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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Time erases whiteness altogether”? ’n Ondersoek na afrikaanse tekste oor die Kongo (DRK) (1912-2012)

Beer, Linde 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with abstracts in Afrikaans, English and isiZulu / Hierdie studie van Afrikaanse tekste oor die Kongo (DRK) strek vanaf 1912 - toe DF Malan die eerste wit Afrikaner geword het wat ‘n reisbeskrywing oor sy besoek aan die Kongo gepubliseer het (Naar Congoland, 1913) - tot 2012 . Die navorsingsverslag ondersoek beeldvorming rondom die Kongo/(Midde-)Afrika in die korpus tekste wat opgespoor is, binne die breë teoretiese raamwerk van koloniale/postkoloniale studies, met toespitsing op “Africanism” en “Whiteness studies”. Daar is bevind dat beeldvorming in verband met die Kongo rondom twee hooftrope geskied: die Kongo as Conradiaanse “heart of darkness”, waar barbaarsheid in al sy geledinge hoogty vier; en die Kongo as “Eldorado” – die land wat as 15de-eeuse Afrika-koninkryk beskik het oor ‘n ontwikkelde beskawing en ongekende rykdom - lank voordat dit “ontdek” is deur Portugese seevaarders. Hierdie hooftrope en hul uitlopers funksioneer as ‘n kontinuum eerder as volstrekte teenoorgesteldes in die meeste Afrikaanse tekste oor die Kongo. Tekste van die koloniale era (tot die 1960’s in die Kongo) sluit aan by Eurosentriese diskoerse waarin die imperiale/koloniale tydgees weerspieël word, en tipies manifesteer in binêre opposisies (byvoorbeeld primitiwiteit versus beskawing) en trope soos “imperial eyes” (wit toeëiening van die koloniale ruimte). Malan se ideaal van ‘n Dietse invloedsfeer gebaseer op die taalverwantskap tussen Hollands/Afrikaans in Suid-Afrika, en Vlaams in die destydse Belgiese Kongo, herinner aan die ekspansionistiese ywer waarmee die Kaap-tot-Kaïro-droom van Britse imperialiste nagejaag is, maar blyk nouer verwant te wees aan die Afrikanernasionalistiese klem op die “taal as volk”. In postkoloniale tekste word die siening van die wit Afrikaner as ‘n nasaat van die geïdealiseerde Voortrekkers/Dorslandtrekkers toenemend gerelativeer deur tekste waarin die wit Afrikaner herverbeel word as “wit sangoma” of “Witboy in Afrika”; en wit vrese en vergrype word op skerp satiriese wyse aan die kaak gestel as die wrange erflating van die aartskolonialis, “Pappa in Afrika”. Die koloniale projek word in Equatoria as mislukking uitgebeeld, terwyl Horrelpoot ʼn distopiese verbastering van Afrikanerskap en Afrikaans in (Suid-)Afrika poneer. Witheid mag uiteindelik in Afrika uitgewis en vervang word met egte skakerings van aardsheid, of herdefinieer word in ʼn niehegemoniese verband (The Poisonwood Bible). Slegs die tyd sal leer. / This study of Afrikaans literary texts on the Congo (DRC) covers 100 years: 1912 – 2012. In 1912 DF Malan became the first white Afrikaner to travel to the Congo and publish a travelogue based on his travels (Naar Congoland, 1913). This thesis investigates the representation of the Congo/Central) Africa in the corpus of texts discovered, within the broad theoretical framework of colonial/postcolonial studies, and the paradigms of “Africanism” and “Whiteness Studies”. The Congo has been represented in terms of two main tropes: the Congo as the Conradian “heart of darkness”, the seat of utter savagery; and the Congo as “Eldorado” – the African kingdom that presided over a well-developed civilisation and untold wealth long before it was “discovered” by Portuguese explorers in the fifteenth century. These main tropes and their sub-tropes function in most Afrikaans texts on the Congo as a continuum and not in absolute contrast. Literary texts of the colonial era (up to the 1960’s) are characterised by Eurocentric discourses in which the imperial/colonial Zeitgeist typically manifests in binary oppositions (primitivism versus civilisation), and tropes like “imperial eyes” (white appropriation of colonial space). Malan’s dream of a Dutch sphere of influence - based on the affinity of Dutch/Flemish in the Congo with Dutch/Afrikaans in South Africa – and extending from Cape Town to the erstwhile Belgian Congo, is reminiscent of the expansionist fervour characterising the imperialist Cape-to-Cairo idea, but is based on the close link between language and nationhood in Afrikaner nationalism. In postcolonial texts the view of the white Afrikaner as ‘n descendant of the idealised Voortrekkers/Angolan trekkers is increasingly deconstructed by re-imagining the Afrikaner as a “white sangoma” or “whiteboy in Africa”, while white fright and guilt are revealed - in a sharply satirical fashion – as the bitter legacy of the white arch-colonialist “Pappa in Afrika”. The colonial project is portrayed as a disaster in Equatoria, while Horrelpoot poses a dystopic vision of the degeneration of Afrikanerdom and Afrikaans in (South) Africa. Whiteness may eventually be erased and replaced by authentic, earthy African colours, or be redefined within a non-hegemonic context (The Poisonwood Bible). Time alone will tell. / Lolu cwaningo olumayelana nemibhalo yesiBhunu ezincwadini zaseCongo (eDRC) lubheka isikhathi esingangeminyaka eyi-100: 1912 – 2012. Ngo-1912, uDF Malan waba yiBhunu lokuqala elimhlophe elaya eCongo laqopha umbiko omayelana nohambo lwakhe (Naar Congoland, 1913). Lo mbiko wocwaningo ucubungula indlela okwethulwa ngayo iCongo kanye nezinye izindawo eziMaphakathi Ne-Afrika eqoqweni lwemibhalo etholakale ohlakeni lwemibhalo eyimihlahlandlela emayelana nezifundo zangezikhathi zombuso wamakoloni/ nezikhathi zangemva kombuso wamakoloni, kanye nokuhleleka kwezifundo ngaBomdabu nangaBamhlophe. Izwe laseCongo lethulwa ngokufanekiswa ngezindlela ezimbili: ICongo njengesizinda sobumnyama (“heart of darkness”), nanjengesihlalo sobulwane bokungaphucuzeki (seat of utter savagery) njengoba kufanekisa umbhali uJoseph Conrad, kanti futhi ibuye ifanekiswe njengeCongo eyi-“Eldorado” – ubukhosi base-Afrika obabubusa endaweni ephucuzeke ngokuphelele nenothe ngendlela emangalisayo, ngaphambi kokuba itholwe ngabasingimazwe baMaputukezi ngekhuluminyaka leshumi-nanhlanu. Lokhu kufanekisa kanye nemifanekiso ehambisana nako evela emibhalweni eminingi engesiBhunu maqondana neCongo isetshenziswa ukuveza okubili okubonakala sengathi kuyefana yize kungafani kunoba ikuveze obala njengezinto ezingafani nhlobo. Imibhalo esezincwadini yangesikhathi sombuso wamakoloni (kuze kufinyelele esikhathini sangeminyaka ye-1960) iphawula kakhulu ngezindaba ezincike emasikweni nasemilandweni yamazwe aseYurophu nokuyilapho umoya wobukhosi obubusa ngaphezu kwamanye amakhosi/ nombuso wamakoloni uziveza njengokulindelekile ngezindlela ezimbili eziphikisanayo (ukubambelela endleleni yokwenza yasendulo kuqhathaniswa nempucuko), kanye nemifanekiso enjenge-“imperial eyes” (ukuzithathela kwabamhlophe umhlaba ezweni ababusa kulona okungelabanye abantu). Iphupho likaMalan lokuba kube nendawo eyenza ngokwemfundiso yamaDashi – okwakuncike ekuhlanganyeleni kwamaDashi/namaFlemishi eCongo kanye namaDashi/namaBhunu eNgingizimu Afrika – nokwakuzohamba kusuke eKapa kuze kufinyelele eCongo eyayaziwa ngokuthi yiBelgian Congo, kudala, ikhumbuzana uthando olukhulu lokwandisa indawo noma umnotho olwaluvela kumqondombono walabo abasekela umbuso wobukhosi bamazwe amaningi weCape-to-Cairo, kodwa-ke lokhu kwakuncike ekusondelaneni kolimi kanye nothando lobuzwe ebuzweni bamaBhunu. Emibhalweni yangemva kwesikhathi sombuso wamakoloni, ukuthathwa komuntu oyiBhunu elimhlophe njengoyisizukulwane saBafuduki (amaVoortrekker)/ saBafuduki base-Angola kuyaqhubeka nokuhlakazwa ngokudweba kabusha isithombe seBhunu emqondweni, liyi“sangoma esimhlophe” noma lingu“mfana omhlophe e-Afrika”, kodwa kube kugqama ukwesaba nokushawa ngunembeza – ngendlela ebhuqa kakhulu – njengegalelolifa elinganambitheki lomeseki wombuso wamakoloni oqavile u-“Papa in Afrika”. Umsebenzinhloso wezindaba eziphathelene nombuso wamakoloni uvezwa ngengowonakala wangaphumelela nhlobo ku-Equatoria, kanti uHorrelpoot yena uveza umbono wokuphela kobuBhunu kanye neSibhunu eNingizimu Afrika. Ubumhlophe bungagcina buphelile bese esikhundleni sako kungene imibala yoqobo ezothile esamvelo yomhlaba edabuka e-Afrika, kumbe buchazwe kabusha ngaphansi kwengqikithi engahambisani nokuphatha (The Poisonwood Bible). Sekobonakala phambili. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

Bydrae van Erich Mayer tot die vestiging van 'n estetiese bewussyn en die bevordering van 'n kunsidentiteit in Suid-Afrika tot aan die einde van die 1930's

Basson, Eunice L. 30 June 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This thesis entitled The contribution of Erich Mayer towards the establishment of an aesthetic consciousness and the promotion of an art identity in South Africa to the end of the 1930s, is a study of the ideas, ideals and contributions of the German-Jewish artist Erich Mayer concerning the establishment of a national art identity in South Africa. Mayer was born in Germany in 1876. Because of ill health he came to South Africa, where he settled in 1898 and developed an affinity with the Afrikaner pioneers in the rural areas. This natural connection with the Afrikaner pioneers was the main motivation behind his participation in the Anglo-Boer War. With his sound European background and training at various art academies in Berlin and Stuttgart, he soon realised that a knowledge of European art history or any awareness of an aesthetic consciousness concerning the fine and applied arts was sadly lacking within the general South African community and more specifically amongst the early Afrikaners. As a student, Mayer developed a keen interest in traditional German arts and crafts, which, according to him, contributed to the specific national Germanic character. This interest prompted him to conduct research and document examples of folk art among the Afrikaners as well as other indigenous communities, in an attempt to establish an aesthetic awareness in South Africans, and more specifically among Afrikaners. Mayer was of the opinion that the development and marketing of these cultural objects and artefacts would contribute towards a unique art identity with a strong South African national character. Apart from his interests in the fine and applied arts, Mayer also researched the vernacular architecture, furniture design and household articles of both Afrikaner pioneers and Africans. He travelled widely in South Africa, researching his interests and presented lectures on these themes which he published in newspapers and magazines in an effort to create an awareness of the rich indigenous folk art. / Hierdie proefskrif is 'n studie oor die bydrae van die Duits-Joodse kunstenaar Erich Mayer tot die vestiging van 'n estetiese bewussyn en die bevordering van 'n kunsidentiteit in Suid-Afrika tot aan die einde van die 1930's. Mayer is in 1876 in Duitsland gebore. Weens gesondheidsredes het hy hom in 1898 in Suid-Afrika gevestig waar hy veral met die Boerepioniers op die platteland geidentifiseer het em hom gou tuis gevoel het in die landelike milieu. Hierdie natuurlike toegeneentheid tot die vroee Afrikaners het aanleiding gegee tot sy later deelname aan die Anglo-Boereoorlog. Met sy grondige Europese agtergrond en opleiding aan verskillende kunsakademies in Berlyn en Stuttgart, het Mayer gou besef dat die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap in die algemeen, maar veral die vroee Afrikaners in die besonder, 'n algehele gebrek geopenbaar het aan enige Euopese kunshistoriese kennis of enige estetiese bewussyn oor die beeldende en toegepaste kunste. Mayer is vroeg reeds blootgestel aan en het besonder belanggestel in die kunshandwerk van die Duitsers wat deel uitgemaak het van eeue-oue Duitse tradisies en wat bygedra het tot die unieke nasionale volksaard van die Duitsers. Met hierdie belangstelling het Mayer stelselmatig begin om die unieke kunshandwerk van die Afrikanerpioniers te versamel. Hy het hier 'n geleentheid gesien om via voorbeelde van plaaslike kunshandwerk 'n estetiese bewussyn by die Suid-Afrikaans gemeenskap en meer spesifiek by die Afrikaner aan te wakker. Mayer was van mening dat die sinvolle ontwikkeling en bemarking van hierdie kulturele voorwerpe en ontwerpe daartoe sou kon bydra om 'n eie kunsidentiteit met sterk nasionale karakter in Suid-Afrika tot stand te bring. Wat die beeldende en toegepaste kunste betref, het Mayer 'n wye belangstellingsveld gehad en het hy ook omvattende navorsing oor die inheemse boukuns, meubelontwerpe en kunshandwerkartikels van die vroee Boerepioniers, asook oor die van die inheemse bevolkingsgroepe, onderneem. Hy het die land deurreis op soek na geskikte voorbeelde van kunshandwerkartikels, gereeld lesings aangebied en artikels gepubliseer, die alledaagse Boerelewe op die platteland visueel gedokumenteer en op die manier 'n besondere ryk nalatenskap daargestel. / History / D. Litt et Phil. (Geskiedenis)

A history of the Dutch Reformed Church in Zimbabwe : with special reference to the Chinhoyi Congregation

Pretorius, Shirley Frances January 1999 (has links)
This history which spans the period 1836 -1995, gives a picture of the Dutch Reformed Church in Zimbabwe which evolved from the missionary endeavour of the mother church in South Africa into an independent autonomous church. It is a story of Dutch (Afrikaner) piety in which the most important components are evangelisation, education and language, the whole of which was, and is still, influenced by the evangelical piety of Andrew Murray. With regard to the education of their children, the Dutch Reformed members believed that Christian education in the mother tongue was the ideal. This world view, together with the Protestant principle, that people should read and interpret Scripture for themselves, resulted in the establishment of three churches in Zimbabwe. Firstly, the Dutch Reformed Church (Synod of Central Africa), that ministers to the Afrikaans and English members of all races. Secondly, the Reformed Church of Zimbabwe that ministers to the Shona people, and thirdly the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (Synod Malawi) that ministers to the migrant workers from Malawi. Of the three components in Dutch piety, evangelisation is regarded by the members as the most important in their missionary endeavour. This is the search for a contextual identity and illustrates how the Afrikaners in Zimbabwe experienced the reality of God in their lives. It is also a description of the interaction of the Dutch Reformed Church in Zimbabwe with the society in which it found itself. This interaction is observed to be of four types, namely, public witness, social upliftment and empowerment, the increase of social strength and the establishment of the community. / Church History

Kultuurtekste oor verstedeliking : ’n vergelyking van Afrikaner- en swart verstedeliking in literêre tekste (Afrikaans)

Van Niekerk, Jacomien (Jacomina) 03 August 2009 (has links)
AFRIKAANS : Verstedeliking is ’n verskynsel wat sowel Afrikaners as swart mense in die twintigste eeu in Suid-Afrika geaffekteer het. In sommige opsigte was die traumatiese effek van hierdie gebeure vergelykbaar vir die twee groepe, maar in andere was dit ’n heel ander werklikheid vir Afrikaners om die platteland vir die stad te verruil as vir swart mense. Daar bestaan weinig studies wat ’n gesamentlike blik op die verstedeliking van die twee groepe werp. Hierdie studie doen juis dit deur die representasie in literêre tekste van die stad en die stadslewe deur Afrikaners en swart mense te ondersoek. Die welbekende stad/plattelandopposisie word verken, maar met die klem op die stad soos wat dit in literêre tekste gerepresenteer word. Die term “cultuurtekst” word in hierdie bestudering van representasie aangewend. Die term word deur Maaike Meijer gebruik vir die verskynsel waar bepaalde wyses van representasie rondom ’n onderwerp voortdurend herhaal. Die cultuurtekst is dus ’n denkbeeldige ‘teks’ wat bestaan uit verstarde kodes van representasie (of kulturele skemas, soos wat sy dit ook noem) wat steeds weer in individuele tekste herhaal word. Die doel van die studie is om die bestaan van kultuurtekste oor die verstedeliking van Afrikaners en swart mense aan te toon. Literêre tekste in Afrikaans word bestudeer om ’n stel kulturele skemas te identifiseer wat oor ’n verskeidenheid tekste aangetref word, wat aandui dat ’n kultuurteks oor Afrikanerverstedeliking in hierdie tekste herhaal word. Dieselfde werkwyse word betreffende swart verstedeliking gevolg: Engelse en Zulutekste word bestudeer om bewys te lewer van ’n kultuurteks oor verstedeliking. Laastens word hierdie kultuurtekste oor verstedeliking met mekaar vergelyk, aangesien bepaalde feite rondom Afrikaner/swart verstedeliking pas duidelik word wanneer ’n vergelykende benadering gevolg word. Deur hierdie vergelyking word gevolgtrekkings ENGLISH : Urbanization is a phenomenon that affected both Afrikaners and black people in twentieth century South Africa. In some respects the traumatic effect of these events are comparable for the two groups, but in others the experience of leaving the country for the city was a very different reality for Afrikaners and black people. Few studies have taken a simultaneous look at the urbanization undergone by the two groups. This study does this by investigating the representation in literary texts of the city and city life as experienced by black people and Afrikaners. The well-known opposition of city/country is explored, but with the emphasis on the city as it is represented in literary texts. In studying this representation, the term “cultuurtekst” (cultural text) is employed. The term is used by Maaike Meijer to describe the phenomenon of certain ways of representation around a specific topic being constantly repeated. The cultuurtekst is thus an imaginary ‘text’ consisting of fixed codes of representation (cultural schemes, as she also calls them) that we find being echoed anew in individual texts. The aim of the study is to prove the existence of such a cultuurtekst pertaining to the urbanization of both black people and Afrikaners. In order to achieve this, literary texts in Afrikaans are studied to identify a set of cultural schemes that are found across a variety of texts, thus indicating that a cultuurtekst about Afrikaner urbanization is being repeated in these texts. The same procedure is followed concerning black urbanization: English and Zulu texts are studied to establish evidence of a cultuurtekst about urbanization. Finally, these cultural texts about urbanization are compared with one another, seeing that certain facts about Afrikaner/black urbanization only become truly clear when a comparative approach is followed. From this comparison conclusions are drawn about the similar and different experiences of urbanization and city life for Afrikaners and black people. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Afrikaans / unrestricted

A reinterpretation of urban space in Pretoria

Van der Klashorst, Elsa 2013 February 1900 (has links)
Various potential modes of interpreting the urban space in the inner city of Pretoria is evaluated in this study with the purpose of expanding discourse around spatial production in the city. Production of meaning through formal and structural means produced a city that served as administrative capital and ideological base for Afrikaners until the arrival of a democracy in 1994. The contemporary urban space is produced by people through everyday life, as theorised by Henry Lefebvre, rather than through formal means such as name changes. This study evaluates the way that identity and belonging is created by referring to everyday life practices, rhythmanalysis and daily activities as performances. Urban space is evaluated from a phenomenological perspective through the eyes of an artist and resident and expressed in an art exhibition. The way artists Julie Mehretu and Franz Ackermann dealt with urban space in their art is also referenced. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / Master of Visual Arts

A reinterpretation of urban space in Pretoria

Van der Klashorst, Elsa 02 1900 (has links)
Various potential modes of interpreting the urban space in the inner city of Pretoria is evaluated in this study with the purpose of expanding discourse around spatial production in the city. Production of meaning through formal and structural means produced a city that served as administrative capital and ideological base for Afrikaners until the arrival of a democracy in 1994. The contemporary urban space is produced by people through everyday life, as theorised by Henry Lefebvre, rather than through formal means such as name changes. This study evaluates the way that identity and belonging is created by referring to everyday life practices, rhythmanalysis and daily activities as performances. Urban space is evaluated from a phenomenological perspective through the eyes of an artist and resident and expressed in an art exhibition. The way artists Julie Mehretu and Franz Ackermann dealt with urban space in their art is also referenced. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

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