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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mezinárodní pronájem pracovní síly a jeho alternativy v podmínkách Evropské unie - daňové aspekty

Fojtíková, Jaroslava January 2005 (has links)
Disertační práce se zabývá problematikou české daňověprávní úpravy tzv. mezinárodního pronájmu pracovní síly. S ohledem na velmi široký záběr této problematiky i autorčiny zkušenosti z odborné praxe je práce zaměřena na pronájem zaměstnanců směrem ze zahraničí, konkrétně členských států Evropské unie, do České republiky. Cílem disertační práce je zejména rekapitulace stávající právní úpravy daňových aspektů mezinárodního pronájmu pracovní síly, její zhodnocení v kontextu komunitární legislativy i potřeb praxe a v relevantních případech též formulace doporučení a námětů pro základní směřování dalšího legislativního vývoje. S ohledem na skutečnost, že případné změny české legislativy mohou být inspirovány rovněž právním stavem v jiných státech, je část této disertační práce věnována též nastínění základních principů daňověprávní úpravy mezinárodního pronájmu pracovní síly ve Spolkové republice Německo, a její komparaci s českou legislativou.

Efektivní spotřební zdanění a struktura výnosů v nových a v původních členských zemích EU / Effective taxation of consumption and revenue structure of the old and the new EU member states

Vágnerová, Klára January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the comparison of effective taxation of consumption and structure of tax revenues between new and old member states of the European Union. Two predetermined hypotheses were tested in the comparison analysis. Hypothesis I.: New Member States have less effective taxation of consumption than the old ones Hypothesis II.: Revenues from taxes on consumption in the New Member states is different from the yields in the old Member States.Three indicators were tested gradually: implicit tax rate, share of taxes on consumption to gross domestic product and share of taxes on consumption to total taxation. The aim of the thesis was to confirm or to refute predetermined hypotheses and to discuss results of the analysis. In this analysis was used the method Comparison of two means.

Un modèle d'équilibre général calculable pour questionner la TVA dans les pays en développement : les cas du Niger et du Sénégal

De Quatrebarbes, Céline 04 February 2015 (has links)
La TVA est une taxe ad valorem facturée par les entreprises à leurs clients mais dont seule la différence entre la taxe collectée par l’entreprise et celle qu’elle a supportée sur ses achats est reversée à l’ Etat. Selon ce mécanisme, la TVA repose uniquement sur la consommation finale et semble adaptée aux principes d’une taxe indirecte optimale pour la maximisation du bien-être collectif. Cependant, dans les PED, la taille de l’assiette, les problèmes de remboursement des crédits de TVA et le non assujettissement de certains producteurs, modifient le fonctionnement de la taxe. Afin d’appréhender l’impact de la TVA dans les PED avec un nouveau regard, les effets de la taxe sur l’allocation des ressources et la distribution des revenus sont étudiés à l’aide d’un Modèle d’ Equilibre Général Calculable ad hoc appliquée à des problématiques spécifiques au Niger et au Sénégal. Les résultats des simulations montrent que l’analyse de l’impact de la TVA ne peut pas se contenter d’un discours commun, ni du point de vue du consommateur, ni de celui du producteur. / In theory, VAT has always been considered as a consumption tax (Lauré, 1957). Liable producers transfer to the government the difference between the VAT collected on sales and the VAT paid on their inputs. VAT is therefore a tax on final consumption born by the consumer and collected by the producer. With tax abatement principle, VAT seems adapted to the principals of an optimal indirect tax for the maximization of the collective wellbeing. However, if VAT exemptions are implemented or if the tax administration is inefficient in issuing refunds for VAT credits or simply due to non-liable producers, VAT increases producer’s tax burden and viewing the VAT only as a consumption tax becomes inaccurate. In order to take into account these complexities, we built the first Computable General Equilibrium Model in order to shed some light on resources allocation and income distributions of the tax in Niger and Senegal. Simulation results show that an analysis of the VAT’s impact cannot rely only on a common line, neither from the consumer’s nor the producer’s point of view.

Moms på elektroniska tjänster / VAT on electronically services

Abdi, Joseph January 2011 (has links)
EU beslutade 2002 om en särskild beskattningsanordning i syfte att undanröja konkurrenssnedvridningar vid försäljning av elektroniska tjänster. Frågetecken om var eller av vem som moms ska erläggas kan ibland uppstå. Förvaltningsrätten och regeringen har gjort olika bedömningar beträffande mervärdesskatteskyldighet för två svenska företag vars tjänster varit underkastade moms i andra länder. Medan förvaltningsrätten dömde företag A att betala mervärdeskatt befriade regeringen företag B från mervärdebeskattning. Syftet är att utreda hur skattskyldighet beträffande samma elektroniska tjänster kan uppkomma i olika medlemsländer samt om de som tillhandahåller dessa tjänster säljer till eller ifrån fasta etableringsställen eller om de är att betrakta som återförsäljare. Varför samma skattskyldighet uppkommer i olika medlemsländer kan delvis härledas till de avvikelser som finns mellan svensk rätt och EU-rätt beträffande innebörden av de olika begrepp som används för att beteckna momsredovisningsskyldiga. Det kan även bero på den vaga och vida definition som begreppet elektroniska tjänster innefattar samt de skillnader som finns mellan språkversionerna beträffande vad som ska anses omfattas. Tillhandahållare av elektroniska tjänster ska erlägga mervärdeskatt i det land där köparen har sätet för sin ekonomiska verksamhet eller där det fasta etableringsstället finns till vilka tjänsterna tillhandahålls. Vid omsättning eller förvärv av tjänster är det den som agerar som faktisk säljare eller den kund som faktiskt förvärvar och konsumerar tjänsten som avgör var omsättningen anses belägen. Bedömningen ska fokusera på de huvudsakliga momenten för tjänsten ifråga. Tillhandahållare av elektroniska tjänster är inte att betrakta som återförsäljare eftersom de inte uppfyller de kriterier som finns uppställda för begreppet återförsäljare. Därmed kan en analogi inte göras gällande. / In 2002 the member states of EU took a decision regarding whether to introduce a special tax base on digital supplies or not. This tax base was later on implemented to the member states domestic laws. Question may sometimes arise as to where or by whom VAT should be paid regarding electronically supplies. The administrative court and the Swedish government have made different judgments regarding two Swedish companies whose services already have been subject to VAT in other member states. While the administrative court sentenced company A to pay VAT the government exempted company B. This bachelor thesis will examine how tax claims regarding the same electronically supply can occur in different member states and if the providers are selling to or from a permanent establishment or if they are to be considered as distributors. The answer to the first question can partly be due to the difference between Swedish law and EU-law regarding the different use of word for designating a taxable person. The words used for designating a taxable person have different meanings which can constitute confusion. It can furthermore be due to the vague and broad definition for the term electronically supplies and the differences that occur, regarding what can be covered by the definition of electronically supplies. Providers of digital supplies shall pay VAT in the country where the buyer has his place of business or where the fixed establishment is located to which the supplies are provided. Regarding revenue or acquisition it is the one who acts like the real seller or the customer who acquires and consumes the provided service who determines where the supply is situated. The main elements for the services provided have to be examined. Providers of digital supplies are not to be regarded as distributors because they do not meet the criteria’s that are set out for the term.

Lengvatinių pridėtinės vertės mokesčio tarifų taikymo tikslingumo analizė / Analysis of expedience on reduced VAT application

Budzinskaitė, Jolanta 07 February 2008 (has links)
Šiuo metu Lietuvoje gana aktualus lengvatinių PVM tarifų taikymo klausimas. Lengvatinių PVM tarifų poveikis prekių/paslaugų kainai, jų paklausai, naujų darbo vietų kūrimui, valstybės pajamoms – aktuali tema ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir visoje Europos Sąjungoje. Tai įrodo vis gausėjantys ekonomistų straipsniai mokslo leidiniuose, įvairių institucijų atliekamos PVM lengvatų poveikio analizės. Be to, lengvatinio PVM tarifo taikymo tikslingumas – dažnas visuomenės diskusijų ir žiniasklaidos susidomėjimo objektas. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti ir įvertinti lengvatinių pridėtinės vertės mokesčio tarifų taikymo tikslingumą, atliekant analizę. Darbo objektas – lengvatinių pridėtinės vertės mokesčio tarifų taikymas Lietuvoje ir Europos Sąjungoje bei jų poveikis ekonomikai. Darbo tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti tokie uždaviniai: apibūdinti pridėtinės vertės mokestį, nustatant jo vietą mokesčių sistemoje ir aptariant jo reikšmingumą šalies biudžetui; išanalizuoti pagrindinius teisės aktus, reglamentuojančius pridėtinės vertės mokesčio taikymą Lietuvoje ir Europos Sąjungoje, bei išanalizuoti lengvatinių pridėtinės vertės mokesčio tarifų taikymo reglamentavimą Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje; išanalizuoti lengvatinių pridėtinės vertės mokesčio tarifų kaitą Lietuvoje; palyginti Lietuvoje ir kitose Europos Sąjungos valstybėse narėse taikomų lengvatinių pridėtinės vertės mokesčio tarifų dydžius ir jais apmokestinamų prekių/paslaugų grupes; palyginti pardavimų, apmokestinamų lengvatiniais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The effect of the value added tax decrease (VAT) on prices, inquiry, employment and public revenue is subjected regularly to the intensive debate not only in Lithuania, but also in the whole European Union (EU). The importance of reduced VAT effect shows growing number of economic articles, also the application of the reduced VAT is a frequent discussion object in the society and in the media. The goal of the work is to analyze the importance of the application of the reduced VAT sentences. The object of the work is the economic effects of the application of the reduced VAT sentences in Lithuania and in the European Union. To reach a purpose of the work, such tasks are issued: To define VAT and to explain its importance; to analyze the most important VAT laws; to analyze the alternation of the reduced VAT sentences in Lithuania; to compare the reduced VAT sentences in Lithuania and in the EU; to compare the categories of goods and services which are taxed on the VAT sentence in the EU; to compare the interest of the base of the reduced price in the EU; to explain the purposes of the VAT decrease; to analyze the price effects, production effects and occupation effects of VAT decrease; to overlook views of different institutions. In the work such working methods are applied: Analysis of the juridical documents and the nonfiction literature; contents analysis; analysis of the statistical information; Comparative analysis and a review of the electronic data base. Work hypothesis... [to full text]

Lietuvos mokesčių sistemos ekonominė analizė ir įvertinimas / The Economical Analysis and Evaluation of Lithuanian Tax System

Ramanauskaitė, Raimonda 09 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjami teoriniai mokesčių sistemos formavimo pagrindai, t.y. mokesčių reikšmė ir būtinumas, vykdant valstybės funkcijas, apmokestinimo principai ir riba, mokesčių našta, pateikiama Lietuvos Respublikos mokesčių sistema. Analizuota Lietuvos mokesčių sistema, atkreipiant dėmesį į pagrindinius mokesčius, t.y. gyventojų pajamų, pelno, pridėtinės vertės bei akcizų mokesčius. Išanalizuotos šių mokesčių pajamų į nacionalinį biudžetą kitimo tendencijos 2004 – 2008 m. laikotarpiu, identifikuojant pagrindinius teigiamus ir neigiamus veiksnius, turėjusius įtakos mokestinių pajamų surinkimui. Kadangi mokesčių sistema kardinaliai keitėsi nuo 2009 metų, išanalizuota kaip keitėsi tų metų pirmo ketvirčio pajamų surinkimas iš pagrindinių mokesčių. Rašant darbą atlikta mokslinės, statistinės, normatyvinės ir kt. literatūros analizė, naudoti loginės analizės ir sintezės, palyginamosios analizės tyrimo metodai, santykiniai dydžiai, grafinis būdas ir kt. / Master‘s thesis covered theoretical elements of forming tax system, i.e. significance and importance of taxes prosecuting functions of government, principals of taxation and its limit, the tax burden, finally, tax system of the Lithuanian Republic is provided. Lithuanian tax system is analyzed, with attention to the basic taxes, i.e., personal income tax, profits tax, value-added tax, and excise duty tax. The study analyzed the tax revenue to the national budget for the 2004 - 2008 m. period, identifying the positive and negative factors bearing on the collection of tax revenues. Since the tax system has changed radically since 2009, analyzed the changes of the year the first quarter of the revenue collection of the main taxes. The analysis of scientific, statistical, normative and other kind of literature is carried out; research methods such as logic analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis, relative values, graphical presentations are applied in the study.

The nature of interest-free loans and the tax implications thereof / T. Tennant

Tennant, Tracy January 2010 (has links)
The tax world as we knew it was turned upside down on 13 September 2007 when the Supreme Court of Appeal (“SCA”) announced its decision to deem the right to use an interest-free loan as an amount that accrued to the taxpayers in the case Commissioner for South African Revenue Service v Brummeria Renaissance (Pty) Ltd and others 69 SATC 205. The findings of SCA brought about a “great deal of consternation in the business world” (Loubser, 2007:20). Due to the controversy as a result of this case, SARS drafted an Interpretation Note that illustrates the reasoning and tax treatment of an interest-free loan. On 30 June 2010, Interpretation Note No 58 was finally issued by SARS, providing guidance with regard to “an amount” that “accrues” to a taxpayer for the purposes of the gross income definition. This Interpretation Note will have a significant impact on a number of taxpayers. The purpose of this study is to understand the nature of an interest-free loan and identify its tax implications. The methodology followed in this study will be that of qualitative research. This will be conducted through analyzing the nature of a loan, specifically an interest-free loan, the gross income definition, including the value and timing of such amount, and whether a deduction may be claimed in respect of an interest-free loan. Notwithstanding the above, the study also includes an investigation of other taxes inter alia capital gains tax, donations tax, value-added tax, secondary tax on companies and newly proposed dividends tax. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tax))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

The nature of interest-free loans and the tax implications thereof / T. Tennant

Tennant, Tracy January 2010 (has links)
The tax world as we knew it was turned upside down on 13 September 2007 when the Supreme Court of Appeal (“SCA”) announced its decision to deem the right to use an interest-free loan as an amount that accrued to the taxpayers in the case Commissioner for South African Revenue Service v Brummeria Renaissance (Pty) Ltd and others 69 SATC 205. The findings of SCA brought about a “great deal of consternation in the business world” (Loubser, 2007:20). Due to the controversy as a result of this case, SARS drafted an Interpretation Note that illustrates the reasoning and tax treatment of an interest-free loan. On 30 June 2010, Interpretation Note No 58 was finally issued by SARS, providing guidance with regard to “an amount” that “accrues” to a taxpayer for the purposes of the gross income definition. This Interpretation Note will have a significant impact on a number of taxpayers. The purpose of this study is to understand the nature of an interest-free loan and identify its tax implications. The methodology followed in this study will be that of qualitative research. This will be conducted through analyzing the nature of a loan, specifically an interest-free loan, the gross income definition, including the value and timing of such amount, and whether a deduction may be claimed in respect of an interest-free loan. Notwithstanding the above, the study also includes an investigation of other taxes inter alia capital gains tax, donations tax, value-added tax, secondary tax on companies and newly proposed dividends tax. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tax))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Fizinių ir juridinių asmenų apmokestinimo netiesioginiais mokesčiais teisinė analizė / The Legal Analysis of Taxation of Natural and Legal Persons on Indirect Taxes

Adomaitytė, Renata 09 January 2007 (has links)
Indirect taxes are value added tax, excise and customs. Taxation on these taxes is different than on the other taxes, because indirect taxes are paid by the person who pays the cost of the good or service, but collected form the real taxpayers – natural and legal persons, which are determined in the legal acts. The taxation of natural and legal persons begins from the principles of taxation, which are the basis of taxation. The principles of taxation are distributed into two groups: theoretical and determined in the legal acts, because of the collision of theory and legal acts. The indirect taxes – value added tax, excise and customs – are described through the principles of taxation. Also these taxes are analysed by their taxpayers – natural and legal persons, the procedure of taxation, the influence of the indirect taxes to the national budget and the main tendencies of all indirect taxes in Lithuania.


李梓毓 Unknown Date (has links)
晚近對於應否將金融服務納入消費稅基,及其稅率如何訂定的相關討論,大都從“金融服務為非最終消費”的角度出發,然而這樣觀點並不適用於所有種類之金融服務;將全部的金融服務視為一體來探討此一課題並不恰當,其結果也可能有所偏頗。 此外,以消費者的個人效用極大化問題來討論將金融服務納入消費稅基雖為正確作法,但卻忽略了政府在經濟體系中所扮演的角色及消費者行為可能對社會福利造成的影響。Rousslang(2002)認為,由於政府也是金融服務的使用者之一,而所面對的使用成本卻可能與消費者不同,在此種模型下,個人追求效用極大的行為會經由不同的租稅政策而產生不同的社會成本。 本文以Rousslang(2002)為基礎,將金融服務的性質分為最終消費與非最終消費兩種,研究發現,在金融課稅採總額型下,金融服務應否課稅及其稅率高低,與政府使用金融服務的成本,以及非最終消費性質之金融服務佔整體服務之比例息息相關。 此外,不同的課稅方式可能會對私人選擇及社會成本有不同的影響 ,進而影響最適租稅政策。吾人試圖將模型延伸,將金融課稅改為加值型,並與總額型之結果作一比較,結果發現:當政府與私人面對相同的金融服務使用成本時,兩者最適稅率之訂定相同,而當政府使用金融服務不需付費時,加值稅制下最適稅率之訂定會受金融機構本身生產成本及報酬的影響。

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