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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Övergödning i Laholmsbukten  En studie av Laholmsbuktens övergödningssituation

Fors, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
This essay discusses the Laholm’s bay and its eutrofication problems. The question of issue is: Have the efforts to limit the eutrofication in the Laholm’s bay been effective? What is the local actor’s opinion whether the measures have been effective or not? What efforts have been made to prevent the leakage of nutrients from fields and forestland? The Laholm's bay is located in the south part of the Swedish west coast. The problem was noticed in the 1960´s by local fishermen that experienced a lack of catch. Attention was drawn to the problem and it turned out that the bay was experiencing oxygen depletion The Laholm’s bay drainage basin is drained by five streams: Lagan, Nissan, Fylleån, Genevadsån and Stensån. The Laholm’s bay is especially sensitive to eutrofication because of its shallowness and has a medium depth of only 15 meters. In this bay nitrogen is the limiting nutrient. There are several sources for nitrogen and agricultural land as well as woodlands are the main cause. Interviews has been with wide range of persons to get a grip of what have been done and what is left to do in the area. The interviews have been divided between municipalities, county administration, the Federation of Swedish Farmers, scientist and farmers. The farmers along with the whole agriculture industry in the Laholm’s bay have put a lot of effort to reduce the nutrients leakage. The efforts have not given any clear results and the nitrogen levels are still the same. Data from small forest rivers and small rivers in agriculture land are showing a much more clear result. Agriculture land is in these measurements showing a slightly decrease in nitrogen levels. Forrest rivers are on the other hand showing an increase. It can be concluded that the efforts to reduce the eutrofication have been partly effective. Stronger regulations for all nutrients leakage source are necessary if eutrofication problems are going to show any significant improvement. It’s important to keep in mind that it’s a slow process that involves that efforts are made in several countries.

En vistelse på Kristineberg / A Stay at Kristineberg

Ekblom Bickham, Amy January 2021 (has links)
På den svenska västkusten, ungefär 100 km norr om Göteborg, ligger Gullmarsfjorden - Sveriges enda riktiga tröskelfjord. Den skapar unika undervattensmiljöer och gör det möjligt att hitta spännande arter, som normalt sätt lever längre från kusten. Därför finns det mycket att utforska i Gullmarsfjorden, vilket lockar forskare från hela världen.  Kristineberg Center är beläget på Skaftö med direkt koppling till fjorden. Marincentret, som drivs av sju olika aktörer, erbjuder forsknings- och innovationsmiljöer för forskare, privata företag och statlig verksamhet.  Mitt projekt har inriktat sig på att analysera och utveckla vistelsen för de som besöker Kristineberg, där målet varit att se över boendet, dess placering, utformning och funktion. Med syfte att anpassa och förbättra upplevelsen av att besöka Kristineberg och samtidigt skapa möjligheter för en framtida utveckling av forskningen och centret som helhet. / On the Swedish west coast, approximately 100 km north of Göteborg, we find the Gullmarn fjord - Sweden’s only genuine threshold fjord. It creates a unique environment and makes it possible to find exciting marine life that normally isn’t found this close to land. Therefore, there’s a lot to explore in the Gullmarn fjord, which attracts scientists and researchers from all over the world.  Kristineberg Centre is located on Skaftö with direct connection to the fjord. The marine center, founded by seven actors, provides a research and innovation environment for scientists, private companies and the public sector.  This project aimed to improve the experience of visiting Kristineberg, where the focus was to develop the accommodation for the people visiting the research center. By analyzing the current situation, in terms of placement, design and function, new accommodations have been developed.

Det blåser kring vindkraft! : En kontroversstudie om vindkraftsetablering på Västkusten / Conflicts about wind energy : A controversy study of establishing wind power at the Swedish west coast

Stensson, Hanna, Hammarstrand, Jesper January 2012 (has links)
Vårt syfte med denna studie är att undersöka de kontroverser som uppstått vid vindkraftsetableringar på Västkusten. Detta syfte innefattar frågeställningar om vilka argument och aktörer som är inblandade och vad som formar en aktörs åsikter. Anledningen till att vi valde detta område var på grund av ett förslag vi fick från en konsult inom området. När vi studerat ämnet närmare insåg vi att det existerar kontroverser kring de olika etableringar som skett och även runt de som endast är i planeringsstadiet. Dessutom insåg vi att det inte fanns mycket aktuell forskning inom området. Studien är baserad på material som har insamlats i form av samrådsredogörelser, artiklar, insändare och fyra utförda intervjuer. Tolkning av materialet har skett utifrån en diskursanalys som gett resultat i form av tre olika diskurser inom kontroversen; Miljödiskursen, Lekmannadiskursen och den Ekonomiska diskursen. Det som resultat och analys visar är att aktörer som representerar motståndarna främst är privatpersoner. Förespråkarna är vanligtvis kommuner, företag och andra parter som vill etablera vindkraft. Argumenten som läggs fram av motståndarna är mer lokalt förankrade medan förespråkarna talar om allmännytta och globala intressen. Motståndarna vill generellt sett inte se någon förändring i närmiljön då de anser denna som värdefull natur. Samma natur som förespråkarna istället anser kunna vara vacker även efter en vindkraftsetablering. Våra slutsatser är att kontroversen är uppdelad i två framträdande parter, för och emot. De som är neutrala i frågan har inte kunnat urskiljas i materialet. Förespråkarna och motståndarna tenderar att peka på en ovilja att förstå varandra och en ständig debatt kretsar kring vilka kunskaper och argument som anses vara legitima. Böhler (1998) talar om en orörd natur som en symbol för framtidstro. Inom denna finner vi en paradox då motståndarna argumenterar för en orörd natur, samtidigt som de vill bruka och vistas inom denna. / Our purpose with this study is to investigate the controversy that are generated when construction of wind power are planned on the Swedish west coast. This purpose includes questions about the arguments and the actors involved, and what shapes an actor’s opinions.   The reason why we chose this area were because of a proposal we received from a consultant in the field. When we later on, studied the subject, we realized that there are several cases of conflicts surrounding various establishments of wind power that have taken place. We also found conflicts about those that are in the planning stage. In addition, we realized that there was not much current research in the area.   The study is based upon materials that have been collected in the form of articles, consolation reports, opinion pieces and four interviews. Interpretation of the material has been based on a discourse analysis which results in three different discourses in the controversy; The environmental discourse, the lay discourse and the economic discourse. The results and analysis show that the actors representing the opponents are mainly private individuals. Proponents are usually municipalities, companies and other actors wishing to establish wind power. The arguments presented by the opponents are more locally based, while proponents talk about public benefit and global interests. Opponents would generally not want to see any change in the living area because they see this as a valuable piece of nature. The same nature that the proponents instead consider to be beautiful even after wind plants has been built.   Our conclusions are that the controversy is divided into two major parties, for and against. We have not been able to identify those who are neutral about the subject. Proponents and opponents tend to point to an unwillingness to understand one another and an ongoing debate revolves around what kind of knowledge and arguments are considered to be legitimate. Böhler (1998) speaks if an untouched nature as a symbol of hope for the future. Within this, we find a paradox when the opponents are arguing for unspoiled nature, while they want to use it for recreation and to stay within it.

Björkö kallbad / Björkö cold bath

Hallberg, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Beläget i Göteborgs norra skärgård, ligger detta kallbadhus på pelare 40 meter ute i havet. Det är en plats för sociala interaktioner, vila och återhämtning. Med närvaron av havet och möjligheten till ett bastubad utvidgas badsäsongen till en helårsupplevelse. Min ambition är att skapa en plats som får människor att kliva i vattnet oavsett tid på året, oavsett ålder och oavsett väder. Under utvecklingen av detta projekt har jag fokuserat mycket på tekniska detaljer och material. Med återanvända fragment från den typiska sjöboden och materialval som trä och sten kommer denna byggnad att skapa en bekant och fridfull upplevelse för användaren. / Located in Gothenburg’s northern archipelago, this cold bath house sits on slim pillars 40 meters out in the ocean. It’s a place for social interactions, rest and recovery. With the presence of the sea and possibility of a sauna bath, the bathing season will be extended to a year-round experience. My ambition is to create a place that will make people enter the water whatever time of the year, whatever their age and whatever the weather. In the development of this project I’ve focused alot on the technical details and materials. With reused fragments from the typical boathouse and choice of materials such as wood and stone, this building will create a familiar and peaceful experience for the user.

Kopparnivåer i hamnar och marinor längs med Bohuskusten

Sjökvist, Tomas, Kvibling, Frida January 2018 (has links)
In order to prevent algae, barnacles and sea poppies from growing on boat bottoms, the hull is painted with antifouling paint each year. Most antifouling paint contains environmentally hazardous, chemically active substances, such as copper. The environmentally hazardous substances then leak into the environment and accumulate in the harbor's bottom sediment. During resuspension through boat traffic and wave action, these substances spread further into the ocean where they may affect other organisms such as fish and algae negatively. In order to detect copper leakage from the boat industry and to increase knowledge about the fate of copper in the sediments on the Swedish west coast our study examined ten ports and marinas along the Swedish west coast and analyzed its copper content in the bottom sediment. In addition, ten bathing areas were investigated as control group. Sediment samples were taken and analyzed in the laboratory for copper content per dry weight of bottom sediment.  Laboratory analyses were conducted using the atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). Results were analyzed for statistical significance using the IBS SPSS Statistics 24 software. In addition, the measured copper concentration from the various sites were compared with Norwegian copper thresholds in marine waters, as Sweden has no guideline value for the marine environment. The result shows a significant difference (p<0.05) between ports / marinas and bathing areas. Furthermore, a connection between copper concentration in the sediments in marinas and number of berths per marina was found.

"Resurs/hus/hållning" / "Asset/house/keeping"

Andersson, Joakim January 2013 (has links)
I syfte att bättre möta de verksamheter som bedrivs på gården Skärholmen 1:18 i Bohuslän har jag ritat ett förslag till en flexibel byggnad som i sitt utförande uteslutande använder sig av de materiella resurser som redan finns på platsen. / In order to better meet the activities carried out on the farm Skärholmen 1: 18 in Sweden, I have designed a proposal for a flexible building that in its execution exclusively use the material resources that already exist on the site.

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