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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of methods used to predict the heat release rate and enclosure temperatures during mattress fires

Threlfall, Todd 05 September 2005 (has links)
Fires in buildings ranging in size from small residential houses to large office buildings and sports stadiums pose significant threats to human safety. Many advances have been made in the area of fire behaviour modeling and have lead to much safer, and more efficient fire protection engineering designs, saving countless lives. Fire, however, is still a difficult phenomenon to accurately model and the most important quantity used to describe a fire is the heat (energy) release rate (HRR). Predictions of the fire hazard posed by mattresses, using relatively simple modeling techniques, were investigated in this research work and compared to full-scale experimental results. Specifically, several common methods of predicting the HRR from a mattress fire were examined. Current spatial separation guidelines, which exist in order to mitigate fire spread between buildings, were used to predict radiation heat flux levels emitted by a burning building and compared to experimental results measured in the field. Enclosure ceiling temperatures, predicted using the Alpert temperature correlation, and average hot gas layer temperature predictions were also compared to experimental results. Results from this work indicate that the t-squared fire heat release rate modeling technique combined with the common Alpert ceiling temperature correlation, provide a reasonable prediction of real-life fire temperatures as results within 30% were obtained. The cone calorimeter was also found to be a useful tool in the prediction of full-scale fire behaviour and the guidelines used for spatial separation calculations were found to predict the radiant heat flux emitted by a burning building reasonably well.

Development and Characterization of Anti-Inflammatory Coatings for Implanted Neural Probes

Zhong, Yinghui 21 November 2006 (has links)
Stable single-unit recordings from the nervous system using microelectrode arrays can have significant implications for the treatment of a wide variety of sensory and movement disorders. However, the long-term performance of the implanted neural electrodes is compromised by the formation of glial scar around these devices, which is a typical consequence of the inflammatory tissue reaction to implantation-induced injury in the CNS. The glial scar is inhibitory to neurons and forms a barrier between the electrode and neurons in the surrounding brain tissue. Therefore, to maintain long-term recording stability, reactive gliosis and other inflammatory processes around the electrode need to be minimized. This work has succeeded in the development of neural electrode coatings that are capable of sustained release of anti-inflammatory agents while not adversely affecting the electrical performance of the electrodes. The effects of coating methods, initial drug loadings on release kinetics were investigated to optimize the coatings. The physical properties of the coatings and the bioactivity of released anti-inflammatory agents were characterized. The effect of the coatings on the electrical property of the electrodes was tested. Two candidate anti-inflammatory agents were screened by evaluating their anti-inflammatory potency in vitro. Finally, neural electrodes coated with the anti-inflammatory coatings were implanted into rat brains to assess the anti-inflammatory potential of the coatings in vivo. This work represents a promising approach to attenuate astroglial scar around the implanted silicon neural electrodes, and may provide a promising strategy to improve the long-term recording stability of silicon neural electrodes.

Three Dimensional Mixed Mode Fracture Analysis Of Functionally Graded Materials

Kosker, Sadik 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The main objective of this study is to model and analyze a three dimensional inclined semi-elliptic surface crack in a Functionally Graded Material (FGM) coating bonded to a homogeneous substrate with a bond coat. The parametric analyses on FGMs are based upon zirconia-yttria (ZrO2-8wt%-Y2O3) FGM coating bonded to a substrate made of a nickel-based superalloy. It is assumed that there is a nickel-chromium&amp / #8211 / aluminum&amp / #8211 / zirconium (NiCrAlY) bond coat between the FGM coating and substrate. Metal-rich, linear variation, ceramic-rich and homogeneous ceramic FGM coating types are considered in the analyses. The inclined semi-elliptic surface crack problem in the FGM coating-bond coat-substrate system is analyzed under transient thermal loading. This problem is modeled and analyzed by utilizing three dimensional finite elements. Strain singularity around the crack front is simulated using collapsed 20 &amp / #8211 / node quarter &amp / #8211 / point brick elements. Three &amp / #8211 / dimensional displacement correlation technique is utilized to extract the mixed mode stress intensity factors around the crack front for different inclination angles of the semi-elliptic surface crack. The energy release rates around the crack front are also calculated by using the evaluated mixed mode stress intensity factors. The results obtained in this study are the peak values of mixed mode stress intensity factors and energy release rates around the crack front for various inclination angles of the semi-elliptic surface crack embedded in the FGM coating of the composite structure subjected to transient thermal loading.

Release From Proactive Interference And Its Relations To Executive Functions: A Developmental Study On Turkish Children

Unal, Gulten 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to investigate the development of release from proactive interference (RPI) and its relations with executive working memory functions. 101 primary school children (aged 6-12 years) and 20 young adults (aged 22-30 years) participated in the study. The main task, the Categorical Free Recall Test, comprised 12 items from 3 different categories (animals, fruits, clothes). The purpose of the main task was to examine both the development of the RPI pattern and the categorization ability during childhood. As our results showed, the categorization ability and the RPI pattern were already present in the 1st graders. Although overall memory span increased with age, there was no significant development for the categorization and the RPI effect. For the additional tasks, the Word Span Test (WST, to measure the phonological WM capacity), the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST, to measure both the categorization ability and executive WM functions), and the Listening Span Test (LST, to examine executive and complex WM functions), the results indicated that children also improved with age. Overall memory capacity in the main task was best predicted by the WST / however, memory of serial position was best predicted by the LST. These findings are in accordance with the view that the WST measures the phonological working memory span, whereas the LST measures complex working memory and executive functions. The comparisons between the adult and the child sample revealed that except for the RPI pattern adults were better on all tasks than the children. The lack of a consistent RPI pattern for the adults may be due to the relatively short stimulus list.

Order-driven Flexibility Management In Make-to-order Companies With Flexible Shops

Suer, Bekir Ilker 01 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, an operational (short term) flexibility management approach is proposed for make-to-order companies with flexible shops. Order Review and Release (ORR) techniques and typical Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) decisions are combined in this method. The proposed method prepares a shop environment by allocating process and routing flexibility types at different levels to the shop in each production cycle. Variety, volume, and criticality of the part types in the pool and the anticipated orders constitute the main inputs for flexibility allocation. A flexibility management policy is introduced and determination of the proper policy is realized with the integrated utilization of mathematical programming and simulation modeling. An experimental study is performed to investigate the effects of proposed method on a hypothetical flexible shop. Results show that with an appropriate policy, periodical and online flexibility management can be an effective tool to cope with uncertainty in demand if combined with ORR techniques.

Local and sustained delivery of hydrophobic drugs to the spinal cord with polyketal microparticles

Kao, Chen-Yu 30 July 2009 (has links)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating disease. Currently, there is no cure for this disease, and effective treatment strategies are greatly needed. Calpain activation plays a major role in the motor neuron degeneration that causes ALS. Therefore, therapeutic strategies can inhibit calpain activity in the central nervous system (CNS) have great clinical potential. The calpain inhibitors AK295 and MDL-28170 have been demonstrated to be neuroprotective in animal models of neurological injury, and should have great potential to treat ALS; however delivery problems have hindered their clinical success. Therefore, development of a new strategy that can locally deliver the calpain inhibitors to the central nervous system could significantly improve the treatment of ALS. The objectives of my thesis research were (1) to develop high molecular weight polyketals that provide sustained release properties for hydrophobic molecules, (2) to formulate calpain inhibitor-encapsulated polyketal microparticles which have a release half life of one month in vitro, (3) and to evaluate the performance of polyketal microparticles for delivering calpain inhibitors to the spinal cord in vivo. In completing these specific aims, we have developed biodegradable polymeric microparticles for the delivery of calpain inhibitors, AK295 and MDL-28170 to treat ALS. The results of calpain assays showed that both AK-PKMs and MDL-PKMs maintained most of their inhibitory activities even after the robust emulsion process. The in vitro release profile of MDL-28170 in MDL-PKMs showed that 50 % of the drug was released in the first 30 days. Experiments using dye-encapsulated microparticles showed that polyketal microparticles (1-2 ìm) are not easily cleared in the neutral physiological environment and can have potential to continuously release drug from the injection sites in the spinal cord. The efficacy of calpain inhibitor-encapsulated PKMs were studied by evaluation the behavior and survival of SOD1G93A rats, a genetic rat model for ALS. We observed the trend toward improvements in grip strength and rotarod performance in the first two months from the AK-PKMs treated group, however, further improvements are needed to enhance their in vivo efficacy.

Determinanten und Mechanismen der foamyviralen Partikelfreisetzung

Stange, Annett 07 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Die Spumaretrovirinae, mit ihrer einzigen Gattung der Foamyviren (FV), nehmen aufgrund einer recht ungewöhnlichen Replikationsstrategie und Ähnlichkeiten mit den Hepadnaviren eine Sonderstellung innerhalb der Familie der Retroviren ein. Eine Besonderheit der FV ist, daß sie für die Partikelfreisetzung, im Gegensatz zu den Orthoretroviren, die beiden strukturellen Proteine Gag und Env benötigen. Das Gag- Protein trägt alle für den Kapsidzusammenbau nötigen strukturellen Komponenten, kann jedoch durch eine fehlende Membranbindungsdomäne nicht mit Zellmembranen assoziieren. Der Membrantransport der bereits im Zytoplasma zusammen gebauten FV Kapside wird vermutlich durch das FV Env-Protein vermittelt. Das FV Hüllprotein ist jedoch auch alleine zur Freisetzung von Kapsidlosen, Hüllprotein-haltigen subviralen Partikeln (SVP) fähig. Da eine Envunabhängige Freisetzung virus-ähnlicher Partikel durch ein FV Gag-Protein mit künstlichem Membrananker möglich ist, scheint das FV Gag-Protein auch essentielle strukturelle Elemente für die Partikelfreisetzung zu enthalten. In den letzten Jahren wurden große Fortschritte in der Erforschung der Freisetzung von membranumhüllten Viren und den daran beteiligten viralen Determinanten und zellulären Mechanismen gemacht. Wobei den meist in den viralen Kapsidproteinen vorkommenden Late (L)-Domänen und deren Interaktion mit dem zellulären Proteinsortierungsweg in Multivesikuläre Körperchen (MVB) eine besondere Bedeutung zu kommt. Über die FV virale und subvirale Partikelfreisetzung und die dabei involvierten strukturellen viralen Domänen und zellulären Proteinen war jedoch bisher wenig bekannt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte durch Mutationsanalysen von drei potentiellen L-Domän Sequenzmotiven im Prototyp FV (PFV) Gag-Protein ein, innerhalb der Primaten FV konserviertes, PSAP Konsensusmotiv als funktionelle L-Domäne charakterisiert werden. Dessen Mutation führte zu klassischen L-Domän Defekten mit verringerter Partikelfreisetzung, sowie einer elektronenmikroskopisch sichtbaren Arretierung der Virusknospung und seine Funktion war durch homo- und heterologe L-Domän Motive anderer Retroviren teilweise oder vollständig ersetzbar. Ein PPPI Motiv in PFV Gag, mit Ähnlichkeit zur L-Domän PPXY Konsensussequenz, schien jedoch keinen Einfluß auf die FV Freisetzung zu besitzen. Die Charakterisierung eines in allen FV Gag-Proteinen konservierten YXXL Motivs ließ eher auf eine wichtige Rolle beim korrekten Kapsidzusammenbau, als auf eine klassische LDomän Funktion schließen. Eine korrekte Kapsidmorphogenese schien entscheidend für die reverse Transkription des Virusgenoms zu sein. Durch Koexpression verschiedener dominant-negativer Mutanten des zellulären ESCRT-Proteinssortierungsweges konnte gezeigt werden, daß die virale Partikelfreisetzung von PFV augenscheinlich dem generellen Model der Freisetzung vieler membranumhüllter Viren über das VPS-System folgt. Eine spezifische Interaktion des PFV Gag PSAP L-Domän Motivs mit TSG101, einer frühen Komponente der ESCRT-Komplexe, verbindet PFV mit dem VPS-Sortierungsweg der Zelle. Die besondere Fähigkeit des FV Env-Proteins zur Freisetzung von SVPs wurde bereits vor einiger Zeit entdeckt, dennoch war bisher nichts über die viralen und zellulären Determinanten bekannt, die zu einer Knospung des Env-Proteins in Vesikel führten. Durch eine Reihe von Deletions- und Mutationsanalysen des PFV Env-Proteins konnten in dieser Arbeit zwei für die SVP-Freisetzung inhibitorische Abschnitte am N- und C-Terminus der zytoplasmatischen Domänen des Env- Proteins ermittelt werden. Weiterhin wurden essentielle Sequenzen im Leaderpeptid, sowie die Notwendigkeit der Membranspannenden Domäne der Transmembran- Untereinheit für die SVP-Freisetzung festgestellt. Obwohl das PFV Env-Protein kein bekanntes L-Domän Sequenzmotiv enthält, konnte ein Einfluß später Komponenten der ESCRT-Maschinerie auf die SVP-Bildung beobachtet werden. Wobei die genaue Eintrittsstelle in den VPS-Weg im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nicht definiert werden konnte. Die vorgenommen Analysen lassen vermuten, daß die Bildung von SVPs durch die Konzentration der Env-Proteine in der Zellmembranen reguliert wird. Welche genauen Mechanismen dabei zu Grunde liegen und wieweit die zelluläre Ubiquitinylierungsmaschinerie involviert ist, bedarf jedoch weiterer Erforschung. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit verdeutlichen erneut die Sonderstellung der FV innerhalb der Familie der Retroviren. Auf der einen Seite folgt die foamyvirale Viruspartikelfreisetzung den typischen Mechanismen der retroviralen Virusknospung. Andererseits zeigt die Freisetzung von subviralen Partikeln, die bei keinem anderen Retrovirus bisher beobachtet wurde, eine weitere Parallele zur Replikationsstrategie der Hepadnaviren auf.

Estimating Carbon Pool and Carbon Release due to Tropical Deforestation Using High-resolution Satellite Data / Carbon Release due to Tropical Deforestation

Rahman, Md. Mahmudur 14 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Forest-cover in the tropics is changing rapidly due to indiscriminate removal of timber from many localities. The main focus of the study is to develop an operational tool for monitoring biomass and carbon pool of tropical forest ecosystems. The method was applied to a test site of Bangladesh. The research used Landsat ETM+, Landsat TM and IRS pan images of 2001, 1992 and 1999 respectively. Geometrically corrected Landsat ETM+ imagery was obtained from USGS and adjusted to the field using GPS. Historical images were corrected using image-to-image registration. Atmospheric correction was done by modified dark object subtraction method. Stratified sampling design based on the remote sensing image was applied for assessing the above-ground biomass and carbon content of the study area. Field sampling was done during 2002-2003. Dbh and height of all the trees inside the sample plots were measured. Field measurement was finally converted to carbon content using allometric relations. Three different methods: stratification, regression and k-nearest neighbors were tested for combining remote sensing image information and field-based terrestrial carbon pool. Additional field sampling was conducted during 2003-2004 for testing the accuracy. Finally regression method was selected. The amount of carbon released and sequestrated from the ecosystem was estimated. The application of the developed method would be quite useful for understating the terrestrial carbon dynamics and global climate change.

Överförande och frigörande av fastighetstillbehör : En rikstäckande studie av reglernas användande mellan 2007 och 2014 / Transmit and release property fixture

Olsson, Kim, Jansson, Fred January 2015 (has links)
Samhällets ständiga utveckling och utbyggnad kräver en mer ändamålsenlig användning av mark, anläggningar och byggnader. Ett steg i den riktningen togs den 1 januari 2002 då möjligheten att överföra och frigöra fastighetstillbehör infördes i svensk lagstiftning. Överföring av fastighetstillbehör från en fastighet till en annan görs enligt fastighets-bildningslagen eller anläggningslagen. Ett frigörande innebär att fastighetstillbehöret istället blir lös egendom och det genomförs med stöd av ledningsrättslagen. 13 år har nu gått sedan införandet och syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga hur reglerna har använts mellan den 1 januari 2007 och den 31 december 2014. Studiens avgränsning i tid beror på att en liknande studie gjordes 2006. För att svara på studiens frågeställningar används två metoder. Den första är intervjuer med nio sakkunniga inom området som ska klargöra bl.a. varför de har använt reglerna och om de kan förbättras. Den andra metoden är en statistisk analys av ett utdrag från fastighetsregistret där alla åtgärder med anmärkningen "fastighetstillbehör" är med. Den statistiska analysen ska visa på hur ofta reglerna används, om detta förändras över tid och vad som överförts och frigjorts. Totalt har minst 4 014 fastighetstillbehör överförts eller frigjorts i 897 lantmäteriförrättningar. Antalet sådana åtgärder per år har halverats från 2007 till 2014. De fastighetstillbehör som är vanligast att överföra eller frigöra är sådana med ändamål vatten och avlopp vilka utgör ca 38 % av alla åtgärder. Starkström är en annan vanligt förekommande anläggning som dock har minskat med 80 % under studiens tidsintervall. Andra fastighetstillbehör som är vanliga att överföra och frigöra är jordvärmeanläggningar, byggnader och fjärrvärmeledningar. Motiven till att överföra och frigöra fastighetstillbehör är framförallt att klargöra de äganderättsliga förhållandena så att de inblandade parter vet vem som är ansvarig för drift och försäkring av byggnaden eller anläggningen. Vad gäller förbättringspotentialen för reglerna så skulle en enhetlig registrering av sådana åtgärder i FR underlätta för lantmätarna när äganderätten till ett fastighetstillbehör ska klargöras. Ett förtydligande av ansökan där man skiljer på överförande och frigörande av fastighetstillbehör skulle underlätta för fastighetsägarna att få upp ögonen för denna möjlighet. Studien visar tydligt att användandet av reglerna minskar men att den trenden sakta planar ut. Det är troligt att det kommer minska i ytterligare några år till det stannar på det grundbehov som studien tyder på finns. / Society's constant development and expansion requires a more efficient use of land, facilities and buildings. A step in this direction was taken on January 1, 2002 when the possibility of transmit and release property fixture was introduced into Swedish legislation. The transmission of a property fixture from one property to another is done according to the Real Property Formation Act or the Joint Facilities Act. With a release we mean that the property fixture becomes personal property which is carried out in accordance with the Utility Easements Act. Thirteen years have now passed since the introduction. The aim of this study is to identify how the rules have been implemented between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2014. The study's time interval was decided upon due to the fact that a similar study had been carried out in 2006. In order to reply to the purpose of the study, two methods were used. The first method was to carry out interviews with nine experts within the field in order to clarify the motives and the rules where used and if they can be improved. The second method was a statistical analysis of an extract from the real property register where all the cadastral dossiers marked "property fixture" were included. The statistical analysis showed to which extent the rules were used, if the usage changed over time and what was transmitted and released. In total some 4 014 property fixtures were transmitted or released which have been implemented within 897 cadastral procedures. The number of such actions on an annual basis has decreased by 50 % from 2007 to 2014. The property fixture that were most commonly transmitted or released were those with water and sewerage purposes which form approx. 38 % of all actions made. High voltage electricity facilities were also common to be transmitted or releases, but this category's usage of the rules has decreased by 80 % during the study's interval. The motives for transmit or release a property fixture is mainly to clarify the ownership conditions so the parties involved know who is responsible for insuring and maintaining the building or the facility. An improvement of the rules would to get a unified registration of such actions in the real property register. It would simplify the cadastral surveyors work when the freehold of a property fixture needs to be clarified. A clarification of the application where transmit and release of property fixture where separated would make it easier for property owners and open their eyes for this opportunity. The study clearly shows that the uses of the rules were decreasing during the period but the trend slowly flattens. It is likely that it will decrease a few more years until it stops on a basic need which this study thinks exist.

Διερεύνηση/μοντελοποίηση της κινητικής αποδέσμευσης υδατοδιαλυτών μορίων από μικρά μονοστοιβαδιακά λιποσώματα

Τζανετόπουλος, Παναγιώτης 10 June 2014 (has links)
Η καλσείνη (calcein) γνωστή και με την αγγλική ορολογία Fluorexon/Fluorescein είναι μια μικρού μοριακού βάρους υδατοδιαλυτή ουσία και χρησιμοποιείται ως μόριο- πρότυπο μικρού υδατοδιαλυτού φαρμάκου, σε πλήθος εφαρμογών τόσο στο τομέα της φαρμακευτικής όσο και στο τομέα της χημείας. Η χρησιμότητα της έγκειται στο γεγονός ότι παρουσιάζει φθορισμό που αποσβένειται σε υψηλές συγκεντρώσεις(100mM) και της εύκολης παρακολούθησης της αποδέσμευσης της από σωματιδιακά συστήματα χορήγησης φαρμάκων. Τα λιποσώματα είναι καθορισμένα λιπιδικά κυστίδια με μέγεθος που κυμαίνεται μεταξύ 0,05-5μm και βρίσκονται εδώ και πολλά χρόνια στο επίκεντρο του ερευνητικού ενδιαφέροντος, ως φορείς φαρμάκων και βιοδραστικών ενώσεων καθώς και για την βελτίωση της απόδοσής τους στους οργανισμούς. Τα λιποσώματα μελετώνται για την απόδοση βιολογικά δραστικών ουσιών κυρίως για τους εξής λόγους: 1. την αδυναμία αυτών των ουσιών να επιτύχουν την επιθυμητή συγκέντρωση στην επιθυμητή περιοχή, 2. την κυτταροτοξικότητά τους και 3. προβλήματα που σχετίζονται με τη χορήγησή τους (για παράδειγμα χαμηλή διαλυτότητά τους σε κατάλληλο φορέα). Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι, η μαθηματική μοντελοποίηση και η μελέτη της κινητικής αποδέσμευσης των μορίων της καλσείνης, που λειτουργούν ως μόρια- πρότυπου υδατοδιαλυτού φαρμάκου, σε συστήματα λιποσωμάτων τα οποία παρασκευάστηκαν σε διαφορετικές λιπιδικές συστάσεις με την επίδραση της χοληστερόλης και της πολυαιθυλενογλυκόλης να καθορίζουν τις φυσικοχημικές τους ιδιότητες και τις αλληλεπιδράσεις μεταξύ των μορίων της καλσείνης. Ειδικότερα, παρασκευάστηκαν λιποσώματα SUV με την μέθοδο του λεπτού υμενίου, στα οποία εγκλωβίστηκε καλσείνη σε υψηλή συγκέντρωση (100mM) με χρήση ακίδας υπερήχων για περίπου 15 λεπτά, σε συστάσεις (PC, PC/Chol 4:1, 2:1 και 1:1 mole/mole) καθώς και (PC/Chol/PEG 2:1:0.04, 2:1:0.08, 2:1:0.16 και 2:1:0.32 mole/mole/mole). Η μελέτη των φυσικοχημικών χαρακτηριστικών των συστημάτων αυτών όπως είναι η μέση υδροδυναμική διάμετρος, η πολυδιασπορά και το ζ-δυναμικό τους, πραγματοποιήθηκε με τη χρήση DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering Nano-ZS Malvern UK) στους 25°C. Ο προσδιορισμός της ποσοστιαίας απελευθέρωσης της καλσείνης (% Cumulative calcein release) έγινε μετά από επώαση των δειγμάτων στους 37°C μέσα σε διάστημα 32h, υπολογίζοντας το ποσοστό συγκράτησης της καλσείνης (Latency %) σε καθορισμένα χρονικά διαστήματα με μέτρηση του φθορισμού (FL) της ουσίας. Στη συνέχεια τα αποτελέσματα αποδόθηκαν αναλυτικά σε διαγράμματα LATENCY% και RETENTION% σε συνάρτηση με το χρόνο με σκοπό να δημιουργηθεί ένα ολοκληρωμένο προφίλ για κάθε λιποσωμική δομή. Τέλος κατασκευάστηκαν διαγράμματα RELEASE% σε συνάρτηση με το χρόνο. Όπως αναμενόταν η διπλοστοιβάδα των PEG-λιποσωμάτων είναι πιο σταθερή σε σχέση με την διπλοστοιβάδα των λιποσωμάτων χωρίς PEG με αποτέλεσμα την ελάττωση της διαπερατότητας της λιπιδικής μεμβράνης. Η ίδια υπόθεση έγινε και στην περίπτωση που στα λιποσώματα προστέθηκε χοληστερόλη, όπου η αύξηση της συγκέντρωσης της χοληστερόλης οδήγησε σε αύξηση της ακεραιότητας της διπλοστοιβάδας τους. Τέλος μια εξίσωση-πρότυπο τριών παραμέτρων κατασκευάστηκε και τροποποιήθηκε κατάλληλα έτσι ώστε να περιγράψει με ακρίβεια τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα. Οι παράμετροι Kon, Koff περιγράφουν την σύνδεση και την αποσύνδεση των μορίων της καλσείνης από τη λιποσωμική δομή και σε συνδυασμό με την παράμετρο Ks καθορίζουν την απελευθέρωση των μορίων της. Στη συνέχεια χρησιμοποιήθηκε η συνάρτηση Weibull, μια σαφώς απλούστερη συνάρτηση σε σχέση με την συνάρτηση τριών παραμέτρων που χρησιμοποιήσαμε αρχικά, έτσι ώστε να καθοριστεί ενδελεχώς ο ρόλος της διάχυσης στα συστήματα λιποσωμάτων που παρασκευάσαμε. Επόμενο βήμα ήταν η επεξεργασία των δύο αυτών συναρτήσεων με την τεχνική Monte Carlo, ώστε να εξαχθεί μια εκτίμηση για την τυπική απόκλιση των παραμέτρων των συναρτήσεων. Τα αποτελέσματα υπέδειξαν την ιδανικότερη τεχνική/μέθοδο προσαρμογής που θα μπορούσε να χρησιμοποιηθεί για κάθε λιποσωμική δομή που παρασκευάσαμε. / Calcein also known as Fluorexon/Fluorescein is a water-soluble substance with low molecular weight. Calcein used as a model-molecule of highly water-soluble drugs in a wide range of applications in pharmaceutics and chemistry. It’s usefulness is due to the fact that fluorescence self-quenches in high concentrations and so it’s release from liposome systems could monitor with ease. Liposomes are vesicles with particle size from 0.05 to 5μm. Liposome structures are at the heart of scientific interest for many years, as they are used as widely in drug delivery systems and have enhanced their performance in biota. Studies in liposomes, focused on the performance of bio-active substances for the following reasons: 1. Weakness of them to achieve the appropriate concentration in the appropriate area. 2. High cytotoxicity and 3. Problems that appears during their administration (f.i. low solubility). The objective of the current study, is to mathematically model and study the release kinetics of calcein molecules (that work as a hydrophilic drug model) from liposome structures with different compositions when cholesterol and polyethylene-glycol determines physicochemical properties and retentions of calcein molecules. Specifically, SUV-liposomes prepared with the thin-film hydration method which encapsulate calcein molecules of high concentration (100mM), were used. Their size was decreased by applying probe sonication for 15min. Phosphatidylcholine (PC), Cholesterol (Chol) and polyethelene-glycol 2000 (PEG) were used in different concentrations (PC, PC/Chol 4:1, 2:1 and 1:1 mole/mole) and (PC/Chol/PEG 2:1:0.04, 2:1:0.08, 2:1:0.16 and 2:1:0.32 mole/mole/mole). Study of vesicle physicochemical characteristics such as z-size, pdi and z-potential, was carried out by DLS (Nano-ZS Malvern UK) at 25°C. Determination of the percentage of Cumulative calcein release taking place during incubation of vesicles at 37°C for up to 32h. Fluorescence Intensity (FL) measurements were performed to estimate the restraint percentage of calcein molecules. Subsequently, final results were attributed to analytical plots (LATENCY % AND RETENTION % with time), in order to create a completed profile for every liposome structure. Finally, results summarized into release curves dependent on time. As expected, the lipid bilayer of PEGylated liposomes was more stable than bilayer of liposomes without PEG coating and as a result the permeability of the later formulation decreased. This was also the case when Chol was included in the liposome membrane; vesicle integrity increased with increasing Chol concentration. A model three-parameter equation was used and modified in appropriately in order to describe the experimental results with accuracy. Parameters Kon, Koff (rate constants of association and disassociation, respectively) and Ks were used to describe the cumulative release of calcein over time, for each formulation study. Subsequently, we use Weibull function, clearly a simpler function in relation to the three-parameters function used initially, in order to determine thoroughly the role of diffusion systems liposome preparations. Next step was the processing of these two functions with Monte Carlo technique in order to extract an estimation of the Standard Deviation (SD) of the parameters of the functions. Results indicated the ideal technique/method of fitting, that could be used for each liposomal structure prepared.

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