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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O debate parlamentar em português (Portugal, Brasil) e romeno : abordagem pragmático-discursiva / Le débat parlementaire en portugais (Portugal, Brésil) et en roumain : approche pragmatico-discursive / Parliamentary debate in portuguese (Portugal, Brazil) and romanian : a pragma-discursive approach

Manole, Veronica 01 December 2015 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse est l’analyse comparative des débats parlementaires portugais, brésiliens et roumains, dans l’optique de l’organisation interactionnelle et de l’usage des formes d’adresse (Carreira 1997). Du point de vue théorique, notre étude s’appuie sur la linguistique interactionnelle (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1990), sur l’analyse du discours politique (Charaudeau 2005) et du discours parlementaire (Ilie 2006; Marques 2000). Après un préambule juridico-politique, qui présente le fonctionnement des parlements dans les trois pays choisis (Portugal, Brésil, Roumanie), nous analysons, dans la première partie de la thèse, les transcriptions officielles des réunions parlementaires en tant que corpus pour l’étude linguistique. Ensuite, nous nous concentrons sur les particularités de la structure séquentielle des débats – ouverture, corps, clôture –, la négociation du tour de parole et les stratégies d’éviter les réponses aux questions. La deuxième partie de la thèse se penche sur les usages de formes d’adresse dans la construction des auto-images et hétéro-images et dans la configuration de la distance interlocutive. Cette approche nous a permis de dégager quelques particularités de chaque sous-corpus: les débats portugais sont plus proches du protocole parlementaire (structure micro-séquentielle plus rigide, usage quasi exclusif des formes nominales d’adresse institutionnelles), alors que dans les débats brésiliens et roumains il y a plus de flexibilité dans la construction micro-séquentielle (les actes rituels sont plus fréquents) aussi bien que dans l’usage des formes d’adresse plus variées (relationnelles, académiques, professionnelles, génériques). / The subject of this thesis is the comparative analysis of Portuguese, Brazilian and Romanian parliamentary debates, from the point of view of interactional organization and address terms uses (Carreira 1997). Our theoretical framework is interactional linguistics (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1990), political discourse analysis (Charaudeau 2005) and parliamentary discourse analysis (Ilie 2006; Marques 2000). After a legal and political preamble that presents how parliaments in the three selected countries (Portugal, Brazil, Romania) work, we analyse, in the first part of the thesis, the official transcripts of parliamentary sittings as a corpus for linguistic studies. Then we focus on the characteristics of the sequential structure of the debates – opening, body, closing –, negotiation of turn taking and evasion strategies in answering questions. The second part of the thesis focuses on the uses of address terms in constructing images of the self and of the others and the configuration of interlocutive distance. This approach has allowed us to identify a few characteristics of each sub-corpus: Portuguese debates are closer to the parliamentary protocol (the micro-sequential structure is more rigid, nominal institutional address forms are used almost exclusively), while in Brazilian and Romanian debates there is more flexibility both in the micro-sequential construction (ritual acts are more frequent) and in the wider range of address forms used (relational, academic, professional, generic).

A interação verbal na língua-alvo e a proficiência oral na prática de sala de aula: (re) definindo o perfil de uma professora de língua inglesa da escola pública

Ducatti, Ana Lucia Fonseca [UNESP] 04 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-03-04Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:55:25Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 ducatti_alf_me_sjrp.pdf: 1008397 bytes, checksum: ec6d54076dc5ce3e296f73a8526b5185 (MD5) / O presente estudo, apoiando-se na contribuição das crenças de uma professora de inglês e de seus alunos, envolvidos em contexto de escola pública, objetiva caracterizar o nível de PO dessa docente e o uso da L-alvo na interação verbal (professor-aluno e alunoprofessor) em sua prática de sala de aula, no sentido de (re)definir seu perfil como docente de LI. Estas são questões fundamentais, relacionadas à constatação em pesquisas (PINHEL, 2004; GARCIA, 2001; CONSOLO, 1990) de que grande parte dos professores de LE possui um baixo nível de PO, restrita, na maioria dos casos, à produção oral de alguns comandos na L-alvo, o que pode resultar em um processo de aprendizagem frustrante e deficiente para seus alunos. Dessa forma, esta investigação caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa de bases interacionista e etnográfica, com procedimentos quantitativos, aplicada a um estudo de caso. A professora-participante deste estudo (P) atua na rede pública municipal, tendo 14 anos de prática pedagógica. Os dados analisados sugerem que a visão de linguagem e de ensino e aprendizagem de LI da professora voltada para a forma gramatical, corroborada por fatores sociais adversos presentes no contexto estudado, é coerente com a limitada PO apresentada pela mesma, no teste a que foi submetida e, ainda, com o pouco uso da L-alvo na interação verbal professor-aluno e aluno-professor. Ressalta-se que uma possível mudança relacionada à oralidade provavelmente não ocorrerá, caso a docente em questão não renove suas concepções de linguagem e de ensino e aprendizagem de línguas e não deixe de privilegiar a LM durante as aulas, em detrimento da LI, a qual poderia ser introduzida aos poucos nesse contexto, porém, continuamente, criando-se um ambiente favorável ao ensino de LE. Acredita-se, também, que a valorização do papel do inglês, sobretudo por parte dos alunos, e a busca dessa... / The present work, which had as support the beliefs of an English teacher as well as her students’, both involved in a public school context, aims at characterizing this teacher’s oral proficiency level and the use of the target language during the verbal interaction (teacher-student and student-teacher) in her teaching practice, seeking (re)definition of her profile as an ESL (English as Second Language) teacher. These issues are considered fundamental due to the evidence in many researches (PINHEL, 2004; GARCIA, 2001; CONSOLO, 1990) that the majority of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers have a low level of oral proficiency, restricted, in most cases, to the oral production of some commands in the target language, resulting in a frustrating and inefficient learning process to their students. Thus, this investigation is characterized as a research of ethnographic and interactive analysis traditions, having as well a quantitative focus, and constitutes a case study. The teacher who participated in this study has been teaching in a public school for 14 years. The data collected suggest that this teacher’s conception of language and teaching and learning process concerning grammar, strengthened by adverse factors that can be found in the context in question, is coherent to the limited oral proficiency presented by her when submitted to an oral test and to the insufficient use of the target language during the teacher-student and student-teacher verbal interaction. It is relevant to emphasize that a change related to the oral ability will not show results if the teacher in question does not renew her language learning and teaching conceptions, and continues using her mother language to the detriment of the target one which could be introduced little by little in this context, in a continuous way, producing a favorable environment to the teaching of a foreign language... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Particule « enfin » en français parlé et ses fonctions en discours et l'interaction / Particle "enfin" in spoken French and its functions in discourse and interaction

Tehranchi, Shiela 06 October 2011 (has links)
Dans les interactions langagières, l'usage de la particule enfin traduit diverses activités discursives des locuteurs. L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer la fréquence et les variétés d’occurrence de ce petit mot dans les interactions, selon les situations et les types d’activités dans lesquels les sujets s’engagent, afin d'appréhender au mieux ses caractéristiques interactionnelles et fonctionnelles. Nous mobiliserons à cette fin un cadre d'analyse pluridimensionnel (analyse conversationnelle, discours en interaction). Notre méthode de travail repose sur une analyse des activités verbales des interactions, à partir d'enregistrements audio/ vidéo. Dans cette perspective, nous recensons les éléments récurrents gravitant autour de la particule enfin, les collectons, pour ensuite les convertir en formats. Ces formats nous conduisent à dégager sept valeurs principales de enfin dont chacune se subdivise en plusieurs sous-catégories et qui peuvent parfois avoir une portée contradictoire (conclusive/ introductive, interruptive/progressive, etc.). Dans une approche inter-discursive, enfin montre aussi une dissemblance de modalités d'usage conditionnées par le contexte. Enfin intervient de manière divergente selon que le cadre formel de la même manière que dans un cadre informel. / In linguistic interaction, the use of the particle enfin provide various discursive activities of the speakers. In this study, we aim at determining the frequency and the occurrence varieties of this short word in the interaction, according to situations and types of activity in which the subjects commit themselves, in order to understand its interactionnal and functional characteristics. Following this purpose, we decide to adopt a multidimensional analysis framework (Conversation Analysis , Discourse in Interactions ). Our work method relies on the analysis of the participants verbal activities. It is based on audio/ video recordings. Therefore, we take notice of the recurring elements surrounding the particle, we collect these elements to convert them into the formats: seven usages of enfin have been identified, each of them subdivided in several subcategories and which can sometimes have a contradictory range (conclusive/ introductory, discontinuity/continuity, etc). In an inter-discursive approach, enfin betrays a dissimilarity in its use due to the context. As a conclusion, we can say that enfin operates differently depending to the framework nature (formal / informal).

Dialogue, interaction et apprentissage : les pratiques dialogales : de la méthode aux classes de FLES au Liban / Dialogue, interaction and learning : dialogical practices : from textbooks to French as Foreign and Second Language classes in Lebanon

Wehbe, Mathilda 29 September 2014 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, nous étudions les pratiques dialogales dans les classes de FLES au Liban. L’objectif est de caractériser le rapport existant entre les manifestations dialogales présentes, en amont, sous diverses formes (dialogue modèle, consignes…) dans un manuel de FLE et les phénomènes dialogaux observables, en aval, dans les classes de FLES qui les utilisent, en particulier lors des jeux de rôle mis en œuvre par les apprenants.La visée de cette recherche est d’étudier l’exploitation qui est faite du dialogue fictionnel du manuel à travers les interactions entre partenaires de la classe de langue au Liban. Qu’est-ce que les enseignants et/ou les apprenants en gardent et, au contraire, qu’est-ce qu’ils laissent de côté ? Comment les dialogues ou documents pédagogiques du manuel sont-ils exploités ? Les consignes du livre de l’élève sont-elles exécutées (ou non) à la lettre ? Les conseils « interactionnels » du livre du professeur sont-ils suivis (ou non) ? Etc. Nous tentons ainsi d’apporter une meilleure compréhension de la variété et de la spécificité des pratiques dialogales mises en œuvre dans des classes de FLES arabo-libanaises utilisant un manuel franco-français. / In this PhD thesis, we investigate dialogical practices in French as Foreign and Second Language (FFSL) classrooms in Lebanon. The objective is to characterize the relationship between the existing dialogical manifestations in various forms (model dialogue, instructions...) found in the FFL textbook and the dialogical phenomena observable in FFSL classes that use them, particularly during role-play activities performed by the learners.The aim of this research is to study the exploitation of fictional dialogue found in the textbook through interactions among partners in the classroom in Lebanon. What do teachers and/or students keep from the dialogue and what do they leave aside? How are the textbook’s dialogues or pedagogical documents implemented? Are the instructions of the student’s textbook applied literally or not? Are the interactional tips of the teacher’s book abided by or not? Thus, we try to provide a better understanding of the variety and specificity of dialogical practices implemented in Lebanese FFSL classes using a French textbook.

Estratégias de (im) polidez no discurso de presidenciáveis 2014: a acusação como guia

Aguiar, Débora Reis 28 August 2017 (has links)
The political debate is a face-to-face verbal interaction in which the candidates interact verbally and, consequently, expose their images (faces). To protect them or to minimize threatening acts, the interlocutors usually make use of strategies of linguistic politeness. Politeness with respect to the linguistic-pragmatic studies refers to linguistic strategies used to prevent, mitigate or repair potential threats to the interlocutor or speaker’s face in order to maintain a balance in interpersonal relations. In this perspective, the objective of this study is to analyze under a linguistic-pragmatic bias these strategies as constituents of the argumentation in the corpus formed by the verbal interactions of the last electoral political debate, specifically of the first and third blocks, between the second round candidates for the presidency of the Federative Republic of Brazil, in 2014, Dilma Rousseff (PT) and Aécio Neves (PSDB), televised by Globo television network. Such selection is justified because this is a communicative interaction where actions take place that affect the relationships with himself, or with another, in which the participants emphasize the concern to maintain the balance, making use of strategies in order to protect own face, and also to avoid discomfort with their interlocutors. This analysis is based on the following questions: a) Do candidate's speeches convey polished effects? b) How are these effects structured? c) What is the relationship between politeness and political discourse? d) How politicians use strategies of politeness to carry the speech and maintain the image of themselves in the face of a debatable question? e) How to build the relationship of the political subject, and speaker, from the strategies of politeness so that he can convince his interlocutor? f) To what extent do politicians harmoniously reconcile self-preservation and respect for the others by maintaining positive projections of their images and respective groups, in accordance with the expectations of the electorate? For this proposal, the research is based on Brown and Levinson's model of politeness (1987 [1978]) and on the reformulations of this model made by Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2006). Likewise, discussions are carried out by Castilho and Castilho (1993), Castilho and Elias (2012), Santos (2012), Dias (2010), Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca , Fiorin (2015), Marcuschi (2004), Osakabe (1999), Charaudeau (2013), among others. From the data analysis performed, we identified politeness strategies: i) positive; ii) negative – accompanying and substitute procedures; iii) covert. In general, the results demonstrate that the politeness strategies used by the candidates of the second round of the presidential elections of 2014 tend to soften the large number of threats to the face during the debate, since it is a characteristic of the gender to attack the image of the other and to value their own image. However, presidential candidates use such strategies to preserve their image before an attentive audience (voters) in order to gain the votes and win presidential election. / O debate político é uma interação verbal do tipo face a face, em que os candidatos interagem verbalmente e, consequentemente, expõem suas imagens (faces). Para protegê-las ou para minimizar atos ameaçadores, os interlocutores costumam fazer uso de estratégias de polidez linguística. A polidez, no que concerne aos estudos linguístico-pragmáticos, refere-se a estratégias linguísticas utilizadas para impedir, atenuar ou reparar eventuais ameaças à face do locutor ou do interlocutor, com o propósito de manter o equilíbrio nas relações interpessoais. A par dessa perspectiva, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar, sob um viés linguístico-pragmático, tais estratégias como constituintes da argumentação no corpus formado pelas interações verbais do último debate político eleitoral, especificamente do primeiro e terceiro blocos, entre os candidatos do segundo turno à Presidência da República Federativa do Brasil do ano 2014, Dilma Rousseff (PT) e Aécio Neves (PSDB), televisionado pela Rede Globo. Tal seleção justifica-se por se tratar de uma interação comunicativa onde ocorrem ações que afetam as relações consigo e com o outro, nas quais os participantes imprimem a preocupação em manter o equilíbrio, fazendo o uso de estratégias com intuito de resguardar a própria face e também para evitar desconforto com seus interlocutores. Essa análise se constitui a partir dos seguintes questionamentos: a) Os discursos dos políticos veiculam efeitos polidos? b) Como são estruturados esses efeitos? c) Qual a relação entre polidez e discurso político? d) Como os políticos se utilizam de estratégias de polidez para efetivar seu discurso e manter a imagem de si diante de uma polêmica? e) Como se dá a construção da relação do sujeito político, locutor, a partir das estratégias de polidez a fim de que possa convencer seu interlocutor? f) Até que ponto os políticos conseguem conciliar harmonicamente a preservação de si e o respeito ao outro, mantendo projeções positivas de suas imagens e respectivos grupos, de acordo com as expectativas do eleitorado? Para dar conta de tal proposta, a pesquisa fundamenta-se no modelo de polidez de Brown e Levinson (1987 [1978]) e nas reformulações desse modelo feitas por Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2006). Da mesma forma, dá-se vez a discussões realizadas por Castilho e Castilho (1993), Castilho e Elias (2012), Santos (2012), Dias (2010), Perelman & Olbrechts- Tyteca (2005 [1958]), Ferreira (2010), Fiorin (2015), Marcuschi (2004), Osakabe (1999), Charaudeau (2013), entre outros. A partir da análise dos dados realizada, identificamos estratégias de polidez: i) positiva; ii) negativa – procedimentos substitutivos e acompanhantes; iii) encoberta. De modo geral, os resultados demonstram que as estratégias de polidez utilizadas pelos candidatos à Presidência do segundo turno de 2014 tendem a suavizar o grande número de ameaça à face ocorrido durante o debate, visto que é uma característica do gênero atacar a imagem do outro e valorizar a sua. No entanto, os presidenciáveis se valem de tais estratégias para preservar sua imagem diante de um auditório específico (os eleitores) a fim de conquistarem os votos e vencerem a eleição. / São Cristóvão, SE

A roda de conversa na educação infantil: análise de seus aspectos formativos com crianças de três a cinco anos / The conversation wheel in early childhood education: analysis of its formative aspects with children three to five years

Bertonceli , Marcia 16 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabielle Cheuczuk (fabielle.cheuczuk@unioeste.br) on 2017-11-28T16:32:10Z No. of bitstreams: 2 marcia b. 2017.pdf: 2247379 bytes, checksum: 32b1d205f30655dc27713a9cc2f2fd61 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-28T16:32:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 marcia b. 2017.pdf: 2247379 bytes, checksum: 32b1d205f30655dc27713a9cc2f2fd61 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-16 / The language occupies a prominent place in the humanization of the subject, by propelling aspects of specific and constitutive human consciousness development, and the organization of higher psychic processes through verbal interactions. The Conversation Wheels are language activities permanently in early childhood education, in order to develop oral communication, expression and child interaction. Based on these assumptions, this study aimed to analyze the formative aspects of educational practices with verbal language, the conversation wheels made with a group of children from three to five years, in three public institutions of Early Childhood Education in the municipality of Francisco Beltrao in 2014. qualitative and ethnographic, was developed through literature reading area, highlighting works that provided current and relevant data on the subject; analysis of curriculum documents; audio recordings twenty-four Conversation wheels and semi-structured interviews with three teachers of the institutions of the research context. Based on dialogue between studies on childhood, historical-cultural psychology, Vygotsky and the dialogic perspective of language, Bakhtin, established reflections on the child's possibilities of expression and on the way children's voices are in the educational process Talk wheel, our research object. Ressaltamos The basic concept of verbal interaction, by which they give cultural appropriation, and constitutivity of language as humanization conditions and key elements in Early Childhood Education, linked to the importance of listening to the children to develop their linguistic expression. From the study of the theoretical and methodological framework, the guiding curricular work documents on EI and the data produced in the survey, identify the categories of analysis - (I) the cultural content in the movement of the wheel, (II) the verbal interactions drive the wheel: dialogism and polyphony and (III) formative elements of RC - with which we analyze the Talk Wheels and highlight its educational potential as a space that promotes dialogue, values the children's uniqueness, calls the dialogue between everyday knowledge and the know scientific, allows the construction of values, cultural knowledge and the democratization of knowledge. Within the limit of determinations and contradictions of historical contexts, their practice points to the challenge of breaking with guidelines characterized by possibility of rigidity of teaching practices; It points to the need for restoration of the dialogue with a view to bring children's voices to the movement, allowing the meeting of dissonant voices in the wheel and consider the integral formation of children. / A linguagem ocupa lugar de destaque na humanização do sujeito, por propulsionar aspectos de desenvolvimento humano específicos e constitutivos da consciência, e pela organização dos processos psíquicos superiores, mediante as interações verbais. As Rodas de Conversa são atividades de linguagem realizadas de modo permanente na Educação Infantil, com o intuito de desenvolver a oralidade, a expressão e a interação da criança. Com base nessas premissas, esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de analisar os aspectos formativos das práticas educativas com a linguagem verbal, nas Rodas de Conversa realizadas com um grupo de crianças de três a cinco anos, em três instituições públicas de Educação Infantil, do município de Francisco Beltrão, em 2014. De caráter qualitativo e cunho etnográfico, foi desenvolvida mediante leitura de bibliografia da área, destacando trabalhos que forneceram dados atuais e relevantes sobre o tema; análise de documentos curriculares; audiogravações de vinte e quatro Rodas de Conversa e entrevistas semiestruturadas com três professoras das instituições contexto da pesquisa. Com base no diálogo entre estudos sobre a infância, a psicologia histórico-cultural, de Vigotski e a perspectiva dialógica da linguagem, de Bakthin, estabelecemos reflexões sobre as possibilidades de expressão da criança e sobre o modo como as vozes infantis se situam no processo educativo da Roda de Conversa, nosso objeto de pesquisa. Ressaltamos o conceito basilar de interação verbal, pelo qual se dão as apropriações culturais, e a constitutividade da linguagem como condições de humanização e elementos fundamentais na Educação Infantil, vinculados à importância de se ouvir a criança, para desenvolver sua expressão linguística. A partir do estudo do referencial teórico-metodológico, dos documentos curriculares norteadores do trabalho na EI e dos dados produzidos na pesquisa, identificamos as categorias de análise – (I) os conteúdos culturais no movimento da Roda, (II) as interações verbais movimentam a Roda: dialogismo e polifonia e (III) elementos formativos da RC –, com as quais analisamos as Rodas de Conversa e destacamos sua potencialidade formativa como espaço que promove o diálogo, valoriza a singularidade infantil, convoca o diálogo entre o saber cotidiano e o saber científico, permite a construção de valores, de saberes culturais e a democratização do saber. No limite das determinações e contradições dos contextos históricos, sua prática aponta ao desafio de romper com orientações caracterizadas pela possibilidade de rigidez das práticas pedagógicas; aponta à necessidade de recomposição dos diálogos, na perspectiva de trazer as vozes infantis para o movimento, permitir o encontro das vozes dissonantes na Roda e considerar a formação integral da criança.


AMANDA FERRAZ DE OLIVEIRA E SILVA 15 September 2005 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar o gênero discursivo propaganda televisiva e as interações verbais aí presentes sob a perspectiva bakhtiniana. O corpus principal da pesquisa compõe-se de dados retirados de algumas propagandas televisivas, tendo sido gravadas e transcritas 11 propagandas da empresa FIAT Automóveis do Brasil, produzidas no período de 2000 a 2003. A análise das propagandas televisivas foi realizada com base nos pressupostos da teoria de Bakhtin (1981, 1992 e 1997), considerando-se conceitos de gênero, interação verbal, dialogismo, vozes discursivas, intertextualidade e ironia. A partir dos resultados da análise, propomos a classificação do gênero propaganda televisiva como um gênero intersemiótico complexo. A análise dos dados permitiu também caracterizar a propaganda televisiva como um gênero em que há a fusão do próprio gênero propaganda com o seu veículo de suporte, a televisão. O estudo das interações verbais mostrou que este gênero reflete aspectos histórico- sociais, valores e estereótipos, por meio das vozes ideológicas da sociedade, que permeiam o discurso. Este trabalho nos possibilita confirmar que a língua é um fenômeno social, histórico e ideológico e que o contexto é muito importante para a compreensão do que é dito ou do que se quer dizer em uma propaganda televisiva, que se constitui como um enunciado social (Bakhtin, 1981, 124). / [en] The purpose of this research is to study the genre television advertisements and verbal interactions under Bakhtin`s perspective. The main corpus of the study is composed of data from TV ads, having been recorded and transcribed 11 samples of Brazilian car advertisements of FIAT Automobile Company, produced from 2000 to 2003. The analysis of the ads was based on theoretical concepts extracted from Bakhtin`s language theory (1981, 1992 and 1997), considering genre, verbal interaction, dialogism, discursive voices, intertextuality and irony. Based on the results of the analysis, the classification of television advertisements as a complex intersemiotic genre is proposed. Data analysis also led into the characterization of TV ads as a fusion of the advertisement genre itself together with its supporting medium, the television. The analysis of verbal interactions indicates that this genre reflects socio-historical aspects, values and stereotypes of a particular period of time through ideological voices, which are intertwined in discourse. This research confirms that language is a social, historical and ideological phenomenon and that context is very important for the understanding of what is said or of what one wants to say in a television advertisement, which is itself a social utterance (Bakhtin, 1981, 124).

Svar på tal direkt : En studie om medborgerliga röster i ett deltagardemokratiskt samtal

Wikström, Erik January 2009 (has links)
The aim and research questions of this study are concerned about how, and what kind of, problems and subjects that citizens raise during verbal interaction with politicians and officials in the field of participatory democracy. The theoretical framework of the study dominates by theories with a positive approach towards participatory democracy, but there is also a broader discussion on the phenomenon’s strengths and weaknesses. The case in focus of the study is a specific phenomenon of participatory democracy created by the municipality of Växjö. The empirical material that is analysed is consisted of written text based on the verbal interaction from these meetings between citizens and politicians/officials. The outcome of the study shows that most of the verbal interaction was held between citizens and politicians/officials in a vertical direction and that a major part of the responsibility concerning the raised subjects is estimated to be in the hands of the latter part. In the light of under what circumstances the meetings are practised, the democratic and collective minded performance of the citizens is argued to be in good condition, despite the dominating vertical interaction and estimation of trust.

Řečová zdvořilost francouzských a českých žádostí / Politeness Strategies in French and Czech Requests

Paulů, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis consists in comparing means of request expression in French and Czech language in pursuit of scaling them by their politeness level, taking into account the socio-pragmatic environment of both languages. Apart from that, a syntactic realisation of request is analysed in both languages as well as morphological, lexical and stylistic instruments that either increase or decrease the degree of politeness and the effect of performed request. Attention is primarily focused on indirect requests in both French and Czech in order to identify an appropriate translation equivalent expressing the same degree of politeness. The fundamental source for the contrastive analysis lies in InterCorp parallel corpus data. This research is further extended with survey that verifies the previous findings.

DramAula : les apports des activités dramatiques dans la compétence d'interaction orale en espagnol langue étrangère au collège / DramAula. : how theatrical performance can help verbal interaction in a context of learning Spanish as a second language

Vidard, Véronique 24 June 2014 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est d'explorer le croisement entre la didactique de l'espagnol langue vivante étrangère pour son enseignement au collège en France en 4° LV2 et la pratique théâtrale. Il s'agit de développer une dramadidactique, dans l'optique très pragmatique de son utilisation en cours par un enseignant, afin de développer particulièrement la compétence langagière qu'est l'interaction orale. Le résultat concret de ce travail est la production d'une méthode nommée DramAula. L'objectif principal de cette dramadidactique est de permettre de mieux enseigner l'espagnol aux élèves dans la motivation et l'action grâce aux éléments dynamisants des activités que le genre dramatique apporte afin d'obtenir plus de confiance en soi, d'autonomie et de créativité dans l'apprentissage de la langue espagnole par les élèves à l'oral en interaction. Cette didactique s'intègre dans la perspective actionnelle présentée dans le Cadre Européen commun de référence pour les langues. Elle entend développer des éléments qui améliorent et enrichissent l'enseignement actuel. / This thesis aims to analyse Spanish didactic and theatrical performance. Spanish didactic is analysed in the context of learning a second language in school with Year 8 children (4eme). The aim is to develop a theatrical didactic to be used by teacher to improve verbal communication in school. This research allows the creation of a new methodology called DramAula. The main objective of this work is to improve the teaching of a second language in school by developing confidence, autonomy and creativity in children with the help of theatrical activities. Theatrical activity is thought to increase motivation and verbal exchanges in children and create a better learning environment. This didactic method is in accordance with the European program to improve language skills learning.

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