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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Resposta de fibroblastos de polpa humanos submetidos a substâncias liberadas por capeadores pulpares diretos" / Human pulp fibroblasts response to substances leached from direct pulp capping materials

Bruno das Neves Cavalcanti 04 February 2004 (has links)
Cavalcanti, BN. Resposta de fibroblastos de polpa humanos frente a substâncias liberadas por capeadores pulpares diretos [Tese de Doutorado]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Odontologia da USP; 2003. RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de avaliar os efeitos citotóxicos de substâncias liberadas durante a aplicação de materiais utilizados em capeamento pulpar direto, sobre fibroblastos de polpa dentária humana. Utilizou-se para o experimento meios condicionados pelas substâncias a serem testadas, divididas nos grupos a seguir: grupo I: controle (meio de cultivo sem condicionamento); grupo II: cimento de hidróxido de cálcio; grupo III: adesivo dentinário; grupo IV: ácido ortofosfórico a 37%. O condicionamento foi realizado, colocando-se meio de cultivo fresco sobre os materiais de modo que a presa (grupo II), polimerização (grupo III) ou o contato direto (grupo IV) liberassem substâncias para esse meio de cultivo. Esse meio era colocado sobre as células durante todo o experimento, excetuando-se o grupo IV, onde o contato foi feito por um período de 15 segundos, conforme recomendações clínicas. Posteriormente foram realizadas contagens em hemocitômetro pelo método de exclusão por azul de Trypan, que cora somente as células mortas. As contagens foram realizadas em períodos de 0, 6, 12 e 24 horas para o experimento de viabilidade celular (curto prazo), onde se avaliou o percentual de células vivas sobre o total de células, e em períodos de 1, 3, 5 e 7 dias para o experimento de sobrevivência celular, no qual se avaliou o número absoluto de células vivas. Observou-se que as substâncias liberadas pelo adesivo dentinário são citotóxicas em qualquer período, diminuindo consideravelmente a viabilidade celular e afetando suas curvas de crescimento. Aquelas liberadas pelo ácido ortofosfórico a 37% provocam diminuição da viabilidade somente nos primeiros momentos do contato com as células, enquanto as substâncias liberadas durante a presa do hidróxido de cálcio não são citotóxicas em nenhum momento. / The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of substances leached during the use of direct pulp capping materials, on human pulp fibroblasts. There were used cell culture mediums conditioned by the test materials, as follows: group I: control (fresh medium without conditioning); group II: calcium hydroxide cement; group III: bonding system; group IV: 37% orthophosphoric acid. The medium conditioning was made, pouring the fresh conditioning medium on the materials, in order that its setting (group II), polymerization (group III) or the direct contact (group IV) would be able to leach substances to this culture medium. These conditioned mediums were put on the cells for the entire experiment, excepting the group IV, in which the mediums were put in contact with the cells for 15 seconds, following clinical recommendations. Cell counting was performed in hemocytometer, using the Trypan blue exclusion method, which mark only the dead cells. These counting was made at experimental times of 0, 6, 12 and 24 hours for the cell viability assay (short term), where it is evaluated the percentage of live cells on the total number of cells, and at experimental times of 1, 3, 5 and 7 days for the survival assay, in which is evaluated the absolute number of live cells. It was observed that the substances leached by the bonding system are cytotoxic at all experimental times, decreasing significantly the cell viability and affecting its growing rate. Those leached by the 37% orthophosphoric acid decreased the cell viability only at the first contact with the cells, and the substances leached during the setting of the calcium hydroxide cement are not cytotoxic.

Avaliação in vitro do controle microbiano e da neutralização de endotoxinas presentes em canais radiculares por nanopartículas de prata / Effectiveness of silver nanoparticles on microorganisms and endotoxins in root canals

Cláudia de Moura Carreira 20 January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a capacidade da solução de nanopartículas de prata, utilizada como irrigante e medicação intracanal, em controlar os microrganismos e neutralizar endotoxinas no canal radicular. Para isso, foram utilizadas 48 raízes de dentes humanos padronizadas em 16 mm e com diâmetro apical correspondente a uma lima tipo Kerr no. 30. Os canais foram contaminados por 28 dias com E. coli e por 21 dias com E. faecalis e C. albicans. Os espécimes foram divididos em quatro grupos (n=12), de acordo com a substância utilizada (solução irrigadora e medicação intracanal): G1) solução salina e solução salina (grupo controle); G2) hipoclorito de sódio 1% associado ao creme Endo-PTC e hidróxido de cálcio - protocolo tradicional da FOUSP; G3) solução de nanopartículas de prata 50 ppm e hidróxido de cálcio associado à solução de nanopartículas de prata; e G4) solução de nanopartículas de prata 50 ppm e solução de nanopartículas de prata 50 ppm. Foram realizadas cinco coletas do conteúdo do canal radicular para avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana: coleta de confirmação, imediatamente após a instrumentação (1ª. coleta) e outra após sete dias (2ª. coleta); imediatamente após a remoção da medicação (3ª. coleta) e outra após sete dias (4ª. coleta). A neutralização da endotoxina foi avaliada apenas nas quatro últimas coletas. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos a análise estatística (Kruskall-Wallis e Dunn). Todas as soluções irrigadoras promoveram redução significativa dos microrganismos após a instrumentação (1ª. coleta) (p<0,05). Após 7 dias houve aumento do número de microrganismos em todos os grupos, voltando ao número inicial nos grupos instrumentados com solução salina e hipoclorito de sódio. Entretanto, apesar de ter ocorrido recolonização dos microrganismos no canal radicular dos espécimes instrumentados com solução de nanopartículas de prata, manteve-se redução estatisticamente significantemente do número de UFC/mL quando comparada à coleta de confirmação (p<0,05), demonstrando efeito residual. A medicação de hidróxido de cálcio eliminou 100% dos microrganismos e manteve os resultados após 7 dias (4ª. coleta) no grupo 2. No grupo quatro houve recolonização de E. faecalis e C. albicans após 7 dias de incubação. O hidróxido de cálcio foi a única substância avaliada que promoveu redução significativa (p<0,05) das endotoxinas. Assim, pôde-se concluir que o hipoclorito de sódio e a solução de NP-Ag reduziram significativamente a microbiota do canal, no entanto somente com a associação ao hidróxido de cálcio houve eliminação dos microrganismos em profundidade nos túbulos dentinários e redução das endotoxinas presentes no canal radicular. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect and endotoxin detoxified of solution of silver nanoparticles used as irrigating and dressing in root canals. Forty-eigth single-root human teeth were used. All root canals sized 16 mm and were enlarged to a Kerr file number .30. Root canals were infected for 28 days with E. coli and for 21 days with E. faecalis and C. albicans. The specimens were divided into four groups (n=12), according to the substance used (irrigating solution and dressing): G1) saline and saline (control), G2) sodium hypochlorite 1% with Endo-PTC cream and calcium hydroxide; G3) solution of Ag-NP 50 ppm and calcium hydroxide with Ag-NP; and G4) solution of Ag-NP 50 ppm and solution of Ag-NP 50 ppm. Five samplings of root canal were accomplished to evaluate the antimicrobial activity: confirmation sample, immediately after instrumentation (1st. Sample), and other after 7 days (2 nd. Sample), immediately after dressing removed (3 rd. Sample) and other after 7 days (4 th. Sample). The endotoxina detoxified was evaluated only in the last four samples by Limulus assay. Results were analysed by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn. All irrigation solutions caused significant reduction of microorganisms after instrumentation (1 st. Collection) (p <0.05). After 7 days there was increase of the number of bacteria in all groups, returning to the initial number of microorganisms in the groups prepared with saline and sodium hypochlorite, however, the recolonization of microorganisms in root canals of groups of solution silver nanoparticles was smaller than the number of confirmation sample (p <0.05), showing residual effect. The calcium hydroxide eliminated 100% of the microorganisms and the results remained after 7 days (4 th. Collection) for group 2. In group 4 there was recolonization of E. faecalis and C. albicans after 7 days. Calcium hydroxide was the only substance that measured a significant reduction of endotoxin (p <0.05). Thus, we concluded that the sodium hypochlorite and the NP-Ag significantly reduced the microorganisms of the root canal, but it is necessary the combination of calcium hydroxide to eliminated all microorganisms into dentinal tubules and detoxified endotoxins in the root canal.

Influência do hidróxido de cálcio na penetração do cimento Epiphany TM nos túbulos dentinários e na adaptação às paredes do canal radicular: avaliação pela microscopia confocal de varredura a laser / Influence of calcium hydroxide dressing on Epiphany TM sealer depth of dentinal tubules and interface dentine-sealer: a confocal study

Éricson Janolio de Camargo 25 May 2009 (has links)
Avaliou-se a influência do curativo intra-canal com pasta de hidróxido de cálcio na penetração do cimento EpiphanyTM no interior dos túbulos dentinários e na adaptação do cimento às paredes dos canais radiculares utilizando-se a microscopia confocal de varredura a laser (MCVL). Foram utilizados 30 incisivos centrais inferiores humanos, extraídos, com apenas um canal radicular. O acesso ao canal foi realizado de forma convencional utilizando-se pontas diamantadas montadas em alta rotação, sob refrigeração. Os canais foram preparados pela técnica progressiva empregando-se instrumentos manuais e rotatórios de níquel-titânio, Protaper e Profile (conicidade 0.4). A irrigação foi realizada usando solução de hipoclorito de sódio a 1% e, ao final do preparo, o soro fisiológico. Após o preparo, os canais radiculares de todos os dentes receberam aplicação de EDTA a 17% por 3 minutos e irrigação final com soro fisiológico. A seguir, os dentes foram divididos em 3 grupos como segue: grupo 1 sem tratamento adicional (controle); grupo 2 curativo de Ca (OH)2 e grupo 3 - curativo de Ca (OH)2 e nova aplicação de EDTA. O curativo de Ca (OH)2 foi empregado na forma de pasta viscosa com propilenoglicol que foi inserida no canal com espiral de Lentulo. Após o curativo, os dentes foram armazenados a ± 37 °C por 14 dias. A remoção do curativo foi feita com irrigação com soro fisiológico e com instrumento manual. A seguir, os canais radiculares de todos os 30 espécimes foram obturados com o Sistema EpiphanyTM utilizando-se o primer, o cimento EpiphanyTM, cones principais de Resilon 40/0.4 e cones auxiliares fino-médio pela técnica da condensação lateral ativa. Antes da obturação, o cimento foi corado com Rodamina B. Foram feitas secções transversais a 3, 7 e 10 milímetros distantes do forame apical (terços apical, médio e cervical), cujas imagens foram analisadas em microscopia confocal por varredura a laser (MCVL). Os resultados foram submetidos aos testes estatísticos de Análise de Variância (ANOVA) e teste Tukey, ambos com 5% de significância. Os resultados indicaram que a maior penetração de cimento no interior dos túbulos dentinários foi verificada nas secções dos terços cervical e médio do grupo II comparado aos grupos I e III. A penetração do cimento em todas as secções foi maior e estatisticamente significante nas faces vestibular e lingual. Em relação à adaptação do cimento às paredes dos canais radiculares, a fluorescência do cimento, considerando o perímetro total do canal mostrou regiões com falhas na interface dentina-cimento. A menor porcentagem de adaptação foi observada no grupo I (78%) comparado com os grupos II (93%) e III (86%) (p<0,05). Em canais obturados com o Sistema EpiphanyTM pela técnica da condensação lateral, o hidróxido de cálcio influenciou positivamente na profundidade de penetração do cimento no interior dos túbulos dentinários e na sua adaptação às paredes dos canais. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of calcium hydroxide on the depth of dentinal tubule sealer penetration and the percentage of sealer-dentin interface in the coronal, middle and apical thirds teeth obturated with the EpiphanyTM Obturation System using 5 x and 40x confocal laser scanning microscopy. Thirty extracted single-rooted mandibular incisor human teeth were instrumented using 1.0 % NaOCl. The smear layer was removed using 17% EDTA for 3 minutes. The teeth were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=10), according to the presence or absence of intracanal dressing and its removal: GI= non Ca(OH)2 dressing (control); G II= Ca(OH)2 + removal using saline solution and kfile # 40; and G3= Ca(OH)2 + removal using saline solution + kfile # 40 and 17% EDTA. One tooth from groups II and III were ramdomly selected for calcium hydroxide analysis. The calcium hidroxyde was labeled with fluorescent fluorescein and after 14 days of storage in 100% humidity at 37 degrees C, the dressings were removed from experimental groups. All root canals (control and experimental groups) were obturated with Resilon master points 40/0.4, Resilon points fine-medium and EpiphanyTM sealer labeled with fluorescent Rhodamine B dye. The sections cut from the coronal, middle and apical thirds of each root were viewed using 5x and 40x confocal laser scanning microscopy. Twoway ANOVA and Tukey test found significantly lower average depth of sealer penetration in apical sections than middle or coronal sections (p<0,05). The deepest sealer penetration was observed in the coronal and middle secctions of group II compared to the groups I and III. The sealer penetration in all sections was deeper and statistically different in the vestibular and lingual faces. A fluorescent sealer ring was seen around the canal wall in all sections presenting some gaps in the sealerdentin interface. Two-way ANOVA and Tukey tests showed significantly less percentage of sealer-dentin interface in the group I (78%) compared to groups II (93%) and III (86%) (p<0,05). Calcium hydroxide dressing affected positively the deep of sealer penetration and percentagem of sealer dentin interface in the root canals filled with EpiphanyTM resin based sealer.

Estudo dos processos de obtenção de açúcares redutores totais (ART) a partir do bagaço de frutas / Study of obtaining processes of total reducing sugars (TRS) from fruits bagasse

Mendes, Thais Pontes Pereira 02 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-05-04T13:37:19Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Thais Pontes Pereira Mendes - 2014.pdf: 3157562 bytes, checksum: 078261866461b3bb0af2d57b058e0a47 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-05-04T13:40:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Thais Pontes Pereira Mendes - 2014.pdf: 3157562 bytes, checksum: 078261866461b3bb0af2d57b058e0a47 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-04T13:40:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Thais Pontes Pereira Mendes - 2014.pdf: 3157562 bytes, checksum: 078261866461b3bb0af2d57b058e0a47 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Given the growing global interest in clean, renewable sources of energy, the lignocellulosic materials stand out as a potential alternative, since it does not compete with food production and are rich in sugars that can serve as a feedstock for ethanol production. Based on this context, this work aimed to study the pre-treatment and acid hydrolysis as the supply of total reducing sugars (TRS) from mango, passion fruit and pineapple bagasses (lignocellulosic materials). These materials, derived from the juice industry, underwent two chemical pretreatments with calcium hydroxide and alkaline hydrogen peroxide. The study was conducted using a 23 factorial design, using the variables of chemical reagent concentration, reaction time and temperature in order to find the best conditions that maximized the amount of available fermentable sugars. In the next stage acid hydrolysis of the study was also performed based on a 22 factorial design, using the concentration ratio and bagasse / volume of acid (solid: liquid - S: L) variables. It was found that the two studied pretreatments, mango bagasse was biomass provided more reducing sugars. Conditions which maximized the response were 24 h, 20 ° C and 1% w / v to pretreatment with alkaline hydrogen peroxide and 20 h, 40 ° C, and 0.01 g / mL for pretreatment with hydroxide calcium. These values were lower than those studied in planning in both pre-treatments. TSR was obtained 0.312 g / g of biomass pretreatment with calcium hydroxide and TSR 0.313 g / g of biomass pre-treatment with alkaline hydrogen peroxide. In the study of the hydrolysis, the pre-treatment with alkaline hydrogen peroxide proved to be more advantageous as it is used lowest acid concentration (0.5%) and higher ratio S: L (1g: 10 mL) producing higher concentrations TSR . / Diante do crescente interesse mundial por fontes de energia limpa e renovável, os materiais lignocelulósicos se destacam como uma alternativa em potencial, uma vez que não competem com a produção de alimentos e são ricos em açúcares que podem servir de matéria-prima na produção de etanol. Baseado neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar os pré-tratamentos e hidrólise ácida quanto ao fornecimento de açúcares redutores totais (ART) a partir dos bagaços de manga, maracujá e abacaxi (materiais lignocelulósicos). Os bagaços, oriundos de indústria de suco, foram submetidos a dois pré-tratamentos químicos, com hidróxido de cálcio e com peróxido de hidrogênio. O estudo foi conduzido através de um planejamento fatorial 23, utilizando-se as variáveis concentração do reagente químico, tempo de reação e temperatura, a fim de encontrar as melhores condições que maximizassem a quantidade de açúcares fermentescíveis disponibilizada. Na etapa seguinte, o estudo da hidrólise ácida também foi realizado baseado num planejamento fatorial 22, utilizando-se as variáveis concentração e razão bagaço/volume de ácido (sólido:líquido - S:L). Verificou-se que nos dois pré-tratamentos estudados, o bagaço da manga foi a biomassa que mais forneceu açúcares redutores. As condições que maximizaram a resposta foram 24 h, 20 °C e 1% m/v para o pré-tratamento com peróxido de hidrogênio alcalino e 20 h, 40 °C e 0,01 g/ mL para o pré-tratamento com hidróxido de cálcio. Esses foram os menores valores estudados no planejamento em ambos os pré-tratamentos. Obteve-se ART de 0,312 g/g de biomassa no pré-tratamento com hidróxido de cálcio e ART de 0,313 g/g de biomassa no pré-tratamento com peróxido de hidrogênio alcalino. No estudo da hidrólise, o pré-tratamento com peróxido de hidrogênio alcalino se mostrou mais vantajoso, pois se utilizou menor concentração de ácido (0,5%) e maior razão S:L (1 g: 10 mL) produzindo maiores concentrações de ART.

Estudo da radiopacidade de materiais odontológicos indicados como base e forramento de restaurações. Análise através da radiografia digital / Study of the radiopacity of dental materials used as base and liner of restorations. Analysis by digital radiographic

Karina Monteleone Lachowski 03 June 2011 (has links)
A radiopacidade é um importante pré-requisito para materiais utilizados como base e forramento de restaurações, pois possibilita que o profissional identifique a presença do material e permita sua diferenciação com a estrutura dental adjacente. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a radiopacidade de materiais indicados como base e forramento e comparar com a radiopacidade do esmalte, dentina e escala de alumínio. Para isso, foram analisadas 16 marcas comerciais de cimento de ionômero de vidro, 8 marcas de resina composta flow e 4 marcas de cimento de hidróxido de cálcio. Foram confeccionados três conjuntos de três corpos de prova de 4 mm de diâmetro, com espessuras de 1, 2 e 3 mm para cada cimento de ionômero de vidro e resina composta flow e de 1 mm para cada cimento de hidróxido de cálcio. Foram feitas secções transversais de coroas de três terceiros molares humanos para obtenção de espécimes de esmalte e dentina com espessura de 1, 2 e 3 mm. Como controle, uma escala de alumínio padrão com nove degraus de espessura foi utilizada. As tomadas radiográficas foram feitas com o sistema digital RVG 5000 Kodak (Kodak Company, França) e tempo de exposição de 0.32 segundos. As imagens obtidas foram trabalhadas no programa Image Tool® para obtenção dos valores médios de cinza. A análise estatística ANOVA, seguida pelo teste de Tukey (p0.05) detectou diferenças consideráveis entre os materiais da mesma categoria e entre as espessuras. Algumas marcas comerciais apresentaram radiopacidade inadequada segundo as normas ISO 4049 e 9917 (Ionomaster, Maxxion, Bioglass R, Bioglass F, Vidrion R e Vidrion F), apresentando radiopacidade inferior à da dentina, insuficiente para um correto diagnóstico. Todas as resinas compostas flow e cimentos de hidróxido de cálcio estudados apresentam radiopacidade superior a da dentina. As marcas comerciais Vitro Fil, Magic Glass, Vitrebond, Riva SC, Riva LC, Fill Magic, Opallis, Surefil Tetric N, Tetric, Hydro C, Hydcal e Liner apresentaram radiopacidade igual ou superior a do esmalte, em todas as espessuras. De um modo geral, o aumento de espessura dos materiais estudados aumenta significativamente sua radiopacidade. Conclui-se que existem materiais indicados como base e forramento de restaurações com radiopacidade inadequada para serem detectados radiograficamente. / Radiopacity is an important pre-requisite for base and liner materials, once it allows the professional to identify the presence of the material and makes its differentiation from the adjacent tooth structure possible. The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of liner and base materials and compare to the radiopacity of enamel, dentin and aluminum stepwedge. For this, 16 glass ionomer cements, 8 flowable resin composites and 4 calcium hydroxide cements were analysed. It was prepared three sets of three test specimens with 4 mm in diameter and thicknesses of 1, 2 and 3 mm for each glass ionomer cement and flowable composite and 1 mm for each calcium hydroxide cement. Cross sections were made from crowns of three third molars to obtain specimens of enamel and dentin with thickness of 1, 2 and 3 mm. As a control, a standard aluminum stepwedge with nine steps was used. Radiographs were taken with digital Kodak RVG 5000 (Kodak Company, France) and exposure time of 0.32 seconds. The images were analysed through the program Image Tool ® to obtain the mean grey values. Statistical test ANOVA followed by Tukey test (p 0.05) detected significant differences between the materials of the same category and between the thicknesses. The commercial brands Ionomaster, Maxxion, Bioglass R, Bioglass F, Vidrion R and Vidrion F, presented radiopacity lower than the radiopacity of dentin, insufficient for a correct diagnostic. All flowable resin composites and calcium hydroxide cements studied showed radiopacity superior than dentin. Vitro Fil, Magic Glass, Vitrebond, Riva SC, Riva LC, Fill Magic, Opallis, Surefil, Tetric N, Tetric, Hydro C, Hydcal and Liner showed radiopacity equal to or greater than the enamel for all thicknesses. In general, the increased thickness of the materials studied increases its radiopacity significantly. It was concluded that some materials indicated as base and liner for restorations have and inadequate radiopacity to be detected radiographically.

Estudo clínico, radiográfico, histológico e imuno-histoquímico na resposta pulpar após o uso de diferentes materiais capeadores em pulpotomias de dentes decíduos humanos / Clinical, radiographic, histological, and immunohistochemistry study on pulpal response after the use of different pulp capping materials in pulpotomies of human primary teeth

Natalino Lourenço Neto 05 July 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar: 1) a resposta pulpar de dentes decíduos humanos após pulpotomia com diferentes materiais capeadores por meio de análise clínica, radiográfica e histológica; e 2) a expressão da Proteína 1 da Matriz Dentinária (DMP-1) na resposta pulpar. Vinte e cinco molares decíduos inferiores de 22 crianças com idade entre 6 e 9 anos foram criteriosamente selecionados. Os dentes foram randomicamente divididos nos grupos Formocresol de Buckley diluído a 1/5 (Grupo I - FC), Hidróxido de Cálcio (Grupo II HC), Agregado Trióxido Mineral (Grupo III MTA), Otosporin® + Hidróxido de Cálcio (Grupo IV OTO+HC) e Cimento Portland (Grupo V PC), e tratados pela técnica convencional de pulpotomia em sessão única. As avaliações clínicas e radiográficas foram realizadas até o período normal de esfoliação. Os dentes foram extraídos e processados para análise histológica e imuno-histoquímica. Os resultados clínicos e radiográficos não mostraram diferença estatisticamente significativa nos grupos estudados (p>0,05). A análise estatística da avaliação histológica revelou diferença estatisticamente significativa para presença de barreira dentinária e camada odontoblástica entre o Grupo I(FC) e os Grupos II(HC), III(MTA), IV(OTO+HC) e V(PC) visto que o Grupo I(FC) não apresentou barreira dentinária e camada odontoblástica em nenhuma das lâminas observadas. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos estudados quando da avaliação da calcificação pulpar. Para o item reabsorção interna observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o Grupo I(FC), II(HC) e os Grupos III(MTA), IV(OTO+HC) e V(PC) onde não se observaram reabsorções internas nas análises histológicas. A análise da expressão da DMP-1 demonstrou para o Grupo I(FC) imunomarcação localizada na região de calcificações pulpares localizadas nas raízes dos dentes avaliados, não havendo camada odontoblástica nem formação de barreira dentinária. Os Grupos II(HC), III(MTA), IV(OTO+HC) e V(PC) apresentaram imunomarcação na região de barreira dentinária e da camada odontoblástica, evidenciando a biocompatibilidade destes materiais, bem como a capacidade indutora para secreção de dentina. A análise conjunta dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho, com o uso de diferentes técnicas, permitiu concluir que todos os materiais empregados apresentaram índices de sucesso clínico e radiográfico aceitáveis para indicação clínica. Na análise histológica os materiais HC, MTA e PC apresentaram melhores resultados no reparo pulpar. A expressão da DMP-1 na resposta pulpar permitiu visualizar a capacidade bioindutora dos materiais HC, MTA e PC no processo de reparo pulpar e formação de barreira. A comparação entre os grupos estudados permitiu constatar que o MTA e o PC se mostraram mais eficientes, proporcionando formação de barreira dentinária e respostas do complexo dentinho-pulpar mais satisfatórias. / The aim of this study was to evaluate: 1) the pulpal response of human primary teeth after pulpotomies with different pulp capping materials through clinical, radiographic and histological analysis; and 2) the expression of Dentin Matrix Protein 1 (DMP-1) in the pulpal response. Twenty-five primary molars of 22 children aged 6-9 years-old were criteriously selected. The teeth were randomly divided into the following groups: Buckleys Formocresol (diluted 1:5) (Group I - FC), Calcium Hydroxide - (Group II CH), Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (Group III MTA), Otosporin® + Calcium Hydroxide (Group IV OTO+CH) and Portland cement (Group V PC); and treated by the conventional technique of pulpotomy at a single appointment. The clinical and radiographic evaluations were performed until the teeth underwent normal exfoliation. The teeth were extracted and processed for histological and immunohistochemical analyses. The clinical and radiographic studies did not show statistically significant difference among the groups studied (p>0.05). The statistical analysis of the histological evaluation revealed statistically significant difference relating to the presence of the dentine barrier and odontoblastic layer between Group I(FC) and Groups II(CH), III(MTA), IV(OTO+CH) and V(PC) since the Group I(FC) did not exhibited dentine barrier and odontoblastic layer in any of the cuts observed. There was no statistically significant difference among the groups studied regarding to the evaluation of pulpal calcification. Concerning to internal resorption, there was a statistically significant difference among Group I(FC), II(CH) and Groups III(MTA), IV(OTO+CH) and V(PC) where internal resorption was not seen in the histological analyses. The analysis of the expression DMP-1 demonstrated for Group I(FC) immunostaining located in the area of pulpal calcifications within the roots of the teeth evaluated; however, neither odontoblastic layer nor dentine barrier were seen. The Groups II(CH), III(MTA), IV(OTO+CH) and V(PC) showed immunostaining in the area of dentine barrier and odontoblastic layer, evidencing the biocompatibility of these materials, as well as, the capacity for inducing dentine secretion. The comprehensive analyses of the results obtained in this study with the use of different techniques enabled to conclude that all materials employed showed clinical and radiographic success rates acceptable for the clinical indication. In the histological analysis, CH, MTA and PC materials exhibited the best results for pulpal repair. The expression of DMP-1 in the pulpal response allowed visualizing the biological inductive capacity of CH, MTA and PC materials on the process of pulpal repair and barrier formation. The comparison among the groups studied enable to find that MTA and PC were more efficient, providing the dentine barrier formation and more satisfactory responses of the dentino-pulpal complex.

Antimicrobial activity and suitability of 2-hydroxyisocaproic acid for the treatment of root canal infections

Sakko, M. (Marjut) 16 February 2016 (has links)
Abstract Microbial infection in dental root canal induces an inflammatory reaction called apical periodontitis. In post-treament disease, Enterococcus faecalis is the most commonly found organism, which may survive well in root canal despite calcium hydroxide paste medication. In these cases, effective irrigation or repeated chlorhexidine medication are recommended. New medications with long-lasting antimicrobial activity are needed for the treatment of persistent root canal infections. 2-hydroxyisocaproic acid (HICA) is a protein fermentation product of lactobacilli and few other bacterial or fungal species express enzymes required for its metabolism. However, mammalian cells can metabolise it and use it for protein production. It is known to be well-tolerated by humans and have anti-inflammatory properties as well. Therefore, the hypothesis was that it affects microbe-specific metabolic pathways and have potential as a novel antimicrobial agent. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial and antifungal spectrum of HICA using in vitro microdilution methods for susceptibility testing and an ex vivo extracted tooth root canal infection-model. The impact of dentine on the antimicrobial activity of HICA was also evaluated. The results showed that HICA has broad-spectrum bactericidal activity for gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. It is also fungicidal for several fungal species and it is only marginally inactivated by clinically-relevant concentrations of dentine. It is at least as active against E. faecalis as presently-used interappointment medications in infected root canals after a seven-day incubation ex vivo. Since HICA has a broad-spectrum and long-term antimicrobial activity as well as an anti-inflammatory effect, it may be a useful new agent for clinical endodontology. However, controlled clinical studies are needed for evaluation of the efficacy of HICA in clinical conditions. / Tiivistelmä Hampaan juurikanavan mikrobi-infektio aiheuttaa apikaalisen parodontiitin eli tulehdusreaktion juuren kärjen läheisyydessä oleviin kudoksiin. Silloin, kun infektio ei parane hoidon jälkeen, Enterococcus faecalis on yleisin löydös. Jos kalsiumhydroksidilääkitys ei ole tehokas, hoitoon suositellaan huolellista desinfektiohuuhtelua ja uusittavaa lyhytkestoista klooriheksidiinilääkitystä. Juurikanavainfektioiden hoitoon tarvitaan uusia antimikrobiaineita, joilla on pitkäaikainen vaikutus. Lactobacillus-bakteerit tuottavat proteiiniaineenvaihdunnassa 2-hydroksi-isokapronihappoa eli HICAa, jonka metaboloimiseen tarvittavia entsyymejä tunnetaan vain muutamilla muilla bakteereilla. Ihmissolut metaboloivat ja käyttävät sitä proteiinituotantoon. Se on hyvin siedetty aine ja se lieventää tulehdusreaktiota. Tutkimuksen hypoteesina oli, että HICA vaikuttaa mikrobien aineenvaihduntaan ja se voisi olla mahdollinen uusi antimikrobiaine. Tässä tutkimuksessa HICAn antimikrobitehoa tutkittiin bakteereita ja sienilajeja vastaan pienerälaimennusmenetelmällä tehdyissä herkkyystesteissä. Sen soveltuvuutta hampaiden juurikanavainfektioiden hoitoon arvioitiin dentiinin läsnäollessa sekä potilailta poistetuissa ja kokeellisesti infektoiduissa hampaissa. Tulokset osoittavat, että HICA tappaa laajakirjoisesti gram-positiivisia ja gram-negatiivisia bakteereita sekä hiivoja ja muita sienilajeja. Dentiinin vaikutus HICAn antimikrobitehoon on vähäinen. Sen vaikutus E. faecalista vastaan poistettujen hampaiden juurikanavissa on viikon jälkeen yhtä hyvä tai parempi kuin nykyisten lääkeaineiden vaikutus. Laajakirjoisen, pitkäkestoisen antimikrobitehon ja anti-inflammatorisuuden vuoksi HICA voisi olla uusi vaihtoehto juurikanavainfektioiden hoitoon. HICAn kliinisen tehokkuuden arviointiin tarvitaan kontrolloituja kliinisiä tutkimuksia.


Tzu-chun Tseng (11632921) 02 November 2021 (has links)
<div>Several truck fires have occurred in recent years involving bridges with reinforced and prestressed concrete components. If the fire burns for a significant period of time (15 minutes or more), bridge inspectors and engineers must determine if the exposure to elevated temperature has reduced the strength and serviceability of the concrete components. Little guidance is available, however, correlating the results of field inspections with the actual condition of the reinforced/prestressed concrete elements. This dissertation presents the results of a research program conducted to develop rational guidance for inspectors and engineers to evaluate concrete bridge elements after a fire event and help them make informed decisions regarding the future status of the bridge. <br></div><div><br></div><div>The research program includes tests on portions of a reinforced concrete deck and three full-scaled AASHTO Type I prestressed girders acquired from a decommissioned highway bridge. In addition, six pretensioned concrete prismatic beam specimens with varying levels of prestress were fabricated and tested. The specimens had cross-sectional dimensions of 8 in. by 8 in. and were designed to simulate the bottom flanges of common I-shaped prestressed concrete bridge girders. The deck specimens and four (of the six) concrete beam specimens were subjected to elevated temperatures using radiation-based heaters. Two (of the six) prismatic specimens built in the laboratory were subjected to a hydrocarbon pool fire test conducted in the field for using approximately 135 gallons of kerosene. The concrete temperature profiles and the deformations of the specimens were measured using thermocouple trees and displacement transducers, respectively. Concrete samples were also cored and examined using various methods (DSC and SEM) to correlate microstructure degradation (microcracking, dehydration of C-S-H, decomposition of calcium hydroxide, etc.) with the measured temperatures through the depth of the specimens. <br></div><div><br></div><div>To evaluate the residual loading-carrying capacities of prestressed concrete girders after being subjected to fire, a hydrocarbon pool fire test was performed on two decommissioned AASHTO Type I girders in the field. Load tests were then conducted on the prestressed girders under both ambient and post-fire conditions. After structural testing, material tests were also conducted on concrete cores taken from the girders to evaluate the post-fire concrete microstructure alteration. Furthermore, three-dimensional finite element models were developed to predict the residual load-carrying capacities and overall structural responses of prestressed concrete bridge girders after being exposed to fire. Results from the numerical models generally agree favorably with experimental observations and provide insights into the behavior of the specimens. A parametric study was performed using the benchmarked finite element models to expand the database and establish design recommendations further. Capacity influence lines for load-carrying capacities and structural stiffness were developed and discussed.</div><div><br></div><div>Based on the results from this research, guidelines for the post-fire assessment of prestressed concrete bridges are included in this dissertation along with a step-by-step checklist. Bridge inspectors can infer the extent of damage to prestressed concrete bridge girders in the event of a fire and develop a post-fire assessment plan cognizant of the findings. In most cases, no more than 1.0 in. of the concrete from the exposed surface undergoes material damage / deterioration due to loss of CH, cracking, and spalling. The impact on the strength of prestressed concrete girders is relatively minor based on experimental results. Their initial stiffness, however, will likely be reduced. <br> </div><br>

Ersättning av kalciumhydroxidtill natriumhydroxid vidbehandling av processvatten frånbetningsprocess : För effektivisering av befintlig vattenreningsprocess / Replacement of calcium hydroxide dosage to sodium hydroxide in thetreatment of residual water from pickling process : To increase the efficiency of an existing water purification process

Pålsson, Oskar January 2022 (has links)
Arbetet studerade skillnaderna mellan en användning av kalciumhydroxid samtnatriumhydroxid som pH-reglerande kemikalie i en kemisk vattenreningsanläggning.Samt dess påverkan på filtreringssteg som sandfilter, aktivkol filtrering samt jonbytarfiltrering. Det behandlade hur reningsgraden påverkas sett till metallreduktion av;krom, nickel, koppar och zink. Hur slammängderna är i förhållande tillvarandramellan de olika pH-reglernade kemikalierna och slutligen hur filtreringsstegenpåverkas beroende på vilken pH-reglerande kemikalie som doserats. Resultatet förarbetet har visat på att reningsgraden minskar vid användning av natriumhydroxidsom pH-reglerande kemikalie vilket besvarar en del av syftet samt frågeställningenmed arbetet. Ytterligare har resultatet påvisat att de efterkommande filtreringsstegensom i en eventuell framtid kan implementeras leder till en reducering avmetallhalterna i vattnet, vanligen gick reduceringen inte att statistiskt säkerställa mentendenser på en reducering påvisades. Även de erhållna slammängdernareducerades vid användning av natriumhydroxid som pH-reglerande kemikalie vilketvar ett förväntat resultat sett till hypotes och litteratur. Ytterligare minskadeturbiditeten för klarfasproverna vid en natriumhydroxiddosering i förhållande till enkalciumhydroxiddosering. Arbetets resultat har således påvisat den goda möjlighetenatt ersätta den manuella doseringen av solid kalciumhydroxid som pH-reglerandekemikalie emot en automatisk dosering av natriumhydroxid erhållen i vätskeform. / This work studied the differences between the use of calcium hydroxide and sodiumhydroxide as a pH-regulating chemical in a chemical water treatment plant. As wellas its impact on filtration steps such as sand filter, activated carbon filtration and ionexchange filtration. It dealt with how the degree of purification is affected in terms ofmetal reduction of; chromium, nickel, copper and zinc. How the sludge amounts arein relation to each other between the different pH-regulated chemicals and finallyhow the filtration steps are affected depending on which pH-regulating chemical hasbeen dosed. The results for the work have shown that the degree of purificationdecreases when using sodium hydroxide as a pH-regulating chemical, whichanswers part of the purpose and the question of the work. Furthermore, the resultshave shown that the subsequent filtration steps that can be implemented in thepossible future lead to a reduction of the metal contents in the water, usually thereduction could not be statistically confirmed but tendencies of a reduction wereshown. The amounts of sludge obtained were also reduced by using sodiumhydroxide as a pH-regulating chemical, which was an expected result in terms ofhypothesis and literature. Furthermore, the turbidity of the clear phase samplesdecreased at a sodium hydroxide dosage relative to a calcium hydroxide dosage.The results of the work have thus demonstrated the good possibility of replacing themanual dosing of solid calcium hydroxide as a pH-regulating chemical with anautomatic dosing of sodium hydroxide obtained in liquid form.

Vergleichende In-vitro-Studie zur Entfernung der medikamentösen Einlage Kalziumhydroxid aus runden und ovalen Wurzelkanälen. Vergleich von passiver Ultraschallspülung und SAF: Eine Micro-Computertomographie-Studie / Comparative in vitro study on the removal of calcium hydroxide deposits from both round and oval root canals. Comparison of passive ultrasonic irrigation and SAF: A micro-computed tomography study

Adler, Carolin 28 July 2014 (has links)
Ziel der Studie: Vergleich zweier Methoden zur Entfernung der medikamentösen Einlage Kalziumhydroxid aus runden und ovalen Wurzelkanälen mithilfe eines Micro-CTs. Material und Methode: Es wurden 80 extrahierte menschliche Prämolaren und Inzisivi verwendet. Die Wurzelkanäle wurden von koronal auf eine einheitliche Länge von 18 mm gekürzt und mit dem FlexMaster-System (VDW, München) bis zu Größe 40/.04 präpariert. Nach jeder Instrumentengröße wurden die Kanäle mit 2 ml 3%igem Natriumhypochlorit gespült. Die Spülung erfolgte mit einer 2 ml Spritze und einer Nadel der Größe 30 (NaviTip 30 Gauge, Ultradent, München). Die Applikation des Kalziumhydroxidpräparates (UltraCal XS. Ultradent Products Inc., Utah, USA) wurde mit einer Injektionsnadel der Größe 30 durchgeführt. Eine anschließende röntgenologische Kontrolle sicherte die vollständige und homogene Verteilung des Präparates im Wurzelkanal. Alle Probenzähne wurden für sieben Tage bei 37°C Lufttemperatur und 100% Luftfeuchtigkeit gelagert. Nach Anfertigung präoperativer Micro-CT-Scans von jedem Wurzelkanal erfolgte eine Volumenbestimmung der applizierten Kalziumhydroxideinlage. Außerdem konnten die Proben anhand der Bilddaten einer runden oder ovalen Querschnittsform zugeteilt werden. Anschließend erfolgte die Einteilung der Probenzähne in vier Gruppen; Gruppe 1 (n = 10, ovale Querschnittsform), Gruppe 2 (n = 10, ovale Querschnittsform), Gruppe 3 (n = 30, runde Querschnittsform), Gruppe 4 (n = 30, runde Querschnittsform). Die Gruppen 1 und 3 wurden dem Spülprotokoll der Self-Adjusting File (SAF) zugeteilt, die Gruppen 2 und 4 dem der passiven Ultraschallspülung (PUI). Das Spülprotokoll beider Entfernungsmethoden sah eine 4-minütige Anwendung, aufgeteilt in 8 jeweils 30 Sekunden lange Zyklen und eine Gesamtspülmenge von 20 ml 3%igem Natriumhypochlorit vor. Die Auswertung erfolgte durch Anfertigung postoperativer Micro-CT-Scans und erneute Bestimmung des verbliebenen Volumens an medikamentöser Einlage. Zur statistischen Auswertung wurde der Quotient aus Volumen nach der Entfernung zu dem Volumen vor der Entfernung berechnet und eine zweifaktorielle Varianzanalyse (ANOVA) durchgeführt.   Ergebnisse: Keine der verwendeten Methoden konnte eine vollständige Entfernung der medikamentösen Einlage Kalziumhydroxid erreichen. Die SAF-Spülung erreichte signifikant bessere Ergebnisse als die PUI. Es konnte kein signifikanter Einfluss der Kanalform (rund/oval) auf die Reinigungswirkung beider Systeme festgestellt werden. Schlussfolgerung: Das SAF-System entfernt Kalziumhydroxid effektiver aus runden und ovalen Wurzelkanälen als die passive Ultraschallspülung. Mit beiden Systemen konnten relativ saubere, aber keine vollständig von Kalziumhydroxid gereinigten Kanalwände erzielt werden.

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