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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Envolvimento de receptores dopaminérgicos da área tegmental ventral e do complexo basolateral da amígdala na aquisição e na expressão do medo condicionado / Involvement of dopaminergic receptors of ventral tegmental area and basolateral amygdala in the acquisition and expression of conditioned fear

Oliveira, Amanda Ribeiro de 19 March 2010 (has links)
OLIVEIRA, A.R. Envolvimento de receptores dopaminérgicos da área tegmental ventral e do complexo basolateral da amígdala na aquisição e na expressão do medo condicionado. 2010. 93 f. Tese (Doutorado) Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. O condicionamento Pavloviano é um dos paradigmas mais utilizados para estudar as bases biológicas das emoções, assim como da aprendizagem e memória. A dopamina (DA) é um dos principais neurotransmissores envolvidos na mediação de estados de medo e ansiedade. Um conjunto crescente de evidências dá suporte à hipótese de que a ativação da via mesocorticolímbica, proveniente de neurônios dopaminérgicos da área tegmental ventral (ATV), é particularmente sensível à estimulação aversiva. Entre as regiões inervadas por esta via, o complexo basolateral da amígdala (BLA) é um componente essencial dos circuitos neurais do medo condicionado. Assim, o presente estudo explorou o envolvimento de mecanismos DA da ATV e do BLA, através do uso de agonistas e antagonistas de receptores DA, na aquisição e expressão do medo condicionado à luz. Não houve efeito das drogas DA no sobressalto potencializado pelo medo (SPM), quando injetadas na ATV antes do condicionamento, indicando que os receptores DA da ATV não participam da aquisição do medo condicionado à luz. Ao contrário, quando injetado na ATV antes do teste, quimpirole (agonista D2) reduziu o SPM, enquanto as demais drogas não tiveram efeito. A administração de SCH 23390 (antagonista D1) no BLA não produziu efeitos no SPM, indicando que os receptores D1 do BLA não parecem envolvidos na expressão do SPM. Já a administração de sulpirida (antagonista D2) no BLA inibiu o SPM produzido pela luz. Além disso, a expressão do medo condicionado foi associada a um aumento do congelamento e dos níveis extracelulares de DA no BLA, ambos inibidos com a administração de quimpirole na ATV. A capacidade do quimpirole em diminuir o SPM e o congelamento condicionado parece ser resultado de sua ação em auto-receptores D2 da ATV. A ativação desses receptores diminui os níveis de dopamina em áreas que recebem terminações da via mesocorticolímbica. Os resultados com a sulpirida realçam a importância dos receptores D2 do BLA na expressão do medo condicionado Pavloviano. / OLIVEIRA, A.R. Involvement of dopaminergic receptors of ventral tegmental area and basolateral amygdala in the acquisition and expression of conditioned fear. 2010. 93 p. Thesis (Doctoral) Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. The Pavlovian fear conditioning is one of the most used paradigms to study the biological basis of emotion, as well as of learning and memory. Dopamine (DA) is one of the most important neurotransmitters involved in mechanisms underlying states of fear and anxiety. A growing body of evidence supports the hypothesis that excitation of the mesocorticolimbic pathway, originating from DA neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), is particularly sensitive to fear-arousing stimuli. Among the forebrain regions innervated by this pathway, the basolateral amygdala (BLA) is an essential component of the neural circuitry of conditioned fear. The present study explored the involvement of VTA and BLA DA receptors, using DA agonists and antagonists, in the acquisition and expression of conditioned fear to a light conditioned stimulus (CS). None of the drugs used produced significant effects on fear-potentiated startle (FPS) when injected in VTA before conditioning, indicating that VTA DA receptors are not involved in the acquisition of conditioned fear to a light-CS. In contrast, when injected before the test session, intra-VTA quinpirole (D2 agonist) significantly reduced FPS, whereas the other drugs had no effect. Intra-BLA SCH 23390 (D1 antagonist) did not produce significant effects on FPS, indicating that BLA D1 receptors do not appear to be involved in the expression of FPS. On the other hand, intra-BLA sulpiride (D2 antagonist) inhibited FPS produced by light-CS previously paired with footshocks. Also, conditioned fear was associated with increased freezing and DA levels in the BLA, both inhibited by intra-VTA quinpirole. Quinpirole\'s ability to decrease FPS and conditioned freezing may be the result of an action on VTA D2 presynaptic autoreceptors. The activation of those receptors decreases dopamine levels in terminal fields of the mesocorticolimbic pathway. Sulpirides results stress the importance of BLA D2 receptors in the fear-activating effects of the Pavlovian conditioning.

Envolvimento de mecanismos dopaminérgicos na expressão do medo condicionado contextual em ratos / Involvement of dopaminergic mechanisms in the expression of contextual conditioned fear in rats

Caetano, Kátia Alessandra de Souza 09 April 2012 (has links)
É reconhecido que as experiências que geram reações de medo são praticamente indeléveis do encéfalo dos organismos e que condicionamentos aversivos suscitam inúmeras respostas defensivas, como o congelamento, sendo esta resposta um indicador de medo em roedores. Vários trabalhos têm apontado para a relação entre alterações na transmissão dopaminérgica e os estados aversivos. Entretanto, observam-se resultados conflitantes com a utilização de drogas dopaminérgicas em diferentes modelos animais de ansiedade. Assim, investigações devem ainda ser realizadas objetivando avaliar a funcionalidade da modulação dopaminérgica nos estados emocionais aversivos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o envolvimento de mecanismos dopaminérgicos na expressão do medo condicionado ao contexto. Inicialmente foram avaliados os efeitos de agonistas (SKF 38393 e quimpirole) e antagonistas (SCH 23390 e sulpirida) de receptores D1 e D2 administrados sistemicamente sobre a expressão do medo condicionado contextual, sendo mensurado o tempo de congelamento dos animais. A atividade motora foi avaliada com o teste do campo aberto. Os resultados indicam que os receptores da família D2, e não D1, estão envolvidos na expressão do medo condicionado contextual, uma vez que a administração de quimpirole e sulpirida, mas não de SCH 23390 e SKF 38393, levou a uma diminuição do congelamento condicionado ao contexto. Não houve alterações na atividade motora dos animais. Com base nestes resultados foi levantada a hipótese de que a capacidade da sulpirida e do quimpirole em diminuir o medo condicionado poderia ocorrer devido a uma ação em receptores pós-sinápticos de estruturas do sistema mesocorticolímbico e em autoreceptores da área tegmental ventral (ATV), respectivamente, levando ao efeito comum de diminuição da atividade dopaminérgica. A fim de testar esta hipótese, foram realizadas microinjeções de quimpirole na ATV. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma diminuição da expressão do congelamento condicionado e que os efeitos obtidos com a administração sistêmica desse agonista de receptores D2 provavelmente devem-se a sua ação na ATV. Portanto, a ATV parece atuar na modulação das respostas de medo condicionado e a ativação desta estrutura deve ser importante para a recuperação da aprendizagem aversiva ocorrida no dia do condicionamento. / It is well established that experiences that generate fear reactions are practically unforgettable and that aversive conditioning raises several defensive responses such as freezing, which is an index of fear in rodents. Several studies have pointed to the existence of a relationship between changes in dopaminergic neurotransmission and aversive states. However, there are conflicting results in the literature with the use of dopaminergic drugs in different animal models of anxiety. Thus, further investigations should be conducted to evaluate the importance of dopaminergic modulation of aversive states. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the involvement of dopaminergic neurotransmission in the expression of contextual conditioned fear in rats. Initially, we evaluated the effects of intraperitoneal injections of D1 and D2 receptors agonists (SKF 38393 and quinpirole) and antagonists (SCH 23390 and sulpiride) in the expression of contextual conditioned fear by measuring the time of freezing response of the animals. The motor activity was evaluated in the open field test. The results indicate that the D2 receptors, but not D1 receptors, are involved in the expression of contextual conditioned fear, since administration of quinpirole and sulpiride, but not SCH 23390 and SKF 38393, decreased conditioned freezing to the context. There were no changes in motor activity of animals. Based on these results it was hypothesized that quinpirole and sulpiride probably acted on presynaptic and postsynaptic D2 receptors, respectively, leading to a decrease of dopaminergic neurotransmission in both cases. To test this hypothesis, microinjections of quinpirole were performed into the ventral tegmental area (VTA). The results show a decrease in the expression of conditioned freezing, indicating that the effects obtained with the intraperitoneal administration of the dopamine D2 receptor agonist is probably due to its action in the VTA. Therefore, dopaminergic mechanisms in the VTA seem to be important in the modulation of conditioned fear responses and activation of this structure appears to take place during the fear memory following the context aversive conditioning.

La queue de l’aire tegmentale ventrale : définition anatomo-moléculaire, implication dans la réponse aux stimuli aversifs et influence sur la voie nigrostriée / The tail of the ventral tegmental area : anatomo-molecular definition, involvement in the response to aversive stimuli and influence on the nigrostriatal pathway

Faivre, Fanny 27 September 2018 (has links)
La queue de l’aire tegmentale ventrale (tVTA) est le principal contrôle inhibiteur des neurones dopaminergiques du mésencéphale. Cette structure, bien qu’aujourd’hui très étudiée, n’est cependant pas encore référencée dans les atlas stéréotaxiques. Anatomiquement, nous avons pu apporter une définition de référence de la tVTA, à travers son analyse neurochimique, stéréologique, hodologique et génomique. Fonctionnellement, nous avons montré son rôle dans la réponse à des expériences émotionnelles aversives et nous avons testé son influence sur les symptômes moteurs et non-moteurs de la maladie de Parkinson. Nous avons ainsi montré qu’une co-lésion de la tVTA dans un modèle murin de la maladie permet une amélioration des performances motrices, des seuils nociceptifs et des symptômes de type dépressifs. Ce travail a ainsi participé au progrès de nos connaissances sur la tVTA et ouvre de nouvelles pistes d’exploration quant à son implication fonctionnelle. / The tail of the ventral tegmental area (tVTA) is the major brake of the midbrain dopamine neurons. This structure although studied, is not yet referenced in stereotaxic atlases. Anatomically, this work allowed to obtain a reference definition of the tVTA through its neurochemical, stereological, connectivity-based and genomic analyses. Functionally, we studied its role for the response of aversive stimuli and we tested its influence on motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. We observed that a co-lesion of the tVTA in a rodent model of the disease induce motor, nociceptive and depressive-like symptoms improvements. This work has thus contributed to the progress of our knowledge on the tVTA and opens new explorative track for its functional implication.

Contribution of tachykinin and kinin receptors in central autonomic control of blood pressure and behavioural activity in hypertensive rats

De Brito Pereira, Helaine 05 1900 (has links)
This work aims at studing the role of tachykinin NK-3 receptor (R) and kinin B1R in central autonomic regulation of blood pressure (BP) and to determine whether the B1R is overexpressed and functional in rat models of hypertension by measuring the effect of a B1R agonist on behavioural activity. Assumptions: (1) NK-3R located in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) modulates the mesolimbic dopaminergic system and has a tonic activity in hypertension; (2) B1R is overexpressed in the brain of hypertensive rats and has a tonic activity, which contributes to hypertension via a dopamine mechanism; (3) the inhibition of NK-3R and B1R with selective antagonists, reduces central dopaminergic hyperactivity and reverses hypertension. A model of genetic hypertension and a model of experimental hypertension were used: spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR, 16 weeks) and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats infused for 14 days with angiotensin II (Ang II) (200 ng / kg / min, subcutaneous (s.c.) with Alzet mini pump). The age-matched untreated WKY rats served as common controls. In the first study (article # 1), the cardiovascular response in SHR was evaluated following intracebroventricular (i.c.v.) and/or intra-VTA injection of an agonist (senktide) and antagonists (SB222200 and R-820) of NK-3R. These responses have also been characterized using selective dopamine antagonists DA-D1R (SCH23390), DA-D2R (raclopride) or non-selective dopamine DA-D2R (haloperidol). Also the VTA has been destroyed by ibotenic acid. The pressor response induced by senktide and the anti-hypertensive response induced by SB222200 or R-820 were more pronounced by intra-VTA. These responses were prevented by pre-treatment with raclopride and haloperidol. The lesion of the VTA has prevented the pressor response relayed by senktide (i.c.v.) and the anti-hypertensive effect of R-820 (i.c.v.). In addition, SB222200 (intra-VTA) prevented the pressor response of senktide (i.c.v.) and conversely, senktide (i.c.v.) prevented the antihypertensive effect of SB222200 (intra-VTA). The second study (article # 2) showed that the B1R antagonist (SSR240612) administered by gavage or i.c.v. reverses hypertension in both models. This anti-hypertensive effect was prevented by raclopride and haloperidol. In contrast, the two B1R antagonists (R-715 and R-954) injected s.c., which do not cross the blood-brain barrier reduced weakly blood pressure in hypertensive rats. In the third study (article # 3), the i.c.v. injection of a selective kinin B1R agonist Sar[DPhe8][des-Arg9]BK caused behavioural responses in SHR and Ang II-treated rats and had no effect in control WKY rats . The responses elicited by B1R agonist were blocked by an antagonist of NK-1 (RP67580), an antagonist of NMDA glutamate receptor (DL-AP5), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) (L -NNA) as well as raclopride and SCH23390.The responses were modestly affected by the inhibitor of inducible NOS (iNOS). The B1R mRNA (measured by RT-PCR) was significantly increased in the hypothalamus, the VTA and the nucleus accumbens of hypertensive animals (SHR and treated with Ang II) compared with control rats. These neuropharmacological studies suggest that: (1) the NK-3R from the VTA is involved in the maintenance of hypertension in SHR by increasing DA transmission in the midbrain; (2) the B1R in SHR and Ang II-treated rats contributes to hypertension via a central mechanism involving DA-D2R; (3) the central B1R increases locomotor activity and nocifensive behaviours via the release of substance P (NK-1), DA and nitric oxide in both rat models of hypertension. Thus, the brain tachykinin NK-3R and kinin B1R represent potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of hypertension. The modulation of the mesolimbic/mesocortical dopaminergic pathway by these receptors suggests their involvement in other physiological functions (pleasure, motor activity, coordination of the response to stress) and pathophysiology (anxiety, depression). / Ce travail vise à étudier le rôle du récepteur NK-3 des tachykinines (NK-3R) et du récepteur B1 des kinines (B1R) dans la régulation autonomique centrale de la pression artérielle et de déterminer si le B1R est surexprimé et fonctionnel chez le rat hypertendu en mesurant l’effet d’antagoniste B1R sur l’activité comportementale. Hypothèses: (1) le NK-3R localisé dans l’aire tegmentale ventrale (VTA) module l’activité dopaminergique du système mésolimbique et possède une activité tonique dans l’hypertension; (2) le B1R est surexprimé dans le cerveau du rat hypertendu et possède une activité tonique qui contribue à l’hypertension via un mécanisme dopaminergique; (3) l’inhibition des NK-3R et B1R avec des antagonistes sélectifs réduit l’hyperactivité dopaminergique centrale et renverse l’hypertension. Un modèle d’hypertension génétique et un modèle d’hypertension expérimentale ont été utilisés: le rat spontanément hypertendu (SHR, 16 sem) et le rat Wistar Kyoto (WKY) infusé pendant 14 jours avec l’angiotensine II (Ang II) (200 ng/kg/min, s.c. avec mini pompe Alzet). Le rat WKY non traité du même âge a servi de témoin commun. Dans la première étude (article # 1), la réponse cardiovasculaire des SHR a été évaluée à la suite de l’injection i.c.v. et/ou intra-VTA d’un agoniste (senktide) et d’antagonistes (SB222200 et R-820) du NK-3R. Ces réponses ont aussi été caractérisées en utilisant des antagonistes sélectifs des récepteurs DA-D1R (SCH23390), DA-D2R (raclopride) ou non-sélectif DA-D2R (halopéridol). Aussi le VTA a été détruit par l’acide iboténique. La réponse pressive induite par senktide et la réponse anti-hypertensive induite par SB222200 ou R-820 étaient plus marquées par la voie intra-VTA. Ces réponses ont été prévenues par un pré-traitement avec le raclopride et l’halopéridol. La lésion du VTA a prévenu la réponse pressive relayée par le senktide (i.c.v.) ainsi que l’effet anti-hypertenseur du R-820 (i.c.v.). De plus, le SB222200 (intra-VTA) a prévenu la réponse pressive du senktide (i.c.v.) et inversement, le senktide (i.c.v.) a prévenu l’effet anti-hypertenseur du SB222200 (intra-VTA). La deuxième étude (article # 2) a montré que l’antagoniste du B1R (SSR240612) administré par gavage ou i.c.v. renverse l’hypertension artérielle dans les deux modèles. Cet effet dépresseur a été prévenu par le raclopride ainsi que l’halopéridol. Par contre, le traitement avec deux antagonistes du B1R (R-715 et R-954) qui ne traversent pas la barrière hémo-encéphalique a réduit faiblement la pression artérielle chez les rats hypertendus. Dans la troisième étude (article # 3), l’injection i.c.v. d’un agoniste sélectif du B1R, le Sar[DPhe8][des-Arg9]BK a causé des réponses comportementales typiques chez le SHR et le rat traité à l’Ang II mais il n’a pas eu d’effet chez le rat témoin WKY. Les réponses induites par l’agoniste B1R ont été bloquées par un antagoniste du récepteur NK-1(RP67580), un antagoniste du récepteur NMDA du glutamate (DL-AP5), un inhibiteur des synthétases du monoxyde d’azote (NOS) (L-NNA) ainsi qu’avec le raclopride et le SCH23390. Les réponses ont été modestement influencées par l’inhibiteur de la NOS inductible (iNOS). L’ARNm du B1R (mesuré par RT-PCR) était significativement augmenté dans l’hypothalamus, le VTA et le noyau accumbens des animaux hypertendus (SHR et traités à l’Ang II) comparativement aux rats témoins. Ces études neuropharmacologiques suggèrent : (1) que le NK-3R du VTA est impliqué dans le maintien de l’hypertension chez le SHR en augmentant la transmission DA au niveau du mésenséphale. (2) Le B1R chez le SHR et les rats traités à l’Ang II contribue à l’hypertension artérielle via un mécanisme central impliquant le DA-D2R. (3) le B1R central augmente l’activité locomotrice et les comportements défensifs, via la relâche de substance P (NK-1), de DA et de NO dans un modèle d’hypertension génétique et expérimental chez le rat. Ainsi, les récepteurs cérébraux NK-3 des tachykinines et B1 des kinines représentent des cibles thérapeutiques potentielles pour le traitement de l’hypertension artérielle. La modulation de la voie dopaminergique mésolimbique/mésocorticale par ces récepteurs suggère une participation dans d’autres fonctions physiologiques (plaisir, activité motrice, coordination de la réponse au stress) et en pathophysiologie (anxiété, dépression).

Functional properties of the intact and compromised midbrain dopamine system

Kaufmann, Anna-Kristin January 2017 (has links)
The midbrain dopamine system is involved in many aspects of purposeful behaviour and, when compromised, can have devastating effects on movement and cognition as seen in diseases like Parkinson's. In the healthy brain, dopamine neurons are thought to play particularly important roles in learning by signalling errors in reward prediction. The objective of this thesis was to investigate the diversity in the functional properties of the midbrain dopamine system, and how this is altered through genetic variation of relevance to Parkinson's and development of cell phenotype. This objective was addressed with a combination of behavioural experiments, in vivo single-cell recording and labelling (both in anaesthetised as well as awake rodents), immunofluorescence labelling, retrograde tracing and stereology. In a first set of experiments, it was demonstrated that chronic as well as acute genetic challenges can alter the firing patterns of midbrain dopamine neurons. Using a novel bacterial artificial chromosome-transgenic rat model, it was shown that the R1441C mutation in human leucine-rich repeat kinase 2, which is linked to Parkinson's, leads to motor deficits and an age-dependent reduction in the in vivo firing variability and burst firing of substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) dopamine neurons. These findings help reveal processes of early, pre-degenerative dysfunction in dopamine neurons in Parkinson's. Similar effects on firing variability and burst firing of SNc dopamine neurons were found in a mouse model with conditional knock- out of the transcription factors Forkhead box A1 and A2 (FoxA1/2) in midbrain dopamine neurons. These findings indicate that FoxA1/2 are not only crucial for the early development of dopamine neurons, but also their function in the mature brain. In a second set of experiments in wildtype mice, it was demonstrated that midbrain dopamine neurons (located in SNc and ventral tegmental area) show diverse expression of the molecular markers Calbindin, Calretinin, Aldh1a1, Sox6, Girk2, SatB1 and Otx2. It was found that selective expression of these markers is of use for discriminating between midbrain dopamine neurons that project to dorsal striatum or nucleus accumbens. To elucidate whether the diverse molecular marker expression would map onto dopamine neurons whose firing correlates with distinct behavioural events, midbrain dopamine neurons were recorded and labelled in head-fixed awake mice either exposed to neutral sensory stimuli or performing a classical conditioning paradigm. The population activity of midbrain dopamine neurons was not modulated by neutral sensory stimuli. Interestingly, fewer than 50% of identified dopamine neurons showed phasic firing increases following reward- predicting cue and/or reward delivery, despite the common assumption that most (if not all) midbrain dopamine neurons signal reward prediction errors. Instead, firing was modulated by other explanatory factors, such as licking, or showed no modulation during the task. Response types of midbrain dopamine neurons were not correlated with their anatomical location nor the selective or combinatorial expression of the markers Aldh1a1, Calbindin and Sox6. In conclusion, the first set of experiments identified how different genetic burdens can alter the in vivo firing of midbrain dopamine neurons, and provide new insights into how circuits can change in pathological or compensatory ways at early disease stages in Parkinson's. The second set of experiments revealed striking heterogeneity of midbrain dopamine neurons in the intact system, and established further a functional diversity in the response types of identified midbrain dopamine neurons that is only partially consistent with canonical reward prediction error signalling.

Participação do sistema da orexina na sensibilização comportamental ao efeito estimulante do etanol em camundongos machos / Role of orexin system in ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization in male mice

Macedo, Giovana Camila de [UNIFESP] 30 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T20:50:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-03-30. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-08-11T03:26:11Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 Publico-12803.pdf: 1327527 bytes, checksum: 4fb071f9df6c6a7299fea37a3cbfb20a (MD5) / As orexinas são dois neuropeptídeos, orexina-A e orexina-B, derivados do mesmo gene precursor (pré-pro-orexina), produzidos em alguns milhares de neurônios localizados na área perifornicial do Hipotálamo lateral. Apesar de ter uma produção restrita ao hipotálamo, os neurônios orexinérgicos projetam-se amplamente para todo o cérebro regulando uma série de funções endócrinas e homeostáticas. Evidências recentes, no entanto, mostram o envolvimento do sistema da orexina no circuito de recompensa. Neste estudo avaliamos o envolvimento do sistema da orexina na sensibilização comportamental induzida por etanol. No experimento 1 foi utilizado o modelo de sensibilização comportamental e os animais do grupo salina, agudo (uma administração de EtOH) e crônico (7 administrações de EtOH) foram tratados durante 14 dias para verificar o desenvolvimento de sensibilização comportamental; após o término do tratamento os animais foram perfundidos e a imunorreatividade de duplas marcações para orexina e c-Fos foi avaliada pela técnica de imunohistoquímica. No experimento 2 foi utilizado o modelo de sensibilização comportamental para verificar se o antagonista de receptor do tipo 1 da orexina, SB 334867, bloqueia esse fenômeno. No primeiro experimento não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos salina, agudo e crônico quanto à ORX+c-Fos-IR; porém os animais tratados cronicamente com EtOH apresentaram uma tendência de aumento da dupla marcação de neurônios orexinérgicos indicando que o desenvolvimento da sensibilização comportamental produz ativação desses neurônios; além disso, os animais tratados cronicamente com etanol desenvolveram a sensibilização comportamental. No segundo experimento, o SB 334867 bloqueou a expressão deste fenômeno, indicando que o sistema orexinérgico parece influenciar de maneira importante o processo de sensibilização comportamental, já que a administração sistêmica do SB334867 bloqueou a expressão da sensibilização comportamental aos efeitos estimulantes do etanol em camundongos machos. / Orexins are two neuropeptides, orexin-A and orexin-B, derived from the same precursor gene (pre-pro-orexin) produced by a few thousand neurons located in the perifornical area of the lateral hypothalamus. Despite having a restricted production, orexinergic neurons project widely to brain structures that regulate a number of endocrine and homeostatic functions. Recent evidence suggests the involvement of the orexin system in the reward circuit. We evaluated the role of this system in ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization. In Experiment 1 was used the behavioral sensitization model (development), in which animals were chronically treated for 14 days with saline, acute ethanol after saline treatment or with ethanol (seven administration) to induce behavioral sensitization; at the end of the treatment animals were perfused and immunohistochemistry technique was used to determine double staining for orexin and c-Fos (ORX+c-Fos-IR). In Experiment 2 behavioral sensitization was induced and SB 334867, an orexin-1 receptor antagonist, was used to examine whether it could block the expression of this phenomenon. The results of Experiment 1 showed no statistical difference among the groups (saline, acute and chronic) as to ORX+c-Fos-IR, although animals chronically treated with EtOH exhibited an trend to more double staining of orexin neurons indicating that this treatment regimen activates this neuropeptide system. In the second experiment, SB 334867 blocked the expression of this phenomenon. The orexin system seems to influence the process of behavioral sensitization, since systemic administration of SB 334867 blocked the expression of this phenomenon induced by a stimulant dose of ethanol in male mice. / TEDE / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações

Envolvimento de mecanismos dopaminérgicos na expressão do medo condicionado contextual em ratos / Involvement of dopaminergic mechanisms in the expression of contextual conditioned fear in rats

Kátia Alessandra de Souza Caetano 09 April 2012 (has links)
É reconhecido que as experiências que geram reações de medo são praticamente indeléveis do encéfalo dos organismos e que condicionamentos aversivos suscitam inúmeras respostas defensivas, como o congelamento, sendo esta resposta um indicador de medo em roedores. Vários trabalhos têm apontado para a relação entre alterações na transmissão dopaminérgica e os estados aversivos. Entretanto, observam-se resultados conflitantes com a utilização de drogas dopaminérgicas em diferentes modelos animais de ansiedade. Assim, investigações devem ainda ser realizadas objetivando avaliar a funcionalidade da modulação dopaminérgica nos estados emocionais aversivos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o envolvimento de mecanismos dopaminérgicos na expressão do medo condicionado ao contexto. Inicialmente foram avaliados os efeitos de agonistas (SKF 38393 e quimpirole) e antagonistas (SCH 23390 e sulpirida) de receptores D1 e D2 administrados sistemicamente sobre a expressão do medo condicionado contextual, sendo mensurado o tempo de congelamento dos animais. A atividade motora foi avaliada com o teste do campo aberto. Os resultados indicam que os receptores da família D2, e não D1, estão envolvidos na expressão do medo condicionado contextual, uma vez que a administração de quimpirole e sulpirida, mas não de SCH 23390 e SKF 38393, levou a uma diminuição do congelamento condicionado ao contexto. Não houve alterações na atividade motora dos animais. Com base nestes resultados foi levantada a hipótese de que a capacidade da sulpirida e do quimpirole em diminuir o medo condicionado poderia ocorrer devido a uma ação em receptores pós-sinápticos de estruturas do sistema mesocorticolímbico e em autoreceptores da área tegmental ventral (ATV), respectivamente, levando ao efeito comum de diminuição da atividade dopaminérgica. A fim de testar esta hipótese, foram realizadas microinjeções de quimpirole na ATV. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma diminuição da expressão do congelamento condicionado e que os efeitos obtidos com a administração sistêmica desse agonista de receptores D2 provavelmente devem-se a sua ação na ATV. Portanto, a ATV parece atuar na modulação das respostas de medo condicionado e a ativação desta estrutura deve ser importante para a recuperação da aprendizagem aversiva ocorrida no dia do condicionamento. / It is well established that experiences that generate fear reactions are practically unforgettable and that aversive conditioning raises several defensive responses such as freezing, which is an index of fear in rodents. Several studies have pointed to the existence of a relationship between changes in dopaminergic neurotransmission and aversive states. However, there are conflicting results in the literature with the use of dopaminergic drugs in different animal models of anxiety. Thus, further investigations should be conducted to evaluate the importance of dopaminergic modulation of aversive states. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the involvement of dopaminergic neurotransmission in the expression of contextual conditioned fear in rats. Initially, we evaluated the effects of intraperitoneal injections of D1 and D2 receptors agonists (SKF 38393 and quinpirole) and antagonists (SCH 23390 and sulpiride) in the expression of contextual conditioned fear by measuring the time of freezing response of the animals. The motor activity was evaluated in the open field test. The results indicate that the D2 receptors, but not D1 receptors, are involved in the expression of contextual conditioned fear, since administration of quinpirole and sulpiride, but not SCH 23390 and SKF 38393, decreased conditioned freezing to the context. There were no changes in motor activity of animals. Based on these results it was hypothesized that quinpirole and sulpiride probably acted on presynaptic and postsynaptic D2 receptors, respectively, leading to a decrease of dopaminergic neurotransmission in both cases. To test this hypothesis, microinjections of quinpirole were performed into the ventral tegmental area (VTA). The results show a decrease in the expression of conditioned freezing, indicating that the effects obtained with the intraperitoneal administration of the dopamine D2 receptor agonist is probably due to its action in the VTA. Therefore, dopaminergic mechanisms in the VTA seem to be important in the modulation of conditioned fear responses and activation of this structure appears to take place during the fear memory following the context aversive conditioning.

Envolvimento de receptores dopaminérgicos da área tegmental ventral e do complexo basolateral da amígdala na aquisição e na expressão do medo condicionado / Involvement of dopaminergic receptors of ventral tegmental area and basolateral amygdala in the acquisition and expression of conditioned fear

Amanda Ribeiro de Oliveira 19 March 2010 (has links)
OLIVEIRA, A.R. Envolvimento de receptores dopaminérgicos da área tegmental ventral e do complexo basolateral da amígdala na aquisição e na expressão do medo condicionado. 2010. 93 f. Tese (Doutorado) Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. O condicionamento Pavloviano é um dos paradigmas mais utilizados para estudar as bases biológicas das emoções, assim como da aprendizagem e memória. A dopamina (DA) é um dos principais neurotransmissores envolvidos na mediação de estados de medo e ansiedade. Um conjunto crescente de evidências dá suporte à hipótese de que a ativação da via mesocorticolímbica, proveniente de neurônios dopaminérgicos da área tegmental ventral (ATV), é particularmente sensível à estimulação aversiva. Entre as regiões inervadas por esta via, o complexo basolateral da amígdala (BLA) é um componente essencial dos circuitos neurais do medo condicionado. Assim, o presente estudo explorou o envolvimento de mecanismos DA da ATV e do BLA, através do uso de agonistas e antagonistas de receptores DA, na aquisição e expressão do medo condicionado à luz. Não houve efeito das drogas DA no sobressalto potencializado pelo medo (SPM), quando injetadas na ATV antes do condicionamento, indicando que os receptores DA da ATV não participam da aquisição do medo condicionado à luz. Ao contrário, quando injetado na ATV antes do teste, quimpirole (agonista D2) reduziu o SPM, enquanto as demais drogas não tiveram efeito. A administração de SCH 23390 (antagonista D1) no BLA não produziu efeitos no SPM, indicando que os receptores D1 do BLA não parecem envolvidos na expressão do SPM. Já a administração de sulpirida (antagonista D2) no BLA inibiu o SPM produzido pela luz. Além disso, a expressão do medo condicionado foi associada a um aumento do congelamento e dos níveis extracelulares de DA no BLA, ambos inibidos com a administração de quimpirole na ATV. A capacidade do quimpirole em diminuir o SPM e o congelamento condicionado parece ser resultado de sua ação em auto-receptores D2 da ATV. A ativação desses receptores diminui os níveis de dopamina em áreas que recebem terminações da via mesocorticolímbica. Os resultados com a sulpirida realçam a importância dos receptores D2 do BLA na expressão do medo condicionado Pavloviano. / OLIVEIRA, A.R. Involvement of dopaminergic receptors of ventral tegmental area and basolateral amygdala in the acquisition and expression of conditioned fear. 2010. 93 p. Thesis (Doctoral) Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. The Pavlovian fear conditioning is one of the most used paradigms to study the biological basis of emotion, as well as of learning and memory. Dopamine (DA) is one of the most important neurotransmitters involved in mechanisms underlying states of fear and anxiety. A growing body of evidence supports the hypothesis that excitation of the mesocorticolimbic pathway, originating from DA neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), is particularly sensitive to fear-arousing stimuli. Among the forebrain regions innervated by this pathway, the basolateral amygdala (BLA) is an essential component of the neural circuitry of conditioned fear. The present study explored the involvement of VTA and BLA DA receptors, using DA agonists and antagonists, in the acquisition and expression of conditioned fear to a light conditioned stimulus (CS). None of the drugs used produced significant effects on fear-potentiated startle (FPS) when injected in VTA before conditioning, indicating that VTA DA receptors are not involved in the acquisition of conditioned fear to a light-CS. In contrast, when injected before the test session, intra-VTA quinpirole (D2 agonist) significantly reduced FPS, whereas the other drugs had no effect. Intra-BLA SCH 23390 (D1 antagonist) did not produce significant effects on FPS, indicating that BLA D1 receptors do not appear to be involved in the expression of FPS. On the other hand, intra-BLA sulpiride (D2 antagonist) inhibited FPS produced by light-CS previously paired with footshocks. Also, conditioned fear was associated with increased freezing and DA levels in the BLA, both inhibited by intra-VTA quinpirole. Quinpirole\'s ability to decrease FPS and conditioned freezing may be the result of an action on VTA D2 presynaptic autoreceptors. The activation of those receptors decreases dopamine levels in terminal fields of the mesocorticolimbic pathway. Sulpirides results stress the importance of BLA D2 receptors in the fear-activating effects of the Pavlovian conditioning.

United in Diversity : A Physiological and Molecular Characterization of Subpopulations in the Basal Ganglia Circuitry

Viereckel, Thomas January 2017 (has links)
The Basal Ganglia consist of a number of different nuclei that form a diverse circuitry of GABAergic, dopaminergic and glutamatergic neurons. This complex network is further organized in subcircuits that govern limbic and motor functions in humans and other vertebrates. Due to the interconnection of the individual structures, dysfunction in one area or cell population can affect the entire network, leading to synaptic and molecular alterations in the circuitry as a whole. The studies in this doctoral thesis aimed at characterizing restricted subpopulations of neurons in the Basal Ganglia circuitry and their importance in the wider function of the network. To this end, we identified subpopulations of neurons in the subthalamic nucleus (STN), substantia nigra (SN) and ventral tegmental area (VTA), characterized their molecular profile and investigated their physiological role in the circuitry. Within the mouse STN, reduction of glutamatergic neurotransmission in a subpopulation expressing Paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2 (Pitx2) led to structural alterations in the nucleus as well as biochemical alterations of the dopaminergic system in the Nucleus accumbens (NAc) and changes in reward-related behavior. In the ventral midbrain, we identified and characterized novel marker genes selective to the VTA or SN. Of these, transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TrpV1) marks a population of mainly glutamatergic neurons in the VTA which project to the NAc, while gastrin releasing peptide (Grp) is expressed in a population of dopaminergic neurons neuroprotected in Parkinson's disease. Furthermore, we discovered that disruption of glutamatergic co-release of dopaminergic neurons expressing dopamine transporter (DAT), diminishes fast EPSCs and glutamate release but does not affect the acquisition of reward-related behavioral tasks. To selectively quantify glutamate release from specific subpopulations, we devised a technique combining glutamate-amperometry and optogenetics. This was used to measure glutamate released from Pitx2-expressing synaptic terminals in the Globus pallidus as well as DAT- or TrpV1-expressing terminals in the NAc. In summary, this doctoral thesis has furthered understanding of the function and importance of specific subpopulations within the Basal Ganglia circuitry and provides a novel means to investigate glutamate in the intact rodent brain within clearly defined, restricted cell populations.

Rôle des récompenses dans la sélection et l'utilisation de différentes formes de mémoire : interactions entre l'hippocampe et le striatum / Role of drug and food rewards in the selection and use of different forms of memory : interactions between the striatum and the hippocampus

Baudonnat, Mathieu 02 December 2011 (has links)
Il existe différents types de mémoire chez l’homme et l’animal. Chez les mammifères, on distingue principalement une mémoire relationnelle/spatiale reposant sur l’hippocampe et le cortex préfrontal, et une mémoire procédurale/indicée dépendante du striatum. Lors de nouveaux apprentissages, ces systèmes interagissent de manière coopérative et/ou compétitive en fonction de la nature de la tâche. S’il est connu que les émotions négatives et le niveau d’entraînement modulent ces interactions, peu de travaux ont étudié le rôle des récompenses dans la sélection et l’utilisation de ces deux formes principales de mémoire. Nous avons utilisé deux versions du test de discrimination spatiale dans un labyrinthe en Y afin de d’évaluer la mémoire spatiale d’une part, et la mémoire procédurale d’autre part. Nos résultats montrent que la stimulation pharmacologique du système de récompense par auto-injection de morphine au niveau de l’aire tegmentale ventrale (ATV), perturbe de manière spécifique l’apprentissage spatial reposant sur le fonctionnement hippocampo-préfrontal Ce déficit spatial s’accompagne d’une forte réduction de l’activité du facteur de transcription CREB (cAMP Response Element Binding) au sein de ce réseau. Au contraire, l’apprentissage indicé est préservé et l’activation de CREB est potentialisée par l’utilisation d’une récompense pharmacologique (injections de morphine). Nous mettons en évidence que la suractivation de la voie PKA/CREB, dans le striatum dorsal, est la cause de l’interférence observée lors de la formation de la mémoire spatiale. De plus, la stimulation répétée du système de récompense par la drogue lors de l’acquisition d’une stratégie indicée entraîne une persistance de l’activité réverbérante de la voie PKA/CREB dans le striatum dorsal. Cette persistance peut être révélée par l’utilisation préférentielle d’une stratégie indicée dans une nouvelle tâche ambigüe, le test de compétition en piscine de Morris. L’ensemble de ce travail éclaire, grâce aux effets différentiels de récompenses sensorielles et pharmacologiques sur l’apprentissage, la compréhension des interactions dynamiques entre les systèmes de mémoire. De plus, il suggère que l’hyperassociativité persistante consécutive à l’usage de drogue est à l’origine de déficits de type déclaratifs qui pourraient jouer un rôle clé dans l’installation d’un comportement addictif. / There are different forms of memory proceeded in human’s and animal’s brain. At least two major systems can be defined. A spatial/declarative form of memory relies on the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, and secondly, a more rigid, procedural/cued type of memory supported by striatal circuitry. Learning requires cooperative and/or competitive interactions between memory systems, depending on the nature of the task. It is well established that negative emotions and training modulate these interactions. However, little is known about the role of rewards on the selection and formation of these forms of memory.Using two versions (spatial or cue) of a Y-maze discrimination task, we show that drug reward, but not food reward, disrupts spatial learning while sparing the cued task. The spatial memory deficit relies on an decrease of CREB (cAMP Response Element Binding) activity within the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex. Inhibition of the PKA/CREB signalling pathway restored spatial learning, suggesting that striatal overactivation of this pathway is responsible for the spatial memory deficit. The cued learning strategy elicits a strong CREB activitiy within the dorsal striatum which is further increased by morphine injections. We propose that drug-induced activation of the DA reward system induces abnormal reverberating activity of the PKA/CREB signalling pathway within the dorsal striatum, eventually leading to a preferential use of a striatum-dependent strategy during a new ambiguous learning task, the water maze competition task.In conclusion, our results points to a key role of rewards in the modulation of learning systems. Furthermore, we provide evidence that drug-induced striatal hyperactivity may underlie the declarative memory deficit reported here. This mechanism could represent an important early step toward the development of addictive behaviors by promoting conditioning to the detriment more flexible forms of memory.

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