete industrialization (bringing the roof fixture to use in factory). This by questioning the functionality of the existing concept and then also further developing the structure of the roof to enable detailed development of the roof fixture. In support of the further development, a purpose was established with four related issues. One issue concerned ergonomics and the techniques DFA and DFM. This issue was based, among other things, on the client's vision that assemblers without specific skills should be able to produce identical modules like walls, roofs and more with fixtures. In addition, questions were raised about the existing concepts' imperfections, functional requirements for the roof fixture and also cost-effective implementation of sub-components from other projects performed for the outsourcer. The result of the project was presented as CAD models in the form of a roof fixture and for various reasons also a roof section and a joining fixture. With regard to this result, it was concluded that in order to achieve complete industrialization of the roof fixture and the joining fixture, the project has contributed to a large extent, but further development is needed. / <p>Ritningar i bilaga 2 till 19 är exkluderade från den offentliga versionen av rapporten då de inte är fullständiga och därmed kan tolkas felaktigt. Genom att ta bort dem undviks eventuella missförstånd som skapar risker för liv och lem.</p>

Staden växer : En fallstudie om Kristinehamns närings- och befolkningsutveckling mellan åren 1840-1890

Edén, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Alternativ modernitet? : Per Jönsson Rösiö, Karl-Erik Forsslund och drömmen om en naturenlig samhällsordning

Söderberg, Gabriel January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Trump i en tid av globalisering : En fallstudie om relationen mellan globalisering och nationalstaten inom ramen av Trumps presidentskap / Trump in a time of globalization : A case-study on the relationship between globalization and the nation-state whitin the frames of Trumps presidentship

Borgemo, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
In times characterized by globalization and development of international politics Donald Trump became the president of the United States of America. No one knew what impact the new nationalistic movements and Trump’s presidentship would have on globalization and the world. The aim with this essay is to analyze the relationship between globalization as a phenomenon and the nation-state within the frames of Trump’s presidentship. The theories used are nationalism by Ernest Gellner which implies that nationalism started to develop during the industrial revolution and a theory by Manfred Steger which explains the different dimensions of globalization. The method used is a qualitative case study and the material that is being analyzed is Trump’s policies during his presidentship (2017-2019). The analyze shows that Trump and his administration wants to change focus from the world to USA and its people. Trump’s policies shows that he strives to revert USA to become a more industrial Society again where nationalism was common and needed to secure the relationship between people and the State. The conclusions shows that Trump views globalization as something affecting the USA and the nation-state in a negative way. It also shows that Trump chooses to deny the main questions of globalization because he wants the nation-state to remain sovereign.

Att effektivisera armeringsarbete : Från idé till genomförande

Olander, Martin, Kung, Ingvill January 2010 (has links)
<p>Most of today’s concrete structures that are built on site are mainly constructed in a traditional fashion with a lot of artisanal operations. One step towards industrializing the in-situ construction of concrete is to use prefabricated reinforcement. Through this method there can be a lot of savings when each bar doesn’t have to be placed and fixed separately on site. The option is to use reinforcement baskets or carpet (roll) reinforcement to decrease the construction time and increase the profitability, while still maintaining or improving the quality and make a significant improvement on the work environment.</p><p> </p><p>This report discusses and describes various alternative methods concerning reinforcement, for example prefabricated reinforcement cages and carpet (roll) reinforcement.</p><p> </p><p>That the construction industry is in need of a higher degree of industrialization than today is a generally accepted view. This is confirmed by a number of industrializing attempts like opening factories for building-elements, using weather protection and prefabricated construction parts. Industrialized construction has a different meaning today than it had in the 60s and 70s when the most important factors were quantity, economy and time. These factors are also important today but there are other important factors like quality, customer satisfaction and work environment.</p><p> </p><p>Through interviewing some key persons inside Skanska, it was possible to identify some important factors and areas where problems and difficulties can occur when introducing more prefabricated reinforcement to Skanska civil construction department. Surveys based on these answers were sent to persons inside Skanska Sweden that have leading positions within the production. From the result of the interviews and the surveys problem areas, key figures and benefits have been identified. When the case study was performed it was possible to recognize the result from the interviews and the surveys were in fact the main issues discussed; total cost, time, work environment, simplicity in the construction, repetition, cooperation in an early stage, communication et cetera.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>There has been a case study of a bridge where the planning of an already built bridge has been changed and adapted to the idea of rationalizing the reinforcement work through using as much prefabricated reinforcement as possible. The result is a theoretical bridge with a new way of building that promotes the idea of using as much prefabricated reinforcement as possible. Other keywords in this case study are standardization, simplicity and industrialization. The case study shows that through cooperation and above all a good communication between the involved parties during the planning, it was possible to shorten the construction time with approximately 25%. The cost savings were lower and not as striking as the time savings. The total cost for building the bridge was reduced with approximately 3.5%. The work environment would also be very much improved because a lot of the operations, that are dangerous and demands bad working postures, are eliminated. The concept that was developed through this bridge is a standardization that Skanska hopes to introduce on similar projects in the future.</p>

Att effektivisera armeringsarbete : Från idé till genomförande

Olander, Martin, Kung, Ingvill January 2010 (has links)
Most of today’s concrete structures that are built on site are mainly constructed in a traditional fashion with a lot of artisanal operations. One step towards industrializing the in-situ construction of concrete is to use prefabricated reinforcement. Through this method there can be a lot of savings when each bar doesn’t have to be placed and fixed separately on site. The option is to use reinforcement baskets or carpet (roll) reinforcement to decrease the construction time and increase the profitability, while still maintaining or improving the quality and make a significant improvement on the work environment.   This report discusses and describes various alternative methods concerning reinforcement, for example prefabricated reinforcement cages and carpet (roll) reinforcement.   That the construction industry is in need of a higher degree of industrialization than today is a generally accepted view. This is confirmed by a number of industrializing attempts like opening factories for building-elements, using weather protection and prefabricated construction parts. Industrialized construction has a different meaning today than it had in the 60s and 70s when the most important factors were quantity, economy and time. These factors are also important today but there are other important factors like quality, customer satisfaction and work environment.   Through interviewing some key persons inside Skanska, it was possible to identify some important factors and areas where problems and difficulties can occur when introducing more prefabricated reinforcement to Skanska civil construction department. Surveys based on these answers were sent to persons inside Skanska Sweden that have leading positions within the production. From the result of the interviews and the surveys problem areas, key figures and benefits have been identified. When the case study was performed it was possible to recognize the result from the interviews and the surveys were in fact the main issues discussed; total cost, time, work environment, simplicity in the construction, repetition, cooperation in an early stage, communication et cetera.     There has been a case study of a bridge where the planning of an already built bridge has been changed and adapted to the idea of rationalizing the reinforcement work through using as much prefabricated reinforcement as possible. The result is a theoretical bridge with a new way of building that promotes the idea of using as much prefabricated reinforcement as possible. Other keywords in this case study are standardization, simplicity and industrialization. The case study shows that through cooperation and above all a good communication between the involved parties during the planning, it was possible to shorten the construction time with approximately 25%. The cost savings were lower and not as striking as the time savings. The total cost for building the bridge was reduced with approximately 3.5%. The work environment would also be very much improved because a lot of the operations, that are dangerous and demands bad working postures, are eliminated. The concept that was developed through this bridge is a standardization that Skanska hopes to introduce on similar projects in the future.

Alternativ modernitet? : Per Jönsson Rösiö, Karl-Erik Forsslund och drömmen om en naturenlig samhällsordning

Söderberg, Gabriel January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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