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Directors and the nonpursuit of NAEYC accreditation : varying definitions of quality /Galuski, Tracy Lyn. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--State University of New York at Buffalo, 2006. / Thesis adviser: Grant, S. G. Includes bibliographical references.
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Sledování kvality školního stravování a posouzení stravovacích návyků a jejich změn u starších žáků na vybrané základní škole / Nutritional quality evaluation of school dinners and monitoring of food habits and their changes at older pupils at choice primary schoolMILERETOVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis was conducted at basic school of T.G.M. in Blatna in a school year 2009/2010. The purpose of the diploma theses was to evaluate the school food (lunch) and its nutrition in comparison to given standard norms for young children. Target group were students of fifth grade/class, seventh grade/class and ninth grade/class. All lunch menus of school year 2009/2010 were collected and analysed in a program NutriDan. Results were compared with relevant standard norms of nutrition which are saying the lunch is 35% of daily nutrition (DDD) of young children. Second part of the survey was oriented on variety of food indicated by Ministry of health. Method used in the survey was a questionnaire. Questionnaire was looking at habits of young children in relation to food and eating habits at school and home. Final part of the diploma theses is a statistical overview of three testing hypotheses. Outcome of lunch menus evaluation showed that in line with the standard lunch nutrition, which is in an average 35% of the DDD, were only girls of fifth grade where an average lunch nutrition was even 38% and girls of seventh grade where an average lunch nutrition was 35%. Rest of the target group did not meet standard lunch nutrition level. Proteins norms were in all three grades above standard limits. Students of fifth grade had proteins level in a range between 92-151% of the DDD (average was 103%), for students of seventh grade was the range between 70-114% of the DDD (average was 80%) and for students of ninth grade was the range between 53-95% of the DDD. Recommended daily fat amount was higher in the whole target group apart of the group of boys of the ninth grade. For boys of the fifth grade the range was between 34-69% of the DDD (average was 42%), for girls of the fifth grade the range was between 39-79% of the DDD (average was 48%). For boys of the seventh grade was the range slightly above the limit with results between 29-58% of the DDD (average was 36%), for girls of the same grade was the range between 36-72% of the DDD (average was 44%). For girls of the ninth grade was the range between 30-46% of the DDD (average was 37%) and as already indicated the range of boys of the ninth grade was between 24-37% of the DDD (average was only 30%). Level of carbohydrates was in all three grades unsatisfactory. For students of the fifth grade was the range between 23-36% of the DDD (average was 28%). For students of the seventh grade was the range between 20-33% of the DDD (average was 25%) and for students of the ninth grade the range was between 18-33% of the DDD (average was 23%).
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Não sou tio, nem pai, sou professor! : a docência masculina na educação infantil / I'm neither an uncle, nor a father, i'm a teacher! Men teaching in early childhood educationSilva, Peterson Rigato da, 1977- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Lúcia Goulart de Faria / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T23:38:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar como ocorrem as relações de gênero e poder nos espaços e tempos das pré-escolas públicas, quando há homens na docência. Tal estudo foi realizado com um professor na cidade de Piracicaba/SP, Brasil, no período de agosto de 2012 a agosto de 2013, e com um professor na cidade de Roma, Itália, em março de 2014, com crianças na faixa etária de 3 a 6 anos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de inspiração etnográfica, que observou de perto as relações entre os professores e as crianças pequenas, entre os professores e outros/as adultos/as nos espaços e tempos das pré-escolas. Os procedimentos metodológicos para a análise foram o caderno de campo, a entrevista e a fotografia, investigando como a docência masculina na educação infantil altera e/ou reforça as redes de poder marcadas pelo machismo e sexismo, as quais determinam uma hierarquia entre os sexos e as relações de gênero. Os pressupostos teóricos da Sociologia da Infância, dos Estudos Feministas e da Pedagogia da Infância permitiram analisar este universo constituído por relações adultocêntricas e que perpetuam uma visão androcêntrica de sociedade. Os dados apontam que os processos de normatização e padronização dos modos de ser professor e professora reproduzem a divisão sexual do trabalho na sociedade contemporânea, o que também está presente no dia a dia entre os meninos pequenos e as meninas pequenas, numa lógica imposta pelo capital. Nessa perspectiva, fica evidente a separação do cuidar e do educar, principalmente quando se trata do cuidado com os corpos dos meninos pequenos e das meninas pequenas, pois existe uma compreensão na sociedade capitalista que os espaços da pré-escola se constituem na ordem de hierarquização e subordinação de gênero, este mecanismo é naturalizado quando se têm os homens na docência com as crianças pequenas. Existe ainda o medo da violência física contra crianças, levantando-se dúvidas sobre a integridade e intenções por trás dessa relação; como se, necessariamente, houvesse um potencial "abusador" disfarçado no pretexto da docência. Nesse contexto institucional, esta pesquisa ao focar a docência do sexo masculino, possibilitou refletir sobre as identidades docentes, e que tais diferenças entre professor e professora reforçam o binarismo homem e mulher, que ainda é pautado em uma visão biológica em que as desigualdades de gênero estão presentes. Possibilitou ainda, observar que a docência na educação infantil vem passando por transformações, sendo reeditada, reinventada; o desafio encontra-se na construção de uma pedagogia da educação infantil não sexista, emancipatória, inventiva e das produções das culturas infantis / Abstract: The primary objective of this research is to identify how gender and power relations occur in the space and time of public pre-schools when there are men teaching. This study was conducted with a teacher from the city of Piracicaba in São Paulo, Brazil from August 2012 to August 2013, and with a teacher from Rome, Italy in March 2014, along with children aged 3 to 6 years old. This research is qualitative with an ethnographic inspiration that observed the close relationships between teachers and young children, as well as the relationships between the teachers and adults in space and time of the preschools. The methodological procedures used to analyze included field work, interviews and photography, as well an investigation into how men teaching in preschool education challenge and/or strengthen the power relationships marked by male chauvinism and sexism, which create a hierarchy between the sexes and in gender relations. The theoretical assumptions from the fields of the sociology of childhood, feminist studies and the pedagogy of early childhood education aided the analysis of this universe of adult-centric relations that perpetuate an androcentric vision of society. The data indicates that the processes of normalization and standardization of the ways of being a teacher and teaching reproduce the sexual division of labor in contemporary society, a process which is present in the daily life of little young boys and girls through a logic imposed by capital. From this perspective, the separation of care and education is evident, especially when it comes to young body care, as there is an understanding in capitalist society that preschool spaces are formed through in order of hiearchization and subordination of gender, and this mechanism is naturalized when there are men teaching young aged children. There is also the fear of physical violence against children, raising doubts about the integrity and intentions behind this relationship, as inevitably, there is a potential "abuser" disguised by the pretext of teaching. By focusing on men teaching in this institutional context, this research allowed teachers to reflect on their teaching identities and the differences between male and female teachers that reinforce the male and female gender binary, which is still ruled by a biological perspective in which gender inequalities are present. Yet it is still possible to observe that teaching in early childhood education has been undergoing transformations, being re-edited and re-invented. The challenge lies in constructing a non-sexist preschool pedagogy that is emancipatory, creative, and a product of preschooler¿s culture / Mestrado / Ciencias Sociais na Educação / Mestre em Educação
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Setting young children up for success:approaching motivation through children’s perceptions of their abilityMäättä, E. (Elina) 31 August 2015 (has links)
This study focuses on motivational aspects of young children’s self-regulated learning (SRL) in primary school. The purpose is to investigate children’s personal experiences with success and their ability-related perceptions in order to understand whether children’s beliefs of themselves as learners influence their academic functioning in school.
The dissertation consists of four empirical studies, which are reported in four articles. In Study I, the focus is on researchers’ and children’s self- and social perceptions of success. The aim is to identify how success can be recognized and promoted in the classroom context. Study II aims to identify young children’s confidence and success in different efficacious interaction contexts. In Study III, the focus is on clarifying what kind of personal and contextual factors support children’s perceived self-efficacy in social and independent learning situations. Finally, Study IV aims to identify the characteristics and triggers for efficacious interaction in terms of task involvement in collaborative small-group learning situations. The data collection methods include video observations, video clips, photos, video-stimulated recall and photo elicitation interviews, in addition to social competence tests administered to children and their teachers.
The results indicate that children’s personal standards for success create the basis for their confidence and engagement in school. For them, success is finding the task or activity meaningful and doable, which in turn, creates positive emotions. These positive emotions are the basis for higher and more stable perceptions of ability in independent and social learning situations. In these different learning situations, children rely on their emotions, skills and previous experiences, as well as support and help from their teacher and peers. Children who seem to need the most support are either reluctant to seek or receive it from the teacher. Instead, their confidence is boosted through peer support. Therefore, the learning context, teachers and their pedagogical practices have important roles in supporting children’s motivation and SRL. / Tiivistelmä
Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tutkitaan alakouluikäisten lasten itsesäätöistä oppimista motivationaalisista lähtökohdista käsin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää lasten omakohtaisia onnistumiskokemuksia ja heidän pystyvyyskäsityksiään. Tarkoituksena on pyrkiä ymmärtämään kuinka lasten käsitykset itsestä oppijana vaikuttavat heidän toimimiseensa koulussa.
Tutkimus koostuu neljästä empiirisestä osatutkimuksesta, joiden tulokset on raportoitu neljässä artikkelissa. Osatutkimuksessa I tarkastelun kohteena ovat tutkijoiden ja lasten käsitykset onnistumisesta. Osatutkimuksen II tavoitteena on selvittää lasten pystyvyyttä ja onnistumista erilaisissa tehokkaissa vuorovaikutustilanteissa. Osatutkimus III syventyy tarkemmin tarkastelemaan yksilö- ja ympäristötekijöitä, jotka tukevat lasten onnistumista ja pystyvyyttä sosiaalisissa ja itsenäisissä oppimistilanteissa. Osatutkimuksessa IV tavoitteena on tunnistaa mitä tehokas vuorovaikutus on ja mikä sitä saa aikaan etukäteen pedagogisesti suunnitelluissa yhteisöllisissä pienryhmätilanteissa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu video-observaatioista, lyhyemmistä tietyn oppimistilanteen esittävistä videotallenteista ja valokuvista joita käytettiin tukemaan ja syventämään lasten kanssa tehtyjä haastatteluita. Lisäksi lapsia ja opettajia pyydettiin arvioimaan lapsen sosiaalista kompetenssia.
Tutkimustulosten mukaan onnistuminen konkretisoituu lapsille mielekkäänä toimintana ja heidän tiedoillaan ja taidoillaan tehtävissä olevana tehtävänä. Onnistuminen johtaa positiivisiin tunteisiin ja käsityksiin omasta itsestä oppijana, jotka ovat perusta vakaammille pystyvyyskäsityksille ja toimintaan sitoutumiselle niin erilaisissa oppimistilanteissa. Lapset rakentavat pystyvyyskäsityksiään tunteiden, hallittujen taitojen ja aikaisempien kokemuksien sekä opettajilta ja toisilta lapsilta saatavan tuen avulla. Yksi keskeisimmistä tutkimustuloksista on, että lapset jotka tarvitsevat tukea ovat joko haluttomia etsimään tai vastaanottamaan sitä opettajalta. Tällöin koetulla vertaistuella on erityisen suuri merkitys heidän onnistumisen kokemuksissaan ja pystyvyyskäsityksien rakentumisessa. Tutkimustulokset lisäävät ymmärrystä oppimisympäristön, opettajien ja heidän pedagogisten käytänteiden merkityksestä lasten motivaation ja itsesäätöisen oppimisen kehittymisessä ja tukemisessa.
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Genomförbarhet av en mindfulness- och acceptansbaserad sömnbehandling i grupp för småbarnsföräldrar – en pilotstudie / The feasibility of a mindfulness- and acceptance based group treatment for sleep problems among parents of young children – a pilot studyLindgren, Veronica, Norman, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Conflict Resolution Strategies in Young Children: Do They Do What They Say?Leventhal, Julie Erin 12 1900 (has links)
This study examined the consistency between verbal responses to hypothetical conflict scenarios and the actual conflict resolutions techniques children apply in everyday play. Twenty-one children were interviewed and observed in order to determine their conflict resolution strategies. During the interview process, each child was asked to finish 6 hypothetical conflict scenarios. During the observation portion, each child was observed in 2 conflict scenarios. Significant (p < .05) differences were found with regards to verbal responses for 3 scenarios, verbal and behavioral responses of females (females exhibited more socially acceptable conflict resolution strategies in their verbal responses, yet less socially acceptable conflict resolution strategies in their behavioral responses), and socially acceptable responses to conflict in verbal strategies. Results were discussed in light of previous research comparing gender differences and peer relationships to conflict resolution strategies.
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Connecting emotional awareness with resilience in a young child affected by HIV/AIDSGreyling, Susan 29 July 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the potential connection between emotional awareness and resilience in a young child affected by HIV/AIDS. The study forms part of a broad research project, the Kgolo-Mmogo project, involving a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Pretoria, South Africa and Yale University in the United States of America. The Kgolo-Mmogo project aims to investigate the adaptive functioning of children affected by HIV/AIDS, whilst potentially enhancing resilience. The project involves an assessment of the participating children, which is followed by a structured intervention and post assessment. The conceptual framework for my study was based on existing literature relating to early childhood development, emotional development, as well as children affected by HIV/AIDS and resilience. I followed a qualitative approach, anchored in the interpretivist paradigm. I utilised an instrumental case study research design and conveniently selected the participants, who were involved in the broader Kgolo- Mmogo project at the onset of my study. One five year old girl, her mother and the care workers who facilitated the intervention, participated in my study. I observed eleven intervention sessions, as well as the pre- and post assessment. In addition to observation, documented in the form of field notes, photographs and a research journal, I employed conversational interviews with the care workers, for data collection and member-checking purposes. I also conducted two semi-structured interviews with the mother of the participant. Three main themes emerged subsequent to thematic data analysis. The first theme relates to developmentally appropriate skills that remained constant throughout my study, with the sub-themes associated with the cognitive, emotional and social domain of development. The second theme concerns accelerated emotional functioning in certain areas of development, with the sub-themes being an increased frequency in referring to feelings, and an increased differentiation when referring to feelings and desires. The last theme entails the enhancement of social skills, with the sub-themes relating to the formation of trusting relationships and enhanced communication about experiences. Based on the findings I obtained, I can conclude that the Kgolo-Mmogo intervention seemingly provided some learning opportunities to foster emotional resilience in a young, vulnerable child. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted
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The Emergence of Teacher Self in the Elementary ClassroomCole, Chelsea 06 August 2020 (has links)
Significant research and ongoing inquiry highlight the importance of understanding and recognizing the development of identities and beliefs among teachers. These studies use techniques of reflection on the past or present to elucidate the developmental process of teacher identities and beliefs and their impact on the profession. The development of teacher identities and beliefs commence during childhood. A dearth of research exists that addresses the emerging developments of teacher identities and beliefs from the perspective of young children. This study uses qualitative methods through focus groups and individual interviews to examine the identities and beliefs held by fifth-grade students who plan to become teachers. Revealing the early developing identities of future teachers provides necessary insight into the emerging curricular needs of teacher education programs.
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The Emergence of Teacher Self in the Elementary ClassroomCole, Chelsea 06 August 2020 (has links)
Significant research and ongoing inquiry highlight the importance of understanding and recognizing the development of identities and beliefs among teachers. These studies use techniques of reflection on the past or present to elucidate the developmental process of teacher identities and beliefs and their impact on the profession. The development of teacher identities and beliefs commence during childhood. A dearth of research exists that addresses the emerging developments of teacher identities and beliefs from the perspective of young children. This study uses qualitative methods through focus groups and individual interviews to examine the identities and beliefs held by fifth-grade students who plan to become teachers. Revealing the early developing identities of future teachers provides necessary insight into the emerging curricular needs of teacher education programs.
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The adaption of cultural activities : A qualitative study on families with young children during a pandemic / Anpassningen av kulturella aktiviteter : En kvalitativ studie om familjer med småbarn under en pandemiEliasson, Ann-Sofie January 2021 (has links)
Libraries play an important role in society by offering cultural activities to families with younger children. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the libraries had to restrict their services. Due to the restrictions, families have lost many of the opportunities that the library offered. This thesis explores the effect that the restrictions have had on families. To get a contemporary insight into these effects the photovoice method was applied, followed by semi-structured interviews. Four families who frequent the library were used in the study. To present and analyze the needs of the families, the four spaces-model by Jochumsen, Rasmussen, and Skot-Hansen was used. An environmental anthropological perspective on the context of crisis by Vigh was used to analyze aspects of a prolonged pandemic. The results of this thesis show that the families miss libraries and their activities. The families expressed a wish for more outreach from the libraries. The interviews showed that socializing during the pandemic was the hardest challenge to overcome due to social distancing restrictions. At the same time, the families were able to come up with activities to do with the help of digital tools. This helped them to learn how to find and cre-ate new activities which then gave them a new experience. The thesis also presents that libraries are not able to follow the library act or appointed goals with the restrictions.
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