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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Results-based leadership : the core of organisational energy and success

Williams, Brian Kenneth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This mini-thesis examines the relationships between results-based leadership and the success of organisations through the maintenance of high levels of energy. In Chapter 1 the concept of energy is introduced by focusing on the relationship between globalisation, through increased competition and concurrent adaptation, and the need for high energy levels in organisations. Chapter 2 has a twofold focus. Firstly, a model for the creation of energised organisations is developed through examining the interrelationships between people, energy and systems, developing an understanding of the requirements of energy, describing systems as open entities, investigating the impact and efficiency of systems and discussing the need for organisational energy. The second part of the chapter investigates the relationship between energy levels and organisational success. Section " emphasises the conceptual development of leadership. Chapter 3 focuses on the conceptual history of leadership, some popular myths around the concept, and four theoretical approaches that are critical to modern-day understanding of leadership. It argues that leadership determines, or strongly influences, the strategy, direction and success of organisations, institutions and companies. The process of leadership is affected by three distinct variables: leaders themselves, the employees reporting to them, and the situation. The interaction between these variables determines the leadership behaviour and the reactions of subordinates through commitment, job satisfaction and performance. In this, leadership becomes a function of these three variables. The debate in Chapter 4 concentrates, firstly, on the dichotomous relationship between leaders and managers. Leaders have a role to play in the charting of the longer-term horizon of the organisation in which they set vision, mission and direction through effective communication and subtle motivation. Managers have a shorter-term horizon in which they define the vision, mission, goals and values of leadership into shorterterm strategy and implementation interventions. They draw the road map that follows the compass direction of leadership. Secondly, Chapter 4 argues that transformational leadership is paradoxical in nature. Transformational leaders have to build organisations that embrace paradox, i.e. organisations that manage the uncertainty of change in their environments. Their role is one of being change agents. The argument, thirdly, claims that leadership is results-based. Here the argument is for a framework of leadership that is output-driven, i.e. that has a goal orientation towards organisational output and success. Chapter 5 focuses on the conclusions of the research project. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie minitesis ondersoek die verband tussen uitsetgedrewe leierskap en organisatoriese sukses deur die handhawing van hoë energievlakke. In Hoofstuk 1 word die konsep van energie ingelei deur 'n fokus op die verband tussen globalisering, as gevolg van toenemende kompetisie en konkurrente aanpassings, en die noodsaaklikheid van hoë energievlakke in organisasies. Hoofstuk 2 het 'n tweeledige fokus. Eerstens word 'n energiemodel ontwikkel deur die ontleding van die verband tussen mense, energie en stelsels, die ontwikkeling van 'n begrip vir die vereistes van energie, die beskrywing van stelsels as oop entiteite, 'n ondersoek van die impak en effektiwiteit van stelsels, en die verduideliking van die noodsaaklikheid van energie. Die tweede deel van die hoofstuk ondersoek die verband tussen energievlakke en organisatoriese sukses. Afdeling II beklemtoon die konsepsuele ontwikkeling van leierskap. Hoofstuk 3 fokus op die konsepsuele geskiedenis van leierskap, 'n aantal mites rondom leierskap en vier teoretiese benaderinge wat kritiek vir die hedendaagse begrip van leierskap is. Daar word aangevoer dat leierskap die strategie, rigting en sukses van organisasies bepaal of sterk beïnvloed. Die leierskapproses word deur drie aspekte geaffekteer: leiers self, die werknemers wat aan hulle rapporteer, en die situasie waarbinne dit plaasvind. Die interaksie tussen hierdie aspekte bepaal die gedrag van leiers en die reaksie van werknemers deur toegewydheid, werkstevredenheid en prestasie. Hierdeur word leierskap 'n funksie van die drie aspekte. Die debat in Hoofstuk 4 konsentreer, eerstens, op die tweedelige verhouding tussen leiers en bestuurders. Leiers speel 'n rol in die kartering van die langtermynhorison van die organisasie deur die bepaling van visie, missie en rigting deur effektiewe kommunikasie en subtiele motivering. Bestuurders het 'n kortertermynhorison waarbinne hulle die visie, missie, doelstellinge en waardes in strategie en implementering omskep. Hulle teken die kaart wat die kompasrigting van leierskap navolg. In Hoofstuk 4 word tweedens aangevoer dat transformasieleierskap paradoksaal van aard is. Transformasieleiers moet organisasies bou wat paradokse aanvaar, d.i. organisasies wat die onsekerheid van omgewingsverandering kan bestuur. Hulle moet ook die rol van transformasieagente speel. Derdens word aangevoer dat leierskap uitsetgedrewe is. Hier word geargumenteer vir 'n leierskapraamwerk wat uitsetgedrewe is, wat doelmatig op organisatoriese uitset en sukses gemik is. Hoofstuk 5 fokus op die samevatting van die bevindinge van die navorsingsprojek.

Šiuolaikiniai vadovavimo metodai. Koučingas / Modern leadership. coaching

Mikalauskaitė, Gintarė 26 June 2014 (has links)
Šiais laikais, kai viskas nuolat keičiasi: situacija rinkoje, įmonių struktūra, technologijos, keičiasi ir vadovams keliami reikalavimai - gebėti vadovauti vykstant nepaliaujamoms permainoms. Skirtingo lygio vadovams keliami skirtingi reikalavimai, tačiau visų lygių vadovai turi išmanyti vadovavimo stilius ir gebėti juos taikysi skirtingose situacijose. Kokį vadovavimo stilių pasirinkti, nulemia vadovaujamos komandos žmonių sugebėjimai, patirtis ir motyvacija. Vadovas turi gebėti įžvelgti, koks yra pavaldinių lygis, ir teisingai pasirinkti vadovavimo stilių. Priešingu atveju, vadovas gali ne tik nesuvaldyti komandos, bet ir prarasti darbuotojus. Iš kitos pusės, daugelis vadovų dirbdami su žmonėmis taiko vienus elementus iš vieno stiliaus, kitus – iš kito. Nors ir labai svarbu atsakyti į klausimą, koks turi būti vadovas, tačiau tai tik vienas vadovavimo aspektų. Labai svarbu vadovo elgsena, bendravimas su pavaldiniais, jo naudojamas vadovavimo stilius ir pan. Vadovavimo stilius - tai tarpusavyje susiję vadovavimo metodai, elgesio normos, taisyklės, kuriuos vadovas naudoja savo darbe, skatindamas komandos narį siekti užsibrėžtų tikslų. Kiekvieno vadovo darbo stilius individualus, kadangi kiekvienas iš jų turi savo asmenines savybes, tik jam būdingus bruožus. Labai svarbu ir vadovo intelektas, kultūra, profesinis pasirengimas, charakteris ir temperamentas, jo vertybės. Vadovavimo stiliui įtakos daro ir komanda. Iki šiol nėra vienos stilių klasifikacijos, tačiau juos galima... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In our days situatiosn changes all the time. The requirement for leaders changes as well. They have to know various styles of leadership and to use them according to the situation. The selection of the style of leadership depends on competencies and experience of team members. Accoding to Jucevičius leadership can be seen trough leader‘s decision making, goals and responsibilities delegationing and controling. Different scientist researched leadership styles. Komacki (1986), Hazucha (1992) studied behavior of leaders, Bass, Yammarino (1988), Curphy (1991), Shamir, Arthur & House (1994) – charisma and rhetorical abilities, Hinkin, Schreisheim (1989), Yukl, Falbe, (1991), Lepsinger, Lucia, (1992) – tactics of influence, Curphy & Hogan (1994); Zaccaro, Foti, Kenny (1991) – features of personality. Many reaserchers of management researched phenomenon of: Bennis (1959), Blake, Mounton (1964), Stogdill (1974), Fiedler (1978), Hollander (1985), Bass (1988), Yukl, Falbe (1991), Hersey, Blanchard (1993), DuBrin (1995), Jonsson (1996), Robbins (2003) ir kt. In Lithuanua leadership styles were researched by R. Razauskas (1988;1996), S. Butkus (1990), P. Jucevičienė (1996), R. Jucevičius (1996) bei R. Želvys (1999; 2001). Theorists and practicians were looking for effective form of management, which could to guarantee not only the performance of main functions. They were trying to find the leadership style which could unite the team and focus them on new tasks and aims. Coaching is... [to full text]

Toward the development of a corporate social responsibility leadership questionnaire

Van Zyl, Liam Tian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent years, organisations in South Africa and around the world have started to realise that they have responsibilities towards the environment and communities they operate in, and that their responsibilities stretch further than just making profits for their shareholders. This growing awareness amongst organisations resulted in the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to escalate in importance and significance (Carroll & Shabana, 2010). The organisations‟ social responsibilities entail more than merely philanthropic activities in that the “social responsibility of business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary (voluntary) expectations that society has of organisations at a given point in time” (Carroll & Shabana, 2010, p. 89). Apart from being a powerful and positive force for social change, organisations can also reap multi-faceted business returns from their CSR endeavours. Large organisations that have specific positions or departments that coordinates the various components of their CSR initiatives needs competent CSR leaders who can act as champions and drive CSR initiatives in their respective organisations. The purpose of this study was to identify the behaviours/competencies necessary to be an effective CSR leader and to develop a CSR leadership measurement instrument that could be used to assess CSR leadership competencies amongst CSR leaders of South African organisations. An ex post facto research design that included both qualitative and quantitative phases was used. A three-phase scale development process based on the work of Netemeyer, Bearden and Sharma (2003) was followed to develop the CSR leadership measurement instrument. Phase 1 (construct definition and domain specification) entailed a literature review, expert judging, as well as the identification of CSR leadership behaviours/competencies. The Leadership Behaviour Inventory (LBI-2) (Spangenberg & Theron, 2010; 2011) was identified to form the basis of the CSR-LQ. In-depth interviews with five CSR leaders were held and they judged the applicability of the 20 dimensions of the LBI-2 for CSR leadership. Additional CSR leader behaviours and competencies were identified through the use of the Critical Incident Technique (CIT). Phase 2 (generation and judging of measurement items) included a process of item generation and expert judgement of measurement items. The revised LBI-2 items, together with new items were compiled in a questionnaire. A 5 point Likert-type scale (1=not at all important to 5=absolutely critical) was used to judge the importance of the CSR-LQ items. A further sample of CSR leaders (n=13) served as expert judges to indicate the applicability and relevancy of the CSR-LQ items. Purposive sampling together with snowball sampling was used to generate the sample. Phase 3 (finalisation of the measurement instrument) entailed finalising the CSR-LQ prior to empirical testing. The study resulted in the identification of CSR leadership competencies and the development of a CSR leadership measurement instrument. It is however too early to draw conclusions from this study, and it is hoped that future researchers will build on this study and develop a comprehensive CSR leadership competency model that could be used to identify and develop successful CSR leaders that will contribute to the CSR objectives of their respective organisations and add to the future development of the country. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies regoor die wêreld, asook in Suid-Afrika, het in die afgelope jare begin besef dat hulle verantwoordelikhede het teenoor die omgewing en gemeenskappe waarin hulle werksaam is en dat hul verantwoordelikhede verder strek as om bloot wins vir hul belanghebbendes te maak. Hierdie toenemende bewustheid onder organisasies het tot gevolg gehad dat die konsep van korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid (KSV) in belangrikheid en betekenis toegeneem het (Carroll & Shabana, 2010). Organisasies se sosiale verantwoordelikheid behels meer as bloot filantropiese aktiwiteite deurdat dit ekonomiese, wetlike, etiese, en diskresionêre (willekeurige) verwagtinge wat die gemeenskap van organisasies het op 'n gegewe tydstip insluit (Carroll & Shabana, 2010). Buiten vir die feit dat KSV 'n kragtige en positiewe mag vir sosiale verandering is, kan organisasies ook veelvuldige besigheidsvoordele uit hul KSV-pogings trek. Groot organisasies, wat spesifieke posisies of departemente het om die verskeie komponente van hul KSV-inisiatiewe te koördineer, benodig bevoegde KSV-leiers wat as kampvegters kan optree en die KSV-inisiatiewe in hul onderskeie organisasies kan dryf. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die nodige gedrag/bevoegdhede van 'n effektiewe KSV-leier te identifiseer en om 'n KSV-leierskap-meetinstrument te ontwikkel wat gebruik kan word om KSV-leierskapbevoegdhede onder KSV-leiers van Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies te meet. 'n Ex post facto navorsingsontwerp wat beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe fases ingesluit het, is gebruik. 'n Skaalontwikkelingsproses, gebaseer op die werk van Netemeyer, Bearden and Sharma (2003) en bestaande uit drie fases, is gevolg om die KSV-leierskap-meetinstrument te ontwikkel. Fase 1 (konstrukomskrywing en domeinspesifikasie) het 'n literatuurstudie, kennersoordeel, asook die identifikasie van KSV-leierskapsgedrag/-bevoegdhede bevat. Die Leierskapsgedrag-inventaris (LBI-2) (Spangenberg & Theron, 2010; 2011) is geïdentifiseer om die basis te vorm van die korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheidsleierskap-vraelys (CSR-LQ). In-diepte onderhoude is met vyf KSV-leiers gevoer en hulle het die toepaslikheid van die 20 dimensies van die LBI-2 ten opsigte van KSV-leierskap beoordeel. Bykomende KSV-leierskapsgedrag en -bevoegdhede is geïdentifiseer deur gebruik te maak van die Kritiese Insident-tegniek (KIT). Fase 2 (skep en oordeel van metingsitems) het 'n proses van itemskepping en kennersoordeel van metingsitems ingesluit. Die hersiene LBI-2-items, tesame met nuwe items, is in 'n vraelys saamgevat. 'n Vyf-punt Likert-tipe skaal (1=glad nie belangrik nie tot 5=absoluut noodsaaklik) is gebruik om die belangrikheid van die CSR-LQ-items te bepaal. 'n Verdere steekproef van KSV-leiers (n=13) het as kenners/beoordelaars gedien om die toepaslikheid en relevansie van die CSR-LQ-items aan te dui. Doelgerigte steekproefneming deur middel van sneeubal-steekproefneming is gedoen om die monster te genereer. Fase 3 (finalisering van die meetinstrument) het die finalisering van die CSR-LQ – voor empiriese toetsing – behels. Die studie het gelei tot die identifisering van KSV-leierskapbevoegdhede en die ontwikkeling van 'n KSV-leierskap-meetinstrument. Dit is egter te vroeg om gevolgtrekkings uit hierdie studie te maak, en daar word gehoop dat toekomstige navorsers op hierdie studie sal voortbou. Sodoende kan 'n omvattende KSV-leierskapbevoegdheidsmodel ontwikkel word wat gebruik kan word om suksesvolle KSV-leiers te identifiseer en te ontwikkel. Hierdie suksesvolle KSV-leiers sal tot die KSV-doelwitte van hul onderskeie organisasies kan bydra en waarde kan toevoeg tot die toekomstige ontwikkeling van die land.

Values, communication and leadership : an organizational perspective on their relationship

Overbeek, Leonie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: When examining organizational values, communication and leadership, how can the relationship between them be defined? This thesis approaches the problem by examining the literature in this field during the past ten years that deals with these three concepts both in theory and in practice. The relationship postulated to exist is defined as one in which leaders are being challenged to communicate the values of the organization in order to focus its members and the organization to a common purpose. An organization that shares a common values system is more successful than one without a coherent values system, and when these values are aligned to values acceptable to society the organization may be perceived as acceptable and thus attains a certain legitimacy. Leaders who share the value systems of their subordinates are similarly accepted and legitimised. The mutual resonance between the values communicated by leaders and those embodied in the organization is crucial, since a discrepancy leads to distrust of the messages being communicated with concommitant loss of effectiviness. Effective communication is, after all, the cornerstone of the organization as it is only through communication that the purpose of the organization can be shared and realized. Leaders in organizations can thus use the knowledge of the existence of such reso~ance to effectively communicate their vision to their subordinates; to disseminate the values of the organization and to enable the organization to grow and prosper. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wanneer die konsepte van organisatoriese waardes, kommunikasie en leierskap ondersoek word, word die verhouding tussen die konsepte moeilik gedefinieer. Hierdie tesis benader dié probleem deur 'n studie te maak van die literatuur wat die afgelope tien jaar gepubliseer is waarin of een of al drie hierdie konsepte beide in teorie en in die praktyk bespreek is. Die postulering word gestel dat daar 'n verhouding bestaan waarin leiers uitgedaag word om die waardes van die organisasie te kommunikeer om sodoende die lede van die organisasie en die organisasie self op 'n gemeenskaplike doelwit in te stel. 'n Organisasie waarin daar 'n gemeenskaplike waarde sisteem heers is meer geneig na sukses as een daarsonder, en wanneer so 'n waarde sisteem in lyn staan met die waardes wat deur die gemeenskap aanvaar word, word die organisasie as legitiem en aanvaarbaar waargeneem. Leiers wat die waarde sisteme van hulle volgelinge deel word op soortgelyke wyse aanvaar en gelegitimiseer. Die wedersydse resonansie tussen die waardes wat deur leiers gekommunikeer word en dié wat in die organisasie vervat word is van kritieke belang, aangesien 'n diskrepansie kan lei tot 'n vertrouensverlies in die boodskap en gevolglik tot 'n verlies aan effektiewe kommunikasie. Effektiewe kommunikasie is die basis van die organisasie, aangesien dit slegs deur kommunikasie is dat die doelwit van die organisasie gedeel en gerealiseer kan word. Leiers in organisasies kan gevolglik die kennis van die bestaan van so 'n resonansie gebruik om op 'n effektiewe manier hulle visie aan hulle onderlinge te kommunikeer; om die waardes van die organisasie te versprei en om die organisasie se groei en sukses te bevorder.

Vedení účetnictví v supermarketu / LEADERSHIP OF ACCOUNTING IN SUPERMARKET

HRUBANTOVÁ, Ivana January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Authentic leadership revisited: an empirical study of morality in authentic leadership

Bartsch, Marvin, Mansur, Juliana Arcoverde, Ramus, Tommaso 19 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Marvin Bartsch (marvin.bartsch@gmx.net) on 2018-08-20T20:15:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação mestrado_Marvin Bartsch.pdf: 892003 bytes, checksum: 134313d75a11d56e773596c50dfac63e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2018-08-21T12:42:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação mestrado_Marvin Bartsch.pdf: 892003 bytes, checksum: 134313d75a11d56e773596c50dfac63e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T18:03:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação mestrado_Marvin Bartsch.pdf: 892003 bytes, checksum: 134313d75a11d56e773596c50dfac63e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-19 / Objetivo – O objetivo deste trabalho é de empiricamente avaliar o papel da moralidade no conceito de liderança autêntica. Metodologia – Para tal, foi criado um questionário experimental no qual foram examinados os efeitos que os dois conceitos de autenticidade e moralidade têm na perceção de efetividade de um líder. Resultados – Prioritariamente os resultados mostram que há uma diferença insignificante entre lideres inautênticos mas moralmente corretos e lideres autênticos mas imorais na perceção de efetividade de um líder. Aplicabilidade do trabalho – Os resultados do estudo sugerem que lideres imorais por norma não devem ser excluídos do conceito de liderança autêntica. Originalidade – Para o nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro trabalho que examina o papel da moralidade na liderança autêntica ao relacionar os dois conceitos para a perceção de efetividade de um líder. / Purpose – The purpose of this work is to empirically evaluate the role of morality in the authentic leadership construct. Design/methodology/approach – To do so, a survey experiment was created that examines the effects of the two concepts of authenticity and morality on perceived leader effectiveness. Findings – Most importantly the results have shown that there is an insignificant difference between inauthentic but moral leaders and authentic but immoral leaders in perceived leader effectiveness. Practical implications – The findings of the study suggest that immoral leaders should not be generally excluded from authentic leadership constructs. Originality – To our knowledge, this is the first study that examines the role of morality in authentic leadership by relating the two concepts to perceived leader effectiveness.

Leadership in Organisationen sozialer Bewegungen: Kollektive Reflexion und Regeln als Basis für Selbststeuerung

Simsa, Ruth 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Dieser Beitrag in der Zeitschrift Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation analysiert Leadership in Organisationen der spanischen Protestbewegung. Es werden Idealvorstellungen der AktivistInnen von Führung, deren Umsetzung in der Praxis, damit einhergehende Probleme und der Umgang mit diesen Problemen dargestellt. Theoretische Grundlage sind Critical Leadership Studies, die Führung nicht als das Handeln einzelner Personen, sondern als Prozess des gesamten beteiligten Systems interpretieren und damit klar zwischen Leadership und Führungspersonen unterscheiden. Ferner werden Konsequenzen für die Führungspraxis auch in konventionellen Organisationen diskutiert.


Kelly, Marynell Atwater, 1931- January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

Der Wealth Management-Teamleiter im Spannungsfeld von Leadership und Management : Erfolgsfaktoren und Entwicklungsdimensionen /

Leone, Daniel. January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Zürich, Swiss Banking School, Diplomarbeit. / Literaturverz.

Gerhard Schröder - Political Leadership im Spannungsfeld zwischen Machtstreben und politischer Verantwortung /

Kaspari, Nicole. January 2008 (has links)
Univ., Diss.--Wien, 2007.

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