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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acidentes e doenças do trabalho de profissionais do setor transporte: análise dos motoristas no Estado de São Paulo, 1997 a 1999 / Injuries and work related diseases among the professionals of the transport sector in State of São Paulo, Brazil, 1997 to 1999

Monica La Porte Teixeira 20 October 2005 (has links)
Objetivo: Descrever e analisar os acidentes do trabalho ( acidentes-tipo, acidentes de trajeto, e doenças do trabalho) em motoristas residentes no Estado de São Paulo. Métodos: Base elaborada a partir do banco de dados da Fundação Seade/Fundacentro, composto dos dados coletados nas CAT´s notificadas na Previdência Social do Estado de São Paulo, entre 1997 a 1999. Os casos de 14 567 motoristas foram categorizados em seis grupos. Taxas de incidência, mortalidade e letalidade foram regionalizadas para o Interior, Região Metropolitana de São Paulo e Município de São Paulo. Resultados: Os acidentes ocorreram após, uma a três horas, e depois de sete horas de trabalho. O grupo “motorista em geral” representou 33,9% dos acidentes do trabalho, os de “caminhão” 32,4%, os de “ônibus” 12,0%, os “motociclistas” 11,0%, os de “caminhão pesado” 7,3% e “outros” 3,3%. A taxa de incidência do Estado foi de 42,5 acidentes/1.000 trabalhadores do setor “motoristas profissionais; para o Interior, 52,8; para Região Metropolitana, 31,1 e para o Município 32,4. A mortalidade no Estado foi de 11,0 óbitos/10.000 motoristas profissionais; 17,0/10.000 para o Interior e 6,6/10.000 e 5,0/10.000 para Região Metropolitana e Município. Neste grupo profissional, o estado de São Paulo apresentou uma taxa de letalidade de 26,0 óbitos/1.000 acidentes do trabalho, o Interior 32,1, a Região Metropolitana 21,0 e o Município 15,4. No estudo da letalidade específica, segundo estes agrupamentos criados e citados acima, os “motoristas em geral” destacaram-se com 33,9 óbitos/1.000 acidentes para o Interior. Os motociclistas, para a Região Metropolitana e o Município, apresentaram taxas próximas 11,9 e 12,2; respectivamente. Conclusões: O cálculo das taxas e a análise de grupos específicos de motoristas possibilitou detectar especificidades na ocorrência de acidentes, na mortalidade e letalidade. Os acidentes-tipo e a incapacidade temporária representaram a maioria dos eventos. As causas de acidentes e doenças relacionadas com o trabalho que atingiram a maioria dos motoristas foram: os choques/colisões, o mal-súbito e a perda auditiva. / Objective: To describe and analyze the work injuries (typical and commuting accidents and work- related diseases) of drivers living in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: The analysis was carried out using the Seade Foundation and Fundacentro data gathered from 1997 to 1999. This data bank includes the accidents reported to Social Security of State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The studied population was composed of 14.567 drivers. The injuries were classified in six groups (general drivers, truck drivers, heavy truck drivers, motorcyclists, others. The incidence, mortality and lethality rates were classified in accordance to location: Municipality of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area and inland (the rest of the State). Results: Most of the accidents occurred after one to three working hours and after seven working hours. The group “general drivers” suffered 33,9% of work accidents, “truck drivers” 32,4%, “bus drivers” 12,0%, “motorcyclists“ 11,0%, “heavy truck drivers” 7,3% and “others” 3,3%. The incidence rate for the State of Sao Paulo was 42,5 accidents/1.000 professional drivers, 31,1% in Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area, and 32,4% in the Municipality of Sao Paulo. Mortality rate: the State showed 11,0 deaths/10.000 drivers, 17,0/10.000 inland of the State, 6,6/10.000 5,5/10.000 for Sao Paulo respectively for Metropolitan Area and the Municipality of Sao Paulo. The professional drivers showed the following lethality rates: the State of São Paulo: 26,0 deaths/1.000 work accidents, inland 32,1/1.000 accidents, Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area 21,0/1.000 accidents, and the Municipality of Sao Paulo 15,4/1.000 accidents. The analysis of specific lethality rates showed the following results: the highest rate was found for “all drivers” category in inland 33,9 deaths/1.000 accidents. The motorcyclists presented close numbers for the Municipality of Sao Paulo and Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area: 12,2 and 11,9/1.000 accidents, respectively. Conclusion: The typical accidents and temporary disablement represent the greatest number of occurrences. The accidents and work- related diseases affecting the greatest number of drivers were: collisions, sudden illness, and hearing loss.

Riscos e agravos à saúde do trabalhador em centrais de triagem de materiais recicláveis / Risks and health hazards of workers in recycling sorting centers

Ana Maria Maniero Moreira 08 June 2017 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, importantes riscos ocupacionais em centrais de triagem de materiais recicláveis têm sido apontados na literatura nacional e internacional. Grande parte desses riscos é creditada à baixa qualidade da segregação realizada pela população, resultando no encaminhamento de resíduos sujos para a coleta seletiva de recicláveis. Danos à saúde e segurança dos trabalhadores que manipulam esses materiais podem surgir se as condições estruturais, tecnologias empregadas, organização do trabalho e medidas de prevenção necessárias não forem adequadamente gerenciadas. Objetivos: identificar os fatores de risco ocupacional em duas centrais de triagem do município de São Paulo; quantificar lesões e doenças ocorridas antes e durante o período do estudo; correlacionar os fatores de risco com as lesões e doenças identificadas e recomendar ações para minimizar os danos à saúde desses trabalhadores. Metodologia: trata-se de estudo de caso múltiplo, exploratório, com abordagem quanti-qualitativa. Iniciado com revisão sistematizada da literatura, focou a saúde dos catadores de recicláveis, contemplando duas bases de dados bibliográficas em ciências da saúde: PubMed e LILACS. Duas centrais de triagem foram selecionadas para o estudo após levantamento preliminar da situação em cinco cooperativas participantes do Programa de Coleta Seletiva do Município de São Paulo. O estudo qualitativo incorporou dados obtidos por meio de observações e medições in loco, revisão de documentos e grupos focais com catadores. Os dados quantitativos foram levantados mediante aplicação de questionário e avaliação clínica individualizada dos 83 participantes de ambas cooperativas. As informações obtidas foram integradas, analisadas e comparadas com outros estudos sobre centrais de triagem de recicláveis brasileiras e estrangeiras. Resultados: poucas melhorias nas condições de trabalho foram conquistadas pelos catadores cooperativados que atuam em centrais de triagem de recicláveis, se comparados aos catadores de lixões e das ruas. Os níveis de produtividade são baixos, assim como a consequente remuneração. Não possuem capacidade técnica para sustentar o empreendimento tanto no âmbito gerencial, organizacional ou operacional. Medidas para a promoção da saúde, prevenção de acidentes e doenças são pontuais e mínimas. Diversos fatores de risco (físico, químico, biológico, mecânico, de acidentes, ergonômico e psicossocial) foram identificados e correlacionados com doenças e acidentes revelados pelos participantes. As manifestações clínicas mais frequentes foram: dores musculoesqueléticas (77 por cento ), lesões no corpo (48 por cento ) e problemas respiratórios (43 por cento ). Cortes ou perfurações foram relatados por 69 por cento dos participantes. Conclusão: algumas atitudes inéditas e práticas operacionais arriscadas foram reveladas e, seguramente, demandam intervenções indispensáveis e imediatas. Os desfechos deste estudo são importantes para suscitar reflexões, ampliar discussões e poderão contribuir para a tomada de decisão em diversas esferas de gestão (saúde, previdência, trabalho e ambiente), assim como servir aos interesses e necessidades dos trabalhadores e da sociedade. / In recent years, the presence of noticeable occupational hazards in recycling sorting facilities has been pointed out in national and international literature. Most of these risks are credited to the poor quality of the separation carried out by the population, resulting in the sending of dirty and hazardous waste for the selective collection of recyclables. Damage to the health and safety of workers who handle such materials may arise if the structural conditions, technologies, work\'s organizations and preventive measures adopted are not properly managed. Objectives: identify the occupational risk factors in two sorting facilities in the city of São Paulo; quantify injuries and diseases which had occurred before and during the study period; correlate risk factors with the injuries and diseases identified and recommend actions to minimize the damages to these workers\' health. Methodology: it is a multiple case study, exploratory, with quantitative-qualitative approach. It was initiated with a systematized review of the literature, focused on the health of recyclable waste pickers, covering two bibliographic databases in health science: PubMed and LILACS. Two sorting facilities were selected for this study after a preliminary survey of the situation in five cooperatives associated with the Selective Collection Program of the Municipality of São Paulo. The qualitative study incorporated data obtained through in situ observations and measurements, review of documents and focus groups with waste pickers. The quantitative data was collected through the application of a questionnaire and individualized clinical evaluation of the 83 participants of both cooperatives. Data obtained was integrated, analyzed and compared with other studies in Brazilian and foreign sorting facilities. Results: few improvements in working conditions were achieved by cooperative waste pickers working in recyclable sorting facilities compared to those acting in open dumps or streets. The level of productivity is low, as well as the consequent wages. They do not have the necessary background to give support in management, organization, or operations. Measures to promote health, prevention of accidents or diseases are punctual and minimal. Several risk factors (physical, chemical, biological, mechanical, accidental, ergonomic and psychosocial) were identified and correlated with diseases and accidents revealed by participants. The most frequent clinical manifestations were: musculoskeletal pain (77 per cent ), body injuries (48 per cent ) and respiratory problems (43 per cent ). Cuts or perforations were reported by 69 per cent of the participants. Conclusion: some previously unknown and unexpected attitudes and risky operational practices have been revealed and certainly require immediate and indispensable interventions. The outcomes of this study are important in order to stimulate reflection, broaden discussions and contribute to decision-making in various spheres of management (health, welfare, work and environment), as well as serving to the interests and needs of workers and society.

Acidentes e doenças relacionadas ao trabalho na indústria de calçados de Franca-SP / Accidents and occupational diseases in the footwear industry of Franca-SP

Dathiê de Mello Franco-Benatti 02 September 2011 (has links)
O mundo do trabalho vive um extraordinário avanço tecnológico caracterizado pela introdução de modernas tecnologias, automação acelerada, que resultam em novas formas de racionalização e organização do trabalho e no aumento da exploração intensiva da força de trabalho. Esse processo foi marcado pela reestruturação produtiva, que resultou em maior intensificação e precarização do trabalho, fatos que refletiram nas relações e nas condições laborais. O setor calçadista, conhecido pela grande capacidade de geração de empregos, também foi atingido por essas mudanças, com consequentes agravos à saúde de seus trabalhadores. Tendo como pano de fundo este quadro de transformações, foi objetivo da pesquisa investigar como se acidentam e adoecem no trabalho os trabalhadores envolvidos na produção de calçados em Franca (SP) e como isto repercute em suas vidas, dentro e fora do espaço produtivo. A pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo, teve como principal técnica de coleta de dados a entrevista. Foram entrevistados 20 trabalhadores, 15 mulheres e cinco homens; um profissional da área da saúde e dois representantes do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias de Calçados de Franca. Os trabalhadores entrevistados foram contatados através do sindicato da categoria, que também forneceu as Comunicações de Acidentes de Trabalho (CATs) utilizadas como fonte de informações. Os resultados demonstraram que o trabalho na produção de calçados tem sido fonte de agravos à saúde dos trabalhadores. Os dados obtidos pela pesquisa permitiram relacionar os acidentes e doenças apresentados pelos trabalhadores à organização e às condições do trabalho às quais estão submetidos. As principais queixas foram: LER lesões por esforços repetitivos, ferimentos corto-contusos, amputações de membros superiores (mãos, dedos, antebraços e braços), dores lombares, estresse, depressão, ansiedade, tristeza, angústia, além de terem se referido a sentimentos de insatisfação e desvalorização no trabalho. Os dados revelaram também como os episódios de acidentes e doenças ocupacionais repercutiram na vida dos trabalhadores. A violência sofrida pelos trabalhadores não se resumiu apenas ao acidente em si e às circunstâncias em que ocorreu, mas se estendeu pelo longo processo de tratamento e pela trajetória institucional percorrida para estabelecer o nexo entre o acidente e/ou doença e o seu trabalho. / The labor world is currently experiencing a remarkable technological advance characterized by the introduction of modern technologies, accelerated automation, which results in new ways of work rationalization and organization and the increase of workforce exploration. This process was marked by a productive restructuring which resulted in the work being more intensive and precarious, thus affecting work relations and conditions. The footwear sector, known for its huge capacity of generating new work positions, was also affected by these changes, resulting in a consequential damage of the workers health. Having these aforementioned transformations as backdrop, this research has as its purpose investigate how the footwear workers of Franca (SP) get injured and ill and analyze the consequences these injuries and illnesses bring into their lives both in the workplace and their private lives. The research has a qualitative approach and gathers data through personal interviews. A total of 20 workers, including 15 women and five men, were interviewed. A health professional and two Footwear Industry Union representatives were also interviewed. The workers were contacted through their Union. The Union has also provided the Work Accident Reports (CATs) which were used as source of information. The results showed that working in the footwear production has been a source of hazards to the workers health. The data allowed the research to relate accidents and illnesses suffered by workers to the working conditions and organizations to which they are submitted. The main complaints were: RSI repetitive strain injuries, wounds, amputation of members (hands, fingers, forearms and arms), backaches, stress, depression, anxiety, sadness and grief. They have also demonstrated being dissatisfied with their jobs and feeling undervalued. The data also revealed how occupational accidents and illnesses episodes affected the workers lives. The violence experienced by workers is not enclosed in the accident itself and the circumstances in which it happened, it is extended through a long treatment/healing process and also by the institutional path which must be followed in order to establish a connection between the accident and/or illness to the work.

Acidentes e doenças relacionadas ao trabalho: trajetória institucional para estabelecimento do nexo causal e as repercussões na saúde e vida dos trabalhadores do calçado de Franca - SP / Work-related accidents and diseases: institutional path to establishing the causal nexus and the impact on workers health and lives footwear industry in Franca-SP.

Gustavo Mendonça Pieruccetti 21 May 2014 (has links)
Os acidentes e doenças relacionadas ao trabalho são um grave problema social no Brasil. As mudanças ocorridas no universo do trabalho nas últimas décadas afetaram as condições de trabalho e, consequentemente, aumentaram a vulnerabilidade dos trabalhadores ao adoecimento e aos acidentes do trabalho. Sabe-se que, apesar da cobertura institucional existente, a trajetória que as vítimas de acidentes/doenças relacionados ao trabalho têm que percorrer é marcada pela negação de sua condição de cidadão. Nossa pesquisa objetivou investigar a trajetória institucional percorrida pelos trabalhadores da indústria do calçados de Franca-SP que, através de ações trabalhistas, buscaram o reconhecimento do nexo causal entre o acidente/doença e a atividade laboral por eles exercida. Objetivou, também, analisar a qualidade das perícias judiciais transversalmente aos preceitos do MS, MPS e MTE. Com uma abordagem qualitativa, a pesquisa foi realizada em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foi realizada pesquisa documental cujas fontes foram as ações trabalhistas sentenciadas no último trimestre do ano de 2010, nas Varas da Justiça do Trabalho de Franca-SP. Nessa etapa foi realizado levantamento das ações sentenciadas no período para saber quantas envolviam trabalhadores da indústria de calçados, e quais os tipos de acidentes e as doenças que motivaram a abertura das referidas ações trabalhistas. Ao todo, foram sentenciadas 258 ações trabalhistas, sendo 53 da indústria do calçado, das quais foram selecionadas todas as que continham documentos relacionados a acidentes e doenças relacionadas ao trabalho (11), para a realização da segunda fase da pesquisa. A segunda parte da pesquisa consistiu em entrevista com os trabalhadores das ações trabalhistas selecionadas na primeira etapa. As entrevistas demostraram a realidade vivida pelos trabalhadores enquanto buscavam o nexo causal e foram muito ricas acerca dos detalhes das atividades laborais, dos ambientes de trabalho e da forma de produção, em especialmente de como foram tratados e como foram realizadas as perícias judiciais e administrativas. Os dados obtidos nessa pesquisa nos revelaram que a trajetória das vítimas de acidentes e doenças relacionadas ao trabalho é marcada por inúmeras dificuldades no reconhecimento do nexo de causal, tanto no INSS , quanto na Justiça do Trabalho. / Accidents and work-related diseases are a serious social problem in Brazil. The changes in the workplace in recent decades have affected working conditions and consequently increased workers\' vulnerability to illness and accidents. It´s known that despite the existing institutional coverage, the path that victims of accidents/work-related diseases have to go through is marked by denial of their citizens status. Our research aimed to investigate the institutional trajectory gone through by workers in the footwear industry located in Franca-SP, who through labor claims sought to recognize the causal relationship between the accident/illness and work carried on by them. This research also aimed to analyze the quality of legal inspections across the precepts of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Welfare and Ministry of Labour and Employment. With a qualitative approach, the research was conducted in two stages. In the first stage documentary research was conducted based on labor claims which were sentenced in the last quarter of 2010 by the Labour Court in Franca-SP. At this stage, labour claims information were collected in order to find out how many of the claimers were involved in the footwear industry and what types of accidents and illnesses led to the opening of such lawsuits. Altogether 258 labor lawsuits were sentenced during the last quarter of 2010 and 53 of them were related to the footwear industry, from which were selected the lawsuits that contained documents related to accidents and work-related diseases (11) to carry out the second phase of the research. The second part of the research consisted of interviews with workers who initiate the labor claims selected in the first stage. The interviews demonstrated the reality experienced by workers as they sought causal nexus and were also very rich in details in terms of work activities, the workplace and the production form and in particular about the way they were treated and how the judicial and administrative inspections were performed. The data obtained in this research showed us that the path of the victims of accidents and work-related diseases is characterized by numerous difficulties in the recognition of the causal nexus, both in INSS, as the Labor Court.

Understanding Inclusion-Exclusion in Social Service Organizations

Rizzo, Eva Andrea 01 June 2016 (has links)
ABSTRACT The purpose of the present study was to explore the effects inclusion-exclusion on the job-related attitudes of the organizational workforce. These attitudes included job satisfaction, organizational commitment, burnout, and turnover intention. A quantitative survey was conducted using a sample of employees of a social service organization in San Bernardino County. Participants include employees from all levels and program areas of the social service organization. Study data was collected through the use of a self-report questionnaire. Measures were used to explore commitment to the organization, diversity perception, job satisfaction, turnover intention and burnout, the dependent variables. Using SPSS software to analyze data, descriptive statistics, correlation, and Mann-Whitney U analysis were conducted. More than half of the survey participants, as presented in Table 1 (see Appendix D), identified as women (n=35, 85.4%) and five (12.2%) accounted for the participants that identified as men. Results showed that Inclusion was significantly related to all job related attitudes except burnout, gender and race. Results were consistent with the literature in that inclusion is related to positive work-related attitudes, but inconsistent in regards to its relation with gender and race.

Våra viktigaste arbeten och arbetsplatser i livet : En självbiografisk minnesstudie / Our most important work tasks and workplaces : An autobiographical memory study

Lindh, Jayesh January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka våra viktigaste positiva och negativa självbiografiska arbetsplatsminnen hos chefer och ej-chefer relaterade till arbetsrelaterad identitet och arbetsplatsminnens fenomenologi. Totalt deltog 194 personer, 124 män och 70 kvinnor i åldern 25 - 65 år i studien. Mätinstrumentet för studien bestod av en enkät i tre delar vilken innehöll frågor baserat på tidigare forskning. De positiva arbetsplatsminnena (80%) innehöll i huvudsak två teman, arbetsmiljö och mina arbetsuppgifter medans de negativa arbetsplatsminnena (20%) visade mer tydligt att en majoritet av minnena var kopplade till ledarskap följt av arbetsmiljö. Designen för analyserna av den kvantitativa datan var en mellanpersondesign, med två oberoende variabler Arbetsplatsminnen (positiva/negativa) och Position (chef/ej-chef) och två beroende variabler Arbetsidentitet (emotion/kognition) samt de tio fenomenologiska dimensionerna i det självbiografiska minnet. Resultaten visade att chefer jämfört med ej-chefer upplevde en starkare arbetsidentitet gällande både de emotionella och kognitiva banden. Vidare visade resultaten på signifikanta skillnader av positiva och negativt arbetsplatsminnena i tre utav de totalt tio fenomenologiska dimensionerna. Även en interaktion mellan Positiva/Negativa arbetsplatsminnen och Chef/Ej-chef på tre utav de tio fenomenologiska dimensionerna gick att utläsa. / The purpose of the study was to investigate our most important positive and negative autobiographical work-related memories of managers and non-managers related to work-related identity and workplace memory phenomenology. The study included 194 people, 124 men and 70 women in the age span 25-65. Measuring instruments for the study consisted of a survey in three parts which contained questions based on previous research. The positive work-related memories (80%) mainly contained two themes, work environment and my working duties, while the negative workplace memories (20%) showed more clearly that a majority of the memories were linked to leadership and work environment. The design for the analyzes of the quantitative data was a between-subject-design, with two independent variables Work-related memories (positive/negative) and Position (manager/non-manager) and two dependent variables Work-related self (emotion/cognition) as well as the ten phenomenological dimensions of the autobiographical memory. The results showed that managers compared to nonmanagers experienced a stronger work-related self on both the emotional and cognitive components. Furthermore, the results showed significant differences between the positive and negative work-related memories in three out of the total ten phenomenological dimensions. An interaction between Positive/Negative work-related memories and Manager/Non-manager on three out of the ten phenomenological dimensions was also red out.

Alternative employment and well-being : Contract heterogeneity and differences among individuals

Bernhard-Oettel, Claudia January 2008 (has links)
<p>The increasing use of temporary and part-time employment in recent decades was initially expected to lead to negative effects for the individual. The empirical evidence, however, has been equivocal and the consequences are therefore still unclear. This thesis adopts a psychological approach to alternative employment by investigating how heterogeneity in employment contracts together with individual differences associate with work attitudes and subjective well-being. It comprises four studies in which questionnaire data is used to study differences among temporary workers (Study I & II) and differences in the alternative workforce (fixed-term, on-call, and part-time workers) compared to permanent full-time workers (Study III & IV), in order to analyze the impact of different types of contracts together with individual differences. Study I found that attitudes, role stress, and health varied across different patterns in individuals’ backgrounds and contract forms. Study II demonstrated that distinct patterns of voluntary and involuntary contract motives and of work involvement associated with differences in reported work-related and general well-being. Study III showed that well-being and organizational attitudes were related to individuals’ job and contract preferences and, to some degree, heterogeneity in contract types. Study IV revealed that individuals’ perceptions of job conditions (control, demands, and job insecurity) predicted well-being, whereas type of employment contract was found to be less important. Employment contract forms, however, interacted with individual diversity in Study III and IV. The thesis concludes that differences among individuals are important for understanding the implications of different types of alternative employment contracts. Future research should focus on these interactive mechanisms to better understand the consequences of alternative employment forms.</p>

Musculoskeletal Pain among Health Care Staff : Riskfactors for Pain, Disability and Sick leave

Nilsson, Annika January 2008 (has links)
<p>The present thesis is based on four empirical studies concerning risk factors related to musculoskeletal pain (MSP), disability, and sick leave among three non-clinical samples of health care staff. Initially, in Study I, cognitive, behavioural and environmental factors related to MSP of nurses' aides<b> </b>were explored. An experimental design including baseline, intervention and follow-ups among 29 nurses' aides<b> </b>working in a home for the elderly was used to evaluate effects of a workplace intervention based on cognitive behaviour (CB)- and conventional, symptom reduction principles. In Study II, a cross-sectional and correlational design was applied. A self-administered questionnaire was used to describe and investigate the relationship between risk factors and development of persistent pain, sick leave and long sick leave among 914 municipal health care staff. In Study III and IV, a longitudinal design was used among 200 registered nurses (RN) working in a county hospital to describe and predict pain, disability and sick leave. Data collection involved two self-administered questionnaires covering: 1) work and personal factors, pain, disability and sick leave at baseline and 2) valued life dimensions at baseline. The results showed that MSP was common among the staff. Study I showed positive effects among nurses' aides<b> </b>receiving the CB principles related to MSP compared with nurses' aides receiving the conventional principles. In Study II, pain severity and expectations to be working in 6 months were associated with persistent MSP and sick leave, respectively. In Study III, pain, disability and sick leave at baseline were the strongest predictors of pain, disability and sick leave at the three-year follow-up. In Study IV, the findings support the notion that individual values in different life domains are possible predictors of pain and disability. </p>

Musculoskeletal Pain among Health Care Staff : Riskfactors for Pain, Disability and Sick leave

Nilsson, Annika January 2008 (has links)
The present thesis is based on four empirical studies concerning risk factors related to musculoskeletal pain (MSP), disability, and sick leave among three non-clinical samples of health care staff. Initially, in Study I, cognitive, behavioural and environmental factors related to MSP of nurses' aides<b> </b>were explored. An experimental design including baseline, intervention and follow-ups among 29 nurses' aides<b> </b>working in a home for the elderly was used to evaluate effects of a workplace intervention based on cognitive behaviour (CB)- and conventional, symptom reduction principles. In Study II, a cross-sectional and correlational design was applied. A self-administered questionnaire was used to describe and investigate the relationship between risk factors and development of persistent pain, sick leave and long sick leave among 914 municipal health care staff. In Study III and IV, a longitudinal design was used among 200 registered nurses (RN) working in a county hospital to describe and predict pain, disability and sick leave. Data collection involved two self-administered questionnaires covering: 1) work and personal factors, pain, disability and sick leave at baseline and 2) valued life dimensions at baseline. The results showed that MSP was common among the staff. Study I showed positive effects among nurses' aides<b> </b>receiving the CB principles related to MSP compared with nurses' aides receiving the conventional principles. In Study II, pain severity and expectations to be working in 6 months were associated with persistent MSP and sick leave, respectively. In Study III, pain, disability and sick leave at baseline were the strongest predictors of pain, disability and sick leave at the three-year follow-up. In Study IV, the findings support the notion that individual values in different life domains are possible predictors of pain and disability.

Alternative employment and well-being : Contract heterogeneity and differences among individuals

Bernhard-Oettel, Claudia January 2008 (has links)
The increasing use of temporary and part-time employment in recent decades was initially expected to lead to negative effects for the individual. The empirical evidence, however, has been equivocal and the consequences are therefore still unclear. This thesis adopts a psychological approach to alternative employment by investigating how heterogeneity in employment contracts together with individual differences associate with work attitudes and subjective well-being. It comprises four studies in which questionnaire data is used to study differences among temporary workers (Study I &amp; II) and differences in the alternative workforce (fixed-term, on-call, and part-time workers) compared to permanent full-time workers (Study III &amp; IV), in order to analyze the impact of different types of contracts together with individual differences. Study I found that attitudes, role stress, and health varied across different patterns in individuals’ backgrounds and contract forms. Study II demonstrated that distinct patterns of voluntary and involuntary contract motives and of work involvement associated with differences in reported work-related and general well-being. Study III showed that well-being and organizational attitudes were related to individuals’ job and contract preferences and, to some degree, heterogeneity in contract types. Study IV revealed that individuals’ perceptions of job conditions (control, demands, and job insecurity) predicted well-being, whereas type of employment contract was found to be less important. Employment contract forms, however, interacted with individual diversity in Study III and IV. The thesis concludes that differences among individuals are important for understanding the implications of different types of alternative employment contracts. Future research should focus on these interactive mechanisms to better understand the consequences of alternative employment forms.

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