Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ADMINISTRATIVE LAW"" "subject:"[enn] ADMINISTRATIVE LAW""
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Responsabilidade civil do Estado legislador: atos legislativos inconstitucionais e constitucionais / Civil liability of the legislating state: constitucional and inconstitucional actsJuliana Cristina Luvizotto 02 June 2010 (has links)
O escopo da presente dissertação é o estudo da responsabilidade civil do Estado Legislador, especificamente nas hipóteses em que o Estado emana atos legislativos inconstitucionais e constitucionais. Busca-se para tanto a análise do instituto da responsabilidade civil do Estado, sua natureza jurídica e evolução, bem como a compreensão do delineamento constitucional dispensado pelo ordenamento jurídico pátrio à matéria, tanto no que tange aos princípios justificadores quanto aos seus pressupostos de atuação e causas excludentes. Perfaz-se, ainda, um estudo teórico da responsabilidade civil objetiva do Estado, diferenciando-a das situações em que se confere ao Estado a prerrogativa de realizar um sacrifício de direito, ao qual corresponde o dever de prévia indenização. Adentrando no exame específico da função legislativa, serão decompostas as teorias que tentam explicar o conceito de lei ao longo da História, permitindo, ao final, compreender como ocorre o equacionamento desta função na ordem jurídica brasileira. Um estudo crítico dos argumentos que negam a responsabilidade civil do Estado Legislador é realizado em seguida para que, então, firmada a possibilidade de responsabilização, seja possível expandir a análise para as hipóteses de atos legislativos inconstitucionais e constitucionais danosos, ocasião em que será demonstrado o entendimento posto sobre a matéria tanto no direito pátrio quanto estrangeiro. Ao final, será elaborada a síntese conclusiva em relação à responsabilidade civil do Estado Legislador nas hipóteses acima referenciadas, de acordo com os estudos desenvolvidos ao longo do presente trabalho. / The scope of this dissertation is to study the civil liability of the Legislating State, considering constitutional and unconstitutional legislative acts. In order to do this, its necessary to analyze the States liability, its legal nature and evolution, as well as the constitutional outline of the native legal system, regarding principles and its assumptions and exclusions. A theoretic study of the objective State liability is also carried out, by putting it against situations in which the State has the right to taking, thus corresponding to the right of prior indemnification. Specifically regarding the legislative function, the theories concerning the concept of law throughout History will be examined, to understand how the legislative function is defined by Brazilian legal system. A critical study of the arguments that deny civil liability of the Legislating State is then carried out so that once the possibility of responsibility has been confirmed its possible to expand the analysis to the hypothesis of damaging legislative acts, both constitutional and unconstitutional, when the understanding of the subject, both in national as well as foreign law, would be demonstrated. By the end, a conclusive synthesis about the civil liability of the Legislating State will be presented.
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Direito e políticas públicas: uma análise crítica de abordagens tradicionais do direito administrativo a partir de um estudo do programa bolsa família / Law and public policies: a critical analysis of tradicional approaches to administrative law from a study of the Bolsa Familia Program.Flávia Xavier Annenberg 18 March 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar em que medida abordagens tradicionais do direito administrativo permitem compreender o papel do direito na implementação das políticas públicas, a partir do estudo de caso do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF). O texto revisa a literatura sobre o padrão de políticas sociais historicamente seguido no Brasil a partir de 1930, assim como a literatura sobre a criação do PBF, para defender que o programa é representativo de um modelo de política social que contém novos atributos, caracterizando-se por um arranjo mais distributivo, descentralizado e participativo. Em seguida, apresentam-se as principais ferramentas de gestão utilizadas no PBF - Cadastro Único, Índice de Gestão Descentralizada, Termos de Adesão, Focalização, Instâncias de Controle Social e Condicionalidades - com um enfoque específico no papel do direito em cada uma delas, elacionando-as ainda com as características do modelo de política social apresentado. A gestão das condicionalidades é objeto de um capítulo à parte porque sofreu alterações substantivas ao longo dos dez anos de implementação do programa, além de ser alvo de uma permanente tensão na gestão do Bolsa Família quanto aos limites do que pode ser exigido dos beneficiários como contrapartida ao benefício. Ao final, demonstra-se que as categorias tradicionalmente utilizadas nos manuais de direito administrativo revelam-se incapazes de descrever e explicar os mecanismos de implementação do PBF por dois motivos principais. Em primeiro lugar, o PBF apresenta ferramentas que operam por uma lógica de incentivos e estímulos que não encontra correspondência em conceitos jurídicos descritos por meio de racionalidades do tipo comando-e-controle. Em segundo lugar, o PBF passou por transformações substantivas por meio de processos internos à burocracia que são mais dinâmicos do que a interpretação tradicional admite. Assim, a pesquisa conclui haver uma distância entre a forma dinâmica como o direito das políticas públicas opera na prática e o modo estático como ele é sistematizado e apresentado em manuais. Essa abordagem mais tradicional acaba, enfim, sendo de pouca utilidade tanto para a compreensão das políticas públicas quanto para a orientação dos gestores e juristas que as operacionalizam. / The thesis aims at analyzing whether traditional approaches to Administrative Law enable the comprehension of the role of law in the implementation of public policies, from the case study of the Brazilian Bolsa Família Program (BFP). The text presents an overview of the literature about the historical pattern of social policies in Brazil since 1930, as well as of the literature concerning the creation of BFP, in order to argue that such program represents a model of social policy that contains new features and portrays a more distributive, decentralized and participative arrangement. The thesis also describes the main management tools the BFP employs such as Single Register, Index of Decentralized Management, Terms of Adhesion, Focalization, Instances of Social Control and Conditionalities with a specific focus on the role of law in each of them, and relates those tools to the characteristics of the presented social policy model. A separate chapter of the thesis addresses the management of the conditionalities, because that management has substantially changed during the ten years of the programs implementation. The management of the conditionalities has also been subject to permanent controversy regarding the limits of what can be demanded from the program beneficiaries as requirements for cash transfer. The research concludes that the concepts traditionally used in handbooks of Administrative Law are unable to describe and explain the mechanisms of implementation of the BFP for two main reasons. First, the BFP has tools that function according to a logic of incentives which are not common to legal concepts described by means of rational categories such as command-and-control. Second, internal bureaucratic procedures have substantively changed the BFP in a more dynamic way than the traditional interpretation admits. Therefore, the research concludes that there is a gap between the dynamics of law of public policies in practice and the static manner in which the law of public policies is presented by handbooks. Such traditional approach to Administrative Law ends up being of little help to the understanding of public policies, as well as to the orientation of policymakers and lawyers who operate those public policies.
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Les théories jurisprudentielles en droit administratif / Theories of case lawGliniasty, Jeanne de 06 October 2015 (has links)
Quels liens existe-t-il entre la théorie de l'imprévision, la théorie de la connaissance acquise, la théorie des circonstances exceptionnelles, ou encore celle des associations transparentes ? Le nombre important de théories répertoriées en droit administratif pour désigner des jurisprudences conduit à s'interroger sur cet usage établi et pourtant peu étudié. La première difficulté résulte du terme même de « théorie ». Loin d'être neutre, celui-ci est chargé de significations qui renvoient très directement à l'épistémologie des sciences et donne à une étude relative aux théories jurisprudentielles en droit administratif une dimension substantielle.Peut-on identifier et analyser un substrat commun à l'ensemble de ces théories ou s'agit-t-il d'une utilisation fluctuante et contingente ? En d'autres termes, peut-on parvenir à une signification unifiée du concept de théorie dans l'analyse de la jurisprudence ?L'identification des théories jurisprudentielles procède de la mise en lumière d'une catégorie réelle qui répond à des règles conventionnelles auxquelles le discours juridique semble se plier. Construites au cours d'un long processus impliquant l'ensemble des acteurs juridiques, elles sont reconnues comme produisant des effets de droit.En outre, les jurisprudences appelées « théories » révèlent des fonctions normatives communes. Plus précisément, elles constituent un instrument à la disposition du juge administratif dans la mise en œuvre du contrôle de légalité et contribuent ainsi à la vitalité du droit administratif.L'usage du mot « théorie » témoigne de surcroît d'une volonté dogmatique de faire voir le droit administratif et son histoire sous un angle linéaire et sans rupture. Il a accompagné tout le processus de construction d'une science distincte de celle du droit privé et concourt aujourd'hui encore à l'affermissement du droit administratif. L'étude des théories jurisprudentielles met ainsi en lumière certains enjeux fondamentaux pour la discipline. / What are the relationship between the imprevision theory, the "connaissance acquise" theory, the exceptional circumstances theory and the theory of "associations transparentes" ? The important number of identified theories in french administrative law for naming all the jurisprudences leads to inquire about a common use, however little explored. The first difficulty stems from the term of "theory" itself. Far from being neutral, this term embodies meanings which refer directly to the epistemology of sciences and give a substantive dimension to jurisprudential theories in administrative law.Can we identify and analyse a common ground of all these theories, or is that use only changing and casual ? In others words, an unified meaning of the concept of theory in the jurisprudential analyse can be established ?The identification of jurisprudential theories comes from the highlight of a real category which satisfies to conventional rules, and the legal discourse seems to follow them. Developped through a long process, they are recognized as theories which produce binding legal effects.Furthermore, administrative jurisprudences called "theories" reveal common normative functions. More precisely, they constitute an instrument for the administrative judge in order to implement the control of legality and contribute, in that way, to the vitality of administrative law.In addition, the use of the word "theory" underlines a dogmatical will to let show administrative law and its history in a linear way, without any discontinuity. It has accompagnied all the building process of a distinctive science from the common law, and it still contributes to the strenghtening of administrative law. Thus, jurisprudential theories raise fundamental issues for this matter.
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Le juge administratif et la loi (1789-1889) / The judge and the administrative law (1789-1889)Hachemi, Anissa 30 November 2016 (has links)
Il peut sembler incongru de s’intéresser au couple formé par le juge administratif et la loi entre 1789 à 1889. À cette époque, en effet, le juge administratif est encore confondu avec l’administration. Ne sait-on pas, par ailleurs, que le droit administratif est d’abord un droit jurisprudentiel, le Conseil d’État ayant heureusement pallié les lacunes de la loi en cette matière ? L’objet de cette étude peut cependant être saisi à deux conditions. La première tient au juge. S’il ne présente jusqu’en 1889 aucune des garanties organiques aujourd’hui requises pour être qualifié de tel, il n’en est pas moins un juge au sens matériel du terme. Dans cette dernière acception, il existe bien un juge administratif avant 1889, tout administrateur-juge soit-il. La seconde condition tient à la loi. Dès la Révolution, le législateur refuse d’intervenir substantiellement en matière administrative. La loi institue l’administration, elle ne règle pas les modalités de son action. En raison de la conception syllogistique de la fonction juridictionnelle, il est donc impossible d’instituer le tribunal d’administration initialement projeté. L’administrateur-juge est ainsi moins une institution de l’Ancien Régime que de la Révolution. Mais cette abstention législative que la Constituante comme tous les régimes postérieurs ont en partage, relève bien d’un choix politique. Afin de ménager à l’administration une part irréductible de pouvoir discrétionnaire, le législateur ne définit pas les règles substantielles de l’action administrative. L’instauration du régime parlementaire et la centralisation sont à ce prix. Mais à administration discrétionnaire, juge discrétionnaire. Le juge administratif, entre 1789 et 1889, tient ainsi son existence et sa force de l’absence de loi. / It may seem odd to study the administrative law judge in the 19th century, as it doesn’t exist properly. Indeed, even if it doesn't fit with the modern standard of jurisdiction, it should be identified as a judge as it is the one settling a litigation.Through its history, we can explore the establishment of centralization and parliamentary system in the 19th century France. It also shows us how codification of the administrative law has been firmly declined. It isn’t the slightest surprise offered by the « Code civil » country.
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The fundamental right to just administrative action: judicial review of administrative action in the democratic South AfricaPlasket, Clive January 2003 (has links)
For most of its existence South African administrative law has been shaped by the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty – the heart of the constitutional order from 1910 to 1994 – and a racist political system that favoured the white minority at the expense of the black majority. In these circumstances, the rules of administrative law were of limited use in protecting the individual from exercises of administrative power that infringed fundamental human rights, often on a grand scale. On 27 April 1994, however, a new political and constitutional order came into existence that swept away the very foundations of the old order: parliamentary sovereignty was replaced by constitutional supremacy and the racial exclusivity of the old order was replaced by a commitment to equality, freedom and dignity in a democratic state. A justiciable Bill of Rights was at centre stage in this new order. That Bill of Rights includes a fundamental right to just administrative action. It is both the new constitutional order and this rather unusual fundamental right that have changed the nature of South African administrative law. This thesis examines the effect of the fundamental right to just administrative action on the law and practice of the judicial review of administrative action. It does so principally by examining the legal position before and after 27 April 1994 with particular reference to: what is meant by administrative action; the exercise of administrative power by private bodies regulated by the rules of administrative law, on the one hand, and exercises of private power regulated by rules of private law, on the other; the rules of standing, the notion of justiciability and the constitutionality of rules that seek to limit the right of the individual to approach a court to review administrative action; the meaning and scope of the right to lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair administrative action, in terms of the common law, the Constitution and the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000; the meaning, scope and efficacy of the rights to reasons for administrative actions and of access to information; the procedure of judicial review and remedies that may be granted for the infringement of a person’s right to just administrative action; and conclusions and recommendations with regard to progress made in the construction of South Africa’s new, democratically based, administrative law.
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Making Sense of Law Reform-A Case Study of Workers' Compensation Law Reform in Ontario 1980 to 2012King, Andrew G. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a case study from 1980 to 2012 of law reform applied to workers’ compensation in Ontario. It aims to understand the promise of law reform and its implementation from the standpoint of injured workers. The study is structured in three parts.
Part One constructs an analytical framework drawing on legal theories and principles of adjudication. It provides a brief history of the Ontario Workers’ Compensation Board, its powers and adjudicative practices prior to the reforms.
Part Two summarizes reform in Ontario’s workers’ compensation law from 1980 to 2012. The description is organized into five periods reflecting significant shifts in direction. It focuses on government recommendations for reform, identifies and describes key legislative changes, and explores changes to governance, appeals and adjudication. Legislation, case law, policy and practice are reviewed.
Part Three reviews the evidence of the impact of the Ontario reforms on a particular group: unemployed, permanently disabled workers. While the Board refuses to track the economic status of injured workers, research suggests poverty and stigma face many.
Conclusions suggest that Ontario’s workers’ compensation system was transformed from one established to address the interests of workers and employers separately to one that balances those interests and now into one that privileges the interests of employers. Workers’ interests are a cost to be reduced. The prospect of law reform as an empirically driven process to address injustice has been corrupted by a focus on correctness with fairness as an afterthought.
Cette thèse étudie les réformes de la législation ontarienne en matière d'indemnisation pour les accidents du travail apportées entre 1980 et 2012. Elle vise à comprendre, du point de vue des travailleurs accidentés, les promesses des réformes et leur mise en oeuvre. L'étude est structurée en trois parties.
La première partie fournit un cadre théorique ancré sur certaines théories juridiques et sur les principes régissant la prise de décision. Elle fournit une courte historique de la Commission des accidents du travail de l'Ontario, en regard de ses pouvoirs et pratiques décisionnelles avant les réformes.
La deuxième partie fait la synthèse de la réforme de la législation ontarienne en matière d'accidents du travail de 1980 à 2012. Elle se divise en cinq périodes reflétant les réorientations importantes. Elle aborde les recommandations gouvernementales, décrit les modifications législatives et explore les changements apportés au niveau de la gouvernance, des appels et des modalités de prise de décision. La législation, la jurisprudence, les directives et les pratiques sont étudiées.
La troisième partie analyse, à la lumière des statistiques et les recherches scientifiques sur le sujet, l'impact des réformes ontariennes sur un groupe particulier: les travailleurs porteurs d'atteintes permanentes et qui sont sans emploi. Alors que la Commission refuse de documenter le statut économique des travailleurs accidentés, la recherche suggère que plusieurs font face à la pauvreté et la stigmatisation.
Les conclusions de la thèse suggèrent que le système d'indemnisation des accidentés du travail de l'Ontario est passé d'un système conçu pour répondre aux intérêts des travailleurs et des employeurs de manière séparée à un système qui a cherché l'équilibre entre ces intérêts, pour, maintenant, privilégier les intérêts des employeurs. Les intérêts des travailleurs sont des coûts à être réduits. La perspective de la réforme du droit en tant que processus fondé sur les données scientifiques pour répondre à l'injustice a été corrompue par un focus sur le caractère correct des décisions, et l'équité est devenue une considération qui vient en dernier lieu.
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Articulating the realm of the possible: two farm marketing boards and the legal administrative fieldJardine, David Neil 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis suggests that it is impossible to consider any administrative agency in the
abstract without losing important elements of the nature of the legal environment within
which the agency operates. There is a large gap between the theories of formal
administrative law and the experience of practice in particular administrative settings.
Drawing upon the work of sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, the thesis develops the concept of
the legal administrative field as a means to approach this issue. The use of Bourdieu's
concepts of field, habitus and capital help to articulate and give a theoretical structure to a
process and series of practices that are otherwise hard to identify or study.
Two Alberta farm marketing boards, and certain specific legal issues faced by each board,
are examined in detail and analyzed in terms of the concept of the legal administrative
field. It is shown that for each board, the realm of what was 'legally possible' shifted
despite the fact that there were no changes in the formal administrative law and that legal
practice in these fields involves far more than the application of the principles of formal
administrative law. The intersection of the principles and habitus of formal administrative
law, the structure provided by the legislative and regulatory framework, and the respective
capital and habitus of all the individuals, agents and agencies within the field all interact
and these complex interactions are what structure the legal administrative fields and shape
the shifts which occur within them. In the struggles of interpretation which occur in these
fields an attempt to make a clear demarcation between the practice of law by lawyers and
the administration of the system by administrators is inadequate; it simplifies and renders
invisible much of the complex series of interactions in which the legal practitioner is a
participant and which create the field in which he or she practices.
The conclusion is that the heuristic value of the legal administrative field in relation to the
legal issues faced by the two marketing boards, and in relation to legal practice in the farm
marketing area has been established and that this concept provides a useful perspective
and a valuable supplement to a more traditional approach. / Law, Peter A. Allard School of / Graduate
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Qualidade na gestão do planejamento: ato administrativo digital e eficiência na regulação municipalRichardo, Rodolfo Luiz Maderic 12 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-05-13T18:26:07Z
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Rodolfo Luiz Maderic Richardo.pdf: 766753 bytes, checksum: 8c41a2becba262b44ae715e50805a013 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-12-12 / The exemptions for Public Administration are enhanced by greater attendance trends aimed at the Principle of Efficiency , sure the Planning Management should rely on administrative acts digital and greatly enhance the state action . There is need , however, that such practices , not as a mark of excessive bureaucracy , are regulated under the terms and limits of the Principles of Legality and the Supremacy of the Public Interest . The activities of the state are expanded in essential services and interventions in Economics , and the municipalities , this approach symmetric and regional can and should emerge as federal units decentralized and efficient in Public Management . While the managerial and bureaucratic model is still unfeasible in dealing with the regulation of state affairs arises therefore the possibility of Planning seeking qualitative methods electronics. / As derrogações da Administração Pública são aprimoradas por tendências que visam maior atendimento ao Princípio da Eficiência, certo de que a Gestão do Planejamento deva contar com atos administrativos digitais e que sobremaneira intensificam a ação estatal. Há necessidade, contudo, que tais práticas, não como marco de burocracia desmedida, sejam reguladas nos termos e limites dos Princípios da Legalidade e da Supremacia do Interesse Público. As atividades do Estado ampliam-se em serviços essenciais e intervenções na Economia, e os Municípios, nessa aproximação simétrica e regional, podem e devem despontar como unidades federativas descentralizadas e eficientes na Gestão Pública. Ao passo que o modelo gerencial e burocrático ainda inviabiliza-se no trato da regulação dos assuntos do Estado, surge, portanto, a possibilidade do Planejamento em busca de métodos qualitativos eletrônicos.
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Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht, Verwaltungsprozessrecht und Kommunalrecht: Finanzhaie in Ludwigswerk?: ReferendarexamensklausurSchmidt, Christopher 15 July 2020 (has links)
Die einfach gelagerte Klausur ist im Kommunalrecht verortet, dessen Grundzüge Gegenstand der ersten Prüfung sind. Aufgabenstellung und Lösung orientieren sich an zwei jüngeren Entscheidungen des OVG Münster aus dem Mai 2014, in denen es um die Zulässigkeit von Bürgerbegehren in Bornheim bzw. Schwelm ging1, wobei es für eine gelungene Klausur darauf ankommt, die wesentlichen Probleme zu erkennen und entsprechend zu diskutieren. Zusätzlich sind Problemlagen des allgemeinen Verwaltungsrechts und des Verwaltungsprozessrechts berücksichtigt.
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Die Gesamtrechtsnachfolge im Verwaltungsrecht, insbesondere im EinkommensteuerrechtFrye, Bernhard 16 December 2009 (has links)
Damit bei Wegfall einer Person deren Rechts- und Pflichtenstellung weder untergeht noch herrenlos wird, ordnet das zivilrechtliche Gesamtrechtsnachfolgeprinzip den Übergang des Vermögens vom Rechtsvorgänger auf den Gesamtrechtsnachfolger an. In den verwaltungsrechtlichen Gesetzen fehlen derartige allgemeine Regelungen. Dabei ist auch im Hinblick auf verwaltungsrechtliche, insbesondere einkommensteuerrechtliche Positionen darüber zu entscheiden, ob diese mit dem Rechtsvorgänger untergehen oder noch dessen Vermögen beeinflussen oder unmittelbar dem Gesamtrechtsnachfolger zuzurechnen sind. Gerade ein und derselbe einkommensteuerrelevante Umstand kann bei Rechtsvorgänger und Gesamtrechtsnachfolger zu ganz unterschiedlichen Folgen führen.
Im ersten, allgemeinen Teil der Arbeit wird ein System erarbeitet, mit dessen Hilfe über das Schicksal verwaltungs- einschließlich steuerrechtlicher Positionen bei Gesamtrechtsnachfolge entschieden werden kann. Im zweiten, einkommensteuerrechtlichen Teil folgt die Probe aufs Exempel: Fallgruppenweise wird untersucht, wie sich der Erbfall als der Urtyp der Gesamtrechtsnachfolge auf die Einkommensteuer des Rechtsvorgängers und des Gesamtrechtsnachfolgers auswirkt. Behandelt werden die „fertigen“ Ansprüche aus dem Einkommensteuerschuldverhältnis bei ledigem und verheiratetem Erblasser sowie die Einkünfte einschließlich der Verluste des Erblassers. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die sog. unfertigen Rechtslagen gelegt, insbesondere die sog. nachträglichen Einkünfte bei gespaltener Tatbestandsverwirklichung, die sog. stillen Reserven bei Wirtschaftsgütern des Betriebsvermögens, die Wertsteigerungen im Privatvermögen einschließlich Anschaffungsvorgang und vom Rechtsvorgänger ausgelöster Fristen, schließlich auch die einkommensteuerrechtlichen Wahlrechte.
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