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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'influence des normes supranationales sur le droit du travail français / The influence of supranational standards over french labour law

Guyon, Charles 05 December 2015 (has links)
Nul n’est censé ignorer la loi… même supranationale. La « censure » des dispositions relatives au contrat « nouvelles embauches » l’a vigoureusement démontré. Des normes supranationales, l’influence n’a jamais été aussi forte : elles couvrent progressivement l’ensemble des compartiments du droit français du travail. Tous les acteurs, publics et privés, doivent porter leur regard au-delà du cadre hexagonal. Un but est affiché : maîtriser la diffusion des normes supranationales, sans laquelle il n’est point d’adhésion de leurs destinataires, et appréhender les transformations du droit français du travail auxquelles elles conduisent. De nouveaux instruments doivent, à cet effet, être forgés. / No one is deemed ignorant of the law… including supranational standards. The “censure” of the provisions relating to the “new hiring” employment contract vigorously demonstrated so. The influence of supranational standards has never been so strong: they progressively cover all of the fields of French Labour Law. All stakeholders, whether public or private, need to look beyond French borders. The stated aim is to control the spread of supranational standards, without which there is no acceptance by its recipients, and apprehend the resulting transformations of French Labour Law. New legal methodologies and instruments need to be implemented in this respect.

Adaptation transculturelle et validation du questionnaire Upper Limb Functional Index (ULFI) pour la population canadienne française

Hamasaki, Tokiko 12 1900 (has links)
Les troubles musculo-squelettiques du membre supérieur (TMS-MS) peuvent avoir un impact négatif sur l'autonomie d’une personne. À ce jour, il n’existe pas d’outils en français évaluant les limitations d'activités et les restrictions de participation, disposant de bonnes propriétés métrologiques et d'applicabilité dans un contexte clinique marqué par des contraintes de temps. L’Upper Limb Functional Index (ULFI), qui présente de bonnes qualités métrologiques et applicabilité clinique adéquate, s'avère un outil intéressant pour les ergothérapeutes de par son approche centrée sur la personne. Toutefois, il n'était disponible qu'en anglais et en espagnol. La présente recherche, constituée de deux études, visait à adapter l’ULFI à la population canadienne française et à évaluer ses propriétés métrologiques et son applicabilité clinique. La première étude a examiné sa cohérence interne, sa validité convergente et son applicabilité clinique auprès de 50 patients bilingues atteints de TMS-MS. La seconde étude visait à analyser sa fidélité test-retest et sa sensibilité au changement auprès de 60 patients francophones. Les résultats ont révélé que l'ULFI-CF possède des propriétés métrologiques solides : une cohérence interne élevée (α de Cronbach = 0,93), une excellente fidélité test-retest (CCI = 0,87-0,95), une excellente validité convergente (r = 0,70-0,85) et une sensibilité au changement de bonne à excellente (tailles d'effet = 0,49-0,88 et r = 0,64 pour la section 1). L'ULFI-CF démontre également une bonne applicabilité clinique. En conclusion, l’ULFI-CF s’avère un outil pertinent pour les cliniciens œuvrant auprès d’une clientèle canadienne française souffrant d'un TMS-MS dans un contexte clinique marqué par des contraintes de temps. / Upper limb musculoskeletal disorders (UL-MSD) can negatively impact on patients' autonomy. There are no existing outcome measures available in French to assess activity limitations and participation restrictions caused by UL-MSD that have sound metrological properties and are applicable in a clinical context where clinicians have limited assessment time for each patient. The Upper Limb Functional Index (ULFI), having good metrological qualities and clinical applicability, is a relevant tool for clinicians since it promotes a patient-centered approach. However, the tool was only available in English and Spanish until now. This research project included two studies and aimed at adapting the ULFI to the French Canadian population and to assess the metrological properties of the adapted version (ULFI-FC) and its clinical applicability. The first study examined its internal consistency, convergent validity and clinical applicability among 50 bilingual patients with UL-MSD. The second study aimed to analyse its test-retest reliability and responsiveness among 60 French-speaking patients. The findings revealed that the ULFI-FC possesses sound metrological properties: a high internal consistency (Cronbach α = 0.93 for Part 1), an excellent test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.87-0.95), an excellent convergent validity (r = 0.70-0.85), and good to excellent responsiveness (effect size = 0.49-0.88; and r = 0.64 for Part 1), as well as good clinical applicability in a context where assessment time devoted to each patient is limited. In conclusion, the ULFI-CF is a relevant and attractive tool assessing activity limitations and participation restrictions for clinicians working with French Canadian UL-MSD patients in a busy clinical setting.

L’applicabilité des droits de l’Homme aux organisations internationales / Applicability of Human Rights to International Organisations

Beulay, Marjorie 09 December 2015 (has links)
L’obligation de respect des droits de l’Homme s’adresse traditionnellement aux États. Cependant, les organisations internationales se présentent aujourd’hui de plus en plus comme des acteurs incontournables de la scène internationale et leur activité tend de plus en plus à réguler la vie des individus. Face à une telle situation, le « besoin » de voir les droits de l’Homme s’appliquer aux organisations internationales se fait de plus en plus prégnant, notamment au sein de la doctrine. Cela s’explique par les circonstances permettant à ces entités d’influencer la vie des personnes physiques et morales. De par leurs compétences et prérogatives elles se sont progressivement inscrites dans une relation de pouvoir vis-à-vis des individus que ce soit directement ou indirectement. En conséquence, au regard du degré de développement actuel de la protection internationale des droits de l’Homme, un tel comportement nécessite d’être encadré, notamment afin d’être légitime aux yeux de ceux sur lesquels il s’exerce. Toutefois, en dépit des fondements venant étayer cette nécessité de limitation du pouvoir exercé, sa concrétisation juridique n’en est qu’à ses prémices. Si d’un point de vue normatif, l’encadrement ébauché s’avère fragile mais potentiellement mobilisable ; d’un point de vue procédural, il demeure minimal voire inexistant. Dès lors, beaucoup reste encore à faire pour que l’applicabilité des droits de l’Homme aux organisations internationales passe de l’évidence au droit. / The obligation to respect human rights traditionally rests upon the States. However International Organisations have become nowadays key actors on the international scene and their activities tend to have more impact on the life of individuals. In the light of this situation, a ‘need’ emerged, especially amongst the doctrine, to see an effective application of human rights to International Organisations. This is due to the circumstances that allow such organisations to have an influence on the life of legal and physical entities. Because of their jurisdiction and their prerogative, International Organisations have established a relationship of power towards individuals, whether directly or indirectly. Therefore, considering the current degree of development of the International protection of Human Rights, such an activity must be regulated, especially in order to establish its legitimacy in the eyes of the subjects of this activity. Nevertheless despite the grounds supporting the necessity to limit the power of International Organisations, the legal concretisation of such limits is still at its early stages. If from a normative point of view, the sketched framework reveals itself to be fragile yet potentially mobilisable, from a procedural point of view it remains minimal to non-existent. Subsequently there is still much to be done in order to allow the applicability of Human Rights to International Organisations to go from a foregone conclusion to a legal reality.

O contrato na dimensão dos princípios constitucionais da dignidade humana e da solidariedade : perspectivas jurídico-constitucionais da lesão e da mudança de circunstâncias

Ehrhardt Júnior, Marcos Augusto de Albuquerque 16 October 2006 (has links)
This work approaches the problem of the applicability of the fundamental human rights in the private relationships, in more several forms, especially treating of the contract in the dimension of the constitutional principles of the human dignity and of the solidarity. It begins with a historical digression concerning the reconquest of the value dignity in the private relationships, with the passage of the liberal state for the social state, demonstrating the problems of the new constitutional interpretation starting from the general duties of conduct in the civil obligations, braiding a parallel between these and the social principles of the contract consecrated with the constitutional text. It stands out here to the references to the primacy of the good-faith aims at, social function of the contract and the notion of material equivalence, starting point for the analysis of the possibility of contractual revision through the judiciary power, as well as of the limitations to the control jurisdicional of the fundamental rights, in opposition with the current that defends the judicial activism in those situations. It is an attempt of giving a wide vision of the subject by the analysis of their consequences in the plan infraconstitucional, especially in relation to the institutes of the lesion and the theory of the alteration of the circumstances, term that it holds the analysis of the clause rebus sic stantibus, welcomed notion, in the brazilian juridical system so much in the consumer law as effective civil code. Finally, the work search to establish the outlines of a social sense of the contract consecrated in the current code that comes as an open system that allows the construction of bridges that tie it to other laws looking for to explain such phenomenon and which the consequences of we hug that orientation in a close future. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho aborda a problemática da aplicabilidade dos direitos humanos fundamentais nas relações entre particulares, em suas mais diversas formas, tratando especialmente do contrato na dimensão dos princípios constitucionais da dignidade humana e da solidariedade. Inicia-se com uma digressão histórica acerca da reconquista do valor dignidade nas relações privadas, com a passagem do Estado Liberal para o Estado Social, demonstrando os problemas da nova hermenêutica constitucional a partir da elaboração da introdução de deveres gerais de conduta nas obrigações civis, traçando um paralelo entre estes e os princípios sociais do contrato consagrados com o advento do texto constitucional vigente. Destacam-se aqui as referências ao primado da boa-fé objetiva, à função social do contrato e à noção de equivalência material, pontos de partida para a análise da possibilidade de revisão contratual por intermédio do Poder Judiciário, como também das limitações ao controle jurisdicional dos direitos fundamentais, em contraposição com a corrente que defende o ativismo judicial nessas situações. É uma tentativa de dar uma ampla visão do assunto mediante a análise de suas conseqüências no plano infraconstitucional, mormente em relação aos institutos da lesão e à teoria da alteração das circunstâncias, termo que comporta a análise da cláusula rebus sic stantibus e da teoria da imprevisão, noções acolhidas, respectivamente, no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro tanto no Código de Defesa do Consumidor como no Código Civil vigente, nos quais se encontra consagrada a idéia de resolução por onerosidade excessiva. Enfim, o trabalho busca estabelecer os contornos de um sentido social do contrato consagrado na atual codificação, apresentando-a como um sistema aberto que permite a construção de pontes que a ligam a outros corpos normativos, buscando explicar tal fenômeno e quais as conseqüências de abraçarmos essa orientação num futuro próximo.

Aplicabilidade do princípio constitucional da proteção do consumidor aos contratos eletrônicos. / Applicability of the constitutional principle of consumer protection over the electronic contracts.

Carneiro, Ligia Maria Cavalcante 08 August 2008 (has links)
The applicability of the constitutional principle of consumer protection is indicated here as the main solution to fill the legal gap concerning the new electronic contracts. From an unknown and irrelevant precept in the consumption relationships developed during the Liberal State, to a leading factor for the economical activity of the Social and Constitutional State of Right, the constitutional principle of consumer protection walked a long hard path before being reconized and valued, bringing to the extent of consumption relationships the desired placement of a vulnerable consumer in the same level as the businesses that sell goods and services, through protective norms. According to this, The Federal Constitution of 1988 took the consumer protection as one of its icons, including it in the fundamental rights and guarantees and, like one of them, a self-aplicable right, with immediate normative power, in spite of the determination of preparation of the Protection Code, which made it stronger, rulling all developed peculiarities in the consumption relationships so far. With the globalization and one of its most interesting features, the internet, a new stage in the consumption relationships began, as well in the international business: The e-commerce was launched, what, in a chaotic but self-organized way, developed a new comfortable layout for the comsumption relationships, when by a simple mouse click, it is possible to reach any kind of goods or services, from national or international businesses, through their virtual shops. However, although it is just a new way of bringing into effect traditional legal contracts, since they are made through electronic support, a lot of doubts and questions related to the regulation of their main aspects have been coming up, for there is not a whole effective national norm, which has been restricting the practice of consumption relationships due to the remaining suspicion about the way they are done. In this case, it is summoned the normative power of the constitucional principle of consumer protection, displayed in the Federal Constitution of 1988, and, as well, in the other Constitutions of all democratic countries, which values highly the consumer citizen protection and their dignity. Due to the nonexistence, and even the difficulties in preparing a harmonic norm which reaches the national and international e-commerce, it is vented the invocation of this normative power as guidelines for solving the increasing demand coming around the Judicial Power related to this new contract perspective through the matrix. / A aplicabilidade do princípio constitucional de proteção do consumidor é apontada aqui como a principal saída para a solução da lacuna legislativa existente, no que tange aos novos contratos eletrônicos. De preceito desconhecido e irrelevante nas relações de consumo desenvolvidas durante o Estado Liberal, a vetor da atividade econômica do Estado Social e Constitucional de Direito, o princípio constitucional da proteção do consumidor teve que trilhar um árduo e longo caminho até ser reconhecido e valorado, trazendo para o âmbito das relações de consumo a realização da almejada colocação do consumidor vulnerável em um nível de paridade com os fornecedores de bens e serviços, através de normas protetivas daqueles. Nesse sentido, a Constituição Federal de 1988 abraçou a proteção do consumidor como um de seus ícones, consagrando-a dentre os direitos e garantias fundamentais e, como tal, direito auto-aplicável, com força normativa imediata, inobstante a determinação de elaboração de um Código de Proteção que o fortaleceu, regulando todas as particularidades das relações de consumo desenvolvidas até então. Eis que com a globalização e sua faceta mais interessante, a internet, deu-se início a uma nova fase nas relações de consumo, bem como no comércio internacional: Despontou o e-commerce, que de uma forma caótica, mas ao mesmo tempo auto-organizada, impulsionou as relações de consumo em um formato novo, cômodo e confortável, através do qual, com simples toques no mouse, pode-se adquirir bens e serviços de fornecedores nacionais ou estrangeiros, através de suas lojas virtuais. Todavia, apesar de ser apenas uma nova forma de se efetivar os tradicionais negócios jurídicos, já que se perfazem através de suporte eletrônico, muitas dúvidas e questões vêm surgindo quanto à regulação de seus principais aspectos, que ainda não foram agraciados a nível nacional com uma normativa eficaz e plena, fato que vem restringindo o exercício pleno das relações de consumo em linha, máxime em face da persistente desconfiança quanto ao meio. Neste sentido, eis que se convoca a força normativa do princípio constitucional da proteção do consumidor, presente na Carta de 1988, assim como nas Constituições dos demais países democráticos que prezam pela proteção do consumidor cidadão em sua dignidade. De modo que diante da inexistência, e mesmo da dificuldade de elaboração de uma normativa harmônica que alcance o comércio eletrônico interno e o internacional, pugna-se aqui pela invocação desta força normativa como norte para a solução das demandas que começam a bater às portas do Judiciário em torno desta nova perspectiva de formulação contratual através da matrix.

A modulação temporal de efeitos como técnica de decisão na jurisdição constitucional / The prospective doctrine as a decision technique injudicial review

Luciana de Pontes Saraiva 06 July 2009 (has links)
A modulação temporal de efeitos como técnica de decisão possibilita ao Supremo Tribunal Federal a mitigação dos efeitos retroativos da declaração de inconstitucionalidade, ao mesmo tempo em que resguarda o princípio da supremacia da Constituição. Nos casos em que há mudança de jurisprudência, atua como importante mecanismo de salvaguarda das legítimas expectativas dos jurisdicionados na estabilidade dos julgados do Tribunal Constitucional. Em ambas as hipóteses, concretiza o princípio da segurança jurídica, inclusive na sua vertente subjetiva, a proteção da confiança legítima e assegura a melhor realização dos interesses públicos, próprios de uma sociedade pluralista. / The prospective doctrine as a decision technique makes possible the mitigation of the retroactive effects of the unconstitutionality declaration to the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court, at the same time it protects the Constitution supremacy principle. In cases with statement of overruling precedents, it plays an important role in protecting the legitimate expectations of the citizens in the stability of the Constitutional Court precedents. In both cases, it enforces the principle of legal certainty, including its subjective aspect, the legitimate confidence protection and it assures the best fulfilment of the public interests that are typical of a pluralist society.

A modulação temporal de efeitos como técnica de decisão na jurisdição constitucional / The prospective doctrine as a decision technique injudicial review

Luciana de Pontes Saraiva 06 July 2009 (has links)
A modulação temporal de efeitos como técnica de decisão possibilita ao Supremo Tribunal Federal a mitigação dos efeitos retroativos da declaração de inconstitucionalidade, ao mesmo tempo em que resguarda o princípio da supremacia da Constituição. Nos casos em que há mudança de jurisprudência, atua como importante mecanismo de salvaguarda das legítimas expectativas dos jurisdicionados na estabilidade dos julgados do Tribunal Constitucional. Em ambas as hipóteses, concretiza o princípio da segurança jurídica, inclusive na sua vertente subjetiva, a proteção da confiança legítima e assegura a melhor realização dos interesses públicos, próprios de uma sociedade pluralista. / The prospective doctrine as a decision technique makes possible the mitigation of the retroactive effects of the unconstitutionality declaration to the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court, at the same time it protects the Constitution supremacy principle. In cases with statement of overruling precedents, it plays an important role in protecting the legitimate expectations of the citizens in the stability of the Constitutional Court precedents. In both cases, it enforces the principle of legal certainty, including its subjective aspect, the legitimate confidence protection and it assures the best fulfilment of the public interests that are typical of a pluralist society.

Využitelnost cloud computingových systémů pro řízení projektů / Applicability of cloud computing systems in project management

Bubeníček, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the applicability of cloud computing systems in project management. The main objective is the definition of the requirements on a project management software tool and their subsequent application in the specific area of cloud software providers. The theoretical part of the thesis studies the essential aspects of the principle of software provision services. The first part is dedicated to the history and general definition of the concept of cloud computing. The second theoretical part describes the basic principles of project management. Project management is not examined as a whole but instead, the emphasis is put on a specific area of human resources management. The theoretical part also contains the definition of the requirements, which are used as assessment standards for the practical part of the thesis. The practical part introduces an overview of 10 selected providers of cloud-based applications. The previously defined assessment standards are applied subsequently on each subject. The generated evaluation data are used to verify the defined hypotheses supporting the concept of cloud computing applications in project management.

Development of a perceptual speech assessment protocol for Zulu-speaking children with cleft palate

Swiegers, Dorethea 05 August 2010 (has links)
Currently a need exists in South Africa for an age-, linguistically- and culturally appropriate perceptual speech assessment protocol for Zulu-speaking pre-school children with cleft palate. The aim of this study was to develop a reliable perceptual speech assessment protocol for Zulu-speaking pre-school children with cleft palate based on the international guidelines (www.eurocran.org). Furthermore the clinical applicability and relevance of these guidelines for the perceptual assessment of cleft palate speech in the Zulu language were determined. The aims were reached by following a mixed methods research approach and by conducting the research in four phases. In phase one the protocol was compiled with the assistance of an expert Zulu linguist, in phase two the protocol was pre-tested on 12 normal Zulu-speaking pre-school children between three and six years of age; in phase three the perceptions of speech-language therapists regarding the clinical applicability of the protocol were determined after administration thereof on 12 Zulu-speaking pre-school children with cleft palate between the ages of three and six years; and finally in phase four the relevance of applying the international guidelines to the Zulu language was reflected on. A critical analysis of the protocol indicated that the international guidelines (www.eurocran.org) could be used to develop a perceptual speech assessment protocol in an African language namely Zulu. Results of the pilot study revealed that the protocol was age, culturally and linguistically appropriate for normal Zulu-speaking pre-school children. The speech-language therapist participants indicated that the protocol was clinically applicable to Zulu-speaking pre-school children with cleft lip and palate in terms of cultural sensitivity, administration time and its ability to elicit and identify cleft palate speech characteristics. The international guidelines (www.eurocran.org) could be applied to the Zulu language with an emphasis on the click sounds in Zulu. The results have clinical implications for cleft palate service delivery in South Africa. These implications were for in-service training of speech-language therapists regarding cleft palate to provide them with evidence-based guidelines for clinical practice. Implications for further research included the development of norms of speech development in the Zulu language and the standardization of the perceptual speech assessment protocol. This study is valuable as it is the first tool for the perceptual assessment of cleft palate speech in Zulu. The research methodology may serve as an example for the development of similar speech assessment protocols for children with cleft palate in other African languages. AFRIKAANS: Tans bestaan daar ‘n behoefte in Suid-Afrika vir ‘n ouderdoms-, taal- en kultureel toepaslike persepsuele spraak assesseringsmateriaal vir Zoeloe-sprekende voorskoolse kinders met gesplete lip en verhemelte. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ‘n betroubare en geldige Zoeloe persepsuele spraak assesseringsprotokol vir voorskoolse kinders met gesplete lip en verhemelte te ontwikkel gebasseer op die internasionale riglyne (www.eurocran.org). Die kliniese toepaslikheid en relevansie van die internasionale riglyne vir die persepsuele assessering van gesplete lip en verhemelte is bepaal. Die doelwitte is bereik deur ‘n gemengde kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode te volg asook deur die navorsing in vier fases uit te voer. In fase een is die protokol ontwikkel met die bystand van ‘n Zoeloe taalkundige, in fase twee is die protokol getoets op 12 normale Zoeloe-sprekende kinders tussen drie en ses jaar, in fase drie is die persepsies van drie spraak-taalterapeute verkry aangaande die kliniese toepaslikheid van die protokol na afloop van evaluasies op 12 Zoeloe-sprekende voorskoolse kinders met gesplete lip en verhemelte tussen drie en ses jaar, in fase vier is gereflekteer op die toepaslikheid van die internasionale riglyne vir Zoeloe. ‘n Kritiese analise van die protokol het aangedui dat die internasionale riglyne (www.eurocran.org) gebruik kon word om ‘n persepsuele spraak assesseringsprotokol in ‘n Afrika taal, naamlik Zoeloe, op te stel. Resultate van die voorstudie het aangedui dat die protokol taal-, ouderdoms- en kultureel toepaslik was vir die normale Zoeloe-sprekende voorskoolse kinders. Die spraak-taalterapeute as deelnemers het aangedui dat die protokol klinies toepaslik was vir voorskoolse kinders met gesplete lip en verhemelte in terme van die kulturele sensitiwiteit van die protokol, administrasie tyd asook die vermoë om die spesifieke gesplete lip en verhemelte spraakkenmerke te ontlok. Die internasionale riglyne (www.eurocran.org) kon gevolg word vir Zoeloe met insluiting van die suigklanke in die Zoeloe taalstruktuur. Die resultate het implikasies vir dienslewering in Suid-Afrika met betrekking tot gesplete lip en verhemelte. Hierdie implikasies sluit in-diens opleiding van spraak-taalterapeute in om aan hul riglyne te verskaf vir beste praktyk. Implikasies vir verdere navorsing omsluit die ontwikkeling van norme in terme van die spraak ontwikkeling in Zoeloe asook die moontlike standardisering van die persepsuele spraak asesseringsprotokol. Die studie is waardevol aangesien dit die eerste poging was om ‘n persepsuele spraak assesseringsprotokol in Zoeloe te ontwikkel vir die evaluasie van kinders met gesplete lip en verhemelte. Die navorsingsmetodologie kan gevolg word vir die ontwikkeling van soortgelyke spraak assesseringprotokolle vir kinders met gesplete lip en verhemelte in ander Afrika tale. Copyright / Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted

Cartography of chemical space / Cartographie de l'espace chimique

Gaspar, Héléna Alexandra 29 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la cartographie de l’espace chimique ; son but est d’établir les bases d’un outil donnant une vision d’ensemble d’un jeu de données, comprenant prédiction d’activité, visualisation, et comparaison de grandes librairies. Dans cet ouvrage, nous introduisons des modèles prédictifs QSAR (relations quantitatives structure à activité) avec de nouvelles définitions de domaines d’applicabilité, basés sur la méthode GTM (generative topographic mapping), introduite par C. Bishop et al. Une partie de cette thèse concerne l’étude de grandes librairies de composés chimiques grâce à la méthode GTM incrémentale. Nous introduisons également une nouvelle méthode « Stargate GTM », ou S-GTM, permettant de passer de l’espace des descripteurs chimiques à celui des activités et vice versa, appliquée à la prédiction de profils d’activité ou aux QSAR inverses. / This thesis is dedicated to the cartography of chemical space; our goal is to establish the foundations of a tool offering a complete overview of a chemical dataset, including visualization, activity prediction, and comparison of very large datasets. In this work, we introduce new QSAR models (quantitative structure-activity relationship) based on the GTM method (generative topographic mapping), introduced by C. Bishop et al. A part of this thesis is dedicated to the visualization and analysis of large chemical libraries using the incremental version of GTM. We also introduce a new method coined “Stargate GTM” or S-GTM, which allows us to travel from the space of chemical descriptors to activity space and vice versa; this approach was applied to activity profile prediction and inverse QSAR.

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