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Humoro vertimas H. Fielding romanuose "Bridžitos Džouns dienoraštis" ir "Bridžitos Džouns dienoraštis:ties proto riba" / Humour translation in Helen Fielding's novels Bridget Johnes's and Bridget Johnes's Diary the Edge of ReasonBartkuvienė, Vilija 14 October 2005 (has links)
The paper consists of a Content, Introduction, three chapters (two of them are theoretical, and the last chapter is a practical one), then follows Conclusions, References, Summary and Appendix containing the remnant examples and a piece of information about the author of the novels. In the first chapter the definitions of humour itself and its cultural and linguistic aspects are being discussed. Since humour is rather elusive as a theoretical concept we are going to mention only the definitions or theories that are related to the research. As humour is often culturally specific it nearly always contains some piece of sociocultural information shared between the sender and the recipient. Unless the recipient is aware of it, the joke fails to perform its function. The relevance of E. Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence to the translation of humour and other translation problems such as cultural and linguistic ones are being analyzed in the second chapter. The problem of this type of translation is that of recasting the humorous effect. Eugene Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence requires analysing the source language text and then restructuring it before transferring it to the target language in such a way that will make a perfect sense in the target language. The third chapter is a practical one and it deals with the achievements and failures of translating humour in the above-mentioned novels, i.e. Bridget Jones’s Diary and Bridget Jones’s Diary: the Edge of Reason by Helen... [to full text]
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Informacinių technologijų tyrimas ir taikymas kalbų inžinerijoje / Information technology analysis in language engineeringSipavičius, Arūnas 31 May 2004 (has links)
Most translation in the world is not of texts which have high literary and cultural status. The great majority of professional translators are employed to satisfy the huge and growing demand for translations of scientific and technical documents, commercial and business transactions, administrative memoranda, legal documentation, instruction manuals, agricultural and medical text books, industrial patents, publicity leaflets, newspaper reports, etc. Some of this work is challenging and difficult. But much of it is tedious and repetitive, while at the same time requiring accuracy and consistency. The demand for such translations is increasing at a rate far beyond the capacity of the translation profession. The assistance of a computer has clear and immediate attractions. The practical usefulness of an MT system is determined ultimately by the quality of its output. But what counts as a ‘good’ translation, whether produced by human or machine, is an extremely difficult concept to define precisely. Much depends on the particular circumstances in which it is made and the particular recipient for whom it is intended. Fidelity, accuracy, intelligibility, appropriate style and register are all criteria which can be applied, but they remain subjective judgments. What matters in practice, as far as MT is concerned, is how much has to be changed in order to bring output up to a standard acceptable to a human translator or reader. With such a slippery concept as translation, researchers... [to full text]
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Metaforų vertimas Hermano Melvilio romane "Mobi Dikas" / Translation of Metaphors in Herman Melville's novel "Moby Dick"Rižakovaitė, Laima 05 June 2006 (has links)
The subject of the present research is the phenomenon of metaphors in the novel “Moby Dick” by Herman Melville (translated by Irena Balčiūnienė) in the aspect of translation. The aim is to analyze the ways of translating metaphors and to determine what structural changes they undergo in the process of translation. For this purpose 711 examples of metaphors have been selected and classified according to their translation into the Lithuanian language from the point of view of co-text (i.e. the linguistic environment of the metaphor.
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The aim of this research paper is to analyze the peculiarities of grammatical translation transformations in modern English novel “Bridget Jones’s Diary” (1996) written by Helen Fielding and its translated Lithuanian version. To achieve this aim the following objectives have been set: 1. To present the theoretical background about translation as a science. 2. To represent the linguistic theory about the role of grammar in translation practice. 3. To explain the usage of grammatical translation transformations in the target text. 4. To reveal the distribution of pure and mixed grammatical translation transformations in the intended text. The structure of the work. The theoretical part focuses on the issues of translation. initiating. Namely, the development of translation studies, equivalence, methods, procedures and translation transformations have been presented. In the subsequent part, i.e. the practical analysis, the usage of grammatical translation transformations has been briefly analyzed considering the collected instances. / Darbo tikslas išanalizuoti gramatinių vertimo transformacijų įpatybes šiuolaikinėje anglų kalbos noveleje "Bridžitos Džouns dienoraštis" (1996)parašytos Helen Fielding ir šios knygos lietuviškame vertime. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Pateikti teorinę apžvalgą apie vertimą kaip mokslą. 2. Pristatyti lingvistinę medžiagą apie gramatines vertimo transformacijas, grupuojant jas į sukeitimas, praleidimas, pridėjimas, pakeitimas. 3. Paaiškinti grynų ir mišrių gramatinių transformacijų pasiskirstymą tyriamajameme kūrinyje. Darbo struktūra. Teorinėje dalyje daugiausia dėmesio skiriama vertimui. Aprašyti: vertimo studijų vystimasis, ekvivalentiškumas, vertimo metodai, procesai ir transformacijos. Praktinėje dalyje analizuojamas gramatinių vertimo transformacijų naudojimas remiantis surinktais pavyzdžiais.
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Subjectivized Grammatical Metaphor in Translation / Gramatinė metafora, einanti sakinyje veiksniu, vertimeJanuškytė, Sigita 26 September 2008 (has links)
This paper focuses on the concept of a subjectivized grammatical metaphor and its practical application in the translation of English fiction. At first, it explains the theoretical concept of a grammatical metaphor in general, following Halliday and other scholars. Later it gives the wide array of translation transformations of subjectivized grammatical metaphor to illustrate this theoretical overview with the examples of its practical application. / Šis darbas pristato gramatinės metaforos savoką ir atvejus, kai ji eina sakinyje veiksniu, bei jų vertimą į lietuvių kalbą iš anglų grožinės literatūros kūrinių. Darbo pradžioje aptariama teorinė gramatinės metaforos sąvoka, remiantis Halliday ir kitais mokslininkais. Antroje darbo dalyje nagrinėjami konkretūs gramatinės metaforos vertimo pavyzdžiai, iliustruojantys šią teorinę apžvalgą.
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Emocinio vertinimo perteikimas verčiant iš lietuvių į anglų kalbą / Emotional evaluation while translating from Lithuanian into EnglishGaidžiūnienė, Alma 16 June 2006 (has links)
The object of this work is emotional evaluation while translating from Lithuanian into English. Emotional evaluation means the opinion of the subject (an individual or a group) regarding the assessment of a certain object that can not be viewed as a logical decision but expresses feelings and emotions of the speaker.
The translation of emotional evaluation from Lithuanian into English has been little analysed, so the aim of the work is to explore possibilities of the rendition of the emotional evaluation from Lithuanian into English.
The aim of present study into investigate the ways of rendering objectives emotional evaluation in translation of B. Sruoga’s novel Dievų miškas into English.
The objectives of the study are as follows:
1. To define expressivenes and emotional evaluation.
2. To analyse the role of metaphors, phraseological units, similes, ocassionalisms, pejoratives, diminutives, rhetorical questions and exclamations in emotional evaluation.
3. To analyse the ways and means the emotional evaluation into English.
4. What is the aspect of the word meaning and how it is reflected in the translation;
Emotional evaluation has been analysed by Russian researchers: Lukjanova (1986), Ariutiunova (1982), Galkina-Fedoruk (1957); Lithuanian lingvists: Gudavičius (2000), Pikčilingis (1967, 1975), and foreign scientists, such as Arnold (1975), Nida (1975) and Beiker (1992).
The study was carricdont by using contrastive and descriptive methods.
The examples from... [to full text]
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Translation of humour in Jerome K. Jerome's novel "Three Men on a Bummel" / Humoro vertimas Dž. K. Džeromo ,,Trise dviračiais"Pociūtė, Laura 31 August 2012 (has links)
The problems of translating English humour into Lithuanian have not been thoroughly studied, therefore it has been chosen as a subject of this article. This research focuses on the analysis of examples of different sorts of humour in J. K. Jerome's novel "Three Men on a Bummel" and compares the source text with the target text. The present paper is assigned to provide a theoretical framework of humour phenomenon, its classification and translation peculiarities as well as to reveal the complexity of humour phenomenon which exists in every part of the world, nevertheless, travels badly from one language to another. The aim of the research is to identify and perceive the main challenges in translating humour that contains culture-specific items and instances of untranslatibility. / Angliško humoro vertimo į lietuvių kalbą problematika nėra pakankamai tyrinėta. Šis straipsnis skirtas įvairių humoro rūšių J. K. Jerome romane ”Trise dviračiais” vertimui. Straipsnyje pateikiamos teorinės įžvalgos, humoro, kaip fenomeno, klasifikacijos bei vertimo ypatumų klausimais. Humoras egzistuoja visame pasaulyje, bet jo perteikimas vertimo procese tampa tikru iššūkiu vertėjams. Tai atsitinka dėl keleto priežasčių: skirtingo mentaliteto, kultūrinių realijų gausumo, kurios, deja, dažniausiai yra neišverčiamos.
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Translation of Slanguage in the Subtitled Film / Slengo vertimas subtitruotame filmeŠliupaitė, Eglė 04 July 2012 (has links)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the usage of slang in the subtitled film "Next Day Air". In the theoretial part a scientific overview of the following phenomena, i.e. subtitling, slang and the procedures of transaltion, are provided. In the empirical part the peculiarities of translation of slang in the subtitled film are analysed. Statistical analysis allowed systematysing and generalising the collected data provided in the empirical part and allowed illustrating it graphically. Conclusions contain the outcomes of both theoretical and empirical parts. / Bakalauro darbe yra analizuojamas slengo vertimas subtitruotame filme "Kitos dienos paštas".Teorinėje darbo dalyje yra pateikiama mokslinės literatūros apžvalga, susijusi su subtitravimu, slengu ir slengo vertimo transformacijomis.Praktinėje dalyje yra nagrinėjami slengo ypatumai subtitruotame filme.Statistinė analizė leido susisteminti ir apibendrinti praktinėje dalyje pateiktus pavyzdzius, ir iliustruoti jų pasiskirtymą diagramoje.Išvadose yra pateikiamos teorinės ir praktinės dalies rezutatai ir išvados.
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Dokumentinių Filmų Vertimas iš Anglų Kalbos į Lietuvių Kalbą / The Audiovisual Translation of Documentary FilmsIvanovaitė, Margarita 03 September 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjami subtitravimo kaip audiovizualaus vertimo metodo ypatumai. Darbo tikslas yra ištyrinėti dokumentinio filmo “Super Didelis Aš” (2004) kalbos ir materialisios kultūros perteikimą per subtitruotą filmo vertimą siekiant nustatyti vertimo procese vartojamas transformacijas ir klaidas. Teorinėje straipsnio dalyje apžvelgiami subtitravimo ypatumai, kultūrinio vertimo samprata, bei specifiniai materialiosios kultūros (maisto) aspektai. Emipirinėje darbo dalyje aprašoma tyrimo eiga ir metodai. Filmo vertimo analizė parodė jog dėl Anglų ir Lietuvių kalbų skirtumo, bei subtitravimo kaip audiovizualaus vertimo metodo ypatumai, apsprendė vertimo transformacijų vartoseną. / The aim of the thesis is to investigate the transference of language and material culture of the documentary film “Super Size Me” (2004) through the audiovisual translation method of subtitling in order to identify translation transformations used in the process of translation. Theoretical part of the work concentrates on the peculiarities of subtitling method, explores the notion of cultural translation and specific aspects of material culture, food culture in particular. The process of the research and methods are described in the empirical part of the work. The analysis of the film translation revealed, that the usage of the translation transformations was determined by the differences between English and Lithuanian languages as well as by the peculiarities of the subtitled text.
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Bendraties ir jos konstrukcijų vertimas / Translating the Infinitive and Infinitival ConstructionsBernotaitė, Jurgita 31 May 2005 (has links)
People who learn languages encounter a number of problems, especially with the grammar of the language which can be complicated and which can appear confusing. For many centuries grammarians have tried to discern a basic grammatical system that would be valid for all languages at all times. Unfortunately, this search for a universal grammar has proved futile. It was proved that each language has evolved its own grammatical system and this system serves the needs of this particular language. Thus, it can be stated, that two languages can seldom fully coincide in their grammatical structure, for alongside with common grammatical traits they have a number of grammatical differences as well.
This research focuses on the features of the infinitive and infinitival constructions and presents the ways they are translated from English into Lithuanian. The presented examples are selected from the world known fiction pieces: London, J. ‘The Sea Wolf’ and Fitzgerald, F. S. ‘The Great Gatsby’, Galsworthy, J. ‘The Forsyte Saga’ and their translations into Lithuanian.
Both, English and Lithuanian verbs have infinitive forms; however, this does not mean they are totally identical. The work highlights that, even though grammatical categories might seem to be identical in both languages, however, they differ in their functions and the extent of lexical items. The difficulties that translators might encounter while rendering the infinitive and infinitival constructions from English into... [to full text]
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