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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kreativ matematik / Creative mathematics

Modin, Sofia January 2002 (has links)
Forskning har visat att elevers intresse för matematik avtar ju äldre de blir. En av orsakerna till detta kan vara den traditionella matematiken som till stor del består av symboler och tekniker för att hitta rätt svar. För att få engagerade elever som intresserar sig för matematik måste undervisningen förändras. I min uppsats vill jag därför lyfta fram författare och lärare som intresserar sig för den matematiska utvecklingen.

Essays in financial mathematics

Lindensjö, Kristoffer January 2013 (has links)
<p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2013. Sammanfattning jämte 3 uppsatser.</p>

Mathematics and music

Thorbjörnsson, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen är att få en uppfattning om vilka matematiska aktiviteter som genomförs och kan genomföras under sångstunder på förskolor i Sverige och om de genomförs på ett sätt så att barnen arbetar mot målen i läroplanen. Detta eftersom mycket forskning tyder på att mycket matematikinlärning kan ske under sångstunder/musiklektioner. Teori och forskning säger att musik kan utveckla matematiken hos barn på många olika sätt.Min metod var att observera en sångstund på tre förskolor i en kommun och därefter intervjua förskollärarna som höll i sångstunderna.Resultatet visade att lärarna använde en hel del matematik under sångstunderna som det är, några mer medvetna om det än andra. Det visades även att pedagogerna anser att matematiken passar bra ihop med musik. Jag kan se vilka matematiska och musikaliska aktiviteter som genomfördes.Min önskan är att pedagoger ska ge barnen mycket matematikkunskaper under en sångstund. Det märks att där finns matematik till och med om vi inte lyfter det speciellt mycket. Tänk då vad som händer när pedagogen verkligen tänker på att lägga upp det matematiskt. Det jag i synnerhet ser i resultatet är att det är enkelt att få in matematik under sångstunderna och tycker därför att vi borde passa på att göra det. / The purpose of the survey is to get an idea of ​​what mathematical activities thats being used and can be implemented in singing while at nursery schools in Sweden and if implemented in a way so that the children are working towards the goals of the curriculum. This is because much research suggests that much mathematics learning can take place during the singing moments / music lessons. Theory and research says that music can develop mathematics in children in many different ways.My method was to observe a time of singing at three preschools in a municipality and then interviewing the preschool teachers who held the singing moments.The results showed that teachers used a lot of math in time of singing as it is, some more aware of it than others. It was also shown that teachers believe that mathematics fit well with music. I can see what mathematical and musical activities that were carried out.My wish is that teachers should give children much mathematics skills during a time of singing. It is noticeable that there are math even if we do not lift it very much. Imagine then what happens when the teacher really think about doing it mathematically. What I particularly see in the results is that it is easy to get into math in singing moments and therefore think that we should take the opportunity to do so.

Laborativ matematik / Manipulative mathematics

Dehn, Tova January 2024 (has links)
Denna kunskapsöversikt är skriven med syfte att jag vill ta reda på hur laborativa, konkreta materiel påverkar elevernas inlärning av matematik inom framförallt taluppfattning och tals användning. Fokusområdet är hela matematikämnet för elever i grundskolan, främst i förskoleklass samt årskurs 1-3. Utifrån min VFU har jag sett elever arbeta med och utan laborativt materiel och jag vill se hur användandet av laborativt materiel påverkar inlärningen samt förmågan att förstå och använda tal. För att besvara min frågeställning, Hur påverkar laborativt materiel elevernas förmåga till inlärning av matematik inom taluppfattning och tals användning? har jag använt mig av informationssökning med hjälp av olika nyckelord.  Metoden grundar sig på vetenskapliga sökningar i tre olika databaser och avgränsningar är valda artiklar som på något sätt belyser användandet av laborativt materiel i grundskolan.  Resultatet av kunskapsöversikten indikerar att elevers inlärning av matematik, inom taluppfattning och tals användning, påverkas på olika sätt av användningen av laborativt materiel. Laborativt materiel kan ses som ett ändamålsenligt verktyg att förstå abstrakta matematiska begrepp och ska användas av de elever som gynnas av det. Effekter av att använda laborativt materiel varierar bland elever och är också beroende av deras förkunskaper och kunskapsnivå. Lärarnas förståelse och kunskap av laborativt materiel påverkar även elevers inlärning.  Slutsatser jag kan se är att elever överlag gynnas av att använda laborativt materiel genom att de får en förståelse för de abstrakta begreppen i matematik som ofta kan vara svåra att förstå. Laborativt materiel ger elever en konkret upplevelse av matematiken vilket gynnar deras förståelse och vidare inlärning. Lärarens roll är viktigt då hen behöver använda sig av en röd tråd och koppla samman det konkreta med det abstrakta.

História da Matemática no livro didático de Matemática: Práticas discursivas / History of Mathematics on the mathematics textbook: discursive practices

Alencar, Alexsandro Coelho 14 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-25T12:23:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Alexsandro Coelho Alencar.pdf: 6754819 bytes, checksum: c6a8f7156f4dae99004e9377d5a26ce6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-14 / This analysis is a qualitative study about the history of mathematics in mathematics textbook. This is an analysis of didactic material according to the methodological framework of discourse analysis. Aims to analyze the discursive practices present in the passages of the history of mathematics in mathematics textbook of high school in three of the seven collections approved by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático -.PNLD 2012 (National Textbook Program) it was observed that the use of history in science and Mathematics teaching takes an important position in the contexts of teaching and learning currently. So, the history of mathematics is an integral part of the school mathematical knowledge contained in the textbook. It was also observed that the trend toward the use of traditional history is prevalent in the history of mathematics contained in the textbook of high school; that in mathematics textbook is not practiced as part of the mathematical content, but rather as an accessory to it and there are more historical passages informative or motivating character, and few where it uses the story as a teaching resource or as exploration of historical content itself. Therefore concluded that the textbook of mathematics, in regard to the use of mathematical history, reinforces the traditional paradigm, historically constructed and culturally determined in scientific and pedagogical field most commonly accepted in the mathematical community. In this process, the textbook through their discursive practices, plays an important disseminator role, producing meanings and contributing to the production of these because of their many uses and appropriations, sometimes reinforcing, sometimes breaking paradigms from a network of relationships that involves the scientific, pedagogical, marketing and cultural discourses. / O presente trabalho consiste em uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa sobre o uso da história da matemática no livro didático de matemática. Trata-se de uma análise de material didático segundo o referencial metodológico da análise do discurso. Tem como objetivo analisar as práticas discursivas presentes nas passagens da história da matemática no livro didático de matemática do Ensino Médio em três das sete coleções aprovadas pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático - PNLD 2012. Foi observado que o uso da história no ensino das ciências e da matemática assume uma posição relevante nos contextos de ensino e aprendizagem atualmente. Por isso, a história da matemática é parte integrante do conhecimento matemático escolar constante no livro didático. Foi observado também que a tendência ao uso da história tradicional é predominante na história da matemática contida no livro didático do ensino médio; que a matemática no livro didático não é praticada como parte do conteúdo matemático, mas sim como acessório a ele e que há mais passagens históricas de caráter informativo ou motivador, e poucas onde se usa a história como recurso didático ou como exploração do conteúdo histórico propriamente dito. Concluiu-se, portanto, que o livro didático de matemática, no que se refere ao o uso da história da matemática, reforça o paradigma tradicional, historicamente construído e culturalmente determinado no campo científico e pedagógico mais comumente aceito na comunidade matemática. Nesse processo, o livro didático, através de suas práticas discursivas, desempenha um papel disseminador relevante, produzindo sentidos e contribuindo para a produção destes em virtude dos seus diversos usos e apropriações, ora reforçando, ora quebrando paradigmas a partir de uma rede de relações que envolve os discursos científico, pedagógico, mercadológico e cultural.

Trends in Herpes Zoster Incidence from 1940 to 2008 Using a Cross-sectional Survey

Hales, Craig 16 December 2015 (has links)
Previous healthcare-based studies have reported increasing herpes zoster (HZ) incidence over time; however, this could be an artifact of increased healthcare utilization. This study is a cross-sectional analysis of 15,103 respondents in the 2008 wave of the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) to evaluate changes in HZ incidence from 1940 to 2008. Negative binomial regression is used to model the effect of calendar year, age of onset of HZ, gender and race/ethnicity on HZ incidence. A nonparametric method based on B-spline basis expansion is used to model the effect of calendar year to avoid imposing a predetermined functional form and produce flexible and accurate estimates. This study demonstrates increasing HZ incidence from 1940 to 2008 using self-reported HZ. Although the reason for this increase remains unknown, this study supports the assertion that this trend is real and not an artifact of increasing healthcare utilization for HZ over time.

Spanning Halin Subgraphs Involving Forbidden Subgraphs

Yang, Ping 09 May 2016 (has links)
In structural graph theory, connectivity is an important notation with a lot of applications. Tutte, in 1961, showed that a simple graph is 3-connected if and only if it can be generated from a wheel graph by repeatedly adding edges between nonadjacent vertices and applying vertex splitting. In 1971, Halin constructed a class of edge-minimal 3-connected planar graphs, which are a generalization of wheel graphs and later were named “Halin graphs” by Lovasz and Plummer. A Halin graph is obtained from a plane embedding of a tree with no stems having degree 2 by adding a cycle through its leaves in the natural order determined according to the embedding. Since Halin graphs were introduced, many useful properties, such as Hamiltonian, hamiltonian-connected and pancyclic, have been discovered. Hence, it will reveal many properties of a graph if we know the graph contains a spanning Halin subgraph. But unfortunately, until now, there is no positive result showing under which conditions a graph contains a spanning Halin subgraph. In this thesis, we characterize all forbidden pairs implying graphs containing spanning Halin subgraphs. Consequently, we provide a complete proof conjecture of Chen et al. Our proofs are based on Chudnovsky and Seymour’s decomposition theorem of claw-free graphs, which were published recently in a series of papers.

Accurate Approximation Series for Optimal Targeting Regions in a Neural Growth Model with a Low –branching Probability

Nieto, Bernardo 16 December 2015 (has links)
Understanding the complex growth process of dendritic arbors is essential for the medical field and disciplines like Biology and Neurosciences. The establishment of the dendritic patterns has received increasing attention from experimental researchers that seek to determine the cellular mechanisms that play a role in the growth of neural trees. Our goal in this thesis was to prove the recurrence formula for the probability distribution of all possible neural trees, as well as the formulas of the expected number of active branches and their variances. We also derived formulas for the spatial locations of the optimal targeting region for a tree with branching probability. These formulas were necessary for the simplified stochastic computational model that Osan et al have developed in order to examine how changes in branching probability influence the success of targeting neurons located at different distances away from a starting point.

Minimum Ranks and Refined Inertias of Sign Pattern Matrices

Gao, Wei 12 August 2016 (has links)
A sign pattern is a matrix whose entries are from the set $\{+, -, 0\}$. This thesis contains problems about refined inertias and minimum ranks of sign patterns. The refined inertia of a square real matrix $B$, denoted $\ri(B)$, is the ordered $4$-tuple $(n_+(B), \ n_-(B), \ n_z(B), \ 2n_p(B))$, where $n_+(B)$ (resp., $n_-(B)$) is the number of eigenvalues of $B$ with positive (resp., negative) real part, $n_z(B)$ is the number of zero eigenvalues of $B$, and $2n_p(B)$ is the number of pure imaginary eigenvalues of $B$. The minimum rank (resp., rational minimum rank) of a sign pattern matrix $\cal A$ is the minimum of the ranks of the real (resp., rational) matrices whose entries have signs equal to the corresponding entries of $\cal A$. First, we identify all minimal critical sets of inertias and refined inertias for full sign patterns of order 3. Then we characterize the star sign patterns of order $n\ge 5$ that require the set of refined inertias $\mathbb{H}_n=\{(0, n, 0, 0), (0, n-2, 0, 2), (2, n-2, 0, 0)\}$, which is an important set for the onset of Hopf bifurcation in dynamical systems. Finally, we establish a direct connection between condensed $m \times n $ sign patterns and zero-nonzero patterns with minimum rank $r$ and $m$ point-$n$ hyperplane configurations in ${\mathbb R}^{r-1}$. Some results about the rational realizability of the minimum ranks of sign patterns or zero-nonzero patterns are obtained.

Synchronization in Dynamical Networks with Mixed Coupling

Carter, Douglas M, Jr. 09 May 2016 (has links)
Synchronization is an important phenomenon which plays a central role in the function or dysfunction of a wide spectrum of biological and technological networks. Despite the vast literature on network synchronization, the majority of research activities have been focused on oscillators connected through one network. However, in many realistic biological and engineering systems the units can be coupled via multiple, independent networks. This thesis contributes toward the rigorous understanding of the emergence of stable synchronization in dynamical networks with mixed coupling. A mixed network is composed of subgraphs connecting a subnetwork of oscillators via one of the individual oscillator's variables. An illustrative example is a network of Lorenz systems with mixed couplings where some of the oscillators are coupled through the x-variable, some through the y-variable and some through both. This thesis presents a new general synchronization method called the Mixed Connection Graph method, which removes a long-standing obstacle in studying synchronization in mixed dynamical networks of different nature. This method links the stability theory, including the Lyapunov function approach with graph theoretical quantities. The application of the method to specific networks reveals surprising, counterintuitive effects, not seen in networks with one connection graph.

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