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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Software-defined Situation-aware Cloud Security

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: The use of reactive security mechanisms in enterprise networks can, at times, provide an asymmetric advantage to the attacker. Similarly, the use of a proactive security mechanism like Moving Target Defense (MTD), if performed without analyzing the effects of security countermeasures, can lead to security policy and service level agreement violations. In this thesis, I explore the research questions 1) how to model attacker-defender interactions for multi-stage attacks? 2) how to efficiently deploy proactive (MTD) security countermeasures in a software-defined environment for single and multi-stage attacks? 3) how to verify the effects of security and management policies on the network and take corrective actions? I propose a Software-defined Situation-aware Cloud Security framework, that, 1) analyzes the attacker-defender interactions using an Software-defined Networking (SDN) based scalable attack graph. This research investigates Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks using a scalable attack graph. The framework utilizes a parallel graph partitioning algorithm to generate an attack graph quickly and efficiently. 2) models single-stage and multi-stage attacks (APTs) using the game-theoretic model and provides SDN-based MTD countermeasures. I propose a Markov Game for modeling multi-stage attacks. 3) introduces a multi-stage policy conflict checking framework at the SDN network's application plane. I present INTPOL, a new intent-driven security policy enforcement solution. INTPOL provides a unified language and INTPOL grammar that abstracts the network administrator from the underlying network controller's lexical rules. INTPOL develops a bounded formal model for network service compliance checking, which significantly reduces the number of countermeasures that needs to be deployed. Once the application-layer policy conflicts are resolved, I utilize an Object-Oriented Policy Conflict checking (OOPC) framework that identifies and resolves rule-order dependencies and conflicts between security policies. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Computer Science 2020

Avfallshanteringen i SödraHammarbyhamnen : En studie om möjligheter till förändring av mänskligt beteende beträffande utsorteringen av matavfall / The Waste Disposal in “Södra Hammarbyhamnen”

Yvell, Malin, El Malla, Dana January 2017 (has links)
Hammarby Sjöstad var en av de första miljöinriktade stadsdelarna att byggas, visionerna varstora, målen likaså. I efterhand har vissa delar visat sig bättre än andra. Avfallshanteringen ären av de delar där utrymme för förbättring finns. I Södra Hammarbyhamnen, som dennastudie i huvudsak behandlar, utgörs avfallshanteringen av en stationär sopsug med inkast ianslutning till bostäderna. Förutsättningarna för en lyckad avfallshantering finns men når intei närheten av sin fulla kapacitet. Stockholms innerstad sorterade i genomsnitt ut cirka 17 kgmatavfall per invånare år 2015 medan invånarna i Hammarby Sjöstad enbart sorterade utcirka 13 kg samma år. Då hushållen står för majoriteten av mängden uppstått matavfallavgränsas rapporten till att endast omfatta denna kategori. Denna rapport har således till syfte att identifiera befintliga hinder i utsorteringen av matavfalli Södra Hammarbyhamnen. Vidare undersöks hur man uppnår goda resultat när det kommertill en ökad utsortering samt hur man i förlängningen får dessa att verka bestående.Frågeställningen som denna studie ämnar behandla är; Vilka hinder samt möjligheter finns dettill en permanent god utsortering av matavfall i Södra Hammarbyhamnen? Resultaten visar att ett upplevt hinder är avsaknaden av kontinuitet i informationsflödet, somenligt teorin är en förutsättning för att en nya vana ska skapas. Utöver detta framkom det atttillgängligheten av avfallspåsarna kan förbättras. Oavsett utlämningsställe upplevde deboende att det var långt till utlämningsstället för påsar. Slutsatsen är att förbättringsåtgärdernabör gå i linje med talesättet ”Det ska vara lätt att göra rätt” för att främja utsorteringen avmatavfall. / “Hammarby Sjöstad” was one of the first districts of Stockholm constructed withconsiderations taken to become more environmentally sustainable. Despite the grand visionsfor the project, some elements developed to be more successful than others. One element thatcould be improved upon, is the waste disposal system of the district. This thesis focuses on“Södra Hammarbyhamnen” which utilizes a stationary vacuum system with disposal insertionin connection to the residences. The neighborhood fulfils all the prerequisites for a successfulwaste disposal system, however, these aren’t utilized to capacity. In 2015, the averageresident in central Stockholm sorted approximately 17 kilos of food waste, whilst thecorresponding figure in “Hammarby Sjöstad” was only 13 kilos. As households make up mostof the produced food waste, this report is delimited to focus on households. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify obstacles that hamper the sorting of foodwaste in “Södra Hammarbyhamnen”. Furthermore, the report covers a concretization of howto inform residents with the intention of increasing waste separation. In combination with ananalysis on human habits, an empirical study was carried out, consisting of surveys andinterviews. Finally, a mapping of the aforementioned obstacles that obstruct waste separationhave been pinpointed in the gathered results. The results indicate that residents perceive a lackof continuity in the flow of information, described by theory as fundamental to create newhabits. Furthermore, it became clear that the accessibility of waste disposal bags can beimproved. Regardless of location, residents felt that the distance to the nearest waste bagdispensary was too long. This study concludes that improvement efforts should conform tothe apophthegm “It should be easy to do it right” to facilitate waste separation of food waste.

Investigation of the segregation behaviour in nanocrystalline materials

Wille, Catharina Gabriele 30 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Etude de la diffusion réactive entre Mn et Ge à l'échelle nanométrique pour des applications en spintronique / Study of reactive diffusion between Mn and Ge at the nanoscale for spintronic applications

Abbes, Omar 28 February 2013 (has links)
Le couplage des propriétés ferromagnétiques et semiconductrices représente une perspective prometteuse, afin de réaliser des technologies qui exploitent le spin des électrons. Ceci permettra de stocker et traiter des bits informatiques de façon instantanée dans le même dispositif, plutôt que dans des dispositifs séparés (mémoire et processeur). La Spintronique pourrait alors révolutionner la technologie de l'information. Un candidat potentiel pour la fabrication d'hétérostructures métal ferromagnétique/semiconducteur pour des applications en Spintronique, est le système Mn-Ge. Ce système qui est compatible avec la technologie CMOS, présente une phase intéressante pour la Spintronique qui est Mn5Ge3, avec une possibilité d'épitaxie sur le Ge(111). Afin d'intégrer cette phase dans des procédés de fabrication, nous étudions la diffusion réactive à l'état solide entre un film de Mn et un substrat de Ge (comme dans le cas de la formation des siliciures dans la technologie CMOS). L'accent a été mis sur la séquence de formation de phases lors de la réaction entre un film nanométrique de Mn et le Ge, l'influence de l'interface sur cette réaction, et sur la diffusion du Mn dans le Ge. L'incorporation du carbone dans des films minces de Mn5Ge3 a montré une augmentation notable de la température de Curie : nous présentons alors l'effet du carbone sur la réaction Mn-Ge, et sa redistribution dans les couches minces MnxGey. / Coupling ferromagnetic and semi-conducting properties represents a pathway toward producing technologies that exploit the spin of electrons. That would allow store and process computer bits instantly in a same device, rather than separate devices (memory and CPU). The Spintronics could then revolutionize the information technology. A potential candidate for the fabrication of heterostructures ferromagnetic metal / semiconductor for Spintronics applications is the Mn-Ge system. This system is compatible with CMOS technology, and presents an interesting phase for Spintronics which is Mn5Ge3 phase, which is able to be grown epitaxially on Ge(111). To integrate this phase in the manufacturing process, we study the solid state reactive diffusion between a thin Mn film and Ge substrate, to form a germanide upon the Ge substrate (as in the case of the formation of silicides in CMOS technology). Emphasis was placed on the sequence of phase formation during the reaction between a 50 nm thick Mn film and Ge, the influence of the interface on the reaction, and the diffusion of Mn in Ge. Incorporation of carbon in thin Mn5Ge3 films showed a significant increase in the Curie temperature, we then present the effect of carbon on the reaction Mn-Ge and its redistribution in thin MnxGey films.

Etude des mécanismes physiques responsables des évolutions microstructurales des aciers perlitiques au cours du tréfilage et du vieillissement post-tréfilage / Study of the physicak mechanisms responsible for the microstructural evolutions of pearlitic steel during drawing and post-drawing ageing

Lamontagne, Aude 21 November 2014 (has links)
Les câbles métalliques utilisés pour le renforcement des pneumatiques sont obtenus par assemblage de fils fins produits par tréfilage d’un fil d’acier perlitique à teneur en carbone proche de la composition eutectoïde. La mise en forme par tréfilage a pour but, d’une part de donner au fil son diamètre final et, d’autre part de l’écrouir et lui conférer une très haute résistance mécanique (3500 MPa environ pour des fils de diamètre de 200 µm environ). L’objectif actuel est de porter cette résistance à un niveau proche de 5000 MPa afin d’abaisser la quantité d’acier de renfort et de diminuer ainsi le poids et le coût des pneumatiques. Toutefois l’obtention de fils à ultra-haute résistance (5000 MPa) se voit confronter à deux obstacles majeurs. En effet, le renforcement de l’acier au cours de l’étape de tréfilage engendre des évolutions microstructurales et mécaniques très importantes qui provoquent l’apparition d’une fragilisation des fils. Ce phénomène est considéré comme le seuil de tréfilabilité au-delà duquel le fil ne peut plus être renforcé par écrouissage. Au-delà de cette fragilisation prématurée du fil, un phénomène de vieillissement post-tréfilage provoque lui aussi une évolution de la microstructure et une perte de la ductilité au cours du temps à température ambiante ou encore suite à des traitements thermiques basse température (< 200°C). Cette instabilité des fils dans le temps peut être fortement pénalisante pour leur mise en assemblage en vue d’obtenir les renforts métalliques puisqu’elle est responsable de nombreuses ruptures des fils. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a consisté alors à contribuer à la définition des évolutions microstructurales, à l’origine des variations des propriétés mécaniques qui apparaissent au cours de l’écrouissage et du vieillissement post-tréfilage. Pour cela, une approche expérimentale originale reposant sur l’utilisation combinée de plusieurs techniques de caractérisation globales et indirectes (pouvoir thermoélectrique, résistivité électrique, spectroscopie mécanique, calorimétrie…), couplée à des analyses en sonde atomique tomographique et à des essais de traction, a été mise en place dans l’idée de fournir un faisceau d’éléments permettant de proposer un scénario pour interpréter les différentes évolutions microstructurales en question. Il a ainsi pu être mis en évidence que l’étape de tréfilage provoquait la dissolution de la cémentite induisant la sursaturation de la ferrite en carbone. Cette microstructure fortement hors équilibre suite à la déformation, revient alors à un état thermodynamiquement plus stable au cours du vieillissement post-tréfilage à travers trois mécanismes différents : la ségrégation des atomes de carbone sur les défauts microstructuraux et la précipitation de carbures intermédiaires métastables suivie de leur transformation en cémentite. / Steelcords are produced by assembling cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires with a composition close to the eutectoid one. The cold-drawing step has two goals: it provides the final shape of the wire and its very high mechanical resistance (about 3500 MPa for wires with a diameter of 200 µm). Nowadays, the industrial target aims at achieving a mechanical resistance of about 5000 MPa in order to lower the quantity of steelcord introduced into tires so decreasing their weight and their cost. However, there are two major obstacles to obtaining these ultra-high strength wires. Indeed, the steel reinforcement during cold-drawing induces significant microstructural and mechanical evolutions, which embrittle the wires. This phenomenon is considered as the limit of drawability beyond which wires cannot be plastically deformed anymore. In addition to that, post-drawing ageing can also induce a microstructural evolution and a loss of ductility due to storage at room temperature or during heat treatments at low temperatures (< 200°C). This instability of the wires microstructure can be very damaging for the assembly step leading to wire breakage. The aim of this work was to contribute to the assessment of the microstructural evolution responsible for the variations of mechanical properties that appear during drawing and post-drawing ageing. To achieve this goal, an original experimental approach combining global and indirect characterization techniques (thermoelectric power, electrical resistivity, mechanical spectroscopy, calorimetry…) with Atom Probe Tomography analyses has been set up in order to provide a range of evidences that converge towards a unique scenario to interpret the different microstructural evolution. It was thus shown that cold-drawing leads to cementite dissolution inducing over saturation of ferrite in carbon atoms. This non-equilibrium microstructure tends to return to a more stable state during post-drawing ageing through three different ageing mechanisms: the segregation of carbon atoms on microstructural defects, the precipitation of secondary carbides and their transformation in cementite.

Apport de la sonde atomique tomographique dans l'étude structurale et magnétique du semi-conducteur magnétique 6H-SiC implanté avec du fer : vers un semi-conducteur magnétique à température ambiante / Contribution of the atom probe tomography to the structural and magnetic study of the magnetic 6H-SiC semiconductor implanted with iron : towards a magnetic semiconductor at room temperature

Diallo, Mamadou Lamine 16 June 2017 (has links)
Dans la réalisation de nouveaux composants innovants de la spintronique, de grands espoirs sont placés sur les semi-conducteurs magnétiques dilués (DMS). L’enjeu technologique est de développer des matériaux ayant à la fois des propriétés semi-conductrices et ferromagnétiques. Le but de ce travail est de réaliser une étude nanostructurale et magnétique détaillée du système Fe :SiC candidat prometteur pour devenir un semi-conducteur magnétique dilué à température ambiante. Cependant les propriétés magnétiques du matériau (6H-SiC) implanté avec des métaux de transitions (MT) dépendent fortement de sa microstructure (concentration et nature du dopant, précipitation du dopant…). Afin d’appréhender l’ensemble des propriétés nanostructurales et magnétiques, nous avons étudié le système Fe :SiC à l’échelle de l’atome en utilisant la sonde atomique tomographique (SAT) couplée à la spectrométrie Mössbauer 57Fe. Des monocristaux 6H-SiC (0001) de type p et n (~10+18/cm3) ont été multi-implantés en 56Fe et 57Fe à différentes énergies et différentes fluences conduisant à une concentration atomique de (6% et 4%) de 20 à 120 nm de la surface. Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous avons pu suivre l’effet de la nanostructure du système Fe :SiC en fonction de la concentration de fer et des températures d’implantation et de recuit. Nous avons établi de nouveaux résultats : nature et dimension des nanoparticules, évaluation précise du nombre d’atomes de fer dilué dans la matrice SiC. Les différentes contributions ferromagnétiques et paramagnétiques sont identifiées et clairement expliquées grâce au couplage de techniques expérimentales comme la SAT, la spectrométrie Mössbauer, la magnétométrie SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device). Nous avons réussi à déterminer des conditions optimales pour l’obtention d’un DMS à température ambiante. En effet dans les échantillons implantés 4% Fe à 380°C, plus de 90% des atomes de Fe sont dilués. Ces atomes de Fe dilués contribuent majoritairement aux propriétés ferromagnétiques mesurées par SQUID et par spectrométrie Mössbauer à 300 K. Ces différents résultats expérimentaux mettent en lumière la possibilité de réalisation d’un nouveau (DMS) à température ambiante / Great hopes are placed on diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) for new components of spintronics. The challenge is to develop materials with both semiconducting and ferromagnetic properties. The aim of this work is to carry out a detailed nanostructural and magnetic study of the Fe: SiC candidate promising system to become a magnetic semiconductor diluted at room temperature. However, the magnetic properties observed in (6H-SiC) implanted with transition metals (TM) depend strongly on the material microstructure (content and nature of the dopant, precipitation of the dopant, etc.). In order to understand all the nanostructural and magnetic mechanisms, we studied the Fe: SiC system at the atomic scale using atom probe tomography (APT) and Mössbauer spectrometry. p and n single crystalline 6H-SiC near (0001)-oriented samples were submitted to multi-step implantations with 56Fe and 57Fe ions at different energies and fluences leading to an iron concentration (Cat =6 and 4%) at a depth between 20 nm and 120 nm from the sample surface. In this work, we were able to follow the effect of the nanostructure of the Fe: SiC system as a function of the iron concentration and the temperatures of implantations and annealing. We have established new results: nature and size of the nanoparticles, precise evaluation of the number of iron atoms diluted in the SiC matrix. The ferromagnetic and paramagnetic contributions are identified and clearly explained by the coupling of experimental techniques such as APT, Mössbauer spectrometry, SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) magnetometry. We were able to put the material in optimal conditions for obtaining a DMS at room temperature. Indeed, the implanted samples (4% Fe) at 380°C more than 90% Fe atoms were distributed homogeneously. These Fe atoms are the main source of the ferromagnetic properties measured by SQUID and Mössbauer spectrometry at 300 K. These experimental results highlight the possibility of obtaining a new (DMS) at room temperature.

Extending the explanatory power of factor pricing models using topic modeling / Högre förklaringsgrad hos faktorprismodeller genom topic modeling

Everling, Nils January 2017 (has links)
Factor models attribute stock returns to a linear combination of factors. A model with great explanatory power (R2) can be used to estimate the systematic risk of an investment. One of the most important factors is the industry which the company of the stock operates in. In commercial risk models this factor is often determined with a manually constructed stock classification scheme such as GICS. We present Natural Language Industry Scheme (NLIS), an automatic and multivalued classification scheme based on topic modeling. The topic modeling is performed on transcripts of company earnings calls and identifies a number of topics analogous to industries. We use non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) on a term-document matrix of the transcripts to perform the topic modeling. When set to explain returns of the MSCI USA index we find that NLIS consistently outperforms GICS, often by several hundred basis points. We attribute this to NLIS’ ability to assign a stock to multiple industries. We also suggest that the proportions of industry assignments for a given stock could correspond to expected future revenue sources rather than current revenue sources. This property could explain some of NLIS’ success since it closely relates to theoretical stock pricing. / Faktormodeller förklarar aktieprisrörelser med en linjär kombination av faktorer. En modell med hög förklaringsgrad (R2) kan användas föratt skatta en investerings systematiska risk. En av de viktigaste faktorerna är aktiebolagets industritillhörighet. I kommersiella risksystem bestäms industri oftast med ett aktieklassifikationsschema som GICS, publicerat av ett finansiellt institut. Vi presenterar Natural Language Industry Scheme (NLIS), ett automatiskt klassifikationsschema baserat på topic modeling. Vi utför topic modeling på transkript av aktiebolags investerarsamtal. Detta identifierar ämnen, eller topics, som är jämförbara med industrier. Topic modeling sker genom icke-negativmatrisfaktorisering (NMF) på en ord-dokumentmatris av transkripten. När NLIS används för att förklara prisrörelser hos MSCI USA-indexet finner vi att NLIS överträffar GICS, ofta med 2-3 procent. Detta tillskriver vi NLIS förmåga att ge flera industritillhörigheter åt samma aktie. Vi föreslår också att proportionerna hos industritillhörigheterna för en aktie kan motsvara förväntade inkomstkällor snarare än nuvarande inkomstkällor. Denna egenskap kan också vara en anledning till NLIS framgång då den nära relaterar till teoretisk aktieprissättning.

Accelerated Testing of Pavement with Embedded Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Components

Oscar Moncada (17378296) 14 November 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This thesis investigates the embedment of Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer (DWPT) components within two pavement test sections, aiming to evaluate their mechanical and thermal responses. The integration of DWPT components into the pavement structure, while enabling dynamic power delivery to EVs, alters the conventional geometric design of a typical pavement, potentially influencing their short-term and long-term durability and integrity. Hence, to ensure the integrity and efficiency of both the embedded system and the surrounding structure, it is essential to understand how integrating these components influence the pavement's performance.</p><p dir="ltr">Conducted at the Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) facility of the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), the study evaluates over the course of 25,000 APT traffic passes, the mechanical and thermal responses of both, a flexible and rigid pavement test section. Each test section features a Charging Unit (CU), a concrete slab upon which the DWPT components are placed. The construction of the flexible pavement involved milling down 2 in. of the existing pavement surface, while the rigid pavement required complete demolition of the existing pavement. The flexible pavement’s CU is composed of Class A concrete and the rigid pavement's CU features magnetizable concrete, a type of concrete composed of ferrite particles embedded in a cement matrix. Among the two pavement sections, only the rigid pavement exhibited visible distress, identified as a mid-panel crack. Several factors contributed to the crack formation, including inadequate adhesion between concrete interfaces, concrete mix segregation, material variations, construction issues, and nonuniform load distribution. The manual construction procedures, which were employed to prevent disrupting the embedded DWPT components and sensor instrumentation, and the one-week gap between casting the CU and the surrounding slab might have further influenced the adhesion strength of the rigid pavement section.</p><p dir="ltr">By examining the construction techniques employed, challenges encountered, and resulting behavior of both pavement test sections, this study provides insights into the construction and performance implications of DWPT component integration into pavements, as evidenced by the responses observed in the test sections. This thesis thereby contributes to the ongoing research efforts on investigating the impact such integration has on the surrounding structure's integrity.</p>

Evolution of Precipitates and Their Influence on the Mechanical Properties of β-Titanium Alloys

Mantri, Srinivas Aditya 08 1900 (has links)
Over the last few decades, body-centered-cubic (bcc) beta (β) titanium alloys have largely been exploited as structural alloys owing to the richness in their microstructural features. These features, which lead to a unique combination of high specific strength and ductility, excellent hardenability, good fatigue performance, and corrosion resistance, make these alloys viable candidates for many applications, including aerospace, automobile, and orthopedic implants. The mechanical properties of these alloys strongly depend on the various phases present; which can be controlled by thermomechanical treatments and/or alloy design. The two most important and studied phases are the metastable ω phase and the stable α phase. The present study focuses on the microstructural evolution and the mechanical behavior of these two phases in a model β-Ti alloy, binary Ti-12wt. %Mo alloy, and a commercial β-Ti alloy, β-21S. Microstructures containing athermal and isothermal ω phases in the binary Ti-12wt. %Mo alloy are obtained under specific accurate temperature controlled heat treatments. The formation and the evolution of the ω-phase based microstructures are investigated in detail via various characterization techniques such as SEM, TEM, and 3D atom probe tomography. The mechanical behavior was investigated via quasi-static tensile loading; at room and elevated temperatures. The effect of β phase stability on the deformation behavior is then discussed. Similar to the Ti-12wt. %Mo, the formation and the evolution of the athermal and isothermal ω phases in the commercial β-21S alloy was studied under controlled heat treatments. The structural and compositional changes were tracked using SEM, TEM, HR-STEM, and 3D atom probe tomography (3D-APT). The presence of additional elements in the commercial alloy were noted to make a considerable difference in the evolution and morphology of the ω phase and also the mechanical behavior of the alloys. The Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) like effect was observed in iii this alloy at elevated temperature and this has been attributed to the shearing of the ω precipitates and the dynamic precipitation of the α phase within these channels. The formation of the stable α phase in the commercial β-21S alloy due to the influence of precursor phases, like the metastable ω phase, is investigated. It is evident from the microstructural characterization, using SEM, TEM, HR-STEM, and 3D-APT, that the ω phase does play a role on the fine scale α precipitation. The mechanical behavior of the β+α microstructure, investigated via tensile testing, shows that these alloys are ideal candidate for precipitation hardening. The exceptional strength values obtained in this alloy have been attributed to a combination of several factors.

Modelado y evaluación de prestaciones de redes de sensores inalámbricos heterogéneos con ciclo de trabajo síncrono

Portillo Jiménez, Canek 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] Las redes de sensores inalámbricas (WSN) han experimentado un resurgimiento debido al desarrollo de la Internet de las Cosas (IoT). Una de las características de las aplicaciones de la IoT es la necesidad de hacer uso de dispositivos sensores y actuadores. En aplicaciones como automatización de edificios, de gestión energética, industriales o de salud, los nodos sensores que componen la WSN, transmiten información a un colector central o sink. La información es posteriormente procesada, analizada y utilizada para propósitos específicos. En cada una de estas aplicaciones, los dispositivos sensores pueden considerarse como parte de una WSN. En ese sentido el modelado y la evaluación de las prestaciones en las WSN es importante, ya que permite obtener una visión más clara de su comportamiento, facilitando un adecuado diseño y una exitosa puesta en operación. En el presente trabajo de tesis se han desarrollado modelos matemáticos para evaluar las prestaciones de WSN, los cuales están basados en Cadenas de Markov en Tiempo Discreto (DTMC). Los parámetros de prestaciones elegidos para la evaluación son: energía consumida promedio, eficiencia energética, caudal cursado y retardo promedio de los paquetes. Los resultados que se han obtenido han sido validados por medio de simulación basada en eventos discretos (DES). Existen estudios de WSN en escenarios homogéneos, donde los nodos que componen la red inalámbrica son del mismo tipo y tienen las mismas características de operación. En estos análisis se definen WSN homogéneas compuestas por un nodo central o sumidero (sink), que recibe la información de los nodos sensores localizados alrededor, formando una célula o cluster. Estos nodos realizan las transmisiones en SPT (Single Packet Transmission), enviando un solo paquete por ciclo de transmisión. Sin embargo, es posible encontrar, más ahora con el desarrollo de la IoT, escenarios donde coexisten distintos tipos de nodos, con características diferentes y, por tanto, con requerimientos de operación específicos. Esto da lugar a la formación de clusters cuyos nodos tienen aplicaciones distintas, desigual consumo de energía, diversas tasas de trasmisión de datos, e incluso diferentes prioridades de acceso al canal de transmisión. Este tipo de escenarios, que denominamos heterogéneos, forman parte de los escenarios estudiados en el presente trabajo de tesis. En una primera parte, se ha desarrollado un modelo para evaluar las prestaciones de una WSN heterogénea y con prioridades de acceso al medio. El modelado incluye un par de DTMC de dos dimensiones (2D-DTMC) cada una, cuya solución en términos de la distribución de probabilidad estacionaria, es utilizada para determinar los parámetros de prestaciones. Se desarrollan, por tanto, expresiones cerradas para los parámetros de prestaciones, en función de la distribución estacionaria que se ha obtenido a partir de la solución de las 2D-DTMC. En una segunda parte, se desarrolla un modelo analítico también pensado para escenarios heterogéneos y con prioridades, pero en el que los nodos de la WSN, cuando consiguen acceso al canal, transmiten un conjunto de paquetes en vez de uno solo como en el modelo de la primera parte. Estos dos modos de operación de los sensores los denominamos aggregated packet trans- mission (APT) y single packet transmission (SPT), respectivamente. El número de paquetes que un nodo funcionando en APT trasmite cuando accede al canal es el menor entre un parámetro configurable y el número de paquetes que tuviera en la cola en ese momento. Este modo de operación consigue una mayor eficiencia energética y un aumento en el caudal cursado, además de una disminución en el retardo promedio de los paquetes. En una tercera parte, se propone un nuevo procedimiento analítico para la determinación del consumo energético de los nodos que conforman una WSN. A diferencia de los métodos de cálculo anteriores, la nueva prop / [CA] Les xarxes de sensors sense fils (WSN) han experimentat un ressorgiment causa de al desenvolupament de la Internet de les Coses (IoT). Una de les característiques de IoT és la inclusió, en les seves aplicacions, de dispositius sensors i actuadors. En aplicacions com automatització d'edificis, de gestió energètica, industrials o de salut, els nodes sensors que componen la WSN, transmeten informació a un col·lector central o sink. La informació és posteriorment processada, analitzada i utilitzada per a propòsits específics. En cadascuna d'aquestes aplicacions, els dispositius sensors poden considerar com a part d'una WSN. En aquest sentit el modelitzat i l'avaluació de l'acompliment en les WSN és important, ja que permet obtenir una visió més clara del seu comportament, facilitant un adequat disseny i una exitosa posada en operació. En el present treball de tesi s'han desenvolupat models matemàtics per avaluar l'acompliment de WSN, els quals estan basats en Cadenes de Markov en Temps Discret (DTMC). Els paràmetres d'acompliment obtinguts per a l'avaluació són: energia consumida mitjana, eficiència energètica, cabal cursat i retard mitjà dels paquets. Els resultats que s'han obtingut, han estat validats per mitjà de simulació basada en esdeveniments discrets (DES). Existeixen estudis de WSN en escenaris homogenis, on els nodes que componen la xarxa sense fils són de el mateix tipus i tenen les mateixes característiques d'operació. En aquests anàlisis prèvies es defineixen WSN homogènies compostes per un node central o embornal (sink), que rep la informació dels nodes sensors localitzats al voltant, formant una cèl·lula o cluster. Aquests nodes realitzen les transmissió en SPT (Single Packet Transmission), és a dir, enviant un sol paquet cada vegada que transmeten. No obstant això, és possible trobar, més ara amb el desenvolupament de la IOT, escenaris on hi ha una coexistència de distints tipus de nodes, amb característiques diferents i, per tant, amb requeriments d'operació específics. Això dona lloc a formació de clusters els nodes tenen aplicacions diferents, desigual consum d'energia, diverses taxes de transmissió de dades, i fins i tot diferent prioritats d'accés a canal de transmissió. Aquest tipus d'escenaris, que anomenem heterogenis, formen part dels escenaris estudiats en el present treball de tesi. En una primera part, s'ha desenvolupat un model per avaluar l'acompliment d'una WSN heterogènia i amb prioritats d'accés al medi. El modelitzat inclou un parell DTMC de dues dimensions (2D-DTMC), la solució en termes de la distribució estacionària de probabilitat, és utilitzada per obtenir posteriorment els paràmetres d'acompliment. Es desenvolupen, per tant, expressions tancades per a la determinació dels paràmetres d'acompliment, on és substituïda la distribució estacionària que s'ha obtingut a partir de la solució de les 2D-DTMC. En una segona part, es desenvolupa un model, en el qual els nodes pertanyents a la WSN, poden transmetre els seus paquets en agregat (APT) en escenaris heterogenis i amb prioritats. A diferència del model anterior, on els nodes transmeten un paquet per cicle (SPT), en APT els nodes poden transmetre més d'un paquet. Això porta com a conseqüència una major eficiència energètica, a més d'un augment en el cabal cursat i disminució en el retard mitjana. En una tercera part, es proposa un nou desenvolupament analític per a la determinació del consum energètic dels nodes que conformen una WSN. A diferència de les expressions utilitzades anteriorment per al càlcul del consum energètic, aquesta proposta alternativa permet obtenir resultats més precisos a través del desenvolupament d'expressions més intuïtives i sistemàtiques. Amb aquest nou procediment, es realitzen estudis energètics per WSN en escenaris homogenis i heterogenis. / [EN] Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have experienced a resurgence due to the development of the Internet of Things (IoT). One of the characteristics of IoT is the deployment of applications that require sensor devices and actuators. In applications such as building automation, energy management, industrial or health, the sensor nodes that make up the WSN transmit information to a central collector or sink. The information is processed, analyzed, and used for specific purposes. In each of these applications, the sensor devices can be considered part of a WSN. In this sense, the modeling and performance evaluation of WSN is important, since it allows obtaining a clearer vision of their behavior, facilitating an adequate design and a successful operation. In the present thesis, analytical models based on Discrete Time Markov Chains (DTMC) have been developed to evaluate the performance of WSN. The parameters defined for the performance evaluation are: average consumed energy, energy efficiency, throughput and average packet delay. The obtained results have been validated by means of discrete event simulation (DES). There are studies of WSN in homogeneous scenarios, where the nodes that compose the WSN are of the same type and have the same operating characteristics. In these previous studies, homogeneous WSN are defined as a cell or cluster composed of a central node or sink, which receives the information from the sensor nodes located around it. These nodes operate in SPT (Single Packet Transmission), sending a single packet per transmission cycle. However, it is possible to find, especially now with the development of the IoT, scenarios where different types of nodes coexist, although they have different characteristics or specific operational requirements. This results in the formation of clusters whose nodes have different applications, uneven power consumption, different data transmission rates, and even different priorities for access to the transmission channel. These types of scenarios, which we call heterogeneous, are part of the scenarios studied in this thesis work. In the first part, a model has been developed to evaluate the performance of a heterogeneous WSN and with priorities to access a common channel. The model includes a two-dimensional DTMC pair (2D-DTMC), whose solution in terms of the stationary probability distribution is used to obtain the performance parameters. Closed expressions are provided for the determination of performance parameters of interest, given in terms of the stationary distribution of the 2D-DTMC. In a second part, an analytical model is developed to evaluate the performance of a heterogeneous WSN, where nodes operate in aggregate packet transmission (APT) mode and deploy different channel access priorities. Un like the previous model, where the nodes transmit one packet per cycle (SPT) when they gain access to the channel, in APT the nodes can transmit a number of packets larger than one, that is the minimum between a configurable parameter and the number of packets in the packet queue of the node. This results in greater energy efficiency and throughput, while decreases the average packet delay. In a third part, a new analytical model is proposed to determine the energy consumption of the nodes that make up a WSN. Unlike previous computation procedures, this alternative proposal is based on more intuitive and systematic expressions and allows to obtain more accurate results. With this new procedure, energy studies are performed for WSN in homogeneous and heterogeneous scenarios. / Este trabajo se ha desarrollado en el marco de los siguientes proyectos de investigación: Platform of Services for Smart Cities with Dense Machine to Machine Networks, PLASMA, TIN2013-47272-C2-1-R and New Paradigms of Elastic Networks for a World Radically Based on Cloud and Fog Computing, Elastic Networks, TEC2015-71932-REDT. También quisiera agradecer el apoyo recibido por parte de the European Union under the program Erasmus Mundus Partnerships, project EuroinkaNet, GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER - 2014-0870/001/001 y La Secretaria de Educación Pública (México), bajo el Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente: SEP-SES (DSA/103.5/15/6629). / Portillo Jiménez, C. (2021). Modelado y evaluación de prestaciones de redes de sensores inalámbricos heterogéneos con ciclo de trabajo síncrono [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171275

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