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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alternative Energy Storage Solutions and Future Scenarios of the Austerland Energy System

Lindblom, Jennie January 2022 (has links)
The project Austerland Energi at the eastern tip of the island of Gotland called Östergarnslandet was started as a response to the larger project Omställning Gotland funded by the Swedish government as an effort for a pilot project to convert to renewable energy to reach zero CO2-emissions for the country in 2045. The current plan for the Austerland energy system is a solar PV and wind production base with energy storage in the form of batteries and hydrogen which also can be used as vehicle fuel. The system will also continue to be connected to the grid and the annual electricity consumption for the area is 3.4 GWh, including both households and agricultural activities. The energy system has been modeled by Energenious, a company based in Berlin, Germany, who recommended a battery storage and electrically driven vehicles. The total investment cost of which was 30.099 MSEK and the operation and maintenance cost was 2,780 kSEK/year and the emission rate was 138 ton/year.  The yearly global horizontal irradiance is approximately 1,060 kWh/m2 at the location, the average wind speed is 7.5-8.5 m/s at 100 m hub height, but the wind turbine would have to be lower because of the Östergarnslandet being a protected area for the beautiful scenery. The heat production is mostly individual for each household or farm with either heat pumps or biomass boilers. There are no options for hydropower at the location and there is a desalination plant and a water treatment facility which provides the households and farms with drinking and irrigation water. The alternative energy storage solutions investigated in this thesis includes Flywheel, Redox flow battery, Pumped hydro, Deep Sea pumped hydro, Supercapacitors, Compressed air energy storage and Thermal energy storage. The first three of which were included in the models of the system. For the Future scenario changes of the energy consumption, the patterns of change for the households were based on national and regional trends the last 25 years.  The Austerland energy system was modeled using the software Homer Pro, where the base case of using batteries and batteries together with hydrogen storage was analyzed. The batteries were then switched to flywheels, a redox flow battery and a pumped hydro system respectively and analyzed with and without the hydrogen storage. The results showed that the recommended storage solution was still the batteries since the flywheel storage has too short storage duration, the flow battery storage is more expensive, and the pumped hydro storage has a complicated installation process. However, the recommended size of the batteries was half that of the recommended size provided by the Energenious models and the results also showed that the system would be suitable for a future change of the consumption patterns.  Lastly, the sustainability analysis showed that all the alternative energy storage devices have a slightly less CO2-emission rate, but none of the systems had a emission rate as low as that calculated by Energenious. However, when considering any of the components in an energy system, a more thorough investigation of environmental and social issues of the production process should be made. The investigation should include studying working conditions, wages, suspicions about child labour, process waste streams and other emissions streams and ethical values at the production company. / Projektet Austerland Energi är lokaliserat på ön Gotlands östra spets kallat Östergarnslandet. Projektet startades som ett efterfrågat initiativ genom det större projektet Omställning Gotland vilket är finansierat av den svenska regeringen. Omställning Gotland är för ett pilotprojekt för att ställa om till förnybar energi i landet och för att nå netto noll CO2-utsläpp i landet år 2045. Den nuvarande planen för Östergarns energisystem är en solcells- och vind produktions bas med energilagring i form av batterier och vätgas vilket också kan användas som fordonsbränsle. Systemet kommer även fortsättningsvis att vara anslutet till det lokala elnätet och den årliga elförbrukningen för området är 3.4 GWh inklusive både hushåll och lantbruksverksamhet. Energisystemet har modellerats av Energenious, ett företag baserat i Berlin, Tyskland, som rekommenderade batterilagring och elfordon snarare än att använda vätgas. Den totala investeringskostnaden var beräknad till 30,099 MSEK och drift- och underhållskostnaden var 2,780 kSEK/år och CO2-utsläppen var 138 ton/år.  Den årliga solinstrålningen på Östergarn är cirka 1,060 kWh/m2, medelvindhastigheten är 7.5-8.5 m/s vid 100 m navhöjd, men vindkraftverket måste vara lägre än så eftersom Östergarnslandet är ett skyddat område på grund av det vackra landskapet. Värme förses mestadels individuellt för varje hushåll eller gård med hjälp av antingen värmepumpar eller värmepannor som använder biomassa. Det finns ingen möjlighet för vattenkraft på denna del av Gotland men det finns en avsaltningsanläggning och en vattenreningsanläggning som förser hushållen och gårdarna med dricksvatten och vatten för bevattnings. De alternativa energilagrings lösningar som undersöks i denna avhandling inkluderar svänghjul, redox flödesbatteri, ett pumpkraftverk antingen på land eller till havs, superkondensatorer, trycklufts lagring och lagring av termisk energi. De tre förstnämnda alternativen ingick i modelleringen utförd i detta arbete. För undersökningen av framtida energiförbruknings förändringar, undersöktes utvecklingen för hushållen på nationella och regional nivå under de senaste 25 åren. Austerlands energisystem modellerades med hjälp av programvaran Homer Pro, där originalmodellen med endast eller batterier tillsammans med vätgaslagring analyserades. Batterierna byttes sedan till svänghjul, ett redox flödesbatteri respektive ett pumpkraftverk och analyserades med och utan vätgaslagringen. Resultaten visade att den rekommenderade lagringslösningen fortfarande var batterierna eftersom svänghjulet har för kort lagringstid, flödesbatteriet är för dyrt och pumpkraftverket har en mycket mer komplicerad installationsprocess. Den rekommenderade storleken på batterierna visade sig dock vara hälften av den rekommenderade storleken från Energenious-modellerna och resultaten visade också att systemet kommer vara lämpligt för den beräknade framtida konsumtionen. Slutligen visade hållbarhetsanalysen att alla alternativa energi lagringstyper har en något lägre koldioxidutsläpp, men inget av systemen hade en så lågt utsläpp som beräknat av Energenious. När någon av komponenterna i ett energisystem övervägs bör dock en mer grundlig undersökning av miljömässiga och sociala frågor i produktionsprocessen göras. Undersökningen bör omfatta arbetsvillkor, löner, misstankar om barnarbete, avfallshantering och andra utsläpp under produktionsprocessen och etiska värderingar hos produktionsföretaget.

Towards sustainable urban transportation : Test, demonstration and development of fuel cell and hybrid-electric buses

Folkesson, Anders January 2008 (has links)
Several aspects make today’s transport system non-sustainable: • Production, transport and combustion of fossil fuels lead to global and local environmental problems. • Oil dependency in the transport sector may lead to economical and political instability. • Air pollution, noise, congestion and land-use may jeopardise public health and quality of life, especially in urban areas. In a sustainable urban transport system most trips are made with public transport because high convenience and comfort makes travelling with public transport attractive. In terms of emissions, including noise, the vehicles are environmentally sustainable, locally as well as globally. Vehicles are energy-efficient and the primary energy stems from renewable sources. Costs are reasonable for all involved, from passengers, bus operators and transport authorities to vehicle manufacturers. The system is thus commercially viable on its own merits. This thesis presents the results from three projects involving different concept buses, all with different powertrains. The first two projects included technical evaluations, including tests, of two different fuel cell buses. The third project focussed on development of a series hybrid-bus with internal combustion engine intended for production around 2010. The research on the fuel cell buses included evaluations of the energy efficiency improvement potential using energy mapping and vehicle simulations. Attitudes to hydrogen fuel cell buses among passengers, bus drivers and bus operators were investigated. Safety aspects of hydrogen as a vehicle fuel were analysed and the use of hydrogen compared to electrical energy storage were also investigated. One main conclusion is that a city bus should be considered as one energy system, because auxiliaries contribute largely to the energy use. Focussing only on the powertrain is not sufficient. The importance of mitigating losses far down an energy conversion chain is emphasised. The Scania hybrid fuel cell bus showed the long-term potential of fuel cells, advanced auxiliaries and hybrid-electric powertrains, but technologies applied in that bus are not yet viable in terms of cost or robustness over the service life of a bus. Results from the EU-project CUTE show that hydrogen fuelled fuel cell buses are viable for real-life operation. Successful operation and public acceptance show that focus on robustness and cost in vehicle design were key success factors, despite the resulting poor fuel economy. Hybrid-electric powertrains are feasible in stop-and-go city operation. Fuel consumption can be reduced, comfort improved, noise lowered and the main power source downsized and operated less dynamically. The potential for design improvements due to flexible component packaging is implemented in the Scania hybrid concept bus. This bus and the framework for its hybrid management system are discussed in this thesis. The development of buses for a more sustainable urban transport should be made in small steps to secure technical and economical realism, which both are needed to guarantee commercialisation and volume of production. This is needed for alternative products to have a significant influence. Hybrid buses with internal combustion engines running on renewable fuel is tomorrow’s technology, which paves the way for plug-in hybrid, battery electric and fuel cell hybrid vehicles the day after tomorrow. / QC 20100722

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