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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

After the Planes

Boswell, Timothy 05 1900 (has links)
The dissertation consists of a critical preface and a novel. The preface analyzes what it terms “polyvocal” novels, or novels employing multiple points of view, as well as “layered storytelling,” or layers of textuality within novels, such as stories within stories. Specifically, the first part of the preface discusses polyvocality in twenty-first century American novels, while the second part explores layered storytelling in novels responding to World War II or the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The preface analyzes the advantages and difficulties connected to these techniques, as well as their aptitude for reflecting the fractured, disconnected, and subjective nature of the narratives we construct to interpret traumatic experiences. It also acknowledges the necessity—despite its inherent limitations—of using language to engage with this fragmentation and cope with its challenges. The preface uses numerous novels as examples and case studies, and it also explores these concepts and techniques in relation to the process of writing the novel After the Planes. After the Planes depicts multiple generations of a family who utilize storytelling as a means to work through grief, hurt, misunderstanding, and loss—whether from interpersonal conflicts or from war. Against her father’s wishes, a young woman moves in with her nearly-unknown grandfather, struggling to understand the rifts in her family and how they have shaped her own identity. She reads a book sent to her by her father, which turns out to be his story of growing up in the years following World War II. The book was intercepted and emended by her grandfather, who inserts his own commentary throughout, complicating her father’s hopes of reconciliation. The novel moves between two main narratives, one set primarily in 1951 and the other in the days and weeks immediately prior to September 11, 2001.

A comparison of the offshoring and outsourcing strategies of German and UK multinational companies : a critical engagement with the 'varieties of capitalism' perspective

Mitchell, Anthony January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this research is to examine the extent to which the offshoring and outsourcing practices in Multinational Corporations, when the headquarters are registered and located in either the UK or Germany; are embedded in the institutional contexts of their respective home countries. There are six research questions relating to differences in approach and choice of location, ownership and coordination, employment practice, cultural proximity, trade union influence and finally the extent of re-shoring. These are primarily assessed through the 'varieties of capitalism' perspective. A comparative case study approach has been adopted with a focus on two sectors; airlines and engineering; in each case a major UK and German organisation are compared. Fourteen in-depth, semi-structured interviews took place in both the home countries and overseas locations in Europe, India and Asia. The sample size is small, however, each was with a senior executive and the transcripts revealed 'rich data' for compiling the case studies and answering the research questions. The contribution to original thinking is a conceptual framework posited by proposing a taxonomy to analyse the relationship between coordinated and liberal market economies and the components of the offshoring and / or outsourcing process. Reference is made to theory drawn from the resource based view, global production networks, dynamic capabilities, embeddedness as well as varieties of capitalism to focus on competences, spatial dimensions and power. It is this collective approach that is considered to be novel. Qualitative analysis is deployed to re-construct the actual framework for each industry sector. Constructs (Reichertz, 2004) combining abduction, deduction and induction are used to develop propositions that lead to conclusions. The similarities between the two UK companies and the two German companies confirms the usefulness of the taxonomy and allows for its extension to other firms and sectors. Key findings and conclusions from the two case studies are that German organizations are less inclined to outsource (in both sectors) preferring to reduce costs and retain control through captive offshoring. The UK businesses were less risk adverse and more flexible and agile in their sourcing policies. There was evidence that the UK companies regarded outsourcing and offshoring as options for closer co-operation that may lead to strategic alliances and mergers or acquisition. The relationships with trade unions/works council was also found to be very different, with a reluctance by management in Germany to progress radical initiatives. Other differences in terms of autonomy and division of labour were found. From an institutional perspective the German CME's cases were less able to deploy outsourcing and offshoring strategies with the degrees of freedom that the UK LMEs typically enjoyed. CMEs are constrained by their policies, interconnectedness and style of working. A number of ambiguities are highlighted. The thesis argues that the outsourcing and offshoring practices are embedded to a high degree in the institutional practices of the home countries. Finally, the empirical novelty lies in the 'rich data' generated by valuable insights from the senior executive interviewees to which the researcher was privileged to have access.

Designing a Fitted House of Dynamic Knowledge Management Strategy to Strengthen Competitive Advantage : Qualitative Research among UN Agencies and their Partners

Pena Vela, Maria Emilia, Koong, Shy-Nien January 2017 (has links)
“Knowledge is the only treasure you can give entirely without running short of it (African proverb cited in IFAD, 2007).” And it has been largely recognised by organisations that knowledge is a resource that they can leverage on. As Bryan (2004) mentioned, the proprietary knowledge that resides in the minds of a company’s top professionals are a source of Competitive Advantage. Therefore, organisations that leverage on Knowledge Management to promote a Knowledge Management Strategy can achieve Competitive Advantage in a world of rapid change and growth where only organisations who keep on learning and adapting will survive. Therefore, this thesis work aims to answer the following research question: “How does leveraging on Knowledge Management promotes the delivery of Knowledge Management Strategy to achieve Competitive Advantage through the Dynamic Capabilities View?” The purpose of this research is to understand more about the practical path which aims to evolve into a dynamic path for organisations to leverage on Knowledge Management (KM) in order that its strategy consecution delivers Competitive Advantage. The authors explore the subject matter by building from existing literature on the main theoretical areas encountered, and then design the research and its approach from the research question. The research followed a qualitative approach and method by utilising semi-structured interviews done to 7 international development organisations, where 13 respondents contributed with their experiences and insights from their involvement in KM in their organisations. Moreover, secondary data was used to complement, support, compare and contrast the findings of the empirical research as the authors used qualitative documents related to the topic published by the organisations. As a result, all primary and secondary data were analysed in an inter-subjective interpretative way deriving from the theoretical framework in order to answer the research question. The research revealed that the identified gap in literature between Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Strategy is also existing in practice. It was identified that it depends on the maturity of KM in the organisation and/or the organisation’ maturity itself. But is not only restricted to that, the success of a KMS is directly linked to how the organisation articulates KM, and the importance given to it is based on the sense and utilisation of the dynamic nature of KM. Thus, it can turn its organisational capabilities into Dynamic Capabilities and achieve a Competitive Advantage, this is fundamental in international development organisations in the nonprofit sector, which is increasingly striving for resources where every organisation aims to be “the partner of choice.”

Personers upplevelse av att vårdas på en akutmottagning

Kvarnsund, Sara, Frostfeldt, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det är uppskattningsvis 2,5 miljoner svenskar som söker akutsjukvård på akutmottagningar per år (Socialstyrelsen, 2015). Detta gör att belastningen blir hög då resurser ofta saknas vilket bidrar till ökade väntetider. Patienters missnöje och organisatoriska problem är något som ofta framkommer i media. Genom att ta reda på patienternas faktiska upplevelse skapas förutsättningar för att mottagandet och omhändertagandet kan förbättras och i sin tur också vårdsituationen på akutmottagningen. Syfte: Med grund i Travelbees teori beskriva personers upplevelse av att vårdas på en akutmottagning. Metod: En deduktiv litteraturöversikt genomfördes och nio artiklar analyserades utifrån Travelbees omvårdnadsteori. Resultat: Travelbees begrepp lidande, mening, mellanmänskliga relationer, människan som individ och kommunikation utgör teman. Patienter upplever att kommunikationen mellan dem och vårdpersonal har stor betydelse. Den mänskliga kontakten som detta möte innebär gör att patienten känner sig bekräftad. Saknar patienten bekräftelse i form av mänsklig kontakt eller kommunikation leder det till missnöjdhet i vårdsituationen. Slutsatser: Vårdpersonalens bemötande påverkar patientens upplevelse av akutmottagningen och hjälper patienterna att hantera situationen. Kontinuerlig kontakt med vårdpersonal har visat sig ha betydelse för patienten då de blir bekräftade. Sjuksköterskan bör vara medveten om vilka förväntningar patienten har och kunna hantera de olika vårdsituationerna på ett professionellt sätt. / Background:  It´ about 2,5 million Swedes who seek emergency treatment per year (Socialstyrelsen, 2015).  This leads to high pressure at the emergency department. Resources are often scarce and contributes to increased waiting times. Media shows a negative image of care and organizational problems often appears. Looking at patients' experiences of the situation at the emergency department, creates conditions for improving the healthcare situation at emergency department.  Aim: To describe peoples experience of being treated at the emergency department by using Travelbees nursing theory. Method: A deductive literature review was conducted and nine articles were analyzed by Travelbees nursing theory. Results: Travelbees concepts suffering, meaning, human relation, human as an individual and communication creates theme in the result. Patients experiencing that communication between them and the healthcare professionals is of great importance. This contact makes the patient feel confirmed. If the patient feel that they are not confirmed because of lacking communication or human contact it leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction.  Conclusion: Healthcare professional’s treatment affects the patients experience in the emergency department and helps them to cope with the situation. Continuous contact with health professionals is of importance for the patient and makes them feel confirmed. The nurse must be aware of which expectations the patient has when they seek emergency care and be able to give professional care.

Priors for new view synthesis

Woodford, Oliver J. January 2009 (has links)
New view synthesis (NVS) is the problem of generating a novel image of a scene, given a set of calibrated input images of the scene, i.e. their viewpoints, and also that of the output image, are known. The problem is generally ill-posed---a large number of scenes can generate a given set of images, therefore there may be many equally likely (given the input data) output views. Some of these views will look less natural to a human observer than others, so prior knowledge of natural scenes is required to ensure that the result is visually plausible. The aim of this thesis is to compare and improve upon the various Markov random field} and conditional random field prior models, and their associated maximum a posteriori optimization frameworks, that are currently the state of the art for NVS and stereo (itself a means to NVS). A hierarchical example-based image prior is introduced which, when combined with a multi-resolution framework, accelerates inference by an order of magnitude, whilst also improving the quality of rendering. A parametric image prior is tested using a number of novel discrete optimization algorithms. This general prior is found to be less well suited to the NVS problem than sequence-specific priors, generating two forms of undesirable artifact, which are discussed. A novel pairwise clique image prior is developed, allowing inference using powerful optimizers. The prior is shown to perform better than a range of other pairwise image priors, distinguishing as it does between natural and artificial texture discontinuities. A dense stereo algorithm with geometrical occlusion model is converted to the task of NVS. In doing so, a number of challenges are novelly addressed; in particular, the new pairwise image prior is employed to align depth discontinuities with genuine texture edges in the output image. The resulting joint prior over smoothness and texture is shown to produce cutting edge rendering performance. Finally, a powerful new inference framework for stereo that allows the tractable optimization of second order smoothness priors is introduced. The second order priors are shown to improve reconstruction over first order priors in a number of situations.

Läsinlärning och Läsutveckling : en longitudinell studie med BRAVKOD metoden

Petersson, Kristina, Söderholm-Feria, Pernilla January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur elever med avkodningssvårigheter påverkades av en intervention med läslistor ställt mot tidigare interventioner och traditionell läsundervisning. Interventionen innefattade elever i avkodningssvårigheter som lästränade vid 4 tillfällen under 28 veckor á 20 minuter per gång med läslistor från BRAVKOD metoden. Studien syftade även till att undersöka hur elevernas avkodning utvecklades beroende på ålder. Därför har elever från både låg och mellanstadiet deltagit i interventionen. Studien lades upp efter klassisk experimentell design med både interventionsgrupper och jämförelsegrupper i båda stadierna. Grupperna har omfattat 30 elever från lågstadiet och 21 elever från mellanstadiet. Vidare har även elevernas motivation och föräldrarnas upplevelse varit ett syfte att undersöka närmre. Studien genomfördes som en intervention med före och eftertest, en intervju med elever i interventionsgrupperna och lärare samt enkätundersökning hos vårdnadshavare. Testresultaten behandlades kvantitativt medan intervjuer fick ge studien ett kvalitativt komplement till testresultat och enkätsvar. Interventionsgrupperna i båda stadier visar en tydlig förbättring i avkodning i alla tester jämfört med jämförelsegrupperna. Detta visar på att interventionen med läslistor har en positiv utveckling på elevernas avkodningsförmåga. I intervjuer framkom även att eleverna överlag var motiverade till att lästräna med metoden. Endast någon enstaka elev var motvillig till detta.

Vonnegut's duty-dance with death-theme and structure in Slaughterhouse-five

Loeb, Monica January 1979 (has links)
The influence of Vonnegut’s didactic purpose of writing on the treatment of theme  and structure in Slaughterhouse-Five is investigated in this study. The following  elements of structure are studied: point of view, the treatment of time, characterization,  the use of other sources, and imagery. These are constantly related to  the novel’s themes, such as war, cruelty, death, time, innocence, survival, free  will, fantasy and regeneration. Since Vonnegut himself survived the Dresden  bombings during World War Two, his novel is very personal, which is particularly  reflected in his point-of-view technique, the subject of Chapter One. Vonnegut creates  double narrators in Slaughterhouse-Five : a personal one, including authorial  intrusions, and an impersonal one. This division is a direct reflection of the  dichotomy between reality and fantasy that prevails in the novel.  In Chapter Two, Vonnegut’s treatment of time is demonstrated to be a process of  spatialization. Structurally, this means a fragmented narrative split into several  time levels that chiefly form what the author calls his ”telegraphic schizophrenic"  style. Thematically, the protagonist comes "unstuck" in time, thus succeeding in  confronting an absurd world and finally transcending death.  Vonnegut uses the depiction of character mainly to express ideas and to reinforce  themes, since he regards his characters as "bugs in amber," involuntarily stuck,  excepting their capacity for fantasy. To facilitate the reader’s recognition of  these sketchy characters, Vonnegut has equipped them with marks of recognition,  often repeated, and names that provide clues to their personalities. All characters  are shown to be isolated and lonely, except on Tralfamadore where a dream woi;ld  exists.  In the fourth chapter, Vonnegut’s use of other sources is examined. His carefully  chosen quotations fall into two groups: first, historical sources that verify facts,  such as the Dresden catastrophy; second, fictional sources that stimulate the human  imagination, which turns out to be the protagonist's means of survival.  Finally, imagery in Slaughterhouse-Five, studied in Chapter Five, is found to be  used for enrichment of a style otherwise characterized by great economy. Much of  the imagery strikes a humorous tone. A simple, quotidian vocabulary is developed.  War imagery is used to deglorify war. Animal imagery is invoked to ridicule and to  show man’s true place in the universe. Several oxymora further reinforce the incongruity  prevailing in the Vonnegutian world. The negative effect of imagery is  also found in symbols pertaining to Billy’s life situation. As a contrast, however,  there are also positive symbols emphasizing nature’s annual cycle of rebirth signifying  hope and regeneration.  Many of the stylistic elements studied reveal that Vonnegut has chosen thematic and  structural solutions that make his novel accessible to a large reading audience.  The fragmented, at times circular, structure of Slaughterhouse-Five is indeed a  "dance with death." In a thematic sense, death is the writer’s own muse that he  must dutifully dance with in order to create his work of art. Slaughterhouse-Five  is not only Vonnegut’s account of his own war experience but also a statement on  the human condition. / digitalisering@umu

Reflexe obrazu světa mongolských nomádů ve vybraných příslovích / Reflexion of the worldview of the Mongolian nomads in selected proverbs

Chudá, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the Mongolian proverbs - zu'ir cecen u'g and their relation to the traditional world-view of the Mongolian nomads. Selected proverbs are translated, commented and set in the context of a nomadic life. Keywords: Proverbs Zu'ir cecen u'g World-view Mongols Nomads

Corporate Sustainability in the context of a cross-border acquisition integration

Rist, Lena, Hällerstrand, Linda January 2017 (has links)
The increasing global challenges, such as natural disasters, poverty and many others, pose new threats to societies and businesses. Therefore, companies increase their engagement in Corporate Sustainability (CS), which connects social, environmental and economic responsibilities. Through this approach, CS aims at overcoming environmental and social constraints in a business context to increase competitiveness in today’s fast-changing world. This fast pace, with which the business environment changes, is related to external influences, such as the above-mentioned climate change, and to fundamental structural developments. One of those is the increasing number of emerging-market companies (EMNCs) that internationalize rapidly through cross-border M&A deals, also into developed markets. Since both trends, the increase in CS engagement and the growing international M&A activity of EMNCs, gain in practical and academic importance, we conducted our study under the following research question. How is CS integrated on a strategic level after a cross-border acquisition by an EMNC? The theoretical angle from which we approached the topic aligns with the resource-based view, including the natural-resource-based view, and a stakeholder perspective. When reviewing the literature regarding CS, it became clear that substantial outcomes are still lacking despite an increasing commitment to CS. This difficulty can be linked to the variety of interpretations regarding the conception of CS and the resulting confusion among implicated parties. The review of M&A literature, with a special focus on EMNCs, revealed that these companies deploy a unique approach, which is characterized by the soft post-M&A integration of the target to allow organizational learning within both businesses. Therefore, our empirical research aimed at exploring how the strategic CS of both companies, the target and the parent, influence each other and thus, develop towards a common CS strategy. The longitudinal single case study we selected, allowed us to investigate this research proposal. Through the collection and analysis of documentary data enriched by semi-structured interviews, our study revealed the following. The exchange of knowledge and CS-related communication represented the basis for the integration of strategic CS as it nurtures organizational learning. Consequently, the CS strategies of both companies increased in maturity, which means that their sophistication evolved. In addition, we also found that the target developed towards a more permissive sustainability to align with its parent company’s CS strategy. Our main study contributions relate to an enhancement of the theoretical knowledge in the related fields. Besides this, we also identified critical practical issues, such as the importance of establishing a common conception of CS to ensure a successful CS integration on a strategic level.

Le rôle de la logistique dans le succès des opérations humanitaires : une approche par les compétences / The role of logistics in the success of humanitarian relief operations : a competence-based approach

Vega Bernal, Diego 18 March 2013 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, le nombre de catastrophes naturelles a subi une augmentation effrayante partout dans le monde. Même si le nombre de décès déclarés a diminué sur les dernières années, le nombre de personnes affectées ne cesse pas d'augmenter, ayant un grand impact dans la façon dont les opérations d'aide humanitaire sont développées. L'aide humanitaire comprend une myriade d'acteurs parmi lesquels on trouve les donateurs, les agences d'aide, les organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG), les gouvernements et les prestataires de service logistique. Dans ce contexte, la logistique représente 80% des activités, et est impliquée dans les trois phases du cycle de la gestion des catastrophes. Dans l'industrie, logistique est considéré comme une source d'avantage concurrentiel, expliquant les différences de performance entre les entreprises. Pour le contexte humanitaire, la logistique a la capacité d'assurer le succès des opérations, de contribuer à la stratégie d'une organisation et permet aux bénéficiaires et aux donateurs de distinguer une ONG d'une autre. Cela est possible grâce au développement des compétences et capacités logistiques organisationnelles. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc d'identifier ces compétences et capacités logistiques organisationnelles qui peuvent assurer le succès des opérations humanitaires. À travers d'une étude de cas unique effectuée au sein de MSF Logistique, la centrale d'achat et d'approvisionnement de Médecins Sans Frontières, cette thèse fournit la preuve du rôle stratégique que la logistique joue dans les activités de l'organisation et propose un modèle de compétences et capacités logistiques pour le contexte humanitaire. / Over the past years, the number of natural disasters reported has suffered a frightening increase all around the world. Even though the number of people reported killed has decreased on the last years, the number of people reported affected has augmented having a great impact in the relief operations undertaken. Humanitarian relief comprises a myriad of actors which include donors, aid agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), governments and logistics providers. In this context, logistics accounts for 80% of the relief effort and is involved in all three of the disaster management phases. In industry, logistics is considered to be a source of competitive advantage, explaining the differences in performance among firms. Moving this to the humanitarian context, logistics has the capacity to ensure the success of the operations, to contribute to an organization's strategy, and allows beneficiaries and donors to distinguish an organization from another. This is only possible through the development of organizational logistics competences. The purpose of this thesis is thus to identify those organizational logistics competences and capabilities that can ensure the success of humanitarian relief operations. Through a single-embedded case study performed with MSF Logistique, the international logistics platform for Médecins Sans Frontières France, this thesis provides evidence of the strategic role that logistics plays in the organization's activities, and proposes a Logistics Capability and Competence Framework for Humanitarian Relief.

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