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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consumer preferences for the origin of ingredients and the brand types in the organic baby food market

Lonca, Franck January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agricultural Economics / Hikaru H. Peterson / This study investigates consumers’ preferences for organic baby meals. The growth of the U.S organic industry has been notable during the last two decades. The U.S. organic farmers do not produce enough quantity to meet the increasing U.S demand for organic food, and increasingly more organic foods are manufactured from organic ingredients produced outside the U.S. Tensions have emerged in the organic sectors as large-scale companies have seized opportunities to sell products differentiated with the organic label. The study aimed to estimate U.S. consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for selected attributes (type of brand, production attributes, and origin of ingredients) of baby meal products using a choice-based conjoint analysis. The organic offerings represent a nontrivial share of this market. In recent years, offerings under store brands have also been increasing. The study identified that consumers preferred a major national brand with a large market share such as Gerber (80%) to the other types of brands including store brands. In terms of product characteristics, pesticide free and non-GMO products were seen as consumers’ top priorities. Consumers would not buy products that did not exhibit these two characteristics. Minimally processed products seemed not to matter for the majority of consumers, and these products (sold frozen) were expected to be a niche market. Besides, a product made with U.S ingredients (organically or non-organically grown) was associated with a higher utility. Firms can run a cost-benefit analysis to see if sourcing U.S. ingredients could increase profit. Running experimental auctions are recommended to firms that want to elicit WTP for U.S grown ingredients and implement an efficient marketing strategy. This study is a preliminary analysis that highlighted consumers’ preferences in the baby food market, and future analysis would complement the findings.

Assessing satisfaction of employee motivational needs in a selected explosive manufacturing plant / Ridovhona Tsanwani

Tsanwani, Ridovhona January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of the study is to compare the extent to which the need for autonomy, relatedness and competence of baby boomers, generation X, Y and Z employees of Denel Dynamics is being satisfied and how this influences motivational strategies. The issue of generation is becoming more important due to different ways and methods required to manage different generations. A quantitative study was done by means of a structured questionnaire which was used in to determine the motivational preferences of the participants. This questionnaire was developed by Van den Broeck, Vansteenkiste, De Witte, Soenens and Lens (2010) and is based on the self-determination theory developed by Deci and Ryan. Results indicate that baby boomers have a stronger need for autonomy as compared to the other generations. Similar needs for relatedness were shown by all the generations. In view of the findings, recommendations are made to management to optimize motivational strategies and these recommendations show how each generational needs relating to self-determination theory should be addressed. / MBA (Business Administration), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Assessing satisfaction of employee motivational needs in a selected explosive manufacturing plant / Ridovhona Tsanwani

Tsanwani, Ridovhona January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of the study is to compare the extent to which the need for autonomy, relatedness and competence of baby boomers, generation X, Y and Z employees of Denel Dynamics is being satisfied and how this influences motivational strategies. The issue of generation is becoming more important due to different ways and methods required to manage different generations. A quantitative study was done by means of a structured questionnaire which was used in to determine the motivational preferences of the participants. This questionnaire was developed by Van den Broeck, Vansteenkiste, De Witte, Soenens and Lens (2010) and is based on the self-determination theory developed by Deci and Ryan. Results indicate that baby boomers have a stronger need for autonomy as compared to the other generations. Similar needs for relatedness were shown by all the generations. In view of the findings, recommendations are made to management to optimize motivational strategies and these recommendations show how each generational needs relating to self-determination theory should be addressed. / MBA (Business Administration), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Generations and intention to leave current job : Belgian nurses in the workplace

De Vos, Nele January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis aims to identify work-related factors making Belgian nurses consider leaving their job voluntary and to compare the work-related factors across different generations. The purpose of this master thesis has a descriptive nature of research. The research approach chosen is a deductive approach and the research design chosen is a quantitative research design. Cluster sampling in combination with simple random sampling was used as sampling technique. 128 nurses were surveyed from April to May 2016. Nurses who reported to leave the organization due to retirement reasons, temporary employment contract or maternity leave were excluded from the study as this study investigates the voluntary turnover intention. A total of 68 nurses were included in the study which indicates an overall response rate of 53 %. Numerous of the findings in this master thesis are consistent with previous studies on turnover intention of different generations in other western-countries than Belgium. The work-related factor workload was most often reported by Belgian nurses with no intention to leave their job. Belgian nurses with an intention to leave their job indicated most often the work-related factor (non-)financial benefits. The generation-specific findings indicated both similarities and differences between the work-related factors selected. It was observed that Baby Boomers with an intention to leave their job selected most often variables related to the work-related factors (non-)financial benefits, supportive organization and workload. The variable lack of recognition appeared among Baby Boomers with an intention and no intention to leave their job. Surprisingly was the often selected variables lack of direct and/clear feedback on performances and unsupportive supervisor among Baby Boomers with professional turnover intention. Further, it was observed that Generation Xers with an intention to leave their job selected most often variables related to the work-related factors supportive organization, communication, (non-)financial benefits, work content and workload. The variables inadequate opportunity for advancement/professional growth and imbalance work-life appeared among Generation Xers with an intention and no intention to leave their job. Generation Yers with an intention to leave their job selected most frequently variables related to the work-related factors (non-)financial benefits, workload and commitment. The variables inadequate salary and opportunities elsewhere appeared among nurses with an intention and no intention to leave their job. Surprisingly was the often selected variable inadequate salary among Generation Yers with professional turnover intention.

Quête transpersonnelle et trajectoire identitaire dans la tension des paradigmes éducatifs : autoethnographie d'une éducatrice de la génération des baby-boomers

Dubé, Gabrielle-Charlotte January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans un paradigme compréhensif et herméneutique et dans une démarche de recherche qualitative. Elle utilise l'autoethnographie comme méthodologie. L'autoethnographie cherche à comprendre une histoire singulière sociohistoriquement inscrite dans des contextes culturels déterminés L'autoethnographie est à la fois une méthode de recherche, un style d'écriture, une oeuvre et une aventure transformatrice à travers laquelle la chercheure devient le sujet de son histoire. Ici, c'est la vie et l'expérience de la chercheure qui constitue le corpus des données. L'autoethnographie offr une invitation sensible à créer une relation dynamique entre la personne qui raconte son histoire et ses lecteurs. C'est une approche originale, qui fait appel à la vulnérabilité, à la sincérité et à l'authenticité de la chercheure. Le style d'écriture vise à décrire, à montrer et invite à pénétrer la réalité de l'expérience plutôt qu'à théoriser, expliquer ou défendre des certitudes. Cette thèse dévoile la quête transpersonnelle du sujet-chercheure qui traverse une vie d'élève, de mère, d'enseignante, d'étudiante, de formatrice d'adultes et, enfin, d'enseignante en formation initiale à l'enseignement. Une quête vécue dans la culture de l'éducation et qui s'est actualisée à travers des moments clés où se joue, dans et pour la chercheure, une tension entre des approches éducatives centrées sur la personne et son potentiel, et d'autres approches centrées sur les instruments, les contenus et l'évaluation. Cette autoethnographie est présentée sous forme de vignettes qui offrnt au lecteur l'accès à des moments significatifs de vie. La production des données s'est faite à l'aide d'outils variés tels le journal de recherche, le récit de vie, des récits phénoménologiques, des photographies, des poésies, des extraits de travaux d'étudiantes, des documents et des articles. Ces données ont été analysées et interprétées de manière qualitative et en mode écriture en vue de permettre une meilleure compréhension de l'autrice et de sa praxis.

Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics use in neonates : a critical appraisal of the evidence and evaluation of its application by the food industry

Mugambi, Mary Letizia Nkatha 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Synbiotics, probiotics and prebiotics are being added to infant formula. This study was an in-depth evaluation of research on infants fed infant formula containing synbiotics, probiotics or prebiotics and was carried out in two phases. Phase one included two systematic reviews that assessed if synbiotics, probiotics or prebiotics led to improved growth and clinical outcomes in formula fed full term and preterm infants. Phase two included two studies: A systematic review compared the methodological quality and outcomes of industry and non-industry sponsored randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and a descriptive study evaluated how the food industry applies the knowledge and evidence gained from probiotics, prebiotics or synbiotics research in infants. The research questions were: Does the consumption of probiotics, prebiotics or synbiotics supplemented infant formula lead to improved clinical outcomes in infants? Is there an association between source of funding and methodological quality, clinical outcomes and author’s conclusions in trials using probiotics, prebiotics or synbiotics supplemented formula in infants? Does the food industry use the evidence gained through probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics research trials on infants for the benefit of the general paediatric population? The hypotheses were: Consumption of probiotics, prebiotics or synbiotics by infants leads to improved clinical outcomes; The source of funding in research trials using probiotics, prebiotics or synbiotics supplemented formula in infants is associated with outcomes in favour of the sponsor’s products and authors’ conclusions; Methodological qualities of non-industry sponsored trials are equivalent to industry sponsored trials; Evidence gathered through probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics research is implemented by the food industry. Methods: Phase one: Both systematic reviews on preterm and full term infants: Cochrane methodology was followed using RCTs which compared preterm or full term formula containing probiotics, prebiotics or synbiotics to conventional infant formula with / without placebo among healthy preterm or full term infants. The mean difference (MD) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were reported for continuous outcomes, risk ratio (RR) and corresponding 95% CI for dichotomous outcomes. Phase two: In the systematic review, Cochrane methodology was used to assess the risk of bias of included RCTs. Association between source of funding and risk of bias, clinical outcomes and conclusions were assessed. In the descriptive study, all listed companies that manufacture infant food products with added synbiotics, probiotics or prebiotics for infants were identified and invited to participate. A letter of invitation was sent and if they expressed willingness to take part in the study, a questionnaire with a written consent form was sent. Descriptive statistics and associations between categorical variables were to be tested using a Chi-square test. Results: Phase one: Review on preterm infants: 8 studies were included. Probiotics increased stool frequency with no effect on other clinical outcomes. Prebiotics increased stool frequency and bifidobacteria counts only. Review on full term infants: 25 studies were included. Synbiotics improved stool frequency but had no effect on other clinical outcomes. Probiotics did not have an effect on any clinical outcome. Prebiotics increased weight gain and stool frequency with no effect on other outcomes. Phase two: Systematic review: 67 studies were included, majority were funded by food industry. There was no significant association between the source of funding and four domains (sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding, selective reporting), majority of reported clinical outcomes or authors’ conclusions. Source of funding was significantly associated with two domains (incomplete outcome data, free of other bias), antibiotic use and conclusions on weight gain. Descriptive study: 25 companies were identified and invited to participate. No company agreed to participate in the survey for different reasons. Conclusions Phase one: Review on preterm infants: There is not enough evidence to state that supplementation with probiotics or prebiotics results in improved growth and clinical outcomes in exclusively formula fed preterm infants. Review on full term infants: There is not enough evidence to state that supplementation of term infant formula with synbiotics, probiotics or prebiotics does result in improved growth or clinical outcomes in term infants. There is no data available to establish if synbiotics are superior to probiotics or prebiotics. Phase two: Systematic review: In RCTs on infants fed infant formula containing probiotics, prebiotics or synbiotics, the source of funding does not influence majority of outcomes in favour of the sponsors’ products. More non-industry funded research is needed to further assess the impact of funding on reported clinical outcomes and authors’ conclusions. Descriptive study: Due to companies refusing to participate in this study, no conclusion could be drawn on how the food industry applies evidence gained through probiotics, prebiotics or synbiotics research on infants. More transparency is needed from the infant formula manufactures on how they apply the evidence gained from probiotic, prebiotic or synbiotic research on infants. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond Synbiotika, probiotika en prebiotika word gereeld by baba formule gevoeg. Hierdie studie was 'n in-diepte evaluering van navorsing oor babas gevoed met formule melk wat synbiotika, probiotika of prebiotika bevat en is uitgevoer in twee fases. Fase een het twee sistematiese oorsigte ingesluit wat die rol van synbiotika, probiotika en prebiotika op verbeterde groei en kliniese uitkomste van formule gevoede volterm babas en vroeg gebore babas evalueer het. Fase twee het bestaan uit twee studies: 'n sistematiese oorsig wat die metodologiese kwaliteit en uitkomste van die bedryf en nie-bedryf geborgde ewekansige gekontroleerde proewe (RCTs) evalueer het, asook 'n beskrywende studie wat die kennis en toepassing van bewyse oor die effektiewiteit van probiotika, prebiotika of synbiotika in die voedsel industrie bestudeer het. Die hipotese stellings was: verbruik van probiotika, prebiotika of synbiotika by babas lei tot verbeterde kliniese uitkomste; die bron van befondsing vir synbiotics, probiotika of prebiotika navorsing beïnvloed uitkomste ten gunste van die borg se produkte; bewyse ingesamel deur middel van probiotika, prebiotika en synbiotika navorsing word geïmplementeer deur die voedselindustrie. Metodes Fase een: Beide sistematiese oorsigte op volterm en premature babas: Cochrane metodes is gevolg deur ewekansige, gekontroleerde studies wat vol termyn of premature formule met probiotika, prebiotika of synbiotika met konvensionele baba formule met / sonder plasebo onder gesonde volterm of premature babas bestudeer. Die gemiddelde verskil (MD) en die ooreenstemmende 95% vertrouensintervalle is gebruik vir deurlopende uitkomste, risiko verhouding (RR) en die ooreenstemmende 95% CI vir tweeledige uitkomste. Fase twee: In die sistematiese oorsig is Cochrane metodiek gebruik om die risiko van vooroordeel van ingesluite ewekansige, gekontroleerde studies te evalueer. Assosiasie tussen bron van befondsing en die risiko van vooroordeel, asook kliniese uitkomste en gevolgtrekkings was beoordeel. In die beskrywende studie, is alle genoteerde maatskappye wat babavoeding produkte vervaardig met bygevoegde synbiotika, probiotika of prebiotika vir babas geïdentifiseer en uitgenooi om deel te neem. 'n Uitnodigingsbrief is vir die relevante maatskappye gestuur om hul bereidwilligheid om deel te neem te bevestig. Indien hulle wel bereid was om deel te neem was 'n vraelys met 'n skriftelike toestemming vorm gestuur. Beskrywende statistiek en assosiasies tussen kategoriese veranderlikes was getoets met behulp van 'n Chi-kwadraat toets. Resultate Fase een: Oorsig oor premature babas: 8 studies was ingesluit. Probiotika verhoog stoelgang frekwensie met geen effek op ander kliniese uitkomste. Prebiotika verhoog ook stoelgang frekwensie en slegs bifidobakteriële tellings. Oorsig oor die vol termyn babas: 25 studies was ingesluit. Synbiotika verbeter stoelgang frekwensie, maar het geen effek op ander kliniese uitkomste gehad nie. Probiotika het nie 'n effek op enige kliniese uitkoms gehad nie. Prebiotika verhoog gewigstoename en stoelgang frekwensie met geen effek op ander uitkomste. Fase twee: Sistematiese oorsig: 67 studies was ingesluit, en die meerderheid was befonds deur die voedsel bedryf. Daar was geen beduidende assosiasie tussen die bron van befondsing en vier gebiede (toekenningsvolgorde, toekenningsverberging, studie verblinding, selektiewe verslaggewing), en die meerderheid van gerapporteerde kliniese uitkomste of skrywers se gevolgtrekkings. Die bron van befondsing was beduidend verbind met twee gebiede (onvolledige uitslag data, vry van ander vooroordeel), antibiotika gebruik en gevolgtrekkings op gewigstoename. Beskrywende studie: 25 maatskappye is geïdentifiseer en genooi om deel te neem. Geen maatskappy het ingestem om deel te neem aan die studie om verskillende redes. Gevolgtrekkings Fase een: Oorsig oor premature babas: Daar is nie genoeg bewyse dat die aanvulling met probiotika of prebiotika resultate in verbeterde groei en kliniese uitkomste in uitsluitlik formule gevoede premature babas tot gevolg het nie. Oorsig oor die volle termyn babas: Daar is nie genoeg bewyse om te sê dat die aanvulling van term baba formule met synbiotika, probiotika of prebiotika lei tot verbeterde groei of kliniese uitkomste in termyn babas. Daar is geen inligting beskikbaar om te stel of synbiotika beter is as probiotika of prebiotika nie. Fase twee: Sistematiese oorsig: In studies op babas gevoed met formule melk wat probiotika, prebiotika of synbiotika bevat het, het die bron van befondsing nie meerderheid van die uitkomste in die guns van die borge se produkte beïnvloed nie. Meer nie-industrie befondsde navorsing is nodig om verder die impak van befondsing op kliniese uitkomste en skrywers se gevolgtrekkings te evalueer. Beskrywende studie: Aangesien al die maatskappy deelname geweier het, kon geen gevolgtrekking gemaak word of die voedsel bedryf bewyse oor die gebruik van probiotika, prebiotika of synbiotika toepas nie. Meer deursigtigheid is nodig van die formule vervaardigers oor hoe hulle die bewyse oor die gebruik van probiotika, prebiotika of synbiotika toepas.

Using Evidence to Develop Best Practices Strengthening Breastfeeding Support on Perinatal Units

Friedman, Carol Ann 01 January 2015 (has links)
Ample research has been found to suggest that there is no substitute, either nutritionally or emotionally, that can replace the benefits of human milk for human infants. Despite this recognition, the attitude still exists that infant formula is a reasonable alternative. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), World Health Organization (WHO), and United Nation Children's Fund (UNICEF) share policy statements endorsing human milk as the optimal infant nutrition for the first 15 months. Accordingly, WHO and UNICEF launched The Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative established in 1991 to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding. Despite this unilateral support of breastfeeding, nursing and physician educational curriculums do not include lactation education, which limits the knowledge of those who provide care to the mother and newborn dyad. The purpose of this project is to promote staff lactation education and training on the infant feeding practices by encouraging breastfeeding in a hospital setting. This project includes lactation education and hands-on training for staff. A 20-hour didactic lactation education course will meet the requirements to ensure that staff training will assist in supporting patients with the early initiation of breastfeeding. Furthermore, training will include clinical competencies to evaluate the knowledge, practice patterns, and confidence of the staff. Lactation education for providers will be provided through an online course designed to improve their ability to support breastfeeding among their patients. The result of this project will assist hospital leadership to determine specific education and training for staff in increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates among their patient population.

Into and out of poverty: Changes in the demographic composition of the United States poor, 1967-1987.

Browne, Irene Ann. January 1991 (has links)
The dissertation examines how changes in the race, gender and age composition of poverty over the past twenty years are linked to the unique experiences of particular birth cohorts. Demographer Richard Easterlin argues that generations born between 1944 and 1963 (the 'baby boom') face exceptional labor market competition and economic vulnerability due to their large numbers. Extending this theory, the central question of the dissertation is: Have families headed by the baby boom generation been more likely to be poor in the 1970s and 1980s compared to families headed by generations born prior to the baby boom? The findings indicate that among whites, the answer is clearly 'yes.' For African Americans, the answer appears to be 'no.' Results consistently show that the risk of poverty has been increasing with each successive generation of white family born since 1944. On the other hand, there is no evidence that black families headed by an individual born during the baby boom are more likely to be poor than those headed by previous generations. For both races, however, the most striking finding concerns the generation which was born after the baby boom. White and black families headed by adults born since 1964 are more likely to be poor compared to families headed by the older generations. The cohort effects on poverty are net of family structure, age of the family head, and period. The effects also persist controlling for employment variables which reflect labor market competition. Hypotheses about demographic trends in poverty from 1967 to 1987 are tested using multivariate analyses of a cross-sectional dataset (the Current Population Survey) and a longitudinal dataset (the Panel Study of Income Dynamics). Log-linear analyses of the Current Population Survey decompose the effects of family structure, age, period and cohort on poverty for all families as well as families headed by women. Discrete-time event history analyses of the PSID are used to model poverty among all families in any given year between 1969 and 1987. The dynamics of poverty are further examined in comparisons of nested multinomial logistic regression models of poverty entrances and exits among wives and female-headed families.

du&jag - The car seat for you and me

Leijon, Markus January 2013 (has links)
Car seats for smaller children, offers very good protection incase of a collision. Unfortunately for the parents’ sake , these car seats is heavy to handle outside the car. For example back and forth home and short errands around town. In other words, all those times when you decide to just take out the car seat and carry it instead of place the baby in a baby carrier. By analyzing where and how the car seat is being used. How best to carry heavier loads up to about 15 kg as a car seat with the child can weigh and by taking into account the child ’s and the parents anatomy. This work led to a concept on how this problem can be solved. Various technical principle solutions have been developed and evaluated. The chosen solution has then been further developed by various design approaches where form and expression has been the important part. The main body of the new solution is a softer inner which you lifts out when you leave the car. The baby sits in a carrier that the parent carries in front of their body. Remaining in the car is a chair-like base with ”click” fasteners that lock the softer part in place when it´s placed in the car, with the baby in it. The major benefits of solving it this way is that the baby is carried in front of the body without oblique loaded lifting on the spine. While the solution also itself weighs several pounds less than the current car seats. It also frees the parents both hands by carrying the child this way. All this leads to a gentler living for the parents.

Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention: Implementation of an Individualized, Patient-Centered Education Program

Schutt, Alexandra Dimitra, Schutt, Alexandra Dimitra January 2016 (has links)
Background: Child maltreatment is a serious health concern in the United States (U.S.) affecting as many as one in four children throughout their lifetime (Finkelhor, Turner, Ormond, & Hamby, 2013). In 2013, a reported 678, 932 victims of child maltreatment were reported to Child Protective Services (CPS), and of those cases 1,520 were fatal (CDC, 2015a). Out of all the various types of child maltreatment, Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is the leading cause of child abuse deaths in the U.S. (CDC, n.d.). While current research has focused on validating the effectiveness of educational interventions, very few studies have analyzed the efficacy of individualized, patient-centered action plans. Such data would be beneficial to assess the usefulness of action plans in preparing caregivers for coping with an inconsolable infant at home. Purpose: To enhance caregiver knowledge about SBS and to provide parents with the skills and resources necessary to cope effectively and efficiently at home when unable to console their infant. Methods: This study utilized a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design. Participants were recruited from the Franciscan Women’s Health Associates located at St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma, Washington and were members of the Centering prenatal groups. The entirety of the study was completed during these groups including the pre-test, intervention, action plan, and post-test. Data was analyzed through the utilization of descriptive statistics as well as a paired t test. Results: Overall, results revealed that participant (n=26) knowledge significantly improved after the educational intervention (p=0.000) with a mean score of 87.56% on the pre-test and a mean score of 95.38% on the post-test. In addition, a majority of participants (57.5%) found both the action plan and the education to be extremely useful. Discussion: The results of this study were consistent with current evidence indicating that education on SBS, the dangers of shaking, and healthy coping mechanisms significantly impacts caregiver knowledge. In addition, a majority of participants viewed the action plans favorably identifying that they would be beneficial if they felt frustrated. Future research is warranted to gather more information on the long-term outcomes of educational interventions as well as individualized action plans.

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