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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Missionaries' impact on the formation of modern art in Zimbabwe : a case study of Cyrene and Serima art works

Zhou, Grace 11 1900 (has links)
Focusing on Cyrene and Serima art workshops under the tutelage of Paterson and Groeber, respectively, the study acknowledges the foundational importance of Christian art (from the late 1930s up to the 1960s) in the rise of prominent first generation artists in Zimbabwe such as Mukomberanwa, Ndandarika, Khumalo, Songo, Sambo and many others. It rejects perceptions of African modernism as inauthentic imitations of artistic innovations that originated with European art. While accepting that there was a deliberate fusion of traditional art into mission mainstream education to produce Christian art forms with a strong Africanised identity, the study reveals missionaries’ conservatism and restrictions on artistic freedom. It, therefore, locates the formation of modern art in Zimbabwe largely within a broader spectrum of Africans’ encounter with colonialism or western culture which induced artists to invent new artistic expressions reflecting their own emergent political and socio-economic circumstances. The novelty and outright rejection of missionary impact are, therefore, alien to the natural synthesis that informed artistic modernism in Zimbabwe. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Art History)

An intervention programme to improve the self-concept and attitudes of prospective mathematics teachers

Moyana, Hlengani Jackson 06 1900 (has links)
This study attempted to design and implement an intervention programme to improve the self-concepts and attitudes of prospective primary school teachers. The possible effects of the programme were researched by means of a combined quantitative and qualitative approach. A questionnaire to determine the effectiveness of the programme was also designed. Important findings of this study are that: (a) the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient indicated a 0,9 reliability of the designed questionnaire; (b) the average self-concepts of prospective teachers improved after the intervention programme was implemented, though not significantly and (c) the self-concepts of prospective teachers not majoring in Mathematics also improved after the intervention, though not significantly. A focus group interview was conducted to improve the intervention programme. On the basis of the responses of the participants in the focus group interview as well as of the quantitative study and of the literature reviewed, an improved version of the intervention programme was designed. According to the research, the programme should include: cooperative learning; everyday life contexts; manipulatives; hands-on activities, encouraging the asking of questions; a positive relationship between lecturer and student; writing assignments before doing a new topic; content relevance; a positive communication of assessment; games; various approaches to solving problems; understandable language; gender sensitivity and positive role modeling. The intervention programme implemented in this study was tested over a period of three months; hence the recommendation in this research for the replication thereof over a longer period. The study further recommends that since the study was conducted in one college of education only, there is a need for it to be conducted in a number of colleges, in order to elicit a broader and more representative picture of the impact of the intervention programme. The findings of this study advocate the need to combine both quantitative and qualitative research in studies: the results of the quantitative research did not conclusively indicate a positive impact of the intervention programme. However, the qualitative research saw respondents expressing improved confidence and attitudes. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Le roi et son image en Syrie au bronze moyen : étude iconographique d’après la glyptique et d’autres documents figurés et écrits / The king and his image in Syria during the Middle Bronze Age : iconographical study through glyptic as well as other written and figurative sources

Muhesen, Nibal 12 September 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier la « figure du roi » au travers de documents iconographiques du Bronze Moyen provenant de Syrie et plus particulièrement de la zone du Moyen-Euphrate entre 2000 et 1600 avant J.-C. Notre approche méthodologique qui porte prioritairement sur la partie sigillaire a consisté à établir un corpus des plus exhaustifs possibles des sceaux publiés et inédits. Après l’établissement de celui-ci, nous opérons des comparaisons pour dégager les caractéristiques de la représentation royale. Dans un premier temps, le cadre spatio-temporel retenu pour cette étude est défini. Par la suite, nous effectuons une mise au point sur l’histoire de la question de la représentation royale dans la glyptique syrienne du Bronze Moyen. Le développement qui suit constitue la cible de cette thèse. Les objets qui servent de base à cette étude viennent de vingt cinq sites archéologiques différents. Les sites de Moyen-Euphrate syrien, divisés en deux ensembles : partie nord et partie sud couvrant la zone-clefs de cette thèse, ont été soigneusement étudiés. En suite et afin de mieux définir la « figure du roi » dans l’iconographie, des moyens d’identification ont été décrits. La suite comporte une analyse de toutes les représentations de la figure royale, que nous tentons de définir par type. Le paragraphe présentant chaque modèle est suivi d’un tableau montrant l’aire de diffusion au sein de l’aire géographique concernée. Suit un inventaire des multiples aspects de cette iconographie royale, au sein duquel on distingue des : 1. Modèles dominants: le roi à la masse d’arme, le roi vainqueur, le roi-orant et le roi de type « syrien » que nous tentons de définir.2. Modèles dérivés: le roi-porteur d’offrande, représentation royale avec une divinité féminine, le roi-pharaon de type «égyptien », les cas de la duplication de la figure royale.Par ailleurs, une étude des « personnages incertaines » que nous expliquons est également menée. La présence de multiples divinités aux côtés des rois nous a conduits à en effectuer l’inventaire et à en préciser dans la mesure du possible l’iconographie, le cas échéant à préciser la nature des cultes qui leur étaient rendus. Cependant, des questions importantes, comme la compréhension de certaines réalités telles que la question complexe de la« divinisation ou non du personnage royal », ou les « Dieux politiques » ont été posées. De plus, des problèmes tels que le rite de « kispûm » ou la question de « Dieu de roi » ont été abordés. Parmi nos conclusions les plus importants on souligne : l’aspect régional de l’image du roi en Syrie, le rapport particulier entre l’archéologie et la glyptique ainsi que le fond sacré de l’idéologie royale de l’époque amorrite. Au niveau de l’organisation de cette thèse, notre premier volume est accompagné d’un second volume représentant le catalogne des matériels étudiés (env. quatre cent objets). L’ensemble est complété par deux index et de références bibliographiques. / This doctorate (Ph.D.) research studies the representation of Syrian kingship during the Amorite period (ca. 2000-1600 B.C), essentially through glyptic evidence, supplemented by sculpture, wall paintings, and written sources from the same period.The methodology is anchored in defining a precise iconographic corpus. This step allows revising past conclusions and establishing new identifications for the king’s role in artistic as well as written expressions. A major accomplishment is the identification of objects that derive from clear, stratified archaeological and cultural contexts.After defining the spatial and chronological frame, this study offers a brief review of the twenty-five sites from which the material is assembled. They are located in the Middle-Euphrates valley and divide between those in the northern and southern segments. Characteristics for a “royal figure” are identified and then defended. Iconography permits to distinguish diverse models of the “royal for each of the Syrian regions.The models divide into:1. Main models: the warrior-king, the king-priest, the king of “Syrian” type2. Secondary models: royal officials or the “duplication” of the royal figureIn addition, “miscellaneous figures” are also classified.On the epigraphic level, in this study there is liberal use of information from the archive of Mari as well as of Terqa, discriminating between materials derived from epistolary, religious, political, and administrative documents, as the ruler acts as a priest, dispenser of justice, warrior, or family man. A special chapter is devoted the interrelationship among kings, personal, and state gods. There is also consideration of funerary rituals (kispum) as well as the issue of the deified king.The study takes into consideration the following issues: the royal image of Syrian kings as shown in regional perspective, the connection between glyptic arts and their archeology, and the religious basis of royal ideology during the Amorite period.The dissertation includes a second part in which is catalogued over four hundred iconographic objects or images. Bibliographic references and indexes complete the study.

« La céramique égyptienne du Néolithique à l’époque arabe. Ses développements régionaux et leurs implications dans l’histoire culturelle de l’Égypte » / “Egyptian pottery from the Neolithic Period to the Islamic Period. Its regional developments and their involvements in Egypt’s cultural history”.

Lebon, Sylvie 24 November 2012 (has links)
Mon inscription en thèse sur travaux est l’aboutissement et la reconnaissance d’un parcours de céramologue en Égypte dans le cadre de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale du Caire (Ifao). Un grand nombre d’opérations archéologiques sur tout le territoire égyptien nourrissent mes recherches, et m’ont logiquement conduite à développer la question des groupes céramiques régionaux, à les comparer et à en suivre les évolutions du Néolithique à l’époque arabe.La première partie de la synthèse établit un inventaire archéologique des centres de production de céramiques publiés en Égypte, de l’époque prédynastique à l’époque moderne. La seconde partie est consacrée aux groupes céramiques régionaux égyptiens. Une démarche linéaire et diachronique a été choisie pour la réalisation d’un parcours général des groupes céramiques régionaux en Égypte du VIIe millénaire à la fin de l’époque ottomane. Elle tente d’en décrire de façon dynamique les grandes lignes de rupture ou de continuité. Afin d’illustrer la richesse et l’intérêt de ce point de vue pour l’étude des céramiques égyptiennes, nous proposons deux études de cas qui sont situées aux antipodes l’une de l’autre tant sur les plans chronologiques et géographiques que culturels. En effet, chacune se réfère à des problématiques historiques, culturelles et techniques très différentes. L’une concerne la céramique funéraire datée de la fin de l’Ancien Empire à Bahariya ; l’autre étude se concentre sur la céramique égyptienne domestique du début de l’époque ptolémaïque, autour du IIIe siècle av. J.-C. / My registration to a thesis based on work experience is the outcome and recognition of a ceramologist career in Egypt within the framework of the Institut français d’archéologie orientale du Caire (Ifao). A large number of archaeological operations throughout Egypt feed my research and they have logically led me to enlarge the issue of regional pottery groups, to compare and to monitor them and to follow their developments from the Neolithic Period to the Islamic Period. The first part of the synthesis provides an archaeological inventory of pottery production centres published in Egypt, from the Predynastic Period to the Modern Era. The second part is devoted to the Egyptian regional pottery groups. A linear and diachronic approach was chosen for the implementation of a general course of regional pottery groups in Egypt from the seventh millennium to the end of the Ottoman Period, attempting to dynamically outline the ruptures or continuities. To illustrate the richness and relevance of this perspective for the study of Egyptian potteries, we propose two case studies that are to the opposite of each other, at a chronological and geographical level as well as at a cultural level. Indeed, each refers to very different historical, cultural and technical issues. One concerns the funerary pottery dated of the end of the Old Kingdom in Bahariya; the other study focuses on Egyptian domestic pottery at the beginning of the Ptolemaic Period, dated around the third century BC.

Vivre et produire dans les campagnes de la colonie de Valence (IIe s. av. J.-C. - VIe s. apr. J.-C.) / Living and producing in the country of the colony of Valence (IInd B.C. - VIth A.C.)

Gilles, Amaury 12 February 2016 (has links)
Durant l’Antiquité, Valence bénéficie du prestigieux statut de colonie romaine, au même titre qu’Arles, Vienne et Lyon. Sa position au confluent du Rhône et de l’Isère et au carrefour de plusieurs itinéraires terrestres - Voie d’Agrippa, Voie des Alpes - lui conférait un rôle stratégique et économique considérable. Cette région, au cœur de la moyenne vallée du Rhône, occupe une position charnière qui lui assure, au moins depuis le Premier Âge du fer, un rôle d’intermédiaire entre le bassin méditerranéen et le monde celtique.Elle bascule dans l’orbite de Rome en même temps que la Gaule méridionale, soit dès la fin du IIe s. av. J.-C. Valence est fondée dans un deuxième temps, vraisemblablement entre 46 – 36 av. J.-C. et acquiert son statut de colonie de droit romain peut-être dès cette date avancée selon P. Faure et N. Tran (2013). La fondation d’une colonie romaine s’accompagne d’une division du sol public, matérialisée par une centuriation afin qu’il soit distribué aux membres du corps civique nouvellement créé comprenant plusieurs milliers de colons. Dans ce contexte historique précis, ces citoyens sont principalement des vétérans de l’armée romaine alors constituée majoritairement d’Italiens. Ce phénomène a donc un impact démographique et culturel considérable pour la vie des populations locales. Le statut juridique avantageux conféré à ces communautés leur assure également des avantages économiques importants stimulant les productions agro-pastorales et artisanales. Les travaux consacrés aux provinces gauloises ont montré que les siècles suivants ne sont pas exempts de mutations économiques et culturelles importantes qui touchent les structures de peuplement et de production. Partant de ce constat, j’ai choisi d’aborder cet impact culturel et économique à travers la culture matérielle (vestiges architecturaux, objets de la vie quotidienne) et l’analyse de l’occupation du sol. Le cadre chronologique et spatial retenu doit permettre d’observer de manière dynamique l’évolution des modes de vie et des activités agro-pastorales et artisanales dans les campagnes de la cité de Valence. L’examen des caractéristiques de plusieurs centaines d’établissements ruraux doit permettre de proposer une lecture diachronique et complexe de l’occupation et l’exploitation de ce territoire, d’aborder les rapports qu’entretient la colonie avec l’espace rural. L’approche chronologique et fonctionnelle des bâtiments et des objets de la vie quotidienne permet d’apprécier plus finement l’évolution dans le temps des techniques, des modes de vie, mais aussi de relever la diversité des situations locales à une même période. / During the Antiquity, Valence is known as a roman colony like Lyon, Arles or Vienna, settled in the middle Rhône valley at the confluent of the Rhône and the Isère, and also at the crossroads of alpine route and the Via Agrippa. This strategic position confers to the colony an important role in the economy of the roman Gaul. Since the early Iron Age, this area is a link between the mediterranean and the celtic worlds.Even if the region is conquered by Rome since the end of the II c. B.-C., the colony is founded later, perhaps between 46 and 36 B.-C. and maybe already own his prestigious status of colonia of roman rights according to P. Faure and N. Tran hypothesis (2013). As a consequence of the foundation, the public soil is divided, centuriated, and distributed to thousands of new citizens.In this specific historical context, the citizens are chosen among the veterans of the roman army, who were Italians at this time. This decision should have huge demographic and cultural consequences on local communities. The legal status of the citizens gives them considerable economics advantages that stimulate the local economy. The studies devoted to the gallic provinces have shown that the following centuries see numerous changes affecting settlements and economic structures.Considering this historical context, I have chosen to evaluate the cultural and economic impact of this foundation by studying settlement patterns and material culture (architectural remains, objects of the daily life) between the II c. B.-C. to the VIth c. B.-C.The study of few hundreds of settlements allows us to introduce a complex and diachronic view of the settlements, their economic roles and relations with the colony.The chronological and functional study of the buildings and daily life objects allow us to assess finely the evolution through time about craftsmen’s techniques, lifestyle and highlight regional differences during a same period.

Inclusive health promotion : public health remedy for people with disabilities

Mabaso-Motlatla, Rebecca 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the views of adults with disabilities and their care providers with regard to extent to which health promotion implementation was facilitated within Protective Workshops across several service areas in South Africa. Quantitative and Qualitative Data was collected via a combination of data collection approaches that included the use of a descriptive survey, a self-administered questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Structured questionnaires and an interview schedule were used to generate data from both the patient and care provider participants in each of the selected facilities. Participants with disabilities and care providers working in the Protective Workshops were identified and sampled through a multi-stage sampling procedure. Participants from 48 facilities participated in the study. The findings revealed that health promotion in Protective Workshops was cursory and informal. Even though health education was provided whenever the need arose, it was neither individualized nor customized in accordance with reasonable accommodation of people with disabilities. There were provincial differences in terms of the levels of participation and organizational support for people with disabilities. In certain cases bureaucratic obstacles were identified during field work. Results show inconsistency regarding access to equal opportunities for people with disabilities, albeit some agreed to a lesser extent (30.5%), others moderately (21.5%) compared to only 22.6% who agreed, were exceeded by 25% of respondents who completely disagreed to the notion that equal opportunities existed for people with disabilities. The latter was confirmed by care providers. The study recommended an urgent need for the development of inclusive health promotion, the enforcement of the requirements for reasonable accommodation and adherence to policy and legal imperatives. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Facelift EDU / Facelift PDU

Růžičková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The theme of the diploma thesis is the solution of the pre-plant zone of the Dukovany nuclear power station. Creating a vision of how this space could develop further in the next 50 years and how it could work in a transitional phase during the construction of a new nuclear power plant unit. The subject of the thesis is the elaboration of an architectural study, which is based on an urban study. Urban study was processed within the framework of the pre-diploma thesis and solved mainly the overall problems of this area, the new transport connection, and the functional division of the whole area. The area was divided into three functional units, namely the transport zone, the administrative zone and the sports and education zone. At present, there are a lot of small structurally and functionally unsuitable buildings in this area. The diploma thesis deals with the design of new buildings with a clear functional use in the administrative zone, in the area in front of the main gatehouse. A new representative square was created, and three buildings are designed around it. The dominant feature of the whole area was a high-rise office building near the gatehouse. In front of the office building, towards the main road, the service building I was designed, which contains business and healthcare services. On the other side of the square was located the service building II, where there are technical services, such as workshops, warehouses and metrology. The last building solved within the diploma thesis is the building of sports and locker rooms of suppliers, which is designed behind the square near the greenery. New building copies mass of the only preserved building in this area, namely the building of the information centre. The designed building has a fitness centre and locker rooms of external workers of the power plant.

Sidlo stavební firmy / Head Office building company

Malý, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This thesis processes project documentation for headquarters of construction company. Main purpose of building is to facilitate administrative nd manufacturing needs of the company. Building contains of reception, offices, meeting room, restrooms and lock rooms for employees, elevator and workshops. There is underground garage in the basement. Building is going to be situated in Stritez u Policky. Building takes up 1088m2 of land. Vertical structures are mainlymade of concrete and brick blocks. Horizontal structures are made of reinforced concrete panels, roof structure is made of wooden trusses.


Pomykalová, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents the use of the uppermost place in Znojmo - Hradište . The objective was to create a center of archeology at the heart of Hradiště with connection to cycling and walking routes , but also attract visitors and revive the whole Znojmo. Archeological museum needs three functions ( research, culture , recreation) that complement each other . The main gist of the division is the fact that cultural are is created by research but used by recreational areas. There are designed three buildings , each of which has a different function. In account is the historic environment and the overall concept of settlement. The area is designed with the aim of developing and transferring nature of philosophy from archeology to architecture. Buildings in the south notionally closed top shape and follows on shape neighboring monastery.Division into two units allow connection of streets Mašovická and Křižovnické . Schematic plan view of the southern part of the site is designed with the recreational areas in shapes inspired by human bone under a microscope. Culture uilding located in the northern part of the site follows the curvature of the final contour . By using complementary cultural remains ( foundations ) Moravian stone church , the highlighted field . Inspiration unit is based on archaeological finds ruins . The building is divided into several unequal masses, each of which performs a specific function . Trying transcript archaeological finds in architecture is also designed in detail. The proportions of wall and grassy areas before entering the cultural building is inspired by the shape and proportions of the graves that were found at the Great Moravian Slavic necropolis .

Supporting Interaction Designers through the Accomplishment Support Tool: IxD Companion

Cotoranu, Alexandru January 2012 (has links)
This thesis paper addresses a problem of motivation that interaction designers experience when managing multiple design processes while keeping track of many design considerations. Once this issue is described at length, the paper focuses towards a possible solution in the form of a hybrid between creativity and productivity support tools: an accomplishment support tool. This tool is meant to support interaction designers in their experience with managing multiple processes.This paper does not suggest that interaction design is the only profession that suffers from the motivation issue that is described, nor does it deny that other professions could benefit from the use of such a tool. The paper merely attempts to narrow the issue down to one profession so that it may be addressed within the limits of the thesis project.The paper explores the need for such a tool by inspecting and analyzing current methods and digital applications used by interaction designers and mentions how this need is addressed with solutions based on relevant theories from diverse areas of interest. As defining qualities emerge from a combination of theoretical and practical research, case studies are described from a preparation perspective and then as experienced by workshop participants and interviewees.The case studies (which include workshops and prototype modules) are then reflected upon and discussed in terms of their impact on the overall goals of the thesis project. A final prototype in the form of a web application, IxD Companion, is then described through scenarios of use and assessed in the conclusion. Suggestion to future work on accomplishment support tools such as IxD Companion, as well as others, is provided at the end.

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