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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asistencia técnica a la Política Nacional de Vivienda y Urbanismo en el marco del Reglamento que Regula las Políticas Nacionales

Gavino Ramírez, Thalía Amelita 25 January 2022 (has links)
El presente documento expone mi experiencia laboral como consultor en temas de políticas nacionales en la Dirección Nacional de Coordinación y Planeamiento Estratégico (DNCP) del Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico (Ceplan), ente rector del Sistema Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico (Sinaplan) en el Perú. Específicamente, participe en el proceso de actualización y formulación de políticas nacionales, brindando asistencia técnica a los ministerios en el marco de la Guía de Políticas Nacionales y del Reglamento que Regula las Políticas Nacionales (aprobada a través de Decreto Supremo Nº 029-2018-PCM), la cual ha contribuido a que el país pueda contar con políticas consistentes, que atiendan un problema público que afecta a la población peruana. Asimismo, este proceso ha permitido que el planeamiento empiece a ser visto por los sectores como un tema trascendental para el desarrollo del país en el mediano y largo plazo, y contribuya a su vez a la reducción de brechas. La asistencia técnica brindada se llevó a cabo siguiendo la metodología desarrollada por el Ceplan, la cual se expone en la Guía de Políticas Nacionales, Guía para la elaboración de indicadores, y Guía para el seguimiento y evaluación de políticas nacionales y planes para el Sinaplan.

Análisis, estudio y conservación de los edificios astronómicos mayas. Arquitectura maya y urbanismo, una aproximación desde la astronomía y el paisaje

May Castillo, Manuel 14 October 2014 (has links)
El presente trabajo representa el resultado final de seis años de investigación en la región maya y versa sobre las relaciones entre la arquitectura y el urbanismo con el paisaje y la astronomía. En una primera parte se presentan los fundamentos metódicos para el estudio de la arquitectura y el urbanismo maya, a partir de la lectura de los datos del paisaje circundante y las orientaciones arquitectónicas. A lo anterior se le suman los datos provistos por las fuentes pre-coloniales, coloniales y contemporáneas. Los aspectos teóricos sustentan la postura del autor, quien plantea una discusión desde una perspectiva interna, donde la visión del Mundo maya es un factor relevante ya que representa su visión propia. Enseguida se expone el estado del arte en materia de astronomía, paisaje, urbanismo y arquitectura para sustentar la discusión en los estudios de caso. En la segunda parte se realizan estudios de caso en diez sitios mayas desde una perspectiva integral. En ella destacan los análisis que aplican nuevas tecnologías en combinación con técnicas tradicionales, así como los análisis del paisaje alrededor de las antiguas ciudades mayas. Esto último gracias a los datos provistos por la NASA, mediante el proyecto Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. En materia de astronomía se emplean los métodos desarrollados desde la disciplina de la arqueoastronomía que permiten interpretar las orientaciones arquitectónicas en términos cosmogónicos y también del calendario. Finalmente, este trabajo propone que la astronomía, la percepción del paisaje, la arquitectura y el urbanismo se conjugaron para atender no solo necesidades científicas, sino también las religiosas y sociales. De este modo se procuró un desarrollo integral de la sociedad maya. / May Castillo, M. (2014). Análisis, estudio y conservación de los edificios astronómicos mayas. Arquitectura maya y urbanismo, una aproximación desde la astronomía y el paisaje [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/43218

La Ciudad de Valencia, Arquitectura y Urbanismo a través de los Archivos Históricos de la Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Valencia. 1776-1940

Boix Macias, Lourdes 08 May 2017 (has links)
The Royal Economic Society of Friends of the region of Valencia, founded in 1776 under the control of Carlos the Third, constituted an important support in implementing properly the reforms of the Spanish Enlightenment, its influence in city life is beyond doubt, as is its participation in social movements of the day, it was a veritable driver of the economy and the Valencian culture of the era. Nowadays, such Economic Societies of Friends of the region are understood as organisations which were fundamentally about advocating the development of Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, and the promotion of Culture generally. With this study of the Catalogue, published a few years ago, of the Library and Archive of the RSEAPV we have been able to verify the existence of much documentation relevant to the city: reports and on-going debates about the urban development of the city are there in the proceedings of its Archive, so the problems of the city and issues of how to generate a city were not remote ones for the Society, and this made us think about its interest in these matters and thus about the need to carry out a study of these proceedings, most of them recorded in unedited manuscripts, so as to demonstrate the extent to which these organisations can show us written history. Careful reading and study of these documents has given us a different understanding to the one we had until now of this Society, which was enlightened and influential in its day. The Royal Economic Society of Friends of the region of Valencia, in its roles as a promoter of projects, as a supervising organisation and as a focus for debate on ever-new ideas, participated in and influenced matters related to the urbanisation of our city. / La Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Valencia fundada en 1776 bajo el control del Monarca Carlos III, constituyó un importante punto de apoyo para poder llevar a buen término en Valencia las reformas de la España de la Ilustración, su influencia en la vida ciudadana está fuera de toda duda, así como su participación en los movimientos sociales más importantes del momento, constituyendo un verdadero motor de la economía y de la cultura valenciana de la época. Hoy en día las Sociedades Económicas de Amigos del País, las entendemos como entidades que abogaron fundamentalmente por el desarrollo de la Agricultura, el Comercio, la Industria y la promoción de la Cultura en general. A través del estudio de los Catálogos publicados de los fondos de la Biblioteca y Archivo de la RSEAPV, hemos podido constatar la existencia de numerosa documentación con contenido urbano, los informes y continuos debates referentes al desarrollo urbano de la Ciudad, estuvieron presentes entre los expedientes de su Archivo, la problemática ciudadana y la forma de generar ciudad no le fueron ajenos a la Entidad, circunstancia que nos hace pensar en el interés de la Sociedad Económica por estos cometidos, y por tanto en la necesidad de realizar un estudio detallado de dichos expedientes, la mayoría de ellos manuscritos inéditos. De manera que ampliemos el concepto que sobre estas entidades nos ha mostrado la historiografía clásica. La lectura detenida de estos documentos y su estudio, nos ha mostrado una visión distinta a la que teníamos hasta el momento de esta Sociedad Ilustrada e influyente en su tiempo: La Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Valencia, bien como promotora de proyectos, bien como entidad asesora de distintas administraciones públicas, o como foco de debate de ideas siempre novedosas, participó e influyó en los principales asuntos relacionados con el urbanismo de nuestra ciudad. / La Real Societat Econòmica d'Amics del País de València, fundada en 1776 sota el control del monarca Carles III, va constituir un important punt de suport per a poder portar a bon terme a València les reformes de l'Espanya de la Il¿lustració; la seua influència en la vida ciutadana no admet dubte, així com la seua participació en els moviments socials més importants del moment, constituint un vertader motor de l'economia i de la cultura valenciana de l'època. Hui en dia les Societats Econòmiques d'Amics del País, les entenem com a entitats que van advocar fonamentalment pel desenvolupament de l'agricultura, el comerç, la indústria i la promoció de la cultura en general. A través de l'estudi del Catàleg publicat dels fons de la Biblioteca i Arxiu de la RSEAPV, hem pogut constatar l'existència de nombrosa documentació amb contingut urbà, els informes i continus debats referents al desenvolupament urbà de la ciutat, van estar presents entre els expedients del seu Arxiu; la problemàtica ciutadana i la forma de generar ciutat no li van ser aliens a l'Entitat, circumstància que ens fa pensar en l'interés de la Societat Econòmica per estes comeses, i per tant en la necessitat de realitzar un estudi detallat dels dits expedients, la majoria d'ells manuscrits inèdits, de manera que ampliem el concepte que sobre estes entitats ens ha mostrat la historiografia clàssica. La lectura detinguda d'estos documents i el seu estudi, ens ha mostrat una visió diferent de la que teníem fins al moment d'esta Societat Il¿lustrada i influent en el seu temps: la Real Societat Econòmica d'Amics del País de València, bé com a promotora de projectes, bé com a entitat assessora de distintes administracions públiques, o com a focus de debat d'idees sempre noves, va participar i va influir en els principals assumptes relacionats amb l'urbanisme de la nostra ciutat. / Boix Macias, L. (2017). La Ciudad de Valencia, Arquitectura y Urbanismo a través de los Archivos Históricos de la Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Valencia. 1776-1940 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/80697

Los Arquetipos Urbanos de Hertzberger para un Espacio Educativo Universitario. Lectura de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo PUCP (1998-2019)

Reategui Pinedo, Angello Eduardo 27 April 2023 (has links)
Los Arquetipos Urbanos para el diseño de centros educativos surgen de la teoría de Herman Hertzberger en el 2008, cuando se entiende el edificio como una micro-ciudad visto desde nociones urbanas. Desde los mediados del siglo XX esta forma de interpretar los objetos arquitectónicos destinados a la educación fue madurando, con referencias claras de Aldo Van Eyck. De esta manera, la casa, la calle y la plaza se extrapolan del urbanismo tradicional a la Arquitectura del edificio para encontrar en los entes privados la concentración y apropiación, mientras que en las esferas más públicas dotarlas de características formativas. La presente investigación plantea realizar una lectura desde las bases teóricas de Herman Hertzberger a edificios de educación superior en campuses universitarios para determinar cómo en estos la Forma Arquitectónica tiene impactos en el entorno educativo de nivel superior. Es así que se somete a un análisis comparativo desde la teoría de Hertzberger dos casos de estudio: El edificio ocupado de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la PUCP (2005-2019) y su diseño propuesto por parte de los arquitectos Cooper, Ledgard y Belaunde. El análisis comparativo servirá para concluir de manera más clara cómo repercute en el entorno educativo la forma arquitectónica.

Rendez-vous en ville ! Urbanisme temporaire et urbanité évènementielle : les nouveaux rythmes collectifs / Let' meet in the city ! Temporary urbanism and event sociability : new shared rhythms

Pradel, Benjamin 27 November 2010 (has links)
La métropole est polychronique. L'isolement d'un de ses rythmes permet de nuancer les théories de la modernité liquide et de la ville en continu. À travers l'étude de trois événements festifs métropolitains à Paris et Bruxelles, nous proposons une lecture de l'histoire urbaine par ses temps partagés, une description des mécanismes par lesquels les rythmes sociaux émergent et une analyse de leur rôle social et spatial. Réinterrogé par le concept de rendez-vous collectifs, les rythmes urbains sont une co-production entre un urbanisme temporaire et une urbanité événementielle. Ces deux éléments explique le double rôle spatial et social des rythmes événementiels. Les institutions municipales instrumentalisent l'urbanisme temporaire pour signifier le temps, organiser le rassemblement et produire du lieu. L'urbanité événementielle est le résultat des interprétations individuelles des événements comme signe temporel qui produit du lien social et un sens commun des lieux. La répétition de la rencontre entre l'urbanisme temporaire et l'urbanité événementielle provient d'une part, de la décision politique de d'instrumentaliser le rendez-vous dans l'organisation urbaine, d'autre part de la synchronisation des individus qui organisent leurs temps pour participer au rassemblement. La rationalité qui anime les participants est motivée par la valorisation des interactions de face-à-face et la production de liens sociaux associatifs, dans une société interrogée par la différenciation et la désynchronisation des modes de vie. L'individu ne se passe pas de rassemblements rituels, dans des lieux et selon des temporalités saisonnières. Ces rythmes collectifs sont adaptés à la métropole, à la complexification de ses territoires, à l'hybridation de ses représentations culturelles et à l'individualisation de ses temporalités. Au-delà, le concept de rythme est une théorie de morphologie sociale qui rend compte du fonctionnement des sociétés de façon multiscalaire et dynamique. Elle s'inscrit dans les théories sociologiques intermédiaires qui lient l'individu et le collectif, l'habitant et les institutions, la morphologie spatiale et temporelle de groupements humains de toutes tailles. Le fait métropolitain, influençant et influencé par l'individu et le global, constitue une échelle mésociale heuristique / The city is polychronic. We qualify liquid modernity theory and the twenty-four hour city model by isolating one of its rhythms. Based on a diachronic study of three festive urban events in Paris and Brussels, we propose a new reading of urban history through planned gatherings, a description of the mechanisms by which social rhythms emerge and the role they play in building urban space and society. The planned gathering concept is applied to urban social rhythms, which are seen as the product of an interaction between temporary urbanism and event sociability. Institutions instrumentalise temporary urbanism to signify units of social time, and implicitly plan gatherings by producing a conducive physical place. Event sociability is the collective result of individual interpretations of this sign, which produce social ties and create a corresponding social place. These places become periodic through political decisions to reproduce the sign, as w ell as individuals' efforts to organize and synchronize their time to participate. The resultant planned gatherings are in turn instrumentalized to organize the metropolis. In a society whose groups are increasingly differentiated and desynchronized, face-to-face interaction and the production of discretionary social ties are highly valued. Individuals apply value rationality and thus continue to participate in ritual, seasonal gatherings at fixed places and times. Despite historical continuities, these rhythms are specifically modern in that they have adapted to the contemporary city's territorial complexity, cultural hybridization, and idividualized temporality. Using the semantic duality of rhythm (flowing / periodic) we outline a more general theory of social morphology which provides a multiscale, dynamic account of societies, covering interactions between the individual and the collective, inhabitants and institutions, the spatial and temporal patterns in human groups of varying size. The mesosocial metropolitan scale is situated between the indivual and the global

Formes et enjeux sociotechniques du périurbain durable : comparaison de Bimby et du New Urbanism / Sustainable suburban forms and socio-technical issues : a comparison between Bimby and New Urbanism

Vigneron, Rémy 23 September 2016 (has links)
Dans ce travail nous cherchons à comprendre comment les conditions de projet du renouvellement périurbain modifient les structures de la production de l'habitat périurbain. Le développement durable qui a progressivement gagné toutes les sphères de l'action publique s'attache plus récemment à reconsidérer les modèles de développement d'habitat du périurbain. Dans ce contexte, nous comparons deux pratiques professionnelles récentes, française et américaine, qui reconfigurent le système de production de l'habitat périurbain. Pour mettre cette reconfiguration en évidence nous déployons une réflexion en trois temps. D'abord, nous constatons que ces deux pratiques entrainent une évolution effective des formes urbaines et architecturales. Au prisme de la notion de transition, introduite par la théorie des systèmes sociotechniques, nous montrons qu'au-delà de l'évolution typomorphologique constatée, les logiques de projet de Bimby et du New Urbanism sous-tendent l'implication d'un pluralisme d’acteurs bénéfique. Ensuite, nous présentons et analysons les processus de design charrette et de micro-conception par lesquels les deux pratiques étudiées visent à répondre aux besoins d'une collectivité locale en impliquant une variété d'acteurs. Dans cette partie nous évaluons le degré d'influence des participants sur l'évolution des formes constatée plus tôt. Enfin, par la comparaison nous caractérisons des logiques de projet, des logiques de contrôle ainsi que des figures de l'appropriation par lesquelles le jeu d'acteurs que nous mettons en évidence poursuit une vision durable du périurbain. Nous précisons également les définitions de la co-conception et de la coproduction comme des approches de la médiation situées en amont et en aval des structures de production classiques. Les résultats de cette recherche contiennent plus particulièrement la modélisation des logiques de projet de Bimby et du New Urbanism, la modélisation du système de production de l'habitat périurbain durable, et la modélisation du renouvellement périurbain. / This doctoral research aims to understand how different priorities and actions in the process of suburban renewal can change the ways suburbs are built. Sustainable development, which has increasingly gained acceptance in various venues of public thought and action, has recently entailed the reconsideration of suburban models. In this context, we compare two recent professional practices from France and the United States — Bimby and New Urbanism — that reconfigure the ways suburbs are designed and built. To substantiate this premise we have organized our demonstration in three steps. First, we observe that these two professional practices lead to an effective evolution of urban and architectural forms, and through the sociotechnical lens that examines the interaction between the structures of society and the human behavior of the residents we show that beyond this evolution of urban types and patterns, Bimby and New Urbanism both require a diversity of stakeholders that is beneficial to the design and delivery of an urban project. Then, we present and analyze both processes of the design charrette and micro-conception through which New Urbanism and Bimby expect to formulate better solutions, according to the needs of public and private stakeholders and participants. This enables us to evaluate the level of influence of participants on the whole project. Finally, the comparison allows us to characterize the concepts, processes and delivery mechanisms through which the stakeholders involved can create and follow a sustainable vision of suburban developments. We explain the meanings of specialist terms such as co-conception and coproduction as ways of involving diverse groups of stakeholders and residents before, during and after the conventional systems of suburban development. Our results more specifically include the conceptual models of Bimby and the New Urbanism, as models of sustainable suburb production and of suburban renewal.

Urbanisme et architecture domestique de l’Entre-deux-guerres à Nancy et dans son agglomération / Urbanism and domestic architecture in Nancy and its suburbs during the inter-wars period

Marseille, Gilles 17 October 2013 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l’architecture domestique à Nancy et dans les 19 communes de son agglomération de 1919 à 1939. L’ampleur du corpus (6 600 édifices) et du territoire étudiés permet de mettre en exergue les processus urbains et architecturaux qui concourent à la production de la ville. Les relations entre les municipalités, les lotisseurs, les organismes de logement social et les sociétés savantes sont scrutées pour retracer le chemin qui mène du projet à la réalité urbaine. La Reconstruction, les lois encadrant l’urbanisme ou les habitations à bon marché (loi Loucheur) et l’effet de la crise des années 1930 sur la promotion foncière et immobilière sont réinterrogés en profitant des outils techniques (SIG) et théoriques actuels. Les confrontations avec les modèles nationaux (voire internationaux) inscrivent l’étude dans une perspective plus large où l’agglomération nancéienne devient un support de réflexion sur ce moment de l’histoire des villes françaises. Par ailleurs, le recensement exhaustif permet de s’intéresser à l’ensemble de la production bâtie, sans hiérarchie. Cette étude du grand nombre, mêlant banal et exceptionnel, met en exergue les permanences et hybridations. L’héritage éclectique et Art nouveau côtoie la diffusion des nouveaux courants que sont le Mouvement moderne et l’Art déco. L’examen du cas nancéien contribue à la redéfinition de ce dernier style et à une meilleure connaissance de son évolution après 1930. Enfin, cette étude est l’occasion de montrer que l’architecture domestique s’apparente à une transcription matérielle de l’ordre social, qui transparaît dans la qualité des espaces intérieurs et des façades comme support de représentation / This study concerns the domestic architecture in Nancy and the 19 towns of its suburbs from 1919 to 1939. The important size of the corpus (6600 buildings) and of the area studied highlights the urban and architectural processes that contribute to the creation of the city. The relationships between the city council, developers, social housing organizations and intellectual societies are analyzed to trace the path that leads from the plan to the urban reality. The post-war reconstruction project, the law controlling urbanism or social housing (Loucheur Act) and the effects of the 1930’s crisis on the land and housing development are looked back on using modern technical (GIS) and conceptual tools. The comparisons with national (even international) models place the study in a broader perspective where Nancy and its suburbs become a medium for reflection on this moment in the history of French cities. In addition, the exhaustive inventory allows looking at all the building production without hierarchy. This study, combining the mundane and the outstanding, highlights permanencies and hybridisations. The legacy of Eclecticism and Art Nouveau coexists with the diffusion of new trends such as the Modern movement and Art Deco. The examination of Nancy’s case contributes to the new definition of the latter style and of a better understanding of its evolution during the 1930’s. Finally, this study is the opportunity to show that domestic architecture is a physical transcription of a social order, which is reflected in the quality of interior design and building facades as medium of representation

AGRARIA: An agrarian vision

England, Craig 14 May 2008 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with reconnecting people to the land. It has been developed as a reaction to the current environmental crises concerning peak oil, urban sprawl, and the ongoing opposition between humans and the natural world. This thesis posits that the most direct way to reconnect people to the land is through the practice of agriculture. The thesis is written as a manifesto. The intent is to clearly declare the role that an agrarian development can play in our society. As a manifesto, it is written with the understanding that current political and economical considerations be suspended from the context of the thesis. It is a suggestion for the re-evaluation of contemporary agriculture, a new approach to development, and a new style for living. The thesis is broken into three sections. The first is an empirical introduction to the issues surrounding the thesis. Following this, a synopsis of readings concerning the work of a number of agricultural innovators is discussed. Large scale, rural based utopian precedents were studied more for their theory than for their architectural implications. The second section is the written Manifesto. The third is the design proposition of the thesis that follows the precepts outlined in the Manifesto. This design, which is a proposition for a new large-scale, hybrid urban/rural form of settlement, is named AGRARIA. This thesis is not meant to be a ‘back-to-the-land’ regressive social movement, but rather it suggests that current development of our arable land could be more in tune with its environment and still remain productive land after development. It is a proposition for the localization of production, and direct involvement in our food system. Following the precepts of the design proposal, a new alternative to urban sprawl can be discussed. This new typology will change the pattern of suburban development from consumptive elements into productive ones, and from isolationist environments into integrative ones. It is envisioned that this trend in development and lifestyle shall enable the spread of an agrarian ideology throughout rural areas and into urban centres.

AGRARIA: An agrarian vision

England, Craig 14 May 2008 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with reconnecting people to the land. It has been developed as a reaction to the current environmental crises concerning peak oil, urban sprawl, and the ongoing opposition between humans and the natural world. This thesis posits that the most direct way to reconnect people to the land is through the practice of agriculture. The thesis is written as a manifesto. The intent is to clearly declare the role that an agrarian development can play in our society. As a manifesto, it is written with the understanding that current political and economical considerations be suspended from the context of the thesis. It is a suggestion for the re-evaluation of contemporary agriculture, a new approach to development, and a new style for living. The thesis is broken into three sections. The first is an empirical introduction to the issues surrounding the thesis. Following this, a synopsis of readings concerning the work of a number of agricultural innovators is discussed. Large scale, rural based utopian precedents were studied more for their theory than for their architectural implications. The second section is the written Manifesto. The third is the design proposition of the thesis that follows the precepts outlined in the Manifesto. This design, which is a proposition for a new large-scale, hybrid urban/rural form of settlement, is named AGRARIA. This thesis is not meant to be a ‘back-to-the-land’ regressive social movement, but rather it suggests that current development of our arable land could be more in tune with its environment and still remain productive land after development. It is a proposition for the localization of production, and direct involvement in our food system. Following the precepts of the design proposal, a new alternative to urban sprawl can be discussed. This new typology will change the pattern of suburban development from consumptive elements into productive ones, and from isolationist environments into integrative ones. It is envisioned that this trend in development and lifestyle shall enable the spread of an agrarian ideology throughout rural areas and into urban centres.

Pedestrian-oriented design and sense of community: a comparative study

Sukolratanametee, Sineenart 02 June 2009 (has links)
The primary objective of the research is to examine the attempt of new urbanism principles to promote a sense of community through its pedestrian-oriented design guidelines of neighborhoods. The following questions will be addressed to examine the subject. First, do residents of a new urbanism neighborhood have a higher level of sense of community than residents of a typical suburban neighborhood? Second, is there an evidential support that pedestrian-oriented design features of new urbanism enhance the sense of community in a neighborhood? Finally, do residents of a pedestrian-oriented design neighborhood have more out-of-door activities in their neighborhood than residents of a typical suburban neighborhood? To examine the relationship between neighborhood design and sense of community, a comparative study was conducted in four subdivision neighborhoods located in the Houston metropolis, Texas. The first two neighborhoods exhibit pedestrian-oriented design principles and features of new urbanism, although each to different degrees. The other two neighborhoods are typical suburban neighborhoods that are not specifically designed to accommodate pedestrians and usually have less public spaces. The methods of collecting data are self-administered questionnaires, systematic observations, and unstructured interviews of residents in the four neighborhoods. The research findings provide evidence that the residents in pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods have a higher level of supportive acts of neighboring (SAON) and neighborhood attachment & weak social ties (NA&WST) than those of typical suburban neighborhoods. The findings also provide partial support for the relationships between the design factor (pedestrian-oriented design) and two dimensions of sense of community investigated-SAON and NA&WST. Additionally, the findings strongly indicate that the social processes, measured through selected demographic and nonenvironmental design variables, have their own unique and vital role on the sense of community in the neighborhoods, and that physical design has no impact on the way the social processes work on the sense of community in the neighborhood. The roles of physical design and social process are independent from each other. Finally, the results partially support the hypothesis that residents of pedestrian-oriented design neighborhoods have a higher level of out-of-door activities than residents of typical suburban neighborhoods.

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