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Transient Inactivation of the Neonatal Ventral Hippocampus Disrupts Mesolimbic Regulation of Prefrontal Glutamate ReleaseBortz, David Michael 18 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The Neural Substrate of Sex Pheromone Signalling in Male Goldfish (Carassius auratus)Lado, Wudu E. 26 October 2012 (has links)
The transmission of sex pheromone-mediated signals is essential for goldfish reproduction. However, the neural pathways underlying this reproductive signalling pathway in the goldfish brain is not well described. Lesioning experiments have shown previously that two brain areas, the preoptic area (POA) and the ventral telencephali pars ventralis (Vv) in particular, are important for reproduction. We used patch clamp electrophysiology to study the electrical activities of POA and Vv neurons. Based on the intrinsic properties of these neurons, we suggest there are five different functional classes of POA neurons and a single class of Vv neurons. In addition, by electrically stimulating the olfactory bulb (OB), we were able to show that this primary sensory structure makes monosynaptic glutamatergic connections with both POA and Vv neurons. While electrophysiology measures signalling events occurring at short time scales on the order of milliseconds to minutes, we were also interested in studying sex pheromone signalling in the goldfish brain over a long time scale. Thus, we describe changes in gene expression in male goldfish exposed to waterborne sex pheromones (17alpha,20beta dihydroxy-4-pregene-3-one and Prostaglandin-F2alpha) over 6 hours. We perform cDNA microarrays on Prostaglandin-F2alpha-treated fish to study the rapid modulation of transcription and define the signalling pathways affected. Our microarrays showed that 71 genes were differentially regulated (67 up and 4 down). Through gene ontology enrichment analysis, we found that these genes were involved in various biological processes such as RNA processing, neurotransmission, neuronal development, apoptosis, cellular metabolism and sexual reproduction. RT-PCRs were performed to validate our microarrays and to facilitate direct comparisons of the effects of the two sex pheromones, 17alpha,20beta dihydroxy-4-pregene-3-one and Prostaglandin-F2alpha. By combining electrophysiology and gene expression analyses, we were able to study sex-pheromone signalling on two different time scales. One short, occurring on the order of milliseconds to minutes, that involves electrical activities in the brain through the glutamatergic amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors; and the other long occurring several hours later that involves changes in the gene expression levels of calmodulin and ependymin among other genes underlying neuroplasticity. Reproductive neuroplasticity in the goldfish may therefore require the activation of glutamatergic receptors which then activate downstream signals like calmodulin and ependymin to transform the sex pheromones-mediate signal into gene expression.
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Nature of crossmodal plasticity in the blind brain and interplay with sight restorationDormal, Giulia 06 1900 (has links)
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Université catholique de Louvain. / Ce travail de thèse s’est intéressé à la plasticité cérébrale associée à la privation/restauration visuelle. A travers deux études transversales utilisant l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle auprès d’un groupe de participants présentant une cécité congénitale ou précoce (ainsi qu’auprès d’un groupe contrôle de participants voyants), nous avons tenté de caractériser la manière dont le cortex occipital - typiquement dédié au traitement de l’information visuelle - se réorganise afin de traiter différents stimuli auditifs. Nous démontrons qu’en cas de cécité précoce, différentes régions du cortex occipital présentent une préférence fonctionnelle pour certains types de stimuli non-visuels, avec une spécialisation fonctionnelle qui respecte celle de régions typiquement impliquées dans le traitement d’informations similaires en vision. Ces découvertes constituent une avancée conceptuelle concernant le rôle joué par les contraintes intrinsèques d’une part, et par l’expérience d’autre part, dans l’émergence de réponses sensorielles et fonctionnelles du cortex occipital. D’une part, l’observation de réponses occipitales à la stimulation auditive chez le non-voyant précoce (réorganisation transmodale) rend compte de la capacité du cortex occipital à réorienter sa modalité sensorielle préférentielle en fonction de l’expérience. D’autre part, l’existence de modules cognitifs spécialisés dans le cortex occipital du non-voyant précoce, semblables à ceux du cerveau voyant, démontre les contraintes intrinsèques imposées à une telle plasticité. Dans une étude de cas longitudinale, nous avons également exploré comment les changements plastiques associés à la cécité interagissent avec une récupération visuelle partielle à l’âge adulte. Nous avons réalisé des mesures pré et post-opératoires auprès d’un patient ayant récupéré la vision, en combinant les techniques comportementales ainsi que de neuroimagerie fonctionnelle et structurelle afin d’investiguer conjointement l’évolution de la réorganisation transmodale et de la récupération des fonctions visuelles à travers le temps. Nous démontrons que les changements structurels et fonctionnels caractérisant le cortex occipital du non-voyant sont partiellement réversibles suite à une récupération visuelle à l’âge adulte. De manière générale, ces recherches témoignent de l’importante adaptabilité du cortex occipital aux prises avec des changements drastiques dans l’expérience visuelle. / The present Ph.D. work was dedicated to the study of experience-dependent brain plasticity associated with visual deprivation/restoration. In two cross-sectional studies involving the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging in a group of participants with congenital or early blindness (and in a control group of sighted participants), we attempted to characterize the way the occipital cortex - typically devoted to vision – reorganizes itself in order to process different auditory stimuli. We demonstrate that in case of early visual deprivation, distinct regions of the occipital cortex display a functional preference for specific non-visual attributes, maintaining a functional specialization similar to the one that characterizes the sighted brain. Such studies have shed new light on the role played by intrinsic constraints on the one side, and experience on the other, in shaping the modality- and functional tuning of the occipital cortex. On the one hand, the observation of occipital responses to auditory stimulation (crossmodal plasticity) highlights the ability of the occipital cortex to reorient its preferential tuning towards the preserved sensory modalities as a function of experience. On the other hand, the observation of specialized cognitive modules in the occipital cortex, similar to those observed in the sighted, highlights the intrinsic constraints imposed to such plasticity. In a longitudinal single-case study, we further explored how the neuroplastic changes associated with blindness may interact with the newly reacquired visual inputs following partial visual restoration in adulthood. We performed both pre- and post-surgery measurements in a sight-recovery patient combining behavioral, neurostructural and neurofunctional methods in order to jointly investigate the evolution of crossmodal reorganization and visual recovery across time. We demonstrate that functional and structural changes evidenced in the visually-deprived occipital cortex can only partially reverse following sight restoration in adulthood. Altogether, our findings demonstrate the striking adaptability of the occipital cortex facing drastic changes in visual experience.
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Mecanismos envolvidos no perfil antipsicótico do canabidiol / Mechanisms involved in cannabidiol antipsychotic profilePedrazzi, João Francisco Cordeiro 05 October 2018 (has links)
A esquizofrenia é uma desordem altamente incapacitante que atinge cerca de 1% da população, envolvendo desequilíbrio da neurotransmissão dopaminérgica e uma hipofunção glutamatérgica. Portadores dessa doença apresentam deficiência do processamento de informações caracterizada por prejuízo no teste de inibição pré-pulso (prepulse inhibition - PPI). Essa condição pode ser reproduzida em modelos experimentais, pelo tratamento com psicoestimulantes, como a anfetamina (ANF) e atenuado/revertido pelo tratamento com antipsicóticos. O canabidiol (CBD) é o principal componente não psicotomimético da Cannabis sativa. Estudos clínicos e pré-clínicos sugerem que o CBD apresenta perfil antipsicótico, com baixa indução de efeitos adversos. Contudo, até o momento poucos estudos foram realizados com o objetivo de investigar os mecanismos farmacológicos e/ou moleculares envolvidos nesse perfil. Os prováveis mecanismos envolvidos com as propriedades antipsicóticas do CBD parecem envolver a ativação de receptores TRPV1 e o aumento da sinalização do endocanabinoide anandamida. No presente estudo, demonstramos que os receptores TRPV1 e o aumento da disponibilidade de anandamida parecem participar do perfil antipsicótico do CBD. Nessas investigações, não observamos participação dos receptores 5-HT1A. A microinjeção de CBD no córtex pré-frontal (CPF), estrutura envolvida com a fisiopatologia da esquizofrenia e um provável sítio para ação de antipsicóticos, não atenuou o prejuízo induzido por ANF no PPI. Recentemente, mecanismos epigenéticos, como a metilação do DNA, têm sido associados à fisiopatologia da esquizofrenia. Nesse sentido, avaliamos o envolvimento da metilação do DNA em estruturas envolvidas com a neurobiologia da esquizofrenia regulada por CBD, sobre as respostas comportamentais induzidas por drogas psicotomiméticas. Verificamos que a ANF causa um aumento da metilação global no estriado ventral, efeito bloqueado pelo pré-tratamento com CBD e de forma semelhante com o antipsicótico clozapina (CLZ). Não observamos alterações na metilação global no CPF. O tratamento com MK-801 não alterou a metilação global nas duas estruturas anteriormente citadas. Protocolo experimental semelhante foi utilizado em mais duas abordagens: (i) a expressão do fator neurotrófico do cérebro (BDNF), relacionado com a manutenção, crescimento e diferenciação dos neurônios está aumentada no hipocampo dos animais tratados com a associação CBD e ANF, padrão semelhante foi observado com a associação CLZ e ANF. (ii) a expressão de fosfo-histona acetilada, um marcador que indica alterações na cromatina, intimamente ligada com as alterações da expressão gênica está aumentada no núcleo acumbens e CPF dos animais tratados com a associação CBD e ANF. Os dados aqui apresentados sugerem que os receptores TRPV1 e o endocanabinoide anandamida parecem estar envolvidos com o perfil antipsicótico do CBD. Pela primeira vez foi demonstrado que tanto o pré-tratamento com CBD ou CLZ podem alterar o aumento da metilação global de DNA induzido por ANF. Além disso, a expressão de BDNF no hipocampo e a expressão de fosfo-histona acetilada podem ser outros mecanismos que merecem atenção em relação ao perfil antipsicótico do CBD. / Schizophrenia is a highly disabling disorder that affects about 1% of the population and involves impaired dopaminergic neurotransmission and glutamatergic hypofunction. Patients with this disorder have a deficiency in information processing characterized by disruption in the prepulse inhibition (PPI) test. This condition can be reproduced in experimental models by treatment with psychostimulants such as amphetamine and attenuated / reversed by treatment with antipsychotics. Cannabidiol (CBD) is the main non-psychotomimetic component of Cannabis sativa. Clinical and preclinical studies suggest that CBD has an antipsychotic profile, with low induction of adverse effects. However, to date, few studies have been carried out to investigate the pharmacological and / or molecular mechanisms involved in this outcome. The likely mechanisms involved with the antipsychotic properties of CBD appear to involve activation of TRPV1 receptors and increased endocannabinoid anandamide signaling. In the present study, we demonstrated that TRPV1 receptors and the increased availability of anandamide appear to participate in the CBD antipsychotic profile. In these investigations, we did not observe participation of 5-HT1A receptors. Microinjection of CBD in the prefrontal cortex, structure involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and a probable site of antipsychotic action, did not attenuate the amphetamine-induced disruption in PPI. Recently, epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA methylation, have been associated with the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. In this sense, we also evaluated the involvement of DNA methylation in structures involved with the neurobiology of CBD-regulated schizophrenia on behavioral responses induced by psychotomimetic drugs. We found that amphetamine causes increased global methylation in the ventral striatum, an effect blocked by pre-treatment with CBD and similarly with the antipsychotic clozapine. We did not observe changes in the global methylation in prefrontal cortex. Treatment with MK-801 did not alter the global methylation in the two aforementioned structures. Similar experimental protocol was used in two other approaches: (i) brain neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression, related to the maintenance, growth and differentiation of neurons is increased in the hippocampus of animals treated with CBD and amphetamine; a similar pattern was observed with the association clozapine and amphetamine. (ii) the expression of acetylated phospho-histone, a marker indicating changes in chromatin, closely linked to changes in gene expression is increased in the nucleus acumbens and CPF in animals treated with the CBD and amphetamine combination. The data presented here suggest TRPV1 receptors and the endocannabinoid anandamide seem to be involved with the antipsychotic profile of CBD. For the first time it has been shown that both pre-treatment with CBD or clozapine may alter the increase in overall DNA methylation induced by amphetamine. In addition, the expression of BDNF in the hippocampus and the expression of acetylated phospho-histone may be different mechanisms that deserve attention in relation to the antipsychotic profile of CBD.
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Participação da via NMDA-NO do córtex pré-frontal medial ventral na modulação das consequências comportamentais do estresse de nado forçado: mecanismos intracelulares / Participation of NMDA-NO pathway from the medial préfrontal córtex on the behavioural consequences of forced swim stress: molecular mechanismsPereira, Vitor Silva 17 April 2015 (has links)
PEREIRA, V.S. Participação da via NMDA-NO do córtex pré-frontal medial ventral na modulação das consequências comportamentais do estresse de nado forçado: mecanismos intracelulares. 2015. 191p. Tese (Doutorado) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2014. A ativação dos receptores glutamatérgicos do tipo NMDA é capaz de desencadear a síntese de óxido nítrico (NO) no SNC. A administração de antagonistas NMDA (p.ex., ketamina) ou de inibidores da síntese de NO (p.ex., 7-NI) produz efeitos do tipo antidepressivo em animais e reforça o potencial dos sistemas glutamatérgico e nitrérgico como alvos terapêuticos para o tratamento da depressão. Trabalhos recentes sugerem o envolvimento de vias intracelulares no controle de mecanismos de plasticidade neural, como a via BDNF-TrkBmTOR, nos efeitos antidepressivos produzidos por antagonistas NMDA. Foi demonstrado, por exemplo, que os efeitos antidepressivos da ketamina dependem da síntese de BDNF e da ativação da mTOR no córtex pré-frontal medial (CPFMv) de ratos. O bloqueio farmacológico do CPFMv ou a administração de antagonista NMDA (LY235959) nessa estrutura também produz efeitos do tipo antidepressivo em animais. Porém, não se sabe se esses efeitos envolvem a via NMDA-NO do CPFMv, assim como não se sabe se o efeito antidepressivo induzido por inibidores da síntese de NO dependeria da via BDNF-TrkB-mTOR do CPFMv. Dessa forma, avaliamos a participação da neurotransmissão glutamatérgica e nitrérgica, bem como a participação da via BDNF-TrkB-mTOR, no CPFMv-pré límbico (PL), na modulação de respostas comportamentais de animais submetidos ao teste do nado forçado (TNF), um teste preditivo de efeito antidepressivo. Em um primeiro grupo de experimentos observou-se que a administração de inibidor da nNOS (NPA), da sGC (ODQ) ou de sequestrador de NO (c-PTIO) no PL de animais submetidos ao TNF promoveu efeito do tipo-antidepressivo, de forma similar ao que foi previamente descrito com a injeção local de LY235959. Posteriormente, os efeitos do LY235959, mas não os do NPA, foram bloqueados pelo tratamento prévio com antagonista dos receptores glutamatérgicos do tipo AMPA (NBQX), sugerindo que as vias NMDA e NO do PL estejam dissociadas na modulação das alterações comportamentais promovidas pelo TNF. A administração de BDNF no PL promoveu efeito tipoantidepressivo, o qual foi bloqueado pelo pré-tratamento com antagonista dos receptores TrkB (K252a) ou com inibidor da mTOR (rapamicina). Os efeitos tipo antidepressivo da administração de LY235959 ou NPA, no PL, não foram alterados na presença de K252a. No entanto, a administração prévia de rapamicina foi capaz de bloquear os efeitos do LY235959, mas não os do NPA, novamente sugerindo mecanismos distintos desencadeados por NMDA e NO no PL. Nossos dados indicam uma interação maior dos efeitos dos antagonistas NMDA com a via BDNF-TrkB-mTOR, enquanto os efeitos dos inibidores da via do NO parecem não modular essa via no PL. O tratamento sistêmico com ketamina (antagonista NMDA) ou 7-NI (inibidor preferencial da nNOS) foi capaz de produzir efeitos do tipo antidepressivo, sendo que esses tratamentos não alteraram a ativação ou expressão dos receptores TrkB e da mTOR, no CPFm de animais estressados ou não estressados. Assim, mais estudos são necessários para esclarecer a interação das neurotransmissões glutamatérgica e nitrérgica com a via BDNFTrkB-mTOR, no CPFMv-PL, no que diz respeito ao efeito antidepressivo em animais estressados, após administração sistêmica. Em conjunto, os dados do presente trabalho suportam o envolvimento da neurotransmissao glutamatérgica e nitrérgica do PL na neurobiologia das respostas comportamentais associadas a neurobiologia da depressão. Porém, a interação entre esses sistemas no PL e os mecanismos envolvidos se mostram consideravelmente complexos. / PEREIRA, V.S. Participation of NMDA-NO pathway from the medial préfrontal córtex on the behavioural consequences of forced swim stress: molecular mechanisms. 2015. 191p. Thesis (Doctoral) School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2014. The activation of NMDA receptors is capable of increasing nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in the brain. The administration of NMDA antagonists (e.g., ketamine) or nitric oxide synthesis inhibitors (e.g., 7-NI) produce antidepressant-like effects in animals and highlights the potential of glutamatergic and nitrergic systems as therapeutic targets for the treatment of major depression. The involvement of intracellular mechanisms associated to neural plasticity, such as BDNF-TrkBmTOR pathway, has been implicated in the antidepressant-like effects induced by systemic administration of NMDA antagonists. For instance, the antidepressant effects of ketamine are associated with increased BDNF synthesis and mTOR in the medial prefrontal cortex (vMPFC). In addition, injection of an NMDA antagonist (LY235959) into the vMPFC-PL produces antidepressant-like effect in animals. However, it is not yet known if the aforementioned antidepressant-like effects involve the modulation of NO synthesis or the activation of the BDNF-TrkB-mTOR pathway in the vMPFC. Therefore, this work investigated the involvement of glutamatergic and nitrergic neurotransmission of the vMPFC, as well as the participation of local BDNF-TrkBmTOR pathway, in the modulation of behavioral responses of animals submitted to forced swimming test, an animal model predictive of antidepressant effects. The administration of nNOS inhibitor (NPA), sGC inhibitor (ODQ) or NO scavenger (c-PTIO) into the vMPFC-PL produced antidepressant-like effects, similarly to what has been previously described with the local injection of LY235959. The effects of LY235959 were blocked by pretreatment with an antagonist of AMPA receptors (NBQX), but not the NPA effects. Thus suggesting a possible dissociation between NMDA- and NO-induced mechanism in the PL. BDNF administration in the PL induced antidepressant-like effect, which was blocked by prior administration of the TrkB receptor antagonist (K252a) or the mTOR inhibitor (rapamycin). The antidepressant-like effects induced by intra-PL administration of LY235959 and NPA, into vMPFC-PL were not altered in the presence of K252a. However, the prior administration of rapamycin was able to block the effects of LY235959, but not NPA-induced effect. This result further supports the dissociation of the NMDA-NO system in the PL in the modulation of immobility in the FST. Systemic treatment with ketamine (NMDA antagonist) or 7-NI (nNOS inhibitor) produced antidepressant-like effects in the FST, although these treatments did not affect the activation or the expression of TrkB receptors or mTOR in the MPFC of stressed animals. These results further corroborate the involvement of the glutamatergic and nitrergic neurotransmission in the modulation of behavioral consequences of the forced swim stress and highlight that the interaction of these systems with mTOR and trkB in the PL is considerably complex. Altogether, our data supports the possible modulation of BDNF-TrkBmTOR pathway of the PL in the effects induced by NMDA antagonist injection.. However, the effects induced by inhibitors of the NO pathway semms dissociated from an interaction with the aforementioned pathway. Thus, further studies are necessary to clarify the interaction of glutamatergic and nitrergic neurotransmission with BDNF-TrkB-mTOR pathway into vMPFC-PL regarding the neurobiology of stress and depression.
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Participação da via NMDA-NO do córtex pré-frontal medial ventral na modulação das consequências comportamentais do estresse de nado forçado: mecanismos intracelulares / Participation of NMDA-NO pathway from the medial préfrontal córtex on the behavioural consequences of forced swim stress: molecular mechanismsVitor Silva Pereira 17 April 2015 (has links)
PEREIRA, V.S. Participação da via NMDA-NO do córtex pré-frontal medial ventral na modulação das consequências comportamentais do estresse de nado forçado: mecanismos intracelulares. 2015. 191p. Tese (Doutorado) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2014. A ativação dos receptores glutamatérgicos do tipo NMDA é capaz de desencadear a síntese de óxido nítrico (NO) no SNC. A administração de antagonistas NMDA (p.ex., ketamina) ou de inibidores da síntese de NO (p.ex., 7-NI) produz efeitos do tipo antidepressivo em animais e reforça o potencial dos sistemas glutamatérgico e nitrérgico como alvos terapêuticos para o tratamento da depressão. Trabalhos recentes sugerem o envolvimento de vias intracelulares no controle de mecanismos de plasticidade neural, como a via BDNF-TrkBmTOR, nos efeitos antidepressivos produzidos por antagonistas NMDA. Foi demonstrado, por exemplo, que os efeitos antidepressivos da ketamina dependem da síntese de BDNF e da ativação da mTOR no córtex pré-frontal medial (CPFMv) de ratos. O bloqueio farmacológico do CPFMv ou a administração de antagonista NMDA (LY235959) nessa estrutura também produz efeitos do tipo antidepressivo em animais. Porém, não se sabe se esses efeitos envolvem a via NMDA-NO do CPFMv, assim como não se sabe se o efeito antidepressivo induzido por inibidores da síntese de NO dependeria da via BDNF-TrkB-mTOR do CPFMv. Dessa forma, avaliamos a participação da neurotransmissão glutamatérgica e nitrérgica, bem como a participação da via BDNF-TrkB-mTOR, no CPFMv-pré límbico (PL), na modulação de respostas comportamentais de animais submetidos ao teste do nado forçado (TNF), um teste preditivo de efeito antidepressivo. Em um primeiro grupo de experimentos observou-se que a administração de inibidor da nNOS (NPA), da sGC (ODQ) ou de sequestrador de NO (c-PTIO) no PL de animais submetidos ao TNF promoveu efeito do tipo-antidepressivo, de forma similar ao que foi previamente descrito com a injeção local de LY235959. Posteriormente, os efeitos do LY235959, mas não os do NPA, foram bloqueados pelo tratamento prévio com antagonista dos receptores glutamatérgicos do tipo AMPA (NBQX), sugerindo que as vias NMDA e NO do PL estejam dissociadas na modulação das alterações comportamentais promovidas pelo TNF. A administração de BDNF no PL promoveu efeito tipoantidepressivo, o qual foi bloqueado pelo pré-tratamento com antagonista dos receptores TrkB (K252a) ou com inibidor da mTOR (rapamicina). Os efeitos tipo antidepressivo da administração de LY235959 ou NPA, no PL, não foram alterados na presença de K252a. No entanto, a administração prévia de rapamicina foi capaz de bloquear os efeitos do LY235959, mas não os do NPA, novamente sugerindo mecanismos distintos desencadeados por NMDA e NO no PL. Nossos dados indicam uma interação maior dos efeitos dos antagonistas NMDA com a via BDNF-TrkB-mTOR, enquanto os efeitos dos inibidores da via do NO parecem não modular essa via no PL. O tratamento sistêmico com ketamina (antagonista NMDA) ou 7-NI (inibidor preferencial da nNOS) foi capaz de produzir efeitos do tipo antidepressivo, sendo que esses tratamentos não alteraram a ativação ou expressão dos receptores TrkB e da mTOR, no CPFm de animais estressados ou não estressados. Assim, mais estudos são necessários para esclarecer a interação das neurotransmissões glutamatérgica e nitrérgica com a via BDNFTrkB-mTOR, no CPFMv-PL, no que diz respeito ao efeito antidepressivo em animais estressados, após administração sistêmica. Em conjunto, os dados do presente trabalho suportam o envolvimento da neurotransmissao glutamatérgica e nitrérgica do PL na neurobiologia das respostas comportamentais associadas a neurobiologia da depressão. Porém, a interação entre esses sistemas no PL e os mecanismos envolvidos se mostram consideravelmente complexos. / PEREIRA, V.S. Participation of NMDA-NO pathway from the medial préfrontal córtex on the behavioural consequences of forced swim stress: molecular mechanisms. 2015. 191p. Thesis (Doctoral) School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2014. The activation of NMDA receptors is capable of increasing nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in the brain. The administration of NMDA antagonists (e.g., ketamine) or nitric oxide synthesis inhibitors (e.g., 7-NI) produce antidepressant-like effects in animals and highlights the potential of glutamatergic and nitrergic systems as therapeutic targets for the treatment of major depression. The involvement of intracellular mechanisms associated to neural plasticity, such as BDNF-TrkBmTOR pathway, has been implicated in the antidepressant-like effects induced by systemic administration of NMDA antagonists. For instance, the antidepressant effects of ketamine are associated with increased BDNF synthesis and mTOR in the medial prefrontal cortex (vMPFC). In addition, injection of an NMDA antagonist (LY235959) into the vMPFC-PL produces antidepressant-like effect in animals. However, it is not yet known if the aforementioned antidepressant-like effects involve the modulation of NO synthesis or the activation of the BDNF-TrkB-mTOR pathway in the vMPFC. Therefore, this work investigated the involvement of glutamatergic and nitrergic neurotransmission of the vMPFC, as well as the participation of local BDNF-TrkBmTOR pathway, in the modulation of behavioral responses of animals submitted to forced swimming test, an animal model predictive of antidepressant effects. The administration of nNOS inhibitor (NPA), sGC inhibitor (ODQ) or NO scavenger (c-PTIO) into the vMPFC-PL produced antidepressant-like effects, similarly to what has been previously described with the local injection of LY235959. The effects of LY235959 were blocked by pretreatment with an antagonist of AMPA receptors (NBQX), but not the NPA effects. Thus suggesting a possible dissociation between NMDA- and NO-induced mechanism in the PL. BDNF administration in the PL induced antidepressant-like effect, which was blocked by prior administration of the TrkB receptor antagonist (K252a) or the mTOR inhibitor (rapamycin). The antidepressant-like effects induced by intra-PL administration of LY235959 and NPA, into vMPFC-PL were not altered in the presence of K252a. However, the prior administration of rapamycin was able to block the effects of LY235959, but not NPA-induced effect. This result further supports the dissociation of the NMDA-NO system in the PL in the modulation of immobility in the FST. Systemic treatment with ketamine (NMDA antagonist) or 7-NI (nNOS inhibitor) produced antidepressant-like effects in the FST, although these treatments did not affect the activation or the expression of TrkB receptors or mTOR in the MPFC of stressed animals. These results further corroborate the involvement of the glutamatergic and nitrergic neurotransmission in the modulation of behavioral consequences of the forced swim stress and highlight that the interaction of these systems with mTOR and trkB in the PL is considerably complex. Altogether, our data supports the possible modulation of BDNF-TrkBmTOR pathway of the PL in the effects induced by NMDA antagonist injection.. However, the effects induced by inhibitors of the NO pathway semms dissociated from an interaction with the aforementioned pathway. Thus, further studies are necessary to clarify the interaction of glutamatergic and nitrergic neurotransmission with BDNF-TrkB-mTOR pathway into vMPFC-PL regarding the neurobiology of stress and depression.
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Origem da inervação dopaminérgica da divisão central da amígdala expandida e da concha do núcleo Acumbens no rato. / Origin of dopaminergic fibers to the central extended amygdala and nucleus accumbens shell in the rat.Hasue, Renata Hydee 23 January 2001 (has links)
A amígdala expandida central (EAc) inclui os núcleos central da amígdala (CeA), intersticial lateral da estria terminal (BSTl), intersticial do ramo posterior da comissura anterior (IPAC) e amígdala expandida sublenticular (SLEA). A EAc e a concha do acumbens possuem densa inervação dopaminérgica, implicada em processos motivacionais, e cuja origem foi estudada com a técnica de dupla marcação celular, combinando-se imunofluorescência para o traçador retrógrado Fluoro-Gold e para a tirosina hidroxilase. Nossos resultados indicam que a inervação dopaminérgica do CeA e BSTl é semelhante, se originando em igual proporção da área tegmental ventral (A10) e do núcleo dorsal da rafe/substância cinzenta periaquedutal (A10dc). A inervação dopaminérgica da SLEA, IPAC e concha do acumbens se origina principalmente do grupo A10. Com um anticorpo específico para dopamina vimos que parte da projeção do A10dc para o CeA é de fato dopaminérgica. Os grupos dopaminérgicos diencefálicos não inervam a EAc e a concha do acumbens. / The central extended amygdala (EAc) includes the central amygdaloid nucleus (CeA), lateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTl), interstitial nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commissure (IPAC) and sublenticular extended amygdala (SLEA). The dopaminergic innervation of the EAc and nucleus accumbens shell is functionally related to motivational processes. Its origin was studied by combining immunofluorescence to tyrosine hydroxylase and Fluoro-Gold, used as retrograde tracer. Our results show that dopaminergic fibers to the CeA and BSTl derive in equal proportion from neurons in ventral tegmental area (A10) and in dorsal raphe nucleus/periaqueductal gray (A10dc). Dopaminergic inputs to SLEA, IPAC and accumbens shell arise mainly from A10 neurons. Using a dopamine antibody, we confirmed that A10dc projections to CeA are in part dopaminergic. Futhermore, the present data indicate that the diencephalic dopaminergic groups do not project to EAc and accumbens shell.
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The Neural Substrate of Sex Pheromone Signalling in Male Goldfish (Carassius auratus)Lado, Wudu E. 26 October 2012 (has links)
The transmission of sex pheromone-mediated signals is essential for goldfish reproduction. However, the neural pathways underlying this reproductive signalling pathway in the goldfish brain is not well described. Lesioning experiments have shown previously that two brain areas, the preoptic area (POA) and the ventral telencephali pars ventralis (Vv) in particular, are important for reproduction. We used patch clamp electrophysiology to study the electrical activities of POA and Vv neurons. Based on the intrinsic properties of these neurons, we suggest there are five different functional classes of POA neurons and a single class of Vv neurons. In addition, by electrically stimulating the olfactory bulb (OB), we were able to show that this primary sensory structure makes monosynaptic glutamatergic connections with both POA and Vv neurons. While electrophysiology measures signalling events occurring at short time scales on the order of milliseconds to minutes, we were also interested in studying sex pheromone signalling in the goldfish brain over a long time scale. Thus, we describe changes in gene expression in male goldfish exposed to waterborne sex pheromones (17alpha,20beta dihydroxy-4-pregene-3-one and Prostaglandin-F2alpha) over 6 hours. We perform cDNA microarrays on Prostaglandin-F2alpha-treated fish to study the rapid modulation of transcription and define the signalling pathways affected. Our microarrays showed that 71 genes were differentially regulated (67 up and 4 down). Through gene ontology enrichment analysis, we found that these genes were involved in various biological processes such as RNA processing, neurotransmission, neuronal development, apoptosis, cellular metabolism and sexual reproduction. RT-PCRs were performed to validate our microarrays and to facilitate direct comparisons of the effects of the two sex pheromones, 17alpha,20beta dihydroxy-4-pregene-3-one and Prostaglandin-F2alpha. By combining electrophysiology and gene expression analyses, we were able to study sex-pheromone signalling on two different time scales. One short, occurring on the order of milliseconds to minutes, that involves electrical activities in the brain through the glutamatergic amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors; and the other long occurring several hours later that involves changes in the gene expression levels of calmodulin and ependymin among other genes underlying neuroplasticity. Reproductive neuroplasticity in the goldfish may therefore require the activation of glutamatergic receptors which then activate downstream signals like calmodulin and ependymin to transform the sex pheromones-mediate signal into gene expression.
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O ondansetron, antagonista dos receptores 5-HT3, reverte o efeito ansiolítico das injeções de midazolam no hipocampo ventral de camundongos expostos aos modelos labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE) e exposição ao ratoFachini, Gabriel 10 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-10 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Animal models have often been used to investigate the neurobiology of emotional states (fear and anxiety). In this sense, the elevated plus maze (EPM) and the rat exposure test are effective to evaluate these states and EPM exposure (aversive stimulus) can result in activation of serotonergic pathways with projections to structures belonging to the defense system, such as , amygdala, septum, hypothalamus, periaqueductal gray (PAG) and hippocampus. The hippocampus has a large amount of serotonin receptors (5- HT) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In the present study, we used male mice of Swiss Albino, received surgical implantation of guide cannula and subsequent administration of drugs in the ventral hippocampus. After recovery, the animals were tested in EPM (Experiment 1 and 2) or the test exposure to the rat (Experiment 3 and 4). In Experiment 1, administration of midazolam (3.0 and 30.0 nmol) produced anxiolytic effect characterized by increased percentages of entries and time spent in the open arms of the EPM reduction measures and ethological (risk assessment) as percentages of dives stretched and secured. In Experiment 2, mice received combined injections Saline + Saline, Saline + MDZ, ondansetron (OND) + Saline and MDZ (30.0 nmol) + OND (0.03 nmol, antagonist of 5-HT3). Combined treatment of Sal + MDZ produced anxiolytic effect and this effect was reversed by the combined administration of OND + MDZ. The porcentanges of entries and time spent in open arms were lower (P> 0.05) than those found in group Sal + MDZ. Experiment 3 showed the effects of exposure of mice in the presence of mouse toy (RB = neutral stimulus) or mouse real (VR = aversive stimulus, Long Evans rats), under the administration of midazolam (3.0 14 and 30.0nmol). The animals were exposed to RV shortening the holding box (model effect) compared to animals exposed to RB. Animals treated with MDZ in two doses, there was an increase in transitions between the sides of the apparatus, increased time in the area of operation and increases the latency of escape to the protected area and contact time with the grid. In Experiment 4, we evaluated the effect of combined injection of midazolam and ondansetron protocol (Experiment 2). The MDZ 30.0 nmol produced anxiolytic effects and the blockade of this effect when the mice were combined administration of ondansetron and midazolam in the ventral hippocampus. Data from this study suggest that, first, control over emotional reactions and defense of the ventral hippocampus of mice exposed to EPM test or exposure to the rat are mediated via GABABenzodiazepines. Furthermore, there is a likely cross-modulation between GABAergic interneurons and 5-HT3, for blocking 5-HT3 via ondansetron can decrease the GABA release. / Modelos animais têm sido frequentemente utilizados para a investigação da neurobiologia dos estados emocionais (ansiedade e medo). Neste sentido, o labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE) e teste de exposição ao rato são eficazes para avaliar esses estados e a exposição ao LCE (situação aversiva) pode resultar em ativação das vias serotonérgicas com projeções para estruturas pertencentes ao sistema de defesa, tais como, amídala, septo, hipotálamo, substância cinzenta periaquedutal (SCP) e hipocampo. O hipocampo apresenta grande quantidade de receptores de serotonina (5-HT) e do ácido gama-aminobutírico (GABA). No presente estudo, foram utilizados camundongos machos, da cepa Suíco Albino, que receberam implantação cirúrgica de cânulas guia e posterior administração de drogas no hipocampo ventral. Após recuperação, os animais foram avaliados nos testes LCE (Experimento 1 e 2) ou exposição ao rato (Experimento 3 e 4). No Experimento 1, a administração de midazolam (3,0 e 30 nmol) produziu efeito ansiolítico caracterizado pelo aumento das porcentagens de entradas e tempo gasto nos braços abertos do LCE e redução de medidas etológicas (avaliação de risco) como porcentagens de mergulhos e esticadas protegidas. No Experimento 2, os camundongos receberam injeção combinada de Salina+Salina, Salina+MDZ, ondansetron (OND)+Salina e MDZ (30 nmol) + OND (0,03 nmol, antagonista dos receptores 5-HT3). O tratamento combinado de Sal+MDZ produziu, efeito ansiolítico sendo este revertido pela administração combinada de OND+MDZ. As porcentagens de entradas e tempo gasto nos braços abertos foram menores (P>0,05) do que àqueles encontrados no grupo Sal+MDZ. O Experimento 3 mostrou os efeitos da exposição dos camundongos na presença 12 do rato de brinquedo (RB= estímulo neutro) ou rato de verdade (RV= estímulo aversivo, rato Long Evans), sob a administração de Midazolam (3,0 e 30 nmol). Os animais expostos ao RV apresentaram diminuição do tempo de exploração da caixa (efeito do modelo) quando comparados aos animais expostos ao RB. Para os animais tratados com MDZ nas duas doses, houve aumento nas transições entre os lados do aparato, aumento do tempo na área de exploração e aumentos da latência de fuga para a área protegida e tempo de contato com a grade. No Experimento 4, foi avaliado o efeito da injeção combinada de midazolam e ondansetron (conforme descrito no Experimento 2). O MDZ 30 nmol produziu efeito ansiolítico e a administração combinada de ondansetron e midazolam no hipocampo ventral, reverteu este efeito. Os dados deste trabalho sugerem que, o controle sobre as reações emocionais e de defesa do hipocampo ventral de camundongos expostos ao LCE ou ao teste de exposição ao rato são mediados via receptores GABA-Benzodiazepínicos. Além disso, provavelmente ocorre modulação cruzada entre os interneurônios GABAérgicos e os serotoninérgicos do tipo 5-HT3, pois o bloqueio desses receptores com o ondansetron, pode diminuir a liberação de GABA.
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Quimionucleólise cervical associada à fenda ventral em cães: avaliação clínico-cirúrgica, radiográfica e histológica / [Chemonucleolysis of canine cervical intervertebral disks associated with ventral slots: Clinical-surgical, radiological and histological aspects]Daibert, Ana Paula Falci 13 August 2004 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2004-08-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present study has as objectives to evaluate the clinical-surgical, radiological and histological aspects of canine cervical intervertebral disks after chemonucleolysis with chymopapain associated to the ventral slot. For that, it was used 24 dogs randomly divided into six equal groups. The ventral slot was accomplished in the area of the intervertebral disk C2-C3 and chemonucleolysis in the other cervical disks. Each group of four animals was submitted to euthanasia with an anesthetic overdose 24 hours, eight, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days after the enzyme injection and sagittal sections of the treated disks, associated to adjacent cartilaginous endplates and bony structures were obtained for histological analysis. The dogs were also monitored clinically and radiographically for up to 120 days, according to the groups. In this study, all dogs tolerated the surgical procedure, without detectable postoperative pain, neurological deficit or alteration of the conscience state. In the radiographic evaluation, it was observed consistent disk space narrowing 24 hours after the procedure and total absence of space from the eighth to the 90th day after chemonucleolysis in the area of all treated disks. However, at 120 days of postoperative there was an increase in disk height, corresponding, on average, to 59.13% of the preinjection value. Also, on the 30th day of postoperative, it was noted absorption of the vertebral bodies adjacent to the treated disks that progressed to healing, with evidences of vertebral fusion 120 days after the treatment. In the histological evaluation, it was observed 24 hours after disk injection nuclear digestion, characterized by cavitations and decrease of safranin-O staining intensity, indicating loss of proteoglycans. At eight days, the nuclear content was still vacuolated but more fibrillar. At 30 days, it was noted lesions and hemorrhage in the cartilaginous endplates. An irregularly defined mass in the nuclear space was observed on days 60th and 90th, but it seemed fibrocartilaginous tissue on day 120th. It was also observed microfractures and bone necrosis on day 90th, which were healed by day 120th. Chemonucleolysis with chymopapain associated to the ventral slot in the cervical column of dogs determines lysis of intervertebral disks, cervical instability and lesions of cartilaginous and bone adjacent structures that tend to repair with fibrocartilaginous tissue along the time. / Foram avaliados os aspectos clínico-cirúrgicos, radiográficos e histológicos de discos intervertebrais cervicais após quimionucleólise com quimiopapaína associada à fenda ventral. Foram utilizados 24 cães separados, aleatoriamente, em seis grupos iguais e de acordo com o tempo de observação pós-operatório. A fenda ventral foi realizada na região do disco intervertebral C2-C3 e as quimionucleólises nos demais discos cervicais. Cada grupo de quatro animais foi eutanasiado por sobredose anestésica 24 horas, oito, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias após aplicação da enzima e foram obtidos cortes sagitais dos discos intervertebrais tratados, associados a estruturas cartilaginosas e ósseas adjacentes, para análise histológica. Os cães foram também avaliados, de acordo com o grupo, clinica e radiograficamente por até 120 dias. Todos os cães toleraram bem o procedimento cirúrgico, não apresentando déficit neurológico, alteração do estado de consciência e dor aparente na região cervical. Na avaliação radiográfica, com 24 horas, observou-se marcada redução da espessura dos espaços intervertebrais. Do oitavo ao 90º dia, foi verificada ausência total de espaço intervertebral na região de todos os discos tratados. Aos 120 dias, entretanto, as espessuras dos espaços intervertebrais correspondiam, em média, a 59,13% da espessura anterior ao procedimento. Ainda, radiograficamente, verificou-se aos 30 dias, absorção das porções dos corpos vertebrais adjacentes aos discos tratados, que progrediu para reparação, inclusive com evidências de fusão vertebral aos 120 dias. Na avaliação histológica, 24 horas após a quimionucleólise, foi observada digestão nuclear caracterizada por cavitações e redução da intensidade de coloração pela safranina-O, indicando perda de proteoglicanos. Aos oito dias, o conteúdo nuclear apresentou-se ainda vacuolizado, contudo mais fibrilar. Aos 30 dias, foram observadas lesões e áreas de hemorragia nas placas terminais cartilaginosas. A partir do 60º dia, notou-se a presença de material amorfo no espaço nuclear, que, aos 120 dias, tinha aparência de tecido fibrocartilaginoso. Aos 90 dias, verificou-se presença de microfraturas e osteonecrose, que estavam reparadas aos 120 dias. A quimionucleólise com quimiopapaína concomitante à fenda ventral na coluna cervical de cães determinou a lise dos discos intervertebrais, instabilidade cervical e lesões nas estruturas cartilaginosas e ósseas adjacentes, que tendem à reparação por tecido fibrocartilaginoso ao longo do tempo. Os trabalhos apresentados como parte integrante desta tese estão seguindo as normas de publicação do Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, indexada ao ISI, AGRIS, BIOSIS, CAB, CAS, MEDLARS e LILACS. ISSN 01020935.
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