Spelling suggestions: "subject:"betraktare""
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Behovsanpassad bevakning / Customer-oriented security servicesBernin, Carl, Christenson, Anders January 2003 (has links)
The market for security is one filled with great opportunities. The security services companies are numerous and diverse, the Swedish market is dominated by two large companies: Securitas Bevakning AB and Falck Security AB. In this study we have focused on the bigger of the two, Securitas. This report describes and analysis the security service branch and its surroundings in an involved manner. The target group of the result is mainly people within the security branch. However, by making a wide theoretical description the person unacquainted with the business will be able to understand the concept of this interesting trade. Further, those who are familiar with this field will be enabled to broaden their minds. The aim with this project is to create a foundation upon which Securitas can further continue their work. We have not presented any direct solutions, instead we have displayed concrete problems and presented guidelines for further exploration. The purpose of the investigation is to discover how modern technology can improve today’s guard services. Moreover, the aim is to show how a change of attitude needs to be present while developing future security services. This change can also be applied to other security services than the time-sharing guarding. The methodology used to meet our goals was a qualitative investigation based on interviews and literary studies. In order to form a robust overview of the study area the objects were carefully selected according to set preferences. These were, among others, which function the object has in society, how long they have been customers with Securitas and what kind of business they run. In the discussion and analysis four important areas is to be taken into consideration: The change of the market, the adaptation of the service to the needs of the customer, the adaptation of technology, and the assertion to the customer of the profound effects following these amendments. These four areas represent the foundation for the presented model. A solid cooperation between the customer and the supplier of the security service is vital. In contemporary society the customers have become more specialised and thereby the delivering company must aim to meet the increasing demands expected of this specialised service. Therefore the demand on the competence of the guard is getting higher. Another conclusion is also that one should introduce a quality measurement system that together with a statistical basis makes reporting and the analysing of the effects of the guarding easier to the customer. Technology is the most important corner stone in an effective alarm system. The time for an emergency call response must be reduced. Further qualities that the customer demands are that the security companies possess good knowledge of the object and its surroundings. The effectiveness in the guarding rounds and the learning time for a new object can be reduced by multimedia teaching aids. The customer satisfaction is not likely to be long term if they cannot see the results and high quality that they ask for. This is why it will be very important to measure, calculate and point out what both the guard and the security company can contribute with to please the customer. To enhance the dialogue the guard will be presenting solutions rather than static reports, and an acting counsellor strengthen the feeling of professionalism. Any change from the customers that affects the actual risk picture has to be identified promptly by the security service company. Read more
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Trygghet och rädsla för personbrott i närvaro av olika kapabla väktarePalmqvist, Anna, Pettersson, Erika January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka de kapabla väktarna polis, ordningsvakter, polisens volontärer samt icke-uniformerade kapabla väktares betydelse för trygghet och rädsla för personbrott. Även sambandet mellan trygghet och rädsla för personbrott undersöktes. I enkäten deltog totalt 307 studenter varav 129 var män och 178 var kvinnor (M=23,6 år, SD=4,63). Resultaten visade att polisens volontärer var de som hade störst betydelse för både tryggheten och rädslan för personbrott för kvinnorna. Bland männen fanns inga skillnader mellan de kapabla väktarna i tryggheten, dock indikerade resultatet att polisens volontärer har mest betydelse för rädslan för personbrott. Det fanns även ett samband mellan trygghet och rädsla för personbrott. Det fanns dock bara signifikanta skillnader mellan sambanden för kvinnor, där polisens samband var svagast. / The study's purpose was to examine the capable guardians police, security guards, police volunteers and non-uniformed capable guardian’s importance for feelings of safety and fear of personal crime. The correlation between feelings of safety and fear of personal crime was also investigated. A total of 307 students participated in the survey, 129 were men and 178 were women (M=23.6 years, SD=4.63). The results showed that police volunteers were those who had the greatest significance in both feelings of safety and fear of personal crime for women. For men, there were no differences between the capable guardians in feelings of safety, however, the results indicated that police volunteers have the most significance for fear of personal crime. There was also a correlation between feelings of safety and fear of personal crime. However, the relations only had significant differences for women where police were found to have the weakest correlation. Read more
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Smugglingens skiftande landskap : Kartläggning av statistik och analys av faktorer som inverkar på smugglingsbrottsligheten enligt svenska myndigheterAndersson, Lina, Marvelin, Terese January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att få ökad förståelse och kunskap om smugglingsbrottsligheten i Sverige. Vi studerade likheter och skillnader gällande nivå och utveckling av anmälda smugglingsbrott samt varor som smugglades i Stockholms kommun, Göteborgs kommun och Malmö kommun mellan år 2016-2023. Vi studerade även myndighetsdokument för att förstå vilka faktorer som enligt dem inverkade på smugglingsbrottsligheten i Sverige. Studien kombinerade beskrivande statistik över anmälda brott med en tematisk innehållsanalys av myndighetsdokument. Att dra tydliga slutsatser angående anmälda smugglingsbrott var komplext då smuggling är ett brott där anmälningar påverkades av myndigheternas satsningar. Trots detta fann vi likheter och skillnader mellan kommunerna där narkotika och en hög nivå av anmälda brott i Malmö var de mest dominerande dragen. Vår tolkning av de svenska myndigheternas dokument var att de ansåg att kontroller och geografisk plats hade en central betydelse för smugglingsbrottsligheten. / The purpose of the study was to gain increased understanding and knowledge of smuggling crimes in Sweden. We examined the similarities and differences in the level and development of reported smuggling crimes, as well as the types of goods smuggled, in the municipalities of Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö between 2016 and 2023. We also analyzed government documents to understand which factors, according to them, influenced smuggling crime in Sweden. The study combined descriptive statistics on reported crimes with a thematic content analysis of government documents. Drawing clear conclusions regarding reported smuggling crimes was complex, as smuggling is a crime where reports are influenced by government efforts. Despite this, we found similarities and differences between the municipalities, with drugs and a high level of reported crimes in Malmö being the most dominant features. Our interpretation of the Swedish government documents was that they considered controls and geographical location to be of central importance for smuggling crime. Read more
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När De två bröderna har befriats upphör tiden. : En analys av en rysk fantasy-berättelse i förhållande till Campbells monomyt.Johansson, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
This study has conducted an analysis of how the monomyth has appeared in the fantasy story Diamond sword wooden sword part 1 and 2 by Nick Perumov. The study has confirmed that the story structure of the monomyth can be detected within several different characters progression. The study does not claim that all of the different stages within the monomyth can be identified within one single characters, but rather that there are several different characters that reinvents the world and the community. Speculations about why the authors story structure follows a ”divided” version of the hero’s journey are presented. The study also conducts an analysis of Perumovs construction of the society, male characters and female characters, which showed no distinct division in the construction of the two genders within the story. The construction of the society is discussed in light of the authors national upbringing, in this case the former Soviet Union, and briefly how the conflict in the world of Melin could be inspired by the Bolshevik revolution in Russia.
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Intertextualitet, satir och Heimat i Heinrich Bölls Wanderer, kommst du nach Spa …Eng, Tord January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the short story “Wanderer, kommst du nach Spa ...” (1950) by the German author Heinrich Böll (1917-1985). The well-established interpretation of this famous short story is that it deals with the dismal fact that the Nazis ended the development of Western culture, which cumulatively had been on its way since Greek antiquity. In this paper another reading is proposed, namely that the short story sheds light on the influence of the Romantic era in Germany and that a certain interpretation and use of Romanticism provided some of the seeds to the obscure ideas of the Nazi era. Research on Böll´s early writings is presented. The notion of cultural memory is introduced. The intertextual connections between Bölls text and other texts are being uncovered. Most fruitful proves the connection between “Wanderer” and the poem “Der Spaziergang” (1795) by Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) to be. “Wanderer” can be read as a satirical version of Schillers poem. Reasons for Böll to choose Schiller’s elegy as a target are discussed at length. A parable in the story, ”wie ein Gesicht eines Schlafenden” / like a face of a sleeping person, unfolds an undertext to the short story, a Catholic text. Jesus, the Holy Communion, prayers and the eternal cross are present. Wanderer can be read as a requiem over the young soldier. Further, the inability of the wounded soldier to connect to his surroundings is interpreted as a parallell to Germany at the end of the war; the Nazis had stolen the Heimat from the people and it was no longer possible to interpret the world as something you belonged to. While Heinrich Böll on the surface of the text tries to recapture the German language from its nazi-poisend condition, the protagonist within the text regains his identity by means of his own handwriting - a part of his language. Read more
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