Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wifi"" "subject:"wwii""
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Partnering with an Area Hospital to Provide Senior Consumer Health InformationWallace, Rick L., Woodward, Nakia J., Willett, Judy 01 October 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to provide better consumer health information and services to a patient population of a hospital-based nursing home. Nintendo Wii® devices were purchased to improve physical activity of patients in the nursing home. All nurses were trained to use MedlinePlus®. MedlinePlus materials were added to the consumer health library in the hospital, and DVD players were purchased for watching consumer health videos. The capacity of the nursing home and hospital to deliver consumer health information to patients and their families has been improved. This project was a great way to introduce a health care system to the services and products of the National Library of Medicine and empower the staff to better provide consumer health information.
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Applying a Novel Balance Technology to Evaluate Postural Instability following Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryRhine, Tara D., M.D. 09 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Hur valid är mätning av postural kontroll med Wii Balance Board i jämförelse med en Kistler Force Plate? : How valid is it to measure postural control with Wii Balance Board in comparison to a Kistler Force Plate?Berggren, Alvin, Pettersson, Kristoffer January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns funktionella tester med varierande svårighetsgrad för att utvärdera patienters balans i kliniken. Dessa tester kan dock endast visa på balansförmåga i grova drag, exempelvis om man kan ställa sig upp från en stol eller klarar att stå på ett ben utan att falla. För mer exakta metoder går det att använda sig utav en kraftplatta. Det har det tidigare undersökts huruvida en Wii Balance Board kan fungera som ett valitt substitut för en standardiserad kraftplatta då denna är lättare och mindre kostsam. Det har dock aldrig undersökts med ett testprotokoll där proprioceptionen hos deltagaren försökt påverkas. Syfte: Öka kunskapen om validiteten för Wii Balance Board i jämförelse med Kistler Force Plate vad gäller mätning av postural kontroll i stillastående med och utan nackrotation via bål och underkropp. Metod: Experimentell metod med 15 deltagare som genomförde tre olika test i stillastående, dels med nacken i neutralposition och dels roterad 45 grader genom att rotera bål och underkropp. Posturala svajet mättes med Wii Balance Board och kraftplatta samtidigt. Skillnader i resultaten uträknades och analyserades sedan med Bland-Altman plots metod och presenterades i grafer. Resultat: Generellt framkom mycket god samstämmighet mellan utrustningarna, dock påvisades anmärkningsvärt större avvikelser för tre av deltagarna. Diskussion: Tekniska problem som har påverkat experimentet har upptäckts under studiens gång och har tagits med för framtida kunskap. Även att standardisera de tester som genomfördes med mer detaljerade och strikta instruktioner för deltagaren att stå stilla är viktigt för att inte få onödigt posturalt svaj. Konklusion: Validiteten för Wii Balance Board bedömer vi som god då resultatet mellan plattorna stämde överens i hög grad. Det är dock viktigt att ta hänsyn till upptäckta avvikelser som går att undvika vid framtida upprepade försök tack vare kunskapen från denna studie.
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中介化審美經驗怎麼研究?打造一個實用主義符號學的分析與詮釋架構 / How to research mediated aesthetic experience? Building a frame of pragmatic semiotic for analyzing and interpreting柯籙晏 Unknown Date (has links)
受到電玩遊戲Wii Sports在全球的熱銷,以及研究者個人玩Wii Sports的審美經驗啟發,本研究旨在打造一個能夠用以系統地分析與詮釋中介化審美經驗的工具架構;然後以所打造的架構,實際示範中介化審美經驗怎麼研究;最後回過頭根據研究結果檢討所打造架構的適用性。
據此,本文首先在第二章主要根據Huizinga與Caillois關於嬉戲與遊戲的理論範疇描述,Mead、McLuhan、Winnicot與Bateson對於嬉戲作為一體兩面的、社會化與創新溝通行動的媒介,以及Gadamer的藝術作品本體論(本文稱之為嬉戲-作品-玩賞回饋系統)等理論的探討,整合無論傳統或新媒介所中介,無論玩家或閱聽人,對於嬉戲/遊戲或敘事的審美經驗本體論範疇;其次在第三章透過Dewey與Bentley關於社會科學本體-方法論類型學,以及Peirce與Morris的實用主義符號學的探討,提出一個基於實用主義符號學,適用於系統地分析與詮釋各類型中介化審美經驗的工具架構;第四章利用第三章提出的架構,實際分析與詮釋Wii Sports審美經驗的意義;並在第五章根據第四章的分析與詮釋結果,回過頭檢討第三章所提出架構的適用性。
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[pt] O equilíbrio corporal é uma importante habilidade física e um aspecto fundamental para a saúde dos idosos, sendo as quedas a principal causa de lesões não intencionais que levam a perda de autonomia e ao óbito neste grupo. Com o envelhecimento da população mundial e sendo os déficits de equilíbrio uma das maiores causas de atendimentos fisioterapêuticos, o uso de instrumentos portáveis de baixo custo e confiáveis para avaliação do equilíbrio são de extrema relevância. Diversos estudos avaliaram a validade concorrente e/ou confiabilidade do Microsoft Kinect (Kinect) e do Nintendo Wii Balance Board (WBB) durante testes de equilíbrio. Estes estudos foram favoráveis ao uso destes equipamentos nestas avaliações em posições semi-estáticas. Este estudo examinou a confiabilidade teste-reteste com o uso concorrente do Kinect e do WBB durante um teste de equilíbrio em três posições semi-estáticas, analisando variáveis do centro de pressão (CoP) e do centro de gravidade (CoG) em manequins e em 70 indivíduos saudáveis. Cada participante executou dois testes na mesma sessão. Os equipamentos demonstraram sensibilidade para identificar diferentes padrões de oscilação corporal. As variáveis mais confiáveis foram a velocidade média e o percurso total em todas as direções e tarefas. A confiabilidade foi considerada de fraca a boa nos testes com pessoas e nos testes com manequins, excelente. Porém, os resultados com as variáveis das pessoas baseadas em dados consolidados das três tarefas alcançaram confiabilidade excelente. Propriedades do CoP demonstraram ser mais confiáveis do que as do CoG, sugerindo que o WBB seja superior ao Kinect nesta tarefa. O presente trabalho corrobora estudos anteriores, podendo, estes dispositivos, prover informações quantitativas confiáveis, aprimorando avaliações qualitativas do equilíbrio. / [en] Body balance is an important physical skill and it is fundamental for elderly´s health, considering that falls are a major cause of unintentional injuries leading to the loss of autonomy and death in this group. Growth of aging in world population and being balance impairment one of the major causes of physiotherapeutic attendance, simple, affordable, portable, and reliable devices for evaluating body balance are of great relevance. Several studies have been examining concurrent validity and reliability of Microsoft Kinect (Kinect) and Nintendo Wii Balance Board (WBB) during balance tests. The majority of these studies suggested that those devices could be used as reliable and valid tools for assessing balance in semi-static positions. Based on that, this study investigated test-retest reliability using Kinect and WBB, concurrently, in three standing positions, and analyzed variables related to center of pressure (CoP) and center of gravity (CoG), in static manikins and in 70 healthy subjects. Each participant performed the set of tests twice in the same day. Our solution demonstrated sensibility to identify different body sway patterns. Tests showed that the most reliable variables were average speed and total path length in all directions and tasks. Despite tests with static manikin signalized excellent reliability, tests with individuals were considered poor to good. However, variables of consolidated data based on different tasks achieved excellent scores. CoP properties outperformed those related to CoG, suggesting that WBB was superior when compared to Kinect in providing more reliable body sway information. This study reinforced that these devices may provide reliable quantitative information that enhances qualitative body balance assessments.
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Effekten av fysisk träning på e-sportprestationJohnsson, Oliver January 2017 (has links)
Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of physical exercise on different skills that affect e-sports performance for e-sportsmen at amateur level in the game Overwatch. This is to gain knowledge about how e-sports training could be developed and streamlined. Methods The study is of the explorative research type since it deals with a topic that haven’t previously been broadly investigated. The method used was a quantitative exploratory method. The design was an intervention study. Results The study has not been able to demonstrate that skills affecting e-sports performance have changed through physical training. However, it is possible to read that the study participants who received the training intervention are more susceptible to and aware of changes in these skills compared to the study participants in the control group. Conclusions The purpose of the study has not been answered because the design was inadequate. However, the study may form the basis for further research. A number of important basic assumptions have been identified during the work. Based on these lessons a discussion took place, about how design deficiencies can be addressed and what is important to consider in future studies in the field. / Syfte Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka effekter fysisk träning har på olika färdigheter som påverkar e-sportprestation hos e-sportare på amatörnivå i spelet Overwatch. Detta för att få kunskap om hur träning inom e-sport skulle kunna utvecklas och effektiviseras. Metod Studien är av typen explorativ forskning då den behandlar ett ämne som inte undersökts i större utsträckning tidigare. Metoden som tillämpades var en kvantitativ explorativ metod. Designen var en interventionsstudie. Resultat Studien har inte kunnat påvisa att färdigheter som påverkar e-sportprestation har förändrats i och med fysisk träning. Däremot går det att avläsa att de studiedeltagare som fick genomgå träningsinterventionen är mer mottagliga för och medvetna om förändringar rörande dessa färdigheter jämfört med studiedeltagarna i kontrollgruppen. Slutsatser Syftet med studien har inte kunnat besvaras i och med att designen varit bristfällig. Studien kan dock ligga till grund för vidare forskning. Ett antal viktiga grundförutsättningar har identifierats under arbetet. Utifrån dessa lärdomar diskuterades hur designbristerna kan åtgärdas och vad som är viktigt att tänka på vid framtida studier inom området.
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Airborne Infrared Target Tracking with the Nintendo Wii Remote SensorBeckett, Andrew 1984- 14 March 2013 (has links)
Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) are the most common variety of UAS in use today and provide invaluable capabilities to both the military and civil services. Keeping the sensors centered on a point of interest for an extended period of time is a demanding task requiring the full attention and cooperation of the UAS pilot and sensor operator. There is great interest in developing technologies which allow an operator to designate a target and allow the aircraft to automatically maneuver and track the designated target without operator intervention. Presently, the barriers to entry for developing these technologies are high: expertise in aircraft dynamics and control as well as in real- time motion video analysis is required and the cost of the systems required to flight test these technologies is prohibitive. However, if the research intent is purely to develop a vehicle maneuvering controller then it is possible to obviate the video analysis problem entirely. This research presents a solution to the target tracking problem which reliably provides automatic target detection and tracking with low expense and computational overhead by making use of the infrared sensor from a Nintendo Wii Remote Controller.
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Efeito do volume da prática com Nintendo Wii em crianças com transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação /Carvalho, Leonardo Soares de. January 2016 (has links)
Título anterior: Efeito da prática com Nintendo Wii em crianças com transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação / Orientador: Cynthia Yukiko Hiraga / Banca: José Angelo Barela / Banca: Maria Georgina Marques Tonello / Resumo: O Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação (TDC) é caracterizado pelas dificuldades de coordenação motora, com baixo desempenho funcional motor, particularmente no período da infância, sem uma causa neurológica conhecida. Em geral, essas crianças apresentam déficits relacionados à integração viso-motora, planejamento da ação, além de alto nível de ansiedade e estresse. O presente estudo tem como objetivos examinar o efeito da prática com jogos de Realidade Virtual (RV) do console Wii por crianças com TDC e com desenvolvimento típico (DT). Além disso, examinar a modulação do sistema nervoso autônomo (SNA) em crianças com TDC e com DT durante a prática dos jogos com Nintendo Wii. A bateria de testes MABC-2 foi utilizada para identificar o nível de dificuldade motora dos participantes e compor os grupos TDC e DT. A atividade modulatória básica do SNA foi realizada pelo Teste Ortostático, através do aplicativo computacional Nerve-Express. A modulação do SNA reflete de modo geral o estresse do indivíduo perante alguma situação, a partir do registro dos batimentos da frequência cardíaca. A partir da pontuação e classificação da bateria MABC-2, as crianças foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo TDC e grupo DT. Cada grupo foi composto por oito participantes, com idade de nove e dez anos, DT (M= 111,87 meses; DP= 4,05) e TDC (M= 115,87 meses; DP= 4,05). As crianças de ambos os grupos foram pareadas em gênero e idade. O grupo DT participou do programa de prática por quatro semanas, ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The Development of coordination disorder (DCD) is featured by the difficulties of coordination, functional motor performance, particularly in the period of childhood, without a neurological cause known. In General, these children present deficits related to integration vision-motor, action planning, in addition to high level of anxiety and stress. The present study aims to examine the effect of the practice with Virtual reality games (RV) Wii console for children with TDC and with typical development (TD). In addition, examine the modulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in children with TDC and DT during practice games with Nintendo Wii. The battery of tests MABC- 2 was used to identify the level of difficulty of the motor and fix the TDC and TD groups. The basic SNA modulation activity was held by the Orthostatic Test, through computational application Nerve-Express. The modulation of the SNA reflects generally the stress of the individual in the face of any situation, from the registry of heart rate heart rate. From the score and ranking of MABC battery-2, the children were divided into two groups: DCD and TD group. Each group was made up of eight participants, aged nine and ten years, DT (M = 111.87 months; DP = 4.05) and DCD (M = 115.87 months; DP = 4.05). The children in both groups were paired in gender and age. The TD group participated in the program for four weeks, and the children of the DCD group participated in the program for six weeks, both with weekly frequency to twice a week (seven days in total of TD, and DCD total of eleven days of practice). Heart rate records to examine the activity of SNA modulation during practice of the Wii console games were held on the first and on the last day of practice of Wii games. The results of performance in Wii games (tennis and archery) showed a significant ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Změny v posturografii u dětských pacientů s DMO po terapii aktivní videohrou Nintendo Wii a Vojtovou reflexní lokomocí / Changes in posturography in pediatric patients with cerebral palsy after therapy by active videogame Nintendo Wii and Vojta reflex locomotionKmínková, Helena January 2018 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the impact of therapy by active videogame Nintendo Wii and by Vojta reflex locomotion on a static and dynamic postural control at a group of children with mild cerebral palsy. Methodology: 14 children (from 6 to 18 years old) were randomly divided into two groups. Both groups received both therapies (active videogame therapy and Vojta reflex locomotion) with a 6 months gap, but in an opposite order. Posturographic measures were obtained before the start of the therapy, after therapy and 8 weeks after the end of the therapy. Results: After both therapies, there was a significant increase in the COP sway velocity in the mCTSIB subtest on a firm surface with closed eyes and the COP sway velocity in the mCTSIB subtest was reduced on a foam surface with closed eyes. Further, after both therapies, there was a significant reduction in the time required to perform the turnabout in SQT test. Other tests (LOS, RWS, WA, TW) and subtests did not change significantly. There was not a significant difference between therapies, but in the post- therapy tests, VRL had a greater tendency to maintain its effect 8 weeks after therapy. Conclusion: Both therapies, Vojta reflex locomotion and active videogame Nintendo Wii, have an influence on a postural control of children...
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A realidade virtual na intervenção motora em crianças com transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação /Campelo, Alexandre Monte. January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Maria Pellegrini / Banca: Sergio Tosi Rodrigues / Banca: Luiz Eduardo Pinto Basto Tourinho Dantas / Resumo: Ao longo do desenvolvimento motor, algumas crianças apresentam dificuldades no desempenho de tarefas motoras da vida diária e podem ser identificadas com o Transtorno de Coordenação (TDC). Como consequência dessas dificuldades, estas crianças evitam a prática de atividade física com seus colegas de escola o que traz impacto negativo em muitos aspectos de suas vidas. Tendo em vista tais dificuldades, profissionais da saúde realizam intervenção para melhoria do comportamento motor. No presente estudo, as crianças realizaram atividades em ambiente de realidade virtual. Nesses ambientes, affordances com suas propriedades levam a criança a criar novas perspectivas e possibilidades de ação motora, emergentes do processo de auto-organização. A última geração de videogames como Nintendo Wii e Xbox/Kinect permite a interação sujeito com o ambiente virtual. Nessa condição, a ação do sujeito é projetada em ambientes virtuais. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a eficácia da prática de atividade física em ambiente virtual sobre a coordenação motora e equilíbrio dinâmico de crianças com TDC. Do total de 130 crianças avaliadas pela bateria de testes "Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2" (MABC-2) (HENDERSON, SUGDEN e BARNETT, 2007), 28 delas foram selecionadas para o estudo, sendo 14 delas com TDC pareadas em idade e gênero com 14 crianças com desenvolvimento típico (DT). Todos os participantes foram submetidos a um programa diário de intervenção desenvolvido em ambiente virtual com os videogames Wii e Xbox/Kinect. As crianças foram distribuídas em quatro grupos de forma aleatória. O programa de intervenção foi realizado durante dez sessões com duração de 20 minutos cada, de segunda a sexta-feira. Nas 5 sessões da primeira semana metade do grupo de crianças com TDC e metade do grupo DT fizeram... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Some children throughout development show difficulties in the performance of motor tasks of daily life and they can be identified as shown Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). As a consequence of such difficulties, these children get away from physical activity avoiding playing with their school mates and consequently with negative impact in many aspects of their lives. In the present study, children with Developmental Coordination and normal children performed activities in a virtual reality environment. Affordances in this context and its properties stimulate children to create new perspectives in theirs possibilities for motor action that emerges from self-organization processes. The last generation of videogames like Nintendo Wii and Xbox/Kinect allow for the subject interaction with the environment. In this condition, subject's action is used to project the future state of the environment. The aim of this study was to measure the efficacy of the practice of physical activity by children with DCD in two different virtual environments that require dynamic balance and motor coordination. From a total of 130 children assessed by the "Movement Assessment Battery for children 2" (MABC-2), 28 children were selected to participate in the study from which 14 of them were with coordination problems and they were matched by age and gender with typically developing (TD) children. Four groups were formed All participants were submitted to a daily intervention program developed in two virtual environments, the Wii and the Xbox/Kinect. The intervention program was conducted throughout 5 sessions per week from Monday to Friday in each one of the environments. The order of the environments was counterbalanced between groups so that one group had in the first week 5 sessions in the Wii and in the second week... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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