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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av att lindra beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demenssjukdom på geriatrisk avdelning : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Nurses’ experiences of reliving behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in the geriatric ward : A qualitative interview study

Norin, Silvana, Ekholm, Nathalie January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Demenssjukdom är en ökande folksjukdom och nästan alla drabbas av beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom (BPSD) under sin sjukdomstid. Genom personcentrerad omvårdnad och individanpassade åtgärder kan BPSD-symtom förbyggas och lindras. Det är vanligt att äldre med demenssjukdom är i behov av vård på geriatrisk avdelning. Sjukhusmiljön orsakar en komplex omvårdnadssituation både för sjuksköterskan och personen med demenssjukdom.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av främjande och hindrande faktorer för att lindra beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demenssjukdom på geriatrisk avdelning.  Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med 10 sjuksköterskor yrkesverksamma på geriatrisk avdelning. Intervjuerna analyserade utifrån Granheim och Lundmans (2004) innehållsanalys med manifest fokus.  Resultat: Analysen ledde fram till två kategorier. Kategorin Främjande faktorer för att lindra BPSD på geriatrisk avdelning bröts ner i följande underkategorier: att tillgodose basala behov, att se hela personen, att vara kreativ i sina lösningar samt betydelsen av teamarbetet. Den andra kategorin Hindrande faktorer för att lindra BPSD på geriatrisk avdelning bröts ner i följande underkategorier: att inte ha kompetensen, att vårdmiljön inte är anpassad, att inte ha tillräckligt med personal och tid samt läkemedel som ger negativ effekt.  Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna eftersträvade personcentrerat arbete med fokus på individens basala behovstillfredsställelse och lindring av BPSD-symtom genom teamarbete. Bristande kunskap och förutsättningar bidrog till svårigheter för att kunna lindra BPSD-symtom på geriatrisk avdelning. Medvetet och metodiskt arbete bidrar till ökad trygghet och välbefinnande för personen med demenssjukdom. / Background: Dementia is a public disease that is increasing and almost everyone who is affected has behavioral and psychological symptoms (BPSD) throughout the illness. Through person-centered care and individually tailored measures, BPSD-symptoms can be prevented and alleviated. It is common for elderly people with dementia to need care in a geriatric ward. The hospital environment causes a complex nursing situation for both the nurse and the person with dementia.  Aim: The aim was to describe the nurse's experiences of promoting and hindering factors in alleviating behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in a geriatric ward.  Method: A qualitative interview study was conducted with 10 nurses working in a geriatric ward. The interviews were analyzed based on Granheim and Lundman's (2004) content analysis with a manifest focus.  Results: The analysis led to two categories. The category Promoting factors to alleviate BPSD in the geriatric ward was broken down into the following subcategories: meeting basic needs, seeing the whole person, being creative in their solutions and the importance of teamwork. The second category Obstructing factors for alleviating BPSD in the geriatric ward was broken down into the following subcategories: not having the knowledge, that the care environment is not adapted, not having enough staff and time, and medicine that have a negative effect.  Conclusions: The nurses focused on person-centered work with the individual's basic needs in focus and alleviation of BPSD-symptoms through teamwork. Lack of knowledge and conditions contributed to difficulties in alleviating BPSD-symptoms in the geriatric ward. Conscious and methodical work contributes to increased security and well-being for the person with dementia.

Stödja mammor under amningsstarten : En webbaserad enkätundersökning om mammors erfarenheter av amningsstöd på BB

Moberg, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Att kartlägga mammors erfarenheter av amningsstöd på BB.Metod och Material: Webbaserad tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Inklusionskriterier; mammor som fått barn och vårdats på en specifik BB-avdelning i Mellansverige under åren 2019–2021 samt valt att amma. Enkäten bestod av 60 slutna frågor och 5 fritextfrågor. Redovisas med deskriptiv statistik samt kvantifiering av fritextsvaren. Resultat: Baserades på n=146 mammor. Både positiva och negativa erfarenheter beskrevs av mammorna. En majoritet av deltagarna önskade högre närvaro av barnmorskan och mer stöd i samband med amning. Det rapporterades erfarenheter av att ha blivit lämnade ensamma med barnet större delen av vårdtiden och fann det bästa stödet i partnern. Få beskrev dock att partnern involverades i amningsstödet. Olika råd gavs av personalen vilket skapade en känsla av otrygghet och tvivel till personalens kompetens. Många beskrev att hands-on metod användes i samband med amningsstöd. Upprättande av amningsplan saknades för majoriteten och bristfällig information om amningssignaler gavs. Slutsatser: Många mammor var missnöjda med amningsstödet och kände en otrygghetmed amningen vid hemgång. Det önskades mer stöd och bekräftelse i samband med amning. Möjligtvis kan det initiala bristande stödet ha påverkat mammornas fortsatta amning och lett till ett tidigare amningsavslut. / Purpose: To map mothers' experiences of breastfeeding support at BB.Method and Material: Web-based cross-sectional study with quantitative approach. Inclusion criteria: mothers that had children and been cared for in a specific BB ward in Central Sweden during the years 2019–2021 and have chosen to breastfeed. The questionnaire consisted of 60 closed questions and 5 free text questions. Reported with descriptive statistics and quantification of the free text answers.Results: Based on n=146 mothers. Both positive and negative experiences were described by the mothers. Most of the participants wanted a higher presence of the midwife and more support with breastfeeding. Experiences of being left alone with the child for most of the care period were reported and found the best support in the partner. Few described that the partner was involved in breastfeeding. Various advice was given by the staff, which created a feeling of insecurity and doubt about the staff's competence. Many described that the hands-on method was used in connection with breastfeeding support. Establishment of a breastfeeding plan was lacking for the majority and inadequate information on breastfeeding signals was provided.Conclusions: Many mothers were dissatisfied with breastfeeding support and felt insecure about breastfeeding at home. More support and confirmation in connection with breastfeeding was desirable. Possibly, the initial lack of support may have affected the mothers' continued breastfeeding and led to an earlier termination of breastfeeding.

Radical social activism, lay Catholic women and American feminism, 1920-1960

Johnson, Kathleen Carlton, Ph.D. 30 September 2006 (has links)
This dissertation describes a movement I am calling Radical Social Activism that flourished among Catholic women between the years 1920-1960. The Catholic women participating did not abandon their Church's teachings on women but worked within the androcentric Catholic Church to achieve some lasting results as Radical Social Activists. This Radical Social Activism worked in the lives of Dorothy Day, Maisie Ward, and Dorothy Dohen, three women who retained a firm attachment to the Catholic faith and who would not align themselves with the incipient feminism of the times, but who, nevertheless, strove for social change and justice without regard for political or social recognition. Their work was radical because they were not complacent with the status quo and worked to change it. Their work was social because they ignored Church politics and reached outside their individual egos. And their work was definitely action oriented in that they practiced their beliefs rather than simply preach them. Few Catholic women were involved with the early women's Suffragist movement; the overwhelming majority did not participate in mainstream feminism, in part due to their immigrant background. Women stepped out of the family setting and into active roles in a society that increasingly measured success in terms of economic well being. These role changes produced trade offs in terms of how the family was viewed and it de-emphasized society's spiritual well being. Some of the issues and solutions for women in modern society collided with moral and ethical teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. I have selected three such women who responded with Radical Social Activism, and participated in the American Catholic Church, however, they did not participate in the general feminism of the times. These women, Dorothy Day, Maisie Ward, and Dorothy Dohen, represented in their Radical Social Activism, a feminism of the spirit, as it were, while still remaining within the structure and Magisterium of the Church proper. As women moved into secular society, they made compromises concerning their duties and responsibilities to family. Issues of divorce, birth control, and abortion became popular remedies that helped limit family duties and responsibilities. However, the Catholic Church has always viewed these as problematical and theological challenges to Catholic teaching and has consistently refuted the expediency of these solutions on moral grounds. Yet, if the Church's view on women limits women as feminists have claimed, it did not stop Day, Dohen, and Ward from participating and changing the secular world around them, while still remaining loyal to the teachings of the Catholic Church. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D.Th. (Church History)

Perception of nursing care received by in-patients at the Avenues Clinic (Harare in Zimbabwe) : a descriptive study

Sibotshiwe, Elizabeth 30 June 2003 (has links)
The study investigated how patients in the general wards of the Avenues Clinic perceive the nursing care they received. The study objectives were to identify how nurses in the general wards of the Avenues Clinic respond to patients' needs and if the nursing care received from the nurses matched patients' expectations. The study further sought to determine if patients would return to use Avenues Clinic nursing services and recommend services to family and friends. Data was drawn from 87 respondents by randomly distributing 100 questionnaires to three thirty-four bedded general wards of the Avenues Clinic. Findings of the study indicated that the majority of patients who received nursing care that was in line with their expectations would also return to use Avenues Clinic nursing services as well as recommend the services to family and friends. The theme "optimal care" was used to consolidate patient satisfiers while "suboptimal care" was used to describe patient dissatisfiers. / Health Studies / (M.A.(Health Studies ))

Student nurses' experiences during clinical practice in the Limpopo Province

Mabuda, Bernard Tendani 01 1900 (has links)
Clinical learning experiences form an integral part of the student nurse's training, for it is in the clinical setting that students acquire the knowledge, skills and values necessary for professional practice. The purpose of this research was to explore student nurses experiences during clinical practice. A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual design was utilised, employing the phenomenological method. Unstructured interviews were conducted with student nurses in their final year of the four year nursing programme at a nursing college campus in the Limpopo Province. Tesch's method of data analysis was used. The findings indicate that there are aspects which impact negatively on student nurses' clinical learning experiences, such as lack of teaching and learning support, lack of opportunities for learning, poor theory-practice integration, and poor interpersonal relationships between the students, college tutors and ward staff. Recommendations to enhance the clinical learning experiences of student nurses were made. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Undergraduate teaching and assessment needs in ethics and professionalism on clinical ward rounds involving medical students, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University (SU) : a nonexperimental descriptive study.

Heyns, Louis 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: The theoretical / cognitive component of ethics and professionalism teaching to undergraduate medical students at Stellenbosch University (SU) is well developed, but a concern exists about the need for teaching and assessment of clinical ethics and professionalism on ward rounds. Some teaching does take place during clinical rotations in the form of role modelling as part of the hidden curriculum. Opportunities should be created for explicit teaching of ethics and professionalism beyond the hidden curriculum. Assessment of the cognitive component of ethical and professionalism occurs, but assessment of clinical ethics and professionalism during clinical rotations remains a challenge. Methods: This was a non-experimental study and included three subgroups of undergraduate medical students in their clinical years as well as a random sample of educators involved in clinical training. Questionnaires were distributed to the students and educators. This was followed by focus group interviews among the students. Results: A majority of the students (88%) had indicated that they had experienced ethical and professional dilemmas while working in the wards or during ward rounds. The main dilemmas revolved around inadequate consent processes, lack of confidentiality and privacy, disrespect for patients, poor communication and students being expected to perform tasks they were not trained for. An average of 64% of students indicated that ethical and professional issues were not discussed during the clinical rotations in hospitals. Seventy-eight percent of students indicated that they did not feel free to discuss their own feelings or beliefs on ward rounds. All of the educators felt that there was a need for increased teaching and assessment of the medical students during their clinical rotations. Conclusions: Deliberate opportunities need to be created for teaching ethics and professionalism on clinical ward rounds. This could be a shared responsibility between the clinical departments with continuous input throughout the clinical years of study. Strong institutional support and commitment are necessary to make the teaching sustainable and successful. Structured opportunities need to be developed where students can discuss ethical and professional issues in a safe environment. Further research is needed for the development of an appropriate curriculum and assessment tools. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen opsomming

Developing methods for understanding the nature of voting patterns and party competition in Britain

Borisyuk, Galina January 2012 (has links)
This research both develops new methods and expands upon existing methodologies in order to improve our understanding of voting patterns and party competition in Britain. The thesis comprises five sections, each of which relates to a particular research focus. The first and principal section describes the process of determining a new method for decomposing electoral bias for three-party competition under simple plurality rules of voting. The study of electoral bias is important for voting systems that requires periodic boundary reviews intended to equalise electorate and to remove malapportionment. These papers describe both the process for developing the threeparty bias method and later its application to UK general elections from 1983 onwards. The second section uses aggregate data gathered for the elections to the Greater London Authority in order to understand the patterns of electoral support across the capital, particularly support for minor parties. A considerable amount of research effort has been expended upon providing reliable models for electoral forecasting both in the UK and elsewhere. The third section includes a paper that develops a forecast model that utilises aggregate local election data to estimate national vote shares for the three main parties in the UK. A fourth section brings together a series of papers that are linked by the themes of voter behaviour, either in terms of geographical or ballot context. A study of voter turnout in a London borough describes the relationship between proximity to polling station and electoral turnout at different types of election. A 8 number of papers included in this section also detail the effects of candidate ballot order on electoral support. The fifth and final section groups together two papers that using individual-level survey data to describe the pattern of candidate recruitment for local elections in Britain and, specifically, the under-recruitment of both women and Black, Asian and other minority ethnic candidates.

Hur genomförs omvårdnaden i livets slutskede på en akutkirurgisk vårdavdelning? : En intervjustudie

Lilljeqvist, Linda, Nordström, Erica January 2017 (has links)
Background: The purpose of end-of-life care is to relieve suffering and optimize quality of life. Important tasks for healthcare professionals are symptom alleviation and facilitate well-being. It is common for patients, who are treated palliative, to die within the surgical wards. The environment can be stressful and it is not always optimal for these patients to be cared for there. Aim: The aim was to describe how end-of-life care was delivered for patients in surgical wards, according to the nurses, with specific focus on the fundamentals of care. Method: Semi-structured interviews with 12 registered nurses in two surgical wards. The interviews were analysed using a qualitative content analysis. Result: The analysis resulted in three categories: The nursing needs of patients at the end-of-life, The organization's negative impact on patient care and Adapted care based on the patient and relative’s needs. The results showed that organizational factors such as lack of time and resources, but also lack of knowledge among the healthcare professionals, could lead to difficulties to fulfill both the physical and psychosocial needs of the patient. When a person-centered care was used the needs of the patients were easier to fulfill and the nursing care functioned in a better way. Conclusion: Person-centered care is an important part of end-of-life care. The healthcare professionals at surgical wards care for this patient-group in a dedicated way, and nursing around them usually operate well, except when there is a lack of time and more acute situations must be prioritized. There is a need to increase the knowledge of palliative care among the healthcare professionals. / Bakgrund: Palliativ vård i livets slutskede ska lindra lidande och främja livskvaliteten. Viktiga uppgifter för sjukvårdspersonalen som vårdar patienter i livets slutskede är att ge symtomlindring och underlätta välbefinnandet. Det är vanligt att patienter som vårdas palliativt i livets slutskede avlider inom slutenvården och på kirurgiska vårdavdelningar. På dessa avdelningar kan miljön vara stressig och det är inte alltid optimalt att denna patientgrupp vårdas där.  Syfte: Att beskriva hur sjuksköterskor ansåg att omvårdnaden genomfördes för patienten som vårdats i livets slutskede på en akutkirurgisk vårdavdelning, med specifikt fokus på de fundamentala delarna av vården. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer med 12 sjuksköterskor från två kirurgiska vårdavdelningar. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier: Omvårdnadsbehoven hos patienten i livets slutskede, Organisationens negativa inverkan på patientens omvårdnad och Anpassad vård utifrån patienten och dennes anhöriga. Resultatet visade att organisatoriska faktorer som tids- och resursbrist, men även kunskapsbrist hos sjukvårdspersonalen, gjorde att patienternas fysiska och psykosociala omvårdnadsbehov inte alltid blev tillgodosedda. När vården var personcentrerad och patienterna delaktiga ansåg sjuksköterskorna att omvårdnaden genomfördes på ett bättre sätt. Slutsats: En personcentrerad vård är viktigt för både patienter, som befinner sig i livets slutskede, och deras anhöriga. Sjukvårdspersonalen på akutkirurgiska vårdavdelningar är engagerade i denna patientgrupp och omvårdnaden kring dem fungerar oftast bra. Det händer dock att tiden inte räcker till för patientgruppens komplexa omvårdnadsbehov och andra akuta situationer prioriteras ibland före. Det finns ett behov av att öka kunskapen om palliativ vård hos personalen som vårdar dessa patienter.

Millenarian religion and radical politics in Britain 1815-1835 : a study of Southcottians after Southcott

Lockley, Philip J. January 2009 (has links)
The popular millenarian movement founded by Joanna Southcott (1750-1814) enjoyed a complex relationship with political radicalism in early nineteenth-century Britain. Southcott opposed radicalism during her lifetime, encouraging her followers to await a messianic agent of the millennium. Within two decades of the prophet’s death – as Southcott expected to give birth to this messiah – some surviving Southcottians became political radicals, most notably, John ‘Zion’ Ward (1781-1837) and James Elishama Smith (1801-57). Ward was a popular preacher during the agitations around the Reform Bill, Smith a radical lecturer, editor of Robert Owen’s journal Crisis, and ideologue within general trades unionism in 1833-34. The respective influence of each figure drew several hundred Southcottians into engagement with politics. This thesis presents a new interpretation of why such millenarians engaged with radicalism. Utilising a substantial range of Southcottian and radical sources, many previously unstudied, it challenges the existing explanations of Southcottian radicalism of E.P. Thompson, J.F.C. Harrison, Barbara Taylor and others. Through a close study of the religious experience, ideas and practices of Southcottians in 1815-35, it locates an altered disposition towards social activity through the evolving millennial theologies of Southcottian groups and the personal acquaintanceship of individual believers with radical freethinkers. Under the prophetic leadership of Zion Ward and John Wroe (1782-1863), earlier Southcottian notions of the respective roles of divine and human agency in the realising of the millennium were changed by 1830. This led Southcottians to a new sense of agency, where their own actions took on a millennial significance when directed towards the achievement of God’s perceived intentions for the world. For some, this presented engagement with political radicalism, even freethought radicalism, in a new light: as action apposite to their beliefs. This argument features an alternative theoretical framework for millenarian beliefs which takes account of the way conceptions of human agency can vary within religious movements centred on modern prophecy. In exposing the inadequacy of existing pre- and postmillennial categories to explain such beliefs, it demonstrates how visionary religion can inspire expectations of both disruptive and evolutionary change, and require both divine and human agency, in the realisation of the millennium. This is a study in religious history, orientated towards politics. It demonstrates that a sensitivity to how visionary religious ideas influenced individuals involved in political movements, aids an improved understanding of political motivations and ideals.

Defending Desire: Resident Activists in New Orleans‟ Desire Housing Project, 1956-1980

Matsumaru, Takashi Michael 04 August 2011 (has links)
The Desire Housing Project opened in 1956 as a segregated public housing development in New Orleans‟ Upper Ninth Ward. The Desire neighborhood, one of the few neighborhoods in the city where black homeownership had been encouraged, was transformed by the project. Hundreds of former Desire residents were displaced by the mammoth project, which became home to more than 13,000 residents by 1958. Built on what had once been a landfill, the Desire Housing Project came to epitomize the worst in public housing, before it was torn down by 2001. Although the project was isolated from the rest of the city and lacked basic services, residents worked to create a viable community, in spite of the pitfalls of segregation. Within the context of the civil rights movement, Desire residents fought to bring in basic services, pushing local government to more fully develop their neighborhood.

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