Spelling suggestions: "subject:", conomic deography"" "subject:", conomic alveography""
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Tillväxt och förtätning i villaområden : En fallstudie på Rydebäck / Growth and densification in suburban areas : A case study on RydebäckNilvéus Olofsson, Hugo, John, Ulfsson January 2022 (has links)
Förtätning är idag ett vanligt förfarande i samhällsbyggandet och sker runt om i hela världen. Det lyfts ofta fram som ett hållbart sätt för en stad att växa, men det finns nackdelar och möts ofta av motstånd från boende i området. När en ort växer och förtätas med en ny typ av bebyggelse kan det förändra identiteten, gemenskapen och känslan av en ort, vilket kan skapa starka känslor. Hur ställer sig de tre intressenterna; (1) boende, (2) kommun och (3) byggsektorn till förtätningen och tillväxten? Vilka likheter och olikheter finns det i deras inställning? Vart är de överens och var krockar de? För att undersöka detta har en fallstudie utformats på Rydebäck, för att belysa de olika intressenternas relation till varandra och deras intresse i utbyggnaden av orten. Rydebäck är en tätort med 6000 invånare i Helsingborgs kommun. Det har utförts en kvalitativ intervjustudie med respondenter från vardera grupp intressenter. Respondenterna sinsemellan visade överlag god förståelse för varandras intressen. De boende var de som framförde flest känsloargument, vilken inte är förvånande, då de är mer personligt engagerade i orten än respondenterna från kommun och byggsektorn. Det framgick att Rydebäck undergått en förändring i identitet, gemenskap och gestaltning när det förändrats från ett typiskt villa- och radhusområde till ett område med flerbostadshus. Men exakt vad som föranledde förändringen är inte helt tydligt. / Densification is today common practice within urban development around the world. The motive behind this is often that it is a sustainable way for cities to grow. However, there are downsides and it is often met with resistance from the local community. When a district is growing through densification with a different type of building that does not already exist in that area, the feeling of community and place identity may be at stake, which can cause strong emotions among the residents. What opinion do the three stakeholders; (1) residents, (2) municipality and (3) construction companies have when it comes to densification and growth? Are there any differences to their perception or are they aligned? A qualitative case study was formed around Rydebäck to identify their relations and interests. Rydebäck is a suburban area with approximately 6000 inhabitants in the Helsingborg municipality. The interviews were held with respondents from each group. The findings show that the respondents had an understanding for each other's interests. The residents had arguments largely based on emotions, which was not too surprising due to them having a more personal connection to Rydebäck than the construction companies and the municipality. It became clear that the view was that Rydebacks place identity had been subject to change in the aftermath of the integration of multi-family homes. However it is not clear if it is caused by the building of multi-family homes in an area otherwise dominated by single-family homes or by the population increase in general.
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Arbeta evidensbaserat är komplext : En kvalitativ studie om att arbeta med ungdomar i socialtjänstens missbruksvårdBergman, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Connectivity and Innovation Activities in Global Cities: Local, Global, and Infrastructural PerspectivesJu, Hwansung, 0000-0002-9685-6000 January 2021 (has links)
In this dissertation, I evaluate questions related to the role of connectivity in economic and innovation-related processes. Specifically, I utilize conceptual frameworks from the economic geography literature to study the relevance of internal, external, and infrastructural connectivity at a city level.In the first essay, I examine the role of intra-metropolitan connectivity of inventors and evaluate the quality of the associated innovation outputs. I focus on the fact that there exist meaningful demographic differences between people domiciled in city centers and the suburban areas and claim that these heterogeneities serve as sources of diversity and creativity. I suggest empirical evidence that the collaboration of inventors from the two different sub-regions is associated with higher quality innovation outcomes. I further study how firm heterogeneity moderates the effects of this intra-metropolitan connectivity. The findings suggest that local firms and small to mid-sized firms (SMEs) enjoy more benefits because foreign firms and large firms are exploiting their own global network. This paper provides both managerial and practical implications that a metropolitan area may improve its quality of innovation outputs by taking advantage of the urban-suburban connectivity among the inventors.
In the second essay, I provide specific guidelines to city planners to evaluate the external connectivity of the associated city. Cities are industry hotspots, playing vital roles as centers of economic development. Each city has different location-specific advantages that can foster different core industries and firms, participating in diverse activities within a global value chain system. Given the increasing rate of globalization at the metro level, it has become paramount for cities to establish and develop economic partnerships with other cities to further growing their regional economies. However, few city planners have clear directions in choosing partner cities, and the decisions are rarely based on appropriate data analysis. Based on the Brookings Institution’s Global City Initiative 2.0 project, and after enhancing it with additional data analyses, I introduce a set of step-by-step guidelines to city planners for finding global partner cities. To provide an actual case, I share our own anecdote regarding how Philadelphia chose potential partner cities in order to attract more FDI in its biopharmaceutical sector and foster innovation activities. I also present evidence that the inadequate ability of local firms to source knowledge from international markets associates with relatively weak economic performance. The comprehensive analyses of the city’s role in the global value chain include from the upstream (Research and Development) and the midstream (FDI, imports, international joint ventures) to the downstream (exports). This case-based paper provides practical implications to city planners by providing ways of understanding the broad global value chain with which the city is involved.
In the third essay, I assess the relationship between soft networks and hard networks of global cities. Public transportation systems (PTS) have been developed along with the associated metropolitan area. Scholars in urban studies have emphasized the important roles of PTS in connecting diverse people, regions, activities, and socio-economic consequences. In this paper, I examine the relationship between public transportation systems and the innovation network in four major U.S. cities in the northeast - New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh. I graphically show that inventor locations, as well as their connectivity, are established along with the city’s public transportation networks. I further stipulate that this relationship has been seriously undermined by the recent pandemic – COVID-19. Even though it is too early to draw a conclusion, I advance propositions that predict how the relationship between public transportation network and inventor connectivity will be changed followed by the pandemic.
In conclusion, I claim that a metropolitan area’s internal, external, and infrastructural network significantly affects its competitiveness. Throughout this dissertation, I confirm that both hard networks and soft networks are key to enhancing the economic and innovative performance of the city. / Business Administration/International Business Administration
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Migration och säkerhetisering : Hur säkerhetiseringsteorier kan förklara EUs syn på migration efter 2015Erlandsson, Linn January 2022 (has links)
This paper is about understanding which of two securitizing theories are the most dominant within the EU discourse from 2015 when immigration rose dramatically to the EU and up to 2019 when a new regulation heavily expanded the authority of Frontex, the European border- and coastguard. The two theoretical schools are the Copenhagen School, based on the thoughts of Ole Wæver and Barry Buzan and colleagues, and securitization based on International Political Sociology, mainly based on the thoughts of Didier Bigo. The Copenhagen School bases their thought on securitization of that of a ‘speech act’ made by an authoritative actor. By uttering something as a security threat it allows extraordinary measures to deal with the issue. Securitization according to IPS is based on actions, rather than discourse, and claims that through the development and cooperation of securitizing organisations and investments in high tech surveillance systems a spiral of (in)securitization is created. Through studying documents from the European Commission, the analysis examines which one of these two schools of thoughts is the most dominant. Even if there are clear evidence of securitization acts according to the Copenhagen School in the analysed material, the most prominent theory, mainly due to the EU structure, is that of securitization according to IPS.
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Sleeping / Awakening SuburbsGoldwein, Yoav January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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An Industrial Geography of CocaineALLEN, CHRISTIAN MICHAEL 15 September 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Local economic development in the post-industrial service economy: manufacturing communities in the Ohio River ValleyMoore, Jonathan Barrons 15 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Populärmusik, kluster och industriell konkurrenskraft : En ekonomisk-geografisk studie av svensk musikindustri / Popular music, clusters, and industrial competitivenessHallencreutz, Daniel January 2002 (has links)
<p>The economic importance of design-intensive and cultural-products industries has grown in recent decades. One case in point is Sweden, where internationally competitive industries have emerged in areas such as multimedia, fashion, and music. During the 1990s, research in economic geography and related disciplines concerned with the link between geographical location and competitive advantage has found an important source of inspiration in the cluster approach. The thesis examines the relationship between spatial clustering and industrial competitive-ness by undertaking a series of empirical studies that explore various dimensions of the Swedish music industry. The thesis demonstrates that the Swedish music industry embraces a multitude of actors in a complex, spatially clustered production system characterised by dense social networks, which transcend individual firms. Processes and mechanisms that have enhanced the creation and diffusion of strategic knowledge as well as co-operative competition further promote the competitiveness of this cluster. Moreover, the thesis demonstrates that it is necessary to carefully consider the relation between the local milieu and the global music industrial production and distribution system in order to fully understand competitiveness in the music industry. Finally, the thesis examines how the cluster concept has been put into practice in Swedish industrial and regional policies concerning cultural industries.</p>
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Arbetskraftens rörlighet och klusterdynamik. : En studie av IT- och telekomklustren i Kista och Mjärdevi / Labour mobility and cluster dynamics. : A study of ICT clusters in Kista and Mjärdevi, Sweden.Bienkowska, Dzamila January 2007 (has links)
<p>Labour mobility can in theory be an efficient channel for knowledge transfer between cluster firms, thus contributing to growth and competitiveness. In the thesis labour mobility in two Swedish ICT clusters is studied. The purpose of the thesis is to develop an understanding of processes of labour mobility in clusters and to investigate whether mobility can be regarded as a cluster advantage. Both interview data and extensive registry data are used in order to analyse processes of mobility at three levels: individual, firm and cluster level.</p><p>The results show that labour mobility can to some extent be considered a cluster advantage for Swedish ICT firms, since cluster firms are likely to experience a higher level of labour mobility. It is also shown how mobility to and from the clusters contributes to the upgrading of formal competencies within cluster firms. However, the firms themselves are shown to rather focus on staff retention than turnover. </p><p>To some degree, labour mobility in the Swedish clusters in focus is presumably constrained by the formal institutional framework, as well as by informal rules and agreements between cluster firms. It is argued nonetheless that the sheer potential for mobility and the viability of informal hiring practices in clusters may be viewed as cluster advantages, besides the actual extent of labour mobility.</p>
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Evolving economic landscapes : institutions and localized economies in time and spaceSjöquist Rafiqui, Pernilla January 2010 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2010. Sammanfattning jämte 4 uppsatser.
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