Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] AFFILIATION"" "subject:"[enn] AFFILIATION""
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In-house mentoring and school leadership : perceptions of well-performing primary school principalsVan der Merwe, H. January 2014 (has links)
Published Article / A growing scholarship links good leadership with in-house mentoring. This article looks at how well-performing school leaders benefitted from the inhouse mentoring they received. The author reports on a qualitative investigation based on in-depth individual interviews with six primary school leaders from Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and Northwest Provence who were purposefully selected based on their receiving a national award for excellence in leadership. These awards were made by the Department of Basic Education in the category 'Excellence in primary school leadership'. The findings show that in-house mentoring benefitted participants holistically through behavioural, knowledge and skills acquisition. Behavioural acquisition included being humble and empathetic towards constructive work performance. Knowledge and skills acquisition related to sustaining the standard of teaching of core subjects, relying on committee input in a relational leadership approach and ensuring a dedicated teacher corps and positive parent involvement. The findings contribute to the discourse on inhouse mentoring for improved school leadership practice.
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針對臉書粉絲專頁貼文之政治傾向預測 / Predicting Political Affiliation for Posts on Facebook Fan Pages張哲嘉, Chang, Che Chia Unknown Date (has links)
近年來社群媒體興起,尤其以臉書為主。在台灣超過1500萬個臉書用戶,其遍及族群從公眾人物到一般民眾。此外,這類的新興資訊交流平台其實內含許多有意義的資訊,每一則貼文都隱含著每個使用者的情緒以及立場傾向。然而,利用社群媒體來預測選舉與使用者政治傾向已成為目前的趨勢,在台灣各政黨與政治人物紛紛成立粉絲專頁,投入利用網路與社群媒體來打選戰與預測民調。本研究發現此一特性,致力於預測粉絲專頁貼文之政治傾向,收集台灣兩大政黨派國民黨與民進黨之粉絲專頁貼文,建立兩種預測模型分別為以相異字為特徵模型與文字互動特徵模型。利用資料探勘之相關技術,以貼文所含藍綠政黨特徵表現建立分類器,並細部探討與設計多種特徵組合,比較不同特徵組合之預測效果與影響因素以及在預測資料不平衡的情況下是否影響分類結果。最後,研究結果顯示使用文字特徵中黨派典型字與互動特徵值域取對數並搭配KNN分類器效果最佳,其準確度可達0.908,F1-score可達0.827。 / Recently, the social media is becoming more and more popular, especially Facebook. In Taiwan, there are 15 million Facebook users from celebrities to the general public. Receiving information every day from Facebook has become a lifestyle of most people. These new information-exchanging platforms contain lots of meaningful messages including users' emotions and affiliations. Moreover, using the social media data to predict the election result and political affiliation is becoming the current trend in Taiwan. For example, politicians try to win the election and predict the polls by means of Internet and the social media, and every political parties also have their own fan pages. In this thesis, we make an effort to predict the political inclinations of the posts of fan pages, especially for KMT and DPP which are the two largest political parties in Taiwan. We filter the appropriate literal and interactive features. We use the posts of the two parties to predict the political inclinations by constructing the classification models .In the end, we compare the performances of different classifiers .The result shows that the literal and interactive features work the best with KNN classifier, whose accuracy and F1-score are 0.908 and 0.827, respectively.
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Religiosität und häusliche ArbeitsteilungMühler, Kurt 22 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Daraus leitet sich folgende Forschungsfrage ab: Hat die Intensität der religiösen Überzeugung einer Person Einfluss auf eine ungleiche Arbeitsteilung im Haushalt? Die Basishypothese dieses Aufsatzes besteht in Folgendem: Je religiöser sich eine befragte Person einschätzt, desto häufiger werden in einem partnerschaftlichen Haushalt als weiblich konnotierte Haushaltstätigkeiten von der Ehefrau bzw. Lebenspartnerin ausgeführt. Auf die methodischen Implikationen wird später ausführlich eingegangen. Aus der Basishypothese werden nun empirisch prüfbare Hypothesen gebildet, die weiterführend eine Grundlage für die Prüfung von Interaktionseffekten bilden. Damit soll herausgefunden werden, in welchem Umfang Religiosität mental vernetzt ist, also nachweisbare Wirkungen moderiert und damit als eine zentrale Variable in der Verarbeitung sozialer Bedingungen angesehen werden kann.
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Bereavement is an important area of research as it may result in grief reactions that lead to serious psychological and health consequences (Stroebe, Schut, & Stroebe, 2007). Positive outcomes, such as personal growth or spiritual well-being, may also transpire post-loss (Hogan & Schmidt, 2002; Paloutzian & Ellison, 1982). Though research on bereavement has grown, few studies have focused on the at-risk group of emerging adults (Hardison, Neimeyer, & Lichstein, 2005; Arnett, 2000). The current study aims to add to the bereavement in emerging adulthood literature through analyzing descriptive data and assessing the impact of type of loss (i.e., nonviolent vs. violent), religious affiliation (i.e., Affiliated/Christian vs. Unaffiliated), and religious coping on post-loss grief intensity, personal growth, and spiritual well-being among emerging adults. Although results did not support several hypotheses, findings from the current study reinforce and expand extant literature on bereavement and religiosity/spirituality in emerging adults.
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What Counts as Religion in Sociology? : The Problem of Religiosity in Sociological MethodologyWillander, Erika January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to contribute to the ongoing critical discussion within the sociology of religion by focusing on the seldom considered perspective of methodology. As such, it consists of a theoretical part that problematizes the ways in which religion has been analyzed, and an empirical part that develops how religiosity can be approached in sociological studies. The thesis seeks, in other words, to contribute to how sociologists analyze religion, and addresses a research problem that has gained new relevance in the aftermath of criticism of the secularization paradigm. In the theoretical part, the assumptions underlying the ways in which religion is studied are revisited, as is the impact that these have had as faras the empirical study of religion is concerned in one of the countries often assumed to be secularized – i.e. Sweden. The empirical part of the thesis is comprised of three studies based on the latest European Value Survey, qualitative interviews and the Blogosphere on religion-related content (n=220000 blog posts). The results from these studies are used to reconsider the religiousmainstream, the “package”-like assumptions often made about affiliation, belief and practice, as well as the fact that the study of religiosity tends to be relegated to the periphery of the imagination of sociologists of religion. The thesis proposes that if we want to study religion in a lay people sensitive way we cannot continue to overlook their understandings of the sacred, the ways in which they regard their own religiosity, and the fact that their affiliation,belief and practice do not necessarily fit the expectations of established ways of analyzing religion.
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Att våga investera sina känslor : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av att vara och bli familjehemEngström, Stina, Hamrén, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad det innebär att vara familjehemsförälder och att ta sig an ett barn som inte är ens eget, samt att öka kunskapen om varför familjer väljer att bli och fortsätta vara familjehem. Studien har genomförts genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex familjehemsföräldrar. Geografiskt sett är informanterna till studien utspridda över Mellansverige. Intervjuerna har gett material som sedan analyserats med hjälp av emotionssociologi, begreppet livsplan och anknytningsteori, samt tidigare forskning. Studiens resultat visar att motiven till att bli familjehem är av skiftande karaktär. Några av informanterna nämner att det främsta motivet är att de på något sätt vill leva med barn i familjen. Andra berättar om viljan att hjälpa till på ett samhälleligt plan och att rädda barn från det sociala arvet. Som familjehem finns det förväntningar på att skapa en anknytning till det placerade barnet och samtidigt vara inställd på att placeringen kan upphöra. Studiens resultat visar att trots att det finns en osäkerhet kring om barnet kommer att få stanna kvar i familjehemmet hindrar det inte familjehemsföräldrarna från att gå in helhjärtat med sina känslor. Resultatet visar också att familjehemmen inte betraktar uppgiften som ett uppdrag utan snarare som ett ”vanligt” föräldraskap. Studien visar också att familjehemsföräldrarna ser ett stort värde i att upprätthålla en god relation med de biologiska föräldrarna, samtidigt som de beskriver det som något av det mest utmanande med uppdraget. / The purpose of the study is to examine what it means to be a foster parent and what it means to take care of a child who is not one's own and to increase the knowledge of why families choose to become and be a family home. The study has been carried out through qualitative semi-structured interviews with six foster parents. Geographically, the informants of the study are scattered across central Sweden. The interviews have given material that has been analyzed with help from emotional sociology, attachment theory and the concept of life plan, as well as previous research. The study's results show that the motives for becoming a foster home are of varying nature. Some of the informants mention that the main motive is that they in some way want to live with a child in the family. Others tell of the willingness to help on a social level and save children from the social heritage. As a family home there are expectations to create a connection to the child that has been placed in their care and at the same time be prepared that the placement can end. The study's results show that even though there is uncertainty about whether the child will stay in the family home, it does not prevent foster parents from entering wholeheartedly with their feelings. The result shows that foster homes do not regard the task as an assignment but rather as “regular" parenting. The study also shows that foster parents see great value in maintaining a good relationship with the biological parents, while at the same time it is one of the most challenging parts of the assignment.
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Obrigação alimentar decorrente da ascendência genéticaNogueira, Luíza Souto 25 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The dissertation titled CHILD SUPPORT ORIGINATED ON GENETIC
ASCENDANCY aims to answer whether it is possible to make the genetic ascendant
accountable to provide child support to his descendant when he has constituted a paternalmaternal-
filial bond with another person due to a consensual adoption or an affection
affiliated bond. From the analysis of the principles governing family law it is sought to
establish an interpretation course of the legal norms, applicable to this field, since the legal
protection of family relationships is endowed with a series of peculiarities. In addressing the
concept of filiation and its modalities resulting from both the adoption and the affection
affiliated bond, it has been established the understanding that the paternal-maternal-filial
relationship bond does not result from consanguinity, but from affection and the willingness
to establish it. Going through the elements of the child support obligation, it was possible to
understand its importance on warranting human dignity of whoever depends on receiving this
benefit. It was also considered the concept of child support fatherhood and how it has been
understood by the legal community who took the opportunity to deal on this subject. Finally,
from an interrelation between civil responsibility and the act of delivering for adoption or to
abandon, it has been possible to understand that, in having a damage resulting from such
conduct, there will be civil liability for the biological parent, who may be required to provide
child support to whoever he has generated, but has not taken as a son / A dissertação intitulada OBRIGAÇÃO ALIMENTAR DECORRENTE DA
ASCENDÊNCIA GENÉTICA visa responder se é possível responsabilizar o(s) ascendente(s)
genético(s) pela prestação de alimentos ao seu descendente quando este constituiu vínculo
paterno-materno-filial com outra(s) pessoa(s) em razão da adoção consentida ou da
socioafetividade. A partir da análise dos princípios que regem o direito de família buscou-se
estabelecer um norte de interpretação das normas jurídicas quando aplicáveis a essa seara,
uma vez que a tutela jurídica das relações familiares é dotada de uma série de peculiaridades.
Ao abordar o conceito de filiação e de suas modalidades decorrentes da adoção e da
socioafetividade, estabeleceu-se entendimento no sentido de que o vínculo paterno-maternofilial
não decorre necessariamente da consanguinidade, mas do afeto e da vontade em
estabelecê-lo. Perpassando pelos elementos da obrigação alimentar, foi possível compreender
a sua importância para a garantia da dignidade humana daquele que depende do recebimento
dessa prestação. Analisou-se, ainda, o conceito de paternidade alimentar e qual a sua
compreensão pelos operadores do direito que se dedicaram a tratar sobre o tema. E,
finalmente, a partir da realização de uma inter-relação entre a responsabilidade civil e o ato de
entregar à adoção ou de abandonar, foi possível entender que, havendo dano decorrente dessa
conduta, haverá responsabilidade civil do genitor biológico, que poderá ser condenado a
prestar alimentos àquele que gerou, mas não assumiu como filho
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Les parcours homosexuels et les styles de conjugalité chez les lesbiennes vivant en couple / Homosexual pathways and conjugality styles among lesbians living in couplesCostechareire, Celine 15 January 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale se consacre à l’homosexualité féminine et s’attarde sur les manières dont elle peut être vécue d’un milieu social à un autre. En France, de nos jours, à l’exception de quelques travaux, les travaux consacrés à l’homosexualité féminine apparaissent encore peu nombreux. À la croisée de la sociologie de l’homosexualité et de la sociologie de la famille, cette recherche s’intéresse ainsi à un objet d’étude encore mal connu. Les résultats rapportés dans cette recherche ont, en outre, pour originalité d’appréhender le vécu de l’homosexualité en termes d’appartenance sociale. Cette recherche se décompose en deux temps. La première partie s’intéresse à la pluralité des manières de vivre l’homosexualité observée entre les lesbiennes et qui, à l’échelle de l’individu, jalonne un « parcours homosexuel ». Le parcours est entendu comme un cheminement par lequel l’individu va découvrir et expérimenter ses préférences sexuelles, puis se construire et se positionner à l’égard de l’homosexualité. Il se décline en différents processus et invite à saisir l’affirmation des orientations homosexuelles par le biais d’une succession d’étapes. À cet égard, les analyses révèleront combien il apparaît important d’appréhender la place qu’occupe l’homosexualité dans la définition de soi, la conjugalité et les sociabilités au fil du parcours et de l’affirmation des préférences sexuelles. Evoluant dans le temps, cette place apparaît étroitement corrélée à la propension à la stigmatisation et à l’intériorisation du stigmate, deux éléments qui varient d’un milieu social à un autre. Cette recherche s’intéresse, par ailleurs, aux correspondances qui s’établissent entre les parcours homosexuels et les styles de conjugalité, entre les manières de vivre l’homosexualité et les manières de « faire couple ». L’analyse s’applique à dégager les différentes étapes du parcours menant à la stabilité conjugale et à pointer, en ce sens, l’interdépendance qui se noue entre la conjugalité et les parcours homosexuels. Il apparaît important d’appréhender les manières de faire couple et les manières de vivre l’homosexualité dans une même dynamique. La conjugalité est, par ailleurs, en partie étudiée par le biais de sa dimension matérielle. En s’intéressant à des couples lesbiens cohabitant, l’observation s’attarde, en effet, sur la pluralité des formes de conjugalité qui s’édifient au sein de l’habitat. Les investigations portent sur les formes de conjugalité contemporaines et sur le rôle d’acteur qu’endosse chaque conjoint dans l’élaboration de sa relation. De nos jours, la prise de distance à l’égard des formes de conjugalité traditionnelle - certes relative d’un milieu social à un autre - invite les partenaires à inventer leur relation, à prendre une part active dans la construction de leur union. La recherche s’ancre dans la nouveauté de ces phénomènes observés. / This doctoral research is devoted to female homosexuality and focuses on the ways in which it can be lived/experienced from one social milieu/background to another. Currently, in France, there are few studies focusing on female homosexuality. At the crossroads of the sociology of homosexuality and the sociology of the family, this research is thus exploring a topic yet little known in sociology. Furthermore, the originality of this research lies in its approach as it apprehends the experience of homosexuality in terms of/from the standpoint of/from the perspective of social belonging.This research breaks down in two stages. The first part focuses on the plurality of homosexual livelihoods observed amongst lesbians which, at the individual level, punctuates a "homosexual journey". The journey is understood as a process through which the individual will discover and experience her sexual preferences, then build and position herself with regard to homosexuality. It comes in sequential processes leading to the affirmation of homosexual orientations. In this respect, the analyzes will reveal how important it is to understand the role played by homosexuality in self-discovery, conjugality and sociability during this journey and the emergence of sexual preferences. Evolving over time, this role appears to be closely correlated with the propensity to stigmatize and the internalizing of the stigma, two elements that vary from one social milieu to another.Furthermore, this doctoral thesis enquires the connections between a) the different homosexual pathways and the different styles of conjugality; b) the ways in which homosexuality is lived and the ways of "being a couple". The analysis aims at identifying the different stages of the path leading to conjugal stability and to point out, the interdependence between conjugality and homosexual pathways. It appears important to understand the ways to make a couple and ways of living homosexuality in the same dynamic. Otherwise, conjugality is partially studied through its material dimension. By looking at cohabiting lesbian couples, the observation dwells on the plurality of forms of conjugality that are built in the habitat. The investigations focus on the contemporary forms of conjugality and the role that each partner plays in the development of their relationship. Nowadays, a shift of focus from the forms of traditional conjugality - indeed varying from one social milieu to another - encourages the partners to invent their relationship and take an active part in the construction of their union. Research is rooted in the novelty of these observed phenomena.
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La diversité à l'université<br />Analyse sociolinguistique de copies et de discours d'étudiants entrant à la faculté de Lettres et sciences humaines de RouenMortamet, Clara 26 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de recherche est parti d'une opportunité, celle de recueillir toutes les copies des étudiants de lettres et sciences humaines de Rouen à un test d'entrée en langue. Cette expérience nous a donné l'occasion de revenir sur les questions d'hétérogénéité et sur le lien entre hétérogénéité linguistique et échec universitaire. Mais cela nous a permis aussi de mener une enquête sociolinguistique à grande échelle, en analysant l'ensemble des copies d'une promotion d'étudiants et en recherchant dans certaines de leurs caractéristiques sociales une explication de la variation. Nous avons ajouté à cette approche quantitative une analyse plus qualitative de la variation, analyse qui tient compte de notre préoccupation très forte pour les questions d'altérité.<br />Dans une seconde partie, nous avons travaillé sur la diversité des représentations de ces étudiants, en exploitant les résultats d'une enquête par questionnaire, ainsi qu'une série d'entretiens menés tout au long de leur première année de faculté. Là encore, nous avons cherché à expliquer la variation rencontrée à partir des données sociales des étudiants.<br />A travers l'analyse de ces deux formes de diversité des étudiants –leurs pratiques linguistiques, leurs représentations–, nous avons voulu saisir le lien entre l'hétérogénéité des étudiants à l'entrée, leurs caractéristiques sociales et leurs chances de réussite, d'échec ou d'abandon en fin d'année.
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Berättelser inifrån : En jämförande undersökning av vittnesutsagor om massakrer från två städer i sydöstra Turkiet 1915-1919. / Stories from within : A comparative study of witness statements on atrocities in two cities in south-eastern Turkey, 1915-1919Gorgis, George January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare narrations by five witnesses, who has written about atrocities against Christians from 1915 to 1919 in what is today south-eastern Turkey, but what was then the Ottoman Empire. I have focused on how the roles of perpetrators, victims, spectators and protectors are featured in the witness narrations. Four questions were posed in the study: Who are portrayed as perpetrators, victims, bystanders and protectors in the various witness narrations? How are these roles expressed in the witness narrations? What differences can be found among the five selected witness narrations from Mardin and Urfa, 1915-1919? What are the explanations of the differences in the witness narrations? The method I have used has been an analysis in which I compare how the different narrations capture the events of 1915-1919. I have used three factors to look at the explanations why there may be differences in the witness narrations. The three factors are nationality, position, and religious affiliation. In the comparison and the results of the witness narrations, I have found that the three factors affect the way the authors write about the events and that these factors help to explain the differences in the witness narrations. These factors are a part of the authors’ respective worldviews. Also, local differences, power constellations, and political factors meant that witness narrations differed.</p>
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