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Den stora utmaningen att kombinera arbetslivet med privatlivet för män respektive för kvinnor : En kvantitativ studie om gymnasielärares upplevelse av Work- Life Balance / The big challenge of combining work life with personal life for both men and women : A quantitative study of high school teachers' perception of Work-Life BalanceHedenberg, Linnéa, Hägerström, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om upplevelsen av Work-Life Balance (uppdelat på Family-Work Conflict och Work-Family Conflict) var beroende av kön och av huruvida deltagarna hade barn under 13 år eller inte. Studien syftade även till att undersöka om kvantitativa arbetskrav och beslutskrav kunde predicera WLB. En webbenkätundersökning användes för att genomföra studien, i vilken lärare från 10 olika gymnasieskolor i Sverige deltog. Totalt besvarade 125 gymnasielärare enkäten, varav 103 enkäter var fullständiga och användes i studien. Resultaten visade att män upplevde mer WFC än kvinnor samt att deltagare med barn under 13 år rapporterade större FWC än deltagare som inte hade det. Resultatet visade även att kvantitativa arbetskrav predicerade WFC, alltså att höga kvantitativa arbetskrav innebar att arbetslivet kom i konflikt med familjelivet, 30,5 % av variationen i WFC kan förklaras av variationen i kvantitativa arbetskrav. / The aim of the study was to investigate whether the experience of the Work- Life Balance (divided on Family -Work Conflict and Work -Family Conflict) was dependent on gender and whether the participants had children under 13 years old or not. The study also aimed to investigate whether quantitative work demands and decision demands could predict WLB. The study was conducted as a web survey, in which teachers from 10 different high schools in Sweden participated. A total of 125 surveys were submitted, 103 of these were complete surveys and were used in the study. The results of the study showed that men experienced WFC more than women and participants that had children under the age of 13 reported a higher level of FWC than participants that did not have children under the age of 13. The result also showed that quantitative work demands predicted WFC, thus high quantitative work demands resulted in a bigger conflict between work life and personal life, 30, 5 % of the variation in WFC can be explained by the variation in quantitative work demands.
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Work-family balance satisfaction of racially and ethnically underrepresented minority postdoctoral scholars in the STEM fieldsCristina Marie Soto Sullivan (6680363) 16 August 2019 (has links)
<p>Postdoctoral scholars encounter various challenges as they navigate the gap between graduate school and faculty or industry positions, one of which includes the challenge of work-family conflict and balance. The science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields represent one sector of the workforce where a closer examination of work-family conflict and balance is important due to the rise in prominence of these fields and the unique populations of people who are underrepresented within these fields. Scholars have identified various experiences or constructs (e.g., bias) that suggest that STEM environments may not be particularly welcoming or supportive for racially and ethnically underrepresented minorities (URMs). The transitional stage of being a postdoctoral scholar in combination with high work demands and a “chilly” or unsupportive work environment may contribute to work-family conflict among racially and ethnically URM postdoctoral scholars in STEM, which could contribute to the underrepresentation of racially and ethnically URMs in the STEM fields and/or the premature exit of these postdoctoral scholars from STEM fields. </p><p>Using role congruity perspective (Diekman & Eagly, 2008), I examined the function of goal endorsement (communal or agentic) as a possible cultural moderator in the indirect relationship between work demand and work-family conflict. This study formulated and empirically tested the relationships between work demand, perceived work environment, goal endorsement (communal or agentic), work-family conflict, and satisfaction with work-family balance. Two models were examined to differentiate two different aspects perceived work environment: (a) one using a supportive work environment variable as a mediator of the relationship between perceived work demand and work-family conflict, and (b) one using a hostile work environment variable as a mediator of the relationship between perceived work demand and work-family conflict. Hypotheses regarding the moderating role of a communal goal orientation and an agentic goal orientation in the indirect relationship between work demand and work-family conflict across the two models (supportive work environment and hostile work environment) were assessed. </p><p>Data was collected from 282 racially and ethnically underrepresented minority postdoctoral scholars in the STEM fields enrolled in postdoctoral positions at universities through an online survey. Using structural equation modeling, results revealed that the indirect effect between work demand and work-family conflict was significant and strongest at low levels of a communal goal endorsement and the indirect effect gradually became weaker until it was nonsignificant as racially and ethnically URM postdoctoral scholars’ communal goal endorsement increased. The results suggest that in the face of microaggressions in the workplace, racially and ethnically URM postdoctoral scholars’ high value of communion serves as a protective factor, which reduces the indirect effect of work demand on work-family conflict.Limitations of the study and recommendations for future research are presented alongside implications for counseling practice.</p>
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Home and work demands and resources, social support and work-home interaction of Potchefstroom educators / Sarona TshabalalaTshabalala, Sarona Mabel January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Rehabilitation for patients with burnoutStenlund, Therese January 2009 (has links)
Stress-related diseases and burnout have increased in Sweden during the last decades. In 2006, the most common diagnoses for new cases of sickness compensation were mental and behavioural disorders in both women and men. In spite of the large group of people seeking care for and on long-term sickness absence due to stress-related diseases and burnout, there is no agreement on which treatment they should be offered. The overall aim of this thesis was to describe patients on longterm sick leave because of burnout and to evaluate rehabilitation programs for this patient group. Two patient samples were recruited from the Stress Clinic at the University Hospital in Umeå, Sweden: REST (Rehabilitation for stressrelated disease and burnout; n=136) and QIST (Qigong for stress-related disease and burnout; n=82). A general population sample was from the 2004 Northern Sweden MONICA survey (n=573). Patients in REST were randomised into a 1-year rehabilitation program to either program A (Cognitively-oriented Behavioural Rehabilitation (CBR) and Qigong), or to program B (Qigong alone). In Paper I, baseline data were compared with data from the MONICA sample. In paper II, programs A and B were compared regarding effects on psychological variables and sick leave rates, and in Paper III, 18 patients from program A and B were interviewed to explore subjective experiences of the rehabilitation programs. Patients in QIST were allocated to an intervention with Qigong twice a week for 12 weeks or a control group. Psychological and physical measurements were assessed in QIST. Data were collected by questionnaires, physical measurements, the register on sick leave, and interviews. Patients with burnout reported a more restricted social network and higher work demands than the general population. In relation to women from a general population, women with burnout more often worked “with people”, reported high job strain, a more sedentary work situation and less emotional support. A per-protocol analysis showed no significant differences in treatment effect between program A and B in REST or between the intervention and control group in QIST. All groups improved significantly over time with reduced levels of burnout, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. In REST, lower scores on obsessive-compulsive symptoms, stress behaviour, and sick leave rates were found in both programs and in QIST both groups increased dynamic balance and physical capacity. In an intention-to-treat analysis, patients in program A in REST had significantly fewer obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and larger effect sizes in stress behaviour and obsessive-compulsive symptoms compared to patients in program B. Patients in both REST programs perceived that the 1-year rehabilitation program gave them specific tools to use in secondary prevention. They also emphasised that the good encounters, affirmation and group cohesiveness they perceived during the 8 rehabilitation was a necessary basis for initiation of a behavioural change leading to recovery. In conclusion, compared to a general population, patients with burnout perceived more demands at work and less social support. Lack of emotional support seemed to be more associated with burnout among women. There were no differences in effect between CBR and Qigong compared to Qigong alone, or between a 12 week Qigong intervention compared to a control condition. Improvements were found in all groups in the rehabilitation programs. CBR combined with Qigong have some advantages compared to Qigong alone. An environment with good encounters and affirmation of the patients was experiences as important by the patients and group rehabilitation had advantages as recognition and support from the group. Early rehabilitation measures are important to prevent long-term sickness absence. In future rehabilitation programs it might be necessary to have a more individualized approach and choose treatments preferred by the patient.
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To be or not to be Sick Certified with Special Reference to Physician and Patient Related FactorsNorrmén, Gunilla January 2010 (has links)
Objectives The aim of this thesis was to assess the importance of general practitioners (GP) and patient related factors for the GPs’ decision to sick certify or not to sick certify the patients. Study population and methods The data were obtained from a cross-sectional questionnaire study of GP-patient consultations. 65 GPs responded to one questionnaire about themselves and one questionnaire about each of the altogether 642 consultations. The patients responded to a questionnaire about themselves and the consultation, altogether 521 consultations. Various combinations of the three questionnaires were used in the four papers on which this thesis is based. Results Among GPs, long experience of family medicine and working part-time were significant determinants for issuing more sick leave certificates. Complaints perceived as clearly somatic by the physician decreased the chance of sick certifications, and complaints resulting in severe limitation of occupational work capacity, as assessed by the patient as well as the physician, increased the chance of sick certification, as did appointments for loco-motor complaints. Among work related factors, high ‘authority over decisions’ and high ‘social support’ were associated with reduced sickness certification probability. Worrying about illness or injury risks from work increased sickness certification. GPs and their patients took a fairly similar view to statements on health related and insurance system related matters. GPs’ opinions seem to have a greater impact than patients’ on the GPs’ decision to sickness certify a patient or not. Conclusions A number of patient and GP related factors were associated with the probability of getting sick certified. The patient’s own judgement of impaired work ability was important for sickness certification, but a shared judgement and decision between the GP and the patient appears probable in most cases. / Försäkringsmedicin
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Home and work demands and resources, social support and work-home interaction of Potchefstroom educators / Sarona TshabalalaTshabalala, Sarona Mabel January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Home and work demands and resources, social support and work-home interaction of Potchefstroom educators / Sarona TshabalalaTshabalala, Sarona Mabel January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Varför arbetar tjänstepersonal övertid? : En kvantitativ studie på tjänstepersonal som inte erhåller extra övertidsersättning i rekryterings- och bemanningsbranschen / Why do officials work overtime? : A quantitative study of officials without overtime compensation in the staffing and recruitment industryBrinkhagen, Alice, Strömberg, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Studien syftade till att undersöka anledningar till att tjänstepersonal utan extra övertidsersättning arbetar övertid inom rekryterings- och bemanningsbranschen. Prediktorerna arbetskrav, arbetets plats i ens liv, inre och yttre arbetsmotivation samt harmonisk och manisk passion för arbetet undersöktes mot utfallsvariabeln övertidstimmar. Studien genomfördes som en enkät som skickades ut digitalt genom Google Forms till 16 bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag. QPS Nordic behandlade frågor om arbetskrav, arbetets plats i ens liv samt inre och yttre arbetsmotiv medan PTWS behandlade frågor om harmonisk och manisk passion för arbetet. Resultatet visade att arbetskrav predicerade arbetade övertidstimmar. Korrelationen var positiv vilket innebar att arbetskrav ökade med andelen övertid. Ingen skillnad observerades i övriga prediktorer. Studiens slutsats var att det var arbetskrav som fick tjänstepersonal inom rekryterings- och bemanningsbranschen att arbeta övertid, vilket arbetsgivare bör vara uppmärksamma på i och med de hälsokonsekvenser som kan vara till följd av övertidsarbete. / The study aimed to investigate reasons to work overtime among employees without overtime compensation in the staffing and recruitment industry depending on work demands, the place of work in one’s life, internal and external working motivation and harmonious and obsessive passion toward work. The study was conducted as a digital survey sent to 16 companies. QPS Nordic measured work demands, the place of work in one’s life and internal and external working motivation. PTWS measured harmonious and obsessive passion toward work. The present study showed that work demands predicted overtime hours. No difference was observed in the other predictors. The conclusion of the study was that work demands made employees in the staffing and recruitment industry work overtime hours and that employers should pay attention to this regarding the health implications resulting from working overtime.
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Job insecurity climate : The nature of the construct, its associations with outcomes, and its relation to individual job insecurityLåstad, Lena January 2015 (has links)
Work is an essential part of most people’s lives. With increasing flexibility in work life, many employees experience job insecurity – they perceive that the future of their jobs is uncertain. However, job insecurity is not just an individual experience; employees can perceive that there is a climate of job insecurity at their workplace as well, as people collectively worry about their jobs. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the job insecurity climate construct and how it relates to work- and health-related outcomes and to individual job insecurity. Three empirical studies were conducted to investigate this aim. Study I investigated the dimensionality of the job insecurity construct by developing and testing a measure of job insecurity climate − conceptualized as the individual’s perception of the job insecurity climate at work − in a sample of employees working in Sweden. The results indicated that individual job insecurity and job insecurity climate are separate but related constructs and that job insecurity climate was related to work- and health-related outcomes. Study II examined the effects of individual job insecurity and job insecurity climate on work- and health-related outcomes in a sample of employees working in a private sector company in Sweden. The results showed that perceiving higher levels of job insecurity climate than others in the workgroup was associated with poorer self-rated health and higher levels of burnout. Study III tested the relationship between individual job insecurity and job insecurity climate in a sample of Flemish employees. The results indicated that individual job insecurity is contagious, as individual job insecurity predicted perceptions of job insecurity climate six months later. In conclusion, by focusing on perceptions of the job insecurity climate, the present thesis introduces a new approach to job insecurity climate research, showing that employees can perceive a climate of job insecurity in addition to their own individual job insecurity and, also, that this perception of the job insecurity climate at work has negative consequences for individuals and organizations. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>
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Contraintes psychosociales au travail et symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintesFall, Aïssatou 03 1900 (has links)
Notre thèse de doctorat a pour but d’évaluer les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes. Plus spécifiquement, il est question d’identifier les facteurs associés aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs, à une tension psychologique au travail ou travail "tendu" ("high-strain" job), à un travail "tendu" avec un faible soutien social au travail ("Iso-strain"), et enfin d’évaluer l’association entre ces contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes au travail.
Les données analysées sont issues de l’Étude Montréalaise sur la Prématurité, une étude de cohorte prospective menée entre mai 1999 et avril 2004, auprès de 5 337 femmes enceintes interviewées à 24-26 semaines de grossesse dans quatre hôpitaux de l’île de Montréal (Québec, Canada). L’échelle CES-D (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) a été utilisée pour mesurer les symptômes dépressifs majeurs (score CES-D ≥23). L’échelle abrégée de Karasek a été utilisée pour mesurer les contraintes psychosociales au travail.
La présente étude a conduit à la rédaction de quatre articles scientifiques qui seront soumis à des revues avec comité de pairs.
Le premier article a permis de comparer la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs majeurs dans différents sous-groupes de femmes enceintes : femmes au foyer, femmes au travail, femmes en arrêt de travail, femmes aux études et de rechercher les facteurs de risque associés aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs pendant la grossesse.
À 24-26 semaines de grossesse, la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs majeurs était de 11,9% (11,0-12,8%) pour l’ensemble des femmes enceintes à l’étude (N=5 337). Les femmes enceintes au travail avaient une proportion de symptômes dépressifs moins élevée [7,6% (6,6-8,7%); n=2 514] par rapport aux femmes enceintes au foyer qui avaient les prévalences les plus élevées [19,1% (16,5-21,8%); n=893], suivi des femmes enceintes en arrêt de travail [14,4% (12,7-16,1%); n=1 665] et des femmes enceintes aux études [14,3% (10,3-19,1%); n=265].
Les caractéristiques personnelles (non professionnelles) associées aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs étaient, après ajustement pour toutes les variables, le statut d’emploi, un faible niveau d’éducation, un faible soutien social en dehors du travail, le fait d’avoir vécu des événements stressants aigus, d’avoir manqué d’argent pour les besoins essentiels, les difficultés relationnelles avec son partenaire, les problèmes de santé chronique, le pays de naissance et le tabagisme.
Le deuxième article avait pour objectif de décrire l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail et d’identifier les facteurs qui y sont associés chez les femmes enceintes de la région de Montréal, au Québec (N=3 765).
Au total, 24,4% des travailleuses enceintes se trouvaient dans la catégorie travail "tendu" ("high-strain" job) et 69,1% d’entre elles avaient eu un faible soutien social au travail ("Iso-strain"). Les facteurs de risque associés à un travail "tendu" étaient : un faible soutien social au travail, certains secteurs d’activité et niveaux de compétences, le fait de travailler plus de 35 heures par semaine, les horaires irréguliers, la posture de travail, le port de charges lourdes, le jeune âge des mères, une immigration ≥ 5 ans, un bas niveau d’éducation, la monoparentalité et un revenu annuel du ménage <50 000$.
Le troisième article a évalué l’association entre les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes au travail (N=3 765).
Dans les analyses bivariées et multivariées, les femmes enceintes qui avaient un "high-strain job" ou un "Iso-strain" présentaient davantage de symptômes dépressifs majeurs que les autres sous-groupes. Les contraintes psychosociales au travail étaient associées aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs lorsqu’on prenait en compte les autres facteurs organisationnels et les facteurs personnels auxquels elles étaient confrontées à l’extérieur de leur milieu de travail.
Notre étude confirme les évidences accumulées en référence aux modèles théoriques "demande-contrôle" et "demande-contrôle-soutien" de Karasek et Theorell. L’impact de ce dernier et le rôle crucial du soutien social au travail ont été mis en évidence chez les femmes enceintes au travail. Cependant, l’effet "buffer" du modèle "demande-contrôle-soutien" n’a pas été mis en évidence.
Le quatrième article a permis d’évaluer l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail chez les femmes enceintes au travail et en arrêt de travail pour retrait préventif et de mesurer l’association entre les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs en fonction du moment du retrait préventif (N=3 043).
À 24-26 semaines de grossesse, les femmes enceintes en retrait préventif du travail (31,4%) avaient été plus exposées à un "high-strain job" (31,0% vs 21,1%) et à un "Iso-strain" (21,0% vs 14,2%) que celles qui continuaient de travailler (p<0,0001); et elles avaient des proportions plus élevées de symptômes dépressifs majeurs. Après ajustement pour les facteurs de risque personnels et professionnels, "l’Iso-strain" restait significativement associé aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes qui continuaient de travailler tout comme chez celles qui ont cessé de travailler, et cela quel que soit leur durée d’activité avant le retrait préventif du travail (4 à 12 semaines/ 13 à 20 semaines/ ≥ 21 semaines).
Les contraintes psychosociales au travail représentent un important facteur de risque pour la santé mentale des travailleuses enceintes. Malgré l’application du programme "pour une maternité sans danger" il s’avère nécessaire de mettre en place dans les milieux de travail, des mesures de prévention, de dépistage et d’intervention afin de réduire la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs prénataux et l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail pour prévenir les complications maternelles et néonatales. D’autant plus que, la dépression prénatale est le principal facteur de risque de dépression postpartum, de même que les enfants nés de mères souffrant de dépression sont plus à risque de prématurité et de petit poids de naissance. / The goal of our thesis was to evaluate psychosocial work demands and major depressive symptoms among pregnant women. More specifically, we evaluated factors associated with major depressive symptoms, "high-strain" or "Iso-strain" jobs, and measure the association between those psychosocial work demands and major depressive symptoms among pregnant workers.
Data analyzed are from the Montreal Prematurity Study, a prospective cohort study conducted in Montréal from May 1999 to April 2004. The study looked at prematurity among 5337 pregnant women recruited at 24-26 weeks of pregnancy in four hospitals in Montréal (Québec, Canada). The CES-D scale (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) was used to measure major depressive symptoms (CES-D score ≥23). Karasek's abbreviated scale was used to measure psychosocial work demands.
Four scientific articles have been written about the current study and will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals.
The objectives of the first article were to compare the prevalence of major depressive symptoms between subgroups of pregnant women: working women, women who had stopped working, housewives and students; and to identify risk factors for major depressive symptoms during pregnancy.
At 24-26 weeks of pregnancy, prevalence of major depressive symptoms was 11.9% (11.0–12.8%) for all pregnant women (N=5 337). Working women had lower rates of major depressive symptoms [7,6% (6,6-8,7%); n=2 514] than housewives, for whom prevalence was highest [19,1% (16,5-21,8%); n=893], followed by women who had stopped working [14,4% (12,7-16,1%); n=1 665] and students [14,3% (10,3-19,1%); n=265].
Personal characteristics (non-occupational) associated with major depressive symptoms were, after adjusting for all variables, employment status, low level of education, low social support outside of work, having experienced acute stressful events, lack of money for basic needs, experiencing marital strain, chronic health problem, country of birth, and smoking.
The objective of the second article was to describe the exposure to psychosocial work demands and to identify factors that are associated among pregnant women in Montréal, Québec (N=3 765).
In total, 24.4% of pregnant women were exposed to "high-strain" jobs and the proportion of workers exposed to "Iso-strain" was 69.1%. Risk factors associated with "high-strain" jobs were as follows: low social support at work, some sector of activity and skill level, working over 35 hours a week, irregular schedules, posture at work, lifting loads, young age of mothers, immigration ≥ 5 years, low level of education, single parenthood, and annual household income <$50,000.
The third article evaluated the association between psychosocial work demands and major depressive symptoms among working pregnant women (N=3 765).
In bivariate and multivariate analyses, pregnant women who had "high-strain" or "Iso-strain" jobs were more likely to have major depressive symptoms. Psychosocial work demands were associated with the mental health of pregnant women, when other organizational and personal factors which they encountered outside the work settings were taken into account.
Our study confirms accumulated findings related to Karasek and Theorell's "demand-control" and "demand-control-support" theoretical models. The impact of the "demand-control-support" model and the critical role of social support at work have been demonstrated among working pregnant women. The "buffer" hypothesis of "demand-control-support" model was refuted.
The objectives of the fourth article were as follows: assess exposure to psychosocial work demands among working pregnant women and women on preventive withdrawal from work; and measure the association between psychosocial work demands and major depressive symptoms, according to time of withdrawal from work (N=3 043).
At 24-26 weeks of pregnancy, women on preventive withdrawal from work (31.4%) had been more exposed to "high-strain" jobs (31.1% vs. 21.1%) and "Iso-strain" (21.0% vs. 14.2%) than those who continued to work (p<0.0001), and had higher proportions of major depressive symptoms. After adjustment for personal and professional risk factors, "Iso-strain" remained significantly associated with major depressive symptoms in working women and women on preventive withdrawal from work, regardless of duration of activity before withdrawal (4 to 12 weeks/ 13 to 20 weeks/ ≥21 weeks).
Psychosocial work demands are an important risk factor for the mental health of pregnant workers. Despite the application of preventive measures during pregnancy, screening and intervention measures should be implemented in workplaces to reduce the prevalence of prenatal mental health problems and exposure to psychosocial work demands so as to prevent maternal and neonatal complications. In addition, prenatal depression is the main risk factor for postpartum depression, and infants born of mothers who suffer from depression are at higher risk of prematurity and low birth weight.
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