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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A envergadura constitucional da posse qualificada na desapropria??o privada

Araujo Neto, Henrique Batista de 23 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HenriqueBAN_DISSERT.pdf: 571948 bytes, checksum: 914e669204c2ae91711779048c975004 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-23 / The constitutionalisation of private relations is the central theme of this work. Approached him overcome the dichotomy between public and private, through functionalization to the constitutionalization of civil law. Research on the effectiveness of horizontal rights. Constitutional under the lens, we analyzed the tense relationship between possession and ownership desfuncionalizada functionalized. We realize that having qualified and gained autonomy, and mechanism of access to goods, in view of the status sheet minimum, and of accomplishment, materializing human dignity. Then, we investigated the expropriation of private ownership qualified as legislative intervention that ensures the enforcement of fundamental rights through the state-court. We face the legal, the constitutionality and the burden of this institute. Also operability that it gives the judge, the process of exercise, the object, issues related to the burden and assessment of damages, as well as the nature, timing and costs of transferring property. At the end, we point to the scarcity palace, as well as the need to repair lege ferenda. The methodological approach has been championed by legal dogmatics in its analytical aspect, as we explore concepts and correlate with our planning. In empirical connotation, we evaluated the normativity and applicability of our law courts. For the ultimate in normative vision, answers to the problems faced and perform the necessary propositions, based on the results from the conceptual and empirical analysis / A constitucionaliza??o das rela??es privadas ? a tem?tica central do presente trabalho. Nele abordamos a supera??o da dicotomia entre o p?blico e o privado, passando pela funcionaliza??o at? a constitucionaliza??o do Direito Civil. Verticalizamos a investiga??o em rela??o ? efic?cia horizontal dos direitos fundamentais. Sob a lente constitucional, analisamos a tensa rela??o entre a posse funcionalizada e a propriedade desfuncionalizada. Percebemos que a posse se qualificou e ganhou autonomia, sendo mecanismo de acesso aos bens, na perspectiva do estatuto patrimonial m?nimo, e de realiza??o do ser, materializando a dignidade humana. Em seguida, investigamos a desapropria??o privada por posse qualificada como interven??o legislativa que garante a efetiva??o dos direitos fundamentais por meio do Estado-juiz. Enfrentamos a natureza jur?dica, a constitucionalidade e a onerosidade desse instituto. Perquirimos, ainda, a operabilidade que o mesmo confere ao juiz, as vias de exerc?cio, o objeto, quest?es relacionadas ao ?nus e ? aferi??o da indeniza??o, assim como, a natureza, momento e custos da transfer?ncia imobili?ria. Ao fim, pontuamos a escassez pretoriana, bem como, a necessidade de reparo de lege ferenda. A abordagem metodol?gica foi capitaneada pela dogm?tica jur?dica, em seu aspecto anal?tico, visto que exploramos conceitos e correlacionamos com o nosso ordenamento. Em conota??o emp?rica, avaliamos a normatividade e aplicabilidade do nosso direito pelos tribunais. Por derradeiro, em vis?o normativa, fornecemos respostas aos problemas enfrentados e realizamos as devidas proposi??es, a partir dos resultados provenientes da an?lise conceitual e emp?rica

Media??o como instrumento de desjudicializa??o das quest?es familiares: constitucionaliza??o do Direito de Fam?lia

Guerra, Nara R?bia Silva Vasconcelos 19 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NaraRSVG_DISSERT.pdf: 2177132 bytes, checksum: edb422228fbf7a525cefa6cc045fb574 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-19 / Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte / The Liberal Constitutionalism emerged from the late eighteenth century, a period of major revolutions (French and American), fruit of the struggle for libertarian rights. Although the time of the first written constitutions, these were linked to mere political letters, did not provide for fundamental human rights, as it is, so only on the state organization, structure of powers, division of powers of the state and some relations between state and individuals. There was a clear division between the civil codes and constitutions, those governing private relations and acted as barriers to non-state intervention. After the Second World War, the constitutions are no longer Letters political order to establish how the human person, in order to enshrine the fundamental rights, the primacy of constitutional principles and take their normative function against ordinary legislator. Constitutional evolution gave the name of contemporary constitutionalism, based on repersonalization or despatrimonializa??o of Private Law, ceasing the separation of legislative civil codes and constitutions, in favor of the protection of fundamental rights of the human person. And this tendency to the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 brought higher ground the dignity of the human person, the epicenter axiological legal to govern private relations, including family law. The constitutionalization of family law motivates the adoption of desjudicializa??o family issues, so as to respect the direio intimacy, privacy, private autonomy and access to justice. Conflictual family relationships require special treatment, given the diversity and dynamism of their new compositions. The break in the family relationship is guided in varied feelings among its members in order to hinder an end harmonic. Thus, the judiciary, through performances impositive, not to honor the power of decision of the parties, as also on the structural problems faced to operate on these cases, the environment is not the most appropriate to offer answers to the end of family quarrels. Situation that causes future demands on the dissatisfaction of the parties with the result. Before the development of the Family Law comes the need to adopt legal institutions, which monitor the socio-cultural, and that promote an effective assistance to people involved in this kind of conflict. In obedience to the private autonomy, before manifestations of volunteers involved in family mediation, among autocompositivos instruments of conflict resolution, is indicated as the most shaped the treatment of family quarrels. Remaining, then the state a minimal intervention to prevent excessive intrusion into private life and personal privacy / O Constitucionalismo liberal surgiu a partir do final do s?culo XVIII, per?odo de importantes revolu??es (francesa e americana), fruto da luta por direitos libert?rios. ?poca das primeiras Constitui??es escritas, embora, estas restritas ?s meras Cartas pol?ticas, com mat?rias restritas ? organiza??o do Estado, ? estrutura dos poderes, ? divis?o de compet?ncias dos ?rg?os estatais e ? algumas rela??es entre Estado e particulares. Havia n?tida divis?o entre os C?digos civis e as Constitui??es, aqueles que regiam as rela??es privadas e funcionavam como barreiras a n?o interven??o estatal. Ap?s o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, as Constitui??es deixaram de ser meras Cartas pol?ticas para estabelecer como fim a pessoa humana, de forma a consagrar os direitos fundamentais, a primazia dos princ?pios constitucionais e a assumir sua fun??o normativa frente ao legislador ordin?rio. A evolu??o constitucional deu-se o nome de Constitucionalismo contempor?neo, baseado na repersonaliza??o ou despatrimonializa??o do Direito Privado, valorizando o indiv?duo como fim em si mesmo em detrimento da prote??o do patrim?nio. No constitucionalismo contempor?neo as Constitui??es adotaram a tend?ncia de prote??o dos direitos fundamentais da pessoa humana. Assim, convergiu a Constitui??o Federal brasileira de 1988, a qual trouxe fundamento maior a dignidade da pessoa humana, epicentro axiol?gico jur?dico a reger as rela??es privadas, inclusive o Direito de Fam?lia. A constitucionaliza??o do Direito de Fam?lia motiva a ado??o da desjudicializa??o de quest?es familiares, de modo a se respeitar o direio ? intimidade, ? vida privada, a autonomia privada e o acesso ? justi?a. As rela??es conflitivas de fam?lia demandam tratamento especial, diante da pluralidade e dinamicidade de suas novas composi??es. A ruptura na rela??o familiar ? pautada nos variados sentimentos entre seus membros, de maneira a dificultar um fim harm?nico. Desse modo, que o Poder Judici?rio, atrav?s de atua??es impositivas, a n?o prestigiar o poder de decis?o das partes, como, tamb?m, diante de problemas estruturais enfrentados para operar nessas causas, n?o ? o ambiente dos mais adequados para ofertar respostas ao fim das querelas familiares. Situa??o que provoca futuras demandas diante da insatisfa??o das partes com o resultado. Ante a evolu??o do Direito de Fam?lia surge a necessidade na ado??o de institutos jur?dicos, os quais acompanhem as transforma??es s?cio-culturais, e, que promovam uma assist?ncia efetiva ?s pessoas envolvidas nesta esp?cie de conflito. Em obedi?ncia ? autonomia privada, diante de manifesta??es volunt?rias dos envolvidos a media??o familiar, dentre os instrumentos autocompositivos de solu??o de conflitos, ? indicada como a mais amoldada no tratamento das querelas familiares. Restando, ent?o, ao Estado uma interven??o m?nima para evitar invas?o excessiva na vida privada e intimidade das pessoas

A altera??o do tipo penal de adultera??o de combust?veis: reflexo da constitucionaliza??o do direito penal no mercado de combust?veis

Pinheiro Neto, Luiz Felipe 19 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LuizFPN_DISSERT.pdf: 1155478 bytes, checksum: 9e8987b9d6b2c6260ed4b50e8325c276 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-19 / The neoconstitutionalism led to a process of ethical revaluation of the normative systems and the process of constitutionalization of the many fields of law. This study examines the consequences of this process in criminal law, so important a Law field for the protection of the most valuable assets by the society, including the fundamental guarantees, thus emphasizing the necessity of protection of the collective and individual rights, which are guided by the observance of the defendants individual rights in the course of criminal proceedings and the search for the best efficiency of penal protection, according to the corollaries of defense against the state (prohibition of the excess or ?bermassverbot) and the provision of rights by the state (prohibition of insufficient protection or Untermassverbot). The offense of fuel adulteration is taken as an object of study, since it is a vital market to a nation dependent of people and good s movement for their living, driven by fossil and biofuels. Such a crime affects essential legal interests to the development of society, interests such as the environment, consumer relations and economic order, particularly the principle of free competition. This paper seeks to analyze the need of a greater efficiency of this particular criminal protection, once concluded the conduct harm and social fear as a consequence by it as growing, and therefore having its former crime type, engraved in Article 1 of Law No. 8.176/1991, rewritten in compliance with the criminal law s principle of legality. Thus, the reformation proposals and legislative creation involving this crime were observed, with emphasis on the bill No. 2498/2003, which keeps it as blank heterogeneous criminal norm, kind of penal normative whose constitutionality is raised, including the forethought of criminal responsibility in the perpetrating of the offense as culpable and subsequently increasing the applicable minimum penalty, as well as the inclusion of new activities in the typical nucleus / O neoconstitucionalismo levou a um processo de revaloriza??o ?tica dos sistemas normativos e o processo de Constitucionaliza??o dos v?rios ramos do Direito. O presente estudo analisa as conseq??ncias deste processo no Direito Penal, ramo ?ltimo de prote??o dos bens mais valorados pela sociedade, incluindo as garantias fundamentais, destacando a necessidade de prote??o da coletividade e do indiv?duo, o que passa pela observ?ncia das garantias individuais dos acusados no curso do processo penal e pela busca de melhor efici?ncia da prote??o penal, conforme os corol?rios da defesa contra o Estado (proibi??o de excesso ou ?bermassverbot) e a presta??o pelo Estado (proibi??o de infraprote??o ou Untermassverbot). Toma-se por objeto de estudo o delito de adultera??o de combust?veis, os quais comp?em mercado vital para uma na??o dependente do deslocamento de pessoas e mercadorias para sua viv?ncia, impulsionada por combust?veis f?sseis e biocombust?veis. Tal crime atinge bens jur?dicos vitais ao desenvolvimento da sociedade, como o meio ambiente, as rela??es de consumo e a ordem econ?mica, destacando-se o princ?pio da livre concorr?ncia. Busca o presente trabalho analisar a necessidade da maior efici?ncia desta espec?fica prote??o penal, verificada a danosidade da conduta e o temor social por ela despertado, o que passa por uma reformula??o da reda??o do tipo penal insculpido no artigo 1? da Lei n? 8.176/1991, em observ?ncia ao princ?pio da legalidade no Direito Penal. Observam-se assim as propostas de reforma e cria??o legislativa envolvendo este crime, com destaque para o Projeto de Lei n? 2498/2003, que o mant?m como norma penal em branco heterog?nea, esp?cie normativa cuja constitucionalidade ? abordada, e incluindo a previs?o de responsabiliza??o criminal no cometimento do delito na modalidade culposa e majorando a pena m?nima aplic?vel, al?m da inclus?o de novas atividades no n?cleo t?pico

Approaches to a constitutional function on theory of crime / Aproximaciones a una funcionalización constitucional de la teoría del delito

Montoya Vivanco, Yvan 10 April 2018 (has links)
After presenting assumptions of neo constitutionalism impact incriminal law, this article raises the possibilities of rebuild contents of categories on crime’s theory towards fundamental principles and rights recognized (explicitly or implicitly) in the Constitution. / Tras presentar los presupuestos del impacto del neoconstitucionalismo en el derecho penal, el presente artículo plantea las posibilidades de reconstruir los contenidos de las categorías de la teoría del delito hacia los principios y derechos fundamentales reconocidos (explícita o implícitamente) en la Constitución.

Contracts with protection duties. A propos of Constitutional and Civil Law connection / Los contratos con deberes de protección: a propósito de la vinculación entre el derecho constitucional y el derecho civil

Morales Hervias, Rómulo 10 April 2018 (has links)
This essay examines protection duties arising under a contract. Its doctrinal and comparative case-law development is very broad. In Peru, national doctrine has studied it from case-law specific cases. The purpose ofthis study is to develop the analysis of autonomy of these duties towards main and secondary obligations arose under contracts in order to give legal bases not only from Civil Law but also from Constitutional Law perspective. / El presente ensayo se refiere a los deberes de protección nacidos de contratos. El desarrollo doctrinal y jurisprudencial comparado de esta categoría es amplísimo. En el Perú, la doctrina nacional la ha estudiado apartir de casos concretos jurisprudenciales. El objetivo de este estudio es desarrollar la autonomía de estos deberes frente a las obligaciones principales y secundarias nacidas de contratos, con el fin de otorgarle una fundamentación no solo desde el derecho civil, sino también desde el derecho constitucional.

The Transformation of modern law and its impact on the conception of Tax Law / La Transformación del Derecho Moderno y su incidencia en la concepción del Derecho Tributario

Durán Rojo, Luis Alberto 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article analyzes the process of paradigm change in Law, a non-peaceful transition from a model developed in the XX century to a new law which will sit throughout the XXI century. The changes that have occurred from this new legal paradigm are not superficial, but rather crossing the structures and foundations of modern legal ideology and technique that underlies, as the constitutionalization of national law, the internationalization of economic relations, the development of treaties or development of Community law. Furthermore, the author refers to the impact that this change took place in the theoretical construction of taxes and the delimitation of the scope of the tax phenomenon. / El presente artículo analiza el proceso de cambio de paradigma en el Derecho, un tránsito no pacífico entre un modelo ideado en el siglo XX a un nuevo Derecho que se asentará a lo largo del siglo XXI. Los cambios que se han producido a partir de este nuevo paradigma jurídico no son superficiales, sino que atraviesan las estructuras y bases de la ideología jurídica moderna y la técnica que la subyace, como la constitucionalización del derecho nacional, la internacionalización de las relaciones económicas, el desarrollo de los tratados o el desarrollo del Derecho comunitario. Asimismo, el autor hace referencia a la incidencia que produjo este cambio en la construcción teórica del tributo y la delimitación de los alcances del fenómeno tributario.

Contribution à l’histoire de la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne à travers des biographies historiques de ses premiers membres (1952 – 1972) / Contribution to the history of the European Court of Justice : a biographical study of its members (1952 - 1972)

Fritz, Vera 22 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans la nouvelle histoire du droit européen en proposant les résultats de recherches biographiques sur les premiers juges, avocats généraux et greffier qui ont fait fonctionner la Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne pendant les vingt premières années de son existence (1952 - 1972). Il s'agit tout d'abord de mettre en lumière les parcours professionnels et personnels des pionniers de la juridiction et des hommes qui ont prononcé certains de ses jugements les plus connus, ceux qui ont lancé le processus de « constitutionnalisation » de l'ordre juridique communautaire. Ensuite, il s'agit d'utiliser les résultats de ces recherches biographiques pour apporter, sur trois points précis, des éléments de réponse à une question qui intéresse depuis deux décennies en particulier les politistes - et de manière plus récente, les historiens: comment cette institution réussit-elle, à partir des années 1960, à autant limiter la souveraineté des Etats membres, en posant notamment le principe de primauté du droit européen, et cela sans semble-t-il être confrontée à de sérieuses résistances de la part des dirigeants des Etats membres ? Cette thèse analyse tout d'abord le processus de nomination des juges et des avocats généraux, afin de savoir si les gouvernements tentent, ou non, via le mécanisme de sélection de mettre un terme à sa jurisprudence audacieuse. Puis, elle étudie les convictions européennes des membres de la Cour et leur vision du rôle qu'ils doivent jouer dans le processus d'intégration. Enfin, elle s'intéresse au réseau politique des hommes de la juridiction européenne et leurs interactions officieuses avec les dirigeants des Etats membres. / This Ph.D. thesis contributes to the new history of European law by proposing the results of in-depth biographical research on the first judges, advocates general and registrar who worked at the European Court of Justice during the first twenty years of its existence (1952 - 1972). Firstly, it sheds new light on the professional and personal trajectories of the Court's pioneers and of those who pronounced some of its most commented judgments, those who laid the foundation of the 'constitutionalization' of the European legal order. Secondly, it leans on the collected biographical data in order to bring to the surface new elements of knowledge on three precise points with regard to a question which political scientists have been interested in for two decades - and which now also historians address: how did the European Court of Justice, from the 1960s onwards, succeed in seriously limiting the Member States' sovereignty, especially by imposing the principle of primacy of European law, without provoking a rebellion by national decision-makers? It first of all analyzes the nomination process of the first judges and advocates general, in order to establish whether governments did, or did not, use the appointment mechanism to curb down ECJ activism. It then studies the members of the Court's views and convictions with regard to European integration and their role in the European Communities. Finally, it looks at the political affiliations of the first members of the Court of Justice and their unofficial interactions with national decision-makers.

La constitutionnalisation du droit pénal. Pour une étude du droit pénal constitutionnel / Constitutionalization of criminal law. A study of constitutional criminal law

Cappello, Aurélie 06 December 2011 (has links)
La constitutionnalisation du droit pénal désigne l’emprise croissante de la Constitution sur la matière pénale du fait de l’enrichissement des principes constitutionnels et de la diversification des contrôles de constitutionnalité. Le Conseil constitutionnel n’est pas le seul à l’origine de ce phénomène, même s’il en est l’acteur principal. Toutes les autorités de contrôle, de conception et d’application du droit pénal contribuent, par le partage de leurs compétences et l’échange de leurs doctrines, à l’existence d’un droit pénal conforme à la Constitution et à la construction du volet pénal de la norme suprême. En outre, si la constitutionnalisation s’inscrit dans la promotion de la Constitution, elle est surtout au service de la légitimation de la matière pénale elle-même. L’ensemble des principes constitutionnels, tels qu’énoncés dans les textes et interprétés par le Conseil, sont empreints d’une philosophie humaniste. Leur consécration et leur respect permettent la reconnaissance et l’adhésion du justiciable, amené à percevoir le droit pénal comme juste et justifié. La constitutionnalisation est donc un processus porté par le rapprochement des autorités et porteur de légitimation pour le droit pénal. Mais, si elle est un processus, le droit pénal constitutionnel en est le résultat. La constitutionnalisation donne, en effet, naissance à un droit pénal nouveau, le droit pénal constitutionnel. Placé sous l’emprise de la Constitution, le droit pénal est désormais élaboré et appliqué à la lumière de la norme suprême, et ne peut être compris ni appréhendé sans une référence à celle-ci. / Constitutionalization of criminal law refers to the growing ascendancy of the Constitution over criminal law due to the densification of constitutional principles and the diversification of constitutionality controls. The Constitutional Council is not the only body wherefrom this phenomenon originated, although its prime contributor. By sharing their powers and exchanging doctrines, all authorities that control, elaborate and apply criminal law make it compliant with the Constitution and contribute to the construction of the criminal part of the Supreme Law. Moreover, whilst constitutionalization promotes the Constitution, it first and foremost contributes to the legitimization of criminal law itself. All constitutional principles, as set out in statutes and construed by the Council, are imbued with a humanistic philosophy. Formalization of and compliance with these principles encourage individuals to accept and subscribe to criminal law, as they see it as fair and well-founded. Constitutionalization is therefore a process driven by the growing interaction of authorities and a factor of legitimization of criminal law. Yet, whilst constitutionalization is a process, constitutional criminal law is its outcome. Constitutionalization does indeed give birth to a new kind of criminal law, constitutional criminal law. Now under the influence of the Constitution, criminal law is elaborated and applied in the light of the Supreme Law, and cannot be understood nor comprehended without reference to it.


RAFAEL CARVALHO REZENDE OLIVEIRA 30 October 2007 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar o fenômeno da constitucionalização do Direito Administrativo e a conseqüente releitura de dois princípios basilares deste ramo do direito: os princípios da legalidade e da legitimidade administrativas. Após algumas considerações introdutórias e a apresentação do tema no capítulo I, o trabalho analisará, no capítulo II, o nascimento e a evolução do Direito Administrativo, com o intuito de demonstrar que a concepção clássica deste ramo do Direito deve passar por uma leitura constitucional, em tempos de constitucionalização do ordenamento jurídico. No capítulo III, o enfoque será o estudo do princípio da legalidade e a sua evolução ao longo dos tempos. A concepção liberal deste princípio, consagrado no Estado Liberal de Direito, entra em crise. A lei deixa de ocupar o papel de protagonista do ordenamento jurídico para dar lugar à Constituição. O desprestígio do Parlamento, bem como a celeridade e complexidade da vida moderna, acabam por gerar a ampliação do poder normativo das entidades administrativas localizadas fora do Poder Legislativo. Com isso, institutos como a deslegalização e a reserva da administração, bem como a figura do regulamento autônomo, ganham destaque no debate jurídico atual. Ao invés do respeito apenas à lei formal, a atuação administrativa deve adequar-se ao ordenamento jurídico como um todo, o que acarreta a consagração do princípio da juridicidade. Em seguida, no capítulo IV, o estudo tecerá considerações sobre as concepções clássicas de legitimidade e demonstrará a necessidade de se reforçar a legitimidade democrática da Administração Pública através de instrumentos efetivos de participação do cidadão na tomada de decisões e elaboração de normas administrativas. O capítulo V, por sua vez, demonstrará que a releitura dos princípios da legalidade e da legitimidade administrativas pode ser verificada, com mais exatidão, na formatação das agências reguladoras. A discussão em relação à constitucionalidade do modelo regulatório adotado pelo ordenamento jurídico pátrio passa necessariamente pela compatibilidade com os princípios em comento. Por fim, no capítulo VI, a titulo de conclusão, o trabalho apontará a importância do princípio da juridicidade no âmbito do estado Democrático de Direito. / [en] The main goal of this dissertation is to analyze the phenomena of constitutionalization in Administrative law and the resulting reconsideration of two basic pilars underpinning this field of Law: the principles of legality and of administrative legitimacy. After some introductory considerations followed by the presentation of the main theme in the first Chapter, the author will review, in the second Chapter, the emergence and evolution of Administrative Law in order to demonstrate that, in view of the current constitutionalization of the legal system, the constitutional perspective should be added to the classic conception of Administrative Law. The third Chapter will focus on the study of the legality principle and how it evolved through times. The liberal view of this principle, the cornerstone of the Liberal Rule of Law, comes to a crisis. The Law becomes less and less the leading agent of the legal order while this role is assigned to the Constitution. The decreasing prestige of Parliament as well as the complexity and the ever-faster pace of modern life end up extending the normative power to administrative entities found outside the realm of the Legislative Branch. Therefore, institutes such as the de-legalization and the administrative reserve, as well as the institute of -autonomous regulation-, gain prominence in the current public debate. Instead of owing respect only to the formal Law, the administrative arena should also adjust itself to the legal order as a whole, which means that the -principle of jurisdicity- becomes paramount. Subsequently, in the fourth Chapter, the study will discuss the classic conceptions of legality and will demonstrate the need to reinforce the democratic legitimacy in Public Administration by means of effective instruments allowing citizens to be part of the decision-making process and of the development of administrative norms. The fifth chapter, in turn, will demonstrate how the re- consideration of the principles of legality and administrative legitimacy can be more accurately verified in the way regulatory agencies were formatted. Any discussion on the constitutionality of the regulatory model adopted by the legal order in Brazil necessarily includes compatibility with the principles under discussion The sixth chapter will conclude the study pointing out the importance of the -principle of jurisdicity- under the Democratic Rule of Law.

A criminalidade de colarinho branco e a necessária investigação contemporânea a partir do Brasil: uma (re)leitura do discurso da impunidade quanto aos delitos do “Andar de Cima”

Beck, Francis Rafael 22 May 2013 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-21T23:37:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 70c.pdf: 7193085 bytes, checksum: 9d1949632c4e358f32e7f53a62d89d67 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-21T23:37:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 70c.pdf: 7193085 bytes, checksum: 9d1949632c4e358f32e7f53a62d89d67 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-22 / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / SINPRO/RS - Sindicato dos Professores do Ensino Privado do Rio Grande do Sul / De uma colônia inicialmente sem maior importância, o Brasil tornou-se um dos protagonistas no novo cenário mundial. É preciso agora que essa evolução alcance o Direito Penal, com suporte na Constituição Federal de 1988. No entanto, é necessário conferir ao texto constitucional uma função transformadora, com destaque à busca da concretização de uma Constituição Dirigente (e Compromissória), passando pelas discussões em torno do neoconstitucionalismo, até alcançar o Constitucionalismo Contemporâneo. A mudança de um governo autoritário para uma democracia obriga a uma revisão de todo o sistema repressivo, especialmente o jurídico-penal, sem que se desconsiderem as necessárias reflexões acerca das influências da globalização, da sociedade do risco e da expansão do Direito Penal, ainda não suficientemente compreendidos. No que tange aos crimes de colarinho branco, existe uma grande polêmica em torno da sua definição, alternando correntes subjetivas (que levam em conta as características do agente), objetivas (com base no modus operandi) e mistas. A ideia de que os poderosos recebem um tratamento benevolente por parte da Justiça penal é tão frequente que a tarefa de justificá-la é muito mais complexa do que poderia parecer à primeira vista, sendo inclusive contrariada por algumas análises recentes. Para a investigação realizada na presente tese, foram usadas como parâmetro seis categorias de crimes com maior identificação em relação aos crimes de colarinho branco: crimes contra o sistema financeiro nacional, crimes contra a ordem tributária, crimes contra a ordem econômica, crimes licitatórios, crimes contra a ordem previdenciária e lavagem de dinheiro. Em relação ao processo de criminalização primária, constatou-se que a média de apenamento dos crimes de colarinho investigados (41,93 meses), é 61% superior à média dos crimes patrimoniais sem violência ou grave ameaça (25,94 meses), afastando um mito difundido no senso comum. Ademais, a legislação penal produzida após 1988, intencionalmente ou não, realiza uma consolidação jurídico-penal do conteúdo normativo da Constituição Federal, especialmente no que tange aos bens jurídicos supra-individuais vinculados aos colarinhos brancos, seja pelo número de leis criadas ou modificadas, seja pelas penas previstas. Da mesma forma, os projetos legislativos em relação à temática possuem a mesma tendência de incremento punitivo. No que tange ao processo de criminalização secundária, ganha especial destaque o COAF, que centraliza todas as comunicações, inclusive as previamente encaminhadas aos demais órgãos (BACEN, CVM, SUSEP e PREVIC). As operações realizadas pela Polícia Federal, em relação aos crimes de colarinho branco, aumentaram 1.500% entre os anos de 2003 e 2010. No entanto, entre 2006 e 2012, o número de inquéritos policiais instaurados pelo órgão foi reduzido em 60%. O Ministério Público não possui informações unificadas sobre denúncias oferecidas. Em relação ao Judiciário brasileiro, entre os anos de 2000 e 2012, não só os crimes de colarinho branco ensejaram um maior número de decisões nos tribunais pesquisados, como também resultaram em um número muito grande de decisões condenatórias, bastante superior ao de absolvições e extinções da punibilidade. A execução penal, no entanto, continua com o perfil de presos jovens, pardos, com grau de instrução baixo, e que cometem (principalmente) crimes contra o patrimônio. / Of a colony without greater importance, Brazil has become one of the protagonists on new world scenario. Now it’s necessary that this evolution reaches the Criminal Law, supported in 1988 Constitution. However, it’s necessary to give constitutional text a transforming function, with emphasis on the pursuit of achieving a Leadind (and Compromissory) Constitution, passing through discussions around neoconstitutionalism, until reaching Contemporary Constitutionalism. The change from an authoritarian government to a democracy requires a review of the whole repressive system, especially the criminal legal, without disregard the necessary reflections concerning the globalization, risk, society and criminal law expansion influences, not yet sufficiently understood. With regard to white collar crimes, there is great polemics concerning its definition, by switching subjectives (which take into account the agent characteristics), objectives (based on modus operandi) and mixed currents. The idea that the powerful ones receive a benevolent treatment by the criminal justice is so frequent that the task of justify it is much more complex than it might seem view, being including contradicted by some recent analyzes. For the investigation carried out this thesis were used as a parameter six categories of crimes with greater identification with respect to white collar crimes: crimes against the national financial system, the tax system crimes, crimes against the economy, bidding crimes, crimes against the social security and money laundering. Regarding the process of primary criminalization, it was observed that the entrapment average on the white collar crimes investigated (41.93 months) is 61% higher than the property without violence or serious threat (25.94 months) crimes average, moving away a myth spread by common sense. Besides, criminal legislation produced after 1988, intentionally or not, makes a criminal legal normative consolidation of the Federal Constitution content, especially with respect to the supraindividual legal assets linked to white collars, either by the number of laws created or modified, either by the penalties provided. In the same way, legislative projects in relation to the theme have the same tendency to puniteve increase. Regarding the secondary criminalization process, gain special prominence COAF, which centralizes all communications, including those previously forwarded to other agencies (Central Bank, CVM, SUSEP and PREVIC). The operations performed by the Federal Police in relation to the white collar crimes, increased 1,500% between 2003 and 2010. However, between 2006 and 2012, the number of police inquiries initiated by the agency was reduced by 60%. The Public Prosecution Service does not have unified information about complaints offered. Regarding the Brazilian Judiciary, between the years 2000 and 2012, not only white collar crimes not only white collar crimes gave rise to a higher number of decisions in the surveyed courts, as well as resulted in a very large number of condemnatory decisions, far higher than acquittals and extinction of criminal liability. The criminal enforcement, however, continues with the profile of young prisoners, browns, with low education level, and that commit (mostly) crimes against property.

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