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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactive activities in EFL workbooks : A content analysis of interactive activities in Swedish EFL workbooks for primary pupils.

Skött, Madeleine January 2021 (has links)
English is a global language that surrounds us almost wherever in the world we are. The school has an important role when it comes to introducing the language to young learners. Using teaching materials such as workbooks has been a common teaching method for a long time. This thesis examines three popular workbooks from different Swedish publishers, Learn English, Magic! and Happy. Through a content analysis, verbal interaction activities within these workbooks were examined based on Becker and Roos’s (2016) model of creative speaking. Additionally, interviews were conducted as a way to give insight to how these workbooks can be used in the classroom. This study shows that pupils are provided with support and guidance in most of the interactive activities within these workbooks. However, activity types as well as in what manner the pupils were requested to interact differed when the workbooks were compared to each other. The activity types that occurred were reading dialogues, sharing information and expressing opinions in English. The teachers reported to work with the activities in full class or pairs. / <p>Engelska</p>

The Influence of a Group of Chinese EFL Teachers’ Beliefs on Lesson Planning with Video-Based Synchronous Computer Mediated Communication: A Qualitative Multiple Case Study

Liu, Chuan 24 March 2022 (has links)
In recent years, Video-based Synchronous Computer Mediated Communication (VSCMC) has been applied in EFL education for young Chinese learners. VSCMC teaching, as distinctive from face-to-face teaching, brings numerous planning challenges for teachers using technology. Research has shown that teacher beliefs significantly affect lesson planning for technology integration. However, teacher beliefs towards VSCMC specifically have been insufficiently studied in the field of EFL education for young learners. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore how teacher beliefs influence lesson planning regarding VSCMC teaching. Six participants in the Chinese context were interviewed in the study. The results indicated that teachers had transitional pedagogical beliefs, strong self-efficacy beliefs, and a complex set of value beliefs towards VSCMC teaching. Accordingly, these beliefs motivated them to teach in VSCMC settings in particular ways and influenced their lesson planning processes in terms of determining learning objectives, designing course content, and choosing teaching methods.

Olika skolors val av engelskundervisningens start i F-3 - Different schools’ choices of when to start English instruction in K-3

Trivat, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
In Sweden, there are three subjects that are mandatory to pass to be qualified for further studies (gymnasium) after year 9 of elementary school: English, Mathematics and Swedish. Sweden has a long tradition of teaching English as a foreign language in schools, from a very young age. However, municipalities and schools are given the freedom in Sweden to decide when to start teaching English, between age 7-10, which means that there could be a great difference between schools and different parts of the country. It also means that there are different reasons and discussions behind when and why students should start learning. The purpose of this paper is to investigate what reasons and discussions lie behind different schools’ decision of when to start teaching English. The head teachers and one teacher from three different types of schools were interviewed to find what their views were. The results look at whether the decision was based on research, if teachers were involved in the decision, whether they viewed positive or negative effects of an early language start, if there are any practical issues with an early start and whether or not different age starts affects an equal school for all. The four interviewees answered quite similarly to the questions with only some exceptions. The decision at all schools was to start English language instruction from year 1, in a playful manner with games, songs and rhymes. The general feeling at all schools seems to be that the earlier language instruction starts, the better. This assumption has not been based on any specific research, but rather something, that is considered a ‘universal truth’

Engelska i en fiktiv värld : En undersökning av storylinemetoden i engelskundervisning för yngre åldrar

Bergvall, Lilly January 2017 (has links)
The storyline approach is a group centred and cross-curricular teaching method focusing on the creation of a story and a fictive world in the classroom. The story develops by the pupils’ answers to different key questions, which represent tasks and activities. One of these questions often concerns the making of characters, which then are used throughout the story. The storyline approach has become a quite well-used method in first language contexts, but is less used in foreign language teaching, especially when it comes to the younger learners. This study will therefore discuss if the method could encourage pupils’ motivation for English language learning and if the creative aspects of the storyline approach may enhance the pupils’ English learning. The essay is a literature study, using scholarly studies of the storyline approach, young language learners, motivation in language learning and creativity related to language learning. By relating and comparing these studies, I find that the storyline approach may be used in English teaching for younger learners, that it may indeed be used to motivate pupils and that the creativity that the approach encourages may affect pupils in a positive way.

A Study of Teachers’ Perspective on Use of Visual Aid in English Education in Primary School, Year 1-3 / En studie av lärares syn på användande av visuellt stöd i engelskundervisning i grundskolans årskurs 1–3

Linde, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
People have need for different aid supporting them when learning a foreign language and most of us benefit from the use of more than one aid. Teachers offer a variety of techniques when teaching English, to ensure that as many pupils as possible are able to assimilate English education. Digitalization and research have brought the use of visual aid in English education to increase over the years. The aim of this study is to explore lower primary school teachers’ experiences of using visual aid in the English classroom in order to discuss which possible effects visual aid can have for pupils’ language competence.  In primary school year 1-3. The study is a qualitative study in the form of semi structured interviews with seven primary school teachers in the south of Sweden. The interviews provided an insight into the participants' individual actions, opinions and experiences on visual aid in English education. The results from this research confirm a generous use of visual aid, such as pictures, images, body language, film and drama among the teachers in this study. All seven participants experience increased engagement in classroom activities and refer this specifically to the use of visual aid. The teachers use visual aid to enhance and clarify content, to ensure acquirement of English vocabulary and to create a varied and diverse education and they consider the use of visual aid in English education to increase pupils’ language learning. The main purpose is to ensure that as many pupils as possible acquire English communication skills. It appears that the teachers in this study regard the benefits to exceed the challenges. One benefit is a motivating and interesting education with a high level of pupil activity in which pupils’ ability to succeed in English education increases. A challenge is to offer necessary aid to beginners and motivate pupils with highly developed English skills to acquire further knowledge in the same education. In further research it would be interesting to explore pupils’ view on the use of and benefits and challenges from visual aid in English education.         Keywords: English education, Foreign language learning, Primary school, Young language learners, Visual aid, Pictures, Drama, Film.

“Mitt mål är att de alltid ska ha sagt någonting på engelska under lektionen” : En intervjustudie om lärares didaktiska val för att främja elevers muntliga kommunikation i engelskundervisningen

Antonsson, Tove, Jarl, Emma, Fogelström, Veronica January 2022 (has links)
I läroplanen för engelska i grundskolan föreligger ett stort fokus på den kommunikativa förmågan, samtidigt upplever elever en ovilja till att kommunicera på engelska under lektionerna. I förhandenvarande studie undersöktes hur lärare i årskurs 4-6 didaktiskt strukturerar sin undervisning för att motivera elever till att kommunicera på engelska i skolan. För att besvara frågeställningarna “Vilka förutsättningar menar lärare är centrala för elevers vilja att kommunicera på engelska under engelskundervisning?” och “Vilka didaktiska val gör lärare för att motivera elever till att kommunicera på engelska under engelskundervisningen?” har intervjuer genomförts med sex behöriga lärare i engelska på årskurs 4-6. Empirin har analyserats utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Resultaten visar att lärare upplever klassrumsklimatet som centralt för att eleverna ska känna sig trygga att kommunicera på engelska under lektionerna. Det framkommer även som fördelaktigt att vara flera vuxna eller lärare under lektionerna för att ge utrymme för stöttning samt undervisning eller aktiviteter i mindre grupper. I enlighet med tidigare forskning beskriver lärarna även en omfattande vilja till variation gällande de aktiviteter som genomförs under lektionerna, något som ansågs uppmuntra till kommunikation på målspråket engelska. Lärarens roll som förebild beskrivs i studien som viktig då läraren modellerar målspråksanvändning för eleverna, vilket uppmuntrar eleverna till kommunikation på engelska. Tidigare forskning och resultaten i denna studie förespråkar till stor del samma didaktiska val. Vidare forskning bör dock undersöka skillnader mellan lärares uppfattning av sin egen undervisningspraktik i relation till vad som kan observeras utifrån lärares lektioner.

Hur lärare kan hjälpa elever att våga tala engelska : En studie om lärares syn på talängslans inverkan för elevers kommunikativa utveckling / A study on teachers’ views on the impact of language anxiety on student’s communicative development

Sunna, Ann-Mari January 2022 (has links)
Att som elev delta muntligt i engelskundervisningen kan vara spännande för många elever men för en del elever uppstår talängslan. Talängslan innebär att man vid specifika situationer upplever ångest för att tala. Den här studien har genomförts utifrån intresset att undersöka huruvida lärare ser några negativa följder för elevers kommunikativa förmåga i engelska till följd av talängslan. Vidare har även läraresstöttning och motivation för att elever ska våga tala engelska i klassrummet undersökts. Studien är genomförd utifrån ett lärarperspektiv genom metodtriangulering där webbenkäter och semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts. All insamlad empiri har koncentrerats, kategoriserats och tolkats utifrån en induktiv ansats samt teorin WTC och det sociokulturella perspektivet. Informanterna i denna studie var 25 lärare med behörighet att undervisa engelska i årskurs 1–3 samt fyra undervisande lärare i engelska, utan behörighet. Resultatet visar att talängslan riskerar att påverka elevers kommunikativa förmåga i engelskundervisningen, bland annat genom att elever som saknar en god relation till sin lärare saknar grundtryggheten för att våga tala engelska i klassrummet och väljer att förbli tyst. Resultatet visar att lärarna i studien stöttar och motiverar sina elever genom att elevernas intressen tas tillvara, genom bland annat spel och lekar samt positiv förstärkning. / Learning to speak English can be exciting for many pupils, but it can cause language anxiety for others. Language anxiety refers to the fear of speaking in certain situations. This study was conducted to determine whether teachers see any negative consequences for their pupils’ communicative ability in English because of language anxiety. The study also investigated how the teachers motivate and support their pupils to speak English in the classroom. This study is based on a teacher’s perspective with method triangulation where web surveys and semi-structured interviews were used. All collected data was compiled, classified, and interpreted based on an inductive approach, as well as the WTC theory and the socio-cultural perspective. The informants in this study were 25 teachers with authorization to teach English in grades 1–3 and four teachers without authoraization. Language anxiety is at risk of affecting pupils’ communicative ability in English, according to the findings, because those pupils who do not have a good relationship with their teacher lack the basic confidence speak English in the classroom and therefor choose to remain silent. The teachers in this study believe they have the right tools to push and motivate their pupils. This study discovered that teachers who use pupils’ interests, positive and reasonably high expectations, positive reinforcement, and a playful approach to teaching can help pupils with language anxiety.

Extramural English Activities. Teachers’ perceptions of students’ extramural English activities in relation to vocabulary

Pettersson, Sara, Bergdahl, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Because of the globalization of society, English as a foreign language (EFL) has become easier to access through internet and outside school English activities, so called “extramural English activities” (EEA). Previous research indicates a positive relation between pupils’ EFL vocabulary development and EEA (Sundqvist, 2009). This development may influence teachers’ lesson planning, because of pupils’ wide span of interests and the resulting different levels of EFL vocabulary. The focus of this degree project is on year five teachers’ perception of pupils’ EEA and their level of vocabulary. We investigate there is a relationship between those variables, and how teachers are bridging the gap between pupils’ EEA and classroom activities. Further on, different theories of motivation and vocabulary, and previous research are presented and used in the analysis of collected data. The data was collected qualitatively through six interviews with teachers in year five. The results indicate that the teachers, to some extent know what kind of EEA the pupils are interested in. Teachers’ perceptions of the pupils’ level of EFL vocabulary correlated to some extent with their EEA. To bridge the gap between pupils’ EEA and enhancing motivation in EFL classrooms, some teachers tried to include pupils’ experiences in their teaching. Further on, these conclusions are discussed in relation to previous research. Finally, this degree project may motivate teachers to explore the EEA habits of their pupils.

Elevers ängslan inför att kommunicera på målspråket i engelskundervisningen : En litteraturöversikt

Tove, Antonsson, Jarl, Emma, Veronica, Fogelström January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish curriculum is and has been evolving for as long as it has existed. Since 1994 the communicative proficiency has been one of the most central aspects of the English subject in Swedish elementary school. However, an ever-evolving issue is the increasing Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) and Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety (FLCA) among pupils. This causes difficulties in the development of communicative proficiency. This literary review aims to find aspects of the educational situation which can be altered to decrease pupils FLA and FLCA. This paper has a basis of five articles and one thesis which have been reviewed and analyzed. The results show several aspects which can have an impact on pupils FLA and FLCA. One of which being that students are less anxious when they feel that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. Another aspect that can decrease pupils' FLA or FLCA is when they can experience their proficiency evolving. For this development to occur the amount of time spent learning the subject is central. The conclusion of this paper brings forward several both social and organizational factors that can be altered in favor of the pupils feeling less FLA and FLCA. / Kursplanen i engelska har under de senaste 40 åren fokuserat mer ochmer på den kommunikativa förmågan. Samtidigt har elevers ängslankring att kommunicera på engelska ökat. Att elever upplever en ökadForeign Language Anxiety (FLA) och Foreign Language ClassroomAnxiety (FLCA) skapar ökade utmaningar för att i klassrummet kunnautveckla elevernas kommunikativa förmåga. Under dennalitteraturöversikt undersöks och problematiseras hur elevers FLApåverkas av tidig språkstart, men även hur man kan planeraundervisningen för att minska FLA in klassrummet. För att besvaradessa frågor har artiklar och avhandlingar sökts fram i flertaletdatabaser. Resultatet som framkommer är att elevers FLA och FLCAminskar då de inser att misstag är centrala för språkinlärningensamt att deras förmågor utvecklas med tiden. Det framkommer även attelever har en större språklig utveckling av att börja med engelska tidigt,dock är det inte fastställt att detta har med åldern på eleverna att göradå det även kan bero på fler undervisningstimmar. Sammanfattningsvisbeskrivs både sociala och organisatoriska aspekter avundervisningssituationen som är centrala att överväga för att påverkaelevers FLA och FLCA.

Att undervisa unga elever i engelska - arbetsmetoder för en andraspråksinlärning : En litteraturstudie om framgångsrik undervisning i engelska som andraspråk för årskurserna 1–3

Olsson, Amber January 2017 (has links)
Engelskundervisningen idag i årskurserna 1-3 är enligt min åsikt och erfarenhet, inte tillräckligt prioriterat. Många av eleverna kan redan vid skolstarten ha engelskkunskaper med sig och de måste nationellt ges möjligheten till att utveckla dessa. Läraren kan ha stor betydelse i barnens andraspråks- och språkinlärning. Det är av vikt att läraren har kompetens, skapar en trygg miljö och har en varierad undervisning. Andra aspekter som är avgörande för elevernas förståelse är som tidigare sagt miljö och även engagemang från eleverna. Detta examensarbete är en litteraturstudie och innebär att sökningar har gjorts och litteratur har sammanställts inom ett valt område. Syftet med den här litteraturstudien är att undersöka om arbetsmetoder mot yngre barn samt vad tidigare forskning säger om andraspråks- och språkinlärning för barn. I resultatet upptäcktes att det är många faktorer som spelar in vid barns språkinlärning i de valda studierna. Det som gemensamt hittades bland studierna var vikten av repetition, imitation och kommunikation vid undervisning. Att börja med språkundervisning i årskurs 1 och att ta vara på elevernas egna inlärningsstrategier skapar de bästa förutsättningarna för språkinlärning. Ett förslag till vidare forskning är att undersöka hur lärare idag arbetar med engelska språkinlärning mot yngre barn.

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