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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flickor och ADHD : En kvalitativ studie som visar vilka symtom som beskrivs när det gäller flickor som diagnostiserats med ADHD

Karlsson, Jane, Aspengren, Per, Öwer, Veronica January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka huruvida det i barn- och ungdomspsykiatrins journaler förekommer dokumentation som visar på symtom som förekommer hos flickor som diagnostiserats med ADHD. Frågeställningarna är: Vilka symtom beskrivs hos flickor som diagnostiserats med ADHD? Vilka symtom beskrivs hos de flickor som har en tilläggsdiagnos utöver ADHD? I vilka ålderskategorier beskrivs symtomen som mest framträdande? I vilka miljöer framträder symtomen som beskrivs hos flickorna? Studiens tolkningsram är tidigare forskning och Erik H Eriksons modell över den psykosociala utvecklingen människans åtta åldrar. Metodvalet är kvalitativt med deduktiv ansats. Studien bygger på ett urval journaler, totalt 34 stycken, på flickor mellan 7 och 18 år som diagnostiserats med ADHD och som varit aktuella för utredning och behandling mellan 2005-03-01 och 2006-03-01 på en barn- och ungdomspsykiatrisk klinik i en mellansvensk stad. Resultatet visar att det finns tolv symtom som som beskrivits och dokumenterats i journalerna. Av dessa är sju symtom betydligt vanligare hos flickor mellan 13 och 18 år och ett symtom betydligt vanligare hos flickor mellan 7 och 12 år. Resultatet visar även att en tilläggsdiagnos kan påverka symtombilden för flickorna men den behöver inte göra det. Studien visar dessutom att symtomen är mest framträdande i skol- och hemmiljön. I diskussionen betonas att det är angeläget att uppmärksamma dessa flickor och då gärna så tidigt som möjligt för att förebygga utvecklingen av symtom. Utifrån resultatet är en viktig slutsats att flickorna bör få adekvat stöd i de miljöer där symtomen är mest framträdande. Studien efterfrågar vidare forskning om huruvida fler symtom innebär större svårigheter för dem som diagnostiserats samt om en ökad anpassning utifrån deras behov skulle kunna underlätta tillvaron för dem.

Didaktiska implikationer vid ADHD – och andra neuropsykiatriska störningar

Tholen, Lennart January 2012 (has links)
Undersökningens syfte har varit att jämföra de statliga styrdokumentens rekommendationer i relation till de identifierade ståndpunkterna inom forskning om didaktik och ADHD. Som design valde jag en systematisk litteraturstudie. Jag hämtade resultat från 15forskningsstudier inom svensk och internationell forskning, från flera vetenskaper. Empirin består av tre delar, där jag först har studerat statliga styrdokument, därefter didaktisk forskning samt forskning om didaktik och ADHD. Tolkningen av resultaten har gjorts med en jämförande design, för att belysa de likheter och skillnader som finns. Resultat visade på likhet mellan statliga styrdokument och forskningom didaktik och ADHD, inom följande områden: metoder oc htillvägagångssätt, medier, samt centralstimulerande mediciners inverkan på inlärningen. Resultaten visar att det fanns skillnader mellan statliga riktlinjer – i förhållande till forskning om didaktik och ADHD gällande: målet med inlärning, organisationsformer och undervisning, samt former för att kontrollera inlärningsresultat och inlärningssätt. Forskningen visar att det inte fanns någon generelllösning för hur man kunde förväntas undervisa elever med ADHD. Det fanns en mängd olika metoder och inlärningsstilar som alltid bör individanpassas till varje elev.

Dietary intake and nutrient status in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Kiddie, Joy Y. 05 1900 (has links)
Study Objective. To assess the dietary intakes of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); including macro- and micronutrient intake, the percentage of low nutrient density foods in the diet, as well as specific biochemical and anthropometric parameters. Design. Observational study. Setting. Provincial ADHD Program of BC, Children’s’ Hospital, Vancouver, BC. Sample. 44 children aged 6 - 12 years with ADHD, treatment-naïve or stable on medication for 6 months or longer. Main Results. ADHD Children were taller and heavier than population norms, and significantly taller than previously reported in ADHD. Of children aged 6-8 years, 28% were below the Estimate Average Requirement (EAR) for zinc and 61% of children aged 9-12 years were below the EAR for zinc. In addition, 28% of children aged 6-8 years and 39% of children aged 9-12 years were below the EAR for copper. Only 2% of children in the sample were below lab normal cutoffs for ferritin; however, 73% had serum zinc values below lab normal cut-offs and 23% had serum copper below lab normal cutoffs. Overall prevalence of serum zinc below the 2.5 percentile was 23% compared to 2% from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey II (NHANES) data. Additionally, mean serum copper was significantly lower than NHANES II data. Mean energy intake was comparable to mean Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) based on the age, gender, height, weight and physical activity of subjects. In addition, mean dietary intake of Low Nutrient Density foods was not significantly different from NHANES II data and there was no significant difference in energy intake or the proportion of daily energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrate than what is observed from CCHS data. Medication treatment for ADHD was not associated with altered dietary intake or nutrient status. Conclusion. Results are suggestive of low zinc status in ADHD.

En diskursanalytisk studie av Aftonbladets publiceringar kring ADHD

Svensson, Freddie, Weberitsch, Jonatan January 2012 (has links)
This paper examines the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladets conception of the phenomenon ADHD. The essay regards the language that is used (and the values reflected in it) as a sort of mirror where the public opinion is expressed, established and put forward. Being such a constructive factor in the creation of the phenomenon, the language is considered of big importance and therefore this essay is using a discourse-analytic approach to the problem. The aim of the essay is to achieve a discourse-analytic understanding of Aftonbladets ADHD publications. This paper reaches the conclusion that in Aftonbladet, ADHD is put forward as something extraordinary, not normal and unusual, which results in the subject-positions “Unwanted”, “Disabled” and “Function beneficial”. Since this is the results presented in Aftonbladets discourse, it is also these values that establish the mirror where the public opinion, the diagnosed people, as well as the phenomenon as an abstract creation, flashes themselves. In that way these values create certain outlines and frames for the phenomenon ADHD.

Mindfulness Training for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities

Haydicky, Jillian 05 April 2010 (has links)
The current study evaluated the impact of a 20-week mindfulness training program on executive function, internalizing and externalizing behaviour, and social skills in a clinical sample of adolescent boys with learning disabilities (LD). Mindfulness Martial Arts (MMA) is a manualized group treatment program incorporating elements of mindfulness meditation, cognitive behavioural therapy, and mixed martial arts. Sixty-five boys (ages 12 – 18) with LD were assigned to the MMA or waitlist control group (WL). Adolescents and their parents completed standardized questionnaires before and after training. Analysis of adolescents with distinct clinical profiles showed promising effects. Compared to the WL group, MMA participants with co-occurring ADHD improved on parent-rated externalizing behaviour, oppositional defiant problems, and conduct problems. Boys with elevated hyperactive/impulsive symptomotology improved on parent-rated social problems and monitoring skills. Boys with elevated anxiety reported decreased anxiety. MMA shows promise as an alternative treatment option for youth with LD and co-occurring difficulties.

Attribution Processes in Parent-Adolescent Conflict in Families with Adolescents with and without ADHD

Markel, Clarisa 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study examined parent-adolescent conflict and the attributions for conflict. Adolescent participants (29 ADHD; 22 Comparison) aged 13-17 and their mothers and fathers completed questionnaires. Adolescents with ADHD have conflicts over more issues with their parents according to self and parent report. Adolescents who believed that the conflict occurred in many contexts and that their parents were responsible for that conflict reported that they had conflict over more issues. Attributions were not predictive of conflict according to mother report. ADHD status moderated attributions in predicting father reported conflict. Among fathers who believed that conflicts were their son or daughter’s responsibility, fathers of youth with ADHD were less likely to report more issues involving conflicts than fathers of youth without ADHD. Conversely, among fathers who believed conflict was pervasive across contexts and time, having a son or daughter with ADHD was associated with more issues involving conflict.

Mindfulness Training for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities

Haydicky, Jillian 05 April 2010 (has links)
The current study evaluated the impact of a 20-week mindfulness training program on executive function, internalizing and externalizing behaviour, and social skills in a clinical sample of adolescent boys with learning disabilities (LD). Mindfulness Martial Arts (MMA) is a manualized group treatment program incorporating elements of mindfulness meditation, cognitive behavioural therapy, and mixed martial arts. Sixty-five boys (ages 12 – 18) with LD were assigned to the MMA or waitlist control group (WL). Adolescents and their parents completed standardized questionnaires before and after training. Analysis of adolescents with distinct clinical profiles showed promising effects. Compared to the WL group, MMA participants with co-occurring ADHD improved on parent-rated externalizing behaviour, oppositional defiant problems, and conduct problems. Boys with elevated hyperactive/impulsive symptomotology improved on parent-rated social problems and monitoring skills. Boys with elevated anxiety reported decreased anxiety. MMA shows promise as an alternative treatment option for youth with LD and co-occurring difficulties.

Attribution Processes in Parent-Adolescent Conflict in Families with Adolescents with and without ADHD

Markel, Clarisa 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study examined parent-adolescent conflict and the attributions for conflict. Adolescent participants (29 ADHD; 22 Comparison) aged 13-17 and their mothers and fathers completed questionnaires. Adolescents with ADHD have conflicts over more issues with their parents according to self and parent report. Adolescents who believed that the conflict occurred in many contexts and that their parents were responsible for that conflict reported that they had conflict over more issues. Attributions were not predictive of conflict according to mother report. ADHD status moderated attributions in predicting father reported conflict. Among fathers who believed that conflicts were their son or daughter’s responsibility, fathers of youth with ADHD were less likely to report more issues involving conflicts than fathers of youth without ADHD. Conversely, among fathers who believed conflict was pervasive across contexts and time, having a son or daughter with ADHD was associated with more issues involving conflict.

Funktionsinriktad Musikterapi : Ett musikaliskt hantverk samt en resursskapande verksamhet

Larsson, Agneta January 2013 (has links)
Detta är ett examensarbete som handlar om Funktionsinriktad Musikterapi – FMT. Det kan också beskrivas som en information och vägledning för dem som är intresserade av alternativa och kompletterande metoder för att ge ökat stöd och utveckling för personer med någon form av funktionsnedsättning. Arbetet belyser även aspekter rörande resurser. FMT kan beskrivas som en ”musikalisk rörelseterapi” där individen ställs i centrum och får möjlighet att utveckla sina funktionella förmågor i sin egen takt. I arbetet får vi också följa arbetet med två adepter varav den ena har diagnosen ADHD och den andra Autism.   Min slutsats är att FMT-metoden har en betydande roll som en resursförstärkare inom olika områden som barn- och skolomsorg, sjukvård, äldreomsorg, samt för den enskilda individen.

The Impact of Mindfulness Training on Hyperactive Behaviors Demonstrated by Elementary Age Children with a Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Carboni, Jessica A 11 May 2012 (has links)
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders in the United States. Although many children with an ADHD diagnosis are prescribed medication to control symptoms, behavioral concerns are still regularly noted in the classroom, home, and other settings. Therefore, school psychologists are often called upon to assist teachers and families with developing intervention procedures. The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between mindfulness training, the cognitive processes of attention regulation, and behavior of children who have been diagnosed with ADHD. This study utilized a multiple baseline across participant’s design where each student was tracked over time following a baseline (pre-intervention) condition. Four 8-year-old male participants with a primary diagnosis of ADHD and a significant number of off-task classroom behaviors were included in this study. Teacher and parent ratings of the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition (BASC-2) and Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) were completed pre- and posttest for each participant. The Reliable Change Index (RCI) was calculated to determine if the pre- to posttest change scores on the BASC-2 and BRIEF exceeded what could be accounted for by measurement error alone. Results of the analyses revealed that mindfulness training was effective in increasing the number of on-task behaviors for participants. Parent and teacher ratings on the BRIEF suggest that mindfulness training impacted ratings on the Inhibit, Initiate, and Monitor scales. Parent and teacher ratings on the BASC-2 were analyzed and scores from the Attention Problems scale did not demonstrate significant change across raters and across participants. Significant change occurred on the Hyperactivity scale. Findings are discussed in relationship to the literature on mindfulness training for students with a diagnosis of ADHD. Implications for future research and practice are also suggested.

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