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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Massenspektrometrische Untersuchungen einzelner Pollenkörner

Lauer, Franziska 15 April 2019 (has links)
Blütenstaub ist eine der Hauptursachen für allergische Erkrankungen des Menschen. Insbesondere die Matrix-unterstützte Laser-Desorption/Ionisation-Flugzeit Massenspektrometrie stellt eine geeignete Technik dar, um solch komplexe, biologische Proben zu charakterisieren. Bei MALDI-TOF MS-Analysen werden die Bestandteile detektiert, die zuvor durch die Matrixauftragung und/oder während der Laser-Desorption von der Oberfläche des Pollenkorns abgelöst werden. Hier zeigte sich, dass die Verwendung eines leitfähigen Klebebandes zur Probenpräparation sowohl die Fixierung der Pollenkörner als auch die Extraktion der Analyten aus diesen verbessert. Die gezeigten Ergebnisse belegen, dass sich Pollen verschiedener Pflanzenarten über den Vergleich von massenspektrometrischen Peakmustern differenzieren lassen. Zur Beurteilung der spektralen Muster wurden in dieser Arbeit multivariate, statistische Verfahren, speziell die Hauptkomponentenanalyse verwendet. Diese hebt Unterschiede in den Datensätzen hervor und ermöglicht eine varianzgewichtete Darstellung und verbesserte Klassifizierung. Zur effizienten multivarianten Analyse wurde dieses Verfahren in eine graphische Benutzeroberfläche eingebunden. Neben der individuellen Charakterisierung einzelner Pollenproben liegt eine weitere Herausforderung in der massenspektrometrischen Analyse von Pollenkornmischungen, da es durch Vermischungs- und Suppressionseffekte zur Diskriminierung einzelner, möglicherweise charakteristischer MS-Peaks kommen kann. Deshalb wurde in dieser Arbeit die bildgebende MALDI Massenspektrometrie angewendet. So konnten in einem Modellsystem einzelne Pollenkörner unterschiedlicher Arten nachgewiesen und ihren ursprünglichen Positionen in der Probe zugeordnet werden. Der im Rahmen der Arbeit vorgestellte Ansatz stellt eine neue, zuverlässige Methode zur Pollenbestimmung dar, die nicht auf der individuellen, visuellen Beurteilung, sondern auf einer spektrometrisch-analytischen Basis beruht. / Pollen represent one of the major causes for allergies in humans. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization time-of-flight is a suitable technique to characterize such complex biological samples. In pollen analyses, MALDI-TOF MS detects components that are extracted from the grain surface by the matrix solution and during laser desorption. Like any biological structure, pollen grains contain specific proteins, peptides, lipids and carbohydrates that produce characteristic signal patterns in the mass spectrum. The sample preparation applied in this work showed that the use of a conductive adhesive tape improves both the fixation of the pollen grains and the extraction of the analytes from them. The shown results prove that pollen of different plant species can be differentiated by comparing their respective mass spectral patterns. For the evaluation of such spectral patterns multivariate statistical methods, and in this work especially principal component analysis, are needed. PCA highlights differences in data sets and enables variance-weighting and improved classification. For efficient multivariate analysis, this method was integrated into a graphical user interface. In addition to the individual characterization of pollen samples, the mass spectrometric analysis of pollen grain mixtures posed a further challenge, since mixing and suppression effects can lead to discrimination of individual, possibly characteristic MS-peaks. For this purpose, the MALDI MS Imaging technique was applied. For the evaluation of such imaging data sets, further multivariate methods were applied, investigated, and evaluated. Thereby, in a model system individual pollen grains of different species could be identified and assigned their original position in the sample. The presented approach represents a new, reliable method for pollen determination, based on spectrometric-analytical basis rather than an individual visual assessment.

Acquisition et consolidation de représentations distribuées de séquences motrices, mesurées par IRMf

Pinsard, Basile 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Flora e ecologia dos campos de Itararé, São Paulo, Brasil / Flora and ecology of Itararé grasslands, São Paulo, Brazil

Scaramuzza, Carlos Alberto de Mattos 26 February 2007 (has links)
(Cartografia morfopedológica e de ocupação das terras como subsídio à avaliação ecológica: o caso dos campos de planalto em Itararé, SP). Duas abordagens cartográficas pouco utilizadas no Brasil, morfopedológica e de ocupação das terras, foram aplicadas como parte de um projeto de análise florística, fitogeográfica, ecológica e de conservação dos remanescentes de campos de planalto, na porção sul do município de Itararé, São Paulo (escala 1:50.000). As duas abordagens traduzem em termos ecológicos a paisagem. A carta morfopedológica mapeia unidades cuja evolução, estrutura e problemática sejam correlacionadas, correspondendo a interações específicas entre o material, o modelado, a morfogênese e a pedogênese sob condições climáticas precisas; a carta de ocupação das terras mapeia uma combinação entre as formações vegetais e a influência humana em um território. Ambas as abordagens têm um potencial pouco explorado na gestão da paisagem e no ordenamento territorial no Brasil. (Análise florística e fitogeográfica dos campos de Itararé, São Paulo). A região de Itararé, no sudoeste do estado de São Paulo, junto à divisa do estado do Paraná, possui uma considerável diversidade climática, geológica, pedológica, florística e paisagística, onde ainda podem ser encontrados remanescentes significativos e bem preservados de campos de planalto, uma formação singular e pouco conhecida no estado de São Paulo. Como um primeiro passo para estudar a ecologia dos campos de planalto de Itararé e subsidiar um plano para sua conservação, a flora dos campos foi analisada. Um intensivo levantamento possibilitou a preparação de uma lista florística com 1.000 espécies em 120 famílias, dentre as quais 23 espécies são novas ocorrências para o estado de São Paulo, 71 são consideradas espécies vulneráveis e 22 em perigo, segundo a lista de plantas ameaçadas do estado de São Paulo. As oito famílias que mais contribuem para a riqueza de espécies são: Asteraceae (17,8 %); Poaceae (9,7 %); Fabaceae (7,0 %); Myrtaceae (4,1 %); Cyperaceae (3,9 %); Melastomataceae (3,9 %); Rubiaceae (3,2 %) e Apocynaceae (2,9 %). Uma análise de agrupamento foi efetuda para avaliar o posicionamento fitogeográfico dos campos de planalto de Itararé entre 47 listas florísticas disponíveis para localidades das regiões Sul e Sudeste e dos estados da Bahia, Goiás e Distrito Federal. Uma análise de correspondência canônica indicou as variáveis isotermalidade, sazonalidade térmica e precipitação do mês mais úmido como as mais correlacionadas com a distribuição das espécies dos campos. (Estrutura dos campos e suas relações com o ambiente em Itararé, SP). A estrutura ecológica dos campos na região sul de Itararé, sudoeste do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foi estudada em uma área de 32.697 ha. Esses fragmentos de campo ainda estão relativamente preservados. O objetivo deste trabalho é diferenciar os tipos de campos existentes na região de Itararé e caracterizar suas relações com variáveis ecológicas. Foi empregada a estratégia de amostragem estratificada aleatória. O critério de estratificação da paisagem foi produzido por meio da interseção do mapa morfopedológico com zonas de influência microclimáticas. A composição florística e sua abundância/cobertura, junto com descritores sobre o meio físico e a estrutura da vegetação, foram obtidos em 115 levantamentos distribuídos pelas unidades de amostragem. Através da aplicação de métodos de estatística multivariada (análise de agrupamentos, de espécies indicadoras e ordenações) foram identificados 4 tipos de campos com suas respectivas espécies indicadoras. O gradiente mais importante presente na matriz de dados está relacionado com o fator umidade. / Two cartographic approaches little used in Brazil, morphopedologic and land occupation, have been applied as part of a project to analyze the flora, phytogeography, ecology and conservation of grassland fragments of the southern portion of the Itararé county in São Paulo State. Both approaches translate the landscape in ecological terms. The morphopedologic theme maps units whose evolution, structure and problematic are correlated, corresponding to specific interactions between the material, the relief, morphogenesis and pedogenesis under precise climatic conditions. The land occupation theme maps the combination between the plant formations and the human influence in a territory. Both approaches have a potential little explored in landscape management and in land zoning in Brazil. ¶ (Floristic and phytogeography of the grasslands of Itararé, São Paulo). The region of Itararé, in southwestern of São Paulo state, at the border with the state of the Paraná, has a considerable climatic, geologic, pedologic, floristic and landscape diversity, where it\'s possible to find significative and well preserved grassland fragments, a singular and little known vegetation type in state of São Paulo. As a first step to study the ecology of the Itararé grasslands and to underpin a conservation plan, the flora of the fields was analyzed. An intensive survey made possible to prepare a floristic list with 1.000 species in 120 families, amongst them 23 new records for the State of São Paulo, 71 vulnerable and 22 endangered species according the Red List of São Paulo State. The eight families with major contributions to the species richness are: Asteraceae (17,8 %); Poaceae (9,7 %); Fabaceae (7,0 %); Myrtaceae (4,1 %); Cyperaceae (3,9 %); Melastomataceae (3,9 %); Rubiaceae (3,2 %) and Apocynaceae (2,9 %). A cluster analysis was performed to evaluate the phytogeographic position of the Itararé grasslands among 47 floristic lists available for South and Southeastern Brazil, as well for the states of Bahia, Goiás and Federal District. A canonical correspondence analysis indicated the climatic variables isothermality, temperature seasonality and precipitation of wettest month as the most correlated with species distribution of grasslands.¶ (Grasslands structure and relations with environment in Itararé, SP). The ecological structure of the grassland in the South region of Itararé, located in southwest of São Paulo state, Brazil, was studied over an area of 32.697 ha. These grassland fragments are still relatively well preserved. The goal of this paper is to distinguish the types of grassland present in the Itararé region and to characterize their relationship with ecological variables. A stratified random sampling strategy was used and the landscape stratification criterion was produced by an intersection of the morphopedologic map with a microclimatic zones layer. Species composition and cover/abundance, together with structural and abiotic parameters were recorded in 115 relevés distributed throughout the sampling units. By the application of multivariate statistical analysis methods - such as cluster analysis, indicator species analyses, and ordination techniques - four grasslands vegetation types were identified with its diagnostic species. The most important ecological gradient present in the data matrix is related with humidity.

Zum Einfluss von Witterung und Klima auf den Landschaftszustand und die Landschaftsentwicklung im Uvs-Nuur-Becken (NW-Mongolei)

Barsch, Andreas January 2003 (has links)
Im Landschaftszustand und in der Landschaftsentwicklung kommen funktionale Beziehungen zwischen dem naturbedingten Energie-, Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt einerseits und den Auswirkungen der Landnutzung andererseits zum Ausdruck. Gegenwärtig verändert der globale Anstieg der bodennahen Temperaturen vielerorts den landschaftlichen Energie-, Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt, wobei besonders in Trockengebieten zu erwarten ist, dass dieser Trend in Verbindung mit einer unangepassten Landnutzung das Regenerationsvermögen der Vegetation einschränkt und zur Zerstörung der Bodendecke führt.<br /> <br /> Für die Mongolei und für benachbarte Gebiete Asiens sind in Szenarien zur globalen Erwärmung hohe Werte des Temperaturanstiegs prognostiziert worden. Eine globale Einschätzung der anthropogen induzierten Bodendegradation hat diese Region als stark oder extrem stark betroffen eingestuft. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde im Uvs-Nuur-Becken, das im Nordwesten der Mongolei und damit in einer der trockensten Regionen des Landes gelegen ist, untersucht, wie sich der globale Temperaturanstieg auf der lokalen und regionalen Ebene widerspiegelt und wie der Landschaftshaushalt dabei verändert wird.<br /> <br /> Die Auswirkungen des sommerlichen Witterungsverlaufes auf den Landschaftszustand sind 1997 bis 1999 an einem Transsekt erfasst worden, das sich zwischen dem Kharkhiraa-Gebirge am Westrand des Beckens und dem See Uvs Nuur im Beckeninneren von den Polsterfluren und Matten der alpinen Stufe über die Gebirgswaldsteppe, die Trockensteppe bis zur Halbwüste erstreckt. An neun Messpunkten wurden witterungsklimatische Daten in Verbindung mit Merkmalen der Vegetation, des Bodens und der Bodenfeuchte aufgenommen. Die im Sommer 1998 gewonnenen Messwerte wurden mit Hilfe einer Clusteranalyse gebündelt und verdichtet. Auf dieser Grundlage konnten landschaftliche Zustandsformen inhaltlich gekennzeichnet, zeitlich eingeordnet und durch Zeit-Verhaltens-Modelle (Stacks) abgebildet werden. Aus den Zeit-Verhaltens-Modellen wird ersichtlich, dass man Zustandsformen, in denen die Hitze und die Trockenheit des Sommers 1998 besonders stark zum Ausdruck kommen, an allen Messpunkten beobachten kann, nimmt man die Station auf dem fast 3.000 m hohen Gipfel des Khukh Uul sowie die grundwasserbeeinflusste Station in unmittelbarer Seenähe aus. In ihrer extremen Form sind Trockenperioden jedoch nur im Beckeninneren und am Fuß der Randgebirge, also in der Halbwüste, in der Trockensteppe und in der Wiesensteppe aufgetreten. Im Bergwald sowie im Bereich der alpinen Matten und Polsterfluren fehlen sie.<br /> <br /> Am stärksten sind die grundwasserfreien Bereiche der Halbwüste von der Hitze und Niederschlagsarmut des Sommers 1998 betroffen. An vier Fünfteln der Tage des Beobachtungszeitraumes herrscht an diesem Messpunkt extreme Trockenheit. Es fällt entweder gar kein Niederschlag oder nur so wenig, dass der seit dem Frühjahr erschöpfte Bodenwasservorrat nicht aufgefüllt wird. Das Verhältnis zwischen Niederschlag und potenzieller Verdunstung liegt hier bei 1:12.<br /> <br /> In der Halbwüste zeichnet sich eine fortschreitende Desertifikation ab, zumal hier eine nichtangepasste Weidenutzung dominiert, in der Ziegen eine immer größere Rolle spielen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Bereiche in Siedlungsnähe. Örtlich ist auch der Bestand der Trockensteppe gefährdet, die sich an die Halbwüste zum Beckenrand hin anschließt. Hier ist nicht nur die Viehdichte am höchsten, sondern hier werden auch die meisten unbefestigten Fahrwege wild angelegt und die Bodendecke damit zerstört. Dies kann im Endeffekt zu einem Übergreifen von Prozessen der Desertifikation führen.<br /> <br /> Aus methodischer Sicht zeigt sich, dass die Kennzeichnung landschaftlicher Zustandsformen durch Zeit-Verhaltens-Modelle die Ermittlung der Auswirkungen von Witterung und Klima auf den Landschaftszustand erleichtert, da sie deren Aussage konzentriert. Zur Interpretation der Ergebnisse ist jedoch ein Rückgriff auf die beschreibende Darstellung der Messwerte notwendig. Die im westlichen Uvs-Nuur-Becken und seinen Randgebirgen angewandte Verfahrensweise ermöglicht es, globale Aussagen zur globalen Erwärmung der Kontinente regional oder lokal zu überprüfen und zu untersetzen." / Landscape condition and landscape development express the functional relations between energy balance, water balance and material balance on the one hand and on the other hand they reflect the effects of land use. At present the global increase of near-surface air temperature changes the energy balance, water balance and material balance in many places. Especially in arid regions this trend and an inappropriate land use restrict the regeneration ability of vegetation and lead to the degradation of soil cover.<br /> <br /> Different scenarios for global warming prognosticate high values of increasing air temperature in Mongolia and its adjacent regions in Asia. A global estimation of anthropogenicly induced soil degradation classifies this region as strongly or extremely strong affected. Against this background a research was carried out in the Uvs Nuur Basin, placed in the northwest of Mongolia and therefore in one of the most arid regions of this country. The object of investigation was the reflection of the global increase of air temperature on a local and regional level and the resulting changes of landscape balance.<br /> <br /> From 1997 to 1999 the effects of changes in summer weather on the landscape condition were measured on a transect from the Kharkhiraa mountains at the western margin of the basin up to the lake Uvs at the centre of the basin. The transect included alpine mat, mountain steppe, dry steppe and semi desert. Climatic data was collected at 9 transect stations, in addition with characteristics of vegetation, soil and soil moisture. The data of summer 1998 was bundled and consolidated with a cluster analysis. On this basis forms of landscape condition could be evaluated in content, arranged chronologically and characterised by time performance models (stacks).<br /> <br /> The time performance models prove that forms of landscape condition marking the heat and the drought of summer 1998 can be found at every station of the transect except of the one on the summit of Khukh Uul at almost 3.000 m above sea level and another groundwater-influenced station at the bank of lake Uvs. However, extremely dry periods occur only from the centre of the basin up to the foothills, thus in the semi desert, the dry steppe and the short grass steppe. They do not occur in the mountain forest and in the alpine mat.<br /> <br /> Areas in the semi desert are most affected by drought and lack of precipitation during the summer 1998. Four fifths of the days in the measurement period are extremely droughty days. Either there is no precipitation at all or it is insufficient to fill up the soil water storage exhausted since spring-time. The relation of precipitation and potential evaporation averages out here at 1:12.<br /> <br /> A progressive desertification becomes apparent in the semi desert, particularly determined by an inappropriate land use in conjunction with an increasing goat-rearing in the area around the settlements. Partially this trend even affects the dry steppe in adjacency to the semi desert toward the margin of the basin. These areas are characterised not only by the highest stocking rate but also by the largest number of unofficial dirt roads thus leading to the denudation of the soil cover and finally to the spreading of desertification processes.<br /> <br /> From the methodical point of view it is obvious that the characterisation by time performance models facilitates the determination of weather and climate influence on landscape condition by summarising their information. However, the interpretation of the results has to be accomplished by a describing analysis of the measured data. The procedure applied in the western Uvs Nuur Basin and its adjacent mountains provides the opportunity to examine and substantiate the reports on global warming at regional or local level.

Terrain machine learning : A predictive method for estimating terrain model parameters using simulated sensors, vehicle and terrain

Wiberg, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
Predicting terrain trafficability of deformable terrain is a difficult task with applications in e.g, forestry, agriculture, exploratory missions. The currently used techniques are neither practical, efficient, nor sufficiently accurate and inadequate for certain soil types. An online method which predicts terrain trafficability is of interest for any vehicle with purpose to reduce ground damage, improve steering and increase mobility. This thesis presents a novel approach for predicting the model parameters used in modelling a virtual terrain. The model parameters include particle stiffness, tangential friction, rolling resistance and two parameters related to particle plasticity and adhesion. Using multi-body dynamics, both vehicle and terrain can be simulated, which allows for an efficient exploration of a great variety of terrains. A vehicle with access to certain sensors can frequently gather sensor data providing information regarding vehicle-terrain interaction. The proposed method develops a statistical model which uses the sensor data in predicting the terrain model parameters. However, these parameters are specified at model particle level and do not directly explain bulk properties measurable on a real terrain. Simulations were carried out of a single tracked bogie constrained to move in one direction when traversing flat, homogeneous terrains. The statistical model with best prediction accuracy was ridge regression using polynomial features and interaction terms of second degree. The model proved capable of predicting particle stiffness, tangential friction and particle plasticity, with moderate accuracy. However, it was deduced that the current predictors and training scenarios were insufficient in estimating particle adhesion and rolling resistance. Nevertheless, this thesis indicates that it should be possible to develop a method which successfully predicts terrain model properties.

Flora e ecologia dos campos de Itararé, São Paulo, Brasil / Flora and ecology of Itararé grasslands, São Paulo, Brazil

Carlos Alberto de Mattos Scaramuzza 26 February 2007 (has links)
(Cartografia morfopedológica e de ocupação das terras como subsídio à avaliação ecológica: o caso dos campos de planalto em Itararé, SP). Duas abordagens cartográficas pouco utilizadas no Brasil, morfopedológica e de ocupação das terras, foram aplicadas como parte de um projeto de análise florística, fitogeográfica, ecológica e de conservação dos remanescentes de campos de planalto, na porção sul do município de Itararé, São Paulo (escala 1:50.000). As duas abordagens traduzem em termos ecológicos a paisagem. A carta morfopedológica mapeia unidades cuja evolução, estrutura e problemática sejam correlacionadas, correspondendo a interações específicas entre o material, o modelado, a morfogênese e a pedogênese sob condições climáticas precisas; a carta de ocupação das terras mapeia uma combinação entre as formações vegetais e a influência humana em um território. Ambas as abordagens têm um potencial pouco explorado na gestão da paisagem e no ordenamento territorial no Brasil. (Análise florística e fitogeográfica dos campos de Itararé, São Paulo). A região de Itararé, no sudoeste do estado de São Paulo, junto à divisa do estado do Paraná, possui uma considerável diversidade climática, geológica, pedológica, florística e paisagística, onde ainda podem ser encontrados remanescentes significativos e bem preservados de campos de planalto, uma formação singular e pouco conhecida no estado de São Paulo. Como um primeiro passo para estudar a ecologia dos campos de planalto de Itararé e subsidiar um plano para sua conservação, a flora dos campos foi analisada. Um intensivo levantamento possibilitou a preparação de uma lista florística com 1.000 espécies em 120 famílias, dentre as quais 23 espécies são novas ocorrências para o estado de São Paulo, 71 são consideradas espécies vulneráveis e 22 em perigo, segundo a lista de plantas ameaçadas do estado de São Paulo. As oito famílias que mais contribuem para a riqueza de espécies são: Asteraceae (17,8 %); Poaceae (9,7 %); Fabaceae (7,0 %); Myrtaceae (4,1 %); Cyperaceae (3,9 %); Melastomataceae (3,9 %); Rubiaceae (3,2 %) e Apocynaceae (2,9 %). Uma análise de agrupamento foi efetuda para avaliar o posicionamento fitogeográfico dos campos de planalto de Itararé entre 47 listas florísticas disponíveis para localidades das regiões Sul e Sudeste e dos estados da Bahia, Goiás e Distrito Federal. Uma análise de correspondência canônica indicou as variáveis isotermalidade, sazonalidade térmica e precipitação do mês mais úmido como as mais correlacionadas com a distribuição das espécies dos campos. (Estrutura dos campos e suas relações com o ambiente em Itararé, SP). A estrutura ecológica dos campos na região sul de Itararé, sudoeste do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foi estudada em uma área de 32.697 ha. Esses fragmentos de campo ainda estão relativamente preservados. O objetivo deste trabalho é diferenciar os tipos de campos existentes na região de Itararé e caracterizar suas relações com variáveis ecológicas. Foi empregada a estratégia de amostragem estratificada aleatória. O critério de estratificação da paisagem foi produzido por meio da interseção do mapa morfopedológico com zonas de influência microclimáticas. A composição florística e sua abundância/cobertura, junto com descritores sobre o meio físico e a estrutura da vegetação, foram obtidos em 115 levantamentos distribuídos pelas unidades de amostragem. Através da aplicação de métodos de estatística multivariada (análise de agrupamentos, de espécies indicadoras e ordenações) foram identificados 4 tipos de campos com suas respectivas espécies indicadoras. O gradiente mais importante presente na matriz de dados está relacionado com o fator umidade. / Two cartographic approaches little used in Brazil, morphopedologic and land occupation, have been applied as part of a project to analyze the flora, phytogeography, ecology and conservation of grassland fragments of the southern portion of the Itararé county in São Paulo State. Both approaches translate the landscape in ecological terms. The morphopedologic theme maps units whose evolution, structure and problematic are correlated, corresponding to specific interactions between the material, the relief, morphogenesis and pedogenesis under precise climatic conditions. The land occupation theme maps the combination between the plant formations and the human influence in a territory. Both approaches have a potential little explored in landscape management and in land zoning in Brazil. ¶ (Floristic and phytogeography of the grasslands of Itararé, São Paulo). The region of Itararé, in southwestern of São Paulo state, at the border with the state of the Paraná, has a considerable climatic, geologic, pedologic, floristic and landscape diversity, where it\'s possible to find significative and well preserved grassland fragments, a singular and little known vegetation type in state of São Paulo. As a first step to study the ecology of the Itararé grasslands and to underpin a conservation plan, the flora of the fields was analyzed. An intensive survey made possible to prepare a floristic list with 1.000 species in 120 families, amongst them 23 new records for the State of São Paulo, 71 vulnerable and 22 endangered species according the Red List of São Paulo State. The eight families with major contributions to the species richness are: Asteraceae (17,8 %); Poaceae (9,7 %); Fabaceae (7,0 %); Myrtaceae (4,1 %); Cyperaceae (3,9 %); Melastomataceae (3,9 %); Rubiaceae (3,2 %) and Apocynaceae (2,9 %). A cluster analysis was performed to evaluate the phytogeographic position of the Itararé grasslands among 47 floristic lists available for South and Southeastern Brazil, as well for the states of Bahia, Goiás and Federal District. A canonical correspondence analysis indicated the climatic variables isothermality, temperature seasonality and precipitation of wettest month as the most correlated with species distribution of grasslands.¶ (Grasslands structure and relations with environment in Itararé, SP). The ecological structure of the grassland in the South region of Itararé, located in southwest of São Paulo state, Brazil, was studied over an area of 32.697 ha. These grassland fragments are still relatively well preserved. The goal of this paper is to distinguish the types of grassland present in the Itararé region and to characterize their relationship with ecological variables. A stratified random sampling strategy was used and the landscape stratification criterion was produced by an intersection of the morphopedologic map with a microclimatic zones layer. Species composition and cover/abundance, together with structural and abiotic parameters were recorded in 115 relevés distributed throughout the sampling units. By the application of multivariate statistical analysis methods - such as cluster analysis, indicator species analyses, and ordination techniques - four grasslands vegetation types were identified with its diagnostic species. The most important ecological gradient present in the data matrix is related with humidity.

Desenvolvimento rural no Mato Grosso e seus biomas / Rural development of Mato Grosso in biomes

Chioveto, Marinês Orlandi Taveira 21 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:33:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marines O Taveira Chioveto.pdf: 3415220 bytes, checksum: 6e65b68214c3b903475545dd1fda4dce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-21 / This study aimed to analyze the profile of the rural development occurred in the Mato Grosso, in the biomes of the Cerrado, Pantanal and Amazon in the first decade of 2000. Based on the case study, this research descriptive and deductive, presents as method the experimental-explanatory model, of quality quantitative character. In this study, first, it used descriptive statistics to expose the data by means of figures, tables, graphs and maps in order to analyze the social, environmental and economic aspects of the municipalities in the biomes of Cerrado, Amazon and Pantanal of the Mato Grosso. After, it used multivariate statistical with factorial analysis by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and its use has confirmatory character, to support the qualitative research analysis. With acquisition of the factors by the PCA, it calculated the Gross Index and from this identified the Rural Development Index (RDI) for Mato Grosso and its biomes, classifying municipalities into five stages of development: very high, high, medium, low and very low. The results revealed that the process of rural development occurred differently and not homogeneous in the territories, however, prevailed RDIs in the lower grades. The Cerrado Matogrossense presented municipalities with better rural development in concentration of the islands by the State and the municipalities of the Amazon biome were identified most with the lowest rating of RDI (Low and Very Low). Became evident that the degrees of development rural of municipalities are strongly induced by the economic aspects of the territory, which interferes in the social aspects of the space. Regions with strong presence of farming activities in exportable monocultures such as soy, corn and sugarcane showed better living conditions for the rural population, even though this is lower in rural areas; however this level of development is highlighted also by the existence of agribusiness in the region. Environmental issues showed a strong impact on rural development, also influencing the quality of life of people of Mato Grosso. / Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar o perfil do desenvolvimento rural no Mato Grosso e dos municípios dos biomas Cerrado, Amazônia e Pantanal. A pesquisa, de cunho descritivo, dedutivo, apresenta como método o modelo experimental-explicativo, de caráter qualiquantitativo, a partir de dados da primeira década de 2000. Neste estudo, utilizou-se, primeiramente, a estatística descritiva para expor os dados por meio de figuras, tabelas, gráficos e mapas, a fim de analisar os aspectos sociais, ambientais e econômicos dos municípios nos biomas Cerrado, Amazônia e Pantanal de Mato Grosso. Após, utilizou-se a estatística multivariada pela análise fatorial por meio da Análise dos Componentes Principais (ACP) sendo sua utilização de caráter confirmatória, respaldando a análise qualitativa da pesquisa. Com a obtenção dos fatores pela ACP, calculou-se o Índice Bruto e a partir deste identificou o Índice de Desenvolvimento Rural (IDR) no Mato Grosso, classificando os municípios em cinco graus de desenvolvimento: muito alto, alto, médio, baixo e muito baixo. Os resultados revelaram que o processo de desenvolvimento rural ocorreu de forma diferenciada e não homogênea nos territórios, contudo, prevaleceu os IDRs em graus mais baixos. Enquanto o Cerrado matogrossense apresentou municípios com melhor desenvolvimento rural em ilhas de concentração pelo Estado, os municípios do bioma Amazônia foram identificados em maior número de municípios com menor classificação de IDR (Baixo e Muito Baixo). Evidenciaram-se que os graus de desenvolvimento rural dos municípios são fortemente induzidos pelos aspectos econômicos do território, o qual interfere nos aspectos sociais do espaço. Regiões com forte atuação de atividades de lavoura em monoculturas exportáveis, como soja, milho e cana de açúcar apresentaram condições de vida para a população rural, mesmo está sendo baixa na área rural, porém esse grau de desenvolvimento se destacou também pela existência de agroindústria na região. As questões ambientais apresentaram forte impacto no desenvolvimento rural, com influência também na qualidade de vida da população de Mato Grosso.

Au-delà de la volumétrie en morphométrie basée sur les déformations : application au dimorphisme sexuel durant l'adolescence / Beyond volumetry in longitudinal deformation-based morphometry : application to sexual dimorphism during adolescence

Hadj-Hamou, Mehdi 14 December 2016 (has links)
L'analyse des changements morphologiques du cerveau dans des séries temporelles d'images est un sujet important en neuroimagerie. Bien que le développement des bases de données longitudinales ait aidé à réduire la variabilité inter-individu, il reste encore de nombreux biais qui doivent être évités lors de l'estimation des évolutions longitudinales. De plus, lorsque les changements intra-sujet sont très faibles par rapport à la variabilité inter-sujet, il est crucial de savoir si les méthodes existantes peuvent capturer sans biais les changements longitudinaux. Dans la plupart des études, les changements longitudinaux sont limités à leur composante volumétrique scalaire afin d'en faciliter l'analyse. Cependant, les changements cérébraux ne sont généralement pas uniquement volumétriques et dans ce cas multivarié, l'interprétation est alors plus difficile. Cette thèse adresse ces problèmes en suivant trois axes principaux. Premièrement, nous proposons une chaîne de traitement longitudinale reposant sur la morphométrie à partir de déformations et ayant pour but d'estimer de manière robuste les changements longitudinaux. Afin d’éviter de rajouter du biais, nous détaillons tout l'enchaînement des étapes de traitement. En plus de cette contribution, nous intégrons une modification de l'algorithme de recalage non-linéaire qui consiste à masquer le terme de similarité tout en conservant la symétrie de la formulation. Cette contribution augmente la robustesse des résultats vis-à-vis des artefacts d'intensité situés en bordure du cerveau et augmente ainsi la sensibilité de l'étude statistique réalisée sur les déformations longitudinales / Analysing the progression of brain morphological changes in time series of images is an important topic in neuroimaging. Although the development of longitudinal databases has helped reducing the inter-individual variability, there still exist numerous biases that need to be avoided when capturing longitudinal evolutions. Moreover, when the intra-subject changes are very small with respect to the inter-subject variability it is crucial to know if the available methods can capture the longitudinal change with no bias. In most of the studies, these longitudinal changes are limited to scalar volumetric changes in order to ease their analysis. However, one can observe that brain changes are not limited to volumetry. In this multivariate case, the interpretation is more difficult. This thesis addresses these problems along three main axes. First, we propose a longitudinal Deformation-based Morphometry processing pipeline to robustly estimate the longitudinal changes. We detail the whole sequencing of the processing steps as they are key to avoid adding bias. In addition to this contribution we integrate a modification to the non-linear registration algorithm by masking the similarity term while keeping the symmetry of the formulation. This change increases the robustness of the results with respect to intensity artifacts located in the brain boundaries and leads to increased sensitivity of the statistical study on the longitudinal deformations. The proposed processing pipeline is based on freely available software and tools so that it is fully reproducible

Chemometrics applied to the discrimination of synthetic fibers by microspectrophotometry

Reichard, Eric Jonathan 03 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Microspectrophotometry is a quick, accurate, and reproducible method to compare colored fibers for forensic purposes. The use of chemometric techniques applied to spectroscopic data can provide valuable discriminatory information especially when looking at a complex dataset. Differentiating a group of samples by employing chemometric analysis increases the evidential value of fiber comparisons by decreasing the probability of false association. The aims of this research were to (1) evaluate the chemometric procedure on a data set consisting of blue acrylic fibers and (2) accurately discriminate between yellow polyester fibers with the same dye composition but different dye loadings along with introducing a multivariate calibration approach to determine the dye concentration of fibers. In the first study, background subtracted and normalized visible spectra from eleven blue acrylic exemplars dyed with varying compositions of dyes were discriminated from one another using agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC), principal component analysis (PCA), and discriminant analysis (DA). AHC and PCA results agreed showing similar spectra clustering close to one another. DA analysis indicated a total classification accuracy of approximately 93% with only two of the eleven exemplars confused with one another. This was expected because two exemplars consisted of the same dye compositions. An external validation of the data set was performed and showed consistent results, which validated the model produced from the training set. In the second study, background subtracted and normalized visible spectra from ten yellow polyester exemplars dyed with different concentrations of the same dye ranging from 0.1-3.5% (w/w), were analyzed by the same techniques. Three classes of fibers with a classification accuracy of approximately 96% were found representing low, medium, and high dye loadings. Exemplars with similar dye loadings were able to be readily discriminated in some cases based on a classification accuracy of 90% or higher and a receiver operating characteristic area under the curve score of 0.9 or greater. Calibration curves based upon a proximity matrix of dye loadings between 0.1-0.75% (w/w) were developed that provided better accuracy and precision to that of a traditional approach.

Multivariate Analysis of Korean Pop Music Audio Features

Solomon, Mary Joanna 20 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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