Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] AORTIC VALVE"" "subject:"[enn] AORTIC VALVE""
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Ο αποκλεισμός των υποδοχέων της αλδοστερόνης στην ασβέστωση της αορτικής βαλβίδαςΓκίζας, Σπυρίδων 06 September 2010 (has links)
Η ασβέστωση της αορτικής βαλβίδας σχετίζεται με αυξημένη νοσηρότητα και θνητότητα, ιδιαίτερα στους ηλικιωμένους. Μέχρι σήμερα η φαρμακευτική θεραπεία δεν έχει αποδειχθεί τόσο αποτελεσματική, όσο η χειρουργική. Στην παρούσα εργασία χρησιμοποιήθηκε μοντέλο υπερλιπιδαιμικών κονίκλων προκειμένου να μελετηθεί η επίδραση του εκλεκτικού ανταγωνισμού της αλδοστερόνης στα πρώιμα στάδια της ασβέστωσης της αορτικής βαλβίδας. Αυτή η φαρμακευτική προσέγγιση δεν είχε προηγουμένως διερευνηθεί. Σαράντα αρσενικοί κόνικλοι τύπου Νέας Ζηλανδίας παρέμειναν για 4 εβδομάδες σε κανονική διατροφή και στη συνέχεια χωρίστηκαν σε 3 ομάδες: (1) ομάδα ελέγχου (control) που αποτελούνταν από 10 πειραματόζωα και συνέχισαν να τρέφονται με κανονική διατροφή για 8 εβδομάδες ακόμη, (2) ομάδα vehicle που αποτελούνταν από 15 πειραματόζωα και συνέχισαν να τρέφονται με υπερλιπιδαιμική διατροφή (1% χοληστερόλη) για 8 εβδομάδες ακόμη συν ένα διάλυμα γλυκόζης 5% (vehicle), για τις τελευταίες 4 εβδομάδες και (3) ομάδα επλερενόνης που αποτελούνταν από 15 πειραματόζωα και συνέχισαν να τρέφονται με υπερλιπιδαιμική διατροφή για 8 εβδομάδες ακόμη και τουs χορηγούνταν επλερενόνη 100 mg/kgr/day σε διάλυμα γλυκόζης 5%, για τις τελευταίες 4 εβδομάδες. Πριν από τη θυσία κάθε πειραματοζώου γινόταν μέτρηση της αρτηριακής πίεσης καθώς και των επιπέδων καλίου, ολικής χοληστερόλης και αλδοστερόνης στο πλάσμα. Μετά τις 8 εβδομάδες όλα τα πειραματόζωα θυσιάστηκαν και οι παρασκευασμένες αορτικές βαλβίδες εξετάσθηκαν με χρώση αιματοξυλίνης – ηωσίνης και Von Kossa silver stain και με ανοσοχρώσεις για τους υποδοχείς των αλατοκορτικοειδών (αλδοστερόνης), τα μακροφάγα και το μετατρεπτικό ένζυμο της αγγειοτενσίνης. Η παρουσία εναποθέσεων ασβεστίου επιβεβαιώθηκε με ηλεκτρονικό μικροσκόπιο σάρωσης. Η επλερενόνη αύξησε τα επίπεδα αλδοστερόνης στο πλάσμα, αλλά δεν επηρέασε την αρτηριακή πίεση και τα επίπεδα χοληστερόλης και καλίου. Η υπερλιπιδαιμία προκάλεσε συνάθροιση μακροφάγων και αύξηση της έκφρασης του μετατρεπτικού ενζύμου, όπως επίσης και μικροσκοπική εναπόθεση ασβεστίου στις γλωχίνες. Όλοι αυτοί οι δείκτες ελαττώθηκαν με τη χορήγηση της επλερενόνης. Η ανοσοϊστοχημία για τους υποδοχείς των αλατοκορτικοειδών ανέδειξε παρόμοια έκφραση στις γλωχίνες της ομάδας ελέγχου και της υπερλιπιδαιμικής ομάδας (vehicle). Συμπερασματικά τα αποτελέσματα αυτά δείχνουν πως οι υποδοχείς της αλδοστερόνης εκφράζονται στην αορτική βαλβίδα και πως η εκλεκτική αναστολή τους με τη χορήγηση της επλερενόνης αναστέλλει το σχηματισμό των σκληρυντικών αλλοιώσεων που προκαλούνται από την υπερλιπιδαιμική διατροφή. / Calcific aortic valve disease is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, especially in the elderly. To date, pharmacological therapies have not proven as effective as surgical intervention. Here, we used a hyperlipidemic rabbit model to investigate the potential effects of selective aldosterone inhibition on the early stages of aortic valve calcification, a pharmacological strategy that has not yet been tested. Forty New Zealand male rabbits fed a standard diet for 4 weeks were separated into three groups: (1) control (n = 10), fed a standard diet; (2) vehicle (n = 15), fed a hyperlipidemic diet (cholesterol 1%) plus vehicle; and (3) eplerenone (n = 15), fed a hyperlipidemic diet plus 100 mg/kg/d eplerenone (last 4 weeks). After 8 weeks, animals were sacrificed and prepared aortic valve sections were examined with Von Kossa silver stain and by immunostaining for mineralocorticoid receptor, macrophages and angiotensin-converting enzyme. The presence of calcium deposits was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. Eplerenone increased aldosterone levels but did not affect blood pressure, cholesterol or potassium levels. Hyperlipidemia induced macrophage accumulation and angiotensin-converting enzyme expression, as well as calcium deposition in the leaflets. All markers were decreased by eplerenone treatment. Immunohistochemistry for mineralocorticoid (aldosterone) receptors revealed similar expression in the leaflets of both control and hyperlipidemic groups. Collectively, these results indicate that aldosterone receptors are present in rabbit aortic valve leaflets and their selective blockade with eplerenone inhibits formation of the sclerotic lesions induced by a high fat diet.
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Einfluss von körperlicher Aktivität auf die Ausbildung einer Aortenklappensklerose im Tiermodell der LDL-Rezeptor-knockout-MausJacob, Saskia 04 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität verlangsamt die Progression arteriosklerotischer Läsionen, reduziert oxidativen Stress und erhöht die Bioverfügbarkeit von Stickstoffmonoxid. Von diesen Vorgängen erwartet man auch eine Verbesserung des Outcomes bei degenerativen Aortenklappenerkrankungen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es den Effekt von körperlicher Aktivität im Sinne einer Primärprävention auf die Ausbildung einer Aortenklappensklerose, die ein frühes Stadium in der Entwicklung einer Aortenklappenstenose darstellt, mit ihrem zu Grunde liegendem Pathomechanismus zu untersuchen.
Hierfür wurde das Tiermodell der LDL-Rezeptor-knockout-Maus gewählt, da bereits in Studien die regelhafte Induktion von Aortenklappensklerosen und hämodynamisch relevante Stenosen durch cholesterinreiche Nahrung gezeigt werden konnte.
Für die vorliegende Studie wurden 4 Wochen alte LDL-Rezeptor-knockout-Mäuse in 4 Gruppen randomisiert: Eine Kontroll-Gruppe mit normaler Diät und bewegungsarmen Lebensstil, eine Cholesterin-Gruppe mit cholesterinreicher Ernährung und bewegungsarmen Lebensstil, eine regelmäßige Trainingsgruppe mit cholesterinreicher Ernährung und regelmäßiger körperlicher Aktivität (60 min/d, 5 Tage/Woche) und eine gelegentlichen Trainingsgruppe, mit cholesterinreicher Ernähung und körperlicher Aktivität (60 min/d, 1 Tag/Woche) für jeweils 16 Wochen. In der 20. Woche wurden histologische Untersuchungen vorgenommen, die Verdickungen der Aortenklappen in der Cholesterin-Gruppe verglichen zur Kontroll-Gruppe zeigten. Regelmäßige, jedoch keine gelegentliche körperliche Aktivität reduziert signifikant diese Verdickung der Aortenklappe. Die immunhistochemischen Untersuchungen zeigten, dass eine Cholesterin-Diät die Endothelintegrität der Aortenklappe zerstört, wohingegen sie durch regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität geschützt wird. Weiterhin zeigte sich eine Erhöhung der Serum-Myeloperoxidase, der oxidierten Low Density Lipoproteine, der in situ Superoxide, als Marker für oxidativen Stress. Es konnten erhöhte Spiegel für Mac3, als Marker für Makrophagenakkumulation, α-smooth muscle actin, als Marker für Klappenfibrose und der proosteogene Marker Alkalische Phosphatase sowie eine erhöhte Mineralisation in der Cholesterin-Gruppe nachgewiesen werden. Wohingegen die genannten Marker in der Gruppe mit regelmäßiger körperlicher Aktivität erniedrigt nachgewiesen werden konnten. Die Ergebnisse der Polymerase-Kettenreaktion ergaben eine erhöhte Expression der messenger-RNA für α-smooth muscle actin, bone morphogentic protein-2, runt- related transcription factor-2 und Alkalische Phosphatase, als Marker für Klappenfibrose und Proosteogenese in der Cholesterin-Gruppe, dagegen waren sie durch regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität erniedrigt. Darüber hinaus erhöht regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität signifikant die Spiegel von zirkulierendem Fetuin-A, als Hemmstoff der Kalzifizierung verglichen zur Cholesterin-Gruppe.
Schlussfolgernd lässt sich sagen, dass regelmäßige, jedoch keine gelegentliche körperliche Aktivität einer Aortenklappensklerose im Sinne einer Primärprävention durch eine Anzahl von Mechanismen, wie dem Schutz der Endothelintegrität, der Reduktion von Inflammation und oxidativem Stress sowie der Hemmung des osteogenen Signalweges, vorbeugt.
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Efetividade e custo do tratamento invasivo da estenose valvar aórticaTognon, Alexandre Pereira January 2016 (has links)
O expressivo número de brasileiros que necessitam correção anatômica da estenose valvar aórtica acentuada e que não realizam cirurgia de substituição valvar devido ao risco proibitivo justifica a necessidade de investigação, tanto da efetividade no cenário clínico real quanto dos custos impostos ao Sistema Único de Saúde e aos planos de saúde suplementar brasileiros pela incorporação do implante transcateter de valva aórtica, que tem se demonstrado efetivo mas oneroso, internacionalmente. No primeiro artigo da tese, avaliaram-se os desfechos intra-hospitalares, a sobrevida e o reembolso pela internação hospitalar de 41 pacientes com idade média de 78,7 ± 6,3 anos, estenose valvar aórtica acentuada, com recusa cirúrgica e decisão multidisciplinar por tratamento transcateter entre outubro de 2010 e outubro de 2015. Os sujeitos foram seguidos prospectivamente por um período mediano de 15,2 (4,5 – 25,6) meses e a sobrevida estimada em 1 e 2 anos foi de 73,2% e 64,1%, respectivamente. Identificou-se que hipertensão pulmonar e revascularização miocárdica cirúrgica prévia estavam independentemente associadas à menor sobrevida. O valor mediano reembolsado pelos pacientes atendidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde foi R$ 108.634,34 (101.051,05 – 127.255,27) e R$ 115.126,77 (94.603,21 – 132.603,01) para aqueles internados por planos de saúde suplementar ou particulares, sendo o respectivo valor mediano reembolsado pela prótese valvar de R$ 82.000,00 (82.000,00 – 95.450,00) e 84.050,00 (75.000,00 – 92.400,00) Em um grupo de 585 procedimentos de troca valvar aórtica cirúrgica em indivíduos com idade ≥ 60 anos, realizados entre janeiro de 2010 e dezembro de 2015 na mesma instituição, a mortalidade intra-hospitalar estava associada à idade e foi de 5,9% naqueles com idade entre 60 e 70 anos, 10,8% entre 70 e 80 anos e de 22,2% ≥ 80 anos. O reembolso mediano foi de R$ 14.035,96 (11.956,11 – 16.644,90) para os internados pelo Sistema único de Saúde e R$ 20.273,97 (15.358.03 – 32.815,49) pelos planos de saúde suplementar ou particulares. No segundo artigo da tese, identificou-se que do total de 819 pacientes consecutivamente incluídos no Registro Brasileiro de Implante de Bioprótese Aórtica por Cateter entre janeiro de 2008 e outubro de 2015, 15 (1,8%) sofreram perfuração do ventrículo esquerdo. Os pacientes que apresentaram perfuração eram mais idosos (85,4 ± 6,3 vs. 81,5 ± 7,3 anos, p=0,038), predominantemente mulheres (80,0% vs. 50,5%, p=0,024), apresentavam maior fração de ejeção (67,3 ± 7,8% vs. 58,6 ± 15,0%, p=0,001), menor massa ventricular esquerda (203,9 ± 47,1g vs. 247,6 ± 78,7g, p=0,039) e menor altura do tronco da coronária esquerda (11,2 ± 5,4mm vs. 14,0 ± 3,3mm, p=0,034). Os preditores independentes de perfuração do ventrículo esquerdo foram idade e fração de ejeção. No terceiro artigo, descreve-se um caso de ablação septal para tratamento de miocardiopatia hipertrófica obstrutiva assimétrica para posterior implante transcateter de valva aórtica, sugerindo que esta seja uma estratégia factível quando da concomitância dessas duas condições Em conclusão, os desfechos do tratamento transcateter da estenose valvar aórtica acentuada em pacientes inoperáveis são compatíveis com aqueles do cenário idealizado dos ensaios clínicos randomizados, apesar de estarem associados a custos maiores que os anteriormente estimados por painéis de especialistas. O tratamento cirúrgico, por sua vez, apresentou mortalidade maior que aquela idealizada ou relatada como usual. A hipercinesia do ventrículo esquerdo pode favorecer o trauma determinado pelo guia metálico, posicionado em seu interior para realização do procedimento, estando a fração de ejeção independentemente associada à chance de perfuração. Ainda, a ablação septal por álcool eletiva, anterior ao implante transcateter da valva aórtica, é uma abordagem factível para pacientes com hipertrofia ventricular esquerda assimétrica obstrutiva associada à estenose valvar aórtica. / The expressive number of Brazilians who require an anatomic correction for severe aortic valve stenosis and who do not undergo valvar replacement surgery due to prohibitive risk justifies the need to investigate both the effectiveness in the real clinical scenario and the costs imposed to the Public Health System and the Supplementary Health System for the incorporation of the transcatheter aortic valve implantation, which has been shown to be effective but onerous, internationally. In the first article of the thesis, the in-hospital outcomes, long-term survival and reimbursement for 41 patients, with a mean age of 78.7 ± 6.3 years, sever aortic valve stenosis, with surgical refusal and multidisciplinary decision for transcatheter treatment, between October 2010 and October 2015 are described. Subjects were prospectively followed for a median period of 15.2 (4.5 - 25.6) months and the estimated survival at 1 and 2 years was 73.2% and 64.1%, respectively. It was identified that pulmonary hypertension and previous coronary artery bypass grafting were independently associated with lower survival. Median reimbursed values by the Public Health System was R$ 108,634.34 (101,051.05 - 127,255.27) and by supplementary health plans was R$ 115,126.77 (94,603.21 - 132,603.01). The respective median values reimbursed for the valve prosthesis was R$ 82,000.00 (82,000.00 - 95,450.00) and 84,050.00 (75,000.00 - 92,400.00) In a group of 585 surgical aortic valve replacement procedures in subjects aged ≥ 60 years, performed between January 2010 and December 2015 in the same institution, in-hospital mortality was associated with age and was 5.9% in those with age between 60 and 70 years, 10.8% between 70 and 80 years and 22.2% in ≥ 80 years. The median reimbursement was R$ 14,035.96 (11,956.11 - 16,644.90) for those hospitalized by the Public Health System and R$ 20,273.97 (15,358.03 - 32,815.49) by supplementary or private health plans. In the second article of the thesis, it was identified that of the total of 819 patients consecutively included in the Brazilian Registry of Aortic Bioprosthesis Implantation by Catheter (RIBAC) between January 2008 and October 2015, 15 (1.8%) suffered perforation of the left ventricle. Patients with perforation were older (85.4 ± 6.3 vs. 81.5 ± 7.3 years, p=0.038), predominantly women (80.0% vs. 50.5%, p=0.024), had a higher ejection fraction (67.3 ± 7.8% vs. 58.6 ± 15.0%, p=0.001), lower left ventricular mass (203.9 ± 47.1g vs. 247.6 ± 78, 7g, p=0.039) and shorter distance between the aortic annulus and the left main coronary artery ostium (11.2 ± 5.4mm vs. 14.0 ± 3.3mm, p=0.034). The independent predictors of left ventricular perforation were age and ejection fraction. In the third article, a case of septal ablation was described for the treatment of asymmetric obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy for posterior transcatheter aortic valve implantation, suggesting that this is a feasible strategy when these two conditions are concomitant In conclusion, the outcomes of transcatheter treatment of severe aortic stenosis in inoperable patients are compatible with those in the ideal scenario of randomized clinical trials, although they are associated with higher costs than previously estimated by expert panels. Surgical treatment, on the other hand, presented higher mortality than that idealized or reported as usual. The left ventricle hyperkinesia may favor the trauma determined by the metallic guide, positioned inside it to perform the procedure, the ejection fraction being independently associated with the chance of perforation. Furthermore, elective alcohol septal ablation, prior to transcatheter aortic valve implantation, is a feasible approach for patients with obstructive asymmetric left ventricular hypertrophy associated with aortic valve stenosis.
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Efeito da inibição da NADPH oxidase sobre o estresse oxidativo e o fenótipo muscular esquelético de ratos com insuficiência cardíaca crônica induzida por estenose aórticaBonomo, Camila [UNESP] 02 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
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000866188.pdf: 703355 bytes, checksum: 0b29948d0caf17093c2ef18fe5f398a8 (MD5) / A insuficiência cardíaca caracteriza-se pela diminuição da capacidade física com exacerbação precoce de fadiga e dispneia. Embora alterações intrínsecas da musculatura esquelética têm sido responsabilizadas por esses sintomas, os mecanismos envolvidos nas anormalidades musculares ainda não estão completamente esclarecidos. O estresse oxidativo miocárdico e sistêmico está aumentado na insuficiência cardíaca. Entretanto, há pouca informação sobre seu papel nas alterações da musculatura esquelética e sobre as fontes de geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs). Apesar do complexo NADPH oxidase constituir importante fonte geradora de EROs, poucos estudos avaliaram seu comportamento em músculos esqueléticos durante a insuficiência cardíaca. No miocárdio, a apocinina pode inibir o complexo NADPH oxidase e reduzir o estresse oxidativo durante agressão cardíaca. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do tratamento com apocinina sobre alterações cardíacas e anormalidades fenotípicas e do estresse oxidativo do músculo sóleo de ratos com insuficiência cardíaca induzida por estenose aórtica supravalvar. Métodos: Vinte semanas após a indução da estenose aórtica, ratos Wistar foram alocados nos grupos estenose aórtica (EAo), EAo tratado com apocinina (EAo-apo) e controle (Sham). A apocinina foi administrada por oito semanas na água de beber (16 mg/kg/dia). Ecocardiograma transtorácico foi realizado antes e após o tratamento com apocinina. A atividade das enzimas antioxidantes superóxido dismutase, glutationa peroxidase e catalase e a concentração de hidroperóxido de lipídeo foram avaliadas por espectrofotometria no músculo sóleo. A concentração sérica de malonaldeído, a atividade muscular da NADPH oxidase e a geração total de EROs no músculo sóleo foram analisadas por HPLC. No sóleo, a composição das cadeias pesadas de miosina foi avaliada por eletroforese e a área seccional das fibras foi... / Heart failure is characterized by a decreased functional capacity with early fatigue and dyspnea. Although intrinsic skeletal muscle changes may be at least partially responsible for these symptoms, mechanisms involved in muscle abnormalities are not completely clear. Myocardial and systemic oxidative stress is increased during heart failure. However, there is scarce information on the sources of oxygen reactive species (ROS) and on the role of oxidative stress in inducing skeletal muscle changes. NADPH oxidase complex is an important source of ROS; only a few studies have evaluated its activity in skeletal muscles during heart failure. In myocardial, apocynin can inhibit NADPH oxidase activity and reduce oxidative stress during cardiac injury. Purpose: In this study we evaluated the effects of the antioxidant apocynin on cardiac alterations and soleus muscle oxidative stress and phenotypic characteristics in rats with supravalvar aortic stenosis-induced heart failure. Methods: Twenty weeks after inducing aortic stenosis, Wistar rats were assigned into three groups: aortic stenosis (AS), AS treated with apocynin (AS-apo, 16 mg/kg/day dissolved in drinking water for eight weeks), and control (Sham). Transthoracic echocardiogram was performed before and after apocynin treatment. Activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, gluthatione peroxidase, and catalase, and lipid hydroperoxide concentration were assessed by spectrophotometry in the soleus muscle. Serum concentration of malondialdehyde and soleus muscle NADPH oxidase activity and total ROS generation were analyzed by HPLC. Soleus myosin heavy chain composition was evaluated by electrophoresis and fiber cross-sectional areas were measured in hematoxylin and eosin-stained histological sections. Statistical analysis: one-way analysis of variance complemented by Bonferroni or Mann- Whitney test. Results: Before treatment, AS and AS-apo groups presented concentric hypertrophy ...
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Efeito da inibição da NADPH oxidase sobre o estresse oxidativo e o fenótipo muscular esquelético de ratos com insuficiência cardíaca crônica induzida por estenose aórtica /Bonomo, Camila. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Marina Politi Okoshi / Coorientador: Paula Felippe Martins / Banca: Bertha Furlan Polegato / Banca:Silméia Garcia Zanati Bazan / Banca: Denise de Castro Fernandes / Banca: Fábio Rodrigues Ferreira Silva / Resumo: A insuficiência cardíaca caracteriza-se pela diminuição da capacidade física com exacerbação precoce de fadiga e dispneia. Embora alterações intrínsecas da musculatura esquelética têm sido responsabilizadas por esses sintomas, os mecanismos envolvidos nas anormalidades musculares ainda não estão completamente esclarecidos. O estresse oxidativo miocárdico e sistêmico está aumentado na insuficiência cardíaca. Entretanto, há pouca informação sobre seu papel nas alterações da musculatura esquelética e sobre as fontes de geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs). Apesar do complexo NADPH oxidase constituir importante fonte geradora de EROs, poucos estudos avaliaram seu comportamento em músculos esqueléticos durante a insuficiência cardíaca. No miocárdio, a apocinina pode inibir o complexo NADPH oxidase e reduzir o estresse oxidativo durante agressão cardíaca. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do tratamento com apocinina sobre alterações cardíacas e anormalidades fenotípicas e do estresse oxidativo do músculo sóleo de ratos com insuficiência cardíaca induzida por estenose aórtica supravalvar. Métodos: Vinte semanas após a indução da estenose aórtica, ratos Wistar foram alocados nos grupos estenose aórtica (EAo), EAo tratado com apocinina (EAo-apo) e controle (Sham). A apocinina foi administrada por oito semanas na água de beber (16 mg/kg/dia). Ecocardiograma transtorácico foi realizado antes e após o tratamento com apocinina. A atividade das enzimas antioxidantes superóxido dismutase, glutationa peroxidase e catalase e a concentração de hidroperóxido de lipídeo foram avaliadas por espectrofotometria no músculo sóleo. A concentração sérica de malonaldeído, a atividade muscular da NADPH oxidase e a geração total de EROs no músculo sóleo foram analisadas por HPLC. No sóleo, a composição das cadeias pesadas de miosina foi avaliada por eletroforese e a área seccional das fibras foi... / Abstract: Heart failure is characterized by a decreased functional capacity with early fatigue and dyspnea. Although intrinsic skeletal muscle changes may be at least partially responsible for these symptoms, mechanisms involved in muscle abnormalities are not completely clear. Myocardial and systemic oxidative stress is increased during heart failure. However, there is scarce information on the sources of oxygen reactive species (ROS) and on the role of oxidative stress in inducing skeletal muscle changes. NADPH oxidase complex is an important source of ROS; only a few studies have evaluated its activity in skeletal muscles during heart failure. In myocardial, apocynin can inhibit NADPH oxidase activity and reduce oxidative stress during cardiac injury. Purpose: In this study we evaluated the effects of the antioxidant apocynin on cardiac alterations and soleus muscle oxidative stress and phenotypic characteristics in rats with supravalvar aortic stenosis-induced heart failure. Methods: Twenty weeks after inducing aortic stenosis, Wistar rats were assigned into three groups: aortic stenosis (AS), AS treated with apocynin (AS-apo, 16 mg/kg/day dissolved in drinking water for eight weeks), and control (Sham). Transthoracic echocardiogram was performed before and after apocynin treatment. Activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, gluthatione peroxidase, and catalase, and lipid hydroperoxide concentration were assessed by spectrophotometry in the soleus muscle. Serum concentration of malondialdehyde and soleus muscle NADPH oxidase activity and total ROS generation were analyzed by HPLC. Soleus myosin heavy chain composition was evaluated by electrophoresis and fiber cross-sectional areas were measured in hematoxylin and eosin-stained histological sections. Statistical analysis: one-way analysis of variance complemented by Bonferroni or Mann- Whitney test. Results: Before treatment, AS and AS-apo groups presented concentric hypertrophy ... / Doutor
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Efetividade e custo do tratamento invasivo da estenose valvar aórticaTognon, Alexandre Pereira January 2016 (has links)
O expressivo número de brasileiros que necessitam correção anatômica da estenose valvar aórtica acentuada e que não realizam cirurgia de substituição valvar devido ao risco proibitivo justifica a necessidade de investigação, tanto da efetividade no cenário clínico real quanto dos custos impostos ao Sistema Único de Saúde e aos planos de saúde suplementar brasileiros pela incorporação do implante transcateter de valva aórtica, que tem se demonstrado efetivo mas oneroso, internacionalmente. No primeiro artigo da tese, avaliaram-se os desfechos intra-hospitalares, a sobrevida e o reembolso pela internação hospitalar de 41 pacientes com idade média de 78,7 ± 6,3 anos, estenose valvar aórtica acentuada, com recusa cirúrgica e decisão multidisciplinar por tratamento transcateter entre outubro de 2010 e outubro de 2015. Os sujeitos foram seguidos prospectivamente por um período mediano de 15,2 (4,5 – 25,6) meses e a sobrevida estimada em 1 e 2 anos foi de 73,2% e 64,1%, respectivamente. Identificou-se que hipertensão pulmonar e revascularização miocárdica cirúrgica prévia estavam independentemente associadas à menor sobrevida. O valor mediano reembolsado pelos pacientes atendidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde foi R$ 108.634,34 (101.051,05 – 127.255,27) e R$ 115.126,77 (94.603,21 – 132.603,01) para aqueles internados por planos de saúde suplementar ou particulares, sendo o respectivo valor mediano reembolsado pela prótese valvar de R$ 82.000,00 (82.000,00 – 95.450,00) e 84.050,00 (75.000,00 – 92.400,00) Em um grupo de 585 procedimentos de troca valvar aórtica cirúrgica em indivíduos com idade ≥ 60 anos, realizados entre janeiro de 2010 e dezembro de 2015 na mesma instituição, a mortalidade intra-hospitalar estava associada à idade e foi de 5,9% naqueles com idade entre 60 e 70 anos, 10,8% entre 70 e 80 anos e de 22,2% ≥ 80 anos. O reembolso mediano foi de R$ 14.035,96 (11.956,11 – 16.644,90) para os internados pelo Sistema único de Saúde e R$ 20.273,97 (15.358.03 – 32.815,49) pelos planos de saúde suplementar ou particulares. No segundo artigo da tese, identificou-se que do total de 819 pacientes consecutivamente incluídos no Registro Brasileiro de Implante de Bioprótese Aórtica por Cateter entre janeiro de 2008 e outubro de 2015, 15 (1,8%) sofreram perfuração do ventrículo esquerdo. Os pacientes que apresentaram perfuração eram mais idosos (85,4 ± 6,3 vs. 81,5 ± 7,3 anos, p=0,038), predominantemente mulheres (80,0% vs. 50,5%, p=0,024), apresentavam maior fração de ejeção (67,3 ± 7,8% vs. 58,6 ± 15,0%, p=0,001), menor massa ventricular esquerda (203,9 ± 47,1g vs. 247,6 ± 78,7g, p=0,039) e menor altura do tronco da coronária esquerda (11,2 ± 5,4mm vs. 14,0 ± 3,3mm, p=0,034). Os preditores independentes de perfuração do ventrículo esquerdo foram idade e fração de ejeção. No terceiro artigo, descreve-se um caso de ablação septal para tratamento de miocardiopatia hipertrófica obstrutiva assimétrica para posterior implante transcateter de valva aórtica, sugerindo que esta seja uma estratégia factível quando da concomitância dessas duas condições Em conclusão, os desfechos do tratamento transcateter da estenose valvar aórtica acentuada em pacientes inoperáveis são compatíveis com aqueles do cenário idealizado dos ensaios clínicos randomizados, apesar de estarem associados a custos maiores que os anteriormente estimados por painéis de especialistas. O tratamento cirúrgico, por sua vez, apresentou mortalidade maior que aquela idealizada ou relatada como usual. A hipercinesia do ventrículo esquerdo pode favorecer o trauma determinado pelo guia metálico, posicionado em seu interior para realização do procedimento, estando a fração de ejeção independentemente associada à chance de perfuração. Ainda, a ablação septal por álcool eletiva, anterior ao implante transcateter da valva aórtica, é uma abordagem factível para pacientes com hipertrofia ventricular esquerda assimétrica obstrutiva associada à estenose valvar aórtica. / The expressive number of Brazilians who require an anatomic correction for severe aortic valve stenosis and who do not undergo valvar replacement surgery due to prohibitive risk justifies the need to investigate both the effectiveness in the real clinical scenario and the costs imposed to the Public Health System and the Supplementary Health System for the incorporation of the transcatheter aortic valve implantation, which has been shown to be effective but onerous, internationally. In the first article of the thesis, the in-hospital outcomes, long-term survival and reimbursement for 41 patients, with a mean age of 78.7 ± 6.3 years, sever aortic valve stenosis, with surgical refusal and multidisciplinary decision for transcatheter treatment, between October 2010 and October 2015 are described. Subjects were prospectively followed for a median period of 15.2 (4.5 - 25.6) months and the estimated survival at 1 and 2 years was 73.2% and 64.1%, respectively. It was identified that pulmonary hypertension and previous coronary artery bypass grafting were independently associated with lower survival. Median reimbursed values by the Public Health System was R$ 108,634.34 (101,051.05 - 127,255.27) and by supplementary health plans was R$ 115,126.77 (94,603.21 - 132,603.01). The respective median values reimbursed for the valve prosthesis was R$ 82,000.00 (82,000.00 - 95,450.00) and 84,050.00 (75,000.00 - 92,400.00) In a group of 585 surgical aortic valve replacement procedures in subjects aged ≥ 60 years, performed between January 2010 and December 2015 in the same institution, in-hospital mortality was associated with age and was 5.9% in those with age between 60 and 70 years, 10.8% between 70 and 80 years and 22.2% in ≥ 80 years. The median reimbursement was R$ 14,035.96 (11,956.11 - 16,644.90) for those hospitalized by the Public Health System and R$ 20,273.97 (15,358.03 - 32,815.49) by supplementary or private health plans. In the second article of the thesis, it was identified that of the total of 819 patients consecutively included in the Brazilian Registry of Aortic Bioprosthesis Implantation by Catheter (RIBAC) between January 2008 and October 2015, 15 (1.8%) suffered perforation of the left ventricle. Patients with perforation were older (85.4 ± 6.3 vs. 81.5 ± 7.3 years, p=0.038), predominantly women (80.0% vs. 50.5%, p=0.024), had a higher ejection fraction (67.3 ± 7.8% vs. 58.6 ± 15.0%, p=0.001), lower left ventricular mass (203.9 ± 47.1g vs. 247.6 ± 78, 7g, p=0.039) and shorter distance between the aortic annulus and the left main coronary artery ostium (11.2 ± 5.4mm vs. 14.0 ± 3.3mm, p=0.034). The independent predictors of left ventricular perforation were age and ejection fraction. In the third article, a case of septal ablation was described for the treatment of asymmetric obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy for posterior transcatheter aortic valve implantation, suggesting that this is a feasible strategy when these two conditions are concomitant In conclusion, the outcomes of transcatheter treatment of severe aortic stenosis in inoperable patients are compatible with those in the ideal scenario of randomized clinical trials, although they are associated with higher costs than previously estimated by expert panels. Surgical treatment, on the other hand, presented higher mortality than that idealized or reported as usual. The left ventricle hyperkinesia may favor the trauma determined by the metallic guide, positioned inside it to perform the procedure, the ejection fraction being independently associated with the chance of perforation. Furthermore, elective alcohol septal ablation, prior to transcatheter aortic valve implantation, is a feasible approach for patients with obstructive asymmetric left ventricular hypertrophy associated with aortic valve stenosis.
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Carboxyterminal telopeptide structures of type I collagen in various human tissuesEriksen, H. (Heidi) 10 August 2010 (has links)
Type I collagen is the main connective tissue protein in vertebrates. The cross-linking and correct organisation of the molecules is crucial for the proper function of the tissue. Traditionally collagen cross-linking has been studied using chemical cross-link analyses. However, this does not distinguish between the collagen types or the location of the cross-link within the molecule. The focus in this work was to study the carboxyterminal telopeptide domain of type I collagen for the differently cross-linked forms. An immunochemical approach was used and a new immunoassay, SP4, was developed for the detection of immaturely cross-linked peptide forms. The differently cross-linked structures were purified and characterised from human bone by using SP4 together with the earlier developed ICTP assay for trivalently cross-linked C-terminal telopeptide form. It was found that the majority of the trivalent cross-links in the C-terminal telopeptide were presently unknown structures, other than pyridinoline. A non-cross-linked form of C-terminal telopeptide of α1-chain of type I collagen was also discovered in bone. The epitope of the ICTP assay was characterised and found to reside in the phenylalanine rich region of the ICTP peptide. MMP-9, but not cathepsin K, mediated breakdown of the collagenous matrix was found to produce a peptide detectable by the ICTP assay.
Healthy human Achilles tendon comprises mainly of type I collagen. In ruptured Achilles tendons, an increased type III collagen content was found. Since the synthesis of type III collagen was not increased, it is postulated that the type III collagen must have accumulated over a long period of time indicative of a long-lasting microtraumatic process in the tendon before the total rupture occurred.
The ICTP content was increased and the ratio of SP4 to ICTP decreased in calcified stenotic aortic valves suggesting a change in the molecular organisation and cross-linking towards the type found in human bone. The total collagen content was dramatically decreased in the calcified valves.
Both in the Achilles tendons and in the aortic valves, the ICTP content was found to decrease with age with a concomitant increase in the variants of the C-terminal telopeptide structures detectable with the SP4 assay, pointing to a change in the molecular organisation of the collagenous matrix in these tissues.
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Outcome of patients with severe aortic stenosis – A retrospective follow-up studyAhlén, Caroline January 2008 (has links)
Aortic stenosis is the most common valvular disease in the adult population. A significant aortic stenosis is a serious condition, and if a symptomatic patient is not operated on, it may in most cases cause death. We have examined how many aortic stenoses that were diagnosed during one year, and a follow-up of the patients was also performed. We found 77 patients with significant aortic stenosis with a mean age of 76±13 years. At the time of follow-up 30 (39%) patients, aged between 29-85 years, had been surgically treated with implantation of a valve prosthesis within 2-23 months after the initial examination. At this initial examination 14 of the 30 patients who later underwent surgery had no symptoms. A coronary bypass operation was also performed on seven patients. Postoperative complications were observed in six patients, but none of them was fatal. At the initial examinations there were 26 (34%) patients with a significant aortic stenosis and symptoms who were not treated surgically. The main reason why these patients were not operated was high age, unwillingness, or severe left ventricular dysfunction. This study indicates the importance of repeated clinical and echocardiograpic examinations in patients with aortic stenosis. Almost half of the patients, that later underwent surgery, had no symptoms at the initial examination, but later developed symptoms which made surgery necessary. In one third of the patients no surgery was performed in spite of clinical symptoms.
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Efficacy of the Perceval sutureless aortic valve bioprosthesis in the treatment of aortic valve stenosisRubino, A. S. (Antonino S.) 24 May 2016 (has links)
Aortic valve stenosis (AS) is one of the most diffuse valvular diseases in developed countries. AS is a progressive disease, which usually results in serious life-threatening adverse events. Defining a treatment strategy for AS is a focus of cardiovascular research, although the topic is still controversial because of its related clinical and economical implications.
Surgical aortic valve replacement (AVR),which is regarded as the gold standard for the treatment of severe symptomatic AS, affords excellent results, particularly in asymptomatic patients with good functional status. AVR requires the institution of cardiopulmonary bypass and aortic cross-clamping, and the duration of these procedures is directly associated with increasing morbidity and mortality, especially in patients with preoperative comorbidities.
Accordingly, techniques aimed at decreasing the duration of cardiopulmonary bypass and aortic cross-clamping have the potential to improve postoperative outcomes of AVR.
In the present study, we demonstrated that the Perceval sutureless bioprosthesis could significantly reduce the duration of the surgical procedure. This was associated with improved immediate postoperative outcomes and long-term freedom from adverse events.
The use of a Perceval sutureless bioprosthesis can facilitate AVR through minimally invasive approaches and is associated with fewer transfusions of packed red cells compared to full sternotomy approaches, even with traditional stented bioprostheses. It could be expected that patients at intermediate-high risk would benefit more from the combination of a fast surgical procedure, performed with reduced surgical invasiveness.
When compared to transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), the Perceval sutureless bioprosthesis was associated with increased incidence of device success as well as less paravalvular leak, with similar immediate and 1-year outcomes.
Finally, AVR with the Perceval sutureless bioprosthesis provided excellent hemodynamics at rest and under high workload. The significant increase of effective orifice area under stress suggests that the Perceval sutureless bioprosthesis is the valve of choice for patients with small aortic annuli or when prosthesis-patient mismatch is anticipated. / Tiivistelmä
Aorttaläpän ahtauma on yksi yleisimmistä läppävioista kehittyneissä maissa. Aorttaläpän ahtauma on etenevä sairaus, joka yleensä johtaa vakaviin henkeä uhkaaviin haittatapahtumiin. Aorttaläpän ahtauman hoitotavasta keskustellaan kiivaasti sydän- ja verisuonitautien tutkimuksessa siihen liittyvien kliinisten ja taloudellisten vaikutusten vuoksi.
Aorttaläppäleikkausta, jossa aorttaläppä korvataan proteesilla, on aina pidetty vaikean oireisen aorttaläpän ahtauman hoidon kultaisena standardina, koska sen tulokset ovat erinomaisia, etenkin oireettomilla potilailla, joilla sydämen toiminta on hyvä. Leikkaus vaatii sydän-keuhkokoneen käyttöä ja aortan sulkemista, joiden kesto on suoraan yhteydessä kasvavaan sairastavuuteen ja kuolleisuuteen erityisesti potilailla, joilla on muitakin sairauksia.
Niinpä tekniikat, jotka lyhentävät sydän-keuhkokoneen käyttöaikaa ja aortan sulkuaikaa, voivat mahdollisesti parantaa aorttaläppäleikkauksen tuloksia.
Tässä tutkimuksessa osoitettiin, että ompeleettoman biologisen Perceval-läppäproteesin käyttö vähensi merkittävästi leikkauksen kestoa. Tämä oli yhteydessä parantuneisiin lyhyen ja pitkän aikavälin tuloksiin leikkauksen jälkeen.
Ompeleettoman biologisen Perceval-läppäproteesin käyttö voi helpottaa aorttaläppäleikkausta, koska se voidaan asentaa vähemmän kajoavasta avauksesta, ja siihen liittyy vähemmän punasolusiirtoja rintalastan kokoavaukseen verrattuna, myös silloin kun käytetään kokoavausta ja perinteisiä stenttibioproteeseja. Voisi olla odotettavaa, että keskisuuren tai suuren riskin potilaat hyötyisivät enemmän leikkauksesta, jossa yhdistyvät toimenpiteen nopeus ja vähäisempi kajoavuus.
Katetriteitse asennettuun biologiseen keinoläppään (TAVI) verrattuna ompeleeton biologinen Perceval-läppäproteesi oli yhteydessä parempaan laitteen toimimiseen ja pienempään paravalvulaariseen vuotoon. Muut tulokset heti leikkauksen jälkeen ja yhden vuoden seurannassa olivat samanlaisia.
Lopuksi voidaan todeta, että aorttaläppäleikkaukseen ompeleettomalla biologisella Perceval-läppäproteesilla liittyi erinomainen hemodynamiikka levossa ja korkean työkuorman aikana. Stressin aikaisen tehokkaan aorttaläpän aukon pinta-alan merkittävä kasvu osoittaa, että ompeleeton biologinen Perceval-läppäproteesi on hyvä valinta potilaille, joilla on pieni aorttaläpän aukko tai kun on odotettavissa proteesin ja potilaan yhteensopimattomuutta.
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Valor prognóstico dos peptídeos natriuréticos BNP e NT-proBNP na estratificação de risco dos pacientes com estenose aórtica grave / Prognostic value of natriuretic peptides BNP and NT-proBNP in risk stratification of patients with severe aortic stenosisMarcelo Katz 03 July 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A estenose aórtica, doença valvar de grande prevalência, tem na avaliação clínica e ecocardiográfica as principais ferramentas para avaliação dos pacientes. Ferramentas auxiliares de avaliação são desejáveis e neste contexto surgem os peptídeos natriuréticos. Os peptídeos natriuréticos BNP e NT-proBNP podem ser usados como marcadores diagnósticos e prognósticos em diversas situações clínicas. Postulamos que os peptídeos pudessem ter papel diagnóstico, mas principalmente valor prognóstico em pacientes com estenose aórtica grave. OBJETIVO: primariamente, definir o papel prognóstico de sobrevida dos peptídeos natriuréticos BNP e NT-proBNP no acompanhamento prospectivo de uma população de pacientes com estenose aórtica grave. Secundariamente, comparar os níveis séricos de BNP e NT-proBNP entre pacientes com EAo grave assintomáticos e sintomáticos. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos de forma consecutiva 66 pacientes com estenose aórtica grave, definida pela presença de gradiente médio de pressão transvalvar aórtica maior que 40 mmHg. Os critérios de exclusão foram fibrilação atrial, outra valvopatia, cardiopatia associada, infecções ativas, neoplasias, doenças auto-imunes ou inflamatórias, insuficiência renal e obesidade. Dos 66 pacientes incluídos, 76% eram sintomáticos (50/66). Os sintomas foram definidos como dispnéia aos esforços, síncope ou angina. Na inclusão, todos os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação clínica inicial, realização de ecocardiograma e dosagem de BNP e NT-proBNP. Os pacientes sintomáticos recebiam a indicação de tratamento cirúrgico e os pacientes assintomáticos eram conduzidos clinicamente. Os pacientes foram acompanhados prospectivamente. O desfecho clínico avaliado foi óbito cardiovascular, definido por morte súbita, morte por insuficiência cardíaca e óbito peri-operatório. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes foram acompanhados por 869 + 397 dias. Houve 11 óbitos durante o acompanhamento. Na inclusão, os níveis de BNP e NT-proBNP foram similares em assintomáticos e sintomáticos: BNP 72 (41-175) pg/mL versus 104 (46-270) pg/mL; p = 0,275 e NT-proBNP 676 (235-1356) pg/mL vs. 871 (310-2230) pg/mL; p = 0,226. Houve diferença entre os níveis de BNP e NT-proBNP e classe funcional (p < 0,001 e p < 0,001, respectivamente). Através da curva ROC foi determinado um valor de corte de BNP (105 pg/mL) e NT-proBNP (1500 pg/mL) capazes de predizer classe funcional III e IV (New York Heart Association), com área sob a curva de 0,806 e 0,786 respectivamente. BNP e NT-proBNP foram preditores de mortalidade (p=0,007 e p=0,001 respectivamente). BNP > 105 pg/mL aumentou o risco de óbito cardiovascular de forma independente [OR= 6,3 (IC95%: 1,36 - 29,25)]. NT-proBNP > 1500 pg/mL aumentou o risco de óbito cardiovascular de forma independente [OR = 6,5 (IC95%: 1,73 - 24,63)]. CONCLUSÃO: O BNP e o NTproBNP foram preditores independentes de mortalidade em pacientes com estenose aórtica grave em um acompanhamento de quatro anos. O BNP e o NT-proBNP foram preditores de classe funcional III e IV (New York Heart Association) em pacientes com estenose aórtica grave. O BNP e o NT-proBNP não permitiram diferenciar pacientes sintomáticos de assintomáticos / BACKGROUND: Aortic valve stenosis is a high prevalent cardiac valve disease, in which clinical and echocardiographic parameters are the most common approach of diagnosis and risk evaluation. Complementary methods are desirable and the natriuretic peptides BNP and NT-proBNP, both diagnostic and prognostic markers in multiple clinical situations, could improve patient assessment. We postulate that these peptides may have diagnostic purpose, but mainly a prognostic value in patients with severe aortic stenosis. OBJECTIVE: primarily, define the survival prognostic role of natriuretic peptides BNP and NT-proBNP in monitoring a population of patients with severe aortic stenosis prospectively. Secondarily, compare the serum levels of BNP and NT-proBNP among patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis. METHODS: 66 consecutive patients with severe aortic stenosis, defined by the presence of gradient mean transvalvular aortic pressure greater than 40 mmHg were included. Exclusion criteria were concomitant atrial fibrillation, other valve disease, other myocardiopathies, active infections, autoimmunity diseases, inflammatory diseases, neoplasia, renal failure or obesity. 76% of patients were symptomatic (50/66), defined as dyspnea on exertion, syncope or angina. All patients underwent initial clinical evaluation, echocardiography and BNP and NT-proBNP measurement. Symptomatic patients were referred for surgical treatment and asymptomatic patients were clinically managed. (Patients were followed up prospectively). The clinical outcome was cardiovascular death, defined by sudden death, death from heart failure and peri-operative death. RESULTS: Patients were followed up for 869 + 397 days. There were 11 deaths during followup. On admission, levels of BNP and NT-proBNP were similar in asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals: BNP 72 (41-175) pg / mL vs. 104 (46-270) pg / mL, p = 0.275 and NT-proBNP 676 (235-1356) pg / mL vs. 871 (310-2230) pg / ml, p = 0.226. There were differences between the levels of BNP and NT-proBNP and functional class (p <0.001 p <0.001, respectively). ROC-curve analysis demonstrated a cut-off value of BNP (105 pg / mL) and NT-proBNP (1500 pg / mL) capable of predicting NYHA functional class III and IV, with an area under the curve of 0.806 and 0.786 respectively. BNP and NT-proBNP could predict mortality (p = 0.007 and p = 0.001 respectively). BNP > 105 pg/mL independently increased the risk of cardiovascular death [OR = 6.3 (95% CI: 1.36 to 29.25)]. NT-proBNP > 1500 pg/mL independently increased the risk of cardiovascular death [OR = 6.5 (95% CI: 1.73 to 24.63)]. CONCLUSION: BNP and NT-proBNP were independent predictors of mortality in patients with severe aortic stenosis after a follow up of 4 years. BNP and NT-proBNP were predictors of NYHA functional class III and IV in patients with severe aortic stenosis. BNP and NT-proBNP alone did not distinguish symptomatic from asymptomatic patients
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