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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viol?ncia contra mulheres: diretrizes pol?ticas da psicologia para o exerc?cio profissional

Cantares, Tamiris da Silva 24 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fernanda Ciolfi (fernanda.ciolfi@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2016-04-08T12:04:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tamiris Da Silva Cantares.pdf: 2654876 bytes, checksum: 66115d0c723f6d93022331fc46716ff8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-08T12:04:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tamiris Da Silva Cantares.pdf: 2654876 bytes, checksum: 66115d0c723f6d93022331fc46716ff8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-24 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / This research aimed to identify and discuss the policy guidelines that guide the professional practice of psychology, referring to violence against women. Is justified, in view of the breadth and historical perpetuation of the phenomenon of violence against women in Brazilian society and its manifestation in a particular social context marked by exploitation, social inequality and increasing violence. In this sense, the Brazilian feminist movement proved historically as an important reporting tool and resistance, in particular, by persuasion in the implementation of public policies by the State to combat and eradicate violence against women. The methodology, inspired by historical and dialectical materialist bias, has been configured for the production of quantitative and qualitative nature information through the content analysis technique. Research sources used were the eight deliberative documents, drawn up in Congressos Nacionais da Psicologia (CNPs), maximum deliberative entity of Psychology, the period from 1994 to 2013. From the analysis procedure layout, it was possible to identify the central categories in the debate about violence against women in the manifest content of the psychology of political guidelines, such as Public policy and Human rights. We therefore conclude that the prominent social phenomenon was addressed in Psychology policy guidelines through the perspective of human rights of women violations. Therefore, we consider the dialogue with the social and popular movements aligned with the political participation of psychology professionals in the social control agencies as a horizon toward building an aligned Psychology to emerging demands of Brazilian reality and coherent with the desire for social transformation. / A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e problematizar as diretrizes pol?ticas, que orientam o exerc?cio profissional da Psicologia, referentes ? viol?ncia contra as mulheres. Justifica-se, haja vista a amplitude e perpetua??o hist?rica do fen?meno da viol?ncia cometida contra as mulheres na sociedade brasileira e a sua manifesta??o em um contexto social espec?fico marcado pela explora??o, desigualdade social e crescente viol?ncia. Neste sentido, o movimento feminista brasileiro se mostrou, historicamente, como uma importante ferramenta de den?ncia e resist?ncia, em especial, pela persuas?o na implanta??o de pol?ticas p?blicas pelo Estado no combate e erradica??o da viol?ncia de contra as mulheres. A metodologia, inspirada pelo vi?s materialista hist?rico-dial?tico, se configurou pela produ??o de informa??es de car?ter quantitativo e qualitativo atrav?s da t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do. As fontes de pesquisa utilizadas foram os oito documentos deliberativos, elaborados nos Congressos Nacionais da Psicologia (CNPs), inst?ncia m?xima deliberativa da Psicologia, do per?odo de 1994 a 2013. A partir do procedimento de an?lise estabelecido, foi poss?vel identificar categorias centrais no debate sobre viol?ncia contra mulheres no conte?do manifesto das diretrizes pol?ticas da Psicologia, como Pol?ticas P?blicas e Direitos Humanos. Conclu?mos, portanto, que o fen?meno social destacado foi abordado nas diretrizes pol?ticas da Psicologia por meio da perspectiva da viola??o dos direitos humanos das mulheres. Portanto, consideramos o di?logo com os movimentos sociais e populares, alinhado com a participa??o pol?tica dos profissionais de psicologia nos ?rg?os de controle social, como um horizonte rumo ? constru??o de uma Psicologia atenta ?s demandas emergentes da realidade brasileira e coerente com o desejo de transforma??o social.

Därför slog jag henne! : En kvalitativ studie om mäns erfarenheter av sitt våld mot sina tidigare partners

Pietrzyk, Diana January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the study has been to highlight men's experiences of their violence against their former partners. The questions that answered the purpose of the study have focused on the reasons why men tend to use violence against their partners and whether they subsequently take responsibility for their violence and if so, how this is the case. The study is of a qualitative approach and is based on five interviews with men who have been treated for their violent behavior. The theories that the study leans towards are the social psychological and sociological perspectives with a focus on social heritage and the social learning theory. The study's empirical data and the causes of the violence is also linked to the external factors of the ecological perspective, such as drugs, alcohol, economic vulnerability and crime. Other theoretical perspectives and explanatory models that are used to explain men's acts of violence against their former partner are the disfavor perspective in the individual psychological perspective, the gender power perspective and system theory explanatory models. The result of the study indicate that the causes of men's violence against women are often explained as the woman's own fault when the man often believes that the woman has provoked him to take violence. Many times, however, there are several different reasons for men's violence against women who are interwoven in several different theoretical explanatory models. Many of the men in the study still do not take responsibility for their acts of violence and do not want to identify themselves as a women abusers, even though they have been treated and in therapy for the violence against their former partner. However, some of the men in the study also found that the treatment helped them understand the causes of the violence and that they also have a responsibility as it comes to the violence they subjected their former partners to. / Studiens syfte har varit att belysa mäns erfarenheter av sitt våld mot sina tidigare partners. Frågeställningarna som besvarat studiens syfte har fokuserat på orsakerna kring varför män brukar våld mot sina partners och huruvida de i efterhand tar ansvar för sitt våld och hur i så fall detta ter sig. Studien är av kvalitativ ansats och grundar sig på fem intervjuer med män som har gått i behandling för sitt våldsamma beteende. De teorier som studien lutar sig mot är de socialpsykologiska och sociologiska perspektiven med fokus på det sociala arvet samt den sociala inlärningsteorin. Studiens empiri och orsakerna till våldet kopplas även samman med det ekologiska perspektivet och då med fokus på de yttre faktorerna så som droger, alkohol, ekonomisk utsatthet och kriminalitet. Andra teoretiska perspektiv och förklaringsmodeller som används för att förklara männens våldshandlingar gentemot sin före detta partner är vanmaktsperspektivet, det individualpsykologiska perspektivet och könsmaktsperspektivet. Studiens resultat pekar på att orsakerna till mäns våld mot kvinnor ofta förklaras som kvinnans eget fel då mannen många gånger anser att kvinnan har provocerat honom till att ta till våld. Många gånger kan det dock finnas flera olika orsaker till mäns våld mot kvinnor som är sammanvävda i flera olika teoretiska förklaringsmodeller. Flera av männen i studien tar fortfarande inte ansvar för sina våldshandlingar och vill inte identifiera sig som kvinnomisshandlare, trots att de gått i behandling och i terapi för våldet mot sin tidigare partner. Vissa av männen i studien tyckte dock att behandlingen hjälpte dem till att förstå orsakerna till våldet och att de även har ett ansvar då det kommer till våldet som de utsatt sina tidigare partners för.

A temática da violência na formação da enfermagem : racionalidades hegemônicas e o ensino na graduação / The theme of violence in nursing education : hegemonic rationalities and teaching in the graduation course / El tema de la violencia en la formación de la enfermería : racionalidades hegemónicas y la enseñanza en la graduación

Bonfim, Elisiane Gomes January 2015 (has links)
Neste estudo, aborda-se o ensino da temática da violência na graduação em enfermagem. O objetivo geral da tese consistiu em investigar como a temática da violência é abordada em Cursos de Bacharelado em Enfermagem das Instituições de Ensino Superior, situadas em Porto Alegre, e analisar as racionalidades subjacentes em documentos e práticas. O estudo qualitativo englobou todos os cursos de bacharelado em enfermagem, situados em Porto Alegre, que concluíram turmas, perfazendo quatro cursos. As ferramentas para a geração de dados incluíram pesquisa documental, por meio das diretrizes curriculares nacionais, dos projetos pedagógicos, de matrizes curriculares, de planos de ensino das disciplinas que abordam a violência e de entrevistas com os docentes que abordam a temática da violência na graduação em enfermagem. Os resultados demonstraram a abordagem da violência no currículo formal real, com concentração nas disciplinas voltadas para a saúde da criança, em situações nas quais a violência é discutida a partir da percepção de necessidade do docente e no currículo oculto, por meio da demanda pela vivência de situações de violência nos cenários de prática. Foi possível identificar um distanciamento entre as normativas fundantes da saúde como direito, constantes nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais e que inspiram os Projetos Pedagógicos dos Cursos, e o real na implementação dos Currículos. A execução dos projetos é permeada pela racionalidade biomédica, pelo padrão empírico de conhecimento de enfermagem e com a concepção de saúde, entendida como ausência de doenças, o que, constata-se, não sustenta a complexidade de abordagens multicausais como aquelas necessárias a teorizar e gerar enfrentamentos à violência. Outra constatação é de que as competências e as habilidades, previstas para a formação, são transcritas das Diretrizes Curriculares para os Projetos Pedagógicos dos Cursos, e não se configuram em operacionalização nos Planos de Ensino. Nas ementas das disciplinas, que abordam a violência, ainda persiste o foco na doença, exceção às disciplinas de direitos humanos e às voltadas à saúde da criança, que têm por base políticas públicas. Neste contexto, novos olhares na abordagem da violência acontecem, por meio das atividades de extensão, programas e projetos, e pela inserção do tema nos grupos de pesquisa, nos quais é possível vivenciar a atuação da equipe multidisciplinar, além dos estágios obrigatórios em cenários de prática em diferentes instituições que não se limitam à saúde e que atuam considerando a saúde enquanto direito. / This study approaches the theme of teaching of violence within the nursing graduation studies. The general objective of the thesis consisted of an investigation about how the theme of violence is approached in Nursing Graduation Courses of Higher Teaching Institutions located in Porto Alegre as well as of an analysis of rationalities that are subjacent in documents and practices. The qualitative study comprised all of the graduation courses on nursing located in Porto Alegre that completed and formed classes totaling four courses. The tools for the collecting data included research on documents of the national curriculum guidelines, pedagogic projects, curriculum matrices and teaching plans of the disciplines that cover the issue of violence, as well as interviews with teachers who discuss this theme in the nursing graduation. Findings demonstrated the violence approach in the actual formal curriculum with concentration in the disciplines addressing the child´s health and in situations where violence is discussed in the perception of the teacher´s need as well as in the hidden curriculum by means of the demand due to the experience of violence situations in the practice settings. It was possible to identify a gap between the normative ruling foundations of health as a right, presented in the National Curriculum Guidelines that inspire the Pedagogic Projects of the Courses and the actual ones applied in the implementation of the Curricula. The execution of the projects is permeated by the biomedical rationality and the empiric standard of nursing knowledge besides the health conception, understood as absence of diseases, what is perceived as unable to sustain the complexity of multiple and varied approaches like those needed to theorize and to generate confrontations to violence. Another finding evidences that the competences and abilities foreseen for the nursing education are transcribed from the Curriculum Guidelines for the Pedagogic Projects of the Courses but are not outlined for their operation in the Teaching Plans. In the synopses of the disciplines that approach violence still persist the focus on disease with exception of the disciplines on human rights and those addressed to the child´s health that are founded on public policies Within this context, new glances on the violence approach occur by means of extension activities, programs and projects and by inserting the theme in research groups where it is possible to experience the performance of the multidisciplinary team besides the mandatory internship practice scenarios in different institutions that are not limited to health but that develop their activities by considering health as a right. / Este estudio aborda el tema de la enseñanza de la violencia dentro de los estudios de graduación de enfermería. El objetivo general de la tesis consistió en investigar como la temática de la violencia es abordada en Cursos de Licenciatura en Enfermería de las Instituciones de Enseñanza Superior, ubicadas en Porto Alegre, y analizar las racionalidades subyacentes en documentos y prácticas. El estudio cualitativo abarcó todos los cursos de graduación en enfermería ubicados en Porto Alegre que concluyeron y formaron grupos, totalizando cuatro cursos. Las herramientas para la generación de datos incluyeron investigación en documentos de las directrices curriculares nacionales y de proyectos pedagógicos, matrices curriculares, planes de enseñanza de las disciplinas que abordan la violencia bien como a través de entrevistas con los docentes que abordan la temática de la violencia en la graduación en enfermería. Los resultados demostraron el abordaje de la violencia en el currículo formal real, con concentración en las disciplinas dedicadas a la salud del niño y en situaciones donde la violencia es discutida desde la percepción de necesidad del docente bien como en el currículo oculto, por medio de la demanda por la vivencia de situaciones de violencia en los escenarios de práctica. Fue posible identificar un distanciamiento entre las normativas fundantes de la salud como derecho, previstas en las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales y que inspiran los Proyectos Pedagógicos de los Cursos, y lo real en la implementación de los Currículos. La ejecución de los proyectos es impregnada por la racionalidad biomédica, por el estándar empírico de conocimiento de enfermería con la concepción de salud, entendida como ausencia de enfermedades, lo que, según se constata, no sustenta la complejidad de abordajes de múltiples causas como aquellas necesarias para teorizar y generar enfrentamientos a la violencia. Otra constatación es que las competencias y habilidades previstas para la formación son transcritas de las Directrices Curriculares para los Proyectos Pedagógicos de los Cursos pero no se las encuentra configuradas en la operación de los Planes de Enseñanza. En las sinopsis de las disciplinas, que abordan la violencia, todavía persiste el foco en la enfermedad, a excepción de las disciplinas de derechos humanos y de aquellas volcadas a la salud del niño, que toman las políticas públicas como base. En este contexto, ocurren nuevas miradas en el abordaje de la violencia por medio de las actividades de extensión, programas y proyectos, así como por la inserción del tema en los grupos de pesquisa, en los cuales es posible experimentar la actuación del equipo multidisciplinario, además de las prácticas obligatorias en escenarios de práctica de diferentes instituciones que no se limitan a la salud pero que actúan considerando la salud como derecho.

Optimising the "spaces in-between" : the maternal alienation project and the politics of gender in macro and micro contexts.

Morris, Anne January 2008 (has links)
The centrepoint of this thesis is an action research project, the Maternal Alienation Project (MAP), implemented during 2002 and 2003 in Adelaide, South Australia. Resourced by two government-funded community health services, it was established to improve organisations’ (health, welfare and legal) and systems’ responses to the newly termed ‘maternal alienation’. MAP was situated within a tradition of feminist participatory and action research. It was designed to work on three levels: practice, systems and policy-making, and research. The outcomes, processes and events of MAP at the different levels of its operation are examined in the thesis through the employment of a gendered analysis drawn mainly from materialist feminism and standpoint theories. Post-project interviews and focus groups provided further data to the fieldnotes written throughout MAP, and the project’s formal and informal documents. A recent example of a contested gendered concept, “maternal alienation” was first identified and named in 1999 as a component of gender violence (Morris 1999). It forms part of a spectrum of violence perpetrated in households, and had been identified within domestic violence and child sexual abuse. It is a term for the range of tactics used by mainly male perpetrators, predominantly the mothers’ intimate partners and the children’s fathers or step-fathers, to deliberately undermine the relationship between mothers and their children. The mother-blaming discourses and degrading constructions of mothers conveyed to children and those in the family’s orbit are strongly related to wider socio-cultural constructions of women and mothers. The thesis examines theories of gender, gendered organisations and gender violence. It develops the concept of an abusive household gender regime, characterised by perpetrators’ imposition of a coercive and abusive regime on household members, and particular patternings of gendered relations. Comparisons are made between household and organisational gender regimes, which are also viewed in relation to the local gender order at the time of MAP. It was found that services that lack an analysis of gender are likely to re-inscribe the dynamics of maternal alienation in their responses to families. Language was found to play a significant part in addressing maternal alienation, particularly in developing congruence between language and women’s and children’s “lived” experiences. The principles that were developed were founded on supporting mothers and rebuilding their relationships with children, and making visible the tactics employed by perpetrators, thereby reducing their power to coerce and increasing their accountability. The concept of maternal alienation and MAP itself were attacked by a coalition of men’s rights and Christian Right lobbyists. This compromised the operations of MAP, and of its key supporters, managers of feminist and gender-aware organisations. In many ways these attacks, played out at a macro level, reflected the techniques and dynamics of maternal alienation at a micro level. This thesis raises questions about the strategies that feminist organisations need to develop to more effectively pursue feminist agendas, and to re-invigorate a women’s movement. / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Social Sciences, 2008

Attityder, bemötande och engagemang : Om emotionernas och myternas betydelse i mötet med kvinnor utsatta för mäns våld / Attitudes, treatment and commitment : On the importance of emotions and myths in the meeting with women victims of male violence

Olsson, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på intervjuer med två kvinnor anställda på en kvinnojour. Den handlar om deras uppfattningar och erfarenheter vad gäller uppbrottsprocessen för den kvinna som utsatts för mäns våld och hur hon blir bemött av polis och sociala myndigheter under uppbrottet. Kvinnan som ska bryta sig loss från mannen måste ofta ta kontakt med olika myndigheter för att lösa sin situation och dessa har visat sig agera på olika sätt. Deras kunskap är av stor vikt, men det är också nödvändigt att fundera på hur de personliga känslorna styr bemötandet och utgången av mötet. Människan är mån om att försöka anpassa sina känslor till situationen och tysta regler styr vad som är korrekt i en specifik situation. Dessa känslor går dock inte alltid att kontrollera och kan få konsekvenser för kvinnan i hennes process.</p> / <p>This study in social anthropology is based on interviews with two female employees at a women's aid centre. It is about their perceptions and experiences of the breakup process a woman who has been ill treated by her man goes through, and of the way she is treated by the police and the social authorities during this breakup. The woman who must break away from her man must often make contact with various authorities to resolve her situation and they have been shown to act differently. Their knowledge is of great importance, but it is also necessary to consider how their personal feelings govern how they receive the woman and the outcome of the meeting. Man is anxious to try to adapt his feelings to the situation and silent rules govern what is appropriate in a particular situation. These feelings are not always controlable and may have consequences for the woman in her process.</p>

Attityder, bemötande och engagemang : Om emotionernas och myternas betydelse i mötet med kvinnor utsatta för mäns våld / Attitudes, treatment and commitment : On the importance of emotions and myths in the meeting with women victims of male violence

Olsson, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på intervjuer med två kvinnor anställda på en kvinnojour. Den handlar om deras uppfattningar och erfarenheter vad gäller uppbrottsprocessen för den kvinna som utsatts för mäns våld och hur hon blir bemött av polis och sociala myndigheter under uppbrottet. Kvinnan som ska bryta sig loss från mannen måste ofta ta kontakt med olika myndigheter för att lösa sin situation och dessa har visat sig agera på olika sätt. Deras kunskap är av stor vikt, men det är också nödvändigt att fundera på hur de personliga känslorna styr bemötandet och utgången av mötet. Människan är mån om att försöka anpassa sina känslor till situationen och tysta regler styr vad som är korrekt i en specifik situation. Dessa känslor går dock inte alltid att kontrollera och kan få konsekvenser för kvinnan i hennes process. / This study in social anthropology is based on interviews with two female employees at a women's aid centre. It is about their perceptions and experiences of the breakup process a woman who has been ill treated by her man goes through, and of the way she is treated by the police and the social authorities during this breakup. The woman who must break away from her man must often make contact with various authorities to resolve her situation and they have been shown to act differently. Their knowledge is of great importance, but it is also necessary to consider how their personal feelings govern how they receive the woman and the outcome of the meeting. Man is anxious to try to adapt his feelings to the situation and silent rules govern what is appropriate in a particular situation. These feelings are not always controlable and may have consequences for the woman in her process.

Living with xenophobia : understanding the lived experiences of Burundian and Rwandese refugees in Durban (South Africa).

Mujawamariya, Consolee. January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of the study described in this report was to better understand the lived experiences of refugees from Burundi and Rwanda living in the inner city of Durban and facing xenophobia. This study was motivated by available research evidence that xenophobia is a widespread phenomenon, together with the researcher’s own experience of living as a refugee in South Africa. The investigation was guided by ‘structural social work theory’ and used a qualitative descriptive approach. The sample of the study, purposively selected using snowball sampling technique, consisted of ten adult refugees from Burundi and Rwanda who had been granted refugee status in South Africa. As a data collection tool, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants. To ensure trustworthiness, criteria of credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability were taken in account. The study revealed that all the participants have fled their respective countries due to ethnic conflicts and on-going civil wars. Traumatised by the experience that had led to their flight, all ten participants were found to have been re-traumatised further along the flight, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome were common. It was possible to demonstrate that this background experience undermined participants’ ability to cope with xenophobia. Xenophobia was found to feature in the form of both interpersonal and structural violence, the latter consisting of both social and economic marginalisation and exclusion. According to the research participants, the prevailing xenophobia in South Africa can be attributed to a number of interconnected factors including: the impact of South Africa’s apartheid history on attitudes of South Africans towards black foreigners, coupled with a general lack of knowledge about who are refugees; high levels of violence coupled with an apparent social acceptability of crime; as well as the negative statements of the media about foreigners in general and refugees in particular. Against this background, participants indicated a range of coping strategies, including the following: escape from identity; psychological and social withdrawal; living in overcrowded inner city areas to cut costs of living and minimise risks of exposure to xenophobic violence; embracing self and informal employment. Based on the study findings, this research report concludes with the proposition of a number of recommendations towards curbing xenophobia in South Africa and enabling refugees to overcome past traumatic experiences, integrate and become active contributors to South Africa’s economy, in line with the qualifications that they may have attained prior to flight. To this end, contributions are required of everyone concerned with the refugees’ integration including the South African government, the media, the social work profession, the refugees themselves, as well as the communities amongst which they live. Much more research needs to be done to increase social workers’ understanding of the needs of refugees and of xenophobia, and to guide appropriate professional responses. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.

An apple a day won't keep the violence away : listening to what pregnant women living in intimate partner violence say about their health

Martin, Debbie F., University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Health Sciences January 2009 (has links)
Researchers have provided evidence that living in intimate partner violence while pregnant negatively impacts the health of both the women and their unborn children. The purpose of this narrative study was twofold, first to gain understanding of the meaning of health as described by pregnant women who lived in intimate partner violence, and second to gain strategies for health care professionals. Six purposefully selected women participated in two interviews. The data were arranged under five themes: loss of body health, loss of mind health, loss of spirit health, coping with loss of body, mind and spirit health, and advice for health care professionals. The results revealed that these women’s health was negatively affected by living in intimate partner violence while pregnant. Universal screening, coalition building, further research, changes in health care policies, and changes in nursing education and practice are needed to properly address this serious health issue. / xi, 153 leaves ; 29 cm

More than 'whore' : a discourse analysis on the media coverage of the murders of sex trade workers in Edmonton, Canada, 2001-2008 / Tamara Larter

Larter, Tamara, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2011 (has links)
Twenty women linked with the sex trade in Edmonton, Canada went missing or were murdered between 2001 and 2008. In this study, I use Foucauldian and feminist theories, via discourse analysis, to examine the ways that Edmonton’s newspapers (re)present these murders. My findings show that the newspapers’ discourse deviantises these women, thereby minimising the tragedy of their disappearances and deaths. This deviantisation is deployed in three ways; by framing sex trade workers as criminally, medically, and morally deviant. Criminal deviance places sex trade workers firmly on the ‘wrong’ side of the law, making them undeserving of police protection; medical deviance implies that only women who are mentally ill in some way would take part in the sex trade, and, simultaneously, hyperbolises the role of sex workers in the spread of venereal diseases. Finally, discourses of moral deviance place sex workers on the ‘wrong’ side of morality and femininity. iv / ix, 126 leaves ; 29 cm

Vad har jag gjort för att förtjäna detta? : En studie av kvinnors upplevelser i våldsutsatta relationer / What have I done to deserve this? : A study of women's experiences in violence relationships

Bedrossian, Nariné, Ozga, Victoria January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of women who have been abused by their partners. The study also examines how violence takes shape in a relationship. Based on a qualitative text analysis of three autobiographies and one novel, we have obtained the material for this study. The three selected autobiographies are; "I have not told you everything" by Jessie Andersson, "The nightmare" by Maria Dahlén and "It would be a pleasure to kill you" by Magdalena Graaf and the novel "Hidden" by Liza Marklund. To gain a better understanding of this topic, we have used the following theories; the process of normalization of violence, gender and masculinity. The analysis of the study is divided into two chapters. In the first chapter we are going to analyze the "Women's experiences as subjects to violence in relationships", where similarities in the four books are revealed, as well as the women’s experiences. The second chapter highlights "The underlying reasons why abuse exists in these relationships". This chapter shows what the gender roles of a man and a woman are, as told in the relationships described in the books. The results of this study show that women first become exposed to psychological violence which later also becomes physical. Women, who live in these conditions, adapt to the men’s behavior and feel shame, guilt, fear and powerlessness about their lives. Furthermore we discuss the society’s influential role towards women who are abused. The society and the social workers, should have an understanding of this problem, in order to help the women and understand why they stay in abusive relationships. / Syftet med denna studie är att få en ökad förståelse för kvinnor som levt i våldsutsatta relationer. Studien undersöker även hur våldet tar sin form i ett förhållande. Utifrån en kvalitativ textanalys av tre självbiografier och en roman får vi fram studiens textmaterial. De tre utvalda självbiografierna är; "Jag har inte berättat allt" av Jessie Andersson, "Nattmaran" av Maria Dahlén och "Det ska bli ett sant nöje att döda dig" av Magdalena Graaf samt romanen "Gömda" av Liza Marklund. För att få förståelse kring ämnet har vi använt oss av teorierna; Våldets normaliseringsprocess, genus och maskulinitet. Studiens analys är indelad i två kapitel. I det första kapitlet analyserar vi "Kvinnors upplevelser i ett våldsutsatt förhållande" där likheter i de fyra böckerna framkommer samt kvinnornas upplevelser. Det andra kapitlet belyser "De bakomliggande faktorerna till den våldsutsatta relationens existens" visar på att könsroller angående vad som är "man" och "kvinna" existerar i relationerna i de fyra böckerna. Resultatet för denna studie visar att kvinnor först blir utsatta för psykiskt våld och som sedan även övergår till fysiskt. Kvinnorna som lever i dessa förhållanden anpassar sig efter männen och känner skam, skuld, rädsla och maktlöshet över sin livssituation. Vidare redovisas samhällets påverkande roll gentemot kvinnor som blir misshandlade. Samhället och de professionella socialarbetare bör ha kunskaper om denna problematik för att kunna hjälpa kvinnan samt förstå varför hon stannar kvar i förhållandet.

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