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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multidisciplinarni razvoj elemenata regala fleksibilnog skladišnog koncepta transportno – logističkih sistema / Multidisciplinary development elements racks of flexible storageconcept transport logistics system

Đelošević Mirko 14 November 2014 (has links)
<p>Savremeni uslovi trži&scaron;nog poslovanja zahtevaju visoku<br />konkurentnost robe u cilju ostvarivanja maksimalnog profita<br />proizvodnih kompanija odnosno distributera i zadovoljenja potreba<br />kupaca. Debalans rasta produktivnosti proizvodnih procesa i<br />logističkog sistema je jedan od glavnih uzroka usporavanja<br />celokupnog reproduktivnog procesa. Istraživanje transportnologističkog<br />sistema sa tendencijom razvoja elemanta fleksibilnog<br />skladi&scaron;nog koncepa je multidisciplinarnog karaktera i fokusirano je<br />na analizu procesa, funkcionalnih povr&scaron;ina, layout-a i regalske<br />opreme skladi&scaron;ta.</p> / <p>Modern conditions of market economy requires a highly<br />competitive goods in order to achieve maximum profit production<br />company respectively distributors and gratification the needs of<br />customers. Imbalance growth of productivity of production<br />processes and logistics system is one of the main causes of<br />slowing down the entire of reproductive process. The research of<br />transport and logistics system with the tendency development of<br />elements of flexible storage concept is multidisciplinary and<br />focused on process analysis, functional area, layout and storage<br />racks.</p>

Optimalizace databázového systému Teradata / Teradata Database System Optimization

Krejčík, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The Teradata database system is specially designed for data warehousing environment. This thesis explores the use of Teradata in this environment and describes its characteristics and potential areas for optimization. The theoretical part is tended to be a user study material and it shows the main principles Teradata system operation and describes factors significantly affecting system performance. Following sections are based on previously acquired information which is used for analysis and optimization in several areas of described environment.

Simulace skladu a optimalizace rozmístění produktů za účelem zvýšení propustnosti skladu / Warehouse Simulation and Product Distribution Optimization for Increased Throughput

Kočica, Filip January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the storage location assignment problem using modern meta-heuristic techniques combined with realistic simulation. A graphical tool implemented as part of this work is capable of warehouse model creation, generation of synthetic customer orders, optimization of product allocation using state of the art techniques, extensive warehouse simulation, and a pathfinder capable of finding the shortest path for orders going through the system. The work presents the comparison between different approaches based on many parameters to reach the most efficient allocation of products to warehouse slots. The author conducted tests on an experimental warehouse featuring almost twice the throughput -- 57%. The benefit of this work is a possibility to create model of an already built warehouse and its simulation and optimization, driving impact on the throughput of the warehouse, saving the user's resources, or helping him in planning and bottle-neck identification. Furthermore, this thesis introduces a new approach to warehouse optimization and new optimization criteria.

Lean Warehousing

Modaresi, Sami, Thomsen, Neda January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is based on inspecting, presenting and defining Lean Warehousing. With applying this philosophy, it is possible to minimize the wastes and maximize productivity and affectability in the warehouses. Enrad is the company that locates in Borås and is the producer of industrial coolers and heaters. Attentive to the first interview with parts of company members that were very interested to reorganize and standardize their warehouse, exploring the problem that exists right now in the place of producing and stocking makes easier to refine and refit the organization. The main purpose of this thesis is analysing the current situation of company, identify the obstacles and suggest the theoretical finding in order to apply Lean Warehousing, in additional to have smoothing production within reducing the different kind of wastes. Applying Lean does not mean to use this philosophy just in a special place in the system, it means to implement this approach in all the processes and actions that execute behind and inside the company. Lean is the assessment of any process that consists wastes and costs. The procedures of progression would be done in the first step by data gathering through some qualitative data like interview and own observations. At the second step, detail analysing and mapping the actual condition, and at the third stage clarifying the most related techniques from Lean in order to eliminate or remove the reasons of wastes and their effects. obviously, the information will be presented to managing team and then to the other members. The main problems were recognized: Incorrectly design of spaces, warehouse managing and furthermore weak leadership that cannot satisfy the demands of warehouse and staffs.

Optimering av platsutnyttjande för temporär lagring i en crossdocking-terminal : En fallstudie hos Lincargo AB

Lundgren, Hannes, Svensson, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att utreda hur den temporära lagringen av gods i en crossdockingterminal kan förbättras med hjälp av optimerad slotting. Den tillämpade metoden var av abduktiv natur med kvalitativ och kvantitativ empiri, samt en optimeringsbaserad analysmetod med hjälp av programvara. Det erhållna resultatet bestod av tre olika varianter på optimeringsmodellen, där varje variant löstes med fem olika viktningar på internt avstånd mellan baklagringsytorna. Varje lösning resulterade i den mest optimala placeringen av gods som modellen tog fram efter två timmars körning. Resultatet gav främst insikter kring vikten av informationssystem och informationsflöden, jämförelser av praktiskt tillämpade lagringsstrategier gentemot teorietiskt optimerade strategier gällande effektivitet, genomförbarhet och lämplighet. Slutsatserna av studien är bland annat att ju färre restriktioner och ju lägre krav på placeringen av gods desto färre slöserier skapade modellen. Det talar dessutom för värdet av lättillgänglig information för att kunna hantera en blandad baklagring. Utöver det framkom även att en låsning av vissa parametrar kan resultera i ett bättre resultat då problemet är för komplicerat för att köras till optimum. De kortsiktiga rekommendationerna bestod i en föreslagen layout som är realiserbar i dagsläget, vilken kommer frigöra 27,2 m2 i baklagringsyta. De långsiktiga rekommendationerna behandlade behovet av ett förbättrat informationssystem för att möjliggöra bättre framtida layouts genom nuvarande klassindelade lagring, samt även möjligheter till klassindelning baserad på lastbärare. Vidare föreslogs även förändringar för den övergripande terminallayouten för att ge bättre förutsättningar för tillämpning av redan existerande optimeringsmodeller. / The purpose with this thesis was to explore how temporary storage within a cross docking terminal can be improved by optimized slotting. An abductive method was used and the empirical data collected was both qualitative and quantitative in nature. The analysis consisted mainly of the development of an optimization model. The obtained result consisted of three different variants of the optimization model, where each one was solved with five different weights for the internal distance of storage slots. Each run resulted in the most optimal placement of goods that the model could produce in twohours. The results mainly provided insights of the importance of information systems and information flows, comparisons of practical applied storage strategies against theoretically optimized strategies regarding efficiency, feasibility and suitability. The conclusions of the study are, among other things, that fewer restrictions and lower requirements for the placement of goods, the less waste remained. It also emphasise the value of easily accessible information in order to handle a mixed storage. In addition, it was also found that locking certain parameters can result in a better result as the problem is too complicated to be executed to optimum. Long-term recommendations addressed the need for an improved information system to enable better future layouts through current class-based storage, as well as opportunities for class-based load carriers. Furthermore, changes were also proposed for the overall terminal layout to provide better conditions for the application of pre-existing optimization models.

Baksidan av dagligvaruhandeln : En undersökning i hantering av lagerhållnig

Hellholm, Victor January 2020 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med detta projekt att kartlägga och skapa förslag på förbättring av lagerläggningen vid torrvarulagret på företaget för att minska kostnader och öka effektiviteten. 1. Hur kan artiklar prioriteras för optimal lagerhållning? 2. Hur kan företaget upprätthålla god lagerhållning på lång sikt? 3. Hur kan en förbättrad lagerhållning bidra till företagets lönsamhet Metod – Undersökningen har baserats på kombination av personliga observationer, en dokumentstudie för att samla information gällande företagets omsättning, marginaler och svinn för de olika varugrupperna samt en enkätstudie som syftar till att samla information angående personalens syn på lagerhanteringen och vilket framtida läge som bör uppnås. Resultat – Observationerna visar att personalen inte fullt ut följer de instruktioner som finns angående var varor skall ställas på lagret. Det visar sig att på grund av mängden varor på lagret är detta inte möjligt. Observationerna visar även att många produkter som lagras inte direkt skapar värde i form av försäljning och tar upp värdefullt lagerutrymme som skulle kunna användas till andra produkter. Varor tenderar att placeras i hörnet av lagret vilket blockerar framkomligheten för två ställageplatser. Av enkätsvaren visar det sig att personalen på arbetsplatsen har delade uppfattningar om hur arbetet på lagret fungerar. Det visar sig att många i personalen håller med om att pallar ofta behöver flyttas för att komma åt bakomliggande varor. Resultatet från enkäterna visar att många medarbetare anser att varor inte ställs på rätt plats. Det visar sig att en stor del av medarbetarna inte vet att det finns nedskrivna bestämmelser om hur lagerarbetet skall skötas. Slutsatser – Produkter kan delvis prioriteras baserat på ABC-analysen men inte fullt ut enligt den teoretiska modellen. Företaget bör behålla principerna för ställagelagring eftersom denna metod anpassas bra för den typen av lager som företaget har men faller på grund av att dessa principer inte följs. Familjegruppsprincipen kan användas för att prioritera varor i större volymer på enhetliga pallar vid de angivna ställageplatserna. 5S kan hjälpa företaget att få koll på onödiga produkter på lagret genom att sortera ut och strukturera var sak på sin plats. Genom att göra detta med kontinuitet kan företaget hålla en bättre lagernivå och därmed hålla lagret under kontroll under tider då lagret blir pressat. Strukturerade rutiner och visuell styrning kan hjälpa erfarna och nya medarbetare att lätt förstå vad som behöver göras och hur detta skall genomföras. PDSA-cykeln kan användas för att kontinuerligt utveckla och förbättra processerna för lagerhållningen vid arbetsplatsen. Genom att skapa struktur, en städad arbetsplats och tydliga rutiner kan företaget skapa en bättre överblick av lagret. Denna överblick skapar möjlighet att se varugrupper eller produkter som är i riskzonen för att gå sönder eller passera utgångsdatum. Detta bidrar till att minska svinnet på arbetsplatsen vilket i sin tur leder till potentiell ekonomisk vinning under lång sikt. Långa ledtider är något företaget drabbas av på grund av den bristande framkomligheten på lagret. Med ett strukturerat lager minskar ledtider vilket ger personalen mer tid att lägga på värdeskapande aktiviteter. Onödiga rörelser för personalen är vanligt förkommande då varor flyttas och omplaceras på lagret för att komma åt andra varor. Detta agerar som ett slöseri av personalens tid. Väntan förekommer som ett resultat av den bristande framkomligheten vilket påverkar ledtider och effektiviteten på arbetsplatsen. / Purpose - The purpose of this project is to map and make suggestions for quality improvements for warehousing at the company with focus on increasing effectiveness and lowering the cost. 1.How can articles get prioritized for optimal warehousing? 2.How can the company maintain optimal warehousing in the long run? 3.How can optimized warehousing contribute to the company's profitability? Method - The study is based on a combination of personal observation, a document study used to gather information regarding the company's revenue, margins and waste for the different article groups. An inquiry was made with the purpose to gather information regarding the staff´s view of present warehouse logistics and future goals. Results - The observations show that the staff doesn't follow the guidelines regarding positioning of the articles in the warehouse. This is not possible with the amount of products in stock. The observations show that there are some products in the warehouse that do not directly contribute to the revenue of the company and therefore taking up space from products that do contribute to the revenue. Some articles are placed in the corner of the warehouse which limits access to two parts of the shelving system at the same time. The results from the inquiry show that the staff have mixed opinions regarding how well the warehouse runs. Most of the staff recognize the problem of having to move articles before reaching the wanted item. The inquiry show that a lot of the staff members does not follow the rules regarding placement of articles in the warehouse and most don't know if there are any written rules regarding this. Conclusions - Products can partially be prioritized based on the ABC-model but not to the full extent. The company should follow the principles of the shelving system since this is already implemented but is not used to the full extent. The family group principle can be used to prioritize products and sort them in different groups based on their attributes. 5S can help the company to identify unnecessary products and sort and mark everything in the warehouse. This identification leads to the possibility to lower and keep reasonable stock volume and keep control even though a big delivery is due. Structured routines and visual leadership may help both veteran and new workers in the work with the warehouse. The PDSA-cycle can be used to continuously improve and perfect processes for stock management at the store. Through designing a structure, a clean workplace and clear routines is it possible for the company to maintain a clear overview of the warehouse. This overview makes it possible to spot product groups that are in the danger zone for breaking or passing the expiration date. This will contribute to lowering the waste for the company which leads towards a potential financial gain over a longer period of time. With a more organized warehouse does the staff get more time to focus on value gaining tasks. Unnecessary movement for the staff is common due to the need to move products before work can be done. This is recognized as a waste of the staff's time and therefore a waste of resources. Waiting i common which is present due to products blocking the passage ways, this does lengthen lead times and decreases the effectiveness at the warehouse.

Order sequencing and SKU arrangement on a unidirectional picking line

Matthews, Jason 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An order picking operation in a distribution centre (DC) owned by Pep Stores Ltd, located in Durban, South Africa was considered. The order picking operation utilises picking lines and the concept of wave picking. A picking line is a central area with storage locations for pallet loads of stock keeping units (SKUs) around a conveyor belt. The system shows many similarities to unidirectional carousel systems found in literature, however, the unidirectional carousel system is not common. Sets of SKUs must be assigned to pick waves. The SKUs associated with a single wave are then arranged on a picking line after which pickers move in a clockwise direction around the conveyor belt to pick the orders. The entire order picking operation was broken into three tiers of decision making and three corresponding subproblems were identi ed. The rst two subproblems were investigated which focused on a single picking line. The rst subproblem called the order sequencing problem (OSP) considered the sequencing of orders for pickers and the second called the SKU location problem (SLP) the assignment of SKUs to locations in the picking line for a given wave. A tight lower bound was established for the OSP using the concept of a maximal cut. This lower bound was transformed into a feasible solution within 1 pick cycle of the lower bound. The solution was also shown to be robust and dynamic for use in practice. Faster solution times, however, were required for use in solution techniques for the SLP. Four variations of a greedy heuristic as well as two metaheuristic methods were therefore developed to solve the problem in shorter times. An ant colony approach was developed to solve the SLP. Furthermore, four variations of a hierarchical clustering algorithm were developed to cluster SKUs together on a picking line and three metaheuristic methods were developed to sequence these clusters. All the proposed approaches outperformed known methods for assigning locations to SKUs on a carousel. To test the validity of assumptions and assess the practicality of the proposed solutions an agent based simulation model was built. All proposed solutions were shown to be applicable in practice and the proposed solutions to both subporblems outperformed the current approaches by Pep. Furthermore, it was established that the OSP is a more important problem, in comparison to the SLP, for Pep to solve as limited savings can be achieved when solving the SLP. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Stelsel vir die opmaak van bestellings in 'n distribusiesentrum van Pep Stores Bpk. in Durban, Suid-Afrika word beskou. Hierdie stelsel gebruik uitsoeklyne waarop bestellings in golwe opgemaak word. 'n Uitsoeklyn is 'n area met vakkies waarop pallette met voorraadeenhede gestoor kan word. Hierdie vakkies is rondom 'n voerband gerangskik. Die stelsel het ooreenkomste met die eenrigting carrousselstelsels wat in die literatuur voorkom, maar hierdie eenrigtingstelsels is nie algemeen nie. Voorraadeenhede moet aan 'n golf toegewys word wat in 'n uitsoeklyn gerangskik word, waarna werkers dan die bestellings in die betrokke golf opmaak. Die hele operasie van bestellings opmaak kan opgebreek word in drie vlakke van besluite met gepaardgaande subprobleme. Die eerste twee subprobleme wat 'n enkele uitsoeklyn beskou, word aangespreek. Die eerste subprobleem, naamlik die volgorde-van-bestellings-probleem (VBP) beskou die volgorde waarin bestellings opgemaak word. Die tweede probeem is die voorraadeenheidaan- vakkie-toewysingsprobleem (VVTP) en beskou die toewysings van voorraadeenhede aan vakkies in 'n uitsoeklyn vir 'n gegewe golf. 'n Sterk ondergrens vir die VBP is bepaal met behulp van die konsep van 'n maksimum snit. Hierdie ondergrens kan gebruik word om 'n toelaatbare oplossing te bepaal wat hoogstens 1 carrousselsiklus meer as die ondergrens het. Hierdie oplossings kan dinamies gebruik word en kan dus net so in die praktyk aangewend word. Vinniger oplossingstegnieke is egter nodig indien die VVTP opgelos moet word. Twee metaheuristiese metodes word dus voorgestel waarmee oplossings vir die VBP vinniger bepaal kan word. 'n Mierkolonie benadering is ontwikkel om die VVTP op te los. Verder is vier variasies van 'n hi erargiese groeperingsalgoritme ontwikkel om voorraadeenhede saam te groepeer op 'n uitsoeklyn. Drie metaheuristieke is aangewend om hierdie groepe in volgorde te rangskik. Al hierdie benaderings vaar beter as bekende metodes om voorraadeenhede op 'n carroussel te rankskik. Om die geldigheid van die aannames en die praktiese uitvoerbaarheid van die oplossings te toets, is 'n agent gebaseerde simulasie model gebou. Daar is bevind dat al die voorgestelde oplossings prakties implementeerbaar is en dat al die metodes verbeter op die huidige werkswyse in Pep. Verder kon vasgestel word die VBP belangriker as die VVTP vir Pep is omdat veel kleiner potensiele besparings met die VVTP moontlik is as met die VBP.

En studie av metoder för effektivisering av bulklager : En fallstudie på pelletstillverkande verksamhet

Walldén Cerna, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
Lagerhantering avser aktiviteter som mottagning av varor, inlagring, lagring, orderplockning, omlagring, sortering och frakt. Enligt tidigare studier, av bland annat Drury (1988), uppstår 55% - 60% av lagrets kostnader i orderplockning och omlagring. Idag finns teorier och modeller om hur lagerhantering kring orderplockning och omlagring kan optimeras. Dock behandlas bulklager sällan i forskning eller litteratur. Detta arbete hade således i syfte att undersöka vedertagen teoris anpassningsförmåga på en verksamhet med bulklager. Studien har uppfyllt syftet genom en fall- och litteraturstudie med både kvalitativa och kvantitativa tillvägagångssätt i form av intervjuer och observationer. Lagerutformning och lagerstyrning kan med fördel ses som grundläggande metoder som förutsätter effektivitetsutveckling inom plockning och omlagring i bulklager. Metoder som MUDA och 5S skapar förutsättningarna att identifiera, upprätthålla och genomföra effektivitetsförbättringar.  De vedertagna metoderna som studerats kunde genom observation och intervju konstateras som implementerbar eller icke implementerbar. Som sammanfattning kunde en övergripande mall av metoderna sammanställas där det gemensamt och separat kunde bidra till effektivisering. Fallföretaget kunde förses med förbättringsförslag som rekommenderas att införas i både mindre etapper och under större, mer omfattande projekt. / Inventory management refers to activities such as receiving goods, storing, in storage, order picking, rearranging, sorting and shipping. According to previous studies, by Drury (1988), 55% - 60% of the warehouse costs incur in order picking and rearrangement. Today there are theories and models on how inventory management around order picking and rearrangement can be optimized. However, bulk stocks are rarely addressed in research or literature. Thus, this work was aimed at examining the adaptive theory of customary methods in a business with bulk storage. The study has fulfilled its purpose through a case and literature study with both qualitative and quantitative approaches in the form of interviews and observations. Inventory design and inventory control can advantageously be seen as basic methods that require efficiency development in picking and rearranging in bulk storages. Methods such as MUDA and 5S create the conditions for identifying, maintaining and implementing efficiency improvements. The customary methods studied could, through observation and interview, be found to be implementable or non-implementable. In summary, an overall template of the methods could be compiled where they could jointly and separately contribute to efficiency improvements. The studied company could be provided with improvement proposals that are recommended to be introduced in both smaller stages and during larger, more extensive projects.

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