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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Legislativa EU upravující pracovní podmínky řidičů činných v mezinárodní kamiónové dopravě / EU legislation about working conditions of drivers operating in international haulage

Marečková, Eva January 2007 (has links)
The aim of the work is a detailed analysis of EU legislation (e. g. orders and regulation, direction and their transposition to the czech law) concerned with working conditions of drivers, enterpreneurs and all other persons operating in international road transport. A special emphasise is placed on the latest regulation form in this sphere (EU order number 561/2006), which brought the current changes. The work provides a comprehensive overview of the current legislative and shows the impacts of the new changes in practice. Beyond, it demonstrates and explains some concrete situations and problems from the working routine, that are dealed daily by the drivers, forwarding agents, transporters and the proprietors of transport companies as well.

Společenská odpovědnost korporací v Číně: Cesta k udržitelnému růstu (vybrané problémy) / Corporate Social Responsibility in China: Path to Sustainable Growth (Selected Problems)

Kuksová, Magdalena January 2009 (has links)
Social, cultural and technological changes of recent decades led to a new dominant feature of the world economy in the form of globalization. This coincided with the extraordinary growth of international political institutions that seem unable to control the process of globalization and its effects. Multinational corporations have become drivers of economic growth in the world. They have outsourced production to developing countries with low standards and weak legislation, particularly to China, where violation of Chinese and international law occurs frequently. No one assumes responsibility for this situation. The question therefore arises whether such economic growth can be legitimate and sustainable. The master thesis focuses on working conditions related to the production of goods in China. The aim of this master thesis is to try to determine to what extent the concept of corporate social responsibility can contribute to sustainable growth and improve working conditions in China. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter contains a theoretical introduction to social responsibility, the second chapter shows the influx of foreign businesses into China and its impacts on society. The third to the fifth chapter introduce attempts by various authorities and corporations to address the problem of harsh working conditions and violations of legal norms. The sixth chapter encourages consumer to take responsibility. The work is exclusively focused on the social pillar of corporate social responsibility.

Pracovní podmínky zaměstnanců ČSA a.s. / Working conditions of Czech airlines (ČSA a.s.) personnel

Fuksa, Jakub January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is descreption and analysis of legislative regulation of working conditions in Czech republic and its special modification for the work in the air transport industry with practical application of these rules in Czech airlines. It also provides complex information about special atributes of work of air crews and characterizes Czech airlines human resource management.

Síndrome de Burnout e estratégias de enfrentamento em hospital público de urgência e emergência / Burnout and coping strategies in urgency and emergency hospital preceptors

Silva, Andrea Patricia da 23 October 2017 (has links)
This undergraduate thesis – TCC, composed of a scientific article and an intervention product analyzes the occurrence of Burnout Syndrome dimensions and associations with factors that compose the coping strategies used by preceptors in an emergency hospital and emergency room of Maceió. The study consisted of a quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study. There was a non-probabilistic sample of 124 professionals from social service, nursing, medicine and psychology areas who, besides assistance to the users, play the role of preceptors within their routine activities. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test (χ²), analysis of variance (ANOVA) with post hoc tests, and r Pearson correlation analysis were used. We verified that 66.1% of the subjects (f = 82) work in more than one health institution, and have an average workload of 51.83 hours per week (SD = 15.08). Within coping strategies, the positive reassessment factor was the most prevalent for our sample, demonstrating an emotional focus to deal with the stressors in the environment. The positive reassessment factor was the most prevalent for the sample, demonstrating an emotional focus to deal with the environment stressors. The second factor evidenced was problem solving, more effective in the daily services. Regarding MBI, it was evidenced that the sample studied presented a mean score for the three dimensions of burnout: 60 (48.4%) emotional exhaustion, 57 (46.0%) depersonalization and 54 (43.5%) professional achievement. Burnout syndrome is personal and institutional; therefore, it is necessary that institutions rethink management forms, and provide more adequate working conditions to minimize agents causing stress and increase resources for the use of more appropriate coping strategies. After obtaining results, the intervention product aimed to promote actions meant to reduce stress levels created by daily work activities, preventing diseases and generating general welfare. An informative primer on burnout and suggestions for stress management was also made. / Este trabalho Acadêmico de Conclusão de Curso – TACC, composto por um artigo científico e um produto de intervenção, analisa qual a ocorrência das dimensões da síndrome de burnout, bem como as associações com os fatores que compõem as estratégias de coping utilizadas pelos preceptores em um hospital de urgência e emergência de Maceió. A pesquisa consiste em um estudo de delineamento descritivo transversal quantitativo. Conta-se com uma amostra por conveniência de 124 profissionais das áreas de serviço social, enfermagem, medicina e psicologia que, além da assistência aos usuários, exercem o papel de preceptores dentro de suas atividades de rotina. São utilizadas estatísticas descritivas; teste qui-quadrado (χ²); análise de variância (ANOVA) com testes post hoc; análise de correlação r Pearson. Verifica-se que 66,1% dos sujeitos (f=82) atuam em mais de uma instituição de saúde e possuem carga horária média de 51,83 horas semanais (DP=15,08). Dentro das estratégias de coping, o fator reavaliação positiva é o mais prevalente para a amostra, demonstrando um enfoque emocional para lidar com os estressores no ambiente. O segundo fator evidenciado é a resolução de problemas, mais eficaz no cotidiano dos serviços. Quanto ao MBI, evidencia-se que a amostra estudada apresenta escore médio para as três dimensões de burnout: 60 (48,4%) exaustão emocional, 57 (46,0%) despersonalização e 54 (43,5%) realização profissional. A síndrome de burnout é de ordem pessoal e institucional, portanto, faz-se necessário que as instituições repensem as formas de gestão, assim como proporcionem condições laborais mais adequadas, minimizando os agentes causadores de estresse e ampliando os recursos para utilização de estratégias de coping mais apropriadas. Após a obtenção dos resultados, o produto de intervenção tem como objetivo promover ações que visem à diminuição dos níveis de estresse gerados pelo cotidiano das atividades laborais, prevenindo doenças e gerando bem-estar geral. Também é formatada uma cartilha informativa sobre burnout e sugestões de administração do estresse.

Does an Online Post-baccalaureate Secondary Teacher Certification Program Produce Certified Teachers Who Remain in the Field?

Brooks, Kanini Wanjira Ward 08 1900 (has links)
Given issues in education concerning teacher shortages, the omnipresence of alternative certification programs and the growth of online programs in higher education, this study investigated teacher retention for 77 secondary education teachers who completed an online teacher preparation program in Texas. Teacher retention was examined from 2003-2013 and investigated the influence of factors such personal characteristics, working conditions and school setting characteristics on teacher retention. Data was collected electronically utilizing a survey instrument designed by two teacher education experts and I. A total of 21 variables and two open-ended questions were investigated using the survey instrument. Exploratory factor and hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to identify a multi-factor model for teacher retention utilizing the participants' survey responses. These analyses yielded evidence of the program's effectiveness in preparing teachers for long careers. Specifically, the areas of program support, field experience, and classroom management were statistically significant factors that contributed positively to teacher retention. Additionally, variables outside the program, were examined. These factors included personal characteristics, working conditions, and school setting factors. The predictor model accounted for 56% of the variance; F (17, 54) = 3.015; p = < 0.001. In particular, working conditions contributed to 41% of the variance associated with the teacher retention model. A qualitative analysis of open-ended survey questions was used to further examine decisions to remain in teaching. Support of administration, colleagues, staff, and parents was shown to influence teacher retention.

“Efter man fått jobb kan man bete sig som en svensk” : om ensamkommande ungdomars upplevelser av att skaffa ett arbete på den svenska arbetsmarknaden / "After obtaining a job, one can act as a Swede" : Unaccompanied minors’ experiences of the Swedish labour market

Edenklint, Louise January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Flyktingfrågan blev högaktuell under 2000-talet. Detta då en allt större andelen samkommande ungdomar ankom Europa samtidigt som synen alltmer utgår från att dessa urholkar den nationella kulturen, sammanhållning och social välfärd. År 2020 initierades en offentlig utredning där huvuduppdraget innebar att utreda hur en “långsiktigt hållbar” migrationspolitik kan skapas. I samband med detta föreslogs i nämnda utredning bland annat att endast bevilja tillfälliga uppehållstillstånd. Flyktingar uppfattas alltmer som ett hot mot den nationella kollektiva identiteten. De samhälleliga förändringarna och paradigmskiftet påverkar i allra högsta grad nyanlända barn och ungdomar. För den ensamkommande gruppen av barn innebär flykten i sig en särskilt otrygg situation utan egen familj och det skyddsnät som denna utgör. För denna grupp är därför anskaffandet av ett arbete, som är enviktig del av en lyckad integration, av särskilt stor vikt med tanke på att det i många fall avgör möjligheterna att stanna i Sverige.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ensamkommande ungdomar upplever anskaffandet av ett arbete i Sverige, samt att i denna process undersöka vilket stöd som ungdomarna anser vara mest betydelsefullt. Följande frågeställningar bearbetas i studien: ● Vilka utmaningar upplever de ensamkommande ungdomarna när det gäller att erhålla ett arbete i Sverige? ● Vilka underlättande faktorer upplever de ensamkommande ungdomarna när det gäller att erhålla ett arbete i Sverige? ● Vilket vuxenstöd anses av ungdomarna som mest betydelsefullt på vägen mot anskaffandet av ett arbete? Metod: Kvalitativ metod användes i studien och data producerades genom att tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med ensamkommande individer som rekryterades via ett bekvämlighetsurval (privata kontakter), på grund av det rådande pandemiläget. Intervjuerna genomfördes i samverkan med en annan medstudent. Det teoretiska ramverket bestod av ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Intervjuerna transkriberades och en tematisk analys gjordes utifrån ett perspektiv på integration.  Resultat och slutsatser: De ensamkommande ungdomarnas upplevelser sammanställdes efter tematisk analys, och presenterades i fem olika teman. Språk, avsaknad av körkort och en upplevd rasism skapade hinder för inträde på arbetsmarknaden, samtidigt som de ensamkommande ungdomarna framförde vikten av att uppnå självständighet och att inte ge upp som styrkor. Kontaktnät och att ha ett socialt stöd upplevdes av ungdomarna som avgörande för att finna ett arbete. Juridiska hinder och den oro som dessa skapar, var något som i detta sammanhang stack ut på ett negativt sätt i ungdomarnas berättelser. Området för studien är relativt outforskat, och betoningen på ungdomarnas egna upplevelser bidrar med en ny dimension till barn- och ungdomsforskningen på detta område, där fokus ligger på forskning med i stället för om ungdomarna. När ungdomarnas eget perspektiv lyfts i förhållande till möjligheten till inträde på den svenska arbetsmarknaden, blir detta ett bidrag till den samlade bilden av det praktiska integrationsarbetet. Background: The refugee issue became highly topical during the 2000s. This is due to the fact that an increasing number of unaccompanied minors arrived to Europe, but also the more and more widespread view that they erode the national culture, cohesion and social welfare. In 2020, a public inquiry was initiated in which the main task was to investigate how a “sustainable” migration policy can be created. During this time, it was proposed in the saidinquiry, among other things, to grant only temporary residence permits. Refugees are increasingly perceived as a threat to the national collective identity. The societal changes and the paradigm shift affect newly arrived children and young people to a very high degree. Fort he unaccompanied group of children, escape in itself means a particularly insecure situation without one's own family and the safety net that this constitutes. For this group, therefore, the acquisition of a job, which is an important part of a successful integration, is of particular importance, given that in many cases it determines the possibilities of staying in Sweden. Aim: The purpose of the study is to investigate how unaccompanied minors experience the acquisition of a job in Sweden, and in this process to investigate which support the group considers most important. The following issues are addressed in the study: What challenges do the unaccompanied minors experience when it comes to getting a job in Sweden? What facilitating factors do the unaccompanied minors experience when it comes to getting a job in Sweden? Which adult support is considered most significant by the unaccompanied minors, when it comes to acquiring a job?  Method: Qualitative method was used in the study and data were produced by conducting twelve semi-structured interviews with unaccompanied individuals who were recruited via a convenience sample (private contacts), due to the prevailing pandemic situation. The interviews were conducted in collaboration with another fellow student. The theoretical framework consisted of a phenomenological perspective. The interviews were transcribed and a thematic analysis was implemented, using an integrational perspective.  Results and conclusions: The experiences of unaccompanied young people were compiled after implementing the thematic analysis, and presented in five different themes. Language, lack of driving licenses and a perceived racism created obstacles for entry to the labor market, while the unaccompanied young people emphasized the importance of achieving independence and not giving up as strengths. Contact networks and having social support were perceived by the young people as crucial for finding a job. Legal obstacles and the anxiety they create was something that in this context stood out in a negative way in theyoung people’s stories.  The area of the study is relatively unexplored, and the emphasis on young people's own experiences contributes a new dimension to child and youth research in this area. When the young people's own perspective is illustrated in relation to the possibility of entering the Swedish labor market, this also becomes a contribution to the overall picture of the practical integration work.

Bien-être au travail et performance de l'entreprise : une analyse par les paradoxes / Well-being at work and corporate performance : an analysis throught paradoxes

Bernard, Nathalie 26 November 2019 (has links)
À l’heure où les entreprises, confrontées à de nombreux bouleversements, sont plus que jamais en recherche de performance, et à l’heure où les salariés, dénonçant les conditions de travail et les pratiques managériales, n’ont jamais été aussi demandeurs de bien-être au travail, réconcilier le bien-être des salariés et la performance de l’entreprise est un sujet d’actualité et un enjeu stratégique pour les entreprises.La revue de la littérature et les résultats d’une analyse qualitative exploratoire menée à l’aide d’entretiens semi-directifs auprès de 55 salariés du groupe RESSIF (Réseau des Services Sociaux Interentreprises de France) nous amènent à envisager le « bien-être au travail » et la « performance de l’entreprise » en termes de méta-perspective paradoxale et à proposer des voies de résolution de ce paradoxe organisationnel.Pour ce faire, nous avons mené deux études quantitatives. La première étude est basée sur 5300 observations issues de l’enquête « conditions de travail » du Ministère français du travail. La deuxième est basée sur les réponses de 270 entreprises à un questionnaire en ligne portant sur les pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines.Finalement, nos résultats empiriques concluent que les facteurs permettant de concilier le bien-être au travail et la performance de l’entreprise sont, parmi les conditions de travail, la lutte contre l’intensité et l’insoutenabilité du travail et, parmi les pratiques de ressources humaines, le développement de la participation des salariés aux décisions de l’entreprise, la formation, les promotions et perspectives de carrière et, dans une moindre mesure, l’évaluation de la performance.Pour conclure ce travail, sont présentées les contributions théoriques, méthodologiques et managériales, ainsi que les voies futures de recherche. / At a time when companies, faced with many upheavals, are more than ever in search of performance, and when employees, denouncing working conditions and managerial practices, have never been so demanding of well-being at work, reconciling employee well-being and company performance is a topical issue and a strategic challenge for companies.The literature review and the results of an exploratory qualitative analysis conducted using semi-directive interviews with 55 employees of the RESSIF group (Réseau des Services Sociaux Interentreprises de France) lead us to consider "well-being at work" and "company performance" in terms of paradoxical meta-perspective and to propose ways to resolve this organizational paradox.To do this, we conducted two quantitative studies. The first study is based on 5300 observations from the working conditions survey of the French Ministry of Labor. The second is based on the answers of 270 companies to an online questionnaire on human resources management practices.Finally, our empirical results conclude that the factors that make it possible to reconcile well-being at work and company performance are, among working conditions, the fight against work intensity and unsustainability and, among human resources practices, the development of employee participation in company decisions, training, promotions and career perspectives and, to a lesser extent, performance evaluation.To conclude this work, theoretical, methodological and managerial contributions are presented, as well as future research paths.

Teacher recruitment and management : current practices and future challenges / Recrutement et gestion des enseignants : pratiques actuelles et enjeux de demain

Hillion, Mélina 15 November 2018 (has links)
L'organisation de la fonction publique française connait de profondes mutations depuis le début des années 2000. Cette thèse examine la capacité du système de recrutement et de gestion des enseignants à répondre aux enjeux d'attractivité, d'efficacité et de diversité au cœur des projets actuels de modernisation du système éducatif. Le premier chapitre examine la neutralité du processus de recrutement des enseignants du secondaire vis-à-vis du genre. Il révèle que des biais d'évaluation existent et tendent à favoriser le genre minoritaire, contribuant ainsi à renforcer la mixité au sein des disciplines universitaires. Les deuxième et troisième chapitres examinent la capacité des incitations monétaires, de la demande d'enseignants et des exigences en matière de diplômes à attirer davantage et potentiellement de meilleurs candidats aux postes d'enseignant. Une hausse du niveau de diplôme requis pour enseigner (réforme de la "masterisation") ne semble pas améliorer l'efficacité du recrutement en termes d'attractivité, de profils de compétences et de diversité. Le quatrième chapitre examine la relation entre absentéisme, mobilité et conditions de travail des enseignants. Il montre que les écoles et les directeurs d'école influencent significativement les absences, les départs et le bien-être psychologique des enseignants. Le manque de soutien hiérarchique, les comportements hostiles et l'intensité du travail semblent jouer un rôle particulièrement important. / The organization of the French civil service has undergone profound changes since the early 2000s. This thesis examines the capacity of the teacher recruitment and management system to meet the challenges of attractiveness, efficiency and diversity at the heart of current projects to modernize the education system. The first chapter examines the gender neutrality of the recruitment process for secondary school teachers. It reveals that evaluation biases tend to favor the minority gender and contribute to strengthening the gender diversity within university disciplines. The second and third chapters examine the ability of monetary incentives, teacher demand and degree requirements to attract more and potentially better candidates for teaching positions. An increase in the level of qualification required to teach (from bachelor's to master's level) does not seem to improve the effectiveness of recruitment in terms of attractiveness, skills profiles and diversity. The fourth chapter examines the relationship between absenteeism, mobility and working conditions of teachers. It shows that schools and school principals significantly influence teacher absences, turnover and psychological well-being. Lack of hierarchical support, hostile behaviors and work intensity seem to play a critical role.

Un temps qui compte. Une sociologie ethnographique du travail « en 12 heures » à l’hôpital public / A time that counts. An ethnographic sociology of 12 hours-shift work in public hospital

Vincent, Fanny 09 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement du travail « en 12 heures » des infirmières et des aides-soignantes de l’hôpital public depuis une dizaine d’années. Elle l’envisage comme un dispositif révélateur des transformations de l’action publique et du travail. Permettant à la fois de dégager des économies pour les directions et de condenser le nombre de journées travaillées pour les soignants, ce mode d’organisation du temps de travail cristallise les enjeux actuels de l’institution hospitalière, entre rationalisation gestionnaire, intensification du travail et aspiration des soignants à se réapproprier une vie « à eux » en dehors de l’hôpital. Défini en 2002 comme une dérogation à la durée maximale du travail dans les cas où « les contraintes de continuité du service public l’exigent en permanence », la normalisation du recours au dispositif vient parallèlement nourrir un écart grandissant entre droit et pratiques. Alliant sociologie du travail, sociologie de l’action publique et sociologie du droit, la thèse se présente comme une ethnographie multi-située du travail en 12 heures, interrogeant les conditions d’émergence du dispositif et les appropriations/retraductions qu’en font les différents acteurs (réformateurs, intermédiaires du droit, soignants). La thèse montre ainsi que, à côté de l’idée d’une amélioration de la qualité du service et de l’épanouissement de soignants (qui y trouvent un équilibre entre travail et vie privée), le dispositif s’accommode de l’intensification du travail et fait le jeu de la rationalisation à l’œuvre à l’hôpital. / This thesis focuses on the development of 12 hours-shift work of nurses and nurses’ aides in public hospital since a decade. It considers the program as an indicator of public policy and work transformations. Drawing savings for the administrative heads of hospital and reducing the number of working days for nurses, this working time organization crystallises current issues of public hospital : new public management, intensification of work, aspiration of work/life balance of nurses. Defined in 2002 as an express exception of the maximum legal working time (due to the necessity of public service continuity), the standardization of the use of the program contributes to increase the gap between norms and practices. At the intersection of sociology of work, sociology of public policy and sociology of law, the thesis is based on a multi-sited 12 hours-shift work ethnography. It examines the conditions of emergence of the program and the way actors appropriate it. The thesis shows that beside the idea of an improvement of the service quality and the nurses’ satisfaction, the program goes with the intensification of work and contributes to the rationalization of hospital.

Očekávání sociálních pracovníků při vstupu do profese / Expectations of social workers when entering the profession

Novotná, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
(in English) The diploma thesis deals with the relation of social workers to social work. It uses interviews to determine what helps social workers deal with stress in their work or what makes them leave from the field of social work to another area. Also, it focuses on how realistic expectations social workers have from a specific post. It means which informations they can get from the study, and entrance interview before starting the job. Data was gained through semi-structured interviews with respondents from different groups. The first group is social workers who graduated in social work, but now they are working in other areas. The second group is social workers with experience in the field of fewer than 4 years. The third group is social workers with experience in the field for more than 10 years. The fourth group is the supervisors. This group was chosen to compare the experience with stressful work between supervisors and social workers. This research shows that social workers are influenced by their expectations from a specific post. The most common reason for a field change was financial reasons or burning out. Klíčová slova (anglicky): social work; profession; social worker; employer; working conditions; expectations; job application

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