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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Optimization Framework for Embedded Processors with Auto-Modify Addressing Modes

Lau, ChokSheak 08 December 2004 (has links)
Modern embedded processors with dedicated address generation unit support memory accesses using indirect addressing mode with auto-increment and auto-decrement. The auto-increment/decrement mode, if properly utilized, can save address arithmetic instructions, reduce static and dynamic footprint of the program and speed up the execution as well. We propose an optimization framework for embedded processors based on the auto-increment and decrement addressing modes for address registers. Existing work on this class of optimizations focuses on using an access graph and finding the maximum weight path cover to find an optimized stack variables layout. We take this further by using coalescing, addressing mode selection and offset registers to find further opportunities for reducing the number of load-address instructions required. We also propose an algorithm for building the layout with considerations for memory accesses across basic blocks, because existing work mainly considers intra-basic-block information. We then use the available offset registers to try to further reduce the number of address arithmetic instructions after layout assignment.

Implementation of 3GPP LTE QPP Interleaver for SiLago

Dey, Spandan January 2019 (has links)
Modern wireless communication systems have seen an increased usage of various channel coding techniques to facilitate improved throughput and latency. Interleavers form an integral part of these coding techniques and play a critical role by making the communication more robust and resilient to noise and other interference. The ever increasing need for higher throughputs and lower latencies has made designers to pursue a more parallel design approach giving rise to parallel adaptations of these encoding/decoding techniques. A bulk of the modern telecommunication occurs over Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN), commonly referred to as cellular networks. The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), Long Term Evolution (LTE) develops and specifies the standards that are used in cellular communication. Their current most widely used "4G" standard employs Turbo coding techniques and a Quadratic Permutation Polynomial (QPP) interleaver. Silicon Large Grain Object or SiLago is a Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Fabric facilitating a modular approach towards electronics hardware development. The concept is similar to LEGO bricks, that is to have a library of hardened blocks (similar to Lego bricks) out of which systems of various types and functionalities can be built. This thesis investigates the state-of-the-art parallel interleavers and parallel interleaving techniques available for the 3GPP LTE QPP interleavers, and implements two interleaver designs, one for Radix 2 and another for Radix 4 decoding techniques. A physical synthesis is carried out in 28nm technology and the results in terms of power and area are reported. / Moderna trådlösa kommunikationssystem har sett ökad användning av olika kanaler kodningstekniker för att underlätta förbättrad genomströmning och latens. Interleavers utgör en integrerad del av dessa kodningstekniker och spelar en viktig roll genom att göra kommunikation mer robust och fjädrande för brus och andra störningar. Det ökande behovet av högre genomströmningar och lägre latenser har gjort konstruktörer att driva en mer parallell design tillvägagångssätt som ger upphov till parallella anpassningar av dessa kodningstekniker. En stor del av modern telekommunikation är via Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN), vanligen kallad mobilnät. Det Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), Long Term Evolution (LTE) utvecklar och specificerar de standarder som används i mobil kommunikation. Deras nuvarande mest använda "4G" standard använder Turbo-kodning tekniker och en Quadratic Permutation Polynomial (QPP) interleaver. Silicon Large Grain Object eller SiLago är ett grovt kornkonfigurerbart tygstöd ett modulärt tillvägagångssätt för elektronikutveckling. Konceptet är liknande LEGO-tegelstenar, det är med ett library av härdade block (liknande Lego-tegelstenar), varav system av olika typer och funktioner kan byggas. Denna avhandling undersöker de toppmoderna parallella interleaversna och parallellinterfolieringen tekniker som är tillgängliga för 3GPP LTE QPP interleavers, och implementerar tvåinterleavers mönster, en för Radix 2 och en annan för Radix 4avkodningstekniker. En fysisk syntes utförs i 28nm-teknik och resultaten i kraft och area rapporteras.

Military-industrial complex: Eisenhower's unsolved problem

Badger, Thomas Jenkins. January 1965 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1965 B13 / Master of Science

SiLago: Enabling System Level Automation Methodology to Design Custom High-Performance Computing Platforms : Toward Next Generation Hardware Synthesis Methodologies

Farahini, Nasim January 2016 (has links)
<p>QC 20160428</p>

Cursive Bengali Script Recognition for Indian Postal Automation

Vajda, Szilárd 12 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Large variations in writing styles and difficulties in segmenting cursive words are the main reasons for handwritten cursive words recognition for being such a challenging task. An Indian postal document reading system based on a segmentation-free context based stochastic model is presented. The originality of the work resides on a combination of high-level perceptual features with the low-level pixel information considered by the former model and a pruning strategy in the Viterbi decoding to reduce the recognition time. While the low-level information can be easily extracted from the analyzed form, the discriminative power of such information has some limits as describes the shape with less precision. For that reason, we have considered in the framework of an analytical approach, using an implicit segmentation, the implant of high-level information reduced to a lower level. This enrichment can be perceived as a weight at pixel level, assigning an importance to each analyzed pixel based on their perceptual properties. The challenge is to combine the different type of features considering a certain dependence between them. To reduce the decoding time in the Viterbi search, a cumulative threshold mechanism is proposed in a flat lexicon representation. Instead of using a trie representation where the common prefix parts are shared we propose a threshold mechanism in the flat lexicon where based just on a partial Viterbi analysis, we can prune a model and stop the further processing. The cumulative thresholds are based on matching scores calculated at each letter level, allowing a certain dynamic and elasticity to the model. As we are interested in a complete postal address recognition system, we have also focused our attention on digit recognition, proposing different neural and stochastic solutions. To increase the accuracy and robustness of the classifiers a combination scheme is also proposed. The results obtained on different datasets written on Latin and Bengali scripts have shown the interest of the method and the recognition module developed will be integrated in a generic system for the Indian postal automation.

Sposoby wyrażania honoryfikatywności w polszczyźnie mieszkańców Niemenczyna (w przekroju pokoleniowym) / Mandagumo raiškos būdai Nemenčinės gyventojų lenkų kalboje (trijų kartų lyginimas) / Honorific forms in polish language of Niemenczyn people (comparison of three generations)

Mikelevič, Alicija 29 June 2009 (has links)
Współczesna polszczyzna jest rozwiniętym językiem narodowym, zdolnym do zaspokojenia różnorodnych potrzeb komunikacyjnych, w których istotną rolę odgrywa odpowiedni wybór form adresatywnych, służących zwróceniu uwagi rozmówcy oraz wyrażających grzeczność wobec nadawcy. Celem mojej pracy magisterskiej "Sposoby wyrażania honoryfikatywności w polszczyźnie mieszkańców Niemenczyna (w przekroju pokoleniowym)" jest pokazanie sposobów zwracania się do rozmówcy w mowie Polaków zamieszkujących w jednej miejscowości z uwzględnieniem zmian pokoleniowych. Wyznaczony cel będzie wymagał wykonania w pracy następujących zadań: 1. wypracowania zasad metodologicznych opisu środków honoryfikatywności w języku polskim; 2. zanalizowania zebranych drogą ankietową danych językowych na podstawie wybranej metodologii; 3. porównania teraźniejszego stanu sytuacji językowej w wybranej miejscowości z wnioskami, pochodzącymi z wcześniejszych opracowań na ten temat; 4. ukazania pewnych rozbieżności w tendencjach ogólnopolskich i regionalnych. W niniejszej pracy uwaga została skupiona na gramatycznych wykładnikach wyrażania honoryfikatywności w języku polskim, które obejmują formy adresatywne (proszę pana/pani; pan/pani + imię/nazwisko, tytuł), zaimkowe (pan/pani; Wy) i czasownikowe (zero godnościowe; samodzielne użycie bezokolicznika). W niniejszej pracy magisterskiej analizie został poddany materiał językowy, zebrany w Niemenczynie za pomocą ankietowania. Ankieta zawierała 19 pytań, wymagających... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Kreipiniai yra vartojami komunikacijos procese tam, kad būtų atkreiptas pašnekovo dėmesys ir išreikštas mandagumas. Mandagumo raiškos būdai skiriasi ne tik kalbose, bet ir jų teritoriniuose variantuose. Šio magistro darbo tikslas yra parodyti Nemenčinės gyventojų lenkų kalba reiškiamus mandagumo raiškos būdus, lyginant tris kartas. Pasiekti šį tikslą yra įmanoma išsprendus šias užduotis: 1. sudaryti metodologijos taisykles, remiantis kuriomis bus aprašyti mandagumo raiškos būdai lenkų kalboje; 2. išanalizuoti anketos būdu surinktus duomenis; 3. palyginti Nemenčinės gyventojų esamą kalbinę būklę su išvadomis, padarytomis remiantis kitais darbais šia tema; 4. parodyti skirtumus tarp lenkų ir Vilniaus krašto lenkų kalbų. Lenkų kalboje mandagumo raiškos būdai yra reiškiami trimis gramatinėmis priemonėmis: leksikos, stiliaus ir gramatikos. Magistro darbe ypatingas dėmesys buvo skiriamas gramatinėms mandagumo raiškos priemonėms: kreipiniams (proszę pana/pani; pan/pani + vardas, pavardė, titulas), mandagumo įvardžiams (pan/pani; Wy) ir veiksmažodžių formoms (tiesioginėje ir tariamojoje nuosakoje savarankiškai vartojama 3 asmens forma, o liepiamojoje – bendratis). Kalbinė medžiaga, reikalinga magistro darbui parašyti, buvo surinkta naudojantis anketine gyventojų apklausa. Anketą užpildė 30 Nemenčinės gyventojų (įvairaus amžiaus ir išsilavinimo), kur lenkų tautybės žmonės sudaro daugumą. Tokiu būdu buvo sukaupta 530 pasisakymų, kurie leido palyginti mano tyrimų rezultatus su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Manner of address in communication process is used in order to bring message to somebody’s notice or to express politeness. Honorific forms differ not only in various languages, but in various regional dialects as well. Main objective of this Master Thesis is to present honorific forms in polish language used by Niemenczyn people by comparison of three generations. Main objective shall be achieved if following tasks will be accomplished: 1. Structure methodological rules which shall be the basis for description of honorific forms in polish language; 2. Analyze survey data; 3. Compare existing language state with conclusions made in previous studies on this topic; 4. Present the differences between Polish language used in Vilnius region and in Poland. Honorific forms in polish language are expressed by three grammar means: lexis, style and grammar. Master Thesis emphasizes grammatical means of honorific forms, i.e. manners of address (proszę pana/pani; pan/pani + name, last name, title), honorific pronouns (pan/pani; Wy) and verb forms (independent 3rd conjugation in indicative and subjunctive and infinitive form in imperative). Survey data was used as basis of this Master Thesis. 30 inhabitants of Niemenczyn, where Polish nationality people makes majority, have answered the survey questions (people of different ages and with various education). 530 sayings were collected which were compared with conclusions of previous studies, and as a consequence specific features of... [to full text]

On Collective Communication and Notified Read in the Global Address Space Programming Interface (GASPI)

End, Vanessa 14 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Voseo, jeho vývoj a současnost / Voseo, its evolution and present

Bocková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
This work approaches the phenomenon called voseo from two different points of view: synchronic and diachronic. At the beginning, the work compares verbal and pronominal systems in Spain and Hispanic America, then analyses the evolution of voseo with the help of writings from given periods (from Cid to Classicism). In addition, it examines how different grammars (from the first grammar of Nebrija to the newest grammar of the Royal Spanish Academy) see this phenonomenon. In the part dedicated to the synchronic view, it describes voseo in different states with the help of the corpus of the Royal Spanish Academy.

K otázce vývoje oslovování v portugalštině - textová analýza / On the problem of adress forms in the Portuguese language - text analysis

Wagenknechtová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the submitted thesis: "On the problem of address forms in the Portuguese language - text analysis" is to analyze the various address forms belonging to noun, pronoun and verb word classes. The evolution of these forms is emphasized; however, more approaches are considered since evaluating the diachronic one requires that the synchronic one is also examined. The goal is to look at the issue in several ways, taking into account the broader historical, political and sociolinguistic issues. The theoretical part is aimed at the general principles of addressing in terms of external, internal and historical linguistics and to the evolution of addressing in the Portuguese language. This includes Portuguese addressing terminology specifics, like the form of voc. The practical part describes the address forms in Brother Luís de Sousa, the historical Portuguese play (theatrical) from 1844 set in the beginning of 17th century, comparing these forms to authentic texts from that period. The conclusion presents the results of the text analyses and sums up the problems related to the issue of politeness in linguistics.

A design comparison between IPv4 and IPv6 in the context of MYSEA, and implementation of an IPv6 MYSEA prototype

O'Neal, Matthew R. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Internet Protocol version six (IPv6), the next generation Internet Protocol, exists sparsely in today's world. However, as it gains popularity, it will grow into a vital part of the Internet and communications technology in general. Many large organizations, including the Department of Defense, are working toward deploying IPv6 in many varied applications. This thesis focuses on the design and implementation issues that accompany a migration from Internet Protocol version four (IPv4) to IPv6 in the Monterey Security Enhanced Architecture (MYSEA). The research for this thesis consists of two major parts: a functional comparison between the IPv6 and IPv4 designs, and a prototype implementation of MYSEA with IPv6. The current MYSEA prototype relies on a subset of Network Address Translation (NAT) functionality to support the network's operation; and, due to the fact that IPv6 has no native support for NAT, this work also requires the creation of a similar mechanism for IPv6. This thesis provides a preliminary examination of IPv6 in MYSEA, which is a necessary step in determining whether the new protocol will assist with or detract from the enforcement of MYSEA policies. / Ensign, United States Navy

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