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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Haunted by you : a study of the real and psycho-literary space of Jack Kerouac’s Lowell

Juarez, David Ryan 16 February 2015 (has links)
This report argues that through his lived experiences of growing up in his hometown of Lowell, MA, and the joys and traumas he accrued from early childhood and into early adulthood, Jack Kerouac began to rewrite, reimagine, and reconstruction Lowell in several different works and iterations to attempt to address and exorcise the ghosts of his past. For my argument, I study several of Kerouac’s works: Visions of Gerard (1963), Doctor Sax: Faust Part Three (1959), Visions of Cody (1972), and Book of Dreams (1960). Pulling from the fields of Beat studies, literary criticism, childhood studies, psychology, geocriticism, and American cultural history, I attempt to highlight the translation and transformation of Lowell in Kerouac’s texts into a psycho-literary space. / text

City Information Model - CIM : Benefits with an integrated city information model in the area of technical aspects

Salminen, Anna, Hägglöf, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
An important part for projects, organizations etc. is to have a good system of how to manage information so that it´s constantly updated, accurate and available for all affected operators. Current degree project is performed on behalf of the IT-company Eurostep AB who has developed a software named Share-A-space for information management and they are now interested to see if there are any demands for Share-A-space in the field of urban development. During the degree project, a model was built using Share-A-space and the model is called CIM (City Information Model). The objective with the degree project was to investigate how information is managed today at the Administration of Urban Development, Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen, at Eskilstuna municipality and if CIM would facilitate their work. A deeper investigation was made to locate where processes can be more efficient and how functions that CIM contains would be helpful. The degree project contains a literature study, a case study and a result where the literature study contains an environment monitoring, today’s visions of a future coherent digital work approach within municipalities and procedures for urban development. The case study contains information how Eskilstuna municipality is managing information, it also contains a description of how the model was built. The result contain information of how the model operates and the responds from interviews performed after a presentation of the model at the municipality. This degree project concludes that CIM in some ways definitely could be a valid alternative in the municipal work. The municipality didn’t see any benefits by having access to all technical information regarding all specific objects in the city. Processes would on the other hand, become more efficient and CIM would be a helpful tool in planning processes and contribute to make the municipal work more transparent. There were functions in CIM, especially the function to “travel in time”, that was considered extra useful for the employees at the municipality when planning the city but also for private residence to receive a greater understanding of future plans. To implement CIM would, on the other hand, be a resource demanding process which the municipality can´t perform at the moment without receiving financial support.

Ombyggnad av skolbyggnad för nya verksamheter : En visionsstudie för Wenströmska skolan och dess närområde

Ekoutsidou, Caroline January 2014 (has links)
New production is not the only thing that is important for the city’s growth. It is also crucial to recover existing buildings in order to create attractive areas. There is a school in Västerås city called Wenströmska skolan which consists of six high schools that provide different professional specializations and which has an area of about 35000 square meters. Due to many different reasons the city has decided to close the school down and any decisions on what to do with the remaining buildings have not yet been made. The aim of this thesis is to develop a proposal on Wenströmska skolan future. The proposal illustrates a vision towards adaptive reuse of school’s buildings based on the district’s needs and the city’s visions for the future. The proposal can be used as inspiration in the larger context or as idea for upcoming decisions regarding Wenströmska skolan. The theoretical part is an overview and compilation of general requirements and rules on availability and technical aspects regarding school buildings design. The pre-study investigates the best alternative which is based on the needs in the district that provides support making the choice of activities. SWOT-analysis helps to define strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which affect the choice of activities too. New drawings are created in order to illustrate the proposal. Both the buildings and the plot of Wenströmska skolan are used to develop the proposal. The buildings can be adapted to a secondary school in combination with other operations such as sports and health, cultural, music and theater, rooms and areas for children activities, a restaurant with food from different cultures, offices spaces for companies and new residents. The buildings and the plot can also be used as a gathering place. The proposal shows that adoption of the vision may help to raise social values, sustainability and quality of life in the district. The residents would be connected in a way they haven’t been before. / Nyproduktion är inte det enda som är viktigt i en stad som växer utan även befintlig byggnation måste tillvaratags för att skapa attraktiva områden. I stadsdelen Vallby i Västerås är Wenströmska skolan belägen. Skolan har en yta på cirka 35 000 kvadratmeter och bedriver gymnasieverksamheter som består av sex mindre gymnasieskolor med olika yrkesinriktningar. Av olika skäl har kommunen bestämt att lägga ned skolan där utflyttningen fortfarande är under process sedan år 2013 och beräknas vara klar år 2017; något beslut om vad som ska göras med den kvarstående byggnaden har ännu inte fattats. Syftet med detta arbete är att ta fram ett förslag på möjligheter för ändrad verksamhet för Wenströmska skolan där en anpassning till en högstadieskola i kombination med övriga verksamheter ska göras. Förslaget illustrerar en vision över de möjligheter som finns för byggnadens framtid utifrån stadsdelens behov och stadens framtidsvisioner. Förslaget kan användas som inspirationskälla i större sammanhang vid ett beslut om byggnadens framtid och användningsmöjligheter. Arbetet består av bland annat en litteraturstudie som handlar om skolbyggnaders utformning och var till hjälp vid planering av en ny skolverksamhet. Utifrån den grundläggande litteraturstudien skapades förståelse vid uppbyggnad av en skolverksamhet med hänsyn till skolbyggnaders funktioner och utrymmen, tillgänglighet och tekniska aspekter som ljud, ljus, luft samt brand och säkerhet. För skolbyggnader handlar det mest om hur anpassningen för tillgänglighet och användbarhet för personer med nedsatt rörelse- och orienteringsförmåga ska utvecklas. Skolbyggnader ses som arbetslokaler och här ska både elever och anställda som vistas i lokalen ha rätt till god arbetsmiljö där trivsel, tillgänglighet och användbarhet är tre viktiga begrepp. Arbetet består även av en förstudie som gick ut på att göra ett platsbesök i skolbyggnaden, utföra studier och analyser samt en materialinsamling hos Stadsbyggnadskontoret i Västerås för tillgång av bland annat ritningar. Platsbesöket gav en uppfattning av dagsläget som skapade en vision till nya utformningsmöjligheter. Behovsstudien belyser stadsdelens olika behov och utgör ett beslutsunderlag vid val av verksamheter. Objektet behandlas i dagsläget och med hjälp av en nulägesanalys i form av SWOT-analyser analyseras både skolbyggnaden och omkringliggande områden där dess styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot tags fram. Denna analys skapar en överblick över nuläget och ligger som underlag för arbetet. De befintliga ritningarna över skolbyggnaden låg som grund vid framtagande av nya skisser på alternativa planlösningar med hänsyn till fastställda förutsättningar. En lång skissprocess resulterade slutligen i färdiga förslagsritningar. Arbetet studerar hur skolbyggnader bör utformas och hur den befintliga byggnaden kan anpassas till en ny högstadieskola samt vilka förutsättningar som finns för att uppnå detta. Den nya utformningen av byggnaden ska gynna stadsdelsborna efter de behov som finns samt koppla samman omgivande stadsdelar genom en naturlig samlingsplats för social integration och livskraft. Utifrån de möjligheter och tillgångar som behövs för att skapa en hållbar och livskraftig stadsdelsmiljö studeras omgivningen och närområdet för att ta fram de behov som finns. De mötespunkter som skapas ska främja utbyte och mångfald både kulturellt och socialt. A-byggnaden uppfyller de krav som krävs för att en skolverksamhet och därför kan en del av byggnaden anpassas till en ny grundskola med årskurserna sex till nio. A-byggnaden innehåller de viktigaste delarna en skola behöver såsom idrottshall, aula och matsal; resterande yta går enkelt att anpassa till klassrumsbehovet och övriga utrymmen för en elevmängd på cirka 500 till 600 elever. En skolbyggnad ska utformas med hänsyn till själva skolverksamheten eftersom undervisningsämnena skiljer sig mellan olika skolverksamheter. En ytterligare viktig punkt i hur en skolbyggnad bör utformas är tillgängligheten och användbarheten för personer med nedsatt rörelse- och orienteringsförmåga. Det är viktigt att skolbyggnadens alla utrymmen och funktioner är utformade efter de minimikrav som gäller så att alla elever och lärare kan röra sig i byggnaden utan hinder och problem. Även god arbetsmiljö måste råda för både elever och lärare; vid utformning av skolbyggnader måste hänsyn tags till tekniska aspekter som påverkar välbefinnandet, undervisningen och inlärningsförmågan. För att byggnaden ska bidra de omgivande stadsdelarna en naturlig samlingsplats för social integration och livskraft måste de omgivande mångkulturella stadsdelarna kopplas samman och förenas med gemensamma intressen. Byggnadens olika funktioner kommer även att skapa mötespunkter som främjar utbyte och mångfald både kulturellt och socialt; omgivningen är mångkulturell med olika målgrupper där studenter och ungdomar, barnfamiljer och äldre är bosatta. En viktig utgångspunkt för de möjligheter och tillgångar som behövs för att skapa en hållbar och livskraftig stadsdelsmiljö är stadsdelens behov. Stadsdelens behov är bland annat skola, idrott och hälsa, mat, boenden av olika slag, kultur- och föreningsliv samt möjligheter för verksamheter i form av kontorsytor och lokaler. Omgivningen består av blandad bebyggelse och kultur med närområden som består av mångkulturella stadsdelar vilket innebär en anpassning till olika målgrupper som i sin tur bidrar till många möjligheter. Området har en stor del odefinierade ytor utan funktion vilket gör att området har stor potential att utvecklas och förtätas.

Blessed is he who keeps the words of prophecy in this book : an intra-textual reading of the apocalypse as parenesis

Frank, Patrik Immanuel, n/a January 2006 (has links)
This thesis seeks to explore the implications of a parenetic reading of the Book of Revelation as a whole, rather than merely of the seven messages in which this is more commonly regarded as the primary purpose of the text. It examines the validity of this approach in relation to the book�s claims about its purpose in the original communication event of which its text is a witness and its effectiveness in addressing hermeneutical issues in key passages of the book and argues that attention to the function of parenesis facilitates readings of Revelation which connect more directly with the intention of the book free from the need to decipher obscure coded references to past or future history. Drawing from the text of the Apocalypse a twofold hermeneutical strategy is developed and exemplified by application to key passages of the book. The first aspect of this reading strategy is focussed on the proposed parenetic nature of the book. In an examination of Revelation�s introductory and concluding passages it is argued that as a coherent unity they form a frame around the book. This frame serves to establish the perspective from which the whole book may be read. It does so by giving rise to the expectation that the whole book contains parenetic exhortation to faithfulness in light of the imminent parousia. Consequently this thesis proceeds to interpret the Book of Revelation by focussing primarily on how the various images in the book�s body (4:1-22:9) as well as the explicit parenesis in the seven messages serve to communicate this parenetic exhortation to the original addressees. The second aspect of interpretation seeks to facilitate scholarly analysis of the parenesis expected to be contained in Revelation�s body with systematic regard for the individual situation of each of the addressees of the book, as documented in the comparatively accessible seven messages. To this end an intra-textual hermeneutic is employed. It builds on an examination of the links between the various parts of Revelation which is part of the examination of both the book�s frame and the seven messages. This intra-textual reading utilizes the many links between the seven messages and Revelation�s body by allowing them to play a determinative role in the investigation of an image�s parenetic implications. In order to further explore the validity of a parentic reading, the intra-textual principle is applied to two central parts of Revelation�s body, the Babylon vision (Rev 17-19:3) and the seal, trumpet and bowl visions (Rev 6, 8, 9, 11:15-19, 15, 16). In this reading, the Babylon vision is read not as a general critique of the church�s pagan environment but as a divine commentary on the concrete threats and temptations with which the churches of the seven messages were confronted. In God�s judgment of Babylon those who suffer under her violence against Christians are promised vindication and are thus encouraged to maintain their faithful witness as citizens of the New Jerusalem. The citizens of Babylon however are exhorted to repent and leave her behind, becoming citizens of the New Jerusalem and thus escaping Babylon�s demise. The seal, trumpet and bowl visions are interpreted as illustrating the dividing line between what constitutes faithful witness to Christ on the one hand and heed to satanic deception on the other. Faithfulness even to the point of death is expected of the followers of the Lamb; the inhabitants of the earth are exhorted to repent from their affiliation with the beast and give glory to God. Thus such an intra-textual reading of Revelation as parenesis offers a strategy for reading the book in a way that is relevant for the Christian church beyond the limits of end-time phantasms on the one hand and mere historic interest on the other hand and so might facilitate the emergence of the message of the book from the obscurity in which it appears to be hidden to a significant proportion of its contemporary readers.

The dream mine : a study in Mormon folklore /

Graham, Joe Stanley. January 1970 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Brigham Young University. Dept. of English, 1970. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [92]-95).

Youth Perspectives and Future Visions for Community Food Security: An Applied Approach to Participatory Research in Phoenix, Arizona

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Food security literature has a heavy emphasis on physical barriers, often employing spatial analysis or market-based approaches, but the human dimensions of food security remain unexplored. This has resulted in a disconnect between the understanding of the problem and proposed interventions, as the contextual factors and lived experiences of residents are not considered. There are many barriers and opportunities for food security that are not spatially fixed (e.g. family relations, social capital) that may be important but are unrepresented in these types of studies. In order to capture these barriers and opportunities, community stakeholders need to play a fundamental role in the problem analysis and visioning stages. This study utilized community-based participatory research methods to engage an important stakeholder in the future food environment, youth, to 1) understand how the youth of Canyon Corridor describe their food environment, and thus capture contextual aspects of food security 2) adapt CBPR methods to engage youth in a visioning session to elicit their ideal community food environment and 3) determine if these applications of CBPR can empower youth of Canyon Corridor to mobilize towards a more secure food environment. I found that while the youth did identify many barriers to food security (i.e. transportation, cost, availability), this community also had significant strengths, particularly social capital, that allowed them to overcome what would be food insecurity. Despite their conclusions on food security, youth did desire many changes for the future food environment and felt increased empowerment after the workshops. Thus this shows the need for incorporating methods that also acknowledge the role of social and individual factors and how they interrelate with the physical environment in relation to food security. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Sustainability 2012

Pós-humanismo na máquina anímica : visões explosivas do humano na animação japonesa / Posthumanism in the animetic machine : explosive visions of the human in japanese animation

Longo, Angela January 2017 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa procuramos investigar a animação japonesa como uma máquina para compreendermos como a copresença evolucionária de outros seres — técnicos e animais — potencializa outras compreensões sobre o humano. Com esse posicionamento, procuramos demonstrar como o humanismo, além de se constituir como um modelo filosófico, científico e civilizacional, também propôs uma visão estética sobre o humano. Para realizar uma abertura dessa herança, procuramos traçar uma genealogia do humano e dos objetos técnicos em correlação. A compreensão do anime como uma máquina parte da teoria de Thomas Lamarre, em conjunto com as teorizações de Gilbert Simondon, Félix Guattari e Gilles Deleuze. O viés da análise tem o pressuposto de que, se a construção da animação se dá por layers, ou camadas que misturam diferentes técnicas e perspectivas visuais, poderíamos dizer que elas revelam a suis generis de pensamento em ação na animação. O humano também é pensado como uma construção, assim a relação de explosão do humanismo e da implosão do antropocentrismo visa desterritorializar o humano nos seus componentes teóricos e poéticos. O surgimento da teoria pós-humanista foi inicialmente pavimentado graças à desterritorialização posta sobre o humano no pós-estruturalismo. Para aprofundar esse argumento partimos da herança em Nietzsche e Derrida até autores pós-humanistas como Donna Haraway, Cary Wolfe, Rosi Braidotti e Stefan Herbrechter. Após estabelecermos um panorama da animação de ficção científica no Japão, iremos nos debruçar na análise das animações Rebuild of Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo (2012) dirigida por Hideaki Anno e Ghost in the Shell: Innocence (2004) dirigida por Mamoru Oshii. De uma maneira geral a pesquisa foi dividida em três seções: pós-humanismo e techno-poética, máquina anímica e visões explosivas do humano. Na primeira, procuramos evidenciar uma genealogia do humano com atenção à sua coevolução e historicidade com os objetos técnicos, estabelecendo relações entre regimes de pensamento e estese. A segunda seção diz respeito às configurações da máquina anímica, suas relações com a tradição estética japonesa e com elementos da estética humanista, tal qual a perspectiva cartesiana. Procuramos demonstrar a existência de outros modelos visuais como uma abertura da heterogênese da máquina. A terceira seção é na qual iremos analisar as visões explosivas do humano na animação japonesa através das categorias analíticas propostas por Lamarre. Nossa hipótese é demonstrar como a máquina anímica poderia permitir uma heterogênese pós-humana através da dobra comunicacional do intervalo anímico. / In this research, we seek to investigate Japanese animation as a machine to understand how the evolutionary coo presence of other beings — technical and animal — enhances new understandings about the human. With this position, we try to demonstrate how humanism, besides constituting itself as a philosophical, scientific and civilizational model, also proposed an aesthetic vision about the human. To open this inheritance, we traced the genealogy of human and technical objects in correlation. The understanding of anime as a machine starts with the theory of Thomas Lamarre, together with the theorizations of Gilbert Simondon, Felix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze. Our analysis approach has the assumption that if the construction of the animation is made of layers that mix different techniques and visual perspectives, we could say that they reveal the suis generis of thought in action in the animation. We affirm that the human is a construction, so the relation of humanism explosion and the implosion of anthropocentrism aims to deterritorialize the human in its theoretical and techno-poetic components. The emergence of post-humanist theory has a debt to the deterritorialization put on the human in the post-structuralist theory. To deepen this argument we start from the inheritance in Nietzsche and Derrida to posthumanist authors like Donna Haraway, Cary Wolfe, Rosi Braidotti and Stefan Herbrechter. After we stablished an overview of science fiction animation in Japan, we will focus our analyses with the animations Rebuild of Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo (2012) directed by Hideaki Anno and Ghost in the Shell: Innocence (2004) directed by Mamoru Oshii. In general, the research was divided into three sections: posthumanism and techno-poetics, the animetic machine and explosive visions of the human. In the first, we try to show a genealogy of the human with attention to its coevolution and historicity with the technical objects, establishing relations between regimes of thought and aesthetic. The second section concerns the configurations of the animetic machine, its relations with the Japanese aesthetic tradition, and elements of humanistic aesthetics, such as the Cartesian perspective. We try to demonstrate the existence of other visual models as an opening of the heterogenesis of the animetic machine. The third section is where we will analyze the explosive visions of the human in Japanese animation through the analytical categories proposed by Lamarre. Our hypothesis is to demonstrate how the animetic machine could allow a post-human heterogenesis through the communication fold of the animetic interval.

Imagem: Geografia da realidade ou realidade geográfica ? uma abordagem sobre a importância das imagens obtidas a partir da leitura dos diferentes tipos de texto e sua contribuição na interpretação da realidade

Belo, Evelyn Monari [UNESP] 28 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-10-28Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:28:02Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 belo_em_dr_rcla.pdf: 893722 bytes, checksum: 6f2d1cb3b37bb7471992cf2779f8fc40 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta tese compreende uma análise das imagens que elaboramos e/ou evocamos quando observamos a importância da compreensão da realidade, que se constitui com o ato da leitura e, consequentemente, da interpretação de textos de caráter didático, literário e também científico. Buscamos a identificação de possíveis imagens que resultam de tal (re)interpretação, associada, por sua vez, ao conhecimento geográfico. Assim, nossas reflexões se fundamentam na análise dos textos e da figura do HOMEM, presente nos três tipos de textos considerados, pois compreendemos sua atuação e interferência no espaço geográfico e, decorrente desta situação, questionamos quais imagens resultam e como interferem na consolidação do que denominamos Geografia da realidade e realidade geográfica. / This work is about an analysis of the images that we elaborated and/or we evoke when we observe the importance of the understanding of the reality, that is constituted with the action of the reading and, consequently, of the interpretation of texts of didactic, literary and also scientific character. We looked for the identification of possible images that they can result of such (re)interpretation, associated, for its time, to the geographical knowledge. So, our reflections are based on the analysis of the texts and of the MAN'S figure, present in the three types of the considered texts, therefore we understood its performance and interference in the geographical space and, due to this situation, we questioned which images result and as they interfere in the consolidation of what we denominate as Geography of the reality and geographical reality.

Pós-humanismo na máquina anímica : visões explosivas do humano na animação japonesa / Posthumanism in the animetic machine : explosive visions of the human in japanese animation

Longo, Angela January 2017 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa procuramos investigar a animação japonesa como uma máquina para compreendermos como a copresença evolucionária de outros seres — técnicos e animais — potencializa outras compreensões sobre o humano. Com esse posicionamento, procuramos demonstrar como o humanismo, além de se constituir como um modelo filosófico, científico e civilizacional, também propôs uma visão estética sobre o humano. Para realizar uma abertura dessa herança, procuramos traçar uma genealogia do humano e dos objetos técnicos em correlação. A compreensão do anime como uma máquina parte da teoria de Thomas Lamarre, em conjunto com as teorizações de Gilbert Simondon, Félix Guattari e Gilles Deleuze. O viés da análise tem o pressuposto de que, se a construção da animação se dá por layers, ou camadas que misturam diferentes técnicas e perspectivas visuais, poderíamos dizer que elas revelam a suis generis de pensamento em ação na animação. O humano também é pensado como uma construção, assim a relação de explosão do humanismo e da implosão do antropocentrismo visa desterritorializar o humano nos seus componentes teóricos e poéticos. O surgimento da teoria pós-humanista foi inicialmente pavimentado graças à desterritorialização posta sobre o humano no pós-estruturalismo. Para aprofundar esse argumento partimos da herança em Nietzsche e Derrida até autores pós-humanistas como Donna Haraway, Cary Wolfe, Rosi Braidotti e Stefan Herbrechter. Após estabelecermos um panorama da animação de ficção científica no Japão, iremos nos debruçar na análise das animações Rebuild of Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo (2012) dirigida por Hideaki Anno e Ghost in the Shell: Innocence (2004) dirigida por Mamoru Oshii. De uma maneira geral a pesquisa foi dividida em três seções: pós-humanismo e techno-poética, máquina anímica e visões explosivas do humano. Na primeira, procuramos evidenciar uma genealogia do humano com atenção à sua coevolução e historicidade com os objetos técnicos, estabelecendo relações entre regimes de pensamento e estese. A segunda seção diz respeito às configurações da máquina anímica, suas relações com a tradição estética japonesa e com elementos da estética humanista, tal qual a perspectiva cartesiana. Procuramos demonstrar a existência de outros modelos visuais como uma abertura da heterogênese da máquina. A terceira seção é na qual iremos analisar as visões explosivas do humano na animação japonesa através das categorias analíticas propostas por Lamarre. Nossa hipótese é demonstrar como a máquina anímica poderia permitir uma heterogênese pós-humana através da dobra comunicacional do intervalo anímico. / In this research, we seek to investigate Japanese animation as a machine to understand how the evolutionary coo presence of other beings — technical and animal — enhances new understandings about the human. With this position, we try to demonstrate how humanism, besides constituting itself as a philosophical, scientific and civilizational model, also proposed an aesthetic vision about the human. To open this inheritance, we traced the genealogy of human and technical objects in correlation. The understanding of anime as a machine starts with the theory of Thomas Lamarre, together with the theorizations of Gilbert Simondon, Felix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze. Our analysis approach has the assumption that if the construction of the animation is made of layers that mix different techniques and visual perspectives, we could say that they reveal the suis generis of thought in action in the animation. We affirm that the human is a construction, so the relation of humanism explosion and the implosion of anthropocentrism aims to deterritorialize the human in its theoretical and techno-poetic components. The emergence of post-humanist theory has a debt to the deterritorialization put on the human in the post-structuralist theory. To deepen this argument we start from the inheritance in Nietzsche and Derrida to posthumanist authors like Donna Haraway, Cary Wolfe, Rosi Braidotti and Stefan Herbrechter. After we stablished an overview of science fiction animation in Japan, we will focus our analyses with the animations Rebuild of Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo (2012) directed by Hideaki Anno and Ghost in the Shell: Innocence (2004) directed by Mamoru Oshii. In general, the research was divided into three sections: posthumanism and techno-poetics, the animetic machine and explosive visions of the human. In the first, we try to show a genealogy of the human with attention to its coevolution and historicity with the technical objects, establishing relations between regimes of thought and aesthetic. The second section concerns the configurations of the animetic machine, its relations with the Japanese aesthetic tradition, and elements of humanistic aesthetics, such as the Cartesian perspective. We try to demonstrate the existence of other visual models as an opening of the heterogenesis of the animetic machine. The third section is where we will analyze the explosive visions of the human in Japanese animation through the analytical categories proposed by Lamarre. Our hypothesis is to demonstrate how the animetic machine could allow a post-human heterogenesis through the communication fold of the animetic interval.

On the Road to the Market : Kerouac, Revisions, and Market Forces

Kilic, Adam January 2015 (has links)
The publication of the thitherto unavailable original scroll of On the Road in 2007 marked a decisive point for Beat scholarship. Enabling line-by-line comparison, the two versions could suddenly be placed under proper scrutiny, and Kerouac’s revisions set up against the established myth of the novel’s creation. How should we understand the revisions? To supply a contribution to an answer, this paper will map the artistic as well as personal trajectory of Jack Kerouac throughout the 1950s. Basing my analysis largely on correspondence, I will show how Kerouac constantly oscillated between different positions and attitudes within the space of literary production. The essay will argue that Kerouac’s pursuit of literary prestige, stood side by side with the always-present alternative of satisfying the demands of the large audience. If we add to this Kerouac’s obsession with his imagined audience it becomes clear that his final work resulted from more than his own aesthetic preferences. Devoting a section to his aesthetic program, I will explore to what extent editorial revisions, even seemingly minor ones, compromised his original text in significant ways. Keeping in mind his erratic trajectory, and adding to it Warren French’s complementary observation that Kerouac’s personality was violently split, will allow us to identify an equally contradictory literary self-expression. Thus comparing On the Road with Visions of Cody (the latter emerged through the revisions of the former), Kerouac’s literary expression can be said to manifest itself in two fundamentally different ways. In Road as a reifying gesture that mystifies man’s connection with the earth, and, in Visions as an opposite gesture of dereification that seeks to disclose the source of man-made products that have become reified. Proposing that the autobiographical component of Kerouac’s writing is essentially a gesture of dereification, the essay will argue that editorial revisions of such works inescapably destabilize the unity between experienced reality and textual representation.

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