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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Participation as a means to Integrated Community Economic Development (ICED) : a case study of Winterveldt

Tladi, Morodi Tryphinah 05 November 2012 (has links)
Community Economic Development (CED) in South Africa is shaped by the historicalprocesses of the former Apartheid regime that discriminated the social and economic rights of the majority of people, thus disempowering them to participate in development. The notion of Integrated Community Economic Development (ICED) enhances the concept of participation in community economic development in that it advocates for an empowerment dimension in development. In order to facilitate this participation, the government has introduced the participatory mechanisms of the IDP and ward committee system. Paradoxically, inequalities in development persist in previously disadvantaged homelands which were excluded from participation in developmental initiatives of the former regime. Consequently, these mechanisms for ICED have not been able to achieve participation of communities in ICED. Winterveldt is one such area with a legacy of social exclusion through racial and ethnic discrimination. The goal of the study was to explore the lack of participation of the Winterveldt community in ICED guided by the research question: “What are the reasons for the lack of participation of the Winterveldt community in ICED?” A qualitative research approach was followed and the research design was a case study. Data was gathered through focus group interviews and document studies. The focus groups were comprised of 13 community participants and 10 ward committee personnel from Winterveldt. Research findings revealed various reasons for the lack of participation in the ICED of Winterveldt including role confusion, the lack of information and training on the IDP and political power abuse. The study concluded that participation flows along lines that safeguard the interests of local government with little respect for the community’s capacity to make decisions concerning their development. Recommendations towards the achievement of participation in the ICED of Winterveldt include training on the Integrated Development Plan (IDP), the development of a guideline for implementing the IDP and changes in attitudes of all actors in the ICED of Winterveldt. Copyright / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

A Wiki paradigm to manage online course content

Elrufaie, Elharith Omer 01 January 2004 (has links)
This project develops a new version of the Wiki style administration of online course content. It will implement a teaching and learning tool that works as a easy and quick communication interface between instructor and student. The second purpose of the project is to design an easily extendable and maintainable architecture, which provides a generic Wiki system that can work for any information technology department and handle sets of courses and insturctors.


FENG, Yuying 01 January 1939 (has links)
No description available.

District nurses as well as nurses work within palliative care at hospital wards or in-home care : A quantitative comparison study of how satisfied they are with their efforts / Distriktssköterskor samt sjuksköterskors arbete inom palliativ vård på vårdavdelning och i hemsjukvården : En kvantitativ jämförelsestudie kring hur nöjda de är över sin insats

Edholm, Angelique, Oxelgren, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Palliativ vård utförs i hela världen och det är viktigt att utveckla och följa upp den typen av vård. Palliativ vård utgår från fyra hörnstenar och skall involvera mer än det fysiska i omvårdnaden. Det är viktigt att också lägga märke och ta hand om det psykiska, sociala och andliga. Ett stort mörkertal och brister har identifierats inom den palliativa vården som måste förbättras.  Motiv: 2018 vårdades ca 19% av palliativa patienter i sitt eget hem. Många patienter som är hemma i livets slutskede skickas mellan sjukhus och hemmet för att tillslut dö på sjukhuset trots att deras vilja kanske var att dö hemma. Därför är det viktigt att se hur nöjd distriktssköterskan eller sjuksköterskan på vårdavdelningar samt i hemsjukvården är med sitt arbete och vad som kan förbättras.  Syfte: var att kartlägga och jämföra hur nöjda distriktssköterskor och sjuksköterskor i hemsjukvård samt på vårdavdelning är angående sin insats i palliativ vård.  Metod: En kvantitativ jämförelsestudie med stratifierat urval. En enkätundersökning skickades ut till åtta vårdavdelningar och till femton kommuners hemsjukvård. Deltagarna var distriktssköterskor och sjuksköterskor i norra Sverige, totalt deltog 83. Insamlad data analyserades i Jamovi och presenteras med Chi square test samt Fischer’s exact test.  Resultat: En signifikant skillnad där distriktssköterskor alternativt sjuksköterskor i hemsjukvården är mer nöjd med symtomlindring vad gäller oro/ångest (p=0.038) samt smärta (p=0.021) upptäcktes. Vid jämförelse mellan hemsjukvård och vårdavdelning kring hur nöjd distriktssköterskan eller sjuksköterskan är med sin egna insats framkom en signifikant skillnad där de på vårdavdelningen var mindre nöjd.  Konklusion: En påvisad skillnad kan ses mellan distriktssköterskor och sjuksköterskor i hemsjukvården eller på vårdavdelning vad gäller symtomlindring, vidareutbildning samt läkarkontakt. Fler studier behöver utföras för att få ett mer rättvist resultat.

”Vi räcker inte till” : Barnmorskors upplevelser av att ge stöd till föräldrarna på BB under covid-19 pandemin / ”We are not enough” : Midwives’ experiences of giving support to parents at midwifery ward during covid-19 pandemic

Forsberg, Catarina, Käll, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Efter förlossningen kan familjen få fortsatt vård och stöd på en BB-avdelning. Ett gott stöd efter förlossningen är av stor vikt för nyblivna föräldrar och är något som främjar föräldrablivandet. Dock drabbades världen av ett nytt virus, covid-19 i slutet av året 2019. Viruset medförde restriktioner på BB-avdelningarna, vilket innebar skyddsutrustning för personalen samt att partnern ej fick närvara på avdelningen. Nya rutiner samt okunskapen av Covid-19 har medfört att stödet förhindrats till viss del. Detta ämne är relativt outforskat och det finns ytterst få studier som berör Covid-19 pandemins inverkan på svensk BB-vård. Syfte: Att undersöka hur barnmorskan inom svensk BBvård upplever att ge stöd till föräldrar under pågående pandemi. Metod: Genom elvaindividuella intervjuer samlades datamaterial som analyserats utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats. Resultat: Resultatet bestod av temat -Skyddsutrustning och besöksrutiner kräver uppfinningsrikedom och påverkar barnmorskors professionella stöd på BB och huvudkategorierna - Barnmorskan behöver anpassa sitt professionella stöd utefter pandemirestriktioner & Pandemin påverkar förutsättningar att ge stöd negativt. Konklusion: Barnmorskor har under Covid-19 pandemin fått utöka stöd till mödrar samt vara uppfinningsrika för att nå hela familjen. Barnmorskor upplever att stödet har varit otillräckligt, begränsat av hög arbetsbelastning och den skyddsutrustning som används. / Background: After giving birth, the new family can receive care and support in a maternity-ward. Parenting is encouraged through support from the maternity-ward after the birth. By the end of the year 2019, the world was affected by Covid-19. Virus entailed restrictions at the maternity-ward, which resulted in protective equipment and partner restrictions. Covid-19´s restrictions have prevented the support. This topic is relatively unexplored and there are few studies in the field. Aim: To explore how midwives in Swedish maternity-ward experience to support parents during the ongoing pandemic. Method: The method is a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. Eleven midwives were interviewed individually. Result: The theme that emerged was: Protective equipment and visiting restrictions requires ingenuity and affects midwives professional support at maternity-ward. The results presented in two categories: The midwifes needs to adapt professional support according to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions & how the Covid-19 Pandemic affects the conditions for providing support negatively. Conclusion: Midwives have had to increase their support to the mothers in various ways and be inventive in reaching the whole family. Midwives have also experienced the support as insufficient and limited by high workload and the use of protective equipment.

Traitement de données multi-spectrales par calcul intensif et applications chez l'homme en imagerie par résonnance magnétique nucléaire / Processing of multi-spectral data by high performance computing and its applications on human nuclear magnetic resonance imaging

Angeletti, Mélodie 21 February 2019 (has links)
L'imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) étant une technique non invasive pour l'étude de cerveau, elle a été employée pour comprendre les mécanismes cérébraux sous-jacents à la prise alimentaire. Cependant, l'utilisation de stimuli liquides pour simuler la prise alimentaire engendre des difficultés supplémentaires par rapport aux stimulations visuellement habituellement mises en œuvre en IRMf. L'objectif de cette thèse a donc été de proposer une méthode robuste d'analyse des données tenant compte de la spécificité d'une stimulation alimentaire. Pour prendre en compte le mouvement dû à la déglutition, nous proposons une méthode de censure fondée uniquement sur le signal mesuré. Nous avons de plus perfectionné l'étape de normalisation des données afin de réduire la perte de signal. La principale contribution de cette thèse est d'implémenter l'algorithme de Ward de sorte que parcelliser l'ensemble du cerveau soit réalisable en quelques heures et sans avoir à réduire les données au préalable. Comme le calcul de la distance euclidienne entre toutes les paires de signaux des voxels représente une part importante de l'algorithme de Ward, nous proposons un algorithme cache-aware du calcul de la distance ainsi que trois parallélisations sur les architectures suivantes : architecture à mémoire partagée, architecture à mémoire distribuée et GPU NVIDIA. Une fois l'algorithme de Ward exécuté, il est possible d'explorer toutes les échelles de parcellisation. Nous considérons plusieurs critères pour évaluer la qualité de la parcellisation à une échelle donnée. À une échelle donnée, nous proposons soit de calculer des cartes de connectivités entre les parcelles, soit d'identifier les parcelles répondant à la stimulation à l'aide du coefficient de corrélation de Pearson. / As a non-invasive technology for studying brain imaging, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been employed to understand the brain underlying mechanisms of food intake. Using liquid stimuli to fake food intake adds difficulties which are not present in fMRI studies with visual stimuli. This PhD thesis aims to propose a robust method to analyse food stimulated fMRI data. To correct the data from swallowing movements, we have proposed to censure the data uniquely from the measured signal. We have also improved the normalization step of data between subjects to reduce signal loss.The main contribution of this thesis is the implementation of Ward's algorithm without data reduction. Thus, clustering the whole brain in several hours is now feasible. Because Euclidean distance computation is the main part of Ward algorithm, we have developed a cache-aware algorithm to compute the distance between each pair of voxels. Then, we have parallelized this algorithm for three architectures: shared-memory architecture, distributed memory architecture and NVIDIA GPGPU. Once Ward's algorithm has been applied, it is possible to explore multi-scale clustering of data. Several criteria are considered in order to evaluate the quality of clusters. For a given number of clusters, we have proposed to compute connectivity maps between clusters or to compute Pearson correlation coefficient to identify brain regions activated by the stimulation.

Community health workers' experiences in the care of clients with chronic illness in Julesburg, greater Tzaneen Municipality, South Africa

Mashele, Tintswalo Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (MPH.) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Background: Chronic illnesses, including non-communicable diseases (NCDs), continue to be a public health concern, globally, and contribute to the high burden of diseases. These health challenges have led to the introduction of community health workers (CHWs) in both developed and developing countries as a way of dealing with these challenges. It is more than five years since ward-based outreach teams (WBOTs) were introduced into the Julesburg area in order to respond to the needs of the community, based on the government’s focus on quadruple burden of diseases. The researcher is aware of the increasing workload, unclear roles and responsibilities, different approaches to CHWs’ work taken, and the ever-changing focus of their work, based on the community needs and diseases that the community faces at a particular time. It is for this reason that the researcher is interested in understanding the CHWs’ experiences and the manner in which they cope with challenges when working in their ever-changing environment, workload, work focus and roles and responsibilities. Methods: A qualitative exploratory, descriptive and contextual study approach was used; data was collected using focus group discussions with CHWs and one-on-one interviews with key informants, using their supervisors to gather more information that could not have been shared by CHWs. Result: The findings from the focus group discussions revealed that the CHWs have a high workload, while receiving stipend and are not permanently employed. CHWs have had experiences that make them feel unimportant and not needed, as well as enduring poor working conditions without sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE). Even though they experience dissatisfaction, they are passionate about continuing with their community-based work for many years, evidenced by those who have up to 22 years of service.

Presenting The Ward : A Study of the "Educational" and Three National Institute of Mental Health-Approved Films (U.S. 1950s)

Neuman, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
The subject of mental illness and the various disorders associated with it, is frequently sensationalized and capitalized upon in visual art forms. In cinema, many narratives have addressed or challenged public conceptions of mental illnesses, raising concerns about socially relatable consequences such as stigma. The main body of this thesis is structured around mental health educational films produced for didactic use within the United States during the 1950s. Following the end of the Second World War, the formation of the United Nations and the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the late 1940s, the 1950s is argued to constitute a shift in approach on how mental health treatment was to be presented to the public. Topics such as illness, post-war, stigma and institutionalization are explored in three case studies – Man to Man (Irving Jacoby, 1953), Mental Hospital (Leyton Mabrey, 1953), and Back Into the Sun (Fergus McDonell, 1958).

Divine Revelation as Rectrix Stella: A Contextual Analysis of Wilfrid Ward's Theology of Revelation

Huddleston, Elizabeth Anne January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

An Investigation of the Ward Leonard System for Use in a Hybrid or Electric Passenger Vehicle

Telford, Cody L. 18 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Since the early 1900's demand for fuel efficient vehicles has motivated the development of electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Unfortunately, some components used in these vehicles are expensive and complex. Today's consumer electric vehicles use dangerously high voltage,expensive electronic controllers, complex battery management systems and AC motors. The goal of this research at BYU is to increase safety by lowering the operating voltage and decrease cost by eliminating expensive controllers and decrease the number of battery cells. This paper specifically examines the use of a Ward Leonard Motor Control system for use in a passenger vehicle. The theory of the Ward Leonard system as an Infinitely Variable Transmission (IVT) is presented along with its history and past uses. Analogous systems are presented and similarities made in an attempt to enlighten designers to a broader design approach to increase safety and decrease cost of an electric or hybrid electric vehicle. The results of this research include a characterization of the Ward Leonard system as an IVT for use in an electric or hybrid (EV or HEV) passenger vehicle. These results include a study of past uses of the Ward Leonard system and what method is now used as a replacement. The theory of the Ward Leonard system and it operation is explained to an extent that someone not familiar with electronics can understand its working principles. A Control Factor metric was developed as a result of this research to measure the Ward Leonard System's ability to reduce the size of the electronic controller for application in an EV or HEV. The potential cost reduction of the electronic controller that would be used to control the Ward Leonard System compared with current EV and HEV vehicles was also research and identified. A bench top model of the Ward Leonard system was tested validating the Control Factor metric. The Ward Leonard system is capable of reducing the controller size by 77% and potentially reducing its cost by 68% or more. This work also provides performance characteristics for automotive designers and offers several design alternatives for EV and HEV architectures allowing the reduction of high voltage, the use of AC inverters, AC motors, expensive controllers and high cell count battery packs.

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