Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] AFFILIATION"" "subject:"[enn] AFFILIATION""
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"Jag förtjänade inte det där, ingen gör det!" : En kvalitativ studie om generationstillhörighetens betydelse för våldsutsatta kvinnors utträdesprocesser ur våldsamma kärleksrelationer. / “I did not deserve that, nobody does” : A qualitative study about the effect of generational affiliation on abused women’s role exit.Jonsson, Emelie, Tousi, Shirin January 2021 (has links)
Title: “I did not deserve that, nobody does” - A qualitative study about the effect of generational affiliation on abused women’s role exit. Authors: Emelie Jonsson and Shirin Tousi. This study intends to gain understanding about the process of role exit for women who once lived in violent and abusive close relationships, and what the generation the women belong to may mean. The empirical data is based on women’s histories and experiences of living in and leaving violent relationships. The data has been collected through a qualitative method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 women, of which half took place with women aged 20-30 and half with women aged 50-60. To understand the empirical data three different theoretical perspectives have been chosen. The theories that have been chosen are Yvonne Hirdmans’ (2004) theory about gender structures, Helen Rose Ebaughs’ (1988) theory about the process of role exit and lastly Clary Krekula and Barbro Johansson’s (2017) generational perspective. Some of the theoretical concepts that have been used in order to gain understanding of the women’s experiences are gender relations, hierarchy, dichotomy, gender contract, role exit and generation. The results of this, show that generational affiliation has a notable impact on women’s exit from violent close relationships. The first question is, In what way does generational affiliation affect women's initial thoughts of wanting to leave a violent relationship? The results show that women's generational belonging affected their first initial thoughts about leaving the violent relationship greatly. Women who belong to the younger generation are more individualistic in their way of thinking and acting, whilst women who belong to the older generation are guided and moulded by their close surroundings. The second question in this study is, What significance does generational affiliation have on women’s actual exit from violent relationships? This study’s results show that the generation one belongs to is of great importance for a woman's actual exit from violent relationships, but the effect is expressed differently within the two different generations. The women from the older generation do not act on their own needs and wants but on the needs of their children and family. The women who belong to the younger generation are more individualists and choose to leave the violent relationships as a result of violent incidents that have harmed them personally. The third question discussed in this study is, In what way has one’s generation affected the women after their exit from the violent relationships? The results show that the women from the younger generation have been able to move on after exit from the violent relationships, whilst the women from the older generation have gotten stuck in a hangover identity from their ex-role of being exposed to violence.
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Health consequences of group living in wild Verreaux’s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi)Rudolph, Katja 07 February 2020 (has links)
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Hållbarhetsredovisning : en studie om vilken påverkan bransch och storlek har på företagens hållbarhetsrapporter mellan tre branscher / Sustainability Reporting : a study on the impact of industry and size on companies' sustainability reports between three industriesAnouz, Mohamad, Zahirović, Aldin January 2020 (has links)
Sociala och miljömässiga frågor är ämnen som spelar en central roll för hur synen på en hållbar och rättvis värld ska fungera i framtiden. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur branschtillhörighet och företagsstorlek i form av antalet anställda påverkar mängden hållbarhetsinformation företag rapporterar i sina hållbarhetsrapporter. Uppsatsen undersökte femton företag som är listade på Stockholmsbörsens Large Cap, där finans-, industri- och telekombranschen studerades. Studiens syfte och hypoteser undersöktes utifrån en kvantitativ forskningsansats i form av en multipel fallstudie, där en innehållsanalys genomfördes av respektive företags hållbarhetsrapporter för året 2019. Innehållsanalysen utgick ifrån en checklista som skapades utifrån GRIs uppställda riktlinjer för hållbarhetsrapportering. Insamlad data flyttades sedan över från checklistan till en kodningsmall. Detta gjordes i syfte att visa en tydligare bild över antal rapporterade parametrar och att kvantifiera studiens frågeställning till siffror. Den insamlade empirin analyserades sedan utifrån den givna teoretiska referensramen, där studiens syfte och material kopplades till legitimitet- och intressentteorin. Studiens slutsats visar på att både branschtillhörighet och företagsstorlek i form av antalet anställda är en avgörande faktorer på mängden information en hållbarhetsrapport innehåller. / Social and environmental issues are topics that play an important role in envisioning a sustainable and fair future. The purpose of this study was to investigate how industry affiliation and company size, measured by the number of employees, affect the amount of information a company reports in its sustainability report. The thesis examined fifteen companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange's Large Cap, which included companies in the finance, industrial and telecom sectors. The purpose and hypotheses of the study were examined by using a multiple case study through a quantitative research approach, where a content analysis was conducted on each of the respective companies' sustainability reports for the year of 2019. The content analysis was built upon a checklist based on GRI's established guidelines for sustainability reports. The collected data was then transferred from the checklist to a coding template. This was done in order to show and to quantify the study's research topic in to numbers. The collected empirical data was thereafter analyzed based on the given theoretical frame of reference, where the purpose and materials of the study were linked to the legitimacy and stakeholder theories. The study's conclusion indicates that both industry affiliation and company size in terms of the number of employees are a crucial factors in the amount of information a company puts in its sustainability report.
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Revisorsrotationens effekter : utifrån revisorers byråtillhörighet och professionella karriärMavriqi, Arber, Driman, Laila January 2020 (has links)
Regleringen gällande revisorsrotationen syftar till att stärka revisorers oberoende men tidigare forskning har dock påvisat diverse påföljder som kan anses som både negativa och positiva för revisorernas arbete. Således förekommer det många oeniga resultat angående revisorsrotationens olika effekter i den tidigare forskningen. Syftet med denna studie är att förklara revisorsrotationens effekter utifrån ställningstagandet hos revisorer i olika byråtillhörigheter och professionella karriärer. För att uppnå syftet har litteratur som behandlar revisorsrotationen, byråtillhörighet och revisorsprofessionen använts. Utifrån den tidigare forskningen har studien utformat åtta hypoteser som behandlar revisorsrotationens ekonomiska effekter, förtroendeeffekter och kvalitetseffekter. För att testa hypoteserna användes en webbaserad enkätundersökning riktad till revisorer som arbetar på små och stora revisionsbyråer i Sverige. Denna studie påvisar att revisorer med längre erfarenhet inom revisionsbranschen har en mer negativ syn på rotationens förtroendeeffekter. Studien bekräftar även att revisorerna anser att regleringen överlag är nödvändig för revisionsbranschen vilket även stöds av den tidigare forskningen. Däremot kunde studien inte påvisa någon skillnad i ställningstagandet hos revisorer i olika byråtillhörigheter. Likaså kunde ingen skillnad påvisas mellan revisorer med olika långa professionella karriärer och rotationens ekonomiska effekter och kvalitetseffekter. Studiens viktigaste bidrag är uppmärksammandet av revisorsrotationens effekter för revisionsbyråer och deras klientföretag. På så sätt blir revisionsbyråerna mer medvetna om rotationens påföljder vilket innebär att de eventuellt kan införa åtgärder för att hantera dessa. Studien kan även visa sig relevant för klientföretagen då studien bidrar med ökade kunskaper om hur regleringen påverkar revideringen av deras räkenskaper. / Mandatory audit rotation aims to improve auditor’s independence however previous research has shown that the regulation can cause both advantages and disadvantages on the audit profession. Researchers are therefore in a disagreement over whether or not the effects caused by the regulation are considered to be favourable or damaging to auditors. The purpose of this study is to explain mandatory audit rotation based on audit firm affiliation and auditors’ professional careers. A considerable amount of previous literature and research papers have been examined in order to reach the purpose of this study. Eight hypotheses have been defined based on earlier research within the subject. The hypotheses deal with the three main effects caused by the regulation, namely effects related to economics, public assurance and quality. A survey was used to test the study’s hypotheses and the selected respondents were auditors in Sweden. The results of the study show that more experienced auditors have a more negative view on the regulations effects related to public assurance. The study also confirms that auditors general view is that the regulation is necessary and important. On the other hand, the study could not prove that auditors within different firm affiliations have different views on the regulation. This study contributes to an increased understanding of how mandatory audit rotation effects auditors and their clients. By increasing the audit professions understanding and knowledge about the regulation audit firms can focus on taking action to handle the effects in a more efficient way.
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Emigration och immigration : En kvantitativ studie om Växjö stadsförsamlings utvandring och invandring mellan åren 1895–1924 / Emigration and immigration : A quantitative study of Växjö City Council’s emigration and immigration between the years 1895–1924Oguz, Simon, Liljegren, Alfred January 2023 (has links)
The succeeding study aims to analyze as well as enlighten, what kind of people that emigrated from Växjö city council to North America during three intervals, 1895–1904, 1905–1914 and1915–1924. It will be analyzed through five variables: gender, age, marital status, profession and furthermore class affiliation. The empirical material has been gathered through three various sources, the database EmiWeb, the digital database Riksarkivet and the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics. As stated before, this study's main issue is to study emigration, but it also analyzes the immigration from North America to Växjö city council during thes ame intervals and through the same variables. The outcome of the empiric material showed that it was mostly women who emigrated to North America. Given their ages, the result is that unmarried people between the ages 10–29 was a big majority of the emigrants whereas the older ages and married people were very few. Granted, most of them were workers, for instance craftsmen and industrial workers. Through an occupational classification, it was possible to deduce that the working class was the largest class affiliation.
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The first paper is a two-phase mixed methods study that explored the relationship among nature connectedness, mental health, and childhood nature experiences in a sample of McMaster undergraduates. Study objectives were twofold: (1) to determine associations between measures of nature connectedness, positive childhood nature experiences, and mental health via an online survey (Phase One); and, (2) to compare, qualitatively, the self-reported childhood nature experiences of students who are more nature connected to those who are less nature connected via in-depth interviews (Phase Two). Quantitative findings from the Phase One survey (N=308) showed that nature connectedness is associated with higher levels of emotional and psychological well-being and also correlates positively with students’ self-recalled positive childhood nature experiences. Thematic analysis of qualitative findings from in-depth interviews held with students (n=12) in Phase Two showed that students who measured relatively higher in nature connectedness recall growing up in the vicinity of accessible, expansive, natural places, and being raised in families that modeled a love for nature and valued shared nature experiences. Overall, findings suggest that positive experiences in natural places growing up may have long-term mental health benefits through fostering a more ecological self.
The second paper, an exploratory qualitative study, investigated the types of natural places that McMaster undergraduates consider beneficial to their mental health, and why. Twelve students were invited to photographically document a natural place that they consider mental health promoting. Thematic analysis of photographs and follow-up in-depth interviews revealed that students prefer familiar natural places that contain a variety of natural elements (especially mature trees and some form of water) and are separate from the context of everyday campus life (distanced from both the built and social campus environment). Overall, findings demonstrate the importance of acknowledging symbolic and social factors when assessing the potential mental health benefits of natural places for different groups and individuals.
In the third paper, an argumentative essay, we argued that colleges and universities should take nature’s mental health benefits seriously by finding ways to foster student-nature relationships both on their campuses, and in their surrounding communities. We present and describe four geographically informed ways that this might be accomplished: (1) raising awareness; (2) planning for the availability and accessibility of natural spaces; (3) bringing nature indoors, and; (4) using nature-based therapies. While many students may be “bleeding at the roots”, it is not too late to graft them back onto the earth. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA) / The first paper explored associations among childhood nature experiences, nature connectedness (a measure of the degree to which an individual includes nature in her or his identity), and mental health in McMaster undergrads. Quantitative results showed that positive childhood nature experiences, nature connectedness, and mental health are all significantly related. Qualitative findings showed that students who are more nature connected remember growing up in nature loving families and in the vicinity of expansive natural areas (e.g., a conservation area).
The second paper explored the types of natural places that McMaster undergrads consider beneficial to their mental health, and why. Twelve students were invited to visit a favourite natural place and take photographs of it. Qualitative findings showed that students’ prefer familiar natural places that contain a variety of natural elements and are separate from the context of campus life.
In the third paper, four strategies that post-secondary institutions can use to connect students with nature are presented: (1) raising awareness; (2) planning for the availability and accessibility of natural spaces; (3) bringing nature indoors, and; (4) using nature-based therapies. While many students may be “bleeding at the roots”, it is not too late to graft them back onto the earth.
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The Value in Science: Perceptions of Religiosity Influence Trust of ScientistsBeauchamp, Alexandra L. 26 September 2018 (has links)
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Structural analysis of treatment and punishment attitudes toward offendersRogers, Darrin L. 24 August 2005 (has links)
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Hållbarhetsredovisning mellan olika branscher : En jämförelse av innehållet i hållbarhetsredovisning mellan olika branscher i svenska börsnoterade företagAlharire, Saeed, Khazendar, Taher January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hållbarhetsredovisning har fått stor betydelse och mer uppmärksamhet de senaste åren. Det ökande trycket på hållbarhet har gett upphov till nya lagkrav och regler för företag som redovisar hållbarhet i sina årsredovisningar. Det har bland annat vuxit fram regelverk och organisationer för att stödja företag att vara transparenta och skapa en tydlig gemensam struktur för företagens hållbarhetsredovisning som till exempel GRI. Tidigare forskning menar att hållbarhetsredovisningen skiljer sig beroende på i vilken bransch företaget verkar. Dessa skillnader gör det i sin tur svårt att jämföra hållbarhetsredovisningar. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur tillämpningen av GRI-standards påverkar innehållet i hållbarhetsrapporter och huruvida innehållet skiljer sig mellan olika branscher inom den svenska marknaden. Vidare är syftet att bidra med en djupare förståelse kring hur branschtillhörighet påverkar skillnaden i prioritering av ämnesspecifika upplysningar i svenska företags hållbarhetsrapporter som är upprättade enligt GRI-standards. Metod: Studien använder sig av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys med en deduktiv forskningsansats för att jämföra 40 företags hållbarhetsrapporter som är upprättade enligt GRI-standards. Företagen i studien valdes ut från fyra olika branscher totalt 10 företag från varje bransch. I studien används statistiska tester i form av One Way Anova och Post Hoc Tukey test. Slutsats: Studien visar att branschtillhörighet påverkar skillnaden i prioritering av ämnesspecifika upplysningar inom GRI-standards. Det empiriska resultat visar att det finns skillnader mellan företagens hållbarhetsredovisningar. Jämförelsen av ekonomikategorin visade att det inte finns någon signifikant skillnad mellan branscherna. Redovisning av socialkategori och miljökategori visade att det finns en signifikant skillnad i redovisning av de ämnesspecifika aspekterna mellan de undersökta branscherna. / Background: Sustainability reporting has gained great importance and more attention in recent years. Increasing pressure on sustainability has led to new legal requirements and rules for companies reporting on sustainability in their annual reports. Among others, regulations and organisations have emerged to help companies be transparent and provide a clear common structure for corporate sustainability reporting, such as the GRI. Previous research has found that sustainability reporting varies by the industry in which the company operates. These differences in turn make it difficult to compare sustainability reports. Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate how the application of the GRI standards affects the content of sustainability reports and whether the content differs between different industries within the Swedish market. It also aims to gain a deeper understanding of how industry affiliation influences the different prioritisation of topic-specific information in Swedish companies sustainability reports that have been prepared in accordance with GRI standards. Method: The study used a quantitative content analysis with a deductive research approach to compare the sustainability reports of 40 companies prepared according to the GRI standards. The companies studied were selected from four different industries, totaling 10 companies from each industry. The study uses statistical tests in the form of One Way Anova and Post Hoc Tukey tests. Conclusion: The study shows that industry affiliation has an impact on the different prioritisation of subject-specific information within the GRI standards. The empirical results show that there are differences between companies' sustainability reports. The comparison of the business category shows that there is no significant difference between the industries. Reporting in the social and environmental categories shows a significant difference in reporting on the subject-specific aspects between the industries studied.
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