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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Разработка сервиса управления банковскими рассылками : магистерская диссертация / Development of a service for managing bank mailings

Шальнова, А. М., Shalnova, A. M. January 2020 (has links)
Актуальность данного исследования заключается в анализе бизнес-процессов финансового учреждения – банка для юридических лиц, – и разработке эффективных решений обнаруженных в бизнес-процессах проблем, которые могут успешно применяться на практике для улучшения стратегической деятельности исследуемого предприятия. Целью работы являлось определение проблем в бизнес-процессах исследуемого предприятия, разработка сервиса для организации и управления банковскими коммуникациями, а также оценка экономической пользы и практической пользы от внедрения этого сервиса в деятельность АО «Точка». Предлагаемые в данной работе методы и решения позволят банку для предпринимателей и предприятий АО «Точка» не только улучшить показатели своей деятельности, но также получить значительную экономическую выгоду. Это доказывает экономическую эффективность предлагаемых в диссертации мер. / The relevance of this study lies in the analysis of the business processes of a financial institution - a bank for legal entities - and the development of effective solutions to problems found in business processes that can be successfully applied in practice to improve the strategic activities of the studied enterprise. The aim of the work was to identify problems in the business processes of the studied enterprise, develop a service for organizing and managing bank communications, as well as assessing the economic benefits and practical benefits of introducing this service into the activities of «Tochka». The methods and solutions proposed in this work will allow the bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises of «Tochka» not only to improve its performance indicators, but also to obtain significant economic benefits. This proves the economic efficiency of the measures proposed in the thesis.

Банки с иностранным участием в России: современные аспекты деятельности, проблемы и перспективы : магистерская диссертация / Banks with foreign participation in Russia: modern aspects activities, problems and prospects

Юань, Ч., Yuan, Z. January 2021 (has links)
Структура диссертационной работы. Выполненное диссертационное исследование состоит из введения, трёх глав, заключения, списка использованных источников и приложения. В первой главе изучены сущность, функции, принципы и классификация банков, и правовые основы деятельности банков с иностранным участием в России, рассмотрены современные тенденции сегмента банков с иностранным участием в России, охарактеризованы особенности банковских операций и сделок банков с иностранным участием. Во второй главе дана характеристика и анализ основных финансовых показателей АКБ «БЭНК ОФ ЧАЙНА», проанализирована организация и анализ банковских операций и сделок АКБ «БЭНК ОФ ЧАЙНА». Третья глава содержит проблемы функционирования банков с иностранным участием в российской банковской системе и направления совершенствования проведения операций банков с иностранным участием. В заключении подводятся общие итоги, делаются выводы. / The structure of the thesis. The completed dissertation research consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and an appendix. The first chapter examines the essence, functions, principles and classification of banks, and the legal basis for the activities of banks with foreign participation in Russia, examines the current trends in the segment of banks with foreign participation in Russia, describes the features of banking operations and transactions of banks with foreign participation. The second chapter provides a description and analysis of the main financial indicators of JSCB "BANK OF CHAINA", analyzes the organization and analysis of banking operations and transactions of JSCB "BANK OF CHAINA". The third chapter contains the problems of the functioning of banks with foreign participation in the Russian banking system and directions for improving the conduct of operations of banks with foreign participation. In the conclusion, general results are summed up, conclusions are drawn.

Российский и зарубежный опыт функционирования банковской системы : магистерская диссертация / Russian and foreign experience in operation of the banking system

Дхахи, В. Ф. Х., Dhahi, W. F. H. January 2023 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа (Российский и зарубежный опыт функционирования банковской системы) изложена на 127 страницах и содержит 5 рисунков и 27 таблиц. Цель исследования заключается в выявлении проблем функционирования банковской системы Ирака и разработке рекомендаций по ее развитию на основе опыта Российской Федерации. Объектом исследования является банковская система Ирака. Научная новизна выпускной квалификационной работы состоит в: 1. Исследование сравнивает банковские системы России и Ирака и предлагает возможности использования российского опыта для развития банковской системы Ирака. 2. Исследование выделяет проблемы банковской системы Ирака и предлагает конкретные рекомендации для ее улучшения на основе российского опыта. 3. Исследование использует инновационную методику, включающую анализ открытых источников, анкетирование экспертов и сравнительный анализ с российским опытом. 4. Исследование имеет практическую значимость для разработчиков политики, руководителей банковских учреждений и инвесторов, которые могут использовать его результаты для повышения эффективности и устойчивости банковской системы Ирака. Практическая значимость проведенного исследования состоит в том, что результаты работы имеет практическую значимость для разработчиков политики, руководителей банков и инвесторов, помогая повысить эффективность и устойчивость банковской системы Ирака на основе российского опыта. / The final qualifying work (Russian and foreign experience in the functioning of the banking system) is presented on 127 pages and contains 5 figures and 27 tables. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems of the functioning of the banking system of Iraq and to develop recommendations for its development based on the experience of the Russian Federation. The object of the study is the banking system of Iraq. The scientific novelty of the final qualifying work consists in: 1. The study compares the banking systems of Russia and Iraq and offers opportunities to use the Russian experience for the development of the banking system of Iraq. 2. The study highlights the problems of the banking system in Iraq and offers specific recommendations for its improvement based on the Russian experience. 3. The study uses an innovative methodology that includes open source analysis, expert questionnaires and comparative analysis with Russian experience. 4. The study has practical significance for policy makers, heads of banking institutions and investors who can use its results to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the banking system in Iraq. The practical significance of the study is that the results of the work are of practical importance for policy makers, bank managers and investors, helping to improve the efficiency and stability of the banking system in Iraq based on the Russian experience.

系統重要性金融機構及金融脆弱性 : GSV影子銀行模型的應用 / Systemically Important Financial Institutions and Financial Fragility:an Application of GSV’s Model of Shadow Banking

蔡岳志, Cai, Yue-Jhih Unknown Date (has links)
2007-2008的金融大海嘯中,影子銀行及系統重要性金融機構(systemically important financial institutions, SIFIs)扮演重要角色。金融機構證券化移轉資產的個別風險,以資產池最低報酬作為擔保品,發行高品質債權證券。隨投資人財富愈多,對安全資產需求愈大,金融機構擴大槓桿及風險資產投資。SIFIs數量少但規模大,相對於其他小型金融機構有較好的投資效率,其投資、證券化及其他業務與經濟體系具有複雜而規模大的關係,具有太大、太複雜以致不能倒的性質。SIFIs透過證券化移轉個別風險,在景氣蕭條及經濟個體普遍忽略尾端風險下,金融體系具有脆弱性。在已經存在SIFIs的金融體系下,金融脆弱性隨SIFIs及其他小型金融機構投資效率差距愈大愈加增強。 / The shadow banking system and systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) play important roles in recent financial crisis. Financial institutions (FIs) securitize risky assets and use the lowest payoffs of the securitized assets as collateral to issue riskless debts. As the demand for riskless assets increases, FIs initiate more risky assets and increase leverage. SIFIs are large and advantageous to invest in risky assets compared to small FIs. The complex connection between SIFIs and economy make them too big or complex to fail. SIFIs transfer idiosyncratic risk and undertake systemic risk via securitization. Financial system is fragile to recession when entities neglect tail risks. In the financial system in which SIFIs exist,the financial fragility is severer when the gap of the investment ability between SIFIs and other small FIs becomes larger.

Διερεύνηση της παραγωγικής αποτελεσματικότητας στο ευρωπαϊκό τραπεζικό σύστημα υπό καθεστώς πολλαπλής τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας : ο ρόλος της διάχυσης της γνώσης, της ικανότητας απορρόφησης και του στρατηγικού προσανατολισμού των τραπεζικών επιχειρήσεων

Κοντόλαιμου, Αλεξάνδρα 21 March 2011 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή αναπτύσσεται ένα ολοκληρωμένο μεθοδολογικό πλαίσιο για την ανάλυση της παραγωγικής αποτελεσματικότητας επιχειρήσεων που λειτουργούν σε περιβάλλον πολλαπλής τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας. Με βάση την έννοια των μετα-μεταορίων, ορίζονται μέτρα αποτελεσματικότητας και τεχνολογικών χασμάτων σε κάθε επίπεδο τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας, τα οποία, σε ένα δεύτερο στάδιο, «αποδομούνται» σε παράγοντες σταθερούς ως προς τις εισροές και παράγοντες σταθερούς ως προς τις εκροές. Η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία χρησιμοποιείται για την διερεύνηση της παραγωγικής αποτελεσματικότητας των ευρωπαϊκών τραπεζικών επιχειρήσεων, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη πιθανή τεχνολογική ετερογένεια που οφείλεται στα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά (i) των εθνικών τραπεζικών συστημάτων και (ii) των τραπεζικών τύπων ειδίκευσης. Οι επιδράσεις των εν λόγω πηγών τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας στην τραπεζική αποτελεσματικότητα εξετάζονται ξεχωριστά, σε ένα πλαίσιο ανάλυσης τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας ενός επιπέδου, και συνδυαστικά, σε ένα πλαίσιο ανάλυσης ιεραρχημένης τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας δύο επιπέδων. Τα αποτελέσματα της σχετικής εμπειρικής ανάλυσης ερμηνεύονται με βάση την «θεωρία της γνώσης», δίνοντας ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στον ρόλο της διάχυσης της γνώσης, της ικανότητας απορρόφησης και του στρατηγικού προσανατολισμού των ευρωπαϊκών τραπεζικών επιχειρήσεων. / In the context of the present thesis, a methodological framework is developed for analysing the productive efficiency of firms that operate in a multilevel technologically heterogeneous environment. Based on the meta-metafrontier notion, efficiency and technology gaps measures are defined at each level of technology heterogeneity and are decomposed into input- and output-invariant components. The proposed methodology is used for the investigation of productive efficiency of European banking firms, taking into account potential technology heterogeneity due to the particular characteristics of (i) the national banking systems and (ii) the specialization types of banking firms. The effects of the aforementioned heterogeneity sources on bank efficiency are examined separately, in a single-level technology heterogeneity framework, and simultaneously, in a hierarchical technology heterogeneity framework of two levels. The results of the relevant empirical analysis are interpreted using the “knowledge-based theory”, emphasising on the role of knowledge spillovers, the banking firms’ absorptive capacity and strategic orientation.

Vývoj bankovnictví na Ukrajině v období současné krize / The development of banking system in Ukraine during the crisis of 2014-2015

Andrianova, Anna January 2016 (has links)
In my thesis I analyse the development of the banking system of Ukraine and the assessment of the concentration level of the banking system in conditions of crisis 2014-2015. The theoretical part is devoted to classification and causes of the banking crisis; also, it describes the historical aspects of crisis formation in Ukraine. The practical part is focused on the evaluation of the financial security level and macroeconomic situation in Ukraine. This part emphasises problems and the specifics of functioning of domestic banks. In addition, it considers the concentration level of the banking market. The analysis performed shows that the banking crisis is the result of accumulated macroeconomic imbalances of the past and present mistakes in the implementation of anti-crisis policy. Currently the efficient functioning of most domestic banks remains at insufficient level.

Proces transformace družstevní záložny na banku v kontextu českého bankovního systému / The Process of Transformation of a Credit Union to a Bank in the Context of the Czech Banking System

Mazurová, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with a comparative analysis of credit institutions operating on the Czech banking market. The first part of the thesis characterizes the banking system of the Czech Republic, the legal status of different institutional types and specifies range of their activities. The second part of the thesis focuses on the positions of the institutions against the supervisor and clients. The last part of the diploma thesis analyses the process of transformation of credit unions to banks, as well as reasons for this transformation and its possible consequences.

La régulation de l'activité bancaire : contribution à l'étude de la stabilité du système bancaire dans les régions de la CEMAC, de l'UEMOA et de l'UE / The supervision of the banking activity : contribution to the study of banking system stability in the CEMAC, UEMOA and EU regions

Yemene Tchouata, Emerand 29 June 2018 (has links)
La régulation bancaire doit être vue comme le fait d'encadrer et de contrôler l'activité bancaire, en la soumettant au respect des diverses normes, pour en maîtriser les risques afin de préserver la sécurité des déposants, la stabilité du système financier et les grands équilibres économiques. Pour arriver à cette fin, la régulation bancaire s'appuie essentiellement sur la réglementation et la supervision.Les systèmes bancaires domestiques étant devenus de plus en plus interdépendants, il apparaît nécessaire de faire face aux menaces de la même manière, de façon coordonnée au niveau international ou, à tout le moins, au niveau régional. C'est ainsi que la CEMAC et l'UEMOA se sont dotés au lendemain des crises de 1990 d'un dispositif de régulation marqué par une pléthore de réglementations et des organes de supervision communautaires. Depuis la crise de la dette survenue en Europe, la régulation de l'activité bancaire a évolué dans cette région avec la création de l'Union bancaire. Ceci dit, la supervision des établissements bancaires a été confiée à la Banque Centrale Européenne au sein de l' UE bien qu'elle demeure partagée avec les autorités nationales. Il s'agira pour nous, dans le présent travail, de comparer les dispositifs de régulation en vigueur dans les régions de la CEMAC, de l'UEMOA, de l'UE. On verra comment les régions de l'Afrique Centrale , de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et de l'Europe organisent la régulation bancaire en vue de préserver la stabilité des banques. Pour y parvenir il faudra comparer les différents organes chargés de la régulation et les principales règles de régulation qui existent dans ces régions. / Banking regulation should be seen as the act of monitoring and controling banking, by subjecting the compliance with various standards to control risks to preserve the security of depositors , the stability of the financial system and major economic balances. To achieve this, the banking regulation is based mainly on regulation and supervision. Domestic banking systems have become increasingly interdependent, it is necessary to deal with threats in the same way , in a coordinated manner at the international level or at least at the regional level . Thus CEMAC and UEMOA have adopted in the aftermath of the 1990 crisis a control device marked by a plethora of regulations and community oversight bodies . Since the debt crisis in Europe, the regulation of banking has evolved in this region with the creation of the banking union . That said, the supervision of banks has been entrusted to the European Central Bank within the EU although it remains shared with the national authorities.In the course of this work, our task will be to compare the existing control devices in the CEMAC region , UEMOA , EU . We shall review and find how the regions of Central Africa, West Africa and Europe organize banking regulation in order to preserve the stability of their banks. To achieve this goal, a comparison of the various bodies responsible for the regulation and the main regulatory rules that exist in these regions are deemed necessary.

Analyse et evolution du systeme bancaire chinois face à la crise : sa stratégie dans un dispositif global de conquête economique et politique / Analysis and evolution of the chinese banking system facing the crisis : its strategy in a global device of economic and political conquest

Chevais, Sébastien 29 January 2018 (has links)
La Chine a fait le pari de s’ouvrir au monde, à cette mondialisation, dans laquelle règne une grande disharmonie. Aujourd’hui, la mise en œuvre du socialisme, aux couleurs chinoises, s’inscrit dans un processus beaucoup plus global, fondé sur la promotion de la culture chinoise. Deng Xiaoping, le premier, avait, en 1979, libéré l’initiative de chaque citoyen Chinois, avec sa fameuse expression « Enrichissez-vous ! ». Le rêve pour tous les chinois de pouvoir entrevoir une réussite sociale et matérielle devenait donc palpable. Le lancement par la Chine d’un programme d’envergure dans la recherche et le développement technologique, assure à ses industries un socle qui reste aujourd’hui une priorité stratégique de l’Etat - Parti, libère les énergies et crée les conditions de son ouverture au reste du monde. Le « rêve chinois », expression lancée par le nouveau président Xi Jinping, en 2013, lors de son accession au pouvoir suprême, sonne comme un rappel utopique à l’imaginaire de tout son peuple et revêt une portée symbolique face à une Amérique, fondamentalement attachée à son célèbre « rêve américain ». Notre étude porte sur le rôle du système bancaire chinois et sur son évolution. Son particularisme nous permettra de comprendre dans quelle mesure il constitue un moyen pour la Chine de mettre en œuvre son propre développement économique et financier. Mon travail s’est appuyé sur les nombreux ouvrages et articles cités dans la bibliographie. Cette recherche a été enrichie par les différentes conférences auxquelles j’ai pu assister et par la réalisation d’interviews auprès de banquiers, d’économistes, d’universitaires et d’acteurs reconnus du monde industriel. Dans un premier temps, nous dresserons un indispensable rappel historique pour mieux comprendre les choix politiques d’une Chine qui va finir par défendre avec fermeté ses intérêts, à la fois sur la scène régionale et internationale. Nous focaliserons par la suite notre attention sur la construction et le processus de décision de son système bancaire, au service de sa croissance, et, enfin, nous élargirons notre propos et tenterons de démontrer de quelle manière les fonds d’Etats répondent à la mission qui leur est donnée : financer les ambitions économiques de la Chine et conforter son rôle central dans l’économie mondiale. En trois décennies à peine, la Chine, reléguée auparavant dans un statut de nation sous-développée, s’est élevée au rang de première puissance industrielle et commerciale. Elle est, aujourd’hui, la seconde économie du monde. Nulle part, dans l’histoire, une nation, dans un temps aussi court, n’aura été en mesure de remettre en cause les équilibres internationaux, bouleversant l’actuel paradigme de la hiérarchie des grandes puissances. Dans cette perspective, la question des vrais objectifs de la Chine semble être pertinente et ceci à chaque étape de ses réformes. Une telle puissance financière interpelle et inquiète, lorsque, en quelques années, elle a enregistré une forte inflation de ses investissements à l’étranger. En effet, les banques d’Etat chinoises jouent un rôle pivot dans la gouvernance financière des entreprises d’Etat, plus globalement dans le seul but du développement durable de l’économie chinoise pour édifier son propre système de conquête économique. La Chine souhaite-t-elle vraiment atteindre les standards du système de régulation international ? La Chine est-elle en train par ses choix déterminants, de tracer sa propre voie ? Tout l’effort de cet Etat vise à reconstruire la puissance économique et financière, sans laquelle ne peut se matérialiser efficacement son influence politique et lui offrir son prestige du passé. / China has made the bet to open up to the world, to this globalization, in which there is a great disharmony. Today, the implementation of socialism, with Chinese colors, is part of a much more global process, based on the promotion of Chinese culture. Deng Xiaoping, the first, in 1979, released the initiative of every Chinese citizen, with his famous expression " Enrich yourself ! ". The dream for all Chinese to be able to glimpse a social and material success became palpable.The launch by China of a major program in research and technological development, ensures its industries a base that remains today a strategic priority of the State Party, releases the energies and creates the conditions of its opening to the rest of the world. The "Chinese Dream", an expression launched by the new President Xi Jinping in 2013, when he ascended to supreme power, sounds like an utopian reminder to the imagination of all his people and has a symbolic significance in front of an America, fundamentally attached to his famous "American Dream". Our study focuses on the role of the Chinese banking system and its evolution. Its particularity will allow us to understand in what extent it constitutes a means for China to implement its own economic and financial development. My work was based on the many books and articles cited in the bibliography. This research was enriched by the various conferences I attended and by conducting interviews with bankers, economists, academics and recognized industry players. At a first step, we will draw an essential historical reminder to better understand the political choices of a China that will finish to defend stongly its interests, at the same time on the regional and international level. Then, we will focalize our attention upon the construction and the process of its banking system, for its growth. Endly,we will expand our discusion and try to demonstrate how the state funds respond to the mission. given to them: to finance China's economic ambitions and consolidate its central role in the global economy. In three decades, China, previously relegated to underdeveloped nation status, has risen to the rank of the first industrial and commercial power. It is today the second largest economy in the world. Nowhere in history has a nation, in such a short time, been able to question international balance, to change completly the current paradigm of the hierarchy of the great powers. In this perspective, the question of the true objectives of China seems to be relevant and this at each stage of its reforms. Such a financial power questions and worries when, in a few years, it has recorded a high inflation of its investments abroad. Indeed, Chinese state-owned banks play a principal role in the financial governance of state-owned enterprises, more generally for the only purpose of the sustainable development of the Chinese economy to build its own system of economic conquest. Does China really want to reach the standards of the international regulatory system ? Is China in the process of determining its own path through its decisive choices ? The whole effort of this state aims to rebuild the economic and financial power, without which its political influence can not be effectively realized and offer it its prestige of the past.

Metodología ágil Scrum y su relación con la satisfacción del cliente de aplicativos móviles de las principales entidades bancarias declaradas transformadoras digitales en la sección de banca minorista en Lima Metropolitana, 2019 / Relationship between Scrum methodology and Customer satisfaction of mobile applications of the main banking entities declared digital transformers in the retail banking section in Metropolitan Lima, 2019

Munguia Matos, Ayrton César, Vargas Vega, Arón Andrés 10 February 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis posee un enfoque cuantitativo no experimental de diseño correlacional cuyo objetivo general es determinar si la metodología ágil Scrum se relaciona con la satisfacción del cliente de aplicativos móviles de las principales entidades bancarias declaradas transformadoras digitales en la sección de banca minorista en Lima Metropolitana en el 2019. La metodología ágil Scrum y la satisfacción del cliente son temas de gran impacto, los cuales se desarrollan de manera constante en diversas industrias en el mundo, encontrando zonas inexploradas en cuanto al conocimiento de la relación de ambas variables. En consecuencia, podrían mejorar las metodologías de trabajo en el mundo laboral, así como la experiencia del cliente o usuario final. La investigación se realizó sobre una población de 2,371,542 personas, representados por una muestra de 383 personas, de quienes se recolectó información a través de una encuesta conformada por dos apartados, el primero se enfoca en la variable metodología ágil Scrum, estuvo compuesto por 17 preguntas y se adaptó del artículo “The Impact of Scrum on Costumer Satisfaction An Empirical Study; respecto al segundo apartado, se focalizó en la variable satisfacción del cliente, constituido por 27 preguntas y adaptadas, principalmente, de la herramienta de medición SERVQUAL. De esta manera, ambos apartados de la encuesta fueron llevados al contexto del rubro financiero y validados por jueces expertos, obteniéndose, finalmente un total de 44 preguntas de tipo Likert. Para la relación entre variables se utilizó la aplicación de la estadística no paramétrica, haciendo uso del estadístico Chi-cuadrado y la prueba estadística Rho de Spearman. Los resultados presentan r = 0,68 comprobándose que existe una relación directamente proporcional entre las variables. Asimismo, a un nivel de significancia α=0,05 se obtuvo un p = 0,000 (< 0,05) menor al nivel de significancia, demostrando la existencia significativa de una relación media entre la metodología ágil Scrum y la satisfacción del cliente, sugiriendo a los actores claves de los escenarios afines tomar en cuenta que las modificaciones de aplicaciones móviles desarrolladas con la metodología ágil Scrum impacta en la experiencia del usuario. / This thesis has a non-experimental quantitative approach of correlational design whose general objective is to determine if the Scrum methodology is related to customer satisfaction of mobile applications of the main banking entities declared digital transformers in the retail banking section in Metropolitan Lima in 2019. The Scrum methodology and customer satisfaction are high-impact topics, which are constantly being developed in various industries around the world finding unexplored areas regarding the knowledge of the relationship of both variables. Consequently, they could improve work methodologies in the world of work, as well as the client or end user experience. The research was conducted on a population of 2,371,542 people, represented by a sample of 383 people; this information was collected through a survey composed of two sections, the first one focuses on the Scrum methodology variable, it was composed of 17 questions and was adapted from the article “The Impact of Scrum on Costumer Satisfaction An Empirical Study”; regarding the second section, it focused on the client satisfaction variable, composed of 27 questions and adapted, mainly, from SERVQUAL. In this way, both sections of the survey were taken to the context of the financial sector and validated by expert judges, finally obtaining a total of 44 Likert-type questions. The application of non-parametric statistics was used for the relationship between variables making use of the Chi-square statistic and the Spearman's Rho statistical test. The results show r = 0.68 verifying that there is a directly proportional relationship between the variables. Also, the results show that for a level of significance α = 0.05, it is p = 0.000 (<0.05) lower than the significance level was obtained demonstrating the significant existence of an average relationship between the Scrum methodology and customer satisfaction, suggesting to the key actors of the related scenarios take into account that the modifications of mobile applications developed with the Scrum methodology impact the user experience. / Tesis

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