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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The significance of physical surveillance as a method in the investigation of insurance fraud: a Discovery Life perspective

Visser, Bennet Louis 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The primary aim of this study is to determine the significance of the application of physical surveillance as a method in the investigation of insurance fraud conducted by the Surveillance Unit at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life. Various objectives were fulfilled in this study:  To explore, identify and describe the value of the application of physical surveillance, as a forensic investigation method, in order to determine the significance of this method in the investigation of insurance fraud at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life.  To determine whether the application of physical surveillance at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life is achieving its intended objective relating to the degree to which the beneficiary’s (Discovery Life) situation has changed as a result of this method.  To apply new information, acquired from the findings of this study, to further develop good practice and enhance performance in order to empower investigators at Discovery Life with new knowledge relating to the application of physical surveillance in the investigation of insurance fraud. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with forensic investigators employed at the Forensic Department at Discovery Life. The research has revealed that the majority of forensic investigators, other than the Surveillance Unit, at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life do not utilise physical surveillance during insurance fraud investigations to assist them in gathering evidence. These investigators also had a lack of knowledge and skills regarding the utilisation of physical surveillance during insurance fraud investigations and the advantages of this method during insurance fraud investigations. As a result of the non-utilisation of physical surveillance during insurance fraud investigations conducted at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life, important information and evidence with regard to the movement and actions of identified perpetrators who commit insurance fraud are lost to the investigators. However, the significance of the application of physical surveillance in the investigation of insurance fraud is emphasised by the forensic investigators attached to the Surveillance Unit of Discovery Life who utilise physical surveillance on a daily basis to investigate insurance fraud. The research has further revealed that insurance fraud is a major concern to the insurance industry, but can be mitigated through the implementation of unconventional investigative methods, such as physical surveillance, to enhance investigative capabilities. It was recommended that all forensic investigators at Discovery Life be trained in the techniques of physical surveillance to address shortcomings of general and out-dated investigation methods. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

Profiling of white-collar crime perpetrators in the short-term insurance industry in South Africa

Mostert, Deanne 02 1900 (has links)
In the context of violent crimes and criminal investigations, the effectiveness and proven success of offender or criminal profiling have been well documented. In reference to white-collar crime perpetrators offenders, this is a much less documented topic though. For any organisation to function effectively and be profitable there is huge reliance placed on employees. There is an expectation that the employees will carry out their functions with honesty and integrity while having the employer’s best interests in mind. Recent local and international published fraud surveys reported widely on the growing trend that has become known as the insider threat. This trend relates to the actual occurrence of misconduct by staff members and has increased proportionally over the years, i.e. from 55% in 2010 to a staggering 81% in 2015. The aim of this research was to determine how to profile staff members who commit white-collar crime in the South African short-term insurance industry. In addition, this research also focused on an introduction on the South African short-term insurance industry, as well as the suggested sources to consider when profiling staff as potential white-collar criminal perpetrators and the importance of making use of crime linkage analysis. Results of this research include that the main objective of profiling will at all times be to perform a structured social and psychological assessment of the perpetrator and when conducting the profiling of potential white-collar criminal perpetrators, there are specific offender characteristics to consider, and detailed data will be required pertaining to certain categories. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigations)

The significance of physical surveillance as a method in the investigation of insurance fraud: a Discovery Life perspective

Visser, Bennet Louis 10 1900 (has links)
The primary aim of this study is to determine the significance of the application of physical surveillance as a method in the investigation of insurance fraud conducted by the Surveillance Unit at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life. Various objectives were fulfilled in this study:  To explore, identify and describe the value of the application of physical surveillance, as a forensic investigation method, in order to determine the significance of this method in the investigation of insurance fraud at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life.  To determine whether the application of physical surveillance at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life is achieving its intended objective relating to the degree to which the beneficiary’s (Discovery Life) situation has changed as a result of this method.  To apply new information, acquired from the findings of this study, to further develop good practice and enhance performance in order to empower investigators at Discovery Life with new knowledge relating to the application of physical surveillance in the investigation of insurance fraud. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with forensic investigators employed at the Forensic Department at Discovery Life. The research has revealed that the majority of forensic investigators, other than the Surveillance Unit, at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life do not utilise physical surveillance during insurance fraud investigations to assist them in gathering evidence. These investigators also had a lack of knowledge and skills regarding the utilisation of physical surveillance during insurance fraud investigations and the advantages of this method during insurance fraud investigations. As a result of the non-utilisation of physical surveillance during insurance fraud investigations conducted at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life, important information and evidence with regard to the movement and actions of identified perpetrators who commit insurance fraud are lost to the investigators. However, the significance of the application of physical surveillance in the investigation of insurance fraud is emphasised by the forensic investigators attached to the Surveillance Unit of Discovery Life who utilise physical surveillance on a daily basis to investigate insurance fraud. The research has further revealed that insurance fraud is a major concern to the insurance industry, but can be mitigated through the implementation of unconventional investigative methods, such as physical surveillance, to enhance investigative capabilities. It was recommended that all forensic investigators at Discovery Life be trained in the techniques of physical surveillance to address shortcomings of general and out-dated investigation methods. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

Psychologie des leaders narcissiques organisationnels

Ouimet, Gérard 04 1900 (has links)
Résumé Le premier article de la thèse se veut une revue systématique des données empiriques mettant en lumière les antécédents à la base de l’émergence du leadership narcissique dans les organisations, ses composantes psychologiques ainsi que ses incidences tant pour les organisations que pour leurs membres. Conséquemment, cette étude brosse initialement une recension détaillée des principaux facteurs idiosyncrasiques, culturels, environnementaux et structurels participant à la manifestation du leadership narcissique dans les organisations. Par la suite, elle en sonde la teneur en isolant l’existence de cinq composantes psychologiques, soit le charisme, l’influence intéressée, la motivation fallacieuse, l’inhibition intellectuelle et la considération simulée. Enfin, elle souligne les conséquences négatives de son actualisation dont les principales sont : la production de prises de décisions volatiles et risquées; la création d’un climat organisationnel toxique; la destruction de la confiance des subordonnés; la détérioration de l’efficacité organisationnelle; l’émergence d’une gestion dysfonctionnelle; et la manifestation de comportements non-éthiques. Le deuxième article s’avère une analyse comparative de deux types de leadership se révélant, de prime abord, trompeusement analogues. Ces deux types sont le leadership transformationnel et le leadership narcissique. Quoique se situant aux antipodes en matière de satisfaction de besoins (influence idéalisée versus influence intéressée), de promotion de visions (motivation inspirationnelle versus motivation fallacieuse), de réceptivité à la rétroaction d’autrui (stimulation intellectuelle versus inhibition intellectuelle) et de traitement des relations interpersonnelles (considération individualisée versus considération simulée), les leaderships transformationnel et narcissique partagent entre eux un élément commun : le charisme du leader. C’est précisément cette dernière caractéristique, conférant à son détenteur un puissant halo magnétisant, qui se révèle le creuset de la spéciosité du leadership narcissique opérant essentiellement lors des tout premiers contacts avec le leader. En fait, le charisme du leader narcissique sert en quelque sorte de fard, composé de charme et de fascination, masquant une décevante réalité psychologique et dont les propriétés captieuses s’étiolent rapidement. Le troisième article de la thèse est une étude conceptuelle examinant la structuration idiosyncrasique des criminels en col blanc ayant commis des fraudes financières se chiffrant à plusieurs dizaines de millions de dollars. Exploitant le croisement des deux dimensions fondamentales de l’agression, soit sa fonction (proactive ou réactive) et sa forme (directe ou indirecte), cette étude propose une taxonomie archétypique de différents types de psychopathie susceptible de mieux cerner la psychologie du criminel en col blanc d’envergure. L’agression est dite proactive lorsqu’elle est motivée par des impératifs de prédation indépendants de l’état émotionnel de l’individu. L’action de l’individu prédateur est intentionnelle et instrumentale. Elle vise l’atteinte d’objectifs préétablis avant l’actualisation de l’agression. Par contre, elle est considérée réactive lorsque la préservation de l’intégrité physique ou psychologique de l’individu est l’objet d’une menace émergeant de son environnement externe immédiat. Dans ce cas, la réaction agressive de l’individu est émotionnellement conditionnée. Par ailleurs, nonobstant la nature de sa fonction, l’agression peut s’exprimer directement ou indirectement. Elle est considérée directe lorsqu’elle a pour cible l’agressé en tant que tel. La forme physique d’agression peut être physique (sévices corporels) ou verbale (menaces et insultes). Par contre, lorsqu’elle emprunte des modes d’expression plus subtils, tels les rumeurs, l’humour malicieux et la tromperie, l’agression est dite indirecte. Le pairage des deux dimensions fondamentales de l’agression permet la construction d’un modèle d’analyse bidimensionnelle englobant quatre types de psychopathie, à savoir les psychopathies parasitique (préservation indirecte), colérique (préservation directe), cynégétique (prédation directe) et sympathique (prédation indirecte). C’est précisément cette dernière forme de psychopathie, le type sympathique caractérisé par un étaiement idiosyncrasique narcissico-machiavélique, qui traduit le mieux la psychologie des criminels en col blanc d’envergure. Enfin, le quatrième et dernier article de la présente thèse se propose d’explorer une problématique de recherche n’ayant reçu que très peu d’attention de la part des membres de la communauté scientifique, à savoir l’examen de l’adéquation d’un modèle dimensionnel du narcissisme pathologique inspiré du modèle développé par Roche, Pincus, Lukowitsky, Ménard et Conroy (2013). Au moyen d’une étude de cas exploratoire, il a été possible d’associer la vulnérabilité narcissique au segment décompensatoire (échec des stratégies inadaptées d’agrandissement de soi) du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013) et ce, conformément à ses prescriptions. En effet, la comparaison des résultats de l’un des deux participants de l’étude, madame H, obtenus lors des deux saisies de données espacées d’un intervalle d’une année, indique une diminution de la vulnérabilité narcissique lors de la période de re-compensation. En outre, cette diminution est accompagnée de celle de la grandiosité narcissique. En somme, la relation positive entre les deux dimensions du narcissisme pathologique se révèle, sur un plan longitudinal, constante dans les deux segments – compensatoire (recours à des stratégies inadaptées d’agrandissement de soi) et décompensatoire – du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013). Par ailleurs, les résultats obtenus auprès des deux participants à l’étude de cas, monsieur B et de madame H, s’avèrent éclairants eu égard à la prépondérance respective de chacune des dimensions (grandiosité et vulnérabilité) narcissiques en fonction des segments compensatoire et décompensatoire du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013). Se trouvant en mode de compensation narcissique lors des deux saisies de données, monsieur B affiche une grandiosité narcissique supérieure à sa vulnérabilité narcissique. Cette constatation respecte en tous points les prescriptions théoriques du modèle. Quant à madame H, qu’elle soit en mode de compensation ou de décompensation narcissique (postulat non démontré eu égard aux prescriptions du modèle théorique utilisé), sa vulnérabilité narcissique demeure constamment plus élevée que sa grandiosité narcissique. Théoriquement, selon les prescriptions du modèle, la prépondérance devrait être observée chez la dimension « grandiosité narcissique » en période de compensation. De toute évidence, les données obtenues auprès de madame H s’écartent de ces prescriptions. / The first article of the thesis offers a systematic review of the empirical data highlighting the precursors to the emergence of narcissistic leadership in organizations, its psychological components, as well as its impact on both organizations and their members. Accordingly, this study begins by compiling a detailed list of the main idiosyncratic, cultural, environmental and structural factors at play in the manifestation of narcissistic leadership in organizations. It then explores their nature by identifying the existence of five psychological components: charisma, self-interested influence, deceptive motivation, intellectual inhibition and simulated consideration. Finally, it underscores the negative consequences of the emergence of narcissistic leadership, including, notably: the production of volatile and risky decision making; the creation of a toxic organizational climate; the destruction of subordinates’ trust; the degradation of organizational effectiveness; the emergence of dysfunctional management; and the manifestation of unethical behaviour. The second article proposes a comparative analysis of two types of leadership that appear at first glance to be deceptively similar. These two types of leadership are transformational leadership and narcissistic leadership. Although diametrically opposed in terms of the satisfaction of needs (idealized influence versus self-interested influence), the promotion of visions (inspirational motivation versus deceptive motivation), the receptiveness to feedback (intellectual stimulation versus intellectual inhibition) and the treatment of interpersonal relations (individualized consideration versus simulated consideration), transformational and narcissistic leadership share a common element: the charisma of the leader. This charisma places a powerful, magnetic halo on the head of the leader and it is precisely this characteristic that is the crucible of the deceptive attractiveness of narcissistic leadership that is felt upon the very first contact with the leader. In fact, the narcissistic leader’s charisma serves as a sort of mask that combines charm and fascination to conceal a disappointing psychological reality and whose attractive qualities quickly fall away. The third article of the thesis is a conceptual study of the idiosyncratic patterns of white-collar criminals who have committed fraud in the tens of millions of dollars. Based on the intersection of the two basic dimensions of aggression – i.e., its function (proactive or reactive) and its form (direct or indirect), this study proposes an archetypal taxonomy of the different types of psychopathy with a view to gaining a better understanding of the psychology of large-scale white-collar criminals. Aggression is said to be proactive when it is motivated by predatory imperatives that are independent of the individual’s emotional state. The action taken by the predatory individual is intentional and instrumental. Its aim is to meet predetermined objectives prior to the actualization of the aggressive behaviour. On the other hand, it is considered reactive when the preservation of the individual’s physical or psychological integrity is threatened by the immediate, external environment. In this case, the individual’s aggressive reaction is emotionally conditioned. Moreover, notwithstanding the nature of its function, aggression can be expressed directly or indirectly. It is considered direct when it targets the victim specifically. The form of the aggression can be physical (bodily injury) or verbal (threats and insults). On the other hand, when it is expressed in more subtle forms, such as rumours, malicious jokes and deception, the aggression is said to be indirect. Pairing the two main dimensions of aggression allows for the construction of a two-dimensional model of analysis encompassing four types of psychopathy, namely: parasitic psychopathy (indirect preservation), choleric psychopathy (direct preservation), cynegetic psychopathy (direct predation) and sympathetic psychopathy (indirect predation). It is precisely this last form of psychopathy – the sympathetic form characterized by a narcissistic and Machiavellian underpinnings idiosyncratic – that best reflects the psychology of large-scale white-collar criminals. Finally, the fourth and last article of this thesis proposes to explore a research problem that has received very little attention from members of the scientific community, namely how adequate is a dimensional model of pathological narcissism based on the model developed by Roche, Pincus, Lukowitsky, Ménard and Conroy (2013). On the basis of exploratory case study, it was possible to link narcissistic vulnerability to decompensatory segment (failure of maladaptive self-enhancement strategies) of this model. This linkage conforms to the hypothesis of the model. Indeed, the results of one of two study participants, Ms. H, indicate a decrease of narcissistic vulnerability in the re-compensatory period. Furthermore, this decrease is accompanied by a decrease of narcissistic grandiosity. In others words, on a one year longitudinal plane, the positive relationship between the two dimensions (narcissistic grandiosity and vulnerability) of pathological narcissism is found to be constant in two segments – compensation (use of maladaptive self-enhancement strategies) and decompensation – of the theoretical model based on the model of Roche et al. (2013). Moreover, the results for two study participants, Mr. B and Ms. H, prove to be enlightening according to respective preponderance of each narcissistic dimension of theoretical model based on the model developed by of Roche et al. (2013). In tests in 2012 and in 2013, Mr. B displays greater narcissistic grandiosity greater than narcissistic vulnerability, and was deemed to be in compensatory mode. This observation conforms to the hypothesis of the model. As for Ms. H, her narcissistic vulnerability remains consistently much higher than her narcissistic grandiosity. Theoretically, whether she is in narcissistic compensatory or decompensatory mode (unproven assumption in view of the theoretical model used), narcissistic vulnerability should only be dominant in the period of decompensation. Obviously, the results of Ms. H do not conform to the model.

Psychologie des leaders narcissiques organisationnels

Ouimet, Gérard 04 1900 (has links)
Résumé Le premier article de la thèse se veut une revue systématique des données empiriques mettant en lumière les antécédents à la base de l’émergence du leadership narcissique dans les organisations, ses composantes psychologiques ainsi que ses incidences tant pour les organisations que pour leurs membres. Conséquemment, cette étude brosse initialement une recension détaillée des principaux facteurs idiosyncrasiques, culturels, environnementaux et structurels participant à la manifestation du leadership narcissique dans les organisations. Par la suite, elle en sonde la teneur en isolant l’existence de cinq composantes psychologiques, soit le charisme, l’influence intéressée, la motivation fallacieuse, l’inhibition intellectuelle et la considération simulée. Enfin, elle souligne les conséquences négatives de son actualisation dont les principales sont : la production de prises de décisions volatiles et risquées; la création d’un climat organisationnel toxique; la destruction de la confiance des subordonnés; la détérioration de l’efficacité organisationnelle; l’émergence d’une gestion dysfonctionnelle; et la manifestation de comportements non-éthiques. Le deuxième article s’avère une analyse comparative de deux types de leadership se révélant, de prime abord, trompeusement analogues. Ces deux types sont le leadership transformationnel et le leadership narcissique. Quoique se situant aux antipodes en matière de satisfaction de besoins (influence idéalisée versus influence intéressée), de promotion de visions (motivation inspirationnelle versus motivation fallacieuse), de réceptivité à la rétroaction d’autrui (stimulation intellectuelle versus inhibition intellectuelle) et de traitement des relations interpersonnelles (considération individualisée versus considération simulée), les leaderships transformationnel et narcissique partagent entre eux un élément commun : le charisme du leader. C’est précisément cette dernière caractéristique, conférant à son détenteur un puissant halo magnétisant, qui se révèle le creuset de la spéciosité du leadership narcissique opérant essentiellement lors des tout premiers contacts avec le leader. En fait, le charisme du leader narcissique sert en quelque sorte de fard, composé de charme et de fascination, masquant une décevante réalité psychologique et dont les propriétés captieuses s’étiolent rapidement. Le troisième article de la thèse est une étude conceptuelle examinant la structuration idiosyncrasique des criminels en col blanc ayant commis des fraudes financières se chiffrant à plusieurs dizaines de millions de dollars. Exploitant le croisement des deux dimensions fondamentales de l’agression, soit sa fonction (proactive ou réactive) et sa forme (directe ou indirecte), cette étude propose une taxonomie archétypique de différents types de psychopathie susceptible de mieux cerner la psychologie du criminel en col blanc d’envergure. L’agression est dite proactive lorsqu’elle est motivée par des impératifs de prédation indépendants de l’état émotionnel de l’individu. L’action de l’individu prédateur est intentionnelle et instrumentale. Elle vise l’atteinte d’objectifs préétablis avant l’actualisation de l’agression. Par contre, elle est considérée réactive lorsque la préservation de l’intégrité physique ou psychologique de l’individu est l’objet d’une menace émergeant de son environnement externe immédiat. Dans ce cas, la réaction agressive de l’individu est émotionnellement conditionnée. Par ailleurs, nonobstant la nature de sa fonction, l’agression peut s’exprimer directement ou indirectement. Elle est considérée directe lorsqu’elle a pour cible l’agressé en tant que tel. La forme physique d’agression peut être physique (sévices corporels) ou verbale (menaces et insultes). Par contre, lorsqu’elle emprunte des modes d’expression plus subtils, tels les rumeurs, l’humour malicieux et la tromperie, l’agression est dite indirecte. Le pairage des deux dimensions fondamentales de l’agression permet la construction d’un modèle d’analyse bidimensionnelle englobant quatre types de psychopathie, à savoir les psychopathies parasitique (préservation indirecte), colérique (préservation directe), cynégétique (prédation directe) et sympathique (prédation indirecte). C’est précisément cette dernière forme de psychopathie, le type sympathique caractérisé par un étaiement idiosyncrasique narcissico-machiavélique, qui traduit le mieux la psychologie des criminels en col blanc d’envergure. Enfin, le quatrième et dernier article de la présente thèse se propose d’explorer une problématique de recherche n’ayant reçu que très peu d’attention de la part des membres de la communauté scientifique, à savoir l’examen de l’adéquation d’un modèle dimensionnel du narcissisme pathologique inspiré du modèle développé par Roche, Pincus, Lukowitsky, Ménard et Conroy (2013). Au moyen d’une étude de cas exploratoire, il a été possible d’associer la vulnérabilité narcissique au segment décompensatoire (échec des stratégies inadaptées d’agrandissement de soi) du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013) et ce, conformément à ses prescriptions. En effet, la comparaison des résultats de l’un des deux participants de l’étude, madame H, obtenus lors des deux saisies de données espacées d’un intervalle d’une année, indique une diminution de la vulnérabilité narcissique lors de la période de re-compensation. En outre, cette diminution est accompagnée de celle de la grandiosité narcissique. En somme, la relation positive entre les deux dimensions du narcissisme pathologique se révèle, sur un plan longitudinal, constante dans les deux segments – compensatoire (recours à des stratégies inadaptées d’agrandissement de soi) et décompensatoire – du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013). Par ailleurs, les résultats obtenus auprès des deux participants à l’étude de cas, monsieur B et de madame H, s’avèrent éclairants eu égard à la prépondérance respective de chacune des dimensions (grandiosité et vulnérabilité) narcissiques en fonction des segments compensatoire et décompensatoire du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013). Se trouvant en mode de compensation narcissique lors des deux saisies de données, monsieur B affiche une grandiosité narcissique supérieure à sa vulnérabilité narcissique. Cette constatation respecte en tous points les prescriptions théoriques du modèle. Quant à madame H, qu’elle soit en mode de compensation ou de décompensation narcissique (postulat non démontré eu égard aux prescriptions du modèle théorique utilisé), sa vulnérabilité narcissique demeure constamment plus élevée que sa grandiosité narcissique. Théoriquement, selon les prescriptions du modèle, la prépondérance devrait être observée chez la dimension « grandiosité narcissique » en période de compensation. De toute évidence, les données obtenues auprès de madame H s’écartent de ces prescriptions. / The first article of the thesis offers a systematic review of the empirical data highlighting the precursors to the emergence of narcissistic leadership in organizations, its psychological components, as well as its impact on both organizations and their members. Accordingly, this study begins by compiling a detailed list of the main idiosyncratic, cultural, environmental and structural factors at play in the manifestation of narcissistic leadership in organizations. It then explores their nature by identifying the existence of five psychological components: charisma, self-interested influence, deceptive motivation, intellectual inhibition and simulated consideration. Finally, it underscores the negative consequences of the emergence of narcissistic leadership, including, notably: the production of volatile and risky decision making; the creation of a toxic organizational climate; the destruction of subordinates’ trust; the degradation of organizational effectiveness; the emergence of dysfunctional management; and the manifestation of unethical behaviour. The second article proposes a comparative analysis of two types of leadership that appear at first glance to be deceptively similar. These two types of leadership are transformational leadership and narcissistic leadership. Although diametrically opposed in terms of the satisfaction of needs (idealized influence versus self-interested influence), the promotion of visions (inspirational motivation versus deceptive motivation), the receptiveness to feedback (intellectual stimulation versus intellectual inhibition) and the treatment of interpersonal relations (individualized consideration versus simulated consideration), transformational and narcissistic leadership share a common element: the charisma of the leader. This charisma places a powerful, magnetic halo on the head of the leader and it is precisely this characteristic that is the crucible of the deceptive attractiveness of narcissistic leadership that is felt upon the very first contact with the leader. In fact, the narcissistic leader’s charisma serves as a sort of mask that combines charm and fascination to conceal a disappointing psychological reality and whose attractive qualities quickly fall away. The third article of the thesis is a conceptual study of the idiosyncratic patterns of white-collar criminals who have committed fraud in the tens of millions of dollars. Based on the intersection of the two basic dimensions of aggression – i.e., its function (proactive or reactive) and its form (direct or indirect), this study proposes an archetypal taxonomy of the different types of psychopathy with a view to gaining a better understanding of the psychology of large-scale white-collar criminals. Aggression is said to be proactive when it is motivated by predatory imperatives that are independent of the individual’s emotional state. The action taken by the predatory individual is intentional and instrumental. Its aim is to meet predetermined objectives prior to the actualization of the aggressive behaviour. On the other hand, it is considered reactive when the preservation of the individual’s physical or psychological integrity is threatened by the immediate, external environment. In this case, the individual’s aggressive reaction is emotionally conditioned. Moreover, notwithstanding the nature of its function, aggression can be expressed directly or indirectly. It is considered direct when it targets the victim specifically. The form of the aggression can be physical (bodily injury) or verbal (threats and insults). On the other hand, when it is expressed in more subtle forms, such as rumours, malicious jokes and deception, the aggression is said to be indirect. Pairing the two main dimensions of aggression allows for the construction of a two-dimensional model of analysis encompassing four types of psychopathy, namely: parasitic psychopathy (indirect preservation), choleric psychopathy (direct preservation), cynegetic psychopathy (direct predation) and sympathetic psychopathy (indirect predation). It is precisely this last form of psychopathy – the sympathetic form characterized by a narcissistic and Machiavellian underpinnings idiosyncratic – that best reflects the psychology of large-scale white-collar criminals. Finally, the fourth and last article of this thesis proposes to explore a research problem that has received very little attention from members of the scientific community, namely how adequate is a dimensional model of pathological narcissism based on the model developed by Roche, Pincus, Lukowitsky, Ménard and Conroy (2013). On the basis of exploratory case study, it was possible to link narcissistic vulnerability to decompensatory segment (failure of maladaptive self-enhancement strategies) of this model. This linkage conforms to the hypothesis of the model. Indeed, the results of one of two study participants, Ms. H, indicate a decrease of narcissistic vulnerability in the re-compensatory period. Furthermore, this decrease is accompanied by a decrease of narcissistic grandiosity. In others words, on a one year longitudinal plane, the positive relationship between the two dimensions (narcissistic grandiosity and vulnerability) of pathological narcissism is found to be constant in two segments – compensation (use of maladaptive self-enhancement strategies) and decompensation – of the theoretical model based on the model of Roche et al. (2013). Moreover, the results for two study participants, Mr. B and Ms. H, prove to be enlightening according to respective preponderance of each narcissistic dimension of theoretical model based on the model developed by of Roche et al. (2013). In tests in 2012 and in 2013, Mr. B displays greater narcissistic grandiosity greater than narcissistic vulnerability, and was deemed to be in compensatory mode. This observation conforms to the hypothesis of the model. As for Ms. H, her narcissistic vulnerability remains consistently much higher than her narcissistic grandiosity. Theoretically, whether she is in narcissistic compensatory or decompensatory mode (unproven assumption in view of the theoretical model used), narcissistic vulnerability should only be dominant in the period of decompensation. Obviously, the results of Ms. H do not conform to the model.

La corruption internationale : essai sur la répression d'un phénomène transnational / International corruption : an essay on control of a transnational phenomenon

Roux, Adrien 07 December 2016 (has links)
La corruption se définit de la manière la plus large comme tout « abus de pouvoir aux fins d’un profit privé ». Sous ses différentes formes, elle apparaît intimement liée à l’exercice du pouvoir. Cette dimension politique en fait l’envers de la démocratie, ainsi qu’un phénomène criminel particulièrement difficile à identifier, poursuivre et réprimer. Au cours des dernières décennies, elle aurait acquis une nouvelle dimension mondiale, rendant nécessaire une constante adaptation des dispositifs tant préventifs que répressifs. Cependant, le système pénal anti-corruption semble tributaire des profondes tensions générées par la confrontation permanente de la logique de l’État de droit à celle du pouvoir. Les résistances politiques s’avèrent nombreuses dans la perspective de diminuer les obstacles à une pleine efficacité répressive. Le juge pénal se trouve alors placé en première ligne de ce processus dialectique. Par son audace investigatrice et sa jurisprudence compensatrice, il contribuerait de manière décisive à faire évoluer le droit et, plus largement, à redéfinir les équilibres démocratiques entre pouvoir et contre-pouvoir. Sur le plan national, la justice acquiert ainsi une autonomie, une légitimité et une indépendance inédites. À travers la lutte contre la corruption transnationale, ce droit sous haute tension doit répondre au double défi de son efficacité et de son extranéité. L’approche systémique de la lutte contre la corruption permet alors de penser la cohérence d’ensemble des dispositifs juridiques, qu’il s’agit d’aligner suivant le même but : constituer une barrière protectrice pour le bien commun / Corruption is defined, in the broadest sense as any “abuse of power for private gain”. In its various forms, this phenomenon appears to be closely linked to the exercise of power. This political dimension makes it the opposite of democracy, as well as a criminal phenomenon which is particularly difficult to identify, prosecute and control. In the last decades, corruption has acquired a new international dimension that seemingly requires the constant adjustment of measures and provisions of law. However, the system dedicated to anti-corruption is seemingly born out of deep tensions generated by the permanent confrontation of the logic of the rule of law with the logic of power. There remains much political resistance to addressing the enforcement gap and remove the barriers to full repressive efficiency. The criminal judge is therefore placed at the forefront of this dialectical process. Through his investigative boldness and establishment of compensatory jurisprudence, the criminal judge contributes decisively to developing the law and, more broadly, to redefine the democratic balance between power and countervailing checks and balances. Nationally, justice thus acquires unprecedented autonomy, legitimacy and independence. Through the fight against transnational corruption, this law under high pressure must meet the dual challenge of its effectiveness and its foreignness. As a result, the systemic approach to the fight against corruption suggests we might think legal provisions in their overall consistency, with respect to their final aim: provide a line of defense for the common good

State-Corporate Crime på svenska : En förstudie i definitioner och tillfällesstrukturer

Nellevad, Jessica January 2024 (has links)
Abstract State-Corporate Crime in Swedish – A prestudy in definitions and opportunity structures The purpose of this study was to, through Swedish cases of state-corporate crime, raise the concept in a Swedish context and study whether there were specific opportunity structures in Swedish conditions and analyze this trough criminological theory. The data collection method consisted of a media and literature review, where the selection was based on the concept of state-corporate crime. The data was then studied through a crime script analysis, and finally analyzed in a comparative case study. The Swedish cases that were found were: the Bofors affairs, the Saudi agreement, the JAS affairs and the Telia affairs. These constituted examples of both State initiated corporate crime and State facilitated corporate crime and turned out to have similar opportunity structures. Which consisted of pressure for profit, criminal tools in the form of bribes and middlemen, and of neutralization techniques. The result match Cressey's fraud triangle theory of pressure, opportunity, and rationalization. / Sammanfattning State-Corporate Crime på svenska – En förstudie i definitioner och tillfällesstrukturer Syftet med denna studie var att genom svenska fall av state-corporate crime dels lyfta begreppet i en svensk kontext, dels undersöka om specifika tillfällesstrukturer gjorde sig gällande i svenska förhållanden samt analysera dessa mot kriminologisk teori. Datainsamlingsmetoden utgjorde en media- och litteraturgenomgång där urvalet grundade sig i begreppsapparaten state-corporate crime. Det empiriska materialet undersöktes sedan genom en skriptanalys, för att avslutningsvis analyseras i en jämförande fallstudie. De kända svenska fall som påträffades var Boforsaffärerna, Saudiavtalet, JAS-affärerna samt Telia-affärerna. Dessa utgjorde exempel på både State initiated corporate crime och State facilitated corporate crime och visade sig ha liknande mönster av tillfällesstrukturer. Tillfällesstrukturerna bestod övergripande i en press om vinst, brottsliga verktyg i form av mutor och mellanhänder samt av neutraliseringstekniker. Vilket är förenligt med Cresseys teori om fraud triangle.

Motiewe vir die pleging van bedrog; kriminologiese studie aan die hand van die misdaadgebeurtenismodel

Lambrechts, Gideon Albertus Jacobus 30 April 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Fraud is a worldwide phenomenon that is on the increase and a reason for serious concern. It is a priority crime in South Africa with serious implications both financial and socially. Fraud costs this country R150 milliard, almost three times the cost of the controversial weapon transaction. This was the goals of the researcher to determine what motivates the offender to commit fraud and how can fraud be explained in this study. A qualitative approach was followed due to the qualitative nature of the concept motivation. This resulted in a two-phase approach namely a documentary study, which was followed by interviews with experts in the field of fraud. Ten pre-sentence court reports of fraudsters were studied where after the outcome was discussed with these experts. The criminal event model served as framework for this study. Strain was incorporated as an additional component in the explanation of fraud. / Criminology / M. A. (Criminology)

Motiewe vir die pleging van bedrog; kriminologiese studie aan die hand van die misdaadgebeurtenismodel

Lambrechts, Gideon Albertus Jacobus 30 April 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Fraud is a worldwide phenomenon that is on the increase and a reason for serious concern. It is a priority crime in South Africa with serious implications both financial and socially. Fraud costs this country R150 milliard, almost three times the cost of the controversial weapon transaction. This was the goals of the researcher to determine what motivates the offender to commit fraud and how can fraud be explained in this study. A qualitative approach was followed due to the qualitative nature of the concept motivation. This resulted in a two-phase approach namely a documentary study, which was followed by interviews with experts in the field of fraud. Ten pre-sentence court reports of fraudsters were studied where after the outcome was discussed with these experts. The criminal event model served as framework for this study. Strain was incorporated as an additional component in the explanation of fraud. / Criminology and Security Science / M. A. (Criminology)

The investigative methodology to initiate internal investigations in the South African corporate environment

Ferreira, De Wet 07 1900 (has links)
Conducting internal investigations in the corporate environment in South Africa has become an everyday occurrence where companies need to take action after an incident took place. Each company has a different view regarding their processes followed when investigating internal matters, and the different objectives that drive the process. Some companies would prefer the suspects be disciplined and removed from their employment, and no further action taken after the dismissal and some companies would have a different approach and would follow the process through the disciplinary, the criminal prosecution and institute civil litigation to recover losses. Investigation differs, and the approach would be different as well with various reasons for the approach of the company. To establish what the methodology is that is followed when initiating an internal investigation and the drive behind the methodology followed was done. The methodology and process followed determines how the internal investigation process is done and concluded to ensure that similar incidents do not occur again, and thus protect the corporate environment in South Africa. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

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