Spelling suggestions: "subject:"war"" "subject:"warm""
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Identification passive des milieux de propagation élastiques. Application à la reconstruction géométrique des réseaux de capteurs et au diagnostic des structuresCarmona, Mikaël 20 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'identification passive d'un système réside dans l'estimation des paramètres qui décrivent ce système uniquement à l'aide de sollicitations ambiantes. Dans le génie civil, cette discipline est appliquée pour le suivi de l'état de santé des structures, on parle de SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) passif. Le SHM passif est généralement réalisé à l'aide d'une instrumentation déployée en surface. La thèse s'est intéressée aux possibilités offertes par une instrumentation qui serait enfouie. Dans une première partie, on établit les résultats associés à l'identification passive des milieux visco-élastiques. L'originalité de ces travaux réside dans la prise en compte d'un modèle de dissipation réaliste, la viscosité, ainsi que du caractère vectoriel des ondes élastiques. Ces résultats théoriques sont validés expérimentalement et démontrent la portabilité du SHM passif en surface au SHM passif en volume. Dans une deuxième partie, on s'intéresse à deux problèmes attachés à l'enfouissement de capteurs: l'estimation passive de leur position (problème SNL, Sensor Network Location problem) et de leur attitude (problème SNA, Sensor Network Attitude problem). Ces problèmes sont résolus grâce à l'identification passive qui fournit, en plus d'information physique sur le milieu, des informations géométriques sur le réseau. En particulier, on peut estimer des distances et des attitudes relatives entre capteurs. A l'aide de ces informations partielles et bruitées, des algorithmes de résolution des problèmes SNL et SNA ont été développés puis validés expérimentalement. Enfin, on synthétise l'apport de la thèse et on identifie les verrous technologiques à lever afin de justifier la faisabilité de l'enfouissement d'un réseau de capteurs dans le but de faire du SHM passif.
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The Effects of Installing Automated Ward Solutions for Medicine - A Case Study at Växjö Central HospitalGullander, Hannah, Johansson, Sara January 2014 (has links)
Research Questions: Research Question I: How does the material management process of medicine differ between a ward with, and without, an Automated Ward Solution (AWS)? Research Question II: How do time and costs differ in the material management process of medicine between a ward with, and without, an AWS? Research Question III: How has the instalment of a central storage affected the number of orders placed for wards? Purpose: The purpose is to map and compare the material management process of medicine between a ward with, and without, an AWS. Further the mapped processes will be timed, allocated costs by applying TDABC and then compared. The purpose is as well to describe how the instalment of a central storage has affected the frequency of orders placed for wards. Methodology: This project is a qualitative case study as the authors wished to understand the phenomena of having installed AWSs for medicine in a real context. The primary data was collected through interviews, observations and studying of documents; the secondary data was collected through scientific articles and literatures. The collected data answered the research questions with the help of process mapping and TDABC. Conclusion: In the created process maps it is found that the extensiveness of the different processes when compared are similar for both wards; however the allocated costs calculated through TDABC sometimes differ due to the involvement of the Pharmaceutical Unit as it carries a higher capacity cost per minute. Ward 5 can be assumed to have a higher security and accuracy due to the instalment of an AWS and by having laid more responsibility on the Pharmaceutical Unit. The AWS has however led to a larger waste for Ward 5 as it cannot return regular medicine anymore. This project could not directly connect the instalment of a central storage with reduced order lines; however it can be assumed that it has contributed to the decreased order lines placed.
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Learning with, from and about each other : interprofessional education on a training ward in municipal care for older personsLidskog, Marie January 2008 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to describe and evaluate interprofessional education on an interprofessional training ward in municipal care for older persons. Interprofessional education has for some years now been proposed as a means to meet the call for effective collaboration, co-ordination and quality in health and social care. On the interprofessional training ward considered in this thesis, stu-dents from nursing, occupational therapy and social work programmes worked together for three weeks to learn with, from and about each other. In the first study (I) students’ perceptions and attitudes concerning the training on the ward were studied. An attitude questionnaire and a retrospective goal-fulfilment questionnaire were distributed to all students. Non-parametric statistics were used for the quantitative analysis, and qualitative content analysis for the qualitative parts. The results showed that the students had positive attitudes to-wards the training ward and in most respects the learning goals set up for the course were considered to have been met. In Studies II and III the focus was on students’ knowledge and understanding of their own and the others’ professions. Sixteen students were interviewed before and after. In the analysis of the interviews a phenomenographic approach was used. The findings showed a variation from simplistic conceptions of the profes-sions in terms of tasks to more complex conceptions in terms of the profession’s knowledge, responsibility and values. Differences in the ways professions were described concerning their professional stance towards the patients were espe-cially accentuated. The comparison between before and after indicated that there were changes in the students’ views. In some areas, however, there remained dis-crepancies between students’ understanding of their own profession and the oth-ers’ understanding of this profession. To promote mutual agreement on each other’s role this needs to be given careful consideration. In the fourth study (IV) the focus was on the students’ participation in the community of practice on the ward, and the findings reveal an ambivalent picture of this participation (and thus of their learning). The students collaborated in the care of the patients. However, they sometimes experienced a gap between expec-tations and reality with regard to both the profession-specific and the interprofes-sional training on the ward: what they had to do was sometimes felt to be be-neath their qualifications and irrelevant to the programme of education they were pursuing. This applied to all three groups, but especially student social workers. Interprofessional training wards can promote interprofessional learning, but it is crucial that setting should be right: it needs to be realistic for all the students involved, offering relevant profession-specific and interprofessional tasks and situations where the students can develop skills in collaborative, patient-centred care.
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Juntes Militars versus Juntes de Defensa. Militarisme a Espanya i Portugal al final de la Gran Guerra.Carles i Pomar, Àngels 30 January 2012 (has links)
El 5 d’octubre de 1910 una revolució va derrocar la Monarquia, proclamant la República a Portugal. A Espanya el què passava al país veí era seguit amb interès, sobretot a partir de l’inici de la Gran Guerra, i de la participació de Portugal en la contesa en el bàndol dels aliats. La crisi econòmica i moral que comportà la guerra aflorà el militarisme en els dos països ibèrics. El 5 de desembre de 1917 Sidónio Pais donà un cop d’Estat a Portugal començant una dictadura que acabaria el 1918 amb el seu assassinat. Les Juntes Militars portugueses van aparèixer amb la pretensió d’ocupar el poder. A Espanya, les Juntes de Defensa creades el 1916 van tenir el seu moment àlgid durant la greu revolució de l’estiu de 1917. Les juntes d’un i altre país no tenen punts de connexió, llevat que representen la insatisfacció dels militars amb la situació política. / On October 5, 1910 a revolution overthrew the monarchy in Portugal and proclaimed the First Republic. The regime change was followed with great interest in Spain by what was happening in Portugal, in especially from the beginning of the Great War, and the Portugal’s participation on the allied side. The moral and economic crises brought by war bring militarism in both Iberian countries. On 5 December 1917 Sidonio Pais gave a Coup d’Etat starting a dictatorship that ended in 1918 with his murder. The Juntas Militares came with the aim of seizing power. In Spain, the Juntas de Defensa created in 1916 had its peak during the severe summer of 1917 revolution. The Juntas of both countries do not have connection points, unless the military was disappointed with the political situation.
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The Boys' Reformatory Brooklyn Park : a history, 1898-1941 /Keenan, Anthony Michael. January 1988 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M. Ed.)--University of Adelaide, 1989. / Typescript (Photocopy). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 200-206).
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Die Eingrenzung des Haftungsrisikos für den ehrenamtlichen Betreuer /Kleine, Uta. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Göttingen, 2004.
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Woman's whole existence the house as an image in the novels of Ann Radcliffe, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Jane Austen /Berglund, Birgitta. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--University of Lund. / Errata inserted. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (p. 236-243) and index.
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Student nurses' experiences during clinical practice in the Limpopo ProvinceMabuda, Bernard Tendani 01 1900 (has links)
Clinical learning experiences form an integral part of the student nurse's training, for it is in the clinical setting that students acquire the knowledge, skills and values necessary for professional practice.
The purpose of this research was to explore student nurses experiences during clinical practice. A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual design was utilised, employing the phenomenological method. Unstructured interviews were conducted with student nurses in their final year of the four year nursing programme at a nursing college campus in the Limpopo Province. Tesch's method of data analysis was used.
The findings indicate that there are aspects which impact negatively on student nurses' clinical learning experiences, such as lack of teaching and learning support, lack of opportunities for learning, poor theory-practice integration, and poor interpersonal relationships between the students, college tutors and ward staff.
Recommendations to enhance the clinical learning experiences of student nurses were made. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)
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Řešení výtvarného díla v krajině - reliéf. (Prakticko-teoretická práce) / Design and emplacement of a sculpture in the landscapeŠINDELÁŘOVÁ, Barbara January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused to the ideal concept, design, implementation and em-placement of a sculpture in the respective area, designed in a deeper context of the work itself to its surroundings, its history and specific local character. To solve the emplacement of the sculpture, a scenic park surrounding the Castle at Štěkeň (South-West Bohemia) has been chosen. The design respects fully not only scenic dominants, but also neighboring architecture and vistas directly in the respective locality. A full appeal of the art work is enabled by applying convenient material re-specting its milieu and the sculpture theme itself as well. Also the onlooker´s position toward the sculpture proportions and its comprehensibility and readability has been taken in consideration. The theme and concept of the sculpture is closely connected to the Christian Or-der ?Congregatio Jesu? settled directly in the facilities of the Štěkeň Castle and related first of all to Mary Ward, its founder and to her first community of ?English Virgins? as well. A component part of this thesis is formed by a secondary pedagogic project ? a workhop meeting for children, convened in autumn 2010 directly to the Štěkeň Castle premises. It dealt with the human being´s relation to the landscape. This thesis focused to the relation between an art work and the surrounding sce-nery is concerned also to spiritual creativity from the point of view of actual cultural-social neediness respecting also the application and readability of Christian symbolism in respect to actual cultural experience.
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Avaliação do desempenho luminoso de protetores solares verticais na iluminação natural em ambiente de internação hospitalar. / The luminous performance evaluation of mobile vertical sunshades on the daylight of a hospital collective stay room.Medeiros, Renata da Costa Barbosa 01 April 2015 (has links)
Over the years new technologies and materials adopted in the buildings structure and composition have contributed to the development of modern concept buildings and the access, not always desirable, of light and heat. In Brazil, the great availability of daylight allows the creation of projects which use this environmental factor. On the other hand, excessive solar radiation, when uncontrolled, might damage the users’ thermal and visual comfort, through excessive heat gains, contrasts and glare. The solar shading elements begin to be apprehended as a possible solution to control the direct solar incidence on buildings. In Health Assistance Establishments, where lighting is a key element to avoid the confinement inside the rooms and to help on the patient’s cure process (users), the brise-soleil might represent an aggregator element in the search for more humanized internal spaces. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the luminous performance of mobile vertical sunshades on the daylight of a hospital collective stay room (adult infirmary) in Maceió (AL). To achieve the goal it was used as a tool the computer simulation software TropLux 6, three distinct angulations of the slats were proposed, with three different colors of finishes, in four orientations (North, South, East and West) and with different sky conditions (clear, overcast and partly cloudy). The simulation was accomplished considering all the days and months of the year, from 8a.m. to 4p.m. The provided results allowed checking the conditions of daylight as to the influence on the position of the blades, distribution and useful daylight illuminance inside a room, performing a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the sunshade’s efficiency on the case study. Therefore, it is intended to broaden the studies, as to the inclusion of mobile vertical solar control elements in Health Assistance Establishments (hospitals). / Com o passar dos anos as novas tecnologias e materiais empregados nas estruturas e composição das edificações contribuíram para a criação de edifícios conceitualmente modernos e a passagem, nem sempre desejável, de luz e calor. No Brasil, a grande disponibilidade de luz natural possibilita a concepção de projetos com maior aproveitamento desse condicionante ambiental. Por outro lado, entrada excessiva de radiação solar, quando não controlada, pode prejudicar o conforto térmico e visual dos usuários, através de ganhos excessivos de calor, contrastes e ofuscamento. Os elementos de proteção solar passam a ser vistos como possíveis solucionadores para controlar os efeitos da incidência solar direta nas edificações. Em Estabelecimentos Assistenciais de Saúde (EAS), onde a iluminação é considerada fundamental para evitar o confinamento dos ambientes internos e auxiliar no processo de cura dos pacientes (usuários), os brises podem se apresentar como um agregador na busca por ambientes internos mais humanizados. Dentro desse contexto, esse trabalho busca avaliar o desempenho luminoso de protetores solares verticais móveis na iluminação natural em um ambiente de internação coletiva hospitalar (enfermarias de adulto) em Maceió (AL). Para atingir o objetivo foi utilizado como ferramenta o programa de simulação computacional TropLux 6, propondo três angulações distintas para o posicionamento das aletas, com três diferentes cores de acabamentos, em quatro orientações (Norte, Sul, Leste e Oeste) e com diferentes condições de céu (claro, encoberto e parcialmente nublado). A simulação foi realizada considerando todos os dias e meses do ano, no horário das 8h às 16h. Os resultados fornecidos possibilitaram aferir as condições de iluminação natural quanto à influência no posicionamento das lâminas, distribuição e iluminância útil de luz natural (IULN) no interior do ambiente, realizando uma avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa da eficiência dos protetores solares no local de estudo. Assim, pretende-se ampliar os estudos, quanto à inclusão de elementos de controle solar verticais móveis em Estabelecimentos Assistenciais de Saúde (hospitais).
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