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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enabling temporary use of public space / Temporär aktivering av det offentliga rummet

Liabäck Löwstett, Felicia January 2018 (has links)
Public space, where ordinary situations and everyday life takes place, is a concept that has gone from being ignored to becoming the core of urban development. As the interest of public space is increasing, so does the critique. A critique that in Kista criticizes public space for being neglected, segregated and scary. Nevertheless, Kista is standing before several urban renewal projects aiming to be a place of mixed functions and vibrancy. However, these projects are both time-consuming and complex and will not be able to address the issues within the nearest future. By introducing temporary use of public space, ideals such as placemaking and temporary urbanism may deal with the amount of time being consumed during the planning processes of formulation, approval, adaption and implementation. It is done so by activating space through meanwhile usage. By studying places, functions and actors in Kista, the aim is to develop a method to initiate and implement the concept of temporary use of space, in accordance to the Swedish planning system. Through a literature review, a city’s function is being analyzed, definitions of public space identified and urbans ideals/ theories explored. Furthermore, two urban renewal projects are being studied, where strategic structures of how to develop temporary initiatives is analyzed. From the literature review follows a case study where interviews and observations are being conducted to gain local knowledge and professional expertise. There are both general drivers and specific features found in Kista arguing for temporary use of space, which results in a strategy and a process. The strategy is of a comprehensive approach aiming to initiate the concept of temporary use while the process is about how to implement temporary activities. To initiate and implement temporary use of space several strategic structures are suggested. The study suggests an early implementation within a larger urban renewal project, developed together with a vision and municipal plan and program. The method should be of a top-down structure, led by Kista Science City and developed by the City of Stockholm and real estate developers in Kista. The community should act as co-creators during the development and implementation of temporary activities. Space chosen for temporary used should be done so with care, in relation to knowledge of what attracts people and preconditions in Kista. The structure of the process needs to be dynamic, giving room for changes and improvements.

The role and function of temporary use in urban regeneration : the case of England's core cities

Martin, Michael January 2018 (has links)
This thesis discusses the role and function of the temporary use of urban space within the context of the development process and urban regeneration across the core cities of England. The research utilises the concept of gaps in the cycle of utilisation in land and property to develop a single structured analytical framework to assess the relationship between disuse, interim development as a means to alleviate vacancy and the property development industry. In doing so it attempts to extend existing efforts to interpret temporary urban development by exploring what the thesis comes to define as 'extraordinary' and 'ordinary' forms of short-term reuse. An exploratory, mixed method and multi-scalar approach is used to discuss this dichotomy. Research findings, through a national landscape of the phenomenon of temporary development in the core cities, highlight the characteristics of high profile compared to everyday temporary solutions. In doing so, it exposes the limited frequency of landmark interim solutions in comparison to their more mundane counterparts over a fifteen year period (2000-15). Set against this contextual and temporal backdrop, extraordinary temporary uses are demonstrated to be a marginal but emerging practice of land and property re-use, associated in particular with the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007-08. Subsequent testing of the spatial distribution and patterning of temporary uses in two selected cities - Bristol and Liverpool - revealed that landmark interim solutions were more commonly centralised in cities than everyday versions, with disproportionately large shares in principal regeneration areas. Through a programme of interviews with key regeneration and development actors, connectivity to urban renewal was shown to be dependent on how the shape and form of local development processes evolve and how regeneration actors' outlooks on temporary use vary over time, as institutional agendas shift and urban economic circumstances change. The thesis explores this shift in the function and emphasis of temporary development in England's second tier cities, from ordinary, everyday forms toward cultural-creative, extraordinary solutions, to discuss the implications of employing high profile short-term uses as mechanisms to incentivise regeneration. Here, the use gap framework developed in this research is shown to be a useful method for conceptualising the rationale behind the variation in stakeholder perspective on temporary development. The model highlights how fluctuating externalities and the interrelating variables of risk, value and time can affect responses taken toward temporary development by the development industry, elucidating a more complete understanding of the role and function of temporary urbanism amongst the wider (re)development process. Ultimately, this thesis argues that while the consensus on temporary use is that it is an effective tactic to assist in the continuation of regeneration, it can also leave some temporary users exposed to the vicissitudes of the market. Extraordinary users bear a disproportionate share of the potential risks associated with development, often without commensurate reward. This illustrates how temporary use can engender opportunity for creativity and innovation as part of the regeneration process, but also, demonstrates how risk-shifting rationalities in the development industry can mean that economic, social and political costs accrue inordinately for temporary users. The research specifies that recognition of the locally specific and multi-dimensional nature of the development process and appreciation of the complexity of the interrelationships between the actors involved are of critical importance in any attempt to understand the role and function of temporary use. It concludes that by understanding the evolution of local structures and actions, over time and across space, the nature and form of temporary development can be better appreciated and strategies to successfully manage it developed.

Levande stadskärnor, en aktuell utmaning i dagens stadsplanering : En fallstudie om Linköpings arbete för en levande stadskärna / Attractive city centres, a current challenge in today's urban planning : A case study on Linköping's work for a vibrant city centre

Agali, Umüd, Medin, Edvin January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att utreda hur Linköpings kommun och andra aktörer arbetar för en levande och attraktiv stadskärna i Linköping. Samt identifiera positiva och negativa aspekter med Linköpings stadskärnan. Studien har utgått ifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat på Jacobs (1986), Gehls (2010) och Specks (2013) stadsplaneringsideal och deras syn på stadsplanering. För att besvara frågeställningar har en kvalitativ studie utförts, detta genom intervjuer med viktiga aktörer samt dokumentanalys av Linköping kommuns olika programdokument. Resultaten i studien visar på hur kommunen och olika aktörer arbetar för en levande stadskärna samt vilka strategier och åtgärder som används. Slutsatsen är att det finns en god fysisk utformning för en levande stadskärna, men att bilen fortfarande tar stor plats i stadskärnan. Det finns goda strategier i form av samverkan och temporär urbanism, men utrymme för förbättringar finns. Studien bidrar till att öka kunskap om strategier och åtgärder för att skapa en levande stadskärna. / This study aims to investigate how Linköping municipality and other participants work for a vibrant and attractive city center in Linköping. As well as identifying positive and negative aspects of Linköping's city centre. The study has been based on a theoretical framework based on Jacobs (1986), Gehl's (2010) and Speck's (2013) urban planning ideals and their views on urban planning. To answer questions, a qualitative study has been carried out, this through interviews with important actors and document analysis of Linköping municipality's various program documents. The results of the study show how the municipality and various actors work for a vibrant city center and which strategies and measures are used. The conclusion is that there is a good physical design for a lively city centre, but that the car still occupies a large place in the city centre. There are good strategies in the form of collaboration and temporary urbanism, but there is still room for improvement. The study contributes to increasing knowledge about strategies and measures to create a vibrant city centre.

I skuggan av sommaren - Levande vinterstadsrum : En studie om temporär användning av stadsrummet under vintern / In the shadow of summer - Vibrant wintercities : A study of temporary uses in the city during winter

Dahlberg, Elsa, Pettersson, Louise January 2024 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks hur levande stadsrum kan skapas under vintern för att möjliggöra ett tryggt stadsrum med liv och rörelse utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk som bygger på Gehl och temporär urbanism.  Undersökningen baseras på en fallstudie av ‘Levande Stockholm vinter’ och genomförs med kvalitativa intervjuer och dokumentanalys. Resultaten visar att Stockholms stad arbetar med målpunkter och aktivitetsmöjligheter för att möjliggöra för levande ytor under vintern. Att arbeta med att levandegöra stadsrum under vintern handlar om att skapa förutsättningar för en miljö som lockar invånare till frivilliga aktiviteter. Temporär urbanism kan användas som ett verktyg för att testa olika lösningar i stadsrummet med målet att möjliggöra aktivering för ett trivsamt, användbart och levande vinterstadsrum. Resultaten pekar också på att temporära åtgärder kan medföra en ökad känsla av trygghet och omhändertagande av en plats. / This thesis explores how vibrant urban spaces can be created during winter to enable a safe urban space with vitality and movement, based on a theoretical framework built on Gehl and temporary urbanism. The thesis is based on a case study of ‘Levande Stockholm vinter’ and is conducted through qualitative interviews and document analysis. The results indicate that establishing target points and activity opportunities are necessary to enable lively spaces during winter. Vitalizing urban spaces during winter involves creating conditions for an environment that attracts residents to engage in optional activities. Temporary urbanism can serve as a tool to test various solutions in urban spaces with the aim of activating the environment for a pleasant, functional, and vibrant urban space. The results also indicate that temporary uses can lead to an increased sense of safety and care for a place.

Rendez-vous en ville ! Urbanisme temporaire et urbanité évènementielle : les nouveaux rythmes collectifs / Let' meet in the city ! Temporary urbanism and event sociability : new shared rhythms

Pradel, Benjamin 27 November 2010 (has links)
La métropole est polychronique. L'isolement d'un de ses rythmes permet de nuancer les théories de la modernité liquide et de la ville en continu. À travers l'étude de trois événements festifs métropolitains à Paris et Bruxelles, nous proposons une lecture de l'histoire urbaine par ses temps partagés, une description des mécanismes par lesquels les rythmes sociaux émergent et une analyse de leur rôle social et spatial. Réinterrogé par le concept de rendez-vous collectifs, les rythmes urbains sont une co-production entre un urbanisme temporaire et une urbanité événementielle. Ces deux éléments explique le double rôle spatial et social des rythmes événementiels. Les institutions municipales instrumentalisent l'urbanisme temporaire pour signifier le temps, organiser le rassemblement et produire du lieu. L'urbanité événementielle est le résultat des interprétations individuelles des événements comme signe temporel qui produit du lien social et un sens commun des lieux. La répétition de la rencontre entre l'urbanisme temporaire et l'urbanité événementielle provient d'une part, de la décision politique de d'instrumentaliser le rendez-vous dans l'organisation urbaine, d'autre part de la synchronisation des individus qui organisent leurs temps pour participer au rassemblement. La rationalité qui anime les participants est motivée par la valorisation des interactions de face-à-face et la production de liens sociaux associatifs, dans une société interrogée par la différenciation et la désynchronisation des modes de vie. L'individu ne se passe pas de rassemblements rituels, dans des lieux et selon des temporalités saisonnières. Ces rythmes collectifs sont adaptés à la métropole, à la complexification de ses territoires, à l'hybridation de ses représentations culturelles et à l'individualisation de ses temporalités. Au-delà, le concept de rythme est une théorie de morphologie sociale qui rend compte du fonctionnement des sociétés de façon multiscalaire et dynamique. Elle s'inscrit dans les théories sociologiques intermédiaires qui lient l'individu et le collectif, l'habitant et les institutions, la morphologie spatiale et temporelle de groupements humains de toutes tailles. Le fait métropolitain, influençant et influencé par l'individu et le global, constitue une échelle mésociale heuristique / The city is polychronic. We qualify liquid modernity theory and the twenty-four hour city model by isolating one of its rhythms. Based on a diachronic study of three festive urban events in Paris and Brussels, we propose a new reading of urban history through planned gatherings, a description of the mechanisms by which social rhythms emerge and the role they play in building urban space and society. The planned gathering concept is applied to urban social rhythms, which are seen as the product of an interaction between temporary urbanism and event sociability. Institutions instrumentalise temporary urbanism to signify units of social time, and implicitly plan gatherings by producing a conducive physical place. Event sociability is the collective result of individual interpretations of this sign, which produce social ties and create a corresponding social place. These places become periodic through political decisions to reproduce the sign, as w ell as individuals' efforts to organize and synchronize their time to participate. The resultant planned gatherings are in turn instrumentalized to organize the metropolis. In a society whose groups are increasingly differentiated and desynchronized, face-to-face interaction and the production of discretionary social ties are highly valued. Individuals apply value rationality and thus continue to participate in ritual, seasonal gatherings at fixed places and times. Despite historical continuities, these rhythms are specifically modern in that they have adapted to the contemporary city's territorial complexity, cultural hybridization, and idividualized temporality. Using the semantic duality of rhythm (flowing / periodic) we outline a more general theory of social morphology which provides a multiscale, dynamic account of societies, covering interactions between the individual and the collective, inhabitants and institutions, the spatial and temporal patterns in human groups of varying size. The mesosocial metropolitan scale is situated between the indivual and the global

From Vacant to Vibrant (?) : Towards an Implementation of Tactical and Temporary Urbanism Initiatives in Nacka Municipality, Sweden / Från ledig till levande (?) : Mot en implementering av taktiska och temporära stadsutvecklingsinitiativ i Nacka kommun

Magnusson, Thomas January 2015 (has links)
A trend of temporary interventions is sweeping through Western cities in the 21st century. Being anything from art on street benches or small pop-up stores to street festivals, food trucks or urban farms, these expressions have recently been given more attention by the academic world and city authorities. Such expressions are often clustered under umbrella concepts such as tactical urbanism, temporary urbanism, DIY urbanism, guerilla urbanism and pop-up urbanism. In this thesis the expressions and the way in which they are organized are called Tactical and Temporary Urbanism Initiatives (TTUI). In the Swedish municipality Nacka east of Stockholm, a small peninsula called Kvarnholmen has hosted actors with short-term commitments during the summer of 2014; a project called Under Konstruktion. Situated at the site were an art & exhibition center, a ‘magical’ garden, a food caravan, a night club and a festival. In parallel, Kvarnholmen is developing into a city district as part of a municipal aim to build almost 15000 new apartments over the next 15 years. The initiators of Under Konstruktion, Nacka municipality and the developer KUAB, have aimed to put Kvarnholmen “on the map” during the time of construction (among other intentions) and have brought in the above actors to realize this ambition. The thesis evaluates Under Konstruktion in order to answer the research question; what is the potential role and function of tactical and temporary urbanism initiatives within municipal planning and urban development processes in a Swedish context? Based on previous research and 11 interviews with project actors, it is discussed why TTUI should be implemented in municipal planning and what kind of knowledge and structures that are needed for an implementation to take place. Potential risks associated with TTUI implementation is also discussed. The evaluation shows that several ambitions have been achieved. The project was well-attended and a medial success but heavy workload and poor communication added stress and a negative touch. More involved actors and better anchoring within the municipal organization is suggested, and the cherry-picking of actors is questioned. Under Konstruktion has mainly been concerned with market strategic goals, which is not the main intention of TTUI and merely one piece of an urban development strategy. It is argued for that such a TTUI strategy in other locations in Nacka could possibly hasten gentrification processes. The thesis suggests broad TTUI implementation to recognize and adapt to global trends, basing the implementation on its advantages to rationalize land use, support creativity and diversify citizen participation processes. Such an approach have risks worth considering, for instance conflicts between actors, citizen ignorance or lack of bottom-up creativity. It would also be time-consuming, require resources and a questioning of municipal professions. Through the unique character of Under Konstruktion, Nacka has shown commitment to create vibrant districts, but not yet have TTUI become a significant part of its urban development strategy. With the current massive development in mind, implementing a short-term perspective cannot be hastened but step-by-step included to permeate the long-term strategic framework.

Reimagine streets as places : A public space and public life analysis / Gator som platser : En analys av offentliga rum och stadsliv

Engelin Edvinsson, Tobias January 2021 (has links)
I århundraden har gator haft ett ekonomiskt, medborgerligt, kulturellt, socialt och politiskt värde. Gator var tidigare de främsta ‘platserna’ där människor samlades för att umgås, handla och koppla av. Men från 1950-talet och framåt, då antalet motoriserade fordon började ta fart, har gatornas funktion som ‘plats’ förbisetts. Som ett resultat har gator utformats och planerats för ett enda syfte, det vill säga flödet av fordonstrafik. Men i takt med ett växande intresse för social och urban hållbarhet har den moderna gatans roll och funktion i våra städer ifrågasatts. Kritiken har ofta riktats mot att gator under de senaste årtiondena endast behandlats som korridorer för trafikflöden fastän de kan erbjuda så många fler funktioner. Diskussionen har därför till stor del handlat om behovet av ett skifte från gata som en länk eller en trafikled till gata som en plats eller en destination. Under senare år har olika begrepp såsom ”gator för människor” och ”gator som platser” fått stor uppmärksamhet. Dessa koncept syftar till att utgå från människor vid utformning och planering av gator. Exempel från hela världen visar hur allt fler städer tar gator i anspråk och omformar dessa till just platser för människor. I Stockholm exempelvis finns det en tradition sedan år 2015 att tillfälligt omforma konventionella bilgator till sommargågator för människor under sommarhalvåret.  Syftet med denna studie är att mäta och utvärdera det offentliga livet och de rumsliga kvaliteterna före och efter den temporära utformningen av Rörstrandsgatan och Skånegatan till sommargågator i Stockholm. Vidare är fokus för denna studie att utforska nyckelbegrepp och teorier för hur man utformar ”gator som platser”. De två huvudfrågorna som ska besvaras i denna studie är:  (1) Hur förändras det offentliga stadslivet och de offentliga rumsliga kvaliteterna före och efter den tillfälliga omformningen av Rörstrandsgatan och Skånegatan till sommargågator? (2) Vilka är nyckelbegreppen och de viktigaste teorierna inom stadsplanering för diskussionen om ”gator som platser”? I denna studie har två metoder använts; direkt observation och litteraturstudie. Direkt observation följer Jan Gehls observationsmetod. Det är en metod som används för att studera samspelet mellan det offentliga rummet och det offentliga stadslivet genom att använda en kombination av flera olika verktyg. Dessa verktyg kan i sin tur användas för att mäta det offentliga stadslivet på olika sätt. En litteraturstudie har också använts för att samla information om olika teorier för hur man skapar gator där människor vill vistas och spendera tid.  Resultaten i denna studie visar att sommargator har en positiv inverkan på det offentliga stadslivet. Exempelvis noterades fler sociala interaktioner mellan människor, antalet aktiviteter som ägde rum ökade också vilket gjorde gatan livligare under hela dagen. Resultatet visar också att människor dröjer sig kvar och stannar till en längre stund på sommargågatorna. / For centuries streets have had an economic, civic, cultural, social and political value. Streets used to be the major ’places’ where people gathered to socialize, trade and relax. However, since the growth of motorized vehicles started in the 1950s, the ‘place’ function of streets has been overlooked. As a result, streets have been planned for one major purpose only, that is, the mobility of vehicular traffic. However, with today’s growing emphasis on urban and social sustainability, it is being recognized that there is a need to shift the function of streets and instead favor the ‘place function’ over the ‘traffic function’. Streets are much more than corridors of vehicular movement. In recent years, concepts such as ‘streets for people’ and ‘streets as places’ have gained much attention. These concepts aim to put people first in the design of streets. All around the world cities are reclaiming streets as public spaces for people. In Stockholm, for example, conventional streets are temporarily redesigned as summer pedestrian streets during the summer. The purpose of this study is to measure and evaluate the success of public life and public space qualities before and after the temporary redesign of Rörstrandsgatan and Skånegatan into summer pedestrian streets in the city of Stockholm, Sweden. Further on, the focus of this study is also to explore key concepts and main theories of how to design ‘streets as places’. The two research questions to be answered in this study are: (1) How does public life and public space qualities change before and after the temporary redesign of Rörstrandsgatan and Skånegatan into summer pedestrian streets? (2) What are the key concepts and main urban planning theories needed in the discussion of ‘streets as places’? For this study two methods were used; direct observation and literature review. Direct observation follows Jan Gehl’s method of observation. It is a method used for studying the interaction of public space and public life by using a combination of multiple public life tools. Overall, these tools can be used to measure public life in various ways. Literature review was used to determine the fundamental factors that contributes to make streets places where people want to spend time and linger.  The results show that summer pedestrian streets have a positive impact on public life. For example, more social interactions were observed, the amount of activities taking place also increased making the street more lively throughout the day. The result also shows that people stay a longer time on the summer pedestrian streets and linger.

Vintergatan - finns det liv innan mars?Förutsättningar för attraktiva stadsrum vintertid genom temporär urbanism / Temporary winter: Creating preconditions for attractive urban places during winter through temporary urbanism.

Appelgren, Hannes, Hirsch, Sam January 2017 (has links)
Levande Stockholm är ett koncept som Stockholms Stad initierade 2015. Syftet med det är att skapa levande och attraktiva stadsrum för medborgarna. Sökandet efter den attraktiva staden är en utveckling som blivit vanligare och viktigare för städer i och med den allt mer tilltagande globaliseringen. Konceptet Levande Stockholm baseras på temporär urbanism för att skapa attraktiva stadsrum under sommaren och har haft ett lyckat utfall. Det är från detta koncept studien tar ansats. Under vintern råder andra förhållanden som påverkar staden och människorna och samspelet mellan dem. Därför undersöker denna studie hur man kan skapa förutsättningar för attraktiva och levande stadsrum vintertid genom temporär urbanism. Forskningsfrågan har besvarats genom att i en fallstudie samla in data från tre olika grupper som vi valt att benämna planerare, externa aktörer samt medborgare. De planerare samt externa aktörer som intervjuats har valts på grund av deras erfarenheter av att jobba med Levande Stockholm eller med att skapa attraktiva stadsrum. Ett medborgarperspektiv har undersökts genom en enkät för att jämföra om deras tankar om attraktiva stadsrum vintertid överensstämmer med åsikterna hos planerare samt externa aktörer. Det teoretiska ramverket består av tre övergripande forskningsfält från olika discipliner; den levande staden, temporär urbanism samt samhällsplanering i ett kallt klimat. Detta skapar en tvärdisciplinär kontext som skapar ett djup och en bredd i studien. Studiens resultat visar att den temporära urbanismen har potential att skapa fler levande och intressanta stadsrum. Vidare visar empirin att de flesta aktörer, offentliga och privata, är överens om att stadens roll är att skapa förutsättningar för levande stadsrum, medan övriga aktörer bör stå för innehåll. Möjliga hinder för att utveckla levande stadsrum vintertid genom temporär urbanism är rigida regler angående snöröjning, upplåtelsetaxa samt tidsperioden för uteservering. Genom att underlätta för aktörer att temporärt utveckla och utnyttja gatu- och stadsrum under vintern kan levande och attraktiva stadsrum skapas. / Levande Stockholm is a concept that Stockholm City initiated in 2015. The purpose of the concept is to create vibrant and attractive urban spaces for the citizens. Developing the attractive city is a process that has become more common and important for cities, due to the ever- increasing globalization. The Levande Stockholm concept is based on temporary urbanism to create attractive city spaces in the summer and has had a successful outcome. This study springs from this concept. During winter, there are different conditions that affect the city, its inhabitants and the interaction between the two. Therefore, this study investigates how to create conditions for attractive and vibrant urban spaces during winter through temporary urbanism. The research question is answered through a case study by collecting data from three different groups whom we chose to label as planners, external actors and citizens. The planners and external actors who were interviewed were chosen due to their experience of working with Levande Stockholm prior. A citizen's perspective has been examined through a survey to compare if their thoughts about attractive urban spaces in winter time are consistent with the views of planners and external actors. The theoretical framework consists of three comprehensive research fields from different disciplines; the vibrant city, temporary urbanism and urban planning in a cold climate. This creates a cross-disciplinary context that allows a depth and breadth in the study. The results show that temporary urbanism has the potential to create more vibrant and interesting urban spaces. Furthermore, our empirics show that most actors, public and private, agree that the municipality’s role is to enable the creation of vibrant spaces, while other actors should be the creators of the content within the urban space. Possible obstacles to developing vibrant city spaces during wintertime through temporary urbanism are rigid rules regarding snow clearance, concession fees and the fixed periods for outdoor seating. Vibrant and attractive urban spaces can be created by enabling actors to temporarily develop and utilize streets and urban spaces during winter.

Temporary urban regeneration: a systematic approach for a multi-system life cycle assessment

Alhamdan, Ziyad Saleh 07 February 2023 (has links)
This research attempts to evaluate temporary urban regeneration potential by integrating two systems that make up an interim intervention which addresses an observed problem. The research proposes a systematic approach for a multi-system life cycle assessment model which lays out the process of working with two separate systems to provide a pathway for temporary urban development strategies. To achieve this, the research starts with identifying parameters of temporary urban regeneration through a systematic review of the literature. Key parameters are categorized based on objectives, indicators, as well as, physical characteristics of the literature explored case studies. Then, the findings are utilized to guide the proposed model of connecting two given systems to assess their joint impacts on a temporary urban regeneration system. The proposed MSLCA framework utilizes a holistic modeling structure with a process to integrate and analyze separate systems and quantify results for overall sustainability performance. Finally, the model is used to evaluate a case study involving two systems that address observed problems and provide urban services. The results explore the environmental impacts of the proposed intervention and highlight the effects of individual components on both systems. Through the implementation of the model, decisions on temporary urban intervention are guided by hotspots in the results. The findings reveal an opportunity for future research to expand the model's application to other processes and further its scope beyond environmental indicators. Subsequent studies can investigate opportunities for a holistic approach that includes economic and social aspects. / Doctor of Philosophy / The way we live in cities is heavily influenced by how they are planned. Improvident city planning could deny residents opportunities to enjoy some basic urban amenities. These problems could be self-induced as they are often a result of planning, policies, or personal habits and choice. Planners, urban designers, and regulators are constantly experimenting with different tools of urban regeneration to rediscover genuine urban experiences. This research sets out to investigate opportunities for temporary urban interventions on vacant lands in the city of Riyadh through repurposing idle shipping containers as a tool. This is to address the issues of a lack of urban services within residential subdivisions in the city, the high prevalence of vacant lands, and a wide availability of decommissioned shipping containers. The use of shipping containers for non-cargo purposes has seen an increased interest among architects and designers for their versatility and accessibility. Empty container accumulation is often a result of an unbalanced trading system which is mainly an issue of import-based countries. Therefore, the upcycling potential of intermodal containers can extend their life cycles and take advantage of their structure. It also maximizes the environmental returns of their raw materials. Through such processes of circular economy, potential waste objects can be repurposed as resources into usable structures and thus avoids the use and extraction of new raw materials. It is generally thought that the repurposing of shipping containers into building structures introduces environmental advantages when compared to traditional construction. Similarly, vacant lands are a valuable and well-established resource that can provide the setting for temporary urban interventions. Finding a joint productive use of these systems is at the center of this research as it attempts to assess the urban regeneration value of their merged utility during their idle stage. This helps address a key challenge that most urban area suffers from which is the lack of easily accessible and timely deployable temporary urban intervention to serve a particular use. This research aims to create a model that evaluates the lifecycles of temporary uses based on the joint intersection of contributing systems. The proposed Multi-System Life Cycle Assessment (MSLCA) model is to be applied to assess temporary urban regeneration interventions and help make decisions regarding appropriate approaches. The goal of the model is to propose a value-based approach based on characteristics from two systems. The resulting MSLCA model answers questions on how to apply LCA processes to a transitional intervention with new processes. In doing so, it highlights parameters for systems integration and processes for planning appropriate scenarios for urban interventions. It also highlights the need for unique system boundaries and specifies approaches for system assessment and interpretation. Finally, it provides broader impact categories beyond environmental impacts to consider specific economic and social indicators.

Utvecklingen av Slakthusområdet i skuggan av den segregerade staden : - Hur kan vi ta lärdom från projektet Les Grands Voisins i Paris för att motverka segregation i Slakthusområdet? / The urban development of Slakthusområdet in context of the increased segregation in Stockholm : - How can we learn from the project Les Grands Voisins in Paris to prevent segregation in Slakthusområdet?

Brasen, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
I denna uppsats analyseras stadsomvandlingen av Slakthusområdet utefter det urbana DMA:t och Stockholms bakgrund som segregerad stad. Slakthusområdets möjligheter av temporär användning under omvandlingen undersöks med hjälp av projektet Les Grands Voisins i Paris.  Stockholm är en segregerad stad och innerstaden har kommit att präglas av en livsstil med en aptit för ett exklusivt utbud av restauranger och barer (Lilja, 2011, s 15, 19, 34). Slakthusområdet ska bli en utvidgning av stadens centrala delar och de verksamheter och olika funktioner som växer fram ser ut att avspegla innerstadens homogenitet istället för de planer att skapa en heterogen stadsdel året om (Stockholms stadsbyggnadskontor, 2017, s 11). Med stadsutvecklingen förbättras många kvaliteter av det urbana DMA:t samtidigt som andra försämras.  Ambitionen med det förslag som presenteras är att utmana och förbättra områdets sociala mångfald. Förlaget utgår ifrån projektet Les Grands Voisins och den jämförelse som gjorts mellan projekten för att se Slakthusområdets möjligheter att tillämpa Les Grands Voisins 10 intentioner. / This bachelor thesis analyzes the urban development of Slakthusområdet (former meat-packing district located in Stockholm) with the support of the urban DMA and Stockholm’s background as a segregated city. The possibility of temporary use during the development is explored with the help of the project Les Grands Voisins in Paris.  Stockholm is a segregated city, the inner city is characterized by a lifestyle craving an exclusive selection of restaurants and bars (Lilja, 2011, s 15, 19, 34). Slakthusområdet will become an extension of the city’s central parts. Emerging activities and functions in the area seem to reflect the homogeneity of the inner city contrary to the plans to create a heterogeneous district all year round (Stockholms stadsbyggnadskontor, 2017, p. 11). With the urban development, many qualities of the urban DMA improve while other decline.  The proposal presented in this thesis aims to challenge and improve Slakthusområdet’s social diversity. The proposal stems from the Les Grands Voisins and the comparison between the two projects to explore the Slakthusområdet’s possibilities to apply Les Grands Voisins 10 intentions.

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