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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corporate Governance in Banking Industry: Gender Diversity in Boardrooms : A quantitative study of Swedish - banks during the period 2001-2010

Hassan, Ahmed, Lukong, Paul Berinyuy January 2012 (has links)
Banking as a financial institution and a business has gone beyond providing banking servicesand making profits for the proprietors to assume macro positions like involving in activitiesthat propel an entire economy. This has earned the interest of national governments and thesociety as well as the international community as a whole inciting a need for supervision inorder to ensure sustainability.Banks as corporate organizations with the above stipulated stake holders and management arein a constant tog of war with each stakeholder seeking to protect its own kind which hasdegenerated to a vice often known in corporate governance as agency cost or principal-agentconflict. In corporate governance there is a board of directors that is designed to align theshareholders interest and management interest in order to check this agency cost.In our thesis we have expatiated widely on the concept of corporate governance, board ofdirectors and its composition. We have isolated gender diversity, which is one of thecompositions of the board to find out how it contributes to control agency cost by establishingits effect on ROE, which is a firm performance indicator. We introduced control variables tocheck our results.We collected data from the annual reports of Nordea, Swedbank, Handelsbanken and SEB,which are the listed banks in the OMX NASDAQ exchange Stockholm for period 2001 to2010. The board characteristic we used is the proportion of females in the entire board and thefirm performance indicator we chose is ROE. We carried out a longitudinal study for thewhole industry and for individual firms in the industry over the ten-year period.We have variation in the results over the different firms and in the industry but there is nosignificant relationship. We concluded that the proportion of females in the board rooms doesnot necessarily affect firm performance as viewed with the use of ROE but other factorstogether with gender proportion exert a combined effect and these other factors are correlatedand therefore affect the performance of each other either positively or negatively. Thisscenario was therefore not realistic enough to establish a relationship between genderproportion and ROE.

Analysis and Application about the Valuation Model of Dynamic Capital Structure

Huang, Jui-Ching 20 August 2001 (has links)
The modern capital structure theory attempts to determine an optimal capital structure on the maximum shareholder¡¦s wealth. In practice, it is very difficult to find an optimal capital structure. Nevertheless, the dynamic capital structure model can simulate an optimal capital structure by Monte Carlo approach. Therefore, this study begin at the opinion of sales revenue and modifies the model of Goldstein, Ju and Leland(1998). Firstly, using the model to simulate the optimality of capital structures about traditional and high-tech industries of Taiwan. Secondly, the impacts of industry characteristic¡Bfirm size¡Bgrowth¡Bprofitability¡Boperating risk and dividend policy on the optimal capital structure are also analyzed. Meanwhile, to investigate the effect of implementation of the integration of individual and corporate taxes on the firm value¡Bdividend policy and capital structure. There are some conclusions in this study. The simulate results indicate that the leverage ratio of traditional industry is higher than that of high-tech industry. Firm size and growth are positively associated with debt ratio. The profitability and dividend yield are negatively associated with debt ratio. But operating risk and debt ratio have curve relation. The traditional industry trends to optimal static capital structure strategy. But high-tech industry is toward optimal upward dynamic capital structure strategy. The higher corporate tax rate, the higher firm value is. The shareholder¡¦s individual tax rate and the tax rate on the retained earnings with firm value are negatively relation. So the extent of how tax reform affects firm value depends on the shareholder¡¦s individual tax rate. According to the model, debt ratio should decrease. The empirical result for the high technology industry has satisfied the theoretical prediction. However, the increase of the debt ratios of firms in the traditional industry indicates that industry framework is changed for higher equity cost. Therefore, the resource of firm funds will be by debt policy. Dividend payment will increase after the implementation of the integration of individual and corporate taxes. The more dividend pay out, the lower firm value is. So it consists with tax-effect hypothesis. Finally, this study derives the valuation model of dynamic capital structure. The simulate results are consistent with research hypothesis. That can advise managers to revise capital structure and to make dividend policy.

Corporate governance and aspects of public policy

Alford, Stephen C. 24 April 2006 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three papers that examine how aspects of public policy may impact private sector corporate governance. The first two examine the relationship between personal-tax policy and corporate agency costs. The first paper is a theoretical analysis based on an agency model of managerial behavior. A unique element of this paper is that it assumes a discontinuous compensation function, which reflects the occurrence of performance thresholds associated with the dismissal incentive and many common bonus plans. The analysis results in three main findings. First, the relative magnitude of proportional taxation has an indeterminate effect on managerial performance. Second, an increase in tax progressivity is associated with reduced managerial performance and increased agency costs. Third, the inclusion of performance thresholds and compensation discontinuities can cause tax system changes to have surprisingly large impacts on managerial performance. The second paper is an empirical investigation of the relationship between personal-tax progressivity and corporate operating efficiency. The analysis is based on variations in across-state tax policy and utilizes a sample of US-based firms. Using matched-pair testing and regression analysis, evidence is found that is consistent with the hypothesis that increased personal-tax progressivity negatively impacts managerial performance. Together, the analysis contained in the first two papers suggests a need to further examine the relationship between personal taxation and corporate agency costs, an issue that is largely absent from the research literature. The third paper investigates whether variations in state corporate law affect firm value. Previous research in this area generally treats all states other than Delaware as having homogeneous corporate law. I relax this assumption and analyze a large panel sample of US firms. Evidence is found that Delaware firms are worth more, on average, than non-Delaware firms. However, this effect is not consistent across all non-Delaware jurisdictions. The valuation differences are correlated to differences in statutory law. Specifically, corporate law that provides greater entrenchment of management is associated with reduced firm value. The results indicate that corporate law does affect corporate governance. Furthermore, the findings are inconsistent with the “race to the bottom” theory of corporate law.

Corporate governance and aspects of public policy

Alford, Stephen C. 24 April 2006 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three papers that examine how aspects of public policy may impact private sector corporate governance. The first two examine the relationship between personal-tax policy and corporate agency costs. The first paper is a theoretical analysis based on an agency model of managerial behavior. A unique element of this paper is that it assumes a discontinuous compensation function, which reflects the occurrence of performance thresholds associated with the dismissal incentive and many common bonus plans. The analysis results in three main findings. First, the relative magnitude of proportional taxation has an indeterminate effect on managerial performance. Second, an increase in tax progressivity is associated with reduced managerial performance and increased agency costs. Third, the inclusion of performance thresholds and compensation discontinuities can cause tax system changes to have surprisingly large impacts on managerial performance. The second paper is an empirical investigation of the relationship between personal-tax progressivity and corporate operating efficiency. The analysis is based on variations in across-state tax policy and utilizes a sample of US-based firms. Using matched-pair testing and regression analysis, evidence is found that is consistent with the hypothesis that increased personal-tax progressivity negatively impacts managerial performance. Together, the analysis contained in the first two papers suggests a need to further examine the relationship between personal taxation and corporate agency costs, an issue that is largely absent from the research literature. The third paper investigates whether variations in state corporate law affect firm value. Previous research in this area generally treats all states other than Delaware as having homogeneous corporate law. I relax this assumption and analyze a large panel sample of US firms. Evidence is found that Delaware firms are worth more, on average, than non-Delaware firms. However, this effect is not consistent across all non-Delaware jurisdictions. The valuation differences are correlated to differences in statutory law. Specifically, corporate law that provides greater entrenchment of management is associated with reduced firm value. The results indicate that corporate law does affect corporate governance. Furthermore, the findings are inconsistent with the “race to the bottom” theory of corporate law.

IPO och finansiell prestation : En kvantitativ studie om börsnoteringars inverkan på företags lönsamhet och tillväxt

Öman, Erik, Vikström, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Huruvida ett företag gynnas av att börsnotera sig är många gånger en fråga som är svår att svara på. Det finns fördelar såväl som nackdelar med att gå från att vara ett privatägt till ett publikt bolag noterat på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Företagets bransch, finansiella ställning, framtida mål och övriga förutsättningar har alla en inverkan på ett eventuellt beslut att genomföra en börsnotering. Det finns studier som framhäver fördelarna med att vara börsnoterad. Främsta motivet är ofta att få förbättrad tillgång till kapital - både i form av bättre tillgång till krediter och lån, men också en utökad möjlighet för företaget att även efter noteringen resa nytt kapital via till exempel nyemissioner. Samtidigt så säger Pecking order theory (Majluf & Myers, 1984) att ett företag endast som sista utväg bör sälja av aktier för att finansiera verksamheten. Pecking order theory anser att en börsnotering är ett sub-optimalt val om syftet med noteringen är att lösa företagets finansiering. Agency cost theory (Fama & Jensen, 1983, s. 304-307) är en annan teori som antyder att effektiviteten i styrningen av ett företag kan minska efter en börsnotering. Detta beror på att styrningen och ägandet blir mer separerad och att ledningen efter en börsnotering därför ofta har mindre incitament att agera i aktieägarnas bästa intresse. Studien har utgått från studier som visar på fördelar/nackdelar och motiv med börsnoteringar samt Pecking order theory och Agency cost theory som båda antyder att en börsnotering inte är ett bra val utan istället riskerar att försämra företagets finansiella prestation. Syftet med studien är att granska den effekt en börsnotering har på den finansiella prestationen för företag på den svenska aktiemarknaden. I den aktuella studien förklaras den finansiella prestationen av fyra nyckeltal, där dessa är omsättningstillväxt, vinsttillväxt, avkastning på eget kapital och avkastning på totalt kapital. En granskning av 103 bolag som noterades på den svenska aktiemarknaden under perioden 2008 till 2013 genomfördes. Sammanställning av finansiella data från företagen i kombination med uträkning av finansiella nyckeltal samt användande av statistiska tester gjorde att studiens syfte kunde uppfyllas. Resultatet visade att omsättningstillväxt, med en signifikansnivå på 5 %, uppvisade en svagare utveckling efter en börsnotering jämfört med innan. Enbart 6 av de 24 statistiska testerna som genomförts blev signifikanta, vilket medförde att det inte gick att fastställa att en börsnotering leder till en förändring av ett företags finansiella prestation. De icke- signifikanta testerna indikerade dock även dem att den finansiella prestationen blev sämre efter noteringen, då en majoritet av företagen i urvalet uppvisade sämre värden på de finansiella nyckeltalen efter börsnoteringen. Dock kan inga slutsatser angående målpopulationen som helhet dras från de testerna.

UK corporate governance effects on investor behaviour and firm performance before and during crisis

Hawas, Amira Mohamed Refaat Mohamed January 2014 (has links)
The recent financial crisis has raised serious questions about the effectiveness of corporate governance (CG) in monitoring management and protecting investors’ interests. There is concern that ‘poor’ CG was, to a certain extent, a major cause of the current financial crisis. This thesis, therefore, investigates the crucial policy question of whether the quality of CG has any effect on financial performance, information asymmetry and on block shareholders’ investment decisions. This is achieved and presented in the form of three essays on CG practices in UK with a particular focus on the periods before and during the 2007/2008 financial crisis. The first essay aims to investigate the impact of firm-level CG on block shareholders’ investment decisions for a large sample of UK non-financial firms over the period 2005 to 2009. Using a panel data analysis, the results revealed the importance of CG for block shareholders’ investment decisions. Furthermore, the study results indicated that only institutional block shareholders consider CG to be important criteria for their investment decisions. Moreover, when the effect of CG on block shareholdings in both periods before and during crisis was examined, a significant difference in results appeared: an insignificant positive relationship in the pre-crisis period turned out to be significant during crisis. The result thus indicates that block shareholders viewed CG as particularly important during the crisis period. The second essay aims to examine the effect of CG on firm performance before and during the financial crisis. It also investigates the mediating effect of agency costs on the association between CG and firm performance. The results revealed that CG affects firm performance only in the period before the crisis, but no significant effect was found during the crisis period. Moreover, agency cost was proved to fully mediate the relationship between CG and performance in the pre-crisis period. The results point to an important issue, which is the need to re-evaluate CG not only in stable periods but also during turbulent times, and to evaluate its ability to perform effectively in such different conditions. The third essay investigates the effect of both CG and block ownership on information asymmetry. Further, the effects of CG in lessening the positive association between block ownership and information asymmetry is considered. The results revealed that CG affects information asymmetry only in the pre-crisis. In addition, block ownership was shown to have a significant and positive effect on information asymmetry during crisis periods suggesting that block shareholders benefit from their information advantage during crisis period which in turn worsens the information asymmetry problem. This suggests that block shareholders engage more in their private benefits rather than in efficient monitoring. The results also proved that CG is insignificant during turbulent period in lessening the negative effect of block ownership.

併購獨立專家之選擇及併購後綜效之探討 / A study on the choice of independent experts and the synergy in the M&A transaction

黃玉雯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將我國獨立專家可能發揮之功能分為能夠認證交易係公平且無弊端之「消極認證功能」及能積極預測綜效並為市場排除不具綜效交易之「積極認證功能」,並藉由分析代理成本與獨立專家選擇之關聯性,以及獨立專家自我選擇與併購後綜效之關聯性,實證探討我國獨立專家制度之運作概況及其功能。 研究結果發現,衡量代理成本之公司及交易特性變數中,負債比率較高、外部大股東持股比率較低、機構投資人持股比率較低、併購溢價較高、主併與被併公司相對規模較接近時,公司聘僱高聲譽獨立專家的可能性較高,支持我國獨立專家可能具有降低代理成本之消極認證功能之論點。積極認證功能方面,本研究發現,以併購金額市佔率衡量獨立專家聲譽時,高聲譽獨立專家簽發評價報告之併購案,併購後市場佔有率成長幅度較高,支持我國獨立專家可能具有積極認證功能之論點,但僅限於市場綜效部分。 / This study tests whether the negative certification function and positive certification function are important service performed by independent experts in the M&A transaction. It conducts an empirical investigation of the choice of independent experts and the synergy in the M&A transaction. The result demonstrates that when the debt ratio is high, the percentage of stock owned by institutional owners and external shareholders is low, the premium is high, and the size of acquirer and target is similar, acquirer tends to hire a more prestigious independent expert. It confirms that the negative certification function exists. In addition, we find that when the reputation (measured by market share) of independent experts is high, the market synergy in the M&A may be higher than others. It is because of that the independent experts tend to protect their reputation by choosing their clients rigorously. Therefore, the positive certification function is also confirmed.

Nedskrivning av goodwill : Reella företagsekonomiska omständigheter, som verktyg för resultatmanipulering eller påverkad av finanskrisen?

Gustafsson, Jonas, Sjöbom, Oscar January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie behandlar nedskrivning av goodwill i svenska börsnoterade företag, och beaktar fyra möjliga förklaringar till detta. Relevant regelverk för den finansiella rapporteringen är IFRS. Genom en kvantitativ metod och ett deduktivt angreppssätt uppmärksammar vi problematiken kring att forskningen genererat olika förklaringar till att en nedskrivning äger rum.   Studien omfattar 1260 observationer i form av räkenskapsår, som sträcker sig mellan åren 2006 till 2013. Vårt empiriska material är inhämtat via databaser och omfattar finansiell information för vart och ett av företagen, fördelat på de olika åren. Nedskrivningskostnaden för goodwill är manuellt insamlat från de företag där goodwill som tillgångspost minskat från år t-1 till år t.   Från vårt teoretiska ramverk deduceras hypoteser som tillhandahåller eventuella orsaker till varför en nedskrivning kan ha ägt rum. Studien undersöker inledningsvis om en nedskrivning kan härledas till rådande företagsekonomiska förhållanden, där vedertagna undersökningsmått baserat på nyckeltal beräknade från årsredovisningar används. Vidare undersöks om nedskrivning av goodwill kan kopplas till resultatmanipulerande åtgärder genom stålbad eller vinstutjämning. Dessa kompententer i studien undersöks utifrån befintlig metodik tillhandahållen genom likartad forskning, men som utförts på andra geografiska marknader. Slutligen testas även, baserat på en egenhändigt framtagen operationalisering, finanskrisens inverkan på nedskrivning av goodwill.   Vår studies statistiska moment innehåller binära regressionsanalyser som med ett antal förklarande variabler prövar vad som kan förklara om en nedskrivning äger rum eller inte, samt en multipel regression som söker determinanter för nedskrivningens storlek.   Studiens resultat påvisar ett signifikant negativt samband mellan nedskrivning av goodwill och räntabilitet på totala tillgångar, vilket implicerar att bolag med sämre avkastning mer sannolikt kan komma att utföra en nedskrivning av goodwill. Även bolag med en hög andel goodwill i förhållande till totala tillgångar kan förväntas genomföra en nedskrivning, vilket visas genom ett signifikant positivt samband mellan beroende och förklarande variabel. Samma parameter, andel goodwill, kan även förklara storleken på en nedskrivning.   Vidare kan studien, genom statistisk signifikans, visa att nedskrivning av goodwill sker i samband med den resultatmanipulerande åtgärden stålbad, vilket innebär att bolag med ett redan dåligt resultat försämrar det ytterligare genom en nedskrivning. Att stålbadets motsats, vinstutjämning, förekommer som resultatmanipulerande åtgärd kan inte påvisas. Finanskrisens eventuella inverkan på vår beroende variabel kan inte styrkas.     Sammantaget visar studien att bolag med svag avkastningseffekt tenderar att oftare skriva ned goodwill än andra bolag, vilket eventuellt kan indikera att de följer de rekommendationer som standarden, IFRS, förespråkar. Indikationer på att resultatmanipulering genom stålbad förekommer på stockholmsbörsen kan också identifieras.

Den mytomspunna effekten av IPO : En analys av IPO och dess påverkan på svenska bolags finansiella prestation

Romsäter, Tara, Matti, Åsa January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: This study is made to analyze and examine effects of an IPO before and after a stock is introduced on the market, and if the age of the company makes a difference on the day it becomes listed. And if it could be associated with an improved financial performance through several assumptions. Theory: This study is based on three different theories, the Pecking Order Theory, Agency Cost Theory and Window-Dressing Theory, but could also be supported by previously recognized research. Method: The theories subjected of the study is based on quantitative elements of deductive and theory-testing approaches in different angles of the company's financial status.  Empiries: 54 companies were involved in a study of Initial Public Offering in the years of 2014 and 2015, the selection of the 54 companies were divided in two groups depending on which stock market they were listed on. We then made further research based on three questions. Is getting listed on the stock market an advantage for financial growth? If the age of the company gives it an advantage in financial growth when it gets listed on the stock market? Does it affect the financial growth depending on where the company got listed? Conclusion:Generally we can see a connection between choice of trading venue and the company's age of an IPO does affect the impact of financial growth and performance. / Syfte: Studien avser att analysera effekter av en börsnotering innan och efter, samt om ett bolags ålder vid noteringsdagen kan associeras med en förbättrad finansiell prestation genom olika antaganden. Teori: Denna studie utgår från tre teorier, Pecking Order Theory, Agency Cost Theory och Window-Dressing Theory, men även en referensram av tidigare forskning.  Metod: Studien utgår från en kvantitativ ansats med inslag av deduktiv- och teoriprövande ansatser.  Empiri: Ett urval bestående av 54 bolag studerades utifrån deras börsnotering som skedde år 2014 och 2015. Urvalet av 54 bolag delades upp i två grupper beroende på vilken marknadsplats som de var listade på. Därefter gjordes en vidare undersökning baserat på tre forskningsfrågor. Leder en börsnotering till tillväxt i bolaget? Påverkar valet av handelsplats ett bolags tillväxt vid börsnotering? Är bolagets ålder vid noteringsdagen associerat med förbättrad finansiell prestation? Slutsats: IPO har generellt sett en påverkan på bolags finansiella prestation. Beroende på val av handelsplats gav den finansiella prestationen olika utslag. Samband mellan ett bolags ålder vid en IPO verkade även ha en inverkan på den ekonomiska tillväxten.

Does Audit Quality Matter to Creditors? : A quantitative study of audit quality´s influence on outcomes related to financing with family firms as moderator

Mohammadzade, Mahdi, Sjöö, Filip January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between audit quality, with a specific focus on auditor size and audit fees, and the cost of debt and access to debt for medium-sized privately held enterprises in Sweden. Additionally, we seek to explore how family firms moderate these relationships.   Theoretical perspective: This paper combines signaling theory and agency theory to theorize how Big-4 classifications of audit firms and audit fees signal audit quality and different levels of agency cost of debt to creditors. Further, it explores the moderating effect of family firms using socioemotional wealth theory alongside agency theory.   Method: This study is based within the positivistic paradigm, employing a deductive approach. The study uses a quantitative methodology, gathering data from 463 medium-sized privately held enterprises in Sweden. The empirical data is analyzed using multiple linear regressions, with the moderating effects of family firms.    Findings: The findings of this study suggest that firms engaging Big-4 audit firms do not experience lower costs of debt nor improved access to debt. However, audit fees demonstrate a positive relationship with both the cost of debt and access to debt. Further, the study indicates that family firms do not have a moderating effect on these relationships.

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