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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Accelerated Aging on SiO₂-Treated Wood Samples

Beuthe, Callisto Ariadne 18 December 2023 (has links)
Wood is a viscoelastic composite material that has been historically prominent in the construction of buildings and continues to see widespread use. When used for exterior applications, wood is exposed to dynamic environmental conditions and can degrade if left untreated. Previous research by Lemaire-Paul et al. (2022) has proven that vacuum impregnation of the wood cell structure with a silica (SiO₂) nanoparticle colloid under a vacuum pressure of -90 kPa can enhance the viscoelastic properties, increase the density, and reduce the water uptake of white spruce wood. However, the behaviour of SiO₂-treated wood under different environmental conditions over time has yet to be fully explored. This research aims to examine the durability and performance of SiO₂-treated spruce wood samples subjected to accelerated aging conditions under high temperature and humidity as well as freeze-thaw cycling. Spruce wood samples were treated with 40% SiO₂ nanoparticle colloid under a vacuum pressure of -90 kPa. One set was placed in a hydrolytic aging chamber at 90°C and 80% RH. Another set was placed in a freeze-thaw cycling chamber that cycled from 25°C to -18°C and back at a rate of 6 cycles per day. The samples were removed at regular intervals and thermogravimetric analysis, dynamic mechanical analysis, tensiometry, X-Ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy were performed. When compared to the results obtained from a set of non-treated samples, it was found that the SiO₂-treated samples exhibited lower water uptake values that stabilized over time, as well as a lower rate of decrease in peak cellulose degradation temperatures under hydrolytic aging and a slight increase in peak cellulose degradation temperature over time under freeze-thaw aging. The effects of both aging conditions on the viscoelastic properties of the samples were also found to be insignificant. Both types of samples under both types of aging also exhibited an increase in crystallinity over time. These results indicate that the durability and properties of wood can be improved through nano-SiO₂ impregnation as the material remains relatively stable when subjected to high temperature and humidity conditions as well as freeze-thaw cycling over time.

Tanino como macromonômero na síntese de polímeros fenólicos visando a preparação de compósitos reforçados com material de origem vegetal / Tannin as substitute of phenols in the formulation of phenolic resins for the processing of composites reinforced with material from renewable source

Barbosa Junior, Vilmar 23 March 2007 (has links)
No presente trabalho, tanino (macromolécula de origem natural) foi utilizado como substituinte de fenol na formulação de matriz fenólica usada na preparação de compósitos, o que é possível devido à presença de anéis fenólicos sua estrutura. Os compósitos de matriz taninofenólica (50% em massa de tanino) apresentaram propriedades mecânicas superiores aquelas dos compósitos de matriz fenólica, quando reforçados pelo mesmo tipo de fibra, mostrando que a substituição de material obtido em larga escala a partir de fonte fóssil (fenol) é viável e pode ser feita por material obtido de fonte renovável (tanino) sem comprometimento de propriedades. Ainda, avaliou-se para propriedades de compósitos com diferentes tipos de reforços (fibras e cargas) através de caracterizações via análise térmica (TG e DSC), análise dinâmico-mecânica, espectroscopia na região do infravermelho, resistência ao impacto, absorção de água e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os ensaios de resistência ao impacto indicaram uma melhora de propriedades mecânicas quando da incorporação de fibras vegetais (juta e coco) nos termorrígidos fenólico e taninofenólico, além de mostrar que as fibras de juta reforçam as matrizes taninofenólicas mais eficientemente que as fibras de coco. As cascas da árvore de Acácia Negra, ricas em taninos, também foram utilizadas como agentes de reforço em compósitos na forma de fibras e cargas, obtidos através de desfibramento e pulverização, respectivamente. A utilização destes reforços, em diferentes proporções de massa, em compósitos de matriz taninofenólica (50% de tanino) levou a diferenças nas propriedades do compósito, com destaque para baixa absorção de água. Provavelmente, a presença de taninos no reforço e na matriz levou a intensas interações na interface fibra/matriz, diminuindo o número de vazios que podem alojar moléculas de água. As fibras de coco foram tratadas por ultra-som, a fim de avaliar a influência deste tratamento nas propriedades da fibra e dos compósitos reforçados por elas. As fibras de coco tratadas e não-tratadas foram caracterizadas quanto à composição química, índice de cristalinidade, ensaio de tração e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o ultra-som é um tratamento promissor, pois modifica a morfologia da superfície das fibras sem levar à degradação química, sendo que a separação dos feixes de fibra que ocorre permite melhor interação fibra/matriz na interface, obtendo-se assim compósitos mais resistentes à água. Outros tratamentos utilizados em trabalhos anteriores a este, como mercerização, diminuem absorção de água dos compósitos por ela reforçados, ao custo de parcial degradação das fibras lignocelulósicas. No presente trabalho, materiais preparados a partir de matéria-prima oriunda de fontes renováveis foram processados, o que vem de encontro aos anseios atuais. Os compósitos obtidos têm potencial para aplicações não estruturais, por exemplo, em partes internas de veículos automotivos. / In the present work, tannin (macromolecule obtained from natural source) was used as substitute of phenol in the formulation of phenolic matrix composites, due to the presence of phenolic rings in its structure. The tanninphenolic matrix composites (50% w/w of tannin) presented mechanical properties better than those of phenolic matrix composites showing that substitution of material obtained in large scale from non-renewable source (phenol) can be done by material obtained from natural source (tannin) without compromising the properties of the composite. The tanninphenolic matrix composites reinforced by different reinforcing agents (fibers and particules) were characterized by different techniques: Izod impact strength, thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorymetry (DSC), infrared spectroscopy (IV), dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Izod impact strength showed an improvement of mechanical properties due to the incorporation of natural fibres (jute and coir) in the phenolic and tanninphenolic matrices and also the better reinforcement of these matrices by jute fibres, when compared to coir fibres. The barks of Acacia Mimosa (high content of tannin) were also used as reinforcing agents of the tanninphenolic matrices in the forms of fibres and particules. The presence of these reinforcing agents in the matrix led to differences in the properties of the composites, highlighted by its lower water uptake. The presence of tannins in both reinforcing agents and matrix enhanced the fiber/matrix interactions, lowering the voids that increase water uptake. The coir fibres were treated by ultrasound, in order to evaluate the influence of this treatment in the properties of the fibres and, therefore, the composites reinforced with them. Besides chemical composition, all the fibres were characterized by the following techniques: X-ray diffraction, tensile strengh, infrared spectroscopy (IV), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results revealed that the ultrasound is a promising treatment of fibres for the processing of composites, because it modifies the morphology of the surface of fibres without leading them to chemical degradation. The separation of fiber beams allows enhancement of the fiber/matrix interactions, leading to composites with lower water absorption capacity. Other treatments, such as mercerization, for example, improved the impregnation of the fibres by the pre-polymer, leading to composites with better properties, at expenses of partial degradation of lignocellullosic fibres. In the present work, composites were prepared using material obtained from renewable source, according to the purpose of this work. The obtained composites presents potential for non-structural applications, such as, internal panels of cars, for example.

Contaminant fate and transport analysis in soil-plant systems

Goktas, Recep Kaya 20 January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this study is to develop a modeling methodology that facilitates incorporating the plant pathway into environmental contamination models recognizing the fact that plants are dynamic entities that regulate their life cycle according to natural and anthropogenic environmental conditions. A modeling framework that incorporates the plant pathway into an integrated water flow and contaminant transport model in terrestrial systems is developed. The modeling framework is aimed to provide a tool to analyze the plant pathway of exposure to contaminants. The model developed using this framework describes the temporal and spatial variation of the contaminant concentration within the plant as it is interacting with the soil and the atmosphere. The first part of the study focuses on the integration of the dynamics of water and contaminant distribution and plant related processes within the vadose zone. A soil-plant system model is developed by coupling soil-water flow, contaminant transport, plant life-cycle, and plant pathway models. The outcome unifies single media continuous models with multimedia compartmental models in a flexible framework. The coupling of the models was established at multiple interfaces and at different levels of solution steps (i.e. model development phase vs. numerical solution phase). In the second part of the study, the soil-plant system model is extended to cover large spatial areas by describing the environmental system as a collection of soil-plant systems connected through overland flow and transport processes on the ground surface and through lateral interactions in the subsurface. An overland flow model is integrated with the previously coupled model of unsaturated zone soil-water flow and plant life-cycle by solving the flow model equations simultaneously within a single global matrix structure. An overland / subsurface interaction algorithm is developed to handle the ground surface conditions. The simultaneous solution, single-matrix approach is also adopted when integrating the overland transport model with the previously coupled models of vadose zone transport and plant pathway. The model developed is applied to various environmental contamination scenarios where the effect of the presence of plants on the contaminant migration within environmental systems is investigated.

Moisture absorption characteristics and effects on mechanical behaviour of carbon/epoxy composite : application to bonded patch repairs of composite structures

Wong, King Jye 18 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire avait pour objectif d'étudier le processus de la pénétration d'eau dans les composites en carbone/époxyde dans un premier temps, et dans un deuxième temps, d'étudier l'effet de la prise en eau par ces matériaux sur les performances mécaniques des composites et leur joints collés. L'intégration de ces phénomènes physiques dans la modélisation numérique est d'une grande importance dans la prédiction de la durabilité d'une structure en composite subissant un vieillissement hygrothermique. Par conséquent, ce travail consiste non seulement en des observations expérimentales, mais aussi en des simulations numériques. Des corrélations entre les résultats obtenus permettent d'une part de mieux comprendre ce qui se passe dans un système composite avec l'assemblage collé soumis à des charges mécaniques, de l'initiation d'endommagement jusqu'à la rupture finale ; d'autre part, de valider un modèle numérique robuste dans le but de la conception et de l'optimisation. Les originalités de ce travail se situent à différents niveaux en proposant : 1. un nouveau modèle de diffusion à deux-phases permettant de mieux décrire l'effet de l'épaisseur des stratifiés sur la pénétration de l'eau; 2. un nouveau modèle RPM " Residual Property Model " afin de prévoir la dégradation des propriétés mécaniques due à la prise en eau ; 3. une nouvelle loi de traction-séparation linéaire-exponentiel pour décrire la courbe-R observée dans les essais DCB en mode I pur sur les composites stratifiés afin de les intégrer plus facilement dans les modèles numériques

Κατασκευή-μοντελοποίηση και μελέτη της φυσικής και μηχανικής συμπεριφοράς σύνθετων υλικών πολυμερικής μήτρας ενισχυμένης με νανοσωλήνες άνθρακα

Δρακόπουλος, Ευάγγελος 01 November 2010 (has links)
Σκοπός της συγκεκριμένης εργασίας είναι η κατασκευή, η μοντελοποίηση και η μελέτη της φυσικής και μηχανικής συμπεριφοράς συνθέτων υλικών πολυμερικής μήτρας ενισχυμένης με νανοσωλήνες άνθρακα. Πρώτος στόχος της εργασίας είναι η μελέτη των φυσικών και μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων νανοσυνθέτων υλικών εποξικής ρητίνης ενισχυμένης με νανοσωλήνες άνθρακα. Για τη μελέτη αυτή πραγματοποιήθηκαν μια σειρά διαφορετικών πειραμάτων προκειμένου να προκύψουν αξιόπιστα συμπεράσματα. Το πρώτο και βασικότερο πρόβλημα που μελετά η συγκεκριμένη εργασία είναι η κατασκευή νανοσυνθέτων υλικών εποξικής ρητίνης ενισχυμένης με νανοσωλήνες άνθρακα με τρόπους που συνδυάζεται το χαμηλό κόστος εξοπλισμού και η μικρή διάρκεια προετοιμασίας για την κατασκευή. Η κατασκευή των νανοσυνθέτων έγινε με δύο βασικές μεθόδους, με μηχανική ανάδευση και με χρήση υπερήχων. Το κύριο πρόβλημα που έπρεπε να ξεπερασθεί ήταν η ομογενής διασπορά μέσα στη ρητίνη καθώς η τάση που έχουν οι νανοσωλήνες να σχηματίζουν συσσωματώματα επιδρά αρνητικά. Από τη βιβλιογραφική και πειραματική μελέτη που έγινε προκύπτει πως ο χρόνος ανάμιξης, η μέθοδος ανάμιξης και η μεθοδολογία κατασκευής παίζουν καθοριστικό ρόλο στην επίτευξη καλής διασποράς των νανοσωλήνων μέσα στη ρητίνη. Εδώ πρέπει να σημειωθεί πως ο τύπος της ρητίνης και ο τύπος των νανοσωλήνων ανατρέπουν τη βέλτιστη μέθοδο. Για παράδειγμα στη μία ρητίνη που χρησιμοποιήθηκε, βέλτιστος χρόνος ήταν τα 10 λεπτά ενώ στην άλλη ρητίνη, βέλτιστος χρόνος ήταν τα 20 λεπτά. Για το στατικό μηχανικό χαρακτηρισμό νανοσυνθέτων υλικών εποξικής ρητίνης ενισχυμένης με νανοσωλήνες άνθρακα πραγματοποιήθηκαν πειράματα κάμψης τριών σημείων. Για πληρότητα της εργασίας χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δύο τύποι εποξικών ρητινών. Και οι δύο τύποι ρητινών ενισχύθηκαν με νανοσωλήνες άνθρακα σε διάφορες περιεκτικότητες. Από τα συγκεκριμένα πειράματα προέκυψε ότι υπάρχει μία συγκεκριμένη περιεκτικότητα σε νανοσωλήνες στην οποία το νανοσύνθετο εμφανίζει βελτιωμένες μηχανικές ιδιότητες. Συγκεκριμένα, για τον πρώτο τύπο εποξικής ρητίνης βρέθηκε πως το ποσοστό αυτό είναι το 0.3% κ.β. με ποσοστιαία αύξηση 10.6% και 2.6% σε μέτρο ελαστικότητας και αντοχής σε κάμψη. Σε ποσοστό 3% κ.β., η αύξηση στο μέτρο ελαστικότητας ήταν 14.03% αλλά η αντοχή του ήταν πολύ μικρή. Για το δεύτερο τύπο εποξικής ρητίνης βρέθηκε ότι το ποσοστό αυτό είναι το 0.2% κ.β., με ποσοστιαία αύξηση στο μέτρο ελαστικότητας σε κάμψη 22.8% και στην αντοχή σε κάμψη 29.4%. Για τον πειραματικό χαρακτηρισμό της βισκοελαστικής συμπεριφοράς (Long term testing) των υλικών που κατασκευάσθηκαν πραγματοποιήθηκαν πειράματα εφελκυστικού ερπυσμού-επανάταξης, ενώ για τον έλεγχο της βραχυπρόθεσμης βισκοελαστικής συμπεριφοράς πραγματοποιήθηκαν πειράματα κάμψης τριών σημείων σε διαφορετικούς ρυθμούς παραμόρφωσης για τα οποία έγινε μοντελοποίηση με εφαρμογή των βισκοελαστικών προτύπων του στερεού των τεσσάρων και τριών παραμέτρων, αντίστοιχα. Εξίσου σημαντική ήταν και η μελέτη των υλικών σε μη ιδανικές συνθήκες, δηλαδή σε συνθήκες όπου μπορεί να βρεθούν τα υλικά αυτά όταν αποτελέσουν μέρος μιας πραγματικής μηχανολογικής κατασκευής. Για το σκοπό αυτό έγινε μελέτη της βλάβης που εμφανίζεται σε υλικά καθαρής ρητίνης αλλά και ενισχυμένης τόσο ύστερα από κυκλικό θερμικό σοκ όσο και μετά από απορρόφηση υγρασίας. Η μελέτη που έγινε χωρίζεται σε δύο μέρη, το πειραματικό και το θεωρητικό. Όσον αφορά το πειραματικό σκέλος έγινε μηχανικός χαρακτηρισμός των υλικών με στατικά πειράματα κάμψης τριών σημείων, ενώ όσον αφορά το θεωρητικό σκέλος έγινε εξήγηση των μηχανισμών που λαμβάνουν χώρα με αποτέλεσμα την πρόκληση βλάβης. Τα αποτελέσματα που προκύπτουν στην περίπτωση της θερμικής κόπωσης είναι ενθαρρυντικά. Συγκεκριμένα για το μέτρο ελαστικότητας σε περιεκτικότητα 0.2%, όπου έχει γίνει μια επιτυχημένη κατασκευή νανοσυνθέτου με αύξηση που ξεπερνάει το 22.5%, παρατηρείται ότι η σχετική αύξηση σε πέντε κύκλους θερμικής κόπωσης ξεπερνάει το 30% (30, 40, 50, 80 και 90) και μάλιστα φτάνει το 40.2% στους 80 κύκλους. Όσον αφορά την αντοχή, αντίστοιχα είναι τα συμπεράσματα. Φαίνεται πως τα νανοσύνθετα συνεχίζουν να υπερτερούν έναντι του παρθένου υλικού με πιο χαρακτηριστική περίπτωση την αύξηση που παρατηρείται στους 40 κύκλους θερμικής κόπωσης όπου φτάνει το 46.7%. Τα αποτελέσματα που προκύπτουν μετά από απορρόφηση υγρασίας δεν είναι ενθαρρυντικά καθότι τόσο στο 0.2%κ.β. όσο και στο 0.3%κ.β. η σχετική μείωση των ιδιοτήτων είναι ιδιαίτερα υψηλή. Για το δυναμικό χαρακτηρισμό των υλικών έγιναν πειράματα δυναμικής θέρμο-μηχανικής ανάλυσης μέσω των οποίων προσδιορίσθηκε η θερμοκρασία υαλώδους μετάβασης Tg και η ικανότητα απόσβέσης των νανοσυνθέτων. Από τα πειράματα προέκυψε πως τα νανοσύνθετα έχουν Tg μεγαλύτερη από αυτή του μητρικού υλικού και συγκεκριμένα 126°C έναντι 101°C. Επίσης, η ικανότητα απόσβεσης των νανοσυνθέτων φαίνεται να είναι αισθητά μικρότερη. Τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα ενισχύθηκαν με θεωρητική μελέτη. Για το σκοπό αυτό έγινε εφαρμογή αναλυτικών μοντέλων και αριθμητική ανάλυση με τη μέθοδο των Πεπερασμένων Στοιχείων. Το πρώτο μοντέλο που χρησιμοποιήθηκε ήταν το μοντέλο της υβριδικής ενδιάμεσης φάσης που έχει αναπτυχθεί από τον καθηγητή Γ. Παπανικολάου και την ερευνητική του ομάδα. Το μοντέλο αυτό εισάγει την έννοια του συντελεστή πρόσφυσης και της ενδιάμεσης φάσης, ως μίας φάσης που ξεκινά αμέσως μετά τη διεπιφάνεια ίνας-μήτρας και καταλήγει στη μήτρα. Κατά το πάχος της ενδιάμεσης φάσης οι ελαστικές ιδιότητες. Η ενδιάμεση φάση συμπεριφέρεται βισκοελαστικά με αποτέλεσμα το πάχος της να μεταβάλλεται με το χρόνο. Η υβριδική ενδιάμεση φάση είναι πολύ σημαντική και πρέπει να λαμβάνεται υπόψη στο σχεδιασμό από τους μηχανικούς. Η άποψη αυτή ενισχύεται από την παρατήρηση που γίνεται στη συγκεκριμένη εργασία, ότι, δηλαδή, μπορεί να προκύψει ένα σύνθετο υλικό με πλήρως τροποποιημένη μήτρα. Στην περίπτωση αυτή, το σύνθετο σε μικροσκοπική κλίμακα εμφανίζει ιδιότητες ίνας και ιδιότητες ενδιάμεσης φάσης, αλλά όχι μήτρας. Τα μοντέλα, τόσο της υβριδικής ενδιάμεσης φάσης όσο και της βισκοελαστικής ενδιάμεσης φάσης χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στη μοντελοποίηση που έγινε με τη μέθοδο των Πεπερασμένων Στοιχείων. Συγκεκριμένα, έγινε μοντελοποίηση ενός αντιπροσωπευτικού στοιχείου όγκου που συνδέει τις μακροσκοπικές με τις μικροσκοπικές ιδιότητες και στη συνέχεια μελετήθηκε η εντατική κατάσταση που αναπτύσσεται στη διεπιφάνεια. Τα αποτελέσματα συγκρίθηκαν με αναλυτικά μοντέλα που μελετούν τη διεπιφάνεια. / Nanocomposites constitute a very special category of composite materials. Only a small amount of nano-inclusions is enough to achieve unique mechanical, electrical and other properties. Carbon nanotubes have gain the scientists’ interest the last ten years due their becoming a material with many prospects. After an extended research by Iijima, S. in 1991, carbon nanotubes became a new attractive material to Nanotechnology. Thorough investigations in polymer matrix composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes are being developed in an effort to explain their properties. The aim of the present master thesis is multiple. The first step was the experimental procedure which started with the static mechanical characterization of epoxy polymer matrices reinforced with Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes in order to define the factors that, mainly, come up during the mixing process and contribute to the final mechanical properties, namely the bending modulus and the strength. High speed shearing and ultrasonication were the two main manufacturing techniques that were applied in order to disperse the nanotubes in different volume fractions. Neat epoxy and MWCNT’s-reinforced epoxy specimens were also tested with Dynamic Thermo Mechanical Analysis bending experiments, by which the glass transition temperature, Tg, and the damping response were defined. Furthermore, three point bending tests in different strain rates and creep-recovery tests were executed for the definition of the short-term and long-term viscoelastic response, respectively. Finally, the damage that occurs after thermal shock cycling and water absorption was examined thoroughly. More specifically, the elastic properties degradation, due to damage, of the neat epoxy and of the nanocomposites was compared. Next, using the hybrid interphase concept and the viscoelastic intrphase, a theoretical investigation of the fiber-matrix interphase region was executed in an effort to compute both analytically and numerically its effect on the interfacial stress and strain fields developed in the area close to CNT’s. Analytical models that give the distribution of the normal and shear stresses were applied and the results were compared with the numerical analysis. The Finite Element Method was used for the numerical analysis. Many simplifying assumptions were necessary for both analytical and numerical technique. Experimental findings combined with analytical and numerical results gave a better understanding on the structural and mechanical performance of epoxy resin-carbon nanotubes composites. The static mechanical characterization that is being presented shows that we can achieve better mechanical properties by using a quit simple and low cost mixing process, but it needs much better techniques to achieve high performance materials. Glass transition temperature, Tg, of the nanocomposite is clearly higher from that of the neat epoxy. On the other hand, the damping of the nanocomposite is much lower, especially in higher temperatures. Finally, the nanocomposites seem to have much better response after cyclic thermal shock in contrast with the effect of water absorption, that seem to degrade the properties. The theoretical investigation showed that the third phase formatted around the inclusion is responsible for the stress and strain field developed in the area close to the nanotube. The interphase is not simply a geometrical concept but it mainly a property dependent concept, the thickness of which vary in compliance with the adhesion coefficient and time. Nanocomposites are materials that need further investigation in order to achieve things that the human brain could never imagine a few decades before.

Tanino como macromonômero na síntese de polímeros fenólicos visando a preparação de compósitos reforçados com material de origem vegetal / Tannin as substitute of phenols in the formulation of phenolic resins for the processing of composites reinforced with material from renewable source

Vilmar Barbosa Junior 23 March 2007 (has links)
No presente trabalho, tanino (macromolécula de origem natural) foi utilizado como substituinte de fenol na formulação de matriz fenólica usada na preparação de compósitos, o que é possível devido à presença de anéis fenólicos sua estrutura. Os compósitos de matriz taninofenólica (50% em massa de tanino) apresentaram propriedades mecânicas superiores aquelas dos compósitos de matriz fenólica, quando reforçados pelo mesmo tipo de fibra, mostrando que a substituição de material obtido em larga escala a partir de fonte fóssil (fenol) é viável e pode ser feita por material obtido de fonte renovável (tanino) sem comprometimento de propriedades. Ainda, avaliou-se para propriedades de compósitos com diferentes tipos de reforços (fibras e cargas) através de caracterizações via análise térmica (TG e DSC), análise dinâmico-mecânica, espectroscopia na região do infravermelho, resistência ao impacto, absorção de água e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os ensaios de resistência ao impacto indicaram uma melhora de propriedades mecânicas quando da incorporação de fibras vegetais (juta e coco) nos termorrígidos fenólico e taninofenólico, além de mostrar que as fibras de juta reforçam as matrizes taninofenólicas mais eficientemente que as fibras de coco. As cascas da árvore de Acácia Negra, ricas em taninos, também foram utilizadas como agentes de reforço em compósitos na forma de fibras e cargas, obtidos através de desfibramento e pulverização, respectivamente. A utilização destes reforços, em diferentes proporções de massa, em compósitos de matriz taninofenólica (50% de tanino) levou a diferenças nas propriedades do compósito, com destaque para baixa absorção de água. Provavelmente, a presença de taninos no reforço e na matriz levou a intensas interações na interface fibra/matriz, diminuindo o número de vazios que podem alojar moléculas de água. As fibras de coco foram tratadas por ultra-som, a fim de avaliar a influência deste tratamento nas propriedades da fibra e dos compósitos reforçados por elas. As fibras de coco tratadas e não-tratadas foram caracterizadas quanto à composição química, índice de cristalinidade, ensaio de tração e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o ultra-som é um tratamento promissor, pois modifica a morfologia da superfície das fibras sem levar à degradação química, sendo que a separação dos feixes de fibra que ocorre permite melhor interação fibra/matriz na interface, obtendo-se assim compósitos mais resistentes à água. Outros tratamentos utilizados em trabalhos anteriores a este, como mercerização, diminuem absorção de água dos compósitos por ela reforçados, ao custo de parcial degradação das fibras lignocelulósicas. No presente trabalho, materiais preparados a partir de matéria-prima oriunda de fontes renováveis foram processados, o que vem de encontro aos anseios atuais. Os compósitos obtidos têm potencial para aplicações não estruturais, por exemplo, em partes internas de veículos automotivos. / In the present work, tannin (macromolecule obtained from natural source) was used as substitute of phenol in the formulation of phenolic matrix composites, due to the presence of phenolic rings in its structure. The tanninphenolic matrix composites (50% w/w of tannin) presented mechanical properties better than those of phenolic matrix composites showing that substitution of material obtained in large scale from non-renewable source (phenol) can be done by material obtained from natural source (tannin) without compromising the properties of the composite. The tanninphenolic matrix composites reinforced by different reinforcing agents (fibers and particules) were characterized by different techniques: Izod impact strength, thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorymetry (DSC), infrared spectroscopy (IV), dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Izod impact strength showed an improvement of mechanical properties due to the incorporation of natural fibres (jute and coir) in the phenolic and tanninphenolic matrices and also the better reinforcement of these matrices by jute fibres, when compared to coir fibres. The barks of Acacia Mimosa (high content of tannin) were also used as reinforcing agents of the tanninphenolic matrices in the forms of fibres and particules. The presence of these reinforcing agents in the matrix led to differences in the properties of the composites, highlighted by its lower water uptake. The presence of tannins in both reinforcing agents and matrix enhanced the fiber/matrix interactions, lowering the voids that increase water uptake. The coir fibres were treated by ultrasound, in order to evaluate the influence of this treatment in the properties of the fibres and, therefore, the composites reinforced with them. Besides chemical composition, all the fibres were characterized by the following techniques: X-ray diffraction, tensile strengh, infrared spectroscopy (IV), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results revealed that the ultrasound is a promising treatment of fibres for the processing of composites, because it modifies the morphology of the surface of fibres without leading them to chemical degradation. The separation of fiber beams allows enhancement of the fiber/matrix interactions, leading to composites with lower water absorption capacity. Other treatments, such as mercerization, for example, improved the impregnation of the fibres by the pre-polymer, leading to composites with better properties, at expenses of partial degradation of lignocellullosic fibres. In the present work, composites were prepared using material obtained from renewable source, according to the purpose of this work. The obtained composites presents potential for non-structural applications, such as, internal panels of cars, for example.

Contribution à la compréhension des mécanismes de vieillissement hydrothermique de matériaux composites unidirectionnels polyester insaturé/fibre de lin / Understanding the hydrothermal aging mechanisms of unsaturated polyester-reinforced flax fiber unidirectional composites

Rouch, Matthias 19 April 2018 (has links)
De nombreux exemples de matériaux composites obtenus par l’association de fibres végétales et de polymères ont permis des allègements conséquents de structures dans divers domaines d’application. Cependant, la question demeure quant de la durabilité de ces pièces en service, essentiellement par manque de connaissances sur le vieillissement des fibres végétales, sur leurs interactions avec la matrice polymère et sur le comportement hydrothermique des composites biosourcés au cours du temps. Dans cette étude, nous avons étudié les cinétiques et mécanismes de sorption du matériau composite afin d’appréhender son comportement hydrique lors des vieillissements hydrothermiques par immersion dans l’eau à 23°C et 70°C. Cette étude a mis en évidence l’influence des fibres végétales sur les grandeurs caractéristiques de l’absorption en eau du matériau composite : forte prise en eau, gonflement anisotrope. Elle a également permis l’identification des mécanismes de dégradation des fibres de lin ; le rôle très nocif des résidus d’écorce rappelle l’importance du rouissage et du défibrage sur les performances de ces fibres. L’étude du comportement des constituants et du composite confrontés à des vieillissements hydrothermiques a ensuite été entreprise afin d’identifier et quantifier l’influence de chacun des matériaux constitutifs, ainsi que leur synergie. Il en ressort que la détérioration des fibres de lin est la principale cause de l’abattement des propriétés mécaniques du matériau composite. Si une immersion à 23°C pendant 70 jours n’a que peu d’effet sur les propriétés mécaniques, l’élévation de la température à 70°C induit des endommagements importants dès 14 jours d’immersion. La destruction des parois cellulaires et la dégradation des interfaces fibre/matrice sous l’effet de la présence d’eau détériorent le transfert de charge matrice/fibre. La corrélation entre les vieillissements accélérés et naturel a fait ressortir une similitude entre le maintien pendant 70 jours dans l’eau à 23°C et l’exposition aux conditions naturelles pendant 24 mois ; l’immersion à 70°C s’avère trop sévère. Une solution d’amélioration serait d’accentuer le rouissage des fibres afin de supprimer davantage les composés pectiques de la lamelle mitoyenne et de la paroi primaire. L’élimination de ces composés facilement hydrolysables par l’eau permettrait de prétendre à une meilleure qualité de l’interface fibres/matrice tout au long du vieillissement. / A great number of plant fiber – reinforced polymer composites allowed substantial lightening of structures in various fields of application. However, the question remains about the durability of these parts in service, mainly for lack of knowledge about the aging of plant fibers, their interactions with the polymer matrix and the hydrothermal behavior of biosourced composites over time. In this work, water absorption mechanisms and kinetics by the composite material are studied in order to understand the hydric behavior during hydrothermal aging by immersion in deionized water at 23°C or 70°C. The results show that water absorption by the composite is characterized by a high water uptake and an anisotropic swelling. It also allowed the identification of the degradation mechanisms of flax fibers; the very harmful role of bark residues recalls the importance of retting and decortication on the performance of these fibers.The investigation of the behaviors of the constituents and the composite under hydrothermal aging was then undertaken with the aim to identify and quantify the influence of each on the constituent materials, as well as their synergy. It shows that the deterioration of the flax fibers is the main cause of the reduction of the mechanical properties of the composite. If immersion at 23 ° C for 70 days has little effect on the mechanical properties, raising the temperature to 70 ° C induces significant damage from 14 days of immersion. The destruction of the cell walls and the degradation of the fiber/matrix interfaces due to water deteriorate the load transfer efficiency by the fiber/matrix interface. The correlation between accelerated and natural aging showed a similarity between holding for 70 days in water at 23 ° C and exposure to natural conditions for 24 months; immersion at 70 ° C is too severe. An improvement solution would be to increase the retting of the fibers in order to further remove the pectic compounds from the middle lamella and the primary wall. The elimination of these compounds easily hydrolysable by water would claim to a better quality of the fiber / matrix interface throughout aging.

Characterization and Fabrication of Scaffold Materials for Tissue Engineering

Xie, Sibai 07 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Electrochemical studies of coatings and thin films

Kang, Jiho 22 February 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Integrating isotopes, environmental data, and tracer-aided modelling to assess effects of contrasting land cover on ecohydrological fluxes

Landgraf, Jessica 14 October 2024 (has links)
Pflanzen verbinden atmosphärisches mit unterirdischem Wasser und prägen so den Wasserkreislauf mit einer Reihe verschiedener Prozesse wie Interzeption und Transpiration. Diese Dissertation verwendet stabile Wasserisotope um ökohydrologische Flüsse vom Parzellenmaßstab zum Einzugsgebietskontext zu untersuchen und die Effekte von Vegetationsbedeckung auf die Wasseraufteilung zu bewerten. Die Arbeit ermittelte, dass die Wurzelwasseraufnahme zweier Weiden während der Vegetationsperiode von 2020 hauptsächlich aus Wasser des Oberbodens bestand, selbst während einer Trockenphase im Sommer. Am Ende der Vegetationsperiode und nach der Wiederbefeuchtung des Oberbodens entnahmen die Bäume tieferes Bodenwasser. Weiterhin deuteten Untersuchungen während der Vegetationsperiode in 2021 im Demnitzer Mühlenfließ darauf hin, dass eine geringe Variabilität der Wasseraufteilung in den untersuchten Landnutzungen vorliegt und wahrscheinlich durch das zurückgesetzte Evaporationssignal nach einem Starkregenereignis hervorgerufen wurde. Eine Modellierung der Wasserflüsse von den vier Landnutzungen mittels des Modells EcoIsoPlot zeigte, dass die Wasseraufteilung in der Agroforstwirtschaft zwischen Wald und Ackerfläche liegt. Solche Unterschiede wurden nur mit Hilfe der Simulation der Wasserbilanz aufgezeigt und betonen die Relevanz von stabilen Wasserisotopen in Verbindung mit weiteren ökohydrologischen Parametern. Weiterhin untersuchte der kollaborative Artikel mit dem EcH2O-iso Modell die hoch-frequenten Daten des Weidenstandorts und erreichte die besten Simulationen mittels täglicher Zeitschritte und distanz-basierter, isotopischer Mischung. Diese Thesis beobachtete, analysierte und modellierte ökohydrologische Flüsse mit verschiedenen räumlichen und zeitlichen Maßstäben. Sie zeigt die Relevanz von Interaktionen zwischen Pflanzen und Wasser für die Ermittlung von Wasserpartitionierung sowie weitere Forschungsmöglichkeiten für die Beobachtung und Modellierung von ökohydrologischen Flüssen. / Plants link atmospheric and subsurface water shaping the water cycle with a diverse range of processes like interception or transpiration. This thesis utilizes stable water isotopes to investigate ecohydrological fluxes from plot scale to catchment context assessing the effects of vegetation cover on water partitioning. The thesis found root water uptake of two willow trees over the growing season of 2020 mainly consisted of topsoil water even during a drier phase in summer. At the end of the growing season and after rewetting of the topsoil the trees tapped into deeper soil water. Further, investigations during the growing season of 2021 at the Demnitzer Millcreek Catchment indicated slight variabilities in water partitioning of the investigated land uses possibly caused by resetting evaporative signal due to a mid-summer storm event. Simulating water fluxes of the four land uses via the EcoIsoPlot model resulted in agroforestry water partitioning to be estimated between forest and cropland. Such disparity between cropland and agroforest was only evident via simulating the water balance underlining the relevance of combining stable water isotopic composition with additional ecohydrological parameters. Further, the co-authored EcH2O-iso model explored the high frequency data from the willow stand and achieved best simulations via daily time steps and distance-based isotopic mixing. This thesis monitored, analysed, and modelled ecohydrological fluxes at various spatial and temporal scales. It demonstrates the importance of plant-water interactions for estimating water partitioning as well as further research opportunities in monitoring and modelling of ecohydrological fluxes.

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