Spelling suggestions: "subject:" colour"" "subject:" coulour""
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An electrophysiological study of chromatic processing in the human visual system. Using visual evoked potentials and electroretinograms to study cortical and retinal contributions to human trichromatic vision.Challa, Naveen K. January 2011 (has links)
The work in this thesis is concerned with examining the retinal and cortical contributions to human trichromatic colour vision. Chromatic processing at the cortex level was examined using visual evoked potentials (VEPs). These responses were elicited by chromatic spot stimuli, which were manipulated in order to selectively activate the chromatic processing system. Chromatic processing at the retinal level was examined using the electroretinograms (ERGs) for which cone isolating stimuli were used to assess the nature of L and M cone inputs to cone-opponent mechanisms.
The results from the VEP experiments suggest VEP morphology is dependent upon 1) chromatic and or luminance contrast content of the stimulus, 2) stimulus size, and 3) extent to which the chromatic stimulus activates either the L/M or S/(L+M) opponent mechanism. The experiments indicate that chromatic stimulation is indexed by large N1 component and small offset responses. Optimal stimulus size for chromatic isolation is 2-4 ° along L/M axes and 6° along S/(L+M) axis.
From the ERG experiments, It has been shown that the low (12Hz) and high (30Hz) temporal frequency flickering stimuli can isolate the chromatic and luminance processing mechanisms in the retina. For low temporal frequency ERGs, the L:M ratio was close to unity and L/M phase difference was close to 180°. For high temporal frequency ERGs, the L:M ratio was more than unity and L/M phase difference was close to 90°. In addition to this, the variation in L:M ratio across the retinal eccentricity was also examined. These results suggest, for the chromatic processing, L:M ratio is close to unity independent of retinal eccentricity and individuals. For the luminance processing, L:M ratio is more than unity and depends upon the region of the retina being stimulated. These findings indicate the maintenance of cone selective input for the chromatic processing across the human retina.
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Color constancy improves for real 3D objectsHedrich, Monika, Bloj, Marina, Ruppertsberg, Alexa I. January 2009 (has links)
No / In this study human color constancy was tested for two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) setups with real
objects and lights. Four different illuminant changes, a natural selection task and a wide choice of target colors were used.
We found that color constancy was better when the target color was learned as a 3D object in a cue-rich 3D scene than in a
2D setup. This improvement was independent of the target color and the illuminant change. We were not able to find any
evidence that frequently experienced illuminant changes are better compensated for than unusual ones. Normalizing
individual color constancy hit rates by the corresponding color memory hit rates yields a color constancy index, which is
indicative of observers¿ true ability to compensate for illuminant changes.
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Avaliação de visão de cores em um indivíduo albino de Sapajus sp (Cebus sp) / Evaluation of the color vision in an albino subject of Sapajus sp (Cebus sp)Henriques, Leonardo Dutra 30 July 2013 (has links)
O albinismo é um conjunto de alterações fenotípicas caracterizadas pela incapacidade de produzir melanina, fazendo com que a pigmentação de alguns órgãos seja reduzida ou ausente. Discutem-se quais efeitos esta redução ou ausência de pigmentação, na retina, poderia ter sobre a capacidade visual do indivíduo. A visão de cores apresenta um papel muito importante para a sobrevivência e desenvolvimento de primatas. A capacidade de discriminar visualmente o alvo de um fundo apenas pela diferença de matiz pode ser o diferencial tanto para a busca de alimentos, como para a fuga de predadores. Estudos sobre a visão de cores auxiliam a fazer inferências sobre suas bases biológicas e utilidade funcional. Pretendeu-se com esse estudo elucidar a discriminação de cores de um indivíduo albino de Sapajus sp, por meio de uma avaliação psicofísica utilizando-se de uma versão modificada do teste computadorizado Cambridge Colour Test (CCT), e uma análise genética de DNA, para identificar os genes que codificam as opsinas. Os arranjos genótipo/fenótipo inferidos do indivíduo a partir das elipses foram comparados à composição dos genes que codificam opsina, obtida por análise independente de DNA. Buscou-se, assim, identificar possíveis prejuízos à visão de cores causados pelo albinismo, em relação a Sapajus normais. Apesar dos vários problemas decorrentes do albinismo, o sujeito experimental aprendeu a tarefa com sucesso e apresentou, nos testes, limiares de discriminação de cores característicos de dicromacia do tipo deuterânope com valores dentro dos esperados para o gênero Sapajus. Os resultados comportamentais foram condizentes com o fenótipo inferido a partir da análise genética / São Paulo Albinism is a set of phenotypic traits, characterized by the inability to produce melanin, that way the pigmentation of some organs are either reduced or absent. There is no consent on what effects this lower or none pigmentation on retina could lead on subject vision. The color vision represents a major role on primates survival and development. The capacity of visually discriminate targets only by hue differences from the background can be used either to search for food or to avoid predators. Studies on color vision help to make inference on their biological bases and functional utility. This study aimed to elucidate the color vision discrimination of an albino subject of Sapajus sp, through a psychophysical evaluation using a modified version of Cambridge Colour Test (CCT) and a genetic analyses of DNA in order to identify genes that codify the opsin. The correlation between genotype and phenotype were inferred by comparison between discrimination ellipses and genetic composition of genes that code opsin. Thus seeking to identify possible color vision losses caused by albinism comparing those analyses with healthy Sapajus. Despite many problems associated to albinism, the test subject successfully learn the task and his test showed color discrimination thresholds of a deuteranope dichromacy with values within the expected to subjects of Sapajus genera. Those behavioral results where consistent with the phenotype predicted by the genetic analyses
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En Studie i Rött : Hur beskrivs, uppfattas och kopplas färg samman med innehåll i Mark Rothkos abstrakta målningar? / A Study in Scarlet : How are color and content connected, described and understood in Mark Rothkos abstract paintings?Frisk, Mattias January 2008 (has links)
<p>Undersökning av färgen i förhållande till innehåll i Mark Rothkos abstrakta verk. Studien innefattar en undersökning i hur man skriver om färg i anslutning till Rothkos abstrakta målningars innehåll och huruvida färg kan avgöra betydelser.</p> / <p>A study about color in relationship to content in Mark Rothko’s abstract paintings. It includes a research in how people write about color when discussing Mark Rothko´s paintings and how that is related to content. It also looks at color in relationship to meaning.</p>
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Colour proof quality verificationSundell, Johanna January 2004 (has links)
<p>BACKGROUND </p><p>When a customer delivers a colour proof to a printer, they expect the final print to look similar to that proof. Today it is impossible to control if a match between proof and print is technically possible to reach at all. This is mainly due to the fact that no information regarding the production circumstances of the proof is provided, for instance the printer does not know which proofer, RIP or ICC-profile that was used. Situations where similarity between proof and print cannot be reached and the press has to be stopped are both costly and time consuming and are therefore wished to be avoided.</p><p>PURPOSE </p><p>The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the possibility to form a method with the ability control if a proof is of such good quality that it is likely to produce a print that is similar to it.</p><p>METHOD </p><p>The basic assumption was that the quality of a proof could be decided by spectrally measuring known colour patches and compare those values to reference values representing the same patches printed at optimal press conditions. To decide which and how many patches that are required, literature and reports were studied, then a test printing and a comparison between proofing systems were performed. To be able to analyse the measurement data in an effective way a tool that analyses the difference between reference and measurement data was developed using MATLAB. </p><p>RESULT </p><p>The result was a suggestion for a colour proof quality verification method that consists two parts that are supposed to complement each other.The first one was called Colour proofing system evaluation and is supposed to evaluate entire proofing systems. It consists of a test page containing colour patches, grey balance fields, gradations and photographs. The second part is called Colour proof control and consists of a smaller set of colour patches that is supposed to be attached to each proof. </p><p>CONCLUSIONS </p><p>The method is not complete since more research regarding the difference between measurement results and visual impression is needed. To be able to obtain realistic tolerance levels for differences between measurement- and reference data, the method must be tested in every-day production. If this is done the method is thought to provide a good way of controlling the quality of colour proofs.</p>
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En Studie i Rött : Hur beskrivs, uppfattas och kopplas färg samman med innehåll i Mark Rothkos abstrakta målningar? / A Study in Scarlet : How are color and content connected, described and understood in Mark Rothkos abstract paintings?Frisk, Mattias January 2008 (has links)
Undersökning av färgen i förhållande till innehåll i Mark Rothkos abstrakta verk. Studien innefattar en undersökning i hur man skriver om färg i anslutning till Rothkos abstrakta målningars innehåll och huruvida färg kan avgöra betydelser. / A study about color in relationship to content in Mark Rothko’s abstract paintings. It includes a research in how people write about color when discussing Mark Rothko´s paintings and how that is related to content. It also looks at color in relationship to meaning.
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Är det dags att byta färg? : Vad tjänar varumärken på att bryta mot etablerade färgnormer?Romberg, Minna, Johansson Måsén, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Problem: Färg har en stor associativ inverkan hos individer och är därför en viktig faktor vid varumärkesbyggande. Inom olika produktkategorier finns starkt etablerade färgnormer som följs men nu ser vi en utveckling på den svenska marknaden där etablerade färgnormer börjar ifrågasättas. Vi frågar oss vilka fördelar denna normbrottsstrategi har och hur den inverkar på konsumenter. Kanske har färgteorierna spelat ut sin roll och att det är dags för varumärken att bryta mönstret för att nå framgång. Vår frågeställning är således: Hur associerar svenska konsumenter färg till olika känslor, produktkategorier och varumärken? Vad tjänar varumärken på att bryta mot etablerade färgnormer? Syfte: Vi vill studera det glapp som finns mellan rådande färgteorier och det normbrott vi upptäckt på den svenska marknaden. Vi vill skapa en tydligare förståelse för konsumentens färgassociationer samt deras inställning till normbrottet för att undersöka vad varumärken kan tjäna på att avvika från färgnormen. Teori: Vårt teoretiska ramverk består av färgteorier, kommunikationsprocessen samt köpbeslutprocessen. Metod: Mailintervjuer med yrkesverksamma sker i syfte att sätta färg i ett produktperspektiv och vi analyserar meningsinnehållet i denna information för att se hur väl tillämpade färgteorierna är i deras arbetsprocess. Huvudstudien är riktad till potentiella konsumenter bosatta i Sverige och har skett genom ett webbaserat frågeformulär som sker genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Deduktivt undersöker vi hur respondenterna förhåller sig till teorier om färg. Del 1 i formuläret består av sluta svarsalternativ och testar vilken av elementarfärgerna respondenten kopplar till en given känsla enligt teorin. Del 2 består av bildfrågor som testar konsumentens förhållande till normbrottet ur ett produktperspektiv. Resultat: I mailintervjuerna med de yrkesverksamma åskådliggjordes en stor medvetenhet om färgteorier och färgens kommunikativa inverkan, färgvalet utgår från de emotionella reaktioner som färg väcker. Del 1 av undersökningen visade ett svagt associativt samband mellan färg och känsla enligt färgteorierna. Färgerna vit och gul hade högst respektive lägst associativt resultat. Det visades inga större skillnader mellan hur kvinnor och män svarat. Resultatet i del 2 visade en särskild benägenhet hos respondenter att välja en normbrytande färgsättning bland elektronikprodukterna. Slutsatser: Det visade sig att få respondenter är villiga att bryta mot färgnormer, vilket talar för tidigare forskning som säger att färgvalen ofta baseras utifrån vad de ska avbilda. Kvinnor och män tenderade att svara på samma sätt i båda delarna av frågeformuläret, vilket får tidigare diskussioner kring färgsättning och kön att kännas förlegad. Däremot valde en äldre åldersgrupp den röda TV:n. Arbete har betydelse då respondenter med heltidsarbete i större utsträckning valde att bryta mot normer. / Issue: Colour has great associative impact on individuals therefore colour plays an important role in brand building. We see a development on the Swedish marketplace where strongly established colour norms that are ruled in diverse product categories start to be called into question. We ask ourselves what benefits a break of norm has and how it affects consumers. Perhaps the theories of colour should be stepped away from and now it is time for brands to break the pattern for success. Our question is therefore: How do Swedish consumers associate colour to different emotions, product categories and brands? What can brands benefit from going against the established colour norms? Purpose: This study examines the existing gap between the current colour theories and the break of norm we have discovered on the Swedish market. We want to create a clearer picture of consumers associations of colour and their attitude to the break of norm in purpose to investigate what brands can benefit from deviating from the color norms. Theoretical framework: Our theoretical framework consists of colour theories, the communication process and the purchase decision process. Methodology: The mail interviews with professionals are done in order to bring suit in a product perspective, we analyze the meaning content of this information to see how well the applied colour theories are in their work process. The main study is aimed at potential consumers residing in Sweden and has been implemented with a web-based questionnaire that takes place through a convenience sample. Deductive, we examine how the respondents relate to theories of colour. Part 1 of the form consists of close-out response options, and test which of the elementary colours the respondent connects to a given emotion of the theory. Part 2 consists of picture questions that test the consumer's relationship to the break of norm from a product perspective. Results: The mail interviews with professionals showed a great awareness of colour theory and the communicative impact of colour. The color choice is based on the emotional responses that colour evokes. Part 1 of the survey showed a slight associative relationship between colour and emotion of the colour theory. The colour white showed the highest associative result and yellow showed the lowest. There were no major differences between how men and women responded. The results in Part 2 showed a particular tendency of respondents to choose a norm breaking colouration among electronic products. Conclusion: It turned out that few respondents were willing to break the colour norms, which points to previous research that says that the colour choices often are based on what they will portray. Women and men tended to respond similarly in both parts of the questionnaire, which make earlier discussions about colour and gender seem antiquated. However, an older age group tended to chose the norm breaking red TV. Employment is important, as respondents with full-time work increasingly chose to violate the norms.
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Avaliação de visão de cores em um indivíduo albino de Sapajus sp (Cebus sp) / Evaluation of the color vision in an albino subject of Sapajus sp (Cebus sp)Leonardo Dutra Henriques 30 July 2013 (has links)
O albinismo é um conjunto de alterações fenotípicas caracterizadas pela incapacidade de produzir melanina, fazendo com que a pigmentação de alguns órgãos seja reduzida ou ausente. Discutem-se quais efeitos esta redução ou ausência de pigmentação, na retina, poderia ter sobre a capacidade visual do indivíduo. A visão de cores apresenta um papel muito importante para a sobrevivência e desenvolvimento de primatas. A capacidade de discriminar visualmente o alvo de um fundo apenas pela diferença de matiz pode ser o diferencial tanto para a busca de alimentos, como para a fuga de predadores. Estudos sobre a visão de cores auxiliam a fazer inferências sobre suas bases biológicas e utilidade funcional. Pretendeu-se com esse estudo elucidar a discriminação de cores de um indivíduo albino de Sapajus sp, por meio de uma avaliação psicofísica utilizando-se de uma versão modificada do teste computadorizado Cambridge Colour Test (CCT), e uma análise genética de DNA, para identificar os genes que codificam as opsinas. Os arranjos genótipo/fenótipo inferidos do indivíduo a partir das elipses foram comparados à composição dos genes que codificam opsina, obtida por análise independente de DNA. Buscou-se, assim, identificar possíveis prejuízos à visão de cores causados pelo albinismo, em relação a Sapajus normais. Apesar dos vários problemas decorrentes do albinismo, o sujeito experimental aprendeu a tarefa com sucesso e apresentou, nos testes, limiares de discriminação de cores característicos de dicromacia do tipo deuterânope com valores dentro dos esperados para o gênero Sapajus. Os resultados comportamentais foram condizentes com o fenótipo inferido a partir da análise genética / São Paulo Albinism is a set of phenotypic traits, characterized by the inability to produce melanin, that way the pigmentation of some organs are either reduced or absent. There is no consent on what effects this lower or none pigmentation on retina could lead on subject vision. The color vision represents a major role on primates survival and development. The capacity of visually discriminate targets only by hue differences from the background can be used either to search for food or to avoid predators. Studies on color vision help to make inference on their biological bases and functional utility. This study aimed to elucidate the color vision discrimination of an albino subject of Sapajus sp, through a psychophysical evaluation using a modified version of Cambridge Colour Test (CCT) and a genetic analyses of DNA in order to identify genes that codify the opsin. The correlation between genotype and phenotype were inferred by comparison between discrimination ellipses and genetic composition of genes that code opsin. Thus seeking to identify possible color vision losses caused by albinism comparing those analyses with healthy Sapajus. Despite many problems associated to albinism, the test subject successfully learn the task and his test showed color discrimination thresholds of a deuteranope dichromacy with values within the expected to subjects of Sapajus genera. Those behavioral results where consistent with the phenotype predicted by the genetic analyses
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Colour proof quality verificationSundell, Johanna January 2004 (has links)
BACKGROUND When a customer delivers a colour proof to a printer, they expect the final print to look similar to that proof. Today it is impossible to control if a match between proof and print is technically possible to reach at all. This is mainly due to the fact that no information regarding the production circumstances of the proof is provided, for instance the printer does not know which proofer, RIP or ICC-profile that was used. Situations where similarity between proof and print cannot be reached and the press has to be stopped are both costly and time consuming and are therefore wished to be avoided. PURPOSE The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the possibility to form a method with the ability control if a proof is of such good quality that it is likely to produce a print that is similar to it. METHOD The basic assumption was that the quality of a proof could be decided by spectrally measuring known colour patches and compare those values to reference values representing the same patches printed at optimal press conditions. To decide which and how many patches that are required, literature and reports were studied, then a test printing and a comparison between proofing systems were performed. To be able to analyse the measurement data in an effective way a tool that analyses the difference between reference and measurement data was developed using MATLAB. RESULT The result was a suggestion for a colour proof quality verification method that consists two parts that are supposed to complement each other.The first one was called Colour proofing system evaluation and is supposed to evaluate entire proofing systems. It consists of a test page containing colour patches, grey balance fields, gradations and photographs. The second part is called Colour proof control and consists of a smaller set of colour patches that is supposed to be attached to each proof. CONCLUSIONS The method is not complete since more research regarding the difference between measurement results and visual impression is needed. To be able to obtain realistic tolerance levels for differences between measurement- and reference data, the method must be tested in every-day production. If this is done the method is thought to provide a good way of controlling the quality of colour proofs.
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Waffle Contrasts : Reinterpreting the Traditional Waffle Weave through Technical, Material and Colour ResearchSongur, Yasemin January 2020 (has links)
Asking the question: How can the waffle weave be reinterpreted through material, technical and colour research, the investigation of this MA thesis revolves around the weaving technique with the aim of presenting a collection of various woven textiles, where the waffle has been used in different ways. The weave, with its three- dimensional structure creates an interesting canvas to experiment upon as its structure creates both texture as well as depth to the textile. Furthermore, the research is conducted through a systematic exploration of the different aspects mentioned above, where theory and practise go hand in hand. Moreover, the practical experiments start as sketches on the computerised ARM looms and then are scaled up and revised on the industrial jacquard looms. The results showcase a variety of waffle weaves; from flat to three- dimensional, with various colour and surface effects as well as different compositions and overall forms. So, through this research, the degree project aims to explore and experiment the potential and possibilities of the waffle weave
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