Spelling suggestions: "urbanismo"
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Urbanismo y derecho: posible solución de las invasiones de las laderas de Lima desde el derecho comparadoSegura Martel, Ximena Nicole 20 September 2022 (has links)
La presente investigación trata de las invasiones de las laderas de los cerros de Lima y su posible solución, desde un enfoque del Urbanismo y el Derecho, específicamente en el problema de la falta de un Plan de Desarrollo Urbano que ordene el crecimiento de la ciudad y que pueda ser ejecutado por las Municipalidades distritales. Por ello, la investigación plantea una solución integral para las invasiones informales desde un enfoque de reconocimiento del derecho a la ciudad y su complemento con un Plan de Desarrollo Urbano, mediante el análisis de las soluciones propuestas a nivel del Derecho Comparado, la presentación de los antecedentes y diferentes enfoques desde distintas disciplinas. Iniciando con la causa de las invasiones a los terrenos estatales por el difícil acceso a la propiedad formal, las grandes migraciones, la segregación de las poblaciones con menos recursos, etc. Luego, recopilando legislación y planificación que se ha ejecutado en Perú, Brasil y Colombia, para poder comparar y recoger lo mejor de cada una de ellas. Finalmente, concluir que la solución idónea para el crecimiento de la ciudad de manera ordenada es el reconocimiento del derecho a la ciudad, complementada con la integración de un plan de desarrollo urbano que sea ejecutado por las municipalidades distritales, así como el reconocimiento y reforma del sistema de formalización de invasiones de COFOPRI. / The present investigation deals with the invasions of the hillsides of Lima and their possible solution, from an approach of Urbanism and Law, specifically in the problem of the lack of an Urban Development Plan that orders the growth of the city and that can be executed by the District Municipalities. For this reason, the research proposes an integral solution for the informal invasions from an approach of recognition of the right to the city and its complement with an Urban Development Plan, through the analysis of the solutions proposed at the level of Comparative Law, the presentation of the antecedents and different approaches from different disciplines. Beginning with the cause of invasions to state lands due to difficult access to formal property, large migrations, segregation of populations with fewer resources, etc. Then, compiling legislation and planning that has been implemented in Peru, Brazil and Colombia, in order to compare and collect the best of each. Finally, conclude that the ideal solution for the growth of the city in an orderly manner is the recognition of the right to the city, complemented with the integration of an urban development plan that is executed by the district municipalities, as well as the recognition and reform of the system of formalization of invasions of COFOPRI.
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Låt medborgarna skapa staden : Om tactical urbanism och idéburen stadsförbättring samt medborgarnas rätt till staden / Let the citizens create the city : About tactical urbanism, idéburen stadsförbättring and the citizens' right to the cityBretz, Martin January 2015 (has links)
I skapandet av staden har människan möjlighet att göra om sig själv och förverkliga sitt hjärtas önskan. Hur och för vem staden ska utformas för är troligtvis en diskussion vilken kommer att finnas lika länge som staden i sig. Genom historien har privat ägande och andra samhälleliga former av dominans kontrollerat dess rum, vilket ofta resulterat i olika former av proteströrelser. Tactical urbanism har i flertalet städer världen över blivit en populär metod för att förbättra livskvaliteten i staden. Detta genom att lokala aktörer, främst medborgarna, förändrar sitt närområde med småskaliga förbättringar. Denna uppsats beskriver vad tactical urbanism är, teorin bakom metoden och vilka möjligheter och följder den kan medföra i stadsmiljön och i planeringen av staden. Ur ett svenskt perspektiv undersöks detta genom en fallstudie utav Stockholms stads riktlinjer för idéburen stadsförbättring. Uppsatsen går in på den kritik som finns inom modern stadsutveckling, vilken menar att den nyliberala urbanismen skapar ojämlikhet i samhället. Dessutom behandlas begreppet ”rätten till staden” vilken genomsyrar tactical urbanisms metoder, synsätt och grundläggande teori. Uppsatsens bidrag är en sammanläsning av teorier kring ”rätten till staden” med tactical urbanisms praktiska användning. Därmed visas hur tactical urbanism kan utvecklas till att bättre möta medborgarnas behov, i synnerhet svaga grupper i samhället. Det finns tendenser till att tactical urbanism införlivats i neoliberalismens stadsutveckling och därmed riskerar att förlora sin röst för de svaga. Fallstudien om Stockholm visar att tanken på ifall en eventuell konsekvens om gentrifiering som följd av idéburen stadsförbättring saknas. Dock visar fallstudien att det finns en oro över att metoderna främst gynnar innerstadsborna. Stockholms stads riktlinjer för idéburen stadsförbättring ligger i linje, men sammanfaller inte helt med vad tactical urbanism i teorin står för. Studien visar att det finns ett behov av någon form av samordnare för idéburen stadsförbättring och en djupare förståelse för tactical urbanism. Staden har genom historien varit och fortsätter vara en plats där rummets struktur skiljer människor åt. Det säger mycket om våra värderingar, och om symbolen människan. Att främja metoder vilka tillåter medborgaren att skapa staden blir en symbol för en rättvisare stad. Om tactical urbanism och idéburen stadsförbättring möjliggör det får framtiden utvisa. Min förhoppning är att denna uppsats ska ge en förståelse för vad tactical urbanism och idéburen stadsförbättring står för. Dessutom önskar jag inspirera till en fortsatt diskussion om hur och varför vi bygger våra städer, vilken påverkan det har på det offentliga rummet, samt hur nya riktlinjer tas fram. Jag vill även framhålla vikten av en syftesbaserad riktlinje som är enhetlig i kommunens hela organisation, från politiker till tjänstemän. / In the creation of the city man has the opportunity to remake himself and realize his heart's desire. How and for whom the city should be designed for is probably a discussion that will continue until eternity. Throughout history, private ownership and other social forms of domination has controlled urban space, which often has resulted in various forms of protest movements. Tactical urbanism has in several cities around the world become a popular method for improving the livability in the city; local actors, mainly citizens, have remade their neighbourhood with small-scale improvements. This paper describes what tactical urbanism is, the theory behind the method and the opportunities and consequences it may bring in the urban environment and in the planning of the city. From a Swedish perspective this is explored through a case study of Stockholm's City guidelines for idéburen stadsförbättring. This study examines the criticism in contemporary urban development, which argue that the neoliberal urbanism creates inequality in society, and the concept of "right to the city" which permeates tactical urbanisms actions, approaches and basic theory. The contribution of this essay is an interlacement of theoris concerning "right to the city" with tactical urbanism practical usage and how tactical urbanism can be developed to better fullfill the needs of the citizens, especially marginalised groups in society. The essay suggests that there is a tendency that tactical urbanism is incorporated into neoliberal urban development and therefore is losing its voice for the weak of society. The case study of Stockholm shows that the idea if a possible consequence of gentrification as a result of idéburen stadsförbättring is lacking. However, the study shows that there is a concern that the methods mainly benefit inner-city residents. Stockholm's guidelines for idéburen stadsförbättring is similar, but does not entirely coincide with what the tactical urbanism in theory stand for. The study shows that there is a need for a coordinator for idéburen stadsförbättring and a deeper understanding of tactical urbanism. Through history, the city has been, and continues to be a place where spatial structure divides people, it says a lot about our values, and the symbol of man. To promote practices which allow the citizens to remake the city, is a symbol for the ”right to the city”, but time will tell if that is something tactical urbanism and idéburen stadsförbättring can enable. My hope is that this paper will provide an understanding of what tactical urbanism and idéburen stadsförbättring stands for and inspire for further discussion on how and why we build our cities, what impact it has on the public space, and how new urban guidelines are developed and the importance of a guideline is purpose-based and consentient in municipalities, from politicians to the official.
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L'urbanisme paysager : une pédagogie de projet territorial / “L’urbanisme paysager” : a territorial Project Based LearningBonneau, Emmanuelle 05 December 2016 (has links)
L’ « urbanisme paysager » fait référence à une « vieille » pratique de projet spatial qui accompagne, depuis leurs débuts, l'exercice de la planification urbaine et l’art des plans de ville en France. Elle retrouve aujourd'hui une raison d'être dans un contexte de passage d'une planification urbaine à une planification dite « territoriale », entre ville et campagne, où l’urbanisme ne peut plus seulement se concevoir comme une série d’actes techniques, mais doit s’accompagner d’une pédagogie pour transmettre et partager la prise en charge de ses objectifs environnementaux avec les acteurs socio-économiques locaux. En Italie, les chercheurs de l’école territorialiste proposent une approche de projet territorial susceptible de renouveler les savoir-faire de l’urbanisme paysager face aux nouveaux défis posés dans le contexte français. Sur la base d'une analyse réflexive d'expériences pratiques construites entre recherche, action et enseignement, cette thèse a pour objectif d’éclairer l’apport territorialiste à l’urbanisme paysager. / “L’urbanisme paysager” is a French design practice which accompanies urban planning since its inception. In context of transition from urban planning to territorial planning, this practice finds its significance while urbanism today can't be thought as a series of technical acts but could be included as a pedagogy intended to share its goals and their management with socioeconomics actors. However, this practice proven thought the exercise of urban project should be reassessed on the new basis of a territorial project. In Italy, the researchers of the “Territorialist School” develop a territorial project method which mays renew the pedagogical know-how of “urbanisme paysager”. The thesis aims to enlighten the territorialists. The thesis aims to enlighten the territorialist contribution to the French “urbanisme paysager”.
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Du vernaculaire à la déprise d'oeuvre : Urbanisme, architecture, design / From vernacular to deprise d'oeuvre : Urbanism, architecture, designHallauer, Edith 01 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour point de départ le constat de l’émergence de revendications vernaculaires dans le champ urbain « alternatif » (Paquot, 2012 ; Béal & Rousseau, 2014) contemporain, en urbanisme, paysage, architecture et design. Des néologismes récents semblent empreints de tautologies et de paradoxes : on parle « d’urbanisme convivial » (Grünig, 2013), de « vernaculaire contemporain » ou de « nouveau vernaculaire »(Frey, 2010). Une première étude terminologique autour du vernaculaire dévoilera une étymologie fondamentalement dialectique et relative : ce mot savant désigne l’aspect populaire des choses – noms communs, pratiques ordinaires, savoirs non-doctes. Mais la géohistoire du vernaculaire révèle surtout sa subversivité latente, confirmant là sa place dans le champ des alternatives. C’est à partir des concepts de « travail fantôme » et de « genre vernaculaire » (Illich, 1983), que nous établirons que le terme est apparu lorsque la chose a disparu. Une dépossession (des savoirs, des techniques, des biens communs, des modes de faire) se lit au creux des révolutions industrielles (Giedion, 1980) et des mutations des pratiques de subsistance, désormais reléguées au champ des loisirs (Corbin, 2009). Le terme est donc intimement lié à un caractère revendicatif, de reprise, qui n’est pas sans écho avec un type de pratiques critiques en design : être contre, tout contre (Papanek, 1974). C’est alors par l’analyse de différents types de reprises récentes, posant les esquisses d’un paysage existentiel du vernaculaire (Jackson, 1984), que nous proposons l’idée de déprise d’œuvre, déployant les paradigmes d’un urbain soutenable. Dans un contexte de déprise urbaine qui la voit apparaître, la déprise d’œuvre répond à la maîtrise d’œuvre, par la quête du recouvrement des savoirs qu’aura révélé le vernaculaire : faire, laisser faire, faire faire. Nourrie d’improvisation, de processus et d’expérience (Zask, 2011), cette attitude affirme finalement le rôle de vecteur rhétorique et mobilisateur que joue le vernaculaire dans la réinvention de pratiques urbaines / This research starts from observations of the emergence of "vernacular claims" in the alternative urban fields (Paquot, 2012; Béal & Rousseau, 2014) : urbanism, landscape, architecture and design. Recent neologisms seem to be characterized by tautologies and paradoxes : "convivial urban design" (Grünig, 2013), "contemporary vernacular" or "new vernacular" (Frey, 2010). A first terminological study of the vernacular will reveal a fundamentally dialectical and relative etymology : this scholarly word refers to a popular aspect of things - common names, ordinary practices, non-doctoral knowledges. But the geohistory of the vernacular reveals mostly a latent subversiveness, confirming its place in an alternative field. From the concepts of "ghost work" and "vernacular gender" (Illich, 1983), we will establish that the term appeared when the things disappeared. A dispossession (of knowledge, of techniques, of common goods, of crafts) can be found in the depths of industrial revolutions (Giedion, 1980), and from subsistence practices mutations, relegated to leisure fields (Corbin, 2009). The term is thus intimately linked to a reclaim feature, which is not far from a type of critical practices in design: to be close, very close (Papanek, 1974). By analyzing different types of recent recoveries, sketching in the edges of an existential vernacular landscape (Jackson, 1984), we finally suggest the idea of an déprise d’oeuvre, deploying some sustainable urban paradigms. In a context of urban shrinkage, this déprise d’oeuvre responds to traditionnal maîtrise d’oeuvre, in a quest to revover the knowledge revealed by the vernacular : to do, to let do, to make do. Nourished by improvisations, processes and experiences (Zask, 2011), this approach finally confirms the role that the vernacular plays as a mobilizing vector in the reinvention of urban practices
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Du contentieux administratif de l'urbanisme : étude visant à préciser la fonction du contentieux de l'urbanisme dans l'évolution du droit du contentieux administratif général /Nicoud, Florence, January 2006 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Thèse de doctorat--Droit--Nice, 2005. / Bibliogr. p. 411-441. Index.
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Urbanisme et architecture de la reconstruction du Loiret (1940-1954) / Urbanism and architecture of reconstruction in Loiret (1940-1954)Godot, Anne-Sophie 08 December 2009 (has links)
Dès 1940, les hommes de l’art composent l’Urbanisme et l’Architecture du département. Le préfet lance des concours d’architecture auxquels de nombreux architectes participent. D’autres concours sont lancés par le MRU, et les architectes du département vont y participer avec succès. En parallèle, le préfet oblige les villes sinistrées à préparer un plan d’urbanisme. Avant même la loi qui va obliger d’autres communes à avoir un plan, Jean Royer compose ceux de Sully, Châteauneuf, Gien et Orléans. En parallèle, la participation active des sinistrés à la mise en place des projets témoigne de l’importance des questions dans le département. Les nombreux débats sont commentés par la presse locale avec enthousiasme.L’étude de la Reconstruction permet d’appréhender l’histoire de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme de la période d’une manière inédite, puisque le département est le témoin privilégié de la mise en œuvre par l’État d’une politique de reconstruction active. / In 1940, men of art make up the Planning and Architecture in the Department. The prefect organizes architectural competitions which many architects participated. Other competitions are run by the MRU, and the architects of the department will participate successfully. In parallel, the warden forces the affected cities to prepare a development plan. Even before the law which will force other municipalities to have a plan, Jean Royer those composed of Sully, Chateauneuf, Gien and Orleans. In parallel, the active participation of victims in the creation of projects demonstrates the importance of issues within the department. Numerous debates are discussed by the local press with enthusiasm.The study of Reconstruction capture both the history of architecture and urbanism of the period in a manner unprecedented since the department is privileged to witness the implementation by the Government in politics of active reconstruction.
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L'habitat et l'urbanisme dans leurs rapports avec la santé publique à Kinshasa. Contribution à l'étude des méthodes d'évaluation des coûts et avantages d'un programme de rénovation de l'habitat et de l'urbanismeKapema, ke Lula la Ungu Umeunga Kasekola January 1977 (has links)
Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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São Paulo e Buenos Aires: urbanismo e arquitetura (1870-1915) / São Paulo and Buenos Aires: Urbanism and Architecture (1870-1915)Medrano, Ricardo Hernan 01 September 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho é realizada uma comparação entre diversos aspectos da arquitetura e do urbanismo em São Paulo e Buenos Aires, no período de 1870 a 1915. São abordados a rede urbana regional e internacional, as intervenções nas áreas centrais, a habitação das elites, a produção do espaço público, o traçado e a produção habitacional para as camadas médias. Faz-se uso principalmente de fontes iconográficas e cartográficas, as quais são examinadas através de categorias de análise da organização do espaço intra-urbano. Identificando-se o que é geral e o que é particular é possível tanto estudar a urbanização na América Latina como avaliar os modelos de explicação para cada núcleo urbano. No primeiro caso através da identificação de regularidades existentes no sistema urbano do continente. Essas mesmas regularidades gerais permitem avaliar os modelos teóricos desenvolvidos para um núcleo urbano em outro, já que havendo condições semelhantes, deveriam valer as mesmas explicações. Com isto, procura-se contribuir ao estudo da urbanização na América Latina a partir das especificidades, com ênfase particular na arquitetura e no urbanismo em ambas cidades. Também se busca mostrar que para explicar essa materialização de projetos é necessário entender uma articulação de movimentos que vão além das determinações geradas pela nova divisão internacional do trabalho. Estas, embora centrais, respondem pelas generalidades, mas não explicam as especificidades, o que exige uma abordagem que reconheça a existência de outras racionalidades, nas quais são atribuídos papéis específicos aos diferentes espaços e escalas. / This work compares several architectural and urbanistic aspects between São Paulo and Buenos Aires in the period 1870-1915, addressing the regional and international urban network, interventions in central areas, elite housing, the production of public spaces, urban shape and the production of middle-class housing. This study mostly uses iconographic and cartographical sources, which are studied through the analysis categories of the intra-urban space organisation. The discrimination between general and particular aspects is essential not only to study urbanism in Latin America through the identification of similarities in the urban system of the American continent, but also to evaluate the explanation models for each urban nucleus. General similarities are important to assess whether a theoretical model developed for one urban nucleus suits another, since the same explanations should apply to similar conditions. The aim of this work is then to contribute towards knowledge broadening on urbanisation in Latin America based on specificities with focus on the architecture and urbanism of both cities. In order to explain this materialisation of projects, it is necessary to understand the determinations of the new international division of labour, which, albeit of a central nature, can explain generalities, not specificities. The latter requires the acknowledgement of the existence of other rationalisations, in which different spaces and scales are assigned specific roles.
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Flávio de Carvalho: questões de arquitetura e urbanismo / Flávio de Carvalho: questions about architecture and urbanismRossetti, Carolina Pierrotti 17 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da obra do engenheiro-arquiteto brasileiro Flávio de Carvalho através da contextualização da sua trajetória profissional, tanto na sua atuação profissional na cidade de São Paulo, como durante sua formação na Inglaterra. Localiza pontos de interesse nestes dois contextos que contribuem para a leitura de sua obra. A pesquisa aborda também a leitura de uma série de artigos e declarações deste engenheiro-arquiteto para os jornais da época, entre as décadas de 1920 a 1970, além das obras e propostas arquitetônicas e urbanas. A partir destas considerações foi possível elaborar uma outra perspectiva sobre a obra de Flávio de Carvalho em relação à história da arquitetura e do urbanismo no Brasil. / This research deals with the work of the brazilian engineer-architect Flávio de Carvalho through his professional course enchainment not only of his professional performance in São Paulo city, but also of his studies in England. This research shows important points in both contexts which contribute to the comprehension of his works. It also shows many newspaper article readings and his statements to the newspapers from 1920s to 1970s besides his work and also his urban and architectural proposals. From this search it was possible to elaborate another perspective about Flávio de Carvalho\'s work in relation to brazilian architecture and urbanism history.
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São Paulo e Buenos Aires: urbanismo e arquitetura (1870-1915) / São Paulo and Buenos Aires: Urbanism and Architecture (1870-1915)Ricardo Hernan Medrano 01 September 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho é realizada uma comparação entre diversos aspectos da arquitetura e do urbanismo em São Paulo e Buenos Aires, no período de 1870 a 1915. São abordados a rede urbana regional e internacional, as intervenções nas áreas centrais, a habitação das elites, a produção do espaço público, o traçado e a produção habitacional para as camadas médias. Faz-se uso principalmente de fontes iconográficas e cartográficas, as quais são examinadas através de categorias de análise da organização do espaço intra-urbano. Identificando-se o que é geral e o que é particular é possível tanto estudar a urbanização na América Latina como avaliar os modelos de explicação para cada núcleo urbano. No primeiro caso através da identificação de regularidades existentes no sistema urbano do continente. Essas mesmas regularidades gerais permitem avaliar os modelos teóricos desenvolvidos para um núcleo urbano em outro, já que havendo condições semelhantes, deveriam valer as mesmas explicações. Com isto, procura-se contribuir ao estudo da urbanização na América Latina a partir das especificidades, com ênfase particular na arquitetura e no urbanismo em ambas cidades. Também se busca mostrar que para explicar essa materialização de projetos é necessário entender uma articulação de movimentos que vão além das determinações geradas pela nova divisão internacional do trabalho. Estas, embora centrais, respondem pelas generalidades, mas não explicam as especificidades, o que exige uma abordagem que reconheça a existência de outras racionalidades, nas quais são atribuídos papéis específicos aos diferentes espaços e escalas. / This work compares several architectural and urbanistic aspects between São Paulo and Buenos Aires in the period 1870-1915, addressing the regional and international urban network, interventions in central areas, elite housing, the production of public spaces, urban shape and the production of middle-class housing. This study mostly uses iconographic and cartographical sources, which are studied through the analysis categories of the intra-urban space organisation. The discrimination between general and particular aspects is essential not only to study urbanism in Latin America through the identification of similarities in the urban system of the American continent, but also to evaluate the explanation models for each urban nucleus. General similarities are important to assess whether a theoretical model developed for one urban nucleus suits another, since the same explanations should apply to similar conditions. The aim of this work is then to contribute towards knowledge broadening on urbanisation in Latin America based on specificities with focus on the architecture and urbanism of both cities. In order to explain this materialisation of projects, it is necessary to understand the determinations of the new international division of labour, which, albeit of a central nature, can explain generalities, not specificities. The latter requires the acknowledgement of the existence of other rationalisations, in which different spaces and scales are assigned specific roles.
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