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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The molecular regulation of CD40L in CD8+ T cells

Loyal, Lucie 15 July 2019 (has links)
T Zellen können in zwei Hauptpopulationen mit unterschiedlichen Aufgaben unterschieden werden. CD4+ T Zellen exprimieren im Zuge ihrer Aktivierung CD40L, welches ein zentraler kostimulatorischer Rezeptor zur Induktion von B-Zell basierter humoraler Immunität, APC Aktivierung und einer effizienten Effektor CD8+ T Zell Entwicklung ist („Helfer-Funktion“). Im Gegensatz dazu sind die zytotoxischen CD8+ T Zellen dazu vorbestimmt, infizierte oder maligne Zellen direkt abzutöten. Jedoch wurde eine Fraktion von CD8+ T Zellen identifiziert, die nach Aktivierung CD40L exprimiert. Bisher ist nicht verstanden, wie in solchen CD8+ T Zellen a) die CD40L Expression reguliert ist, b) wann und wie die Fähigkeit CD40L zu exprimieren implementiert wird und c) was die Folgen für das Immunsystem sind. In dieser Arbeit konnten wir zeigen, dass sowohl in CD4+ als auch in CD8+ T Zellen die CD40L Expression durch DNA-Methylierung regulatorischer Regionen des CD40LG Lokus reguliert wird. Die Demethylierung zentraler Elemente wird im Thymus implementiert, manifestiert sich mit der T-Zell Reifung und geht mit einer zunehmenden Stabilität der CD40L Expression einher. Erhöhte Expression von CD5 und NUR77 in CD40L+ CD8+ SP Thymozyten weisen auf eine positive Selektion mit hoher Affinität gegen Selbst-peptide während der Reifung im Thymus hin, welche das weitere Schicksal der CD40L exprimierenden CD8+ T Zellen beeinflusst. Naive CD40L+ CD8+ T Zellen besitzen ein anderes TCR Repertoire als CD40L- CD8+ T Zellen und reifen im Zuge ihrer Aktivierung bevorzugt zu Gedächtniszellen mit Zytokin- und Chemokinrezeptorprofilen von Tc2, Tc17 und Tc22 Zellen heran. Mit ihrem nicht-zytotoxischen Phänotyp und ihrer Genexpressionsignatur ähneln diese Zellen stark Helfer-CD4+ T Zellen und können von den klassisch zytotoxischen Tc1 und Tc17+1 Zellen durch ihre IL-6R und fehlende SLAMF7 Expression sowie der Expression von Markern die auf eine Fähigkeit in die Haut zu wandern schließen lassen, unterschieden werden. Zusammenfassend zeigen wir hier, dass naive CD8+ T Zellen von den frühsten Entwicklungsstadien im Thymus an nicht homogen sind und die Fähigkeiten über CD40L Expression eine Helferfunktion auszuüben beziehungsweise über die Sekretion zytolytischer Moleküle Zielzellen abzutöten unabhängig vom CD4+ or CD8+ T-Zell Status sind. Zellen mit Zytokin- und Genexpressionsignaturen, die mit denen der CD8+ Helfer-T Zellen übereinstimmen, wurden von uns und anderen in Geweben (Haut, Lunge) identifiziert und tragen zu den verschiedensten autoinflammatorischen Erkrankungen bei. Diese Arbeit insinuiert daher die Notwendigkeit einer grundlegenen Neubewertung der CD8+ T Zell Fähigkeiten und Funktionen in Immunantworten. / The T cell compartment consists of two major subsets with diverse assignments. CD4+ T cells express CD40L upon activation, a central co-stimulatory receptor to induce B cell mediated humoral immunity, activate APCs and prime efficient effector CD8+ T cell development (“helper function”). In contrast, cytotoxic CD8+ T cells are predetermined to kill infected or malignant cells directly. However, a fraction of CD8+ T cells expressing CD40L upon activation was identified. So far, it is not understood in CD8+ T cells a) how CD40L expression is regulated, b) when and how the ability of CD40L expression is implemented and c) what are the implications for the immune system. In this thesis, we found that CD40L expression is regulated by DNA-methylation of regulatory regions of the CD40LG locus in CD4+ as well as CD8+ T cells. The de-methylation of central elements is implemented in the thymus and increases with T cell maturation reflected by enhanced stability of CD40L expression. Elevated CD5 and NUR77 expression of CD40L+ CD8+ SP thymocytes suggests that high affine detection of self-peptides during positive selection in the thymus implements CD40L expression ability and predetermines the fate of the CD40L imprinted CD8+ T cells. CD40L+ naïve CD8+ T cells differ in their TCR repertoire from their CD40L- counterparts and preferentially mature into memory cell subsets with cytokine and chemokine receptor profiles of Tc2, Tc17 and Tc22 cells. With their non-cytotoxic phenotype and gene expression signatures, the CD40L+ memory CD8+ T cell subsets Tc2, Tc17 and Tc22 widely resemble helper CD4+ T cells and can be distinguished from classical cytotoxic Tc1 and Tc17+1 cells by their IL-6R and absent SLAMF7 expression and their skin migratory phenotype. Altogether, we demonstrate that from the earliest developmental stages in thymus onwards naive CD8+ T cells are not homogenous and the abilites to provide “CD40L based help” or “cytotoxicity mediated killing” are independent of the CD4+ or CD8+ T cell status. Cells with helper-type CD8+ T cell cytokine and gene-expression signatures were found at barrier sites (skin, lung) by us and others where they contribute to multiple autoinflammatory diseases. Therefore, this work insinuates the need to revisite CD8+ T cell capablities and function in immune responses.

Validation of in vitro cytotoxicity assays for cancer chemotherapy combining Celltiter Glo 2.0 assay with FMCA

Hajyahia, Mohanad January 2022 (has links)
Background: Cancer is a common disease, and the choice of treatment becomes more difficult over time due to chemotherapy resistant in cancer cells. To improve the in vitroassay and the individual cancer treatment, a luminescence-based endpoint assay, CellTiter Glo 2.0 was compared with the currently in use fluorescence endpoint assay, fluorometric microculture cytotoxic assay.  Aim: The aim of this study was to validate and compare the CellTiter Glo 2.0 assay with awell-established method (FMCA) and MTT [3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl) -2,5-diphenyl-2Htetrazolium bromide] assay. Moreover, investigate whether the generated data can be used as a reference database for validation of patient samples in the future.   Materials and methods: The validation was performed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells from different healthy donors and two cell lines (HCT116-wt and HT-29) of colorectal cancer carcinoma were ordered frozen from American Type Culture Collection. Analysis was also done in solid samples (ovarian and kidney cancer cells). To get as correct evaluation as possible all materials were analyzed in parallel between the two methods.  Results and conclusion: A clear trend was observed when using CellTiter Glo 2.0 assay,post FMCA directly on tumor cells. This setup, makes it possible to collect reference data in the future. In addition, a high spread of the survival index data was noted between the two methods. The reason is still unknown but could be due to the low number of tested tumor cells, therefore more tumor cells need to be tested in future studies

Evaluation of Indian medicinal plants used traditionally for the treatment of Malaria. Phytochemical investigation of Alangium lamarkii and Tarenna zeylanica for antiplasmodial and cytotoxic properties.

Kantamreddi, Venkata Siva Satya Narayana January 2008 (has links)
Association of Commonwealth Universities. Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. United Kingdom.

Individuelle Vorhersage der Hämatotoxizität perioperativer Chemotherapie. Anwendung dynamischer biomathematischer Modelle bei Patienten mit gastrointestinalen Tumorerkrankungen

Topf, Vivien 27 June 2024 (has links)
Zytotoxische Chemotherapien, die zur Behandlung gastrointestinaler Karzinome eingesetzt werden, sind mit unerwünschten Wirkungen und insbesondere mit Hämatotoxizität verbunden. Diese können Behandlungsverzögerungen zur Folge haben, welche die Wirksamkeit der Tumortherapie und damit die Überlebenschancen verschlechtern. Chemotherapie-bedingte Nebenwirkungen sind variabel und das individuelle Risiko ist auf Grundlage klinischer Merkmale eines Patienten schwer vorherzusagen. Aus diesem Grund werden hierfür biomathematische Modelle der Hämatopoese unter Chemotherapie als modellbasierter Ansatz der Präzisionsmedizin vorgeschlagen. Bisher wurde die Leistung dieser Modelle nur in geringem Umfang für Therapien solider Tumore untersucht. In die vorliegende prospektive klinische multizentrische Beobachtungsstudie wurden 28 Patienten mit lokal fortgeschrittenem Adenokarzinom des Magens (n= 9, 32.1%), Ösophagus, ösophago-gastralen Übergangs (Typ I-III nach Siewert) (n=14, 50.0%) und Pankreaskarzinom (n=5, 17.9%) eingeschlossen, bei denen eine neoadjuvante oder adjuvante Chemotherapie mit dem FLO(T)- (5-Fluorouracil, Folinsäure, Oxaliplatin, Docetaxel) (n=23, 82.1%) oder FOLFIRINOX- (5-Fluorouracil, Folinsäure, Oxaliplatin und Irinotecan) Schema (n=5, 17.9%) geplant war. Während der Therapiezyklen wurden engmaschige Blutbildkontrollen durchgeführt. Darüber hinaus wurden die aufgetretenen Nebenwirkungen zu jedem Zyklus gemäß CTCAE v5.0 dokumentiert. Es wurde ein mechanistisches biomathematisches integriertes Modell der Hämatopoese, der Chemotherapie sowie der Wirkung hämatopoetischer Wachstumsfaktoren verwendet, um die individuelle, Chemotherapie-bedingte Hämatotoxizität eines Patienten vorherzusagen. Bei 21 Studienpatienten (75%) trat eine höhergradige hämatologische Toxizität (Grad 3 oder 4 nach CTCAE) auf, wobei es sich am häufigsten um eine Neutropenie handelte (n= 19, 67.9%). Für die Zyklen zwei, drei und sechs konnten die Neutropenie-Grade mit durchschnittlich weniger als einem Toxizitätsgrad Abweichung prognostiziert werden, die Leukopenie-Grade hingegen bis einschließlich Zyklus 6, die Thrombopenie-Grade sogar bis Zyklus 8. Somit unterschied sich die Vorhersagegenauigkeit für die verschiedenen hämatologischen Zelllinien. Die Übereinstimmung der Prognosen für die frühen Therapiezyklen (Zyklus 2 und 3) war für alle betrachteten Blutzelllinien und Therapie-Schemata ausgezeichnet. Bei den Prognosen für die späteren Therapiezyklen traten erwartungsgemäß größere Abweichungen zwischen den vorhergesagten und den klinisch beobachteten Toxizitätsgraden auf. Die Anwendung dieses biomathematischen Modells zur Vorhersage der individuellen hämatologischen Toxizität von Patienten mit gastrointestinalem Karzinom, die mit einem FLO(T)- oder FOLFIRINOX-Schema behandelt werden, führt selbst bei dieser heterogenen Population zu zuverlässigen Ergebnissen. Die Vorhersageleistung dieses Modells erwies sich für Kurzzeitprognosen als ausgezeichnet und für Langzeitprognosen als annehmbar. Der klinische Nutzen dieses präzisionsmedizinischen Ansatzes sollte in einer größeren prospektiven Kohorte weiter untersucht und validiert werden.

Multi-scale Modelling of HLA Diversity and Its Effect on Cytotoxic Immune Responses in Influenza H1N1 Infection

Mukherjee, Sumanta January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) are important components of the adaptive immune system and function by scanning the intracellular environment so as to detect and de-stroy infected cells. CTL responses play a major role in controlling virus-infected cells such as in HIV or influenza and cells infected with intracellular bacteria such as in tuberculosis. To do so they require the antigens to be presented to them, which is fulfilled by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), commonly known as human leukocyte antigen or HLA molecules in humans. Recognition of antigenic peptides to Class-1 HLA molecules is a prerequisite for triggering CTL immune responses. Individuals differ significantly in their ability to respond to an infection. Among the factors that govern the outcome of an infection, HLA polymorphism in the host is one of the most important. Despite a large body of work on HLA molecules, much remains to be understood about the relationship between HLA diversity and disease susceptibility. High complexity arises due to HLA allele polymorphism, extensive antigen cross-presentability, and host-pathogen heterogeneity. A given allele can recognize a number of different peptides from various pathogens and a given peptide can also bind to a number of different individuals. Thus, given the plurality in peptide-allele pairs and the large number of alleles, understanding the differences in recognition profiles and the implications that follow for disease susceptibilities require mathematical modelling and computational analysis. The main objectives of the thesis were to understand heterogeneity in antigen presentation by HLA molecules at different scales and how that heterogeneity translates to variations in disease susceptibilities and finally the disease dynamics in different populations. Towards this goal, first the variations in HLA alleles need to be characterized systematically and their recognition properties understood. A structure-based classification of all known HLA class-1 alleles was therefore attempted. In the process, it was also of interest to see if understanding of sub-structures at the binding grooves of HLA molecules could help in high confidence prediction of epitopes for different alleles. Next, the goal was to understand how HLA heterogeneity affect disease susceptibilities and disease spread in populations. This was studied at two different levels. Firstly, modelling the HLA genotypes and CTL responses in different populations and assessing how they recognized epitopes from a given virus. The second approach involved modelling the disease dynamics given the predicted susceptibilities in different populations. Influenza H1N1 infection was used as a case study. The specific objectives addressed are: (a) To develop a classification scheme for all known HLA class-1 alleles that can explain epitope recognition profiles and further to dissect the physic-chemical features responsible for differences in peptide specificities, (b) A statistical model has been derived from a large dataset of HLA-peptide complexes. The derived model was used to identify the interdependencies of residues at different peptide and thereby, rationalize the HLA class-I allele binding specificity at a greater detail, (c) To understand the effect of HLA heterogeneity on CTL mediated disease response. A model of HLA genotypes for different populations was required for this, which was constructed and used for estimating disease response to H1N1 via the prediction of epi-topes and (d) To model disease dynamics in different populations with the knowledge of the CTL response-grouping and to evaluate the effect of heterogeneity on different vaccination strategies. Each of the four objectives listed above are described subsequently in chapters 2 to 5, followed by Chapter 6 which summarises the findings from the thesis and presents future directions. Chapter 1 presents an introduction to the importance of the function of HLA molecules, describes structural bioinformatics as a discipline and the methods that are available for it. The chapter also describes different mathematical modelling strategies available to study host immune responses. Chapter 2 describes a novel method for structure-based hierarchical classification of HLA alleles. Presently, more than 2000 HLA class-I alleles are reported, and they vary only across peptide-binding grooves. The polymorphism they exhibit, enables them to bind to a wide range of peptide antigens from diverse sources. HLA molecules and peptides present a complex molecular recognition pattern due to multiplicity in their associations. Thus, a powerful grouping scheme that not only provides an insightful classification, but is also capable of dissecting the physicochemical basis of recognition specificity is necessary to address this complexity. The study reports a hierarchical classification of 2010 class-I alleles by using a systematic divisive clustering method. All-pair distances of alleles were obtained by comparing binding pockets in the structural models. By varying the similarity thresholds, a multilevel classification with 7 supergroups was derived, each further categorized to yield a total of 72 groups. An independent clustering scheme based only on the similarities in their epitope pools correlated highly with pocket-based clustering. Physicochemical feature combinations that best explains the basis for the observed clustering are identified. Mutual information calculated for the set of peptide ligands enables identification of binding site residues that contribute to peptide specificity. The grouping of HLA molecules achieved here will be useful for rational vaccine design, understanding disease susceptibilities and predicting risk of organ transplants. The results are presented in an interactive web- server http://proline.iisc.ernet.in/hlaclassify. In Chapter 3, the knowledge of structural features responsible for generating peptide recognition specificities are first analysed and then utilized for predicting T-cell epi-topes for any class-1 HLA allele. Since identification of epitopes is critical and central to many of the questions in immunology, a study of several HLA-peptide complexes is carried out at the structural level and factors are identified that discriminate good binder peptides from those that do not. T-cell epitopes serve as molecular keys to initiate adaptive immune responses. Identification of T-cell epitopes is also a key step in rational vaccine design. Most available methods are driven by informatics, critically dependent on experimentally obtained training data. Analysis of the training set from IEDB for several alleles indicate that sampling of the peptide space is extremely sparse covering only a tiny fraction of all possible nonamer space, and also heavily skewed, thus restricting the range of epitope prediction. A new epitope prediction method is therefore developed. The method has four distinct modules, (a) structural modelling, estimating statistical pair-potentials and constraint derivation, (b) implicit modelling and interaction profiling, (c) binding affinity prediction through feature representation and (d) use of graphical models to extract peptide sequence signatures to predict epitopes for HLA class I alleles . HLaffy is a novel and efficient epitope prediction method that predicts epitopes for any HLA Class-1 allele, by estimating binding strengths of peptide-HLA complexes which is achieved through learning pair-potentials important for peptide binding. It stands on the strength of mechanistic understanding of HLA-peptide recognition and provides an estimate of the total ligand space for each allele. The method is made accessible through a webserver http://proline.biochem.iisc.ernet.in/HLaffy. In chapter 4, the effect of genetic heterogeneity on disease susceptibilities are investigated. Individuals differ significantly in their ability to respond to an infection. Among the factors that govern the outcome of an infection, HLA polymorphism in the host is one of the most important. Despite a large body of work on HLA molecules, much remains to be understood about how host HLA diversity affects disease susceptibilities. High complexity due to polymorphism, extensive cross-presentability among HLA alleles, host and pathogen heterogeneity, demands for an investigation through computational approaches. Host heterogeneity in a population is modelled through a molecular systems approach starting with mining ‘big data’ from literature. The in-sights derived through this is used to investigate the effect of heterogeneity in a population in terms of the impact it makes on recognizing a pathogen. A case study of influenza virus H1N1 infection is presented. For this, a comprehensive CTL immunome is defined by taking a consensus prediction by three distinct methods. Next, HLA genotypes are constructed for different populations using a probabilistic method. Epidemic incidences in general are observed to correlate with poor CTL response in populations. From this study, it is seen that large populations can be classified into a small number of groups called response-types, specific to a given viral strain. Individuals of a response type are expected to exhibit similar CTL responses. Extent of CTL responses varies significantly across different populations and increases with increase in genetic heterogeneity. Overall, the study presents a conceptual advance towards understanding how genetic heterogeneity influences disease susceptibility in individuals and in populations. Lists of top-ranking epitopes and proteins are also derived, ranked on the basis of conservation, antigenic cross-reactivity and population coverage, which pro- vide ready short-lists for rational vaccine design (flutope). Next, in Chapter 5, the effect of genetic heterogeneity on disease dynamics has been investigated. A mathematical framework has been developed to incorporate the heterogeneity information in the form of response-types described in the previous chap-ter. The spread of a disease in a population is a complex process, controlled by various factors, ranging from molecular level recognition events to socio-economic causes. The ‘response-typing’ described in the previous chapter allows identification of distinct groups of individuals, each with a different extent of susceptibility to a given strain of the virus. 3 different approaches are used for modelling: (i) an SIR model where different response types are considered as partitions of each S, I and R compartment. Initially SIR models are developed, such that the S compartment is sub-divided into further groups based on the ‘response-types’ obtained in the previous chapter. This analysis shows an effect in infection sweep time, i.e., how long the infection stays in the population. A stochastic model incorporates the environmental noise due to random variation in population influx, due to birth, death or migration. The system is observed to show higher stability in the presence of genetic heterogeneity. As the contagion spreads only through direct host to host contact. The topology of the contact network, plays major role in deciding the extent of disease dynamics. An agent based computational framework has been developed for modelling disease spread by considering spatial distribution of the agents, their movement patterns and resulting contact probabilities. The agent-based model (ABM) incorporates the temporal patterns of contacts. The ABM is based on a city block model and captures movement of individuals parametrically. A new concept of system ‘characteristic time’ has been introduced in context of a time-evolving network. ‘Characteristic time’ is the minimum time required to ensure, every individual is connected to all other individuals, in the time aggregated contact network. For any given temporal system, disease time must exceed ‘characteristic time’ in order to spread throughout the population. Shorter ‘characteristic time’ of the system is suggestive of faster spread of the disease. A disease spread network is constructed which shows how the disease spreads from one infected individual to others in the city, given the contact rules and their relative susceptibilities to that viral strain. A high degree of population heterogeneity is seen to results in longer disease residence time. Susceptible individuals preferentially get infected first thereby exposing more susceptible individuals to the disease. Vaccination strategies are derived from the model, which indicates that vaccinating only 20% of the agents, who are hub nodes or highly central nodes and who also have a high degree to susceptible agents, lead to high levels of herd immunity and can confer protection to the rest of the population. Overall, the thesis has provided biologically meaningful classification of all known HLA class-1 alleles and has unravelled the physico-chemical basis for their peptide recognition specificities. The thesis also presents a new algorithm for estimating pep-tide binding affinities and consequently predicting epitopes for all alleles. Finally the thesis presents a conceptual advance in relating HLA diversity to disease susceptibilities and explains how different populations can respond differently to a given infection. A case study with the influenza H1N1 virus identified populations who are most susceptible and those who are least susceptible, in the process identifying important epitopes and responder alleles, providing important pointers for vaccine design. The influence of heterogeneity and response-typing on disease dynamics is also presented for influenza H1N1 infection, which has led to the rational identification of effective vaccination strategies. The methods and concepts developed here are fairly generic and can be adapted easily for studying other infectious diseases as well. Three new web-resources, a) HLAclassify, b) HLaffy and c) Flutope have been developed, which host pre-computed results as well as allow interactive querying to an user to perform analysis with a specific allele, peptide or a pathogenic genome sequence.

Targeted Delivery of Cytotoxic Metal Complexes into Cancer Cells with and without Macromolecular Vehicles

Mitra, Raja January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Anticancer active metal complexes such as cisplatin are routinely used for treating various cancers since 1978. However, the side effects of cisplatin overwhelm its therapeutic potential, especially in the latter stages of treatment. The nonspecific cytotoxicity of drugs could be avoided if targeted delivery to cancer cells is achieved using two different methodologies namely, enhanced permeability and retention in solid tumors (EPR) and receptor mediated endocytosis using a homing agent (RME). Ru(II)-arene complexes which are delivered specifically into cancer cells by the transferrin enzyme are less toxic compared to other metal complexes. The thesis describes the synthesis and use of Ru(II)-η6cymene complexes with different ancillary ligands which modulates the anticancer activity and the utility of two macromolecular vehicles in directed drug delivery. Ru(II)-η6cymene complexes with different heterocyclic ancillary ligands are synthesized and their anticancer activity tested against various cancer cell lines. Ruthenium complexes with mercaptobenzothiazoles are found to be quite active against the H460 cell lines that overexpress transferrin receptors and non-cytotoxic to the normal cell line, HEL299. Biophysical studies show that complexes (H1 and H8) can unwind the pBR322 DNA and inhibit the Topo IIα enzyme. A unique biphasic melting curve of CT DNA is observed in the presence of H1 which is attributed to formation of a dinuclear species (H20). Half-sandwich complexes of 6-thioguanine (6-TG) have also been prepared to improve the delivery and efficacy of 6-TG which is used in spite of a deleterious photoreaction. The Ru complexes cytotoxic to several leukemia cell lines. As they are photostable and anticancer active, they are better than 6-TG. Anticancer activity exhibiting piazselenols are used as ancillary ligands to make Ru(II)-arene complexes. Unfortunately, 1H NMR spectra suggests that piazselenol complexes dissociate in solution. However, the nitro substituted piazselenol and its Ru complex show the greatest cytotoxicity (<0.1 µM) against the A2780 cell line. The utility of PAMAM dendrimers and hyper branched polymers (hybramers) conjugated with a homing agent to target cancer cells by EPR and RME is probed. A cytotoxic copper complex (CuATSM) is covalently attached to the macromolecules through a disulfide linker, cleaved in the presence of GSH. Targeting efficacy of the folic acid-dendrimer conjugates is checked against two glioma cell lines. The folic acid-dendrimer conjugate is more active compared to dendrimer conjugate without folic acid against folate-receptor-overexpressing LN18 cell line. Biotin conjugated dendrimer shows better accumulation in HeLa cells, which require high amounts of biotin for growth. In vivo studies demonstrate that the conjugate can cross the blood-brain barrier. These studies suggest that PAMAM dendrimer can be used as a targeted delivery vehicle for cytotoxic metal complexes. Hyperbranched polymers decorated with propargyl groups and hydrophilic OH terminated TEG groups are attached to biotin and a cytotoxic Cu complex. (CuATSM-SS-CONH-N3) through ‘click’ reactions and tested against the HeLa cell line. On the basis of the studies conducted, it is concluded that targeted delivery of cytotoxic metal complexes are possible in the case of Ru(II) half-sandwich complexes and macromolecular vehicles like dendrimers are suitable for specifically delivering copper complexes into cancer cells.

A Novel Modular Antigen Delivery System for Immuno Targeting of Human 6-sulfo LacNAc-Positive Blood Dendritic Cells (SlanDCs)

Bachmann, Michael, Bartsch, Holger, Kurien, Biji T., Scofield, Robert Hal, Temme, Achim, Schäkel, Knut, Zhao, Senming, Rieber, E. Peter, Schmitz, Marc, Wehner, Rebekka, Schwarzer, Adrian, Cartellieri, Marc, Stamova, Slava, Bippes, Claudia C. 10 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Background Previously, we identified a major myeloid-derived proinflammatory subpopulation of human blood dendritic cells which we termed slanDCs (e.g. Schäkel et al. (2006) Immunity 24, 767–777). The slan epitope is an O-linked sugar modification (6-sulfo LacNAc, slan) of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1). As slanDCs can induce neoantigen-specific CD4+ T cells and tumor-reactive CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, they appear as promising targets for an in vivo delivery of antigens for vaccination. However, tools for delivery of antigens to slanDCs were not available until now. Moreover, it is unknown whether or not antigens delivered via the slan epitope can be taken up, properly processed and presented by slanDCs to T cells. Methodology/Principal Findings Single chain fragment variables were prepared from presently available decavalent monoclonal anti-slan IgM antibodies but failed to bind to slanDCs. Therefore, a novel multivalent anti-slanDC scaffold was developed which consists of two components: (i) a single chain bispecific recombinant diabody (scBsDb) that is directed on the one hand to the slan epitope and on the other hand to a novel peptide epitope tag, and (ii) modular (antigen-containing) linker peptides that are flanked at both their termini with at least one peptide epitope tag. Delivery of a Tetanus Toxin-derived antigen to slanDCs via such a scBsDb/antigen scaffold allowed us to recall autologous Tetanus-specific memory T cells. Conclusions/Significance In summary our data show that (i) the slan epitope can be used for delivery of antigens to this class of human-specific DCs, and (ii) antigens bound to the slan epitope can be taken up by slanDCs, processed and presented to T cells. Consequently, our novel modular scaffold system may be useful for the development of human vaccines.

Contribution des protéines issues du liquide synovial dans la protection et la survie des PMN humains : chimioprotection : étude comparative des mécanismes d’action impliqués par rapport au GM-CSF

Ethier, Sheila 04 1900 (has links)
Les polymorphonucléaires neutrophiles (PMNs) représentent une arme primordiale dans la défense contre divers agents pathogènes; notamment les bactéries, les champignons, les cellules tumorales de même que les cellules infectées par des virus. Cependant, certaines pathologies reliées à l’inflammation chronique soulèvent l’implication des neutrophiles notamment dans l’arthrite rhumatoïde. La réponse inflammatoire persistante générée par l’activation et la survie des neutrophiles engendre une destruction des tissus environnants suite à la sécrétion non contrôlée de leurs produits cytotoxiques. Même si l’activation chronique des neutrophiles est néfaste dans plusieurs pathologies, elle pourrait s’avérer un bon outil en cas de neutropénie, comme c’est souvent le cas les patients ayant reçu des traitements de chimiothérapie. Ce projet fait suite aux travaux doctoraux de Lagraoui (1999). Il vise à identifier le(s) facteur(s) du liquide synovial qui augmente la survie des neutrophiles ainsi que le mécanisme d’action impliqué dans ce processus. Similairement au facteur semi-pur isolés par Lagraoui (1999), le milieu conditionné concentré (MCC) augmente la survie des PMNs de 75% (39% ± 9.5 vs 68% ± 2.5, p<0.01). Suivant le séquençage du MCC parallèlement au facteur semi-pur actif, deux protéines ont été identifiées à la fois dans le MCC et dans le facteur semi-pur soient : l’albumine et la fétuine. Notre projet vise donc à comparer les effets de l’albumine et de la fétuine à ceux du GM-CSF dans l’optique d’une thérapie alternative au GM-CSF en tant qu’adjuvant de chimiothérapie. La présence d’albumine, de fétuine ou de GM-CSF chez les PMNs incubés 24 heures avec la Mutamycin® induit une diminution du nombre de cellules en apoptose par rapport à la Mutamycin® (Ctrl : 43% ± 10; A : 74% ± 3; F : (82% ± 6 et GM : 74% ± 7; p<0.01). L’effet de l’albumine dépend de la voie de la kinase PI3 mais également celle la kinase ERK, alors que celle de la fétuine dépend de la kinase PI3. Similairement l’EPO, l’albumine et la fétuine supporte la différentiation des HSCs en précurseurs érythrocytaires de type BFU-E. Dans un modèle murin de chiomioprotection, l’albumine augmente la concentration cellulaire rapport au groupe contrôle des leukocytes de la rate (66 ±8 x106c/ml vs 81 ±16 x106c/ml) et du sang (3.6 ±0.4 x106c/ml vs 5.7 ±2.3 x106c/ml). Donc, in vitro, l’albumine et la fétuine sont comparables au GM-CSF au niveau fonctionalité et mécansimes d’action. Cependant, vu leur manque de spécificité, l’application thérapeutique en tant qu’adjuvant de chiomiothérapie de l’albumine et la fétuine est peu prometteuse. Par contre, les maladies dégénératives et les évènements ischémiques pourraient s’avérer de bonnes cibles thérapeutiques, principalement pour l’albumine. / Circulating polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) possess a short half-life and are constantly renewed by the bone marrow to ensure the first-line of defense. Therefore, homeostasis must be maintained through a well-regulated process of apoptosis. Survival of PMN can be regulated by several cytokines as well as conditioned media (CM). Although PMN are crucial for protection against microorganisms, activated neutrophils can lead to severe tissue damage in diseases characterized by chronic inflammation. Indeed, in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), activated PMN contribute to tissue damage by releasing a number of destructive agents. On the other hand, chronic activation of PMN could prevent opportunistic infections present in immunosuppressed patients. This project addresses the isolation and mechanism of action of synovial liquid components on the survival of neutrophils based on previous work (Lagraoui, 1999). Following tangential flow filtration (MW cut off: 30 and 50 kDa), concentrated CM enhanced the viability (75%) of 24-hour cultured human neutrophils isolated from peripheral blood of healthy volunteers (39% ± 9.5 vs 68% ± 2.5, p<0.01) as seen in Lagraoui (1999) previous work. N-terminal protein sequence analysis of the concentrated CM and fractionated conditioned media from previous work revealed 2 known proteins contained in both analysis: albumin, and fetuin. In view of the importance of neutrophiles in immune defense, we compared the benefits of albumin and fetuin to those of granulocytes macrophages-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), a growth factor used as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy. Albumin and fetuin were tested by the AnnexinV-FITC/7-AAD method and displayed an inhibition of neutrophil apoptosis of two to three folds relative to control value. Moreover, albumin (A : 200μM) and fetuin (F : 200μM) rescue human PMN from mutamycin-induced apoptosis, comparable to GM-CSF (GM : 10ng/ml); (Ctrl : 43% ± 10; A : 74% ± 3; F : (82% ± 6 et GM : 74% ± 7; p<0.01). Albumin also induces cellular signaling pathways activation via PI3-K and ERK, whereas fetuin acts through PI3-K pathway only. They induce the differentiation of HSCs into erythrocytes progenitors BFU-E. In immunosuppressed mice, albumin protects white blood cells depletion induced by cytotoxic agent from spleen and blood. Considering all the benefits of albumin and fetuin, their targeting as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy could be disappointing in view of their lack of specificity. On the other hand, their multiple benefits could have a major impact on neurodegenerative disorders and ischemic events.

Étude des effets de l’initiation précoce du traitement sur la réactivité immunitaire chez l’enfant infecté par le VIH-1

Dieumegard, Hinatea 08 1900 (has links)
De nombreuses études ont montré que les enfants traités précocement ne sont pas capables de développer une réponse à médiation cellulaire contre le VIH [1]. Cependant, le rebond viral observé après la rémission prolongée du cas du « bébé du Mississippi » pose de nombreuses questions quant à la capacité de ces enfants à développer une réponse immunitaire VIH spécifique malgré une suppression virale à long terme [2, 3]. Nous avons étudié cinq cas ayant un profil similaire au « bébé du Mississippi » qui ont été identifiés précédemment [4]. L’objectif de ce projet était de déterminer si les enfants traités précocement développent une réponse immunitaire à médiation cellulaire contre le VIH qui est quantitativement et/ou qualitativement différente de celle retrouvée chez les enfants traités plus tard. Cette étude a permis de montrer que l’amplitude et la diversité des réponses LTC des enfants traités précocement est plus faible que celle observée chez des enfants traités plus tard ou non traités. / Several studies have shown early treated children are not able to develop a cell-mediated response [1]. However, the viral rebound after prolonged remission in the case of the "Mississippi baby" raises many questions about the ability of these children to develop a specific immune response despite HIV viral suppression in the long term [2, 3]. We currently have five cases with a similar profile to the "Mississippi baby" that were identified previously [4]. The objective of this project is to determine whether early treated children develop an immune cell-mediated response against HIV that is quantitatively and/or qualitatively different from that found in children treated later. This study showed that the magnitude and diversity of CTL responses of children treated early is lower than that observed in children treated later if possible.

L’impact de la grossesse sur l’amplitude et la diversité de la reconnaissance antigénique des lymphocytes T cytotoxiques dirigés contre le VIH-1

Jolette, Elyse 09 1900 (has links)
La transmission mère-enfant (TME) du VIH-1 est un des enjeux majeurs de la pandémie. Une meilleure compréhension de la réponse des lymphocytes T cytotoxiques CD8+ (LTC) VIH-spécifiques lors de la grossesse facilitera le design de stratégies optimales pour diminuer la TME. Notre objectif est donc de caractériser l’amplitude et la diversité de la reconnaissance antigénique des LTC VIH-spécifiques avant, pendant et après la grossesse chez des femmes infectées par le VIH-1. Nos résultats montrent pour la première fois que l’initiation et la progression de la grossesse, à elles seules, n'ont que peu d’influence sur l’amplitude et la diversité de la reconnaissance antigénique des réponses LTC en termes de production d’IFN‐. Ces résultats indiquent que les femmes infectées par le VIH conservent une immunocompétence durant leur grossesse, du moins dans le contexte d’un traitement antirétroviral efficace. Ceci pourrait éventuellement aider à promouvoir l’immunisation comme stratégie pour prévenir la TME du VIH‐1. / Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV-1 is one of the major issues of the pandemic. Characterization of HIV-specific immunity during pregnancy, especially cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes (CTL), will lead to a better understanding of HIV pathogenesis and facilitate design of optimal strategies to prevent MTCT. Our objective is to describe the magnitude and the breadth of antigen recognition of HIV-specific CTL responses before, throughout and after pregnancy in a group of HIV-infected women. Our results revealed for the first time that initiation of pregnancy by itself doesn’t change the magnitude of CTL responses in terms of IFN- production. These findings support the fact that HIV-infected women maintain immunocompetence throughout gestation, at least in the context of effective antiretroviral treatment. These results provide a novel understanding of the dynamics of HIV-specific CTL responses during pregnancy and may help to promote maternal immunization as a strategy to prevent MTCT of HIV-1.

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